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STAYS SUPERSEDED.—Stiff Stays destroy natural grace, produce deformity, and implant disease
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CURES FOR THE UNCURED ! HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT . —An extraordinary Cuue of Scrofula or Kino ' s Evii-Extract of a Letter from Mr . J . II . Ai . liday , 209 , High-street , Cheltenham , dated the 22 nd of January , 18 . W . "To Professor Holloway . . , " Sin , —My eldest son , whon about three years of age . was alflicted with a Glandular Swelling in tho neck , which , alter a short time , broke out into : in Ulcer . An eminent medical man pronounced it aB a very bad cast ; of Scrofula , and prescribed •<» u considerable time without effect . Tho diHoasp then for lour years wont on gradually increasing in virulence , when , besiil' ' tho ulcer in tho neck , another formed below tho left knee , ami j » third under the eye , bewides hcvoii others on the left arm , wi »» a tumour between the eyes , which was expected to I'le'iK . During the whole of tbo time my Buffering- boy bad received uu constant advice of the moHt celebrated inedicnl Gentlemen m Cheltenham , busidoH being for Beveral montliH at tlie (>«» cru HoHpital , where one of tbo Surgeons Biiid that ho would uini > i « - tato tho left arm . but that the blood was bo impure that , " I "" limb wero taken off , it would bo then even iinpoaniblfl to H ""' duo tht ) dim-ane . In this desperate Htate I determined to K ^ your Pills anil Ointmoiita trial , ami , after two months * purnuv -j ranee in their uhi-, tbo tumour gradually began to disappear , M the discharge from all the ulcers perceptibly deeieasod , an " thi ) expiration of eight months tbey were perfectly healed , a ' tbo boy thoroughly leHtored to tho blcHHings of healt . li . to j iiHtoniKhmeiit of a large circlt ; of acquaintancea , who < : "" teutify to tho truth of this miraculout * cam ) . Three years > " * now elapsed without any rooiirreneo to the malady , and •¦'" ' J in now iih healthy as heart can wish . Duller them ; «; irciiiiiHtiun-I consider that 1 sliould bo truly ungraloful wero I not t » ""' jj , you acquainted with thin wonderful euro , olli'Otcil by you " " l (! l cines , after ovory other moans bad failed . ,. ( Signed ) "J . II . AU . IWAVSold by tho Proprietor , 2 M , . Strand ( near Teinp lo IJiir ) . I' ** . " don , and by all respectable Venders of Patent Medicine * ; , "' j '| t » ut , tho Civilized World , in Pots and Hokoh , ut 1 » . M ' " » * ' ' \ , \ u 4 » . fit ! ., llH ., iJ- ! s ., and : Uh . tiatili . Thoro iu u . very : oH »>" orl 1 Having in taking tbo larger niy . cn . N . U . —DifectloiiBfor tho guidance of Putlentti arc af » xed t ; ach Pot . or Hox .
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MAT RIMONY MADE EASY ; or , HOW TO WIN A LOVER . Miss ELLEN DAWSON will send free to any address , on receipt of thirteen postage stamps , plain directions to enable Ladieri or Gentlemen to win tho affections of aa many of the opposite sex aa their hearts may desire . Tho proposal is simple , and bo captivating and enthralling that all may lm married , irrespective of ago , appearance , or position ; and last , though not least , it can be arranged with such ease and delicacy that detection is impossible . YOUR CHARACTER SEEN IN YOUR HANDWRITING . Tlie ORIGINAL GUAPHIOLOGfST continues with immense Hucoeau to delineate the character of individual from aGraphiolo ^ joal examination of their handwriting . All persons desirous of tenting thin new and interestingacienco are invited to forward a Bpiciiiiei ) of their own or their friends'writing , stating ago , box , and profession , enclosing thirteen postage stamps , and they wili receive , per return , an unerring description of their mental and moral qualities , pointing out gifta and defects hitherto un-BiiBpectod , with their probablo influence on future life , with advice in all canes of diBltx-tib , doubt , and dilliculty . The many thousands who have thankfully acknowledged the value of advice given , and the accuracy of Mins Dawson ' s delineulion of character , establish tho truth and value of tho science bo } ond u doubt . AUTUKNTIU TKSTIMON 1 ALS . " Many thanks for your description of my friend ' s character ; it coiillrniH all that I have been told of him . 'I be value and iuijiorliiuco of Gniphiology in indeed immense — fal * e friindu may be detected , and tbo character of all in whom wo are intcrcutcd correctly known . "— . V . Ibb Lee , Hi . Ives . ' Vour pourtrayal of my character is admitted lobe trim by all my lVitjudu . " —Miaa M ., Taiinton . Jurtt published , ETKiUETTE on LOVE ; or , Advice on Marriage . l > y J ' . i . i . HN Dawhon . Price 1 h ., or Iron by post for l . > Btampu . " A very inutinctive littlu work , Tho authoress evidently iindeiHlootl her suhjei-t . "— Ultuyow Daily Mail . " A obaniiing litt . lt ) book , and ouo wo blioulil recommend to tbo peruual of all , especially tt > iIiomd ooutemplaliiig mnrriage . "Ladtfa JVuws / Kijirr . Addre . ss Mih « ELLEN DAWSON , Post-olllce , ( iray's-iim road , London . N . It . Hcwaieof ij ; noiniit . imita'ing picUikIcih .
