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CURES FOR THE UNCUBED ! HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT . —An extraordinary Cure of Scrofula or Kino ' s Evil . Extract of a Letter from Mr . J . H . Alliday , 209 , High-street , Cheltenham , dated the 22 nd of January , 1850 . " To Professor Holloway . " Sir , —My eldest son , when about three years of age , was af * flicted with a Glandular Swelling in the neck , which , after a short time , broke out into an Ulcer . An eminent medical man pronounced it as a very bad case of Scrofula , and prescribed foi * a considerable time without effect . The disease then for four years went on gradually increasing in virulence , when , besides the ulcer in the neck , another formed below the left knee , and a third under the eye , besides seven others on the left arm , with a tumour between the eyes , which was expected to break . During the whole of the time my suffering boy had received the constant advice of the most celebrated medical Gentlemen at Cheltenham , besides being for several months at the General
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Hospital , where one of the Surgeons said that he would amputate the left arm , but that the blood was so impure that , if that limb were takeii off , it would be then even impossible to subdue the disease .. In this desperate state I determined to- give your Pills and Ointment a trial , and , after two months' perseverance in their use , the tumour gradually began to disappear , and the discharge from all the ulcers perceptibly decreased , and at the expiration of eight months they were perfectly healed , and the boy thoroughly restored to the blessings , of health , to the astonishment of a large circle of acquaintances , who could testify to the truth of this miraculous case . Three years have now elapsed without any recurrence to the malady , and the boy is now as healthy as heart can wish . Under these circumstances I consider that 1 should be truly ungrateful were I not to make you acquainted with this wonderful cure , effected by your medicines , after every other means had failed . ( Signed ) " J . H . Alliday . "
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Sold by the Proprietor , 244 , Strand ( near Temple Bar ) , London , and by all respectable Venders of Patent Medicines throughout the Civilized World , in Pots and Boxes , at Is . l £ d ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., 11 s ., 22 a ., and 33 s . each . There is a very considerable saving in taking the larger sizes . N . B . —Directions for the guidance of Patients are affixed to each Pot or Box .
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BEWARE OF DANGEROUS IMITATIONS . Sufferers are earnestly cautioned against dangerous imitations of these Pills by youthful , recently-started ten-shilling quacks , who assume the title of Doctor , forge testimonials , and dare to infringe the proprietors right , by advertising a spurious compound under another name , the use o f which can only bring annoyance and disappointment .
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PAINS IN THE BACK , GRAVEL , RHEUMATISM , GOUT , LUMBAGO , INDIGESTION , DEBILITY , &c . &c . DR . DE ROOS' COMPOUND RENAL PILLS have , in many instances , effected a cure when all other means had failed , and are acknowledged by the faculty as the only safe remedy for the above dangerous complaints , and diseases of the Kidneys , and organs therewith connected , generally , resulting from whatever cause , which , if neglected , frequently end in stone in the bladder , and a lingering death I It is an established fact that most cases of Gent and Rheumatism occurring after middle age are combined with these diseases ; how necessary is it , then , that persona thus afflicted should at once attend to these important matters . By the salutary action of theso Pills on acidity of the stomach , they correct Bile and Indigestion , purify and promote the Renal secretions , thereby preventing the formation of Stone , and establishing for life a healthy performance of the functions of these organs . May be obtained through all medicine venders in the kingdom , at Is . lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 11 s ., per box : or should any difficulty occur they will be sent free , with full instructions for use , on receipt of the price in postage stamps , by Dr . De Roos . Testimonials , to test the genuineness of which Dr . De Rooa solicits inquiry from the persons themselves : — Robert Johnson , Ludlam-atreet , Bradford— " Your valuable pills have so improved my friend in Scotland , that he has solicited me to send him another box , as he feels assured that it will cure him * you can use our names as you think proper , that others suffering may be convinced of their value . —Direct to Mr . John Farquhar , Weaver , &c , Kinross , Scotland . " Mr . J . Higham , Burwell— " I am happy to say that the person though he has taken only one box , is a wonderful deal better * and will recommend them to any one so suffering . * ' » Address , WALTER DE ROOS , M . D ., 35 , Ely-Place , Holbornhill , London . Hours : Ten till One , and Four till Eight , Sunday excepted , unless by previous arrangement .
