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MR. COCKLE on HEALTHY and IMPAIBED DIGESTION. D the jewelhsalth? that boon
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FOBEIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation during' the Week ending Friday Evening . ) Austrian 5 per Cents . 96 $ Mexican 5 per Ct . Ace . 29 $ Belgian Bds ., 44 p . Ct . 90 J Small .. .. — Brazilian 5 per Cents . 92 $ Neapolitan 5 per Cents . — Buenos Ayres 6 p . Cts . — Peruvian 4 £ per Cents . 8 ? J Chilian 6 per Cents . .. — Portuguese 5 per Cent . 87 * Equador Bonds .. 3 | 4 per Cts . 33 | Danish 3 per Cents . .. — Annuities — Dutch 2 $ per Cents ... 57 $ Russian , 1822 , 5 p . Cts . — . 4 per Cents . .. 89 } Span . Actives , 5 p . Cts . 17 | French 5 p . C . An . at Paris 96 . 85 —¦ Passive . * — -3 p . Cts ., Aug . 16 , 58 . 25 Deferred .. —
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On the 11 th inst . * Mrs . C . W . Dilke , of a son . ^ On the 11 th inst ., in Sussex-gardens , the wife of Henry W . Schneider , Esq ., of a son . ^ , . On the 11 th inst ., at Stirford-house , Warmmster , the wife of F . W . Curteis , Esq ., of a daughter . On the 12 th inst ., at Archbishop Tenison ' s Grammar School , 8 t . Martin ' s-in-the-Fieldflj the wife of the Beverend P . Hale , of a son . On the 12 th inst ., at Brompton-row , the wife of Dr . Baber , of a son . . On the 12 th inst ., in Harley-street , Mrs . Win . J . Jarvis , of a daughter . Ou the 12 th inst ., at Woolwich , the wife of Captain J . H . Francklyn , B . A ., of a daughter . On the 12 th inst ., in Gordon-square , Lady Rbmilly , of a Hon . On the 12 th inst ., at Castlebar , Ireland , the wife of Captain Beader , Seventeenth Regiment , of a son . On the 13 th inst ., in Gibson-square , the wife of the Reverend C . F . Vardy , A . M ., of a daughter . On the 13 th inst ., in Upper Woburn-place , the wife of James Kemplay , Esq ., of the Middle Temple , of a daughter . On the 14 th inst ., at Exton-park , the Lady Louisa Agnew , of a son and-heir . MABBIAOES . On the 15 th inst ., at Rydal , Westmoreland , by the Beverend F . Fleming-, W . E . Forster , Esq ., of Rawdon , Yorkshire , to Jane Martha , eldest daughter of the late Dr . Arnold , of Rugby . On the 1 st inst ., at St . Andrew ' s Church , Plymouth , Jeremy Taylor , son of the late Reverend J . Digby , of Osberstown , county of Kildare , to Mary Elizabeth Pomeroy , only child of B . Williams Avery , Esq ., of Plymouth . On the 6 th inst ., at Croydon , C . E . Thornhill , Esq ., barristerat-law , to Ellen Eliza Fanny , youngest daughter of the late Major Fraser , of the service of his Highness the Rajah of Nagpore . On the 6 th inst ., at Dusseldorf , H . J . Von Gerstein Hohenstein , Fifth Regiment of Prussian Lancers , to Anne Harriett , daughter of the late W » C . Bruce , Esq . On the 10 th inst ., at Wellesbourne , the Honourable and Beverend Lord Charles Paulet , to Mathewana , eldest daughter of B . Granville , Esq ., of Wellesbourne-hall , Warwickshire . On the 12 th inst ., at St . George ' s , Hanover-square , " Viscount Reidhaven , eldest son of the Earl of Seafivld , to the Honourable Caroline Stuart , youngest daughter of the late Lord Blantyre . On the 12 th inst ., at Blisworth , the Reverend M . W . Gregory , M . A ., of Wadham College , Oxford , to Jane , third daughter of G . Stone , Esq ., of Blisworth . On the 13 th inst ., at Dyrham , Gloucestershire , C . B . G . Douglas . Esq ., Thirty-second Regiment Bengal Infantry , only son of the late Major R . Sholto Douglas , R . A ., to Louisa , daughter of Sir G . B . Robinson , Bart . On the 14 th inst ., at St . Mary ' 3 , Bryanston-square , Thomas