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r n [ ri> 3Vi *iv \± ^yjrl lll' j 111 11)1 XX) 11 IV*
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£ 3 < & ) - f ^ . ,
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While the no-popery turmoil continues without abatement , Protestant agitators still making it a point of honour to get up meetings in county and borough , scarcely a , day passes without signal proof that the most rellecting men are prevented by their own understanding , from taking part in the hubbub . This week , we have Lord St . Germans , a man universally esteemed for his intelligent and sincere disposition , declaring it impracticable to enforce in England an Anti-Catholic policy , without doing the same in Ireland ; but Queen Victoria could not form a cabinet that would undertake to
revive an Orange regime in the Sister island . Lord St . Germans is right : a coercion act against Roman Catholics in England or Ireland would be impossible , and any measure of a hostile kind that would come within the pale of possibility , would be too petty for Parliament to debate . Lord John Russell ' s ill-judged letter to the Bishop of Durham , has pledged him to some proceeding , which must be either an unachievable rashness or a derogatory bathos . Meanwhile , a candid Protestant has picked out from Hansard a tid-bit from one of Lord John ' s
own speeches in Parliament , ridiculing the idea of keeping up the war against episcopal titles . A daily paper lias been chuckling over the notion , that the Roman Catholic laity do not countenance Cardinal Wiseman , but the delusion is exploded by the address just presented from distinguished members of the Romanist laity to the Cardinal , and by the appearance of country gentlemen to vindicate , as Roman Catholics , the principles of civil and religious liberty , assailed by Protestant fanaticism at public meetings . This last fact is a striking trait of advancement in opinion , even
among characters supposed to be retrograde . I he fact is , however , that many , whose affections still cling to the religious forms , symbols , and sentiments of their forefathers , no more adhere to the ultra-montane doctrines of literal infallibility , or inquisitorial oppression , than Mr . Speaker believes in the presence of a Guy Fawkes , when the officers of the Commons perform each year the historical ceremony of visiting the cellars . The Roman ( Jat ' . iolics might retort , with far more force , the fact , proved again and again , that the people does not share in this sectarian movement : it is a
movement got up by clergymen and dissenting ministers , with their lay brethren of the lnglis and Plumptre stamp , and the respectability of the land feels obliged to fall in with a movement so orthodox ; Ministerialists , meanwhile , patting on the hack , agitators who divert the public mind from questions that are not quite so bootless . Questions that concern the people . Here are a few Parliamentary elections taking place—not one without reminding us how the far greatest proportion of the people is totally excluded from the representative system . A member has just been [ Town Edition , ]
elected for St . Albans , a very marketable borough . The estimated price appears to range from £ 1500 to £ 5000 . The contest lay between Mr . Jacob Bell , a rich man , connected with the trade of the West end , and Alderman Carden , a rich citizen , who totally refused to pay . We believe that St . Albans has chosen the better candidate ; but we have no belief that all the majority voted on political grounds .
Apropos to the Nottingham election , the Times deplores the ' * ' follies and misfortunes that have made the tenant-farmer a cypher in the representative system ; " . meaning , the faith in party crimes and obsolete policies . Jt is true that the farmers , by their servile conduct and feeble dread of raising questions with the labourers , have helped virtually to disfranchise themselves ; but a deliberate conspiracy to drive them into that position found an accomplice in the Parliament , which adopted the Chandos clause . About that , the Times says nothing at present .
The daily journals , too , are open-mouthed against the threatened strike on the North-Western Railwav—a subject upon which we have touched in a separate paper ; here we will only remark , that there appears to be the most minute understanding and appreciation of the case on the side of the Company , with a proportionately dim and inadequate sense of the case on the other side . ' Were the working classes represented in Parliament , it is possible that this very unequally-distributed
comprehension might be rectified ; Parliament might then be made to understand the necessities which urge working men to the very imperfect expedient of strikes . If the Legislature understood those necessities , and rendered the laws perfectly even-handed towards the working class , then , indeed , strikes might be totally superseded . The ruling and moneyed classes may depend upon it , that the exclusion of the working class from representation is not without its inconveniences , even to those who
his ridiculous master against the whole state whose constitutional laws they had broken . We regard the affair with the more apprehension and disgust for the very reason that Austria is in an abject position . New devices daily exhibit her daily more desperate bankruptcy , such as the shoal of Hungarian assignats for fourpence each , said to be just poured into Vienna . Her truckling to Russia is unconcealed .
Not many years since Austria was the rival and antagonist of Russia ; the support of the old Dacian races that checked the progress of Russia in the East ; the most formidable barrier to Pansclavonianisin . Attention has been diverted from that important field . We have had occasion to note , however , how Lord Palmers ton ' s nonsensical conduct in Greece had effectually deprived British influence of its footing at that important outpost of Russia .
