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INTENDING LIFE ASSURERS are respectfully invited to compare the Principles , Rates , and - * whole Provisions of the SCOTTISH PKOVIDENT INSTITUTION with those of a- > y other existing Coffipitiy . ThP WHOLE PROFITS are divisible among the Assured , who are , at the same time * specially exempt ftam personal liability . It xae thus possesses an obvious advantage over any Proprietary Company . As compared with other Mutual Offices , it claims superiority in the following particulars : — f tJWTvitllMS AT EARLY AND MIDDLE AGES ABOUT A FOURTH LOWEB . ( See below . )* 0 ^ MORF ACCURATE ADJUSTMENT OP TttE RATES OF PREMIUM TO THE SEVKRAL AGES . 1 A PRINCIPLE INTHE DIVISION OF THE SURPLUS MORE SAFE , EQUITABLE , AND FAVOURABLE TO GOOD T IVES ¦ < * ¦¦' " ¦ Bi ^ i ^ l ^^ S oKil ^ SJtag % ™*^ ffi £ *™ ££ D * * ender POWGIE 6 INDISPUTABLE EXCEPT * I . ANNITAL PREMIUMS FOR jglOQ WITH WHOLE PROFITS . Age . id | 25 _|_ 30 . _ l _ 35 | 40 | 45 | 50 | 5 " 5 ~ "Si IS 8 I 1 18 * 0 | a 1 6 | a 6 10 | 2 14 9 | 3 J 9 | 4 1 7 | 5 fll II ANNUAL gBSMIOMS FO& £ 100 , WITH WHOLH PROFITS , PAYABLE FOR TWENTY-ONE TfEABS ONLY . Age 30 | 39 | 30 | 35 | 4 ) | 45 | 50 £ TT ~ L 3 10 . 3 ' _ g 14 6 I 2 19 8 | 3 6 4 . | 3 14 9 | 4 7 2 INVESTMENT AND FAMILY PROVISION . PROVISION FOR ADVANCED AGE . At nresent when Interest is so low . attention is invited to the To Clergymen , or other professional men , and to all whose inwnHpnfiTKP ASSURANCE BY siiSGLE PAYMENTS , and come is dependent on the continuance of health , the Directors ^ the Deculiariv advantageous tferms on which it can be effected recommend attention to the scale of DEFERRED ANNUITIES . n the y which are calculated on very advantageous terms . The following opnTTTSiH PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION . are examples of the bCOlllbli i'ttUViur . wi ftO ; ; 1 « 1 ANNUAL PREMIUM for ANNUITY of £ 50 , commencing at By this mode a person may assure a Policy for £ 1000 . tfie flowing- ages : — £ 8 . d . , , ¦ : ; If aged 30 , for a 8 ingle Payment of . 36 » 0 0 Age Age at which Annuity is to commence . ai ? ed 40 ... i 428 7 6 at 2 - — a | ed 50 . 53116 8 Entry . 50 55 I 60 65 At his death his family will receive the £ 1000 , with additions ^ £ 9 ~~ 5 ~ 0 £ 5 ~ 16 8 £ 3 10 0 £ l 19 11 from the profits , on the very favourable principle of this Society . ^ 12 17 1 7 18 4 4 14 2 2 1 * 11 While he lives he has it in his power to borrow a sum nearly 3 q 18 12 1 11 I 8 6 8 9 8 11 3 equal to his payment , on the security of the Policy , and increas- „ ,. 28 13 9 16 a 1 905 4184 ing yearly with its Value , without any expense , and at a mode- . ___ frate rate of interest . Thus an Annuity of £ 50 may be secured for a person now aged Assurances may be effected in this way , varying-in amount 25 , to commence on his attaining age 60 , and payable half-yearly rom £ 50 to £ 5000 . during life , for an Annual Premium of £ 1 14 s . 2 d . For those who have stilt before them the duty of securing for their families a competent provision in case of their premature death , the ordinary mode of Life Assurance by Annual Premiums , payable during life , or for a limited number of years , is undoubtedly most suitable ; but to those who have already made such provision , the systems now brought under notice are recommended , —the former , as combining a favourable Investment for spare capital with the benefit of Life Assurance , and this on the most economical terms : and the latter as a means of securing a provision for the member himself in his declining years . During last year 587 Policies Were opened , —above 4000 having been issued siuce the commencement of the Institution . Forms of Proposal , Prospectus , Copies of the Annual Reports , and every information , will be forwarded free , on application at the Head Office In Edinburgh ; or at THE OFFICE IN LONDON , 12 . MOOEGATE-STREET . GEORGE GRANT , Agent and Secretary for London .