Addison , Esq ., captain . Second ( Queen ' s Royal ) Regiment , to Ellen , eldest daughter of R . Gillespie , Esq ., Portman-square . At St . Mary ' s Bathwick , Bath , George Edward , of the Ordnance Department , second son of Colonel Durnford , of the Royal Artillery , to Mary Gcorginia Elizabeth , eldest daughter of C . Beaven , Esq . On the 14 th inst ., at the parish church , Preston , E . Francis Ffarington , Esq ., of the Middle Tomple , barrister-at-law , second son of Captain Ffarington , R . N ., of Woodvale , in the Isle of Wight , to Margaret , only child of the late J . Newsham , Esq ., of Preston . On the 15 th inst ., at the church of St . James ' s , Piccadilly , H . M . Windsor , Esq ., of the Treasury , to Alice , daughter of the late E . Fletcher , Esq ., of Clifton-hou 9 e , Lancaster . DEATHS . On the 16 th inst ., at his apartment in the Charter-house , Mr . Robert Hunt , aged 77 , eldest brother of Mr . Leigh Hunt . On the 2 nd inst ., at Bath , Major-General Innes , C . B ., Bengal army , aged 78 . On the 4 th inst ., at Jerez de la Frontera , J . D . Gordon , Esq ., of Wardhouse , vice-consul in that city . On the 6 th inat ., at Adare Manor , county of Limerick , the Earl of Dunraven . aged 67 . On the 7 th inst ., IS . Delmar , Esq ., of New Inn , aged 50 . On the 8 th inst ., at Rotterdam , G . R . Keogh , Esq ., D . L ., of Kilbride , in the county of Carlow , Ireland . On the 8 th inst ., at Wrington , Somerset , the Reverend Robinson Elsdale , D . D ., formerly high master of the Free Grammar School , Manchester , aged 67 . On the 8 th inst ., at Leamington , Frances Ursule , relict of the late Reverend H . A . Pye , prebendary of Worcester Cathedral , and perpetual curate of Cirencester . On the 9 th inst ., at St . Martin ' a-lane , Charing-cross , aged 56 . Ann , relict of the late W . B . Williams , Esq ., late governor of the Hudson ' s Bay Company . On the loth inst ., at Barn Elms , the Right Honourable Sir L . Shadwell , Vice-Chancellor of England , aged 72 . On the 10 th inst ., at Draycot Rectory , aged 68 , the Reverend H . Barry , late Michel Fellow of Queen ' s College , Oxford , and rector of Drayot Cerne , and Upton Scudamore , Wilts . On the 11 th inst ., in Bloomsbury-square , Henry N . Carr , Esq ., barrister-at-law . On the 11 th inst ., J . W . Wright , Esq ., of St . John * s-wood , and formerly of British Honduras , aged 61 . On the 11 th inst ., in Dublin , aged 56 , Colonel B . Beauchamp , youngest son of the late Sir Thos . B . Proctor , Bart ., of Langleypark , Norfolk . On the 12 th inst ., at Shirley , near Southampton , Peter Berthon , Esq ., foi merly of Finsbury-square , aged 78 . On the 13 th inst ., at Eaton-place , Belgrave-square , the Honourable C . E . Law , M . P ., recorder of London , aged 58 . On the 13 th inst . ( being the anniversary ol his birthday ) , John Brown , Esq ., in the 90 th year of his age , in Upper Berkeleystreet , Portman-square ;
BIRTHS , MARRIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . On the 8 th inst ., in the British Museum , the wife of J . R . Ken yon , Esq ., of a daughter . On the 9 th inst ., at Upper Lansdowne-terracc , Kensington-park , the wifo of the Reverend A . Y . Bazett , of a daughter . On the 9 th inst ., at Cleobury Mortimer , Shropshire , the wife of IS . M . Moultrie , Esq ., of the Middle Temple , barrister-at-law , of a daughter . On Die I Oth inst ., at Gopsull , the Countess Howe , of n son . On the 10 th inst ., at the ltoyal Marine Barracks , Woolwich , the wife of Lieutenant and Adjutant J . A . Stewart , R . M ., of a On the 10 th inst ., at Colaey-hatch , Middlesex , the wife of A . Crawshay , Esq ., of a son .
