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. * . **• This day is published , in 2 vols ... post 8 vo ., cloth , 18 s ., ALTON LOCKE : TAILOR AND POET . AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY . Forming the New Volumes of Chapman and Hall ' s Series of Original Works . London : Chapman and Hall , 186 , Strand .
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HUNGARY AND BADEN . THE POLISH LEGION . When in 1848 the dawn of un iversal freedom awoke the oppressed nations , Poland , not finding a battle-field upon her own shackled soil , sent her devoted sons to meet their enemy in Hungary and South-Western Germany . The despots triumphed ; the right was trampled down . The Polish legions shared the ruin of their allies . Those who escaped slaughter were hunted from country to country , till , except i n the British isles , no place of refuge remained for them in Europe . About eighty reached here from Switzerland ; and in June last ninety-nine r arrived at Southampton from Turkey . Of these , sixty-eight arenoAv in London . 'ignorantof the English language , and therefpr ^ without likelihood of empl oyment , in a state of utter destitution . A Committee ( elected on the 30 th of June by Poles , assembled for the purpose from among both the old and new refugees ) has been appointed to raise means for the support of these remaining ( about 80 ) exiles , until , by the efforts of the Committee , em . ployment may be found or opportunities afforded for their return to the Continent . For this purpose a Subscription List is opened at the Leader Office , 9 , Crane-court , Fleet-street ; and the Committee urgently request the contributions of all friends of European freedom . What England has already done is a guarantee of what she will do . Her sympathies for Poland preceded those for Hungary . Now they may unite in a common manifestation for both causes by lending a brotherly hand to their devoted victims . The grateful heart of the Poles has not forgotten the past , and cannot , therefore , but be confident iu the future . The members of the Committee : —L . Oborski ( Colonel ) , Captain J . B . Rola Babtochowski , Baraszkibwicz , Major A . Przkzdzibcki , M ajewski , Lieutenant W . Lewandowski , Lieutenant-Colonel Freund . The accounts will be open to the inspection of Subscribers at 39 , Upper Norton-street , Portland-place , and w ill be published by the Leader . SUBSCRIPTIONS ItECRIVED : — Mr . Miles , 5 , Theberton-street , Islington £ 0 5 j > Mr . Mabbs , Upper-street , Islington 0 1 U MissS . D . C ° 4 n Two Friends of ditto ° 1 X From a Friend of ditto 0 5 0 From a few Working Men , bond-street 1 0 0 The Leader Newspaper 1 1 « Alfred Peppercorn 0 2 6 HelenSlatter 0 2 0 Bessie Burgess 0 * 0 S . L .. 0 10 A German , wishing for the unity and integrity of his country , having no desire to infringe upon the integrity of others 0 5 C WTK . 0 4 0 R . R 0 9 0 A Reader of the Leader : 0 10 0
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S T . MARTIN'S HALL . —A GRAND EVENING CONCERT will be given on MONDAY August 19 , 1850 . Vocalists—Madame Grisi , Madame Castellan , Mademoiselle Parodi , Mademoiselle Vera , Mademoiselle de Meric , and Madame Viardot : Signor Mario , Signor Tamberlik , Signor Baucarde , and Signor Gardoni ; Signor Ronconi , Signor Tamburini , Monsieur Massol , Signor Tagliafico , 8 ignor Ciabatta , and Signor Coletti . Instbumbntalists—Pianoforte , Herr Halle ; Violin , Monsieur Sainton ; Violoncello , Signor Piatti ; and Flute , Signor Briccialdi . Conductors—Signor Schira , Signor Bellini , Signor Pinsuti , and Signor Biletta . The PROCEEDS will be handed over to the ITALIAN REFUGEE FUND . Reserved Seats , 5 s . ; Area Seats , 3 s . 6 d . ; Orchestra Seats , 2 s . 6 d . Tickets may be had of Messrs . Cramer , Beale . Co ., Regent-street ; and of the principal Musicsellers ; at Tavistockhouse , Tavistock-square ; and at St . Martin ' s Hall , temporary entrance , 89 , Long-acre . —Doors open at Half-past Seven ; to Commence at Eight o ' clock .