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RUPTURES EFFECTUALLY AND PERMANENTLY CURED WITHOUT TRUSS . EVERY RUPTURE IS NOT CURABLE . The bare assertion that it is , should put sufferers on their guard against a gang of youthful self-styled doctors , who counterfeit this remedy , forge testimonials , and , among other absurdities , profess , by advertising under the name of ladies , to give the character of persons from their handwriting , produce whiskers , hiiir , &c , in a few weeks * , and other practices of the same character . Dr . DE ROOS will bo happy to advise any person afflicted with Rupture , either personally or by letter , and he still continues to supply hit ) celebrated cure , the efficacy of which , for both sexes and all agea , is too well known to need comment . It in perfectly free from danger , causes no pain , confinement , or inconvenience , and will , with full instructions , See ., rendering failure impossible , be sent free on receipt of 7 a . in caah . or by Poat-ofiico order , payable at the Holborn office . A great number of Trusses have been left behind by persons cured as trophies of the immense success of this remedy , which will be readily given to anyone requiring them after a trial of it . N . B . Letters of enquiry should contain two postage stamps . Address , WALTER DE ROO 3 , M . D ., 35 , Ely-place , Ilolbornliill , London . At home from Ten till One , and Four till Eight . Sundays executed .
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This BALM , containing neither ardent spirits , pungent essential oils , nor other injurious materials—cleans the Hair expeditiously , renders it beautifully bright , and imparts to it the delicate fragrance of flowers . The Hair when washed with this Balm soon becomes pleasantly soft , and luxuriant in growth ; and although , by improperly employing injurious extracts to clean it , the Hair may have been rendered harsh , or turned grey , it will soon be restored to its natural colour and brilliancy by using the PERUVIAN BALM . Prepared only by L . Rossi , Haircutter and Coiffeur , 254 , Regentstreet , opposite Hanover-square .
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GKAIN , Mark-lane , Sept . 13 . Wheat , B . New 40 s . to 42 s . Maple 33 s . to 34 s . Fine 42 —44 White 29 —30 Old 40 — 42 Boilers 32 — 34 White 42 —44 Beans , Ticks . .. 26 —28 Fine 42 —44 Old 28 —30 Superior New 48 —50 Indian Corn .... 27 —29 Bye 24 — 25 Oats , Feed .... 17 — 18 Barley 21 —22 Fiue 18 —19 Malting- 27 —29 Poland 20 —21 Malt , Ord 50 —52 Fine .... 21 —22 Fine 52 —54 Potato 18 —19 Peas , Hog 30 —31 Fine .... 19 - ^ -20
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Friday , September 13 . Declarations op Dividbnos . — . 1 . Parker , Blackburn , grocer ; second and final div . ol UJd ., on Tuesday , Oct . IT ) , or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr . Pott , Manchester— . ) . Clarke and K . Dcnrdfiti , Bury and Racldiffo , grocers ; first div . of 7 d ., on Tuesday , Oct . l . > , or any fiubseqiu-nt Tuesday ; Mr . Pott , Manchester —\ V . Orroll , Miinclu-Hter , gun manufacturer ; Ilrst div . of Is . a . Jd ., on Tuesday , Oct . 15 , or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr . Pott , Manchester ,
Bankrupts . —G . Ketcher , Asheldam , Essex , innkeeper ; to surrender Sept . 28 , Oct . 25 ; solicitors , Messrs . Wire and Child , St . Swithin ' s-lane , King William-street ; and Mr . Barnes , Colchester ; official assignee , Mr . Whitmore , Basinghall-street—J . Hussey , Poole , linendraper , Sept . 30 , Oct . 25 ; solicitors , Mr . Sowton , Great James-street , Bedford-row ; and Messrs . Garland and Fear , Dorchester ; official assignee , Mr . Cannan , Birchinlane , Cornhill—T . Booker , sen ., and T . Booker , jun ., Marklane , merchants , Sept . 25 , Oct . 22 ; solicitor , Mr . Leigh , Georgestreet , Mansion-house ; official assignee , Mr . Groom ,
Abchurchlane , Lombard-street — R . Westley , Greenwich , bootmaker , Sept . 25 , Oct . 29 ; solicitors , Messrs . Bristow and Tarrant , Broad-court , Walbrook ; official assignee , Mr . Edwards , Sambrook-court , Basinghall street—C . Cuthbbrt , Kennington-cross , corn dealer , Sept . 24 , Oct . 29 ; solicitors , Messrs . Miller and Carr , Eastcheap ; official assignee , Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane , City—J . Toovby , Watford , innkeeper , Sept . 25 , Oct . 29 ; solicitors , Messrs . Dimmock and Burbey , Suffolk-lane , Cannon-street ; official assignee , Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane , Lombard-street—W . Jefferson , Kingston-upon-Hull , painter , Sept . 25 , Oct . 16 ; solicitor . Mr . Moss , Hull ; official assignee , Mr . Carrick , Hull .