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xju yuu PUBbdbb luvjawoi , > [ ircviuuB uuuu Which relish gives to all the joys of life ; Strews fairest flowers o ' er many a rugged path , And makes the pauper-fare—a regal feast I The privileges which health confers are in themselves so numerous , bo indispensable to our enjoyment , that they should necessarily offer an inducement to select the better means for its f ( reservation , and guard the portals through which disease may nvade . And , although these observations may carry with them an interest which the afflicted alone can deeply , fully appreciate , still , let it not be forgotten that there exists no Royal road to the Waters of Health ; " and that no condition , however flourishing , nor circumstances , however fair , can ensure an Absolute immunity from those ills of body which " flesh is heir to . " It would not be , perhaps , an exaggeration to affirm that , out of that groat catalogue , disturbances of the stomach , liver , and bowela occupy a prominent part—not from their number alone , but also from the impaired state of health they give rise to — manifesting themselves not only through all the organs of the body , l : ut tfic powers of the mind . To those , then , who unfortunately suffer from these latter ills , with torpid liver , inactive bowels , &c , and which by neglect often lend on to confirmed disease , Mr . COCKLE'S ANTIB 1 L 1 OUS PILLS arc confidently recommended . May be had of Medicine Vender * , in boxes * at Ii » lid ., 2 a . 9 d ., and 4 t ) . 6 d . , ^ * **^ ^
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FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday , August 13 . Declarations of Dividends . —W . Varnam . IbPtock , Leicestershire , draper ; first div . of 7 s . ( id ., any Thursday ; Mr . Christie , Birmingham—W . Maddox , Liverpool , tailor : first div . of Is . 10 d ., on Thursday , Aug . 15 , or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr . Cazenove , Liverpool— J . W . Brooke and J . Wilson , Liverpool , merchants ; second div . of 9 d ., and first div . of Is . ml . ( on new prools ) , on Thursday , Aug . 15 , or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr . Cazennve , Liverpool—G . Lister , jun ., Kin *» ton-uponlitill , ale merchant ; first and final div . of ( id ., on Friday , Aug . 1 ( 1 , or any subsequent Friday ; Mr . Currick , Hull — E . Wray , Kingston-upon-Hull , draper ; first div . of 4 b ., on Fiiday , Aug . 16 , or any subsequent Friday ; Mr . Carrick , Hull —J . Fletcher , Manchester , auctioneer ; first div . of 4 5-10 d ., any Tuesday ; Mr , Ilobson , Manchester .
Bankrupts . —J . Stbklb , Deptford , tar manufactarer , to surrender Aug . 22 , Oct . 3 ; solicitor , Mr . Chidley , Guildhall-chambers , Basinghall-street ; official assignee , Mr . Whitmore , Baainghall-street — S . and W . B . Adams and G . Balston , Bow , engineers , Sept . 5 , Oct . 10 ; solicitors , Messrs . Crowder and Maynard , Coleman-street ; official assignee , Mr . Carman , Birchinlane , Cornhill — E . Stephenson , Bichmond , Surrey , builder , Aug . 22 . Oct . 3 ; solicitor , Mr . Kaye , Symond ' s-inn , Chancerylaue ; official assignee , Mr . Cannan , Birchin-lane , Cornhill — J . Hibblb , Bishopsgate-street Without , Oil and colourman , Aug * 22 , Sept . 30 ; solicitors , Mr . T . J . and E . S . Clarke , Bishopsgatechurchyard ; official assignee , Mr . Whitmore . Basinghall * street — E . Ground , Wisbeach and Parsons-Drove , draper , Aug . 23 , Sept . 