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The Procureur of the Republic ordered the seizure of a lithographic print , on Saturday , with text , bearing the title ' * Trinite RGpublicaine , " and representing , under the dates of An . 33 , 1793 , and 1848 , the three portraits united of Jesus Christ , Robespierre , and Barbes . Proceedings have been ordered against the editors of this publication as an outrage against public and religious morality . The Presse says that the French Government has authorized a lottery of 7 , 000 , 000 f . for sending out 5000 emigrants from Paris to California . There are to be 70 lots , amounting in the whole to l , 200 , 000 f . The principal lot is to be an ingot of gold weighing 130 kilogrammes , and of the net value of 400 , 000 f . ; the other lots were to be ingots of 200 , OOOf ., 100 , 000 f ., and of different sums down to 5000 f . The tickets are to be If . each , and all are to take part in the drawing of the lots .
The Ordre states that , on Monday morning , a vast number of crows alighted on the trees of the Tuileries gardens and the roof of the Palace . It was found necessary to call out a number of men belonging to the chasseurs of Vincennes , who killed 500 of them . A duel with swords took place in the Bois de Boulogne on Saturday , between two representatives of the people , MM . Brissette and Perrinon . The former being wounded , the combat was stopped by the seconds . The manufacturers of objects of luxury in Paris have received an immense number of orders from Spain since the change of tariff in that country , by which the prohibitive system has been abandoned , and a fixed duty imposed . The number of handsome carriages now building for Spanish noblemen , and the quantity of expensive furniture now being prepared for the same destination , is almost incredible .
The French Minister of Agriculture has received returns of the harvest from several of the departments . They are , on the whole , favourable , but not so much so as was at one time expected . It is probable , indeed , that there will be a rise iii prices ; but , if so , it will not be of sufficient amount to create any anxiety . All danger of any further difficulties with Greece are now at an end ; the letters from Athens announce that King Otho has signed the London convention . It is stated that a note of the great powers recommends the Pope to grant a constitution to the States of the Church on the model of that which Austria has given to the Lombard-Venetian kingdom . M . de Rayneval invites his holiness to grant only the" organic laws promised by the motu proprio of September . has issued order
The commandant of Pesth an , reminding the inhabitants that it is forbidden to wear cockades , ribbons , and other revolutionary symbols . The Piedmontese Gazette of the 6 th instant announces the death of the Cavaliere Pietro de Rossi de Santa Rosa , Minister of Aj ? ricultxire and Commerce . The Croce di Savoia and Concordia mention with severe blame the rancorous brutality of the priesthood in denying to the dying Minister the rites of the Roman Catholic religion , the holy viaticum and extreme unction , unless he recanted the principles he had held with regard to the church . Santa Rosa refused , saying that he knew how to reconcile the duty of a Minister of the King with that of a good Christian . It was reported that the clergy would push their fury so far as to deny the rites of sepulture to his remains . .
The King of Prussia , by a Cabinet order of the 15 th of July , has ordered that , in virtue of a chapter of the « ' Louisa Order" ( for ladies ) , held , and presided over by the Queen , upon the 23 rd of April , the said order shall be renovated and extended , and that this mark of distinction shall be conferred upon divers married and unmarried ladies , who distinguished themselves during the years 1818 and 1849 , by attending the sick and wounded soldiers , and by various other acts of patriotism , humanity , and generosity . The reverse of the cross is to bear the years 1848 and 1849 , in lieu of the old anniversary of the war of liberation ( 1813 ) .
The Government of Saxe-Weimar has just founded , under the title " Institute of Goethe , " an annual prize of 20 , 000 f ., for which the whole of literary and artistical Europe will be at liberty to compete . This perpetual prize is thus to be arranged : —1 st year , Poems , Romances , and Theatrical Works . —2 nd . Paintings of all kinds . —3 rd . Statuary . —4 th . Music , either sacred or profane , operas or oratorios . After the fourth year has expired the same rotation is recommenced . In addition to receiving the 20 , 000 francs , the author will remain in possession of his work . The jury will be formed of two committees , the one at Weimar and the other at Berlin , the King of Prussia being interested in the institution . This institution will be definitely constituted at Weimar on the 23 rd instant . Numerous invitations have been addressed to writers and savans of all countries .
