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Houlston and Stoneman , 65 , -row . TfcRITANNIA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , WEEKLY JOURNAL BY ROBERT OWEN . ** 1 . PRINCES-STREET , BANK , LONDON .-Empowered 5 v ipecial Act of Parliament , 4 Viet ., cap . ix . On Saturday , the 2 nd of November , will be published the HALF CBEDIT BATE 3 OF PREMIUM . «« rnSn « wrlniffir -r ^ Trn- ^ T .-r Persons assured according to these rates are allowed credit ROBERT OWEN'S WEEKLY JOURNAL , ( without security ) for half the amount of the first seven annual Price ONE PENNY . A Periodical intended to instruct premiums , paying interest thereon of the rate of 5 per cent , per all classes in the principles and practical measures by which annum , with the option of paying off the principal at any time , alone the poverty , injustice , and misery of the existing ; system or having the amount deducted from the sum assured when the can be peaceably superseded by universal wealth , justice , and policy becomes a claim , happiness . Policies may thus be effected at lower rates than are generally To be had of all Booksellers in Town and Country . gj-igd fS ^^ SSj trSi A-nt oV the ^ claims ^ tT " ~""""— " * ever death may happen , as if they paid double the amount THE BECENT WORKS OF ROBERT OWEN may be had of premium which , would be charged for assurances effected in of Effingham Wilson , Royal Exchange ; Watson , Queen ' s Head- the usual way . passage , Paternoster-row ; and Vickers , Holy well-street , London . Increasing rates of premium on anew and remarkable plan , for securing loans or debts ; a less immediate payment being Just pubUshed . price 2 d . ; if by post . 4 d .. offiSJ" * ^ * ° ** * " ^^ ^ ° ^ ** " ** " * " ^ TT \ REVELYAN on the INSANITY of ° Policies revived , without the exaction of a fine , at any time X MANKIND . within twelve months . " Man ' s actions necessarily result from his organic conslitu- A Board of Directors in attendance daily at Two o clock , tion , and the circumstances surrounding him at any given pe- A J 6 * 15 , Assured admitted in the Policy , riod !"—Zoist . Medical attendants remunerated in all cases for their reports . And , by the same Author , price 2 d . ; if by post , 4 d ., Extract from the Half Credit Rates of Premium : ¦—A THEORY OF HEAT AND THE VITAL Annual Premium required for an Assurance of £ 100 for the PRINCIPLE . Whole Term of Life . A TV Ar'PnTTMT A nT ? Pr FXPP''RTTvT-p ' VT WTTTT HalfPre- Whole Pre- Half Pre- Whole Pre-A « AAAAJUJNl UU tL 2 L . rHili . LM . bt 2 i 1 & WIl-tL A _ e mium for miura after Age . mium for mium after METAL 8 at DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES . seven years , seven years . seven years , seven years . " All motion is caused by the contraction and expansion of . - «__—__ - _ - — ————— —— ¦¦ __________ matter—whether the matter be solid , liquid , or gaseous . " — £ . g . d . £ . a . d . £ . s . d . £ . s . d . Mackintosh ' s EUctrical Theory of the Universe . 30 119 236 50 22 6 450 Also , by the same Author , price 2 d . ; if by post , 4 d ., 3 f > 14 11 2 9 10 55 2 12 9 5 56 TO THE PEOPLE : the MORAL LUNACY of f b \ £ £ | | | 60 3 6 8 6 w 4 D EM C ONlTRfTEa ATOBS ' " * ° ' THEIR SUPPO * TERS ' PETER MORRISON , Resident DirectoTT Just published , price 2 d . ; if by post , 4 d . mREVELYAN on the INSANITY of JL MANKIND . *• Man ' s actions necessarily result from his organic constitution , and the circumstances surrounding him at any given period . "— Zoist . And , by the same Author , price 2 d . ; if by post , 4 d ., A THEORY OF HEAT AND THE VITAL PRINCIPLE . And , price 2 d ., A N ACCOUN T OF EXPE R IME NT S WI TH METAL 8 at DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES . " All motion is caused by the contraction and expansion of matter—whether the matter be solid , liquid , or gaseous . " — Mackintosh ' s Electrical Theory of the Universe . Also , by the same Author , price 2 d . ; if by post , 4 d ., TO THE PEOPLE : the MORAL LUNACY of our CLASS LEGISLATORS , and of THEIR SUPPORTERS , DEMONSTRATED . Houlston and Stoneman , 65 , Paternoster-row .