Dividends . —Oct . 5 , G . Booth , Princes-street , Lambeth , limeburner—Oct . 4 , T . Ball , West-street , Soho , licensed victualler—Oct . 4 , P . Broad , jun ., Brighton , tallowchandler—Oct . 11 , J . Welch , Ashby-de-la-Zouch , draper — Oct . 8 , W . Jackson , Lichfield , wine merchant — Oct . 9 , T . Treffry , Tregoney , Cornwall , seedsman—Oct . 15 , G . Kyrke , Wrexham , limeburner — Oct . 15 , J . Tomkinson , Liverpool and Runcorn , stonemason—Oct . 14 , T . Alletson , Liverpool , drysalter . Certificates . —To hegranted , unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting . —Oct . 7 , W . Murdoch , Bristol , draper—Oct . 11 , T . B . Bourne , Liverpool , cotton broker—Oct . 11 , B . Brown , Newtown , Montgomeryshire , coachbuilder—Oct . 11 , J . Welch , Ashby-de-la-Zouch , draper—Oct . 11 , G . and H . Holmes , Derby , ironmongers . Scotch Sequestrations . —G . Park , Kilmun , Argyleshire , flesher , Sept . 19 , Oct . 10—J . Macdonald , Glasgow , mason , Sept . 18 , Oct . 9—W . C . Gillan , Leith , banker , Sept . 18 , Oct . 10—W . Anderson , Carnwath , Lanarshire , wright , Sept . 20 , Oct . 11 .
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GENERAL AVERAGE PHICE OF GRAIN . Week Ending Sept . 7 . Imperial General Weekly Average . Wheat 43 s . 2 d . I Rye 25 s . 4 d . Barley 23 0 Beans 28 9 Oats 17 U I Peas 27 10 Aggregate Average of the Six Weeks . Wheat 43 s . 7 d . Rye 23 s . Id . Barley 22 7 Beans 28 3 Oats 18 0 Peas 27 0
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FLOUR . Town-made per sack 40 s . to 433 . Seconds 37 —40 Essex and Suffolk , on board ship 32 — 34 * Norfolk and Stockton 30 — 32 American per barrel 23 — 25 Canadian 22 —24 Wheaten Bread , 7 d . the 41 b . loaf . Households , 6 d .
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AVERAGE PRICE OF SUGAR . The average price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar , computed from the returns made in the week ending the 10 th day of September , 1850 , is 256 . 10 £ d . per cwt .
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BUTCHERS' MEAT . Newgate and Lbadenhall . * Smith field * . s . d . s . d . s . d . s . d . Beef 2 4 to 3 2 2 4 to 3 8 Mutton 2 8 — 3 8 3 8—4 2 Veal 2 4—3 8 2 C —3 8 Pork 3 0 — 4 6 3 4 — 4 2 Lamb 3 0 — 4 0 3 8 — 4 4 To sink the offal , per 81 b . Head of Cattle at Smithfield . Friday . Monday . Beasts 984 4740 Sheep ..................... . 10 , 420 ................ 2 o , o 60 Calves 528 253 Pigs . 290 295
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PROVISIONS . Butter—Best Fresh , 10 s . 6 d . to 11 s . per doz . Carlow , £ 3 13 s . to £ 3 16 s . per cwt . Bacon , Irish per cwt . 593 . to 60 s . Cheese , Cheshire 42 —69 Derby , Plain 44 —54 Hams , York 60 —70 Eggs , French , per 120 , 4 a . 9 d . to 5 s . 6 d .
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HOPS . POTATOES . Kent Pockets 95 s . to 112 s . York Regents per ton .. s . to .. Choice ditto .. 126 —210 Wisbech Regents — .. Sussex ditto .. 84 — 90 Scotch Reds — .. Farnham do — French Whites — ..