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Lord Dudley Stuart has given notice of his intention next session to call the attention of the House to the inconvenience arising from the absurd practice of causing strangers to withdraw during divisions in the House of Commons . This practice appears to be as meaningless as inconvenient . The public and the representatives of the press are allowed to hear everything that goes forward , so long as the House is engaged in debate , but the moment a division is ordered , thatis , as soon as the members commence withdrawing , in order to record their votes in separate apartments , the public who could
see nothing but the empty benches during the process of dividing , are turned out of the House to wait in the corridor until the members return . This is an antiquated absurdity that calln for removal . The Metropolitan Interments Act , which is to be executed by the Board of Health , will be speedily enforced in ' The Metropolitan Burial District , " comprising the city of London , Westminster , Southwaik , ana numerous parishes set forth in one of the schedules annexed . Among the provisions is one under which the Board of Health may ' contract" for funerals at fixed charges , so that there are likely to be " three classes " of funerals ,
according to the means of the parties . The salary of Dr . Southwood Smith , the additional paid member of the Board of Health , is not to exceed £ 1200 a-year . At the monthly General Court of Commissioners of Sewers , on Friday week , the scheme of Mr . Frank Forster , the engineer of the commission for the drainage of the metropolis on the south bank of the Thames , was read by the chairman . The main features of the scheme a re—that it proposes to collect the ordinary drainage of the southern part of the metropolis ^ by four great principal arms , confluent at different points , and which ultimately form a single trunk at Deptford , near Collierstreet . Here the stream is to be " lifted" by steam
power to a height not exceeding twenty-five feet ; and from this new elevation it will gravitate afresh to a point eight miles below London-bridge , where will be formed " a double reservoir , capable of holding at least twentyfour hours * drainage , covered over , and elevated to such a height as to discharge the whole of its contents ( into the Thames ) at high-water , delivering them by means of pipes near the middle and at the bottom of the river . The sewage will be lifted into the reservoir at this point ( by means of an engine ) from the main sewer ; the invert of which is proposed to be at about mean lowwater , and ten feet below the surface of the marshes . " The " estimate " of these works is put by Mr . Forster at
£ 241 , 297 ; but the " expense" pf the whole project was put by Mr . Hawes , a commissioner , at £ 500 , 000 ; and this sum it was propqsed to raise by a loan , payable in thirty years , by thirty instalments of principal and interest . The report was praised by Mr . Stephenson and Sir John Burgoyne , and was agreed to . A crowded meeting of the electors of the borough of Lambeth took place on Monday evening , in the Assemblyroom at the Horns Tavern , Kennington , to receive the farewell address of Mr . Charles Pearson upon his recent retirement from Parliament . On Mr . Pearson entering the room and proceeding to the platform , he was greeted with the cordial cheers of the meeting . Mr . Henry
Doulton was called to the chair . Mr . Pearson then addressed the meeting at considerable length , explaining that he had thought it his duty , when he felt that his official avocations as City solicitor would not permit him , with a due regard to his health , to retain his seat , to resign . He expatiated , at some length , on the question of prison discipline , to which he had mainly devoted his attention , and hinted that he might , at some future time , again seek the suffrages of the electors of Lambeth . Resolutions expressing the full confidence of his late constituents , and thanking him " for his able and unwearied exertions to promote a better and more
economical system of prison discipline , " were carried with acclamation . A private meeting of the Catholic laity of the London district , convened by the Earl of Arundel and Surrey , was held at the Thatched-house Tavern , on Tuesday , when an address of congratulation to the Right Reverend Dr . Wiseman , on his intended elevation to the rank of cardinal , was agreed to , and was numerously signed . A resolution was also passed for raising , by subscription , the expenditure which will be occasioned by his lordship's elevation ; and a considerable amount was subscribed at the meeting . In the evening his lordship Held a levee at his episcopal residence in Golden-square .