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A NEW MEDICINE . "CIRANKS'S SPECIFIC CAPSULE—A form J ? of Medicine at once safe , sure , speedy , and pleasant to those who object to fluid medicines , and suited to the convenience of per 3 on 3 travelling , visiting , or engaged in business . Each Capsule containing the Specific is made of the purest Gelatine , which , encased in tinfoil , may be conveniently carried in the pocket , and , being both elastic and pleasant to take , affords the greatest facility for repeating the doses without intermission—a desideratum essential to the proper development of the curative effects of any medicine , but more especially desirable in those used in the treatment of the diseases for which these Capsules are particularly recommended , and which so anxiously concern both the medical attendant and patient ; the most delicate person may take them with perfect safety , and they are unobjectionable to the most susceptible stomach . Prepared only by George Franks , Surgeon , at his Laboratory , Blacklriars-road , where they may be had , and of all Medicine Vendors , in boxes , at 2 s . 9 d . and 4 s . 6 d . each , or sent free by postat 3 s . and 5 s . each . Of whom , also , may be had , in bottles , at 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 11 s . each , FRANKS'S SPECIFIC "SOLUTION . TESTIMONIALS . From Joseph Henry Green , Esq ., F . B . S ., President of the Koyal College of Surgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to St . Thomas's Hospital ; and Professor of Surgery in King ' s College , London . "I have made a trial of Mr . Franks's Solution of Copaiba , at St . Thomas ' s Hospital , in a variety of cases , and the results warrant my stating , that it ia an efficacious remedy , and one which does not produce the usual unpleasant effects of Copaiba . ( Signed ) " Joseph Henkv Gbbkn . " Lincoln ' s-inn Fields , April 15 , 1835 . " From Bransby Cooper , Esq ., F . R . S ., one of the Council of the ltoyal College of Surgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to Guy ' s Hospital ; and Lecturer on Anatomy , &c . "Mr . Bransby Cooper presents his compliments to Mr . George Franks , and has great pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficacy of his Solution of Copaiba . Mr . Cooper has prescribed the Solution in ten or twelve cases with perfect success . "New-street , April 13 , 1835 . " •» These medicines are protected against counterfeits by the Government Stamp—on which is engraven " Geohuu Franks , Blackfriar 8-road "—being attached to each .
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RUPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED WITHOUT A TRUSS . D R . BARKER still continues to supply tlie afflicted with the celebrated remedy for every variety of single or double rupture , the efficacy of which , in many thousands of cases , is too well known to need comment . It is applicable alike to male or female of any age , perfectly free from danger , causes no pain , inconvenience , or confinement ; and will be sent free by post , with instructions , &c , on receipt of 7 s . in postage stamps , or a Post-office Order , payable at the General Post-office . , Address , Alfred Barker , M . D ., 48 . Liverpool-street , Kmjscross , London . At home for consultation daily from Ten till One , and Four till Eiarht ( Sunday excepted . ) A great number of " trusses have been left behind by patient 9 cured , as trophies of the immense success of this remedy , winch Dr . B . will be happy to give to any requiring them after a trial IMPORTANT AUTHENTIC TESTIMONIALS . " In the five cases I wrote to you about , the remedy has perfectl y succeeded ; send me another for a case of Scrotal Hernia . —John Armstrong , Navy 8 urgeon . " We have witnessed the cure of three cases of rupture l > y ur . Barker ' s treatment , which confirma the remarks we made some time since on the utility of this discovery to those suffering from Hernia . " —Medical Journal . . ' * Your remedy has cured my rupture after everything else had failed . I have used violent exertions since , but there m no sign of its coining down . "—Miss Symmondu , Jiayswater .