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QWEDENBORG ; A BIOGRAPHY . O Price 5 s ., cloth boards . By J . J . G . Wilkinson , M . R . C . S . SCIENCE FOR ALL * Price Is . By the same Anther . London : W . Newbery , 6 , King-street , Holborn .
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A N ENQUIRY into ihe PHILOSOPHY and RELIGION of SHAKSPEARE . By W . J . BiROH ; M . A ., New Inn Hall , Oxon , Author of the " Real and Ideal . " Lettered , in cloth , price 4 s . " A curious and even an attractive book . It is pervaded by a distinct put-pose , sustained by Zealand industry The defence of ' Othello against the charge of ' Iago's' insufficiency of motive , atld the estimate of ' Cas&io's' character , exhibit thought and criticism . "—Spectator . " This Is one of the most marvellous book 3 produced in the nineteenth century . The author is In earnest , and his book is a serious and awe-inspiring work . " —Tablet . ' The task of testing the great bard ' s religious sentiments in a manner most legitimate , has been ably accomplished by Mr . Birch . The book throws much additional light On the real structure of Shakspeare ' s mind . " —Weekly Dispatch . " Mr . Birch ' s attempt is to remove the veil that wraps the poet , Curious to see whether or not his countenance ' shineth as that of angel . ' This unveiling Mr . Birch does with a daring , but agentfe hand . "—Leamington Courier . " Mr . Birch ' s book is an elaborate and systematic exposition of the natural history of Shaknpere's opinions—eloquent with facts , minute in analysis , faithful in detail , and impartial in execution . It is an anodyne to the parched spirit to turn to the fresh pages of Mr . Birch—redolent of a manly and dignified criticism , which keeps close to truth and disdains to pander to omnipotent opinion . "—Reasoner . C . Mitchell , Red Lion-court , Fleet-street , London .
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MEETING OF PARLIAMENT . The Third Edition of "THE SUN " will be found highly interesting during the present extraordinary Session of Parliament . The THIRD EDITION will contain the DEBATES of the SAME EVENING up to the HOUR of POST ; also , SPORTING of every description , with TATTERSALL'S on Monday and Thursday Evenings in time for Post ; with the GAZETTES of Tuesday and Friday , containing Army and Navy Promotions , Bankrupts * &c , and ALL NEWS arriving in London up to the Hour of Post . E X P R E S S E ~ D I T I O N S ON ALL IMPORTANT OCCASIONS . Orders received by all Newsagents , and at the Sun Office , 112 , Strand . Sun Office , 112 , Strand , January , 1851 .
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ALL POLICIES INDISPUTABLE . SOVEREIGN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 49 , St . Jamea ' s-street , London . TRU 8 TEES . The Right Hon . the Earl Talbot I B . Bond Cabbell , Esq ., M . P . Henry Pownall , Esq . | Sir R . Claude Scott , Bart . DIRECTORS . Chairman—Lieut .-Colonel Lord ARTHUR LENNOX . Deputy-Chairman—T . C . GRAINGER , Esq ., M . P ., &c . John Ashburner , Esq ., M . D . Sir James Carmichael , Bart , T . M . Batard , Esq . John Gardiner , Esq . J . P . Bathurst , Esq . Charles Osboru , Esq . C . Farebrother , Esq ., Aid . Assurances granted on the lives or persons in every station of life , and every part of the world , on peculiarl y favourable terms . Policies issued to secure an amount on attaining a certain age , or on death , should it occur previously . Immediate annuities granted on liberal terms , affording- great advantage to persons of limited income . Deferred annuities may be purchased At rates which secure a return of the whole or part of the premiums paid , in case the age at which the annuity is to commence be not attained . Also endowments oh widows and children . All the Company ' s engagements are guaranteed by an ample subscribed and paid-up capital . Prospectuses and the neccstaay forms of propoaal , with every information , may be obtained on application , either personally or by letter , at the Company ' s offices . A liberal commission allowed to solicitors and agents in every branch of business . H . D . DAVENPORT , Sec .