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FRIENDLY ASSOCIATION OF LONDON COSTERMONGERS . A SUPPER and BALL in Aid of the Funds of iX this INSTITUTION , will take place on MONDAY , August 19 , 1850 , at the WORKING MAN'S HALL , 21 } , Golden-lane , Barbican . ggjr * Tickets , including Supper , Is . 3 d . each ; Ball Tickets , 3 d . each . Supper on Table at half-past 7 o'clock ; admission to Ball at 9 o ' clock . The following Gentlemen have kindly consented to act as Stewards : —The Rev . E . It . Larken , M . A . ; Douglas Jerrold , Esq . ; George Cruikshank , Esq . ; Peter Cunningham , Esq . ; J . R . Taylor . Esq . ; Henry Mayhew , Esq . ; Thomas Hughes , Esq . ; Thornton Hunt , Esq . ; and J . Howden , Esq . Tickets may be had of Mr . W . Rod way , Tea and Coffee-house Keeper , 14 , St . Dunstan ' s-hill . City ; Mr . S . Salmon , 7 , Diamond ' sbuildings , White Hart-street , Keunington lane : Mr . Benbow , 6 , Newton-street , Holborn ; Mr . G . W . Reynolds , Devonshirestreet , Lisson-grove ; Mr . William Drake , Turk's Head-court , Clerkenwell-green ; Mr . John Bailey , 15 , East-lane , Flint-street , Walworth ; Mr . John Marshall , Vine-street , Leather-lane ; Mr . Edwin Booth , Smith ' s-rents , Westminster ; Mr . John Eveson , Little Anihom-street : Mr . Robert Willson , 18 . Waliis-court , Somers Town ; or at the Hall , Golden-lane ; and of WILLIAM OSBORNE , Secretary , at the Office , 154 , High Holborn .
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Just published , One Vol ., post 8 vo ., cloth , price 5 a ., R ELIGIOUS SCEPTICISM and INFIDELITY : their History , Cause , Cure , and Mission . By John Alfred Lanoford . THE PROGRESS of the INTELLECT as exemplified in the religious Development of the Greeks and Hebrews . By Robert William Mackay . Two vols-8 vo . cloth , price 24 s . - " Incomparably the most important contribution yet made by any English writer to views first broadly put forth by rationalistic German theologians Not many books have at any time been published with such irresistible claims to attention . " •—Examiner . " Mr . Mackay brings forward in support of his views an amount of erudition which will prove formidable to his anta-EonUts . Most of the best Germau editions of the Greek and atin Classics seem to be perfectly familiar to the author , who knows well how to wield such ponderous materials . The account of the theosophy of Aristotle , given in the first volume , is evidently the production of a master of the subject . "—Athenanim . RELIGIOUS MYSTERY CONSIDERED . One vol ., post 8 vo . cloth , price 2 s . THE HEBREW COSMOGONY anti MODERN INTERPRETATION . 8 vo ., price Is . London : John Chapman , 142 , Strand .
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GERMAN AND ENGLISH CONVERSATIONS . Just published , in 12 mo ., price 4 s ., cloth , . MADAME CAMPAN'S CONVERSATIONS in GERMAN and ENGLISH ; or . Conversations of a Mother with her Daughter and some other Persons : arranged for English young ladies by Madame D ., and translated into German by Hbnbiktta Veitii . The same work in French and English , Twelfth Edition , 3 a . 6 d ., cloth . Ditto in Italian and English , Fourth Edition , 4 s ., cloth . London : Whittaker and Co ., Ave Maria-lane ; and D . Nutt , 270 , Strand .
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SE RMONS on the COMMANDMENTS . By the Rev . E . R . Larken , M . A . 5 s . 6 d . cloth . Pelham Richardson , 23 , Cornhill . Also , by the same Author , SERMON on TOLERATION , preached before the University of Oxford . Price 3 d . The FROGS of ARISTOPHANES . Translated into English verse . Price Is . John Chapman , 142 , Strand .
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Now publishing , neatly bound in boards , price One Shilling , or One and Sixpence post free , HISTORIC PAGES FROM THE REVOLUTION OF 1848 . By M . Louis Blanc . This is the most excititig and popular of all the Narratives yet published of these great and astounding events . Also , just ready , THE GOSPEL OF FREEDOM ; or , Social and Religious Doctrines . By the Abb 6 Constant . Price 4 d . ; post free , Gd . Also , price One Penny , THE CATECHISM OF SOCIALISM . By M . Louis Blano . George Vickers , Holywcll-street , Strand , London .
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DR . CULVERWELL ON NERVOUSNESS , DEBILITY , AND INDIGESTION . Sherwood , 23 , Paternoster-row , and all Booksellers . Price Is . ; by Post , Is . 6 d . WHAT to EAT , DRINK , and AVOID ; with DIET-TABLES for ALL COMPLAINTS . Care and forethought avert more fires than water extinguish ; so careful feeding avoids and cures more illnesses than physictaking prevents or removes . By R . J . CuLVEUwaLL , M . D ., M . R . C . S ., L . S . A ., &c , twenty-five years resident practitioner in London , of whom the work may be had , or the author consulted . 10 , Argyll-place , Regent-street . At home daily till five ; Evenings , seven till nine .