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HAY AND STRAW . ( Per load of 36 Trusses . ) Cumberland . Smithfield . Wiiitechapel . Hay , Good .... 75 s . to 78 s 75 s . to 77 s 50 s . to 70 s . Inferior .. 50 —70 .... 50—60 .... 0 — » New 0—0 .... 0—0 .... 0 — 0 Clover 78 — 8 i .... 85 —87 .... 60 —88 Wheat Straw .. 24 — 28 .... 23 —28 21 —30
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FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday , Sept . 1 . 0 . Bankruptcy Annulled . —II . Asuber , Kingscote , Gloceslershirc , innkeeper . Bankrupts . —D . Radford and G . Soutiiall , Graccchurchstreet , coal merchants , to surrender Sept . 27 , Oct . 25 ; solicitors , Messrs . Lawrance and Plows , Old Jewry-chainhers ; official assignee , Mr . Cannan , Birchin-lane , Cornhill—J . Dawson , Northfleet , Mitro-conrt-chainbers , Temple , and Clement . 's-lanc , Lombard-street , shipowner , Sept . 18 , Oct . 22 ; solicitors , Messrs . Lawrence and Plews , Old Jewry-chambers ; ollicial assignee , Mr . Stansfeld—R . Gadsden , Boughton-mill , Northamptonshire , miller , Sept . 18 , Oct . 22 ; solicitors , Mr . Austen , JlayinoiuPsbuildings , Gray's-inn , and Mr . Flesher , Northampton ; official assignee , Mr . Stansfeld—J . Hall , Brighton , victualler , Sept . 24 , JainesstrcetBedford
Oct . 22 ; solicitors , Mr . Sowton , Great - , - row , and Mr . Kennett , Brighton ; official assignee , Mr . Edwards , Sambrook-court , Basiiighall-street—J . C . Byrne , Pall-mall East and Sun-court , Cornhill , emigration agent , Sept . 27 , Oct . 22 ; solicitors , Messrs . Green and Dennis , Angel-court , Throgmorton-street ; official assignee , Mr . Edwards , Sambrook-court , Basinghall-strcct—I . Jessijv , King&downe , Kent , farmer , Sept . 25 , Oct . 22 ; solicitors , Messrs . Corner , Toolcy-strcet , and Mr . Noakes , Woolwich ; official assignee , Mr . Groom , Abchurchlane , Lombard-street—J . Buown , Gravescnd , grocer , Sept . 21 , Oct . 22 ; solicitors , Messrs . Wilkinson , Gurney , and Stevens , Nicholas-lane , Lombard-street , and Mr . Sharland , Gruvepcnd ; official assignee , Mr . Edwards , Sambrook-court , Easinghallstrfet—S . Staniford , Plymouth , innkeeper , Sept . 20 , Nov . t ; solicitors , Messrs . Kdmonds and Sons , Plymouth , and Mr . Stogdon , Exeter ; official assignee , Mr . Hornaman , Exeter .
Dividends . —Oct . 2 , R . Abmm , Liverpool , wholesale wine merchant—Oct . 2 , A . Brown , Liverpool , provision merchant . Certificate . — To be granted , unless cause be shown to the contrary , on the day of meeting . —Oct . 3 , W . W . Evans , Ludlow , Shropshire , butcher . Scotch Suqubstrations . — J . V . Millar , Edinburgh , merchant , Sept . 18 , Oct . 9—J . Lillie and Son , Glasgow , drapers , Sept . 16 , Oct . 7—G . Clark , Edinburgh , innkeeper , Sept . 10 , Oct . 7—J . Douglas , Edinburgh , fishing-tackle maker , Sept . 17 , Oct . 8—A . Cheyne , Ollaborry , Zetland , Sept . 12 , Oct . 3-U . Bridges , Ayr . hotelkeeper , Sept . 13 , Oct . 4 .
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BIRTHS . On the 28 th ult ., at Hathersage-hall , Derbyshire , the wife of J . N . S . Shuttleworth , Esq ., of a daughter . On the 5 th inst ., at St . Paul ' s Parsonage , Alnwick , the wife of the Reverend C . Charlton , of a daughter . On the 7 th inst ., at Sparsholt , near Winchester , the wife of the Reverend E . Stewart , of a daughter . On the 7 th inst ., at Brighton , the wife of Brigadier J . Bell , commanding the Northern Division of the Madras Army , of a son . On the 7 th inst ., the wife of J . P . Godby , Esq ., of the General Post-office , of a daughter . On the 8 th inst ., at the Vicarage , Horsham , Sussex , the wife of the Reverend J . F . Hodgson , of a daughter . On the 8 th inst ., in Hyde-park-gardens , the wife of L . Phipps Evre , Esq ., of a son . * On the 9 th inst ., at Putney-heath , the wife of B . Valpy , jun ., Esq . of a daughter .
, __ _ On the 9 th inst ., the wife of John Dawson , Esq ., of Albemarlestreet , of a son . On the 9 th inst ., at Pelynt Vicarage , the wife of the Reverend J . B . Kitson , of a daughter . On the 11 th inst ., at Eastlands , Dulwich , the wife of Lieutenant-Colonel G . T . Greene , late of the Bengal Engineers , of a daughter . On the 11 th inst ., at Ashley Clinton , the Honourable Mrs . Frederick Clinton , of a son .