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BEWARE OF DANGEROUS IMITATIONS . Sufferers are earnestly cautioned against dangorouB imitations of these Pills by youthful , recently-started ten-shilling quacks , who assume the title of Doctor , forge testimonials , and dare to infringe the proprietors right , by advertising a spurious compound under another name , the uftoof which can only bring annoyauoe and disappointment . PAINS IN THE BACK . GBAVKL , RH EUMATISM , GOUT , LUMBAGO , INDIGESTION , DEBILITY , &o , &c . T ^ R . DE ROOS' COMPOUND RENAL ¦ M-J PILLS have , in many inotiincaft , effected a oure when all other means had failed , and arc acknowledged by the faculty as the only eafe remedy for th « above dangerous complhintB , and u ^ eases of the Kidneys , and organs therewith connected , generally , resulting from whatevur cause , which , If neglected , frequently end in atone in the bladder , and a lingering death 1 It m an eHtubliahed faot that moit catea of Gcut and KhelunaUfim occurring after middle age are combined with these diseases ; how necessary ie U , then , that pnriom thu « afflicted should at oiioe attend to these important matters . By the salutary action of these Pills on acidity of the stomach , the ^ Correct Bilo anil Innigeetlon , purity and promote the Renal secretions , thereby preventing- the formation of rttone , and establishing for life a healthy performance of the function * of these oiyana . May be obtained through nil medicine venders in the kingdom . « Is . 14 , 1 ., tf » . M , 4 s . tki ., and 1 It ., Jier box i or should any difficulty occur they will be sent fre # , with full instructions for Una , on receipt of the prim In postage stamps , by Dr . l ) e Roob . -lOBtimoiuidis . to test the genuineness of which Dr . Do Boon fcolicit * enquiry from the persona thetnaelvea : — llobert JoluiHon , Ludlam-ittreet , Bradford- * - ' Your valuable l > ill » have so improved my friend in Scotland , that he ban solicited we to send him another box , AB he feoln aatmred Unit it will eurn niijh 1 you and Ute our Hamea m you think proper , that others uttering may be convinuad of th « lr vrtlu«—Direct to Mn John E V t leaver , * " =. , KinroM , 8 ootl « nil . " 41 1 . I * V ¥ hllin . Burw «» I ~ " I am happy to any that the jterson , uioii ffh ho ha « taken only one bo * . i » a wonderful deal better , * na will recommend them to » ny ono ho ¦ uHerirnr . " AddrcHji , WALTER I ) K ROOS , M . D ., 3 ft . Ely-Place , Holbornnlll , London . Hours : Ten till Ono . And Four till l £ i # ht » Sunday oxcepted , uiiIchh by proVtonu arfuhgCrnnnt To prevent fraud on the pnMlc by unprincipled persons . «» Je * tjri Hoirottrabla OrMutnlmtonwr * or Stunips hhVe diroctftd « h « nmrtnaof th * Prop-Motor to he engraved On tha Government SinUTi * ££ . W hhl Medicine * In tvhlt « letter * on * red Ifniond , Without which none in tfonulna .