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Just pubUshed . price 2 d . ; if by post . 4 d .. TT \ REVELYAN on the INSANITY of X MANKIND . " Man ' s actions necessarily result from his organic conslitu- tion , and the circumstances surrounding him at any given pe- riod !"—Zoist . And , by the same Author , price 2 d . ; if by post , 4 d ., A THEORY OF HEAT AND THE VITAL PRINCIPLE . A TV Ar'PnTTMT A nT ? Pr FXPP''RTTvT-p ' VT WTTTT A « AAAAJUJNl UU tL 2 L . rHili . LM . bt 2 i 1 & WIl-tL METAL 8 at DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES . " All motion is caused by the contraction and expansion of matter—whether the matter be solid , liquid , or gaseous . " — Mackintosh ' s EUctrical Theory of the Universe . Also , by the same Author , price 2 d . ; if by post , 4 d ., TO THE PEOPLE : the MORAL LUNACY of D EM C ONlTRfTEa ATOBS ' " * ° ' THEIR SUPPO * TERS ' Just published , price 2 d . ; if by post , 4 d . mREVELYAN on the INSANITY of JL MANKIND . *• Man ' s actions necessarily result from his organic constitution , and the circumstances surrounding him at any given period . "— Zoist . And , by the same Author , price 2 d . ; if by post , 4 d ., A THEORY OF HEAT AND THE VITAL PRINCIPLE . And , price 2 d ., A N ACCOUN T OF EXPE R IME NT S WI TH METAL 8 at DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES . " All motion is caused by the contraction and expansion of matter—whether the matter be solid , liquid , or gaseous . " — Mackintosh ' s Electrical Theory of the Universe . Also , by the same Author , price 2 d . ; if by post , 4 d ., TO THE PEOPLE : the MORAL LUNACY of our CLASS LEGISLATORS , and of THEIR SUPPORTERS , DEMONSTRATED . " Whoever is afraid of submitting any question , civil or religious , to the test of free discussion , seems to me to be more in love with his own opinion than with truth . "—Bishop Watson . Edinburgh : Published by W . and H . Robinson , ll . Greensidestreet . London : J . Watson , 3 , Queen ' s Head-passage . Glasgow : W . Love . Newcastle : France . Manchester : Hey wood .
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- WORKING TAILORS ' ASSOCIATION , 34 , CASTLE-STREET , OXFORD-STREET , Opposite the Pantheon . A few Journeymen Tailors , anxious to rescue themselves and their class from the miseries and degradation consequent on unlimited competition , and from the abuse of the powers of capital as lately exhibited to the public by the Morning Chronicle newspaper , in his letters on " Labour and the Poor , " have resolved to seek a remedy in their own exertions rather than in any parliamentary enactment , and in some system which shall combine their own interest with the interests of other classes of society rather than in that return to old customs now chiefly advocated in the trade , by which the benefit of the master and journeyman ( but especially of the former ) is sought to be realized at the expense of the consumer . They have , therefore , united together on the cooperative principle , possessing first-rate talents in the Cutting and Working department , and being supplied by several benevolent gentlemen , with sufficient capital ( which they are anxious to pay back on the first opportunity ) , they have commenced business on extensive premises in Castle-street , Oxford-street , to which and "the accompanying list of prices attention is respectfully invited . It will be seen from the latter that they are at once able to compete with the slopseller , whilst realizing a fair profit themselves . They are mutually bound to devote one-third of their net profits to the extension of their numbers . It now rests with the public to stamp their experiment with success by favouring them with a liberal measure of custom , and thereby demonstrate , on an ever-widening scale , that health , prosperity , and moial worth can be secured to the operatives , and cheapness guaranteed to the consumer , by the faithful realization of the brotherly and Christian principle of cooperation . They wish not to injure the trade of any truly " honourable" employer , and venture to hope that all who feel that custom itself ought to have its morality , and who are willing to do what in them lies towards dealing fairly by the operative , will help them by their sympathy , and , as far as possible , by their orders . All who are friendly to this experiment , and wish it to succeed , should give it all the assistance iu their power , and recommend it to others . LIST OF PRICES . FOB CASH ON DBLIVBRY . £ S . < 1 . Best superfine Frock Coat , with Silk Skirt Linings .... 