MARRIAGES . On the 4 th of July , at Calcutta , R . J ,. W . Road , Esq ., son of the late Captain James Read , of the H . E . T . C . ' s service , to Agnes Testar , youngest daughter of the late J . Testar , Esq . On the 5 th inst ., at Paignton , near Torquay , South Devon , Lieutenant-Colonel A . Henry E . Boilcau , Bengal Engineers , to Matilda Grace , second daughter of A . Tovey , Esq ., late of 11 . M . Twenty-fourth Regiment . On the 10 th inst ., at St . Peter ' s Church , Eaton-square , Captain Ormsby Gore , Thirteenth Light Dragoons , M . P . for the county of Sligo , to Emily Charlotte , daughter of Vice-Admiral Sir G . F . Seymour , G . C . fl . On the 10 th inst ., at St . Pancras , T . II . Wakley , Esq ., F . R . C . S ., surgeon to the Royal Free Hospital , eldest son of Thos . Wakley , Esq ., M , P for Finsbury , to Harriette Anne , third daughter of F . Blake , Esq ., of Money-hill , Herts . On the 10 th inst ., Jit Keyston , Huntingdonshire , the Reverend II L . Distin , B . A ., of By thorn , in the same county , to Theodosia Caroline , youngc 3 t daughter of B . B . Goodman , Esq ., of Wilmiriffton-snuare .
On the 10 th inst ., at Aldborough , Norfolk , Oliver Cromwell , third son of the late J . Field , Esq ., of her Majesty's Mint , to Martha , eldest daughter of J . J . Gay , Esq ., of Aldborough . On the 11 th inst ., at St . James's , Piccadilly , T . Reeks , Esq ., of the Museum of Practical Geology , to Christiana Caroline , second daughter of A . Howard , Esq ., of Kccleston-square . On the llth inst ., at Rochdale , T . Lomax , Esq ., of the Inner Temple , barrister-at-law , to Ann , eldest daughter of J . Chadwick , Ksq ., Broadfield , Rochdale . On the llth inst ., at Union Chapel , Islington , the Reverend Maurice Nenner , New College , London , to Eliza Mary , eldest daughter of the late Reverend N . M . JLirry , of New Broadstreet . On the 12 th inst , at St . James's Church , Westminster , C . R . Colviln , Esq ., M . P . for South Derbyshire , to the Honourable Katharine Sarah Georgiana Russell , oldest daughter of the late Captain J . Russell , R . N ., and the Baroness dc Clifford .
DEATHS . On the 12 th ult ., at Lake Lachine , Canada , Eliza Sophia , the wife of G . Griflin , Esq ., and younger daughter of the late C G . Wako / irld , Esq ., of London . On the 2 nd inst ., at Exmouth , Henrietta , tlio wife of Jonas Stuwoll , Esq ., lute enptain in the Forty-fifth Regiment . On the 3 rd inst ., at Bath , Jane , the wife of Major-Ueneral T . Bunbury , K . II ., aged 72 . On the -lUi inst ., at Tonbridge-woils . Sarah Isabella Blenman , relict of . I . Ulenman , Esq ., of Lincoln's-inn , barrister-at-law . On tlm T ) th inst ., at Southampton , J . Gordon , Esq ., late major , Second ( Queen ' s ) lloynls . On the 7 th inst ., at Sunday ' s-well , Cork , of deep grief , Win . Kinieuly , Ek ( j ., aged 51 , father of E . Keuealy , LL . D ., o f Gray ' sinn . On the 7 th iiiRt ., at Islington , aged 81 , Samuel Barrow , Esq ., formerly of Friday-street .
On the 7 th inst ., at Pimlico , aged < M , Harriet , relict of the late II . Rolleston , Esq ., of the Foreign-nfllnc . On the 8 th inst ., at Edinburgh , C . Nockella , Esq ., of Mount ? lnanant , St . Thomas-in-the-East , Jutnnica . On the Dtli inst ., in Pcntonville , » hn Chevalier A . da Costa , Brazilian vice-consul in London , a !? ed 01 . On the 9 th inst ., in the Isle of Wifrht , tlin Honourable Miss Colinan , maid of honour to her late Majesty Queen Charlotte . On thn ] 0 t ) i inst ., VV . Wilkinson , JJsq ., OJd Broad-street , London , and 8 tain ton-vale , Yorkshire .
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Rossi's Peruvian Balm For Cleaning, Beautifying, And Strengthening The Hair.
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Sept . 14 , I 860 . ] © ft * 3 Lt * bt ' X . 599
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 14, 1850, page 599, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1853/page/23/