27 ; solicitors , Messrs . Mardon and Prichard , Christchurchchambers , Newgate-street ; official assignee , Mr . Whitmore , Basinghall-street—J . Whitwell , Mark-lane , corn factor , Aug . 24 , Sept . 27 ; solicitors , Messrs . Abbott and Wheatley , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane , and Messrs . Miller and Son , Norwich ; official assignee , Mr . PenneU , Guildhall-chambers , Basinghall-street — H . E . Ford and W . Bebvbs , Leadenhallstreetf ship agents , Aug . 20 , Sept . 23 ; solicitors , Messrs . Lawrance and Plews , Old Jewry-chambers ; official assignee , Mr . PenneU , Guildhall-chambers , Basinghall-street — J . Bobinson and E . Moorb , Wakefield , spinners , Aug . 29 , Sept . 23 ; solicit tors . Messrs . Westmorland and Taylor , Wakefield ; official assignee , Mr . Hope , Leeds — W . H . Da Wolf , Liverpool , merchant , Aug . 22 , Sept . 16 ; solicitor , Mr . Holder . Liverpool ^ official assignee , Mr . Cazenove , Liverpool —• D . M'Intyre , Manchester , manufacturing chemist , Aug . 23 , Sept . 16 ; solicitors , Messrs . Bowley and Taylor , Manchester ; official assignee , Mr . Pott , Manchester . Dividend . —Sept . 4 , J . Parker , Blackburn , grocer . Scotch Sequestrations . —B . Mills , Perth , baker , Aug . 15 , Sept . 9 —J . Muir , Edinburgh , banker , Aug . 21 , Sept . 18 — J . Maitland , Troon , merchant , Aug . 19 , Sept . 9 . Friday , August 16 . Declarations of Dividends . — G . E . Inger , Nottingham , druggist ; first div . of 4 s ., on Saturday , Aug . 17 , and Saturday , Oct ? 12 , and on every subsequent alternate Saturday until Deo . 21 ; Mr . Bittleston , Nottingham — B . Woolston , Stamford , Lincolnshire , brickmaker ; second and final div . of 4 s . lO ^ d ., on Saturday , Aug . 17 , and Saturday , Oct . 13 , and on every subsequent alternate Saturday until Dec . 21 ; Mr . Bittleston , Nottingham—C . N . Cartwright , Leicester , dresser ; first div . of o * . 9 d ., on Saturday , Aug . 17 , and on Saturday , Oct . W ,. and on every subsequent alternate Saturday until Dec . 2 L ; Mr . Bittle 3 ton , Nottingham—C . Till , Salisbury and Andover , linendraper ; first div . of lls . 8 d ., on Wednesday next , or any of the three Thursdays after Oct . 12 ; Mr . Graham , Coleman-street — J . Yates , Guernsey , and York-road , Lambeth , shipowner ; second div . of 5 d ., on Wednesday next , or any of the three Thursdays after Oct . 12 ; Mr . Graham , Coleman-etreet— J . Ward , Upper Ground - street , Christchurch , Surrey , iroufounder ; third div . of 4 Ad ., on Wednesday next , or any of the three Thursdays after Oct . 12 ; Mr . Graham , Coleman-street—E . Beynolds . jun ., Gorleston , Suffolk , miller ; first div . of 2 Ad ., on Wednesday next , or any of the three Thursdays after Oct . 13 ; Mr . Graham , Coleman-street—C . W . Davies , Brownlow-street , Holborn , licensed victualler ; fitstdiv . of Is . Id ., on Wednesday next , or any or the three Thursdays after Oct . 12 ; Mr . Graham , Coleman-street—P . Clark , Colchester , jun ., pawnbroker ; final div . of Ad ., on Wednesday next , or any of the three Thursdays after Oct . 12 ; Mr . Graham , Coleman-street—C . H . Weigall , Conduitstreet , Regent-street , tailor ; third div . of 3 d ., on Wednesday next or any of the three Thursdays after Oct . 12 ; Mr . Graham , Coleman-street—R . H . F . Williams and M . Wilson , Liverpool , merchants ; eighth div . of fths of a penny , on Weunesday next , or any of the three Thursdays after . Oct . 12 ; Mr . Graham , Coleman-street . Bankrupts . —J . G . Beach , licensed victualler : to surrender Aug . 23 , Sept . 