3 18 0 Superditto from 2 10 0 Best superfine Dre £ 8 Coat 3 12 0 Superditto from 2 5 0 Superfine Dress Trousers 1 12 0 Superditto from 1 0 0 Superfine Dress Vest u 18 ? Super ditto from 0 12 0 Llama and Beaver Paletots from 2 2 0 Suit of Livery from 3 15 0 GENTLEMEN'S OWN MATERIALS MADE UP . Clerical and Professional Robes made to Order . LIST OF PRICES SPECIALLY ADAPTED TO WORKING MEN . £ s . d . Fustian Jackets from 0 11 0 Good ditto Trousers .. fromO 9 6 Ditto ditto Vests from 0 6 0 Ditto ditto Coats from 0 15 0 Doeskin Trousers from 0 14 0 Black Cloth Vests from 0 8 0 Ditto Dress Coats from 1 15 0 Ditto Frock Coats from 2 0 0 Ditto Paletots from 1 10 0 Silk Vests and other Fancy Goods in like proportion . WORKING MEN'S OWN MATERIALS MADE UP . N . B . —If purchasers will examine and take into consideration the quality of our workmanship , we pledge ourselves to compete with the Sweaters and Slopsellers . ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES . Remember the Address , THE WORKING TAILORS' ASSOCIATION , 34 , CASTLE-STREET EAST , OXFORD-STREET , OPPOSITE THE PANTHEON , LONDON .
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LUXURIANT AND BEAUTIFUL HAIR , WHISKERS , &c . OF all the Preparations introduced for the production of Mustachoes , Whiskers , Eyebrows , &c , none have gained such a world-wide celebrity and immense sale as ROSALIE COUPELLE'S PARISIAN POMADE . It is eminently successful in nourishing , curling , and beautifying the Hair , checking and preventing greyness in all its stages , strengthening weak Hair , preventing its falling off , &c , &c . lor the reproduction of Hair in baldness , from whatever cause , and at whatever age , it stands unrivalled . One trial only is solicited to prove the fact . It is an elegantly-scented preparation ; and sufficient for three month ' s use will be sent post-free , on receipt of Twenty-four postage-stamps . AUTHENTIC TESTIMONIALS AND OPINIONS . . Mits Young , Truro , writes : — " It has quite restored my hair , which I had lost for years , notwithstanding I had tried the many ludicrously-styled messes of the day . " Mr . Bull , Brill , says : —•• I am happy to say , after everything else failed , yours has had the desired effect ; the greyness is quite checked . " Dr . Erasmus Wilson : — " It is vastly superior to all the clumsy , greasy compounds now sold under various mysterious titles and pretences , which I have at different times analysed , and found uniformly injurious , being either snented , or coloured with some highly deleterious ingredient . There are , however , so many impositions R-foot , that persons reluctantly place confidence where it may b « justly bestowed . " For the Nursery it is indispensable , as forming in infancy the basis of a good head of hair . DO NOT CUT YOUR CORNS , BUT CURE THEM . Also , will be sent ( free ) on receipt of thirteen stamps , her safe , speedy , and lasting cure for soft or hard corns ; bunions , &c . It cures in three days , and is never-failing . Mrs . Hughes , Sunbury : —•• It cured four corns and three bunions amazingly quick , and is the best and safest thing 1 have ever met with . " Address , Miss COUPELLE , 35 , Ely-place , Ilolborn , London .
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DR . CULVERWELL ON NERVOUSNESS , DEBILITY , AND INDIGESTION . Sherwood , 23 , Paternoster-row , and all Booksellers . Price Is . ; by Post , Is . 6 d . WHAT to EAT , DRINK , and AVOID ; with DIET-TABLES for ALL COMPLAINTS . Care and forethought avert more fires than water extinguish ; ¦ o careful feeding avoids and cures more illnesses than physictaking prevents or removes . By R . J . Culvbrwbll , M . D ., M . R . C . 8 ., L . S . A ., &c , twenty-five years resident practitioner in London , of whom the work may be had , or the author consulted . 10 , Argyll-place , Regent-street . At home daily till five ; Evenings , seven till nine .
