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NEW WORKS . THE COTTON AND COMMERCE OF INDIA ; CONSIDERED IN RELATION TO THE INTERESTS OF GREAT BRITAIN . With Remarks on Railway Communication in the Bombay Presidency . By JOHN CHAPMAN , Founder and late Manager of the Great India Peninsular Railway Company . 8 vo ., cloth , 12 s . " Promises to be one of the most useful treatises that have question of supply , production , and prices of cotton in India , as been furnished on this important subject . . It is distinguished well as the commercial and financial questions connected Witn n , by a close and logical style , coupJed with an accuracy of detail are ably treated /'— Morning Chronicles ¦ which will in a great measure render it a text-book . " —Times , «« Written by an intelligent , painstaking , and well-informed January 22 , 1851 . gentleman . . . Nothing can be more correct than his views , so " Mr . Chapman ' s great practical knowledge and experience of far as they extend ; his Burvey and character of districts ; nis the subject on which he treat 3 has enabled him to collect an conclusions as to the supply the earth can yield ; and nis asse ^ r amount of information , founded upon facts , tuch as , we believe , lion that the cost of transit is with Indian cotton the nrst ana has never before been laid before the public . The all-important ruling element of price . "—Daily News . NEW WORK BY MISS MARTINEAU AND ME . ATKINSON . LETTERS ON THE LAWS OP MAN'S NATURE AND DEVELOPMENT . By H . G . ATKINSON and HARRIET MARTINEAU . Post 8 vo ., cloth , 9 s . ' SOCIAL STATICS ; OR , THE CONDITIONS ESSENTIAL TO HUMAN HAPPINESS SPECIFIED , AND THE FIRST OF THEM DEVELOPED . By HERBERT SPENCER . 8 vo ., cloth , 123 . SOC IAL ASPECTS . By JOHN 8 T 0 RES SMITH , Author of " Mirabcau , a Life History . " Post 8 vo ., cloth , 6 s . " This work is the production of a thoughtful mind and of an ardent and earnest spirit . ... It is well deserving of a perusal in extenso by all those who reflect on so important a theme as the future destiny of their native country . "— Mbrning Chronicle . LECTURES ON SOCIAL SCIENCE AND THE ORGANIZATION OF LABOUR . By JAMES HOLE . Demy 8 vo > , stiff cover , 2 s . &L LONDON : JOHN CHAPMAN , 142 , STRAND .
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I TblRASER'S MAGAZINE for FEBRUARY — I « F ' , Price Ss ; 6 d ., or by Post , 3 s ., contains : 1 . Londonin 1851 . ' 2 . German Quarrels and Unities . 3 . The Age of Veneer . Chap . II . 4 . Thrieve Castle , Galloway . 5 . Scramble among the Pyrenees in the Autumn of 1850 u _ Colonel C . O'Donoghue , F . N . 8 . w ' B 7 6 . Mr . and Mrs . Browning . 7 . Phantoms and Realities . An Autobiography . H Noon 8 . The Search for 8 ir John Franklin , « . « oon . 9 . Leaves from the Note Book of a Naturalist . 10 . "Lord Holland ' s Reminiscences . 11 . Foreign Competition and British Agriculture . London : John W . Parker , West Strand .
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This day is published , price 2 sT < $ d " ~—THE PROSPECTIVE REVIEW . A Quarterly Journal of Theology and Literature . No irxtf February , 1 * 51 . ' A >> " Bespice , Aspice , Prospice . "—St . Bernard , CONTENTS . ART . 1 . —Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs . II . —Maurice ; " The Church a family . " III . —A Vindication of Unitarianism . IV . —Europe since the Reformation . V . —Wordsworth : " The Prelude . " London : John Chapman , 142 . Strand .
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HE BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW " No . XXV ., price 6 s ., February 1 , contains ;— - ' 1 . Bom ' s . Campaign in Transylvania . 8 . the Chemistry of the Sunbwun . 3 . The Mountaineer , of the Atlas . 4 . Egypt under the Pharaohs . 5 . Buflon—his Life and Writings . 0 . Central America . 7 . The Universities * Commission . 8 . Italy , Germany , and Ewuhuad . 9 . Quekett on the Microscope . 10 . England and the Papacy . 11 . Criticisms on Books , &c . London : Jackson and Walford , 18 , St . Paul ' * Churchyard ; and Simpkin , Marshall , and Co ., Stationers' Hall-court .
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This day is published , in post 8 vo .. price Is . 6 d . POPERY : BRITISH and FOREIGN . By Walter Savage Landob . London : Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly ( late 186 , Strand ) .
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This day , Octavo , One Shilling , ^^ MARRIAGE WITH A WIFE'S SOMp : the substance of an Article in Prater's HhjKP January , 1850 . With tome Additions . By Edmum ^ WPHFI Denison , M . A . London : John W . Parker , West Strand .