The costs of both parties in the Gorham case would have been sufficient to build and endow twenty churches of the size of Brampford Speke . Sir Fitzroy Kelly , M . P ., alone has had three separate retainers of 500 guineas each , besides consultation fees , which will briny ; up his share to nearly £ 2000 . It is stated in legal circles that the whole costs are upwards of £ 80 , 000 . It is , however , pretty clear that the Bishop of Exeter and the Reverend Mr . Gorham are not the actual parties who are to bear the brunt of the battle . The money , it may be presumed , has been provided by the high and low church
parties . The Judges and Sheriff had a narrow escape at Wells , on Thursday week . A large sculptured statue , weighing several hundred weight , in front of the cathedral , fell to the ground with a tremendous crash . The Sheriff ' s coach had been standing on an adjoining spot , waiting for the Judges and Sheriff for some time , and had only moved off a short time before the accident occurred . The Committee of the Associate Institution for Improving and Enforcing the Laws for the Protection of Women , intends to offer a prize of 100 guineas for the best Essay on the Laws for the Protection to Women .
Glastonbury Abbey and estate were put up for sale on Wednesday at the Auction Mart , where there was a full attendance of capitalist ? , antiquarians , and gentlemen connected with the county in which the estate was situated . The estate contained about 380 acres of rich mea low and dairy land , the value being estimated at £ 1410 per annum . The first offer for the property was 20 , 000 guineas , and , after an active competition , it was knocked down for 35 , 000 guineas , being 2000 guineas under the reserved sum .
A young man , a tailor by trade , and in the habit of bathing at the Westminster Swimming Baths , went there on Sunday afternoon for that purpose . Just before going into the water he was heard to remark that he had better wait a little , as he had but iust dined . Scarcely , however , had he uttered these words when he fell in with a lotld splash . Assistance was immediately rendered , but life was quite extinct . A surgeon was called in , who pronounced the death to have been caused by apoplexy . So great has been the demand for tickets to hear Jenny
Lind in Liverpool that the committee have found it necessary to contrive nearly 400 additional places , almost the whole of which have been taken ; and the tickets are said to be already at a premium . Strangers from all partR are expected : tickets having been taken by per sons in London , Glasgow , Edinburgh , Cornwall , Belfast , Staffordshire , and other places , remote and near . Many distinguished names are on the list ; and most of the stalls , which , on ordinary occasions , are calculated to accommodate six , will , on this occasion , seat eight or ten .
John Lind , mariner , of Stockholm , aon of Hans Lmd , schoolmaster , and brother of Jenny Lmd , the Swedish Nightingale , " was married in the Bridgewater registeroffice to Miss Mary Gee , of PIHgwenlly , last week . John had not seen his sister for many years , until he accidentally met with her the other day at Liverpool , on hex professional visit to that place . Jenny presented him with a handful of pocket-money ; but John , like hia other two brothers , is able and willing to work for hia bread , and if his sister were to offer him an annuity to exempt him from labour he would not accept of it . He spoke in the most affectionate terms of his sister , stating
that she had supported her father and mother since she was sixteen years of age . A shocking disaster occurred at Blackpool , Mxlford , last week , which resulted in the loss of five lives , undei very distressing circumstances . Spme colliers employed at the Hook Colliery were engaged in loading two lighters with timber for the use of the pit , and on the completion of the work five of " the men proposed to return home by water . Having embarked in a small boat , they made their way down the channel against a strong head wind . On nearing Picton ' s point the boat shipped several seas , which terrified Jhe men so much that they
jumped overboard and were drowned . „ A large lump of auriferous rock or stone has arrived from the neighbourhood of Annatto Bay , Jamaica . Split open it appears almost one compact mass of gold and silver , the pure silver ore laying in thin lumps thickly interspersed with gold particles . This lump will ^ yield about seventy per cent , of the precious metals , which is considerably richer than many of the Californian
specimens . Miss Sophia Beard , a young lady , who was on a visit with the family of Mr . Gunthorpe , a retired medical practitioner of $ T ewington-place , Kennington , was found , dead , on Thursday morning week , in her night-dress , on the stone pavement of the garden , under her window , which was open . Mr . Gunthorpe ' s opinion was that she had not thrown herself out , but that , leaning too far forward to attend to some creeping plant , 8 ^ h&d fallen out head foremost .