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DIVISION OF PROFITS . ALBION LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LONDON . Instituted in 1805 . DIRECTORS . JOHN HAMPDEN GLEDSTANES , Esq ., Chairman . CHARLE 8 RUSSELL , Esq ., Deputy Chairman . Thomas Starling- Benson , Esq . Thomas William Clinton Mur-James W . Bosanquet , Esq . dock , Esq . Frederick Burmester , Esq . David Riddall Roper , Esq . John Contngrham , Esq . Edward Stewart , Esq . Frederick D . Danvers , Esq . Francis Wilson , Esq . At the last Division of Profits ( 1849 ) , every policy-holder insured upon the Participating 8 cale of Premium became entitled to a return of one-fifth of all the premium he had paid , either in the form of an Immediate Cash payment , or by Augmentation of the Sum Insured , or Reduction of the future Premium . The next division will take place In 1852 , when every Policy effected on or before 30 th April next will entitle the holder to a larger share of the divisible surplus than if effected after that date . Amongst other adVantag-es secured t 6 policy-holders in this Company , are—alow rate of premium at the younger ag-es ; the payment of the snm insured at the end of thirty days after proof of death ; and the liberty of residing in many parts of North America , the Cape , New Zealand , and Australia , without any extra charge except for 8 ea-risk . For Forms ol Proposal , Prospectuses , &c , apply to any of the Company's Ag-ents , or to John lb CArrELAitf , Actuary and Secretary .
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ANOTHER 8 URPEI 8 INQ CURE OF A 8 THMA BY DR . LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS . — From Mr . William Bowen , Cartlett , Ilaverfordwest . " Sir , —Having been afflicted for many years with a violent cough and Bothnia , and having tried all other medicines in vnin , I was recommended to try Dr Locock ' s Wafers . I sent for a box , and , to my great astonishment , I found relief in the very first night , and have continued to get better ever since . Their effects are really wonderful . My appetite it * now good , whereas formerly 1 could scarcely keep my food on my Dtomuch . ( Binned ) " William Bowbn . " Price Is . ljd ., 8 e . 9 d ., anil 11 s . per box . Asfentu : Da Silva and Co ., 1 , Bride-lane , Fleet-street , London . Sold by all medicine venders . Alao DR . LOCOCK'S FEMALE WAFERS , tho only medicine recommended to be taken by ladies . Have no tatito of medicine . DEWARE OF IMITATIONS IN THE FORM OF PILLS . "
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T ^ RENCH ENGINEERING . —TheARTIZAN , X ? No . 97 , for February , price Is , contains : —Plates of a Portable Pumping Engine , by M . Mazeline , and of Mine Lifting Machinery used in Wale 3—Notes on the Grimsby Docks—Construction of Rollers for Paper Machinery—Agricultural Engineering : Turner ' s Roller Mill—Pirn ' s and Fernihough ' s New Boilers—How's Filter—Thompson ' s Ball Valve—Riddle's Latch Bolt—Lambert ' * Economic Lamp—Practical Queries from the Workshop—Armstrong on Boilers—Calvert on Bleaching Cotton and Flax—Application of Chemistry to the Industrial Arts—Distilling Meroury by High-pressure Steam—Keinsch ' s Process for Coating Iron with Copper—RaWeon oil the Screw Propeller—Macintosh ' s Flexible Steel Screw as applied to the Fairy Yacht —Dimensions of the Africa , Ganges , Singapore , and other new Steamers—The Eastern Ste « m Navigation Company—Association for Trying the Effect of Shot on Iron Vessel *—Statistics of Ship-building at Greenock and on the Wear—The Great Smoke Question at Liverpool — American Patents—Art Schools in France—Metal Price List—New Patents and Registrations , &c . May be had of any Bookseller , or free for eighteen stamps of the Publisher , 69 , Cornhill .