It is in Germany that we learn the altered position of Austria . The wreck of a vast power , financially bankrupt , and threatened with internal disruption through the moral bankruptcy of the Metternich system—forcing her golden province to rebel , her Emperor to abdicate—desperate in all her fortunes , Austria has accepted an eleemosynary succour from her great rival . The great bear of the North , like the prince of a darker realm , seldom grants help except with a view to devour the protege at some convenient day . In future , Russia
is not obstructed by Austria , but is able to act upon a vaster European field , through all that Austria possesses . The Viennese Emperor sinks into the rank of a vassal to his ally , and for more than one purpose Nicholas has already advanced his frontier to the confines of the Austrian empire . It can be on no other pretext that Russian Nicholas is now acting at Dresden almost as if he were the acknowledged principal of the German Sovereigns . To the combined influence of Austria and Russia
that King , Frederick William , has succumbed . He professes to have renewed the alliance with Austria ; but we have seen that the Austrian Emperor la not an independent Prince ; is but a man of straw keeping the post for Russia . King Iredcnck William has before had hitter reason to suspect Russian intrigue against himself , but ho has not had sagacity enough to penetrate the real nature of this new alliance . He thinks it safer for himself , his house and crown , to put his trust in the Lmnoror of Russia rathar than in his own People !
maintain the exclusion . Our foreign news is of the same complexion that it bore last week—it exhibits the general and active combination of crowned heads and cabinets , to put down the people in Germany , the growing embarrassments of Austria , the treachery of Prussia , and the constant encroachment of Russia . There is scarcely disguise on any one of those points : the conferences have opened at Dresden , and the plenipotentiaries proved to be , for the most part , the creatures of the reactionary Governments ;
Aus-Where are we to look for the wisdom and the power that shall vindicate Europe against so miserable a decline ? The Southern nations themselves are abject . France r—Alas ! she too is degenerate and enfeebled . This week , we see the majority in the National Assembly truckling to the President , and enabling his government to break the lottery laws . Some private person has set up a project at sending emigrants to California , b y funds raised through a lottery for prizes of California !! gold ;
tria has gone so far as to shift her appointments at the pleasure of the Emperor Nicholas ; several of the plenipotentiaries have been diplomatists , and in that capacity have been in relation with St . Petersburg ; and the only foreign representative that we notice is that of Russia . Two salient facts will prove the nature of the assemblage : Hulstem is represented by the commissioner of the King of Denmark ; Hesse-Cassel by the Elector ' s Minister , Hassenpfiug , the very man who stood alone with
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No . 40 . SATURDAY , DECEMBER 28 , 1850 . Price 6 d .
© ontents :
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V ^ "The one Idea which History exhibits as evermore developing itself into greater distinctness is the Idea ot Humanity—the noble endeavour to throw down all the barriers erected between men bv prejudice and one-sided views ; and by setting aside the distinctions of Reluuon , Country , and Colour , to ( roat the whole Human race as one brotherhood , having one great obiect—the free development of our spiritual nature . "—IIumbolut ' s Cosmos .
R N [ Ri≫ 3vi *Iv \± ^Yjrl Lll' J 111 11)1 Xx) 11 Iv*
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News of the Week- l ' nac Pro posed Park for Fin shiny ill I Partnership en Commamlit / : 947 Litekatuke—The Haynau Atfair 'Jite Christinas-day in the Workhouses .. 1 ) 11 Whim's in 1 ' iiioks ami Lancashire ... 917 Craik ' s Romance of the Peerage .... i *> 2 Cardinal Wiseman on Persecution .. 938 Private TheatiicalsatWoburnAbbey iltl Social Kefonn . —XX . 1 I—The True Goet ' iu's Dramas 9 : > 3 Earl St . Germans' lleasons for not liurijlaries of the Week 911 Poor Law : Its Working 917 Wulhering Heig hts !> u 3 si » ninsc an Address to the Quetn 9 . 58 Miscellaneous illl Oi'KN Council— Hooks on our Table 4 J «> 3 Popery anil Puseyism 'J . ' iS Kuiioi'Ean Demockauv— Protestant Intolerance . It 3 Ante- Tins Auts—A Modern Romance 93 !) The German Democratic Party 9-11 cedeiits 919 The History of Pantomimes 9 . ) 4 Gorman . Affairs 9 . $ tf Associative Pkooiikss— Romanism alias Terrorism IM'J Pourroi . io—The French Government Heaten .. ' i'J Working Associations of Paris .... 9 ! t Communism and Christianity 9 . "> ll Tin ? Wish J > J The Cholera in Jamaica 910 Icariau Communism . 'J 10 Siiftis of the Times 'J . r >!) Sketches from Lite . .... J . r . > Threatened Strike of Kngine-Drivt-rs 910 Puiu . iu Aitaius— Divorce il . )( l Commhiumai . A fkaiUSSerious Railway Collisions I'll ) Merry Christinas 91 fi Social Reform 9 "> l Mark .-t . s , Gazettes , IWrlhs , Mar-Si . Albans Election UlO A ' ort / i- \ VesU ; ru Itaihvay { strike Wtf The Art of Misquotation 9 . " j 1 riayes . &c U . i .-OU
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 28, 1850, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1863/page/1/