28 ; solicitors , Messrs . BristowandTarrant , Bondcourt , Walbrook ; official assignee , Mr . Whitmore , Basinghallstreet . —J . G . Short , Bell-street , Edgeware-road , ironfounder , Aug . 5 > 3 , Sept . 28 ; solicitor , Mr . Kushbury , Howard-street , Strand ; official assignee , Mr . Caiman , Birchin-lane , Cornhill . —J . N . IIeynolds , Upper-street , Islington , grocer , Aug . 23 , Sept . 27 : solicitors , Messrs . Van Sandau and Cumming , King-street , Cheapsiile ; official assignee , Mr , Cannan , Birchinlane , Cornhill . —F . Mountford , Greenwich , stationer , Aug . 24 , Oct . 4 ; solicitor , Mr . Goddard , King-street , Cheapside ; official assignee , Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane . —J . lto-BINSON and E . JVIoohe , Wakefield , spinners , Aug . 29 , Sept . 23- solicitors , Mesfers . Westmorland and lay lor , Wakefield ; official assignee , Mr . Hope , Leeds—B . H . Wood , Birmingham , Burgeon , Aug . 29 , Sept . 26 ; solicitors , Messrs . Motteram , Knight , and limmet , Birmingham ; official assignee , Mr . Valpy , Birmingham—W . Shropshall , jun ., Congleton , Cheshire , miller , Aug . 26 , 8 ept . 23 ; solicitor , Mr . Bell , Liverpool ; official assignee , Mr . Morgan , Liverpool—W . G . Williams , Accrington , Lancashire , draper , Aug . 27 , Sept . 18 ; solicitors . Messrs . Sale , Worthington , and Shipman , Manchester ; official assignee , Mr . Fraser , Manchester . Dividends . —Sept . 13 , T . C . Jones , Black friars-road , linendraper—Sept . 9 . J . Wcolnough , otherwise J . L . Woolnough , Chediston , Suffolk , cattle dealer—Sept . 13 , J . Fisher , Bristol , livery stable keepei—Sept . 16 , N . J . Keed , Marlborough , licensed common brewer—Sept . 13 , W . James , Llangattock , Breconshire , provision dealer—Sept . 20 , J . Bowycr , boreham , Wiltshire , miller—Sept . 4 , W . Orrel , Manchester , gum manufacturer—Sept . 6 , G . Danson , Lancaster , merchant—Sept . 7 , W . Linley , Conisbrough , Yorkshire , eithe-manufacturer—Sept . 7 , J . Bridgeford , Sheffield , printer—Sept . 6 , M . Cawood , Leeds , ironfounder—Sept . 7 , H . Parker , O . Shore , J . Brewin , and J . Uodgers , Sheffield , bankers—8 ept . 7 , W . L . Bickley , Sheffield , innkeeper—Sept . 6 . J . Garrison , Helperby , Yorkshire , grocer . Certificates . —To hegranted , unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting . —Sept . 9 , T . C . Jones , Blackfriarsroad , linendraper—8 ept . 9 , E . A . Peakome , Princes-street , Cavendish-square , saddler—Sept . 9 , T . J . Edwards , Kingstreet , Bloomsbury , dressing-case maker—8 ept , 12 , C . Penrold , Arundel , ironmonger—Sept . 12 , 1 . W . 8 pencer , Devonport , draper—Sept . 1 « , E . B . Thomas , Leominster , wine-merchant . Scotch Sequestrations . — B . M'Gown , Glasgow , trader , Aug . 21 , Sept . 11—A . Miller , Glasgow , manufacturer , Aug . 21 , 8 ept . 11—J . Coibet , Glasgow , commission-agent , Aug . 2 J , Sept . 16—J . Pirrie , Gartly , Aberdeenshire , farmer , Aug . iil , Sept . 11 .
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HAY AND 8 TRAW . ( Per load of 36 Trusses . ) Cumberland . Smithfibld . Whitechapbl . Hay , Good .... 70 s . to 75 s 68 s . to 70 s 65 s . to 70 s . Inferior .. 50 —65 .... 55 —60 .... 0 — 0 New 60—65 .... 45 —60 .... 55 — 63 Clover 78 — 84 .... 8 « —88 .... 74 —84 Wheat 8 traw .. 26 — 30 .... 21 —28 .... 23 —26
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PBOVISION 8 . Butter—Best Fresh , 10 s . to lls . per doz . Carlow , £ 3 6 s . to £ 3 8 s . per cwt . Bacon , Irish per cwt . 54 s . to 60 s . Cheese , Cheshire 42 —5 b Derby , Plain 44 — £ 4 Hams , York 60 —70 Eggs , French , per 120 , 4 * . 9 d . to 5 s . 6 d .