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P REVENTION of COUGHS and COLDS . — Persons liable to attacks of Coughs and Colds will entirely escape them by the occasional use of that celebrated remedy . DR . LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS , which have a pleasant taste , and never fail to give instant and permanent freedom from all irritation of the Lungs . One of Dr . Locock ' s Pulmonic Wafers , allowed to dissolve in the mouth , immediately relieves the mo 3 t violent Cough or Cold , and protects Weak Lungs from all the irritation of fogs and frosts . Upwards of 300 cures of Asthma , Consumption , Coughs , &c , have been performed by his medicine ( and published ) during the last twelve months . To SINGERS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS they are invaluable for clearing- and strengthening the voice ; they have a p leasant taste . Price Is . Hd ., as . 9 d ., and Us . per box . Agents—Da Silva and Co ., 1 , Bride-lane , Fleet-street , London . Of whom also may be had , DR . LOCOCK'S FEMALE WAFERS , the only medicine recommended to be taken by Females , have no taste of medicine . Price Is . 1 jd ., 2 s . Ud ., and Us . per box . . ALL PILLS UNDER SIMILAR NAMES ARE COUNTERFEITS .
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BEAUTIFUL HAIR , WHISKERS , EYE . BROWS , &c , may be with certainty obtained by usin >» a very small . portion of ROSALIE COUPELLE'S PARISIAN POMADE , every morning , instead of any oil or other preparation . A fortnight ' use will , in most cases , show irs siirprisiu < r properties in producing and curling Whiskers , Hair . &c ., at any age , from whatever cause deficient ; as also checking grayness , &c . 8 ent free by post , with instructions , &c , on receipt of twent yfour postage stamps , by Miss Coupelle , Ely-place , Holborn , London ; who may be consulted on these matters daily , from two till five o ' clock . TESTIMONIALS . Lieutenant Holroyd , R .. N ., writes : "Its effects are truly as . tonishing ; it has thickened and darkened my hair very much . " Mrs . Buckley , Stapelford : " Your delightful Pomadehas ira . proved my hair wonderfully . " Mr . Yates , hair-dres 3 er , Malton : " The young- man has now a good pair of Whiskers ; I want you to send me two pots for other customers of mine . " Mrs . Lello , Worthing : " I use your Pomade in my nursery , as I find it very useful for children ' s hair also . " DO NOT CUT YOUR CORNS—BUT CURE THEM . Also will be sent ( free ) , on receipt of thirteen stamps , her only safe , speedy , and lasting cure for soft or hard corns , bunions , &c . It cures in three days , and is never failing . Mrs . Hughes , Suubury : "It cured four corns , and three bunions , amazingly quick , and is the best and safest thing I have ever met with . " N Address : MISS COUPELLE , Ely-place , Holborn , London .
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YOURSELF 1 WHAT YOU ARE ! AND WHAT FIX FORi " See yourself as others see you . "—Burns . AN EXTRAORDINARY NUMBER of TESTIMONIALS from all classes , Philosophers , Pee > . Literary Persons , and Divines of every denomination , have hp « , ' rec 3 by the ORIGINAL GRAPHOLOGIST , who contiSS to give her novel and interesting delineations of Character from au examination of the Handwriting , in a style of description peculiarly her own , filling the four pages of a sheet of panl Persons desirous of knowing their true character , or that of an » friend in whom they may be interested , mu 3 t send a 8 pecim eno -i the writing , stating eex and age , or supposed age ( enclosing fifteen postage stamps ) , to MISS GRAHAM , 6 , AMPTOtf 8 TREET , GRAY'S-INN-ROAD , LONDON , and they xvill re " ceive in a few days a minute detail of the gifts , defects , talent / ta « tes , affections , &c , of the writer , with many other thin 4 ' hitherto unsuspected . ° Just published , price Sixpence , ETIQUETTE for the MILLION ; or , the Hand-Book of Courtship and Matrimony . Addressed to all Youn ? People . By Miss Graham , who will forward it post free ( under cover ) on receipt of eight postag-e stamps . "A charming little book . "—Daily JYews . " To all contemplating marriage it is worth its weight in gold . "—Lady ' s Newspaper . "We urge all our readers to possess this treasure . "— Herald . Address—MISS GRAHAM , 6 , AMPTON-STREET , G RAY'S INN-ROAD , LONDON .
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arise from their use . A substitute is provided by MART 1 JN S ELA 8 TIC BODICE , or Anti-Consumption Corset , which is perfectly elastic , is without whalebone , furnishes a good support , is easy and graceful in wear , will wash , is unaffected by heat or cold ; has a simple fastening , obviating the trouble ot lacing . Can be sent post-free for a small additional charge . A prospectus and engraving sent on receipt of . a stamp for postage . — E . and E . H . MARTIN , Surgical Bandage Makers , 504 , Oxford-street , London , near the British Museum .