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T 7 » QUITY and LAW LIFE ASSURANCE J _!_ SOCIETY , No . 26 , Lincoln ' s-inn-Field 8 , London . TRUSTEES . The Right Honourable Lord Monteagle . The Right Honourable the Lord Chief Baron . The Honourable Mr . Justice Coleridge . The Honourable Mr . Baron Rolfe . The Honourable Mr . Justice Erie . Nassau W . Senior , Esq ., Master in Chancery . Charles Furton Cooper , Esq ., Q . C ., LL . D ., F . R . S . George Capron , Esq . DIRECTORS . J . E . Armstrong , Esq . John Herbert Koe , Esq ., Q . C . Thomas William Capron , Esq . John Lucas , Esq . Mr . Serjeant Clarke . Charles Henry Moore , Esq . John Ellis Clowes , Esq . Joseph Phillimore , D . C . L . William I . Denne , Esq . George W . K . Potter , Esq . Sir Fortunatus Dwarris , F . R . S . F . Newman Kogers , Esq ., Q . C . Francis Ewart , Esq . George Lake Russell , Esq . N . Hollingsworth , Esq . Nassau W . Senior , Esq . T . G . Kensit , Esq . E . Wilbraham , Esq ., Q . C . AUDITORS . John Boodle , Esq . I Kric Rudd , Esq . Robert J . Phillimore , D . C . L . | John Charles Williams , Esq . Bankers . —Meeera . Hoare , Fleet-street . Solicitors . Messrs . Rooper , Birch , Ingram , and "Whately , Lincoln's-inn-Ficlds . Messrs . 8 ir Matthew Barrington , Son , and Jeffers , Dublin . Medical Officers—Robert Willis , M . D . ; John Scott , M . D . ; and Benjamin Atkinson , Esq . Actuary . —J . J . Sylvester , Esq ., M . A ., F . R . S . MANCHESTER BOARD OF MANAGEMENT . . Offices : Law Society ' s Rooms , Norfolk-street . CHAinMAN . —James Crossley , Esq . John Barlow , Esq . George Thorley , Esq . Richard Claye , Esq . Richard M . Whitlow , Esq . Joseph Heron . Esq . Joseph Pratt Wilmot , Esq . John Monk , Esq . Bankers—The Manchester Branch Bank of England . Surgeon—Robert Heywood McKeand , Esq . Secretary for Manchb 8 t > x—Thomas Whitlow , Esq . Parties assuring within Six Months of their last Birthday are allowed a diminution of Half-a-year in the Premium charged . Policies do not become void by the Life assured going beyond the prescribed limits—so far as regards the interest of Third Parties—provided they pay the additional Premium as soon as the fact comes to their knowledge . * ' Free Policies" are issued at a small increased rate of Premium , which remain in force although the Life assured may go to any part of the World . Parties may effect Assurances by the payment of a Single Premium , with the privilege of withdrawing the sum paid . The Tables arc especially favourable to young and middle-aged Lives , and the Limits allowed to the Assured , without extra charge , are unusually extensive . Eighty per cent , of the Profits are divided among the Assured . TUB USUAL COMMISSION ALLOWED .
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WO RKS FOR THE WORKSHOP . By G . Jacob Holyoake . s . d . Euclid , or Mathematics , no Mystery 2 6 Practical Grammar , Fifth Edition 1 6 Hand-Book of Graduated Exercises 1 0 A Logic of Facts 1 6 Rudiments of Public Speaking and Debate 1 6 People ' s Review , Edited in Concert 1 0 Literary Institutions , their Relation to Public Opinion .. 0 2 Paley Refuted in His Own Words 0 6 Rationalism , Mr . Owen ' s Views Individualized 0 6 Life , Writings , and Character of Richard Carlile 0 6 Loific of Death , Tenth Thousand 0 1 The Reasoner , " Enlarged and Illustrated ( Weekly ) .... 0 1 " The Reasoner is written with considerable ability , and conducted with no small amount of tact It addresses itself to that large and constantly increasing class in English society—the class of artisans ; men who demand to be dealt with logically . The Reasoner is calm , affectedly dispassionate , impersonal ; { ti ques itself upon being scrupulously exact in its statement of acts , rigorous in its inductions , and charitable and tolerant in its judgment . This air , which seems partly real , is eminently calculated to prepossess its reader * with the idea of its strength and firmness . Its conductors are by no means commonplace men . There is evidently a great deal of ability in them . Such men may not be despised , nor their doings overlooked . These men have a crepd . They apparently have principles , too , at stake . "—Daily News . London : James Watson , 3 , Queen ' s Head-passage .