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ROSSI'S PERUVIAN BALM for CLEANING , BEAUTIFYING , and STRENGTHENING the HAIR . This BALM , containing neither ardent spirits , pungent essential oils , nor other injurious materials—cleans the Hair expeditiously , renders it beautifully bright , and imparts to it the delicate fragrance of flowers . The Hair when washed with this Balm soon becomes pleasantly soft , and luxuriant in growth ; and although , by improperly employing injurious extracts to clean it , the Hair may have been rendered harsh , or turned grey , it will soon be restored to its natural colour and brilliancy by using the PERUVIAN BALM . Prepared only by L . Rossi , Haircutter and Coiffeur , 254 , Regentstreet , opposite Hanover-square .
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T HE WORKING TAILORS ' ASSOCIATION , 34 , CASTLE-STREET , OXFORD-STREET , Opposite the Pantheon . A few Journeymen Tailors , anxious to rescue themselves and their class from the miseries and degradation consequent on unlimited competition , and from the abuse of the powers of capital as lately exhibited to the public by the Morning Chronicle newspaper , in his letters on " Labour and the Poor , " have resolved to seek a remedy in their own exertions rather than in any parliamentary enactment , and in some system which shall combine their own interest with the interests of other classes of society rather than in that return to old customs now chiefly advocated in the trade , by which . the benefit of the master and journeyman " ( but especially of the former ) is sought to be realized at the expense of the consumer . They have , therefore , united together on the cooperative principle , possessing first-rate talents in the Cutting and Working department , and being supplied by several benevolent gentlemen , with sufficient capital ( which they are anxious to pay back on the first opportunity ) , they have commenced business on extensive premises in Castle-street , Oxford-street , to which and the accompanying list of prices attention is respectfully invited . It will be seen from the latter that they are at once able to compete with the slopseller , whilst realizing a fair profit themselves . They are mutually bound to devote one-third of their net profits to the extension of their numbers . It now rests with the public to stamp their experiment with success by favouring them with a liberal measure of custom , and thereby demonstrate , on an ever-widening' scale , that health , prosperity , and moral worth can be secured to the operatives , and cheapness guaranteed to the consumer , by the faithful realization of the brotherly and Christian principle of cooperation . They wish not to injure the trade of any truly " honourable" employer , and venture to hope that all who feel that custom itself ought to have its morality , and who are willing to do what in them lies towards dealing fairly by the operative , will help them by their sympathy , and , as far us possible , by their orders . All who are friendly to this experiment , and wish it to succeed , should give it all the assistance in their power , and recommend it to others . ________
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Now published , WILD FLOWERS for CHILDREN . By Mr . Honeysuckle . Price Is . MASTER WOODBINE'S ALPHABET . 1 ? . THE YOUNG LADYBIRD'S ALPHABET . 6 d . A GOOD CHILD'S ALPHABET . 4 d . THE TINY ALPHABET . 2 d . Flowers , Fruits , and Leaves , twopence the sot . All ooLOunBi ) . THE FLOWER and the STAR , or tho Course of the Stream ; a Child ' s Story , with Twenty-five Engravings , Is . Gd . C . Honeysuckle , 85 , Hatton-garden , London .
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TWELVE THOUSAND VOLUMES PER ANNUM Is the present rato of increase at MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY , 28 , UPPER KING-STREET , BLOOMSBURY-SQUARE . This supply comprises frOm Twenty to Two Hundred and lifty Copies of nil the bent New Works . Fresh copies are nddod daily of Mnenulny ' a England—Lnynrd ' s Nineveh—Alison ' s hHsayii—Cumm ' a Lovunt—Browning ' s Christmas Eve—Bailey ' s Angel World—Tho Lives of tho Chief Justices—of Chalmershouthcy , &c . —Murray ' a Andiiluciu—Modern Painters—Womnn in l-nincu—Uogiimld Hastings—Tho Village Notary —The Gnxtona—Margaret Maliland—The Wnys of tho Hour—Antonina , « KC ., CvC . 8 INGLK SUBSCRIPTION-ONE GUINEA PER ANNUM . * .. ! . i « « a ' T r t XVorkB IutJ exclmngoil weekly , carriage OHi , ... ™ - , r y | lnrt ° l Lomlou ™* Us neighbourhood at Two £ «• »» v r mim T Cmmtry Subscrlptlon-nrtoon vols . nil now , «_ - a ? .., i u ' 8 IX . lllo » t "" « f t « r publication-Five Guineas per Annum . L Uvrnry Institutions and Hook Societies supplied . &Z ££$ Stoi £ X $ *'**" QaKAw m " wd MwU * wiU 8 wcuro
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LIST OF PRICES . FOR CASH ON DELIVERY . £ 8 . d . Beat superfine Frock Coat , with Silk Skirt Linings .... 3 18 0 Super ditto from 2 10 0 Best superfine Drees Coat 3 12 0 Super ditto . . from 2 5 0 Superfine Dress Trousers 1 12 0 Superditto from 1 0 0 Superfine Dreas Vest 0 18 0 Superditto from 0 12 0 Llama and Beaver Paletots from 2 2 0 8 uitof Livery from 3 15 0 GENTLEMEN'S OWN MATERIALS MADE UP . Clerieal and Professional Robes made to Order .