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BIRTHS . On the 2 nd ult ., at Montreal , Canada , the wife of Captain Kirkland , aide-de-camp to his excellency the lieutenant-general cotnma ^ ding the forces in North America , of a son . On the 24 th ult ., at Bath , the wife of the Reverend T . S . Nelson , of a son . On the 26 th ult ., at Wyke , Surrey , the wife of the Reverend H- F . Cheshire , of a son . On the 28 th ult ., at Hillfield , Hampetead , the wife of the Re-• verend W . D . Fox , of Delamere , of a daughter . On the 28 th ult ., the wife of the Reverend H . G . Liddell , head master of Westminster School , of a son . On the 28 th nit ., at Coningsby , Lincolnshire , the wife of John Rogers , Eeq ., of a daughter . On the 28 th ult ., at Stanmer , the Countess of Chichester , of a son . On the 28 th ult ., at Worcester , the wife of Lieutenant-Colonel St . John , Bombay army , of a son . On the 29 th ult ., at the Philanthropic Farm School , Reclhill , Surrey , the wife of the Reverend Sydney Turner , of a son . On ' the 31 st ult ., in Wilton-crescent , the wife of the Right Honourable T . Milner Gibson , M . P ., of a son . MARRIAGES On the 28 th ult ., at St . George ' s , Hanover-square , Captain A . Pack , Seventh Royal Fusiliers , to Frederica Katharine , second daughter of Colonel the Honourable Hely Hutchinson . On the 28 th ult ,, at St . Mary ' s , Bryanston-square ( by the bride ' s brother , the Reverend Robert Crosse ) , Thos . Campbell Foster , Esq ., barrister , of the Middle Temple , to Isabella , only daughter of Andrew Crosse , Esq ., of Broomfield , Somersetshire , and niece to Colonel Hamilton , late of the Coldstream Guards . On the 24 th ult ., at Upton , Torquay , W . C . Fell , eldext son of the late W . W . Fell , Esq ., of Preston , Lancashire , barrister-atlaw , to Eliza Jane , daughter of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Combe , R . M . On the 2 nd of October , at Benares , East Indies , H . C . Angelo , Esq ., Sixteenth Grenadiers , to Helena , daughter of the Reverend P . M . Cumming . rector of Prior , county of Kerry , Ireland . On the 15 th of November , at Barrackpore , East Indies , Henry Brabazon L ' rmston . Esq ., of the Sixty-second Regiment B . N . I ., ¦ on of the late Sir James Brabazon Urmston , formerly President of the Affairs of the H . E . I . C . in China , to Harriet Elizabeth Hughes , daughter of William Hughet Hughes , Esq ., formerly M . P . for Oxford . On the 28 th ult .. at Ipsley , Warwickshire , the Reverend W . Pulling , fellow and tutor of Brazenose College , and rector of Eastnor , to Henrietta Anne , only daughter of the Reverend T . D . Dolben , rector of Ipsley and Speroall . On the 28 th nit ., at Trinity Church , Bath , by the Venerable the Archdeacon of Rochester , the Reverend Walker King , eldest on of the Archdeacon , to Juliana , eldest daughter of the late Captain Henry Stuart , of the Sixty-ninth Regiment . On the 30 th ult ., Horatio S . Samuel , Esq ., the only surviving ¦ on of Simon Samuel . Esq ., of Gloucester-place , Portman-Bquare , to Henrietta Montefiore , third daughter of II . J . Montefiore , Esq ., of Westbourne-terrace . Hyde-park . On the 31 st ult ., at Warrington , the Reverend J . Cook , LL . B ., of Magdalen College , Cambridge , eldest son of James Cook , Esq ., of Blackheath , to Annabella , fourth daughter of the late John Aldersor ., Esq ., and niece of Sir Richard Puleston , Bart ., of Etnral , Flintshire . On the 31 st ult ., at St . Marylebone Church , the Reverend P . Henry Boissier , eldest son of the Reverend P . Edward Hoissier , incumbent of St . Peter ' s , Malvern-wellB , to Louisa Sophia , only daughter of the Reverend Edward Scobell , M . A ., incumbent of St . Peter ' s . Vere-street , Marylebone . On the 31 st ult ., at Salehurat , Sussex , A . St . John Richardson , E * q ., of the Bombay Civil Service , to Mary Frances , eldest daughter of the Reverend Jacob