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BEAUTIFUL HAIR , WHISKERS , EYEBEOWS . te ., may be with certainty obtained by using a very small portion of 1 IO 8 AL 1 K COUPKLLK'H PARISIAN POMADE , every inorniiig . iriLtead of any oil or other preparation . A fortnight ' s mho will , in n » o « t ciweB , show its BUirprisiiig propertied in producing and curling Whiskers , Hair . Jtec , nt any age , from tvh » tuver oauae deficient ; » n also checking grayneus . &c . Bent free by post , with instructions , he , on receipt of twentyfour postage tampti , by Minn ConpoHn . Kly »|> l » co , Holborn , London ; who may be consulted on these matters daily , from two till five o ' clock . T » 8 TIWONIA ) U 1 . Lieutenant Holroyd , H . N ., writes : ' Itti efTecta nro truly astonishing ; It has thickened ittid darkened my hair vary much . " Mra . Buckley . H tit no I ford : " Your delightful Pomade has ' improved my hnlr Wonderfully . " Mr . Yut « 8 , hair- < lre » e « r , Mai ton : ' The young tnan has now a £ 9 <> d pair of VVhUkerai 1 want you to HClidin * two |> oU tor other ctiHtoiuera of nuue . " Mra . Lello , Worthing- ; * ' I ubo vo » r l'omude in my nursery , uh 1 And it very useful for ohildrcti ' a hftlr nlst > . " DO NOT OUT YOUH tiOHNS—BUT OURE THEM . Alao will bo neiii ( free ) , uii receijrt of thirteen fltampt , her only Hdfe , uperdy . and Ustirrg oure for soft or hart ! Cortii , bunlotiH , &c . It curon in three day a , und is never falling ' . Mrs . HughcH , Sitnbury : "It oured f < vur oornv , and thr « e biinioMH , uinnzlngly quick , uhd it ) tho bust und safeut thing 1 havo over met with . " AUdre » s : MIS 8 COUPfiLLE , Kly-pUoe , ttolfcorn , London .
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TWELVE THOUSAND VOLUMES PER ANNUM Is the present rate of increase at MTTDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY , 28 , UPPER KING-STREET , BLOOMSBURY-SQUAUE . This supply comprises from Twenty to Two Hundred and Fifty CopieH of all the beat New Works . Fresh copies are added daily of Macaulay ' s England—Lay » nl ' n Nineveh—Alinon ' n Essays—Curzon ' s Levant—Browning ' s Christ . inaB Eve — Bailey ' s Angel World—The Lives of the Chief JusticeH—of ChahnerBSouthey , &c . —Murray ' s Audalncia—Modern l ' aintura—Woman in Franco—Reginald Hastings—The Village Notary — The Caxtons—Margaret Mailland—The Ways of the Hour—Antonina , &c , Sec . SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION—ONE GUINEA PER ANNUM . The best and ne \ v « 8 t Works urn exchanged weekly , carriage free , in every part of London and itH neighbourhood , at Two Guineas per- annum . Country Subscription—fifteen vols . all new , or twenty-four vols . six months nfli ' r publication—Five ( i'iiincas per Aniiiim . Liteniry Institutions und ltook tSocicties wupplit-d . A poat-ofllci ! order , payable to (; h : ttleu Edward Mudie , will secure an iiiiinediiitt ; supply . CA N T E R B U H Y versus ROM E , BY ERNEST JON EH . No . : i ( price 2 ( 1 . ) of these Lectures appiNii ' H this day . Contents : —Tho Legal Church , its Work . No . 4 , on dhlurday , the 8 th instant . Contents—The Lc ^' . il Chiuoh , its Wngct .
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On Saturduy , the 15 th instant , -will appear the ( lrsit number ( price Two Vmiv . u ) of POEMS . By EitNiiHT Joniw . ( . 'ONITINT . S . THE NEW WOULD . A Democratic Poem . Parti . —NoteH to th » . People . ThfHe I'oeuiH will bi ; |> ul > liHhcd in Hix Weekly N uiriberw , of Twenty-four pa ^ cs eucli ; T wel ve pu ^ i'H iiio . u-. h number will bo devoted to tho Pnet ' oul Purt , and printed in double eoluunin , making the number equivalent , to TIllRTY-ftlX PAGES . The subsequent numlx-iH will coiituin : — BKLDAGON OHURCIt . A Ri'li ^ iouH Poem . THE PAINTER of FLORENCE . A DomuBtic l ' oeui . THE 1 JLACIC J ( TRY . A Poliiicnl I ' oom . WESTMINSTER PRISON . Dedicated to the ExileH und 1 'riHoiierH of ' 4 H . And to fiich will bo appended , NOTES to the PEOPLE . All ortluru to bu addruuuud to Mr . Edwurd Di |> j > l * , 8 lrundk London .
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I Feb . 1 , 1851 . ] ® fr * & * && **» 115
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Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 1, 1851, page 115, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1868/page/19/