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FRAMPTON'S PILL of HEALTH . Price U . 14 d . per box . This excellent Family Pill is a Medicine of long-tried efficacy for correcting all disorders of tho Stomach and Bowels , the common symptoms of which are Costiveness , Flatulency , Spasms , Loss of Appetite , Sick Headache , Giddiness , Sense of Fulness after meals . Dizziness of the Kyes , Drowsiness , and Pains in the Stomach and Bowels : Indigestion , producing a Torpid State of the Liver , and a consequent inactivity of the Bowels , causing a disorganisation of very function of tite frame * will , in this most excellent preparation , by a little perseverance , be effectually removed . Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects . Tho stomach will speedily regain its strength ; n healthy action of the liver , bowels , and kidneys will rapidly take place ; and instead of listlessncss , heat , pain , and jaundiced appearance , strength , activity , and renewed health will be th « quick result of taking this medicine , according to the directions accompanying each box . A P * 8 ant , safe , easy Aperient , they unite the recommendation or a mild operation with the most successful effect , and require no restraint of diet or confinement during their use ; and for hlderly People they will be found to bo the most comfortable medicine hitherto prepared . Sold by T . PROUT . 220 , Strand , London . Price Is . ljd . and Si . 9 d . per box ; and by tho venders of medicine generally throughout tho kingdom . Ask for FRAMl'TON'S PILL of HEALTH , and observe the mXZSI ^ suXp **™** rrout * **• 8 trwid ' Lonaon ' on
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LECTURE HALL , GREENWICH . —MRS . M ATHEW 8 will deliver the Second of a COURSE of TWO LECTURES , at the above Hall , on MONDAY , Sept . 16 , on the TITLE of WOMAN to POLITICAL POWER . The Lecture to commence at Eight o ' Clock . Trains leave the Railway Station at ten o ' clock . ^^
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ESTABLISHMENT for YOUNG LADIES , in a healthy , elevated , and picturesque situation , about ten miles from London , and in the immediate vicinity of a railway station . Terms moderate . References given and expected . For particulars apply personally or by letter , at the Leader office , 9 , Crane-court , Fleet-street .
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THE NORTH LONDON NEEDLEWOMEN'S ASSOCIATION , 31 , Red Lion-square . Established for the execution of all kinds of needlework , and to secure to the workers the profits on their work hitherto taken by the slopseller . The principle of this experimental Association is , that united labour , under good superintendence , in wholesome room * , with a division of profits among tho labourers , is more economical , more safe , more Christian , than rival labour , in separate hovels , carried on for tho benefit of middlemen or puffing tradesmen , Shirts from 4 s . 6 d . each . All other articles at charges as low as is consistent with the necessary requirements of the Workwomen . Every description of Ready-made Linen and Baby Linen at moderate charges . There is a Dressmaking and Millinery Department in the Establishment . Orders should be transmitted to the Superintendent , 31 , Red Lion-square . ? « Ladies acquainted with deserving and necessitous Needlewomen who are desirous of entering the Association , may send them to Mr * , Hunion , 31 , Red Lion-square , for examination .
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Houlston and Stoneman , 65 , Paternoster-row . THE HIND ' OO THEOSOPHY . T HE PRESENT AGE , No . 7 , price 6 d . contains the first part of an Abstract of Bhagvat-Geeta ; or . Ancient Indian Scriptures , a Classic Poem , by Linton—The 8 abbath Question , pro and con—and a literary Portrait of Dr . Campbell , &c . Houlston and Stoneman , 65 , Paternoster-row .
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London : Printed by IIobbbt Falmbb . ( of N ' o . 3 , Chepstow-terrace , in the Parish of Kensington , Middlesex } , attheUAlce of Kobert l ' almer and Joseph Clayton , No . 10 , Crane-court , Fleet . street , in the Parish of St . l ) unitan-in-the «\ Vest , in the City of London ; and published by Josxru C&ATTOftJunr . of and at the PublUhing-oftlce . No . 205 , Strand , in the Parish of St . Clement Danes , iu the City of Westminster . — Satubuat , September 14 . 1800 .
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* - * 600 Qtf ) e 9 Le& $ fet + [ Saturday , Sept . 14 , 1850 .
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 14, 1850, page 600, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1853/page/24/