The Nepaulese Ambassador and suite passed through Lancaster on Wednesday week , by the morning down mail , en route for Glasgow . Whilst the train was stopping at the Castle station , an incident occurred which exhibited a characteristic of the religion of these Oriental visitors . His highness being thirsty , the interpreter inquired for some water , and , in the emergency , one of the porters hastily procured it in one of the men ' s poffee cans . This not being accepted , and the porter supposing the vessel was too plebeian for his highness to use , a
clean glass , containing the pure element , was tendered , but also solemnly rejected . In this dilemma , the prince caught sight of the stand-pipe and hose by which the engines are supplied with water , and supposing it to be a spring , endeavoured to find where he could dip in his own drinking cup , and procure water unpolluted by contact with any vessel in Christian use . The whole party curiously examined the water pipe , but of course could make nothing of it , and returned to the train with his highness's want unsatisfied .
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The Tipperary Vindicator announces , " on the best authority , " that the National Synod has been adjourned from the 15 th to the 22 nd of August . It is said in Dublin that the Primate comes armed with pontifical powers to reinstitute a whole legion of " fasts , " which had been dispensed with by former Popes , and that a certain number of holidays are to be added to the long list already observed by the Roman Catholics of this country . These rumoured " reforms " do not appear to have been very favourably received .
The number of English tourists now in Ireland is far greater than in any previous season . Killarney has seldom had so full and profitable a season ; Glengariffe has its fair share : the romantic scenery of Wicklow is attracting considerable numbers ; and many are proceeding to Connemara and other western wilds . Kingstown , near Dublin , which has become a fashionable watering-place , is now quite crowded , and most of the sojoumers at the hotels are English . In consequence of the numbers awaiting a passage across the Channel at Holyhead , owing to the arrival of a crowded excursion train , an extra steamer was despatched from Kingstown on Tuesday , to afford the requisite accommodation to this influx of English tourists .
Mr . Thomas Scully , J . P ., with a party of bailiffs , made a distress for rent on his tenants at Gurtnagap , nea Tullaroane , on Friday . He was proceeding to drive a number of cows to pound , when the tenants made a dash upon them , and carried off the cattle in spite of the bailiffs . —Kilkenny Moderator . Mr . Smith , of Castlefergus , a magistrate of the county of Clare , who is accused of haying conspired to shoot his mother , and who had been liberated after a recent investigation by Mr . Moloney , of Kiltannon , and Mr . O'Brien , resident magistrate , of Tulla , has been again arrested by order of Government , and lodged in Ennis gaol . The depositions in the case are voluminous and strange . The rumour is that the arrest has been ordered on the information of an insurance-office in which a policy had been effected on the life of the late Mrs . Smith . Mr . Smith is a gentleman about fifty-six years of age , and has been generally , if not always , a resident at Castlefergus .
Eleven convicts under sentence of transportation effected their escape from the gaol of Maryborough last week , and none of them have yet been arrested . A diabolical outrage was committed on Saturday night on the Southern and Western Railway , between Maryborough and Mountnorth , some tuificreants having hurled a huge stone from a bridge upon the mail-train us it was passing ; the stone fortunately missed any of the passenger carriages , but fell through the roof of the carriage which contained the mail bags . No person has yet been arrested for the outrage .
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Aug . 17 , 1850 . ] ®|| * % * & »**? 489
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 17, 1850, page 489, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1850/page/9/