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THE FIRST HISTORY < rfjMB | kx |) tiut should be placed in the fcajSgpKgHKTr ^ By Miss CQKlWK ^ Ty ^ 3 s . 6 d . cloth , gilt edges , sides , andlpfc . jpWBty-fsur Pages of Blatoa . - '• ¦ Published on January !^ ' ¦ MISS CORNER'S ACCtJRAJjKE J ^ OTORY of GREECE , from accepted modern ) &n «^ aMfc ! j § 5 j ^ a , authorities , such as Grote , Thirl wall , AmitnS MUqnMw > & « v&c . Questions will be attached to « aeh' * frwjfifc' anffitjif plan and style adopted , which has met with % t » arajymSia in her Hiatory of Borne . Thus forming the tweUCbiMMMMdudiiiir volume of CORNER'S ACCURATE HISTOIHSfc ^ tMltois afi d family reading . Each History complete in iMiaL Tato whole forming a perfect History of Europe , commeOaMf at the earliest periods and continued down to the present tfeave , UiMvc / rtwy acknowledged by the press as a real acquisition to educational' literature . . ¦ , . , These Histories form a complete History of Europe , and are eminently adapted to educational purpose * , ail has bten strongly and repeatedly asserted by the public press . CORNER'S HISTORY of ENGLAND and WALE 8 , with Five Plates , Map , and Chronological Table . 3 * . 6 d . bound ; or with the Questions . 4 s . CORNER ' S HISTORY of UPLAND , with Three Plates and a Map , 2 s . 6 d . ; or with the QtttMfans attached , 3 » ., bound in cloth . > Mk 4 ) ' - > f CORNER'S HISTORY of SCOTiMM ) , with Three Plates , a Map . and Chronological TabW ^ ETw ^ y or with the Qaeitions attached , 3 s ., bound in cloth . ¦ '* . CORNER'S HISTORY of FRANfjfe / with Three Historical Plates and n Map . 2 s . 6 d . ; or with the Questions attached , 3 s ., bound in cloth . CORNER'S HISTORY of SPAIN afad PORTUGAL ,, with Three Plates and a Map . to . < M . bound ; or with the Questions attaohed , 3 s ., bound . OORNER' 8 HISTORY of ROME * from accepted English and Foreign authorities , as Maepnerton ' a Annals of Commerce , KeighUey ' s Roman History , Smith ' s and Adam ' s Greek and Uoman Antiquities , Dr . Arnold , Neibuhr , & < j . With QiMtUom to each Chapter , a Chronological Table , and a Map of the Roman Empire , 3 s . Gd . bound in cloth , lettered . A detailed Prospectus of the Twelve Hiatorlei , by Mils Corner , may be had for distribution , free , on application . Just published , with illustrations , price li . tewed , or Is 6 d bound , the sixth edition , enlarged , of the PLAY GRAMMAR by Mils Corner ; also , at the imie price , with Man EVERY * CHILD'S HISTORY of ENGLAND . P , * . v * . i * x PAPA and MAMMA'S EASY LESSONS in GEOGUAPHY . With numerous illustration *; price U paper cover , and la . 6 d . cloth . Hy Anna Maria Harfeaot after the same etyle and manner as Mias Corner ' s Play Grammar . CHARLES BUTLER'S GUIDE to USEFUL KNOWLKDGB ; an Kaiiy Catechism of the most Useful Information , Is . Cd . bound In cloth . CH ARLE 8 BUTLER'S EASY GUIDE to GEOGRAPHY , und Ubu o « the Ulobes , seven Mana «» . or without the Maps and the Use of the Globes , Is . 0 < l . boundf" wiUlout tandon : Dean and Son , Threwlneedle-atroQt ; Longman , Bnnpkn . HumUton . «» d Whittukur . Pat « r ., o » u . r-row-T » rk ' Queen-Btre « t , Oheapiido ; Aolcerman , Strand ; and all Mwifneiicrs .
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NEW WORKS Preparing" for Publication by CHAPMAN ANDIIALL , 193 , PICCADILLY . I . A Library Kdition , in crown 8 vo .. of rpHE POKMSand DRAMAS of SIR EDWARD A UULWKK LYTTON . Baiit . Now first collected . N . B . This Kdition will include eeveial pieces not hitherto published , mid those that have appeared before will receive the Author ' 8 last corrections and revisal . Kach Vol . will bo illustrated with an appropriate Vignette Title , and Vol . I . will contain , in addition , a 1 ' ortrait of tlit : Author , from a painting' by Daniki . Maomhu , Ebij ., ll . A . ir . THE LIFE of WILLIAM PRNN . By W . IIki'wokth Oixon . Author of" The Life of Howard , " &c . In olio vol ., post Hvo ., with a Portrait . 111 . ITALY in 1848 . Uy L . Mauiotti . One vol ., post 8 vo . THE ERNE and ito LEGENDS . A PISHING TOUIt in 1 KKI . AN 1 ) . In one vol ., post 8 vo ., with Plateu and Mtip . V . THE PASSIONS of ANIMALS . By Edwaud P . ThomI'hon . Author of tlio " Note-Hook of a NatUralllt . " In one vol ., pcist Hvo ., with 1 'lateH . VI . THE ANCIENT BRITONS . In one vol ., crown Hvo ., with Woodcuts . VII . A PANORAMA of tlio INDUSTRY of all NATIONS . Uy Uioiiahi ) Doyi . k . Folded iu a Cate . Plain and Coloured . VIII . CHILDHOOD