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BUTCHERS' MEAT . Newgate and Leadenhall . * Smithfield * . s . d . s . d . 6 . d . 8 . d . Beef 2 6 to 3 2 2 10 to 3 8 Mutton 2 8-3 8 3 8 - 4 2 Veal 2 4 — 3 8 2 10 — 310 Pork 2 8-4 0 3 4 — 40 Lamb 3 4 — 4 6 4 0 — 4 8 To sink the offal , per 81 b . Head of Cattle at Smithfibld . Friday . Monday . Beasts 1074 4129 Sheep I .: ! ................ 13 , 980 31 , 9 * 0 Calves 623 288 Pigs 210 205
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AVEBAGE PB 1 CE OF SUGAR . The average price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar , computed from the returns made in the week ending the 13 th day of August , 1850 , is 2 5 o . 5 jjd . per cwt .
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FLOUR . Town-made per sack 40 s . to 43 s . Second 37 —40 Essex and Suffolk , on board ship 32 — Norfolk and Stockton 30 — 32 American per barrel 23 — 25 Canadian • 22 — 24 Wheaten Bread , 7 d . the 41 b . loaf . Households , 6 d .
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" GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE OF GRAIN . Week Ending August 10 . Imperial General Weekly Average . "Wheat 44 s . Id . Rye 23 s . 8 d . Barley 22 5 Beans 27 9 Oats 17 11 Peas 26 10 Agrgregate Average of the Six Weeks . Wheat .... T . 42 s . 7 d . Bye 23 s . 3 d . Barley 22 1 Beans 27 4 Oats 17 7 Peas 27 6
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GBAIN , Mark-lane , August 16 . Wheat , B . New 40 s . to 42 s . Maple 29 s . to 31 s . Fine 42 —44 White 25 —2 C Old 42 — 43 Boilers 27 — 28 White 43 —45 Beans , Ticks . .. 26 —27 Fine 42 —44 Old 27 —28 Superior New 48 —52 Indian Corn .... 27 —29 Rye 23 —24 Oats , Feed 16 —17 Barley 20 —21 . Fine .... 17 —18 Malting 23 —24 Poland 18 — 19 Malt , Ord 48 —50 Fine .... 19 —20 Fine 50 —52 Potato 18 —19 Peas , Hog 28 —29 Fine 19 —20
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SHAEES . Last Official Quotation for the Week ending Friday Evening . Bailways . Banks . Caledonian .. .. 7 | Australasian .. .. 3 Edinburgh and Glasgow 24 British North American — Eastern Counties .. 6 i Colonial — Great Northern .. .. 9 | Commercial of London .. — Great North of England 240 London and Westminster 27 Greats . & W . ( Ireland ) 31 London Joint Stock .. 171 Great Western .. .. 57 f National of Ireland .. — Hull and Selby .. .. 98 National Provincial .. — Lancashire and Yorkshire 40 Provincial of Ireland .. — Lancaster and Carlisle 55 Union of Australia .. — Lond ., Brighton , &S . Coast 804 Union of London .. 12 London and Blackwall .. 44 Mines . London and N .-Western 112 S Bolanos — Midland 33 J Brazilian Imperial .. 64 North British .. .. 55 Ditto , St . John del Bey 15 South-Eastern and Dover 14 | Cobre Copper .. .. — South-Western .. .. 60 Miscellaneous . York , Newcas ., & Berwick 14 ? Australian Agricultural — York and North Midland 16 | Canada — Docks . General Steam .. .. — East and West India .. — Penius . & Oriental Steam 78 London — Boyal Mail Steam .. 60 St . Katharine .. .. — South Australian .. —
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Ant * . 17 , I 860 . ] © IK 9 L * m 99 X . ^ 608
Mr. Cockle On Healthy And Impaibed Digestion. D The Jewelhsalth? That Boon
tivaitiii t vuni MR . COCKLE on HEALTHY and IMPAIBED DIGESTION . V \ «> «¦ — mm m- ^* + * am * m 4 « AM Ifc tf « 4 h V 1 . ! ¦ * AMI t 1 ^ & %% «« A HUAdfei J ^*« Jfe I * A 4 h fr *
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 17, 1850, page 503, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1850/page/23/