George Wrench , D . C . L ., vicar of Salehurst . DEATHS . On the 6 th of November , at Ahmednugger , East Indies , in the Deccan , Mrs . Clara Tucker , widow of the late Lieutenant-Colonel W . P . Tucker . Bombay army , On tho lfitli ult ., at Lisbon , on bonrd H . M . S . Retribution , Lieutenant J . S . Darell , R . N ., fourth ton of E . Darell , Esq ., of Calcbill , Kent . On the 22 nd ult ., Mary Philippa Daviea , widow of the late John Ouilleinnrd . K $ q ., of OliiveriMjr , Ka » ex , mid sifter of tho late D . Gilbert , Esq ., niitny year * M . P . for llodmin , uud president of the Royal Society . On the 23 rd ult ., W . li . Sarsflcld Taylor , Esq ., aged 70 , brother of the lute J . Sydney Taylor , Esq ., bairinter-at-law . On the 28 th ult ., in Highbury-park , Aaron Chnpinun , Esq ., lato M . P . for the borough of Whitby , aged HO . On the S 28 t . li ult ., in GlouecntcT-gardens , Penelope , wife of the Reverend JaintH Eyre , aged < i 7 . On the Jt'Jth ult ., at Upper Clapton , the Reverend A . Wella , aged . ) 7 . Oil 2 'Jth ult ., at tho Rectory , St . Petei ' H-ilu-15 ois , Guernsey , nged 74 , tbo Hevcrund T . Brock , M . A ., commitJHary of Guernsey , uud rector of St . eter ' s-du-Uois . On tlio ; tIbt ult ., at ( : in'ls <« , the Honourable am ) Reverend F . I ' oivyn , aged <>'¦?• On thu ~ ' 7 t . h ult ., at Dorney Vicarage , Bucks , tho Reverend I . Bull , rector of Fleet Marstou , ltuckx , ii' / id H . > . On the l ! 8 tli ult ., ut Duimtable , Htaironltihhe , C . Arkwright , On the ' . 'Hill ult ., W . Pinker . Esq ., of Christ ') * College , Cumbridgo . aged ' £ ¦> , only rfon til' W . I ' . uker , lalti of l . iehlield , a niniMHtiutii of the cniiiitii-H of Station ! aiitl Warwick . On the UUtli ult ., in CuiziHi-Btreet , Muy-fuir , W . II . Soguin , Ehi ( ., aged 3 I > . On tbe 30 lli ult ., at Kyde , Inle of Wight , Adelaide , youngest daughter of tin : Keverend William and Mia . Moore , ag . il V £ v e . irn . On the , 'lOtb ult ., at . Stoke , Nottn , It . Bromley , Ertq ., M . P ., oliliiHtHon of Vice-Admirul Sir K . II . Bromley , Bart . On Urn : tOth ull ., at Dover , Haiuh , tho wife of T . Jlaldor . k , commander it . N . On the : tOl . li ult ., ut Hackmiy , aged < J 1 , Mr . E . Coh : batch , formerly of the MiuoricH , and lor forty yearn u mombcr of tho corporation of London . On tho 3 I » t ult .. at tho Vicarage , Northallerton , A . I ) . Mercer , Ym \ . H . N ., age < l % i , ttocond won of tho Uovorend T . Mercor , vieur of Nortliullorton .
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22 ' €% t ULtnOtt ' . [ SATtRD AY ,
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chants-Feb .-4 . D . W ., W . E ., and A . J . Acraman , Bristol , merchants-Jan . 29 , J . F . Taylor , Bakewell , grocer-Jan . 29 , J . Simpson , Mancheater , grocer-Jan . 24 , W . Goodwin , Maccleofleld , manufacturer . ¦ . , . .. CKUTirio / iTKs . —To be granted , unte * s cause be shownto the contrary , on the day of meeting —*** - 24 , T . Tuffield Hoxton Oldto . vri f tallowchandter-Janf 30 , W . Ford , High Holborn , haberdasher-Jan . 29 . T . Clarke . Newport , Monmouthshire grocer-Jan . 88 , B . D . Reeves , Liverpool , wine dealer-Jan . 28 . R . H . Dawaon , Liverpool , wine dealer—Jan . 31 , A . Beard , formerly of Liverpool , wine merchant . 800 TCH Sbqdbsteations . —R . Doutfall , Glasgow , grocer , Jan 7 and 28—D . M'Intyre , Cordan , Island of Arran , shipowner Jan . 7 , Feb . 4—G . R . M'Phail , Broad ford , Isle of Skye , merchant , Jan . 10 and 31—J . Donaldson , Edinburgh , boot-tree maker , Jau . 9 and 30 .
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Stays Superseded.—Stiff Stays Destroy Natural Grace, Produce Deformity, And Implant Disease
STAYS SUPERSEDED . —Stiff Stays destroy natural grace , produce deformity , and implant disease ,
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 4, 1851, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1864/page/22/