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LIST OF PRICKS SPECIALLY ADAPTED TO WORKING MEN . £ s . d . Fustian Jackets from 0 11 0 Good ditto Trousers from 0 9 6 Ditto ditto Vests from 0 6 0 Ditto ditto Coats from 0 15 0 Doeskin Trousers from 0 14 0 Black Cloth Vests from 0 8 0 Ditto Dress Coats from 1 15 0 Ditto Frock Coats from 2 0 0 Ditto PiiletotH .. from 1 10 0 Silk Vents mul other Fancy Goods in like proportion . WORKING MEN'S OWN MATERIALS MADE UP ., N . B . —If purchasers will examine and take into consideration tho quality of our workmanship , we pledge ouraulvcs to compete with the Sweaters and Slopsellere . ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES . llemember the Address , THE WORKING TAILOR 9 ' ASSOCIATION , 34 , CASTLK-STRKET EAST , OXFORD-STREET , OPPOSITE THE PANTHEON . LONDON .
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CURES FOR THE UNCURED I HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT . — An extraordinary Cure ofSokovula or Kino ' s Evil . Extract of a Letter from Mr . J . H . Alliday , 209 , High-street , Cheltenham , dated the 23 nd of January , 1850 . "To Professor Holloway . " Slit , —My eldest son , when about three years of age , was afflicted with aGlandu ' ar Swelling in the neck , which , after a short time , broke out into an Ulcer , An eminent medical man pronounced it as a very bad case of Scrofula , and prescribed tor a considerable time without effect . The disease then for four years went on gradually increasing in virulence , when , besides the ulcer in the neck , another formed below the left knee , and a third under the eye , besides seven others on the left arm , with a tumour between the eyes , which was expected to break . During the whole of the time my suffering boy had received the constant advice of the most celebrated medical Gentlemen at Cheltenham , besides being for several months at the General Hospital , where one of the 8 urgeons said that he would amputate the left arm , but that the blood was so impure that , if that limb were taken off , it would be then even impossible to subdue the disease . In this desperate state I determined to give your Pills and Ointment a trial , and , after two months' perseverance in their use , the tumour gradually began to disappear , and the discharge from all the ulcers perceptibly decreased , and at tho expiration of eight months they were perfectly healed , and the boy thoroughly restored to the blessings of health , to tlio astonishment of a large circle of acquaintances , who could testify to the truth of this miraculous case . Three years have now elapsed without any recurrence to the malady , and the boy is now as healthy as heart can wish . Under these circumstanced 1 consider that 1 should be truly ungrateful were I not to wake you acquainted with this wonderful cure , eli ' ected by your medicines , after every other mean , had failed . §§ ^ ^ Aujl ) AV „ Sold by the Proprietor , 344 , Strand ( near Temple Bar ) , London , and by all respectable Venders of Patent Medicines throughout the Civilized World , in Pots and Boxes , at Is . l ^ Jd .. 2 * . W-, 4 s . 6 d ., 11 s ., 2 . s ., and a 3 a . each . There is a very considerable , saving in taking the larger sizes . N . B . —Directions for the guidance of Patients are afllxed to each Pot or Box .
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London ! Printed by Rodbrt Pai , mbr { of No . 3 , Chnpittow . tcrracc , in the 1 ' nriali of KenniiiRton , Middlesex ) , at the Office of Robert 1 ' nlmer « ncl Joseph Clayton , No . 10 , Crunc-court , Floot . street , in tlio l » imsli ot M . J > un » tan-in-the-We 8 t , iu the City of London ; and publuhod by Jobkhii Ci-AYTON . jmir . of nndatthe l ' ubli » hini < . olUce , No . 2 fia , Strand , in the Parialcof St . Clumout Daues . iu tho City of Weuwuuter . —8 atvwd-x August J 7 , 1850 .
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v - -504 Oft %$ & 1 iet + [ Saturday , Aug . , 1850 . . _ * .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 17, 1850, page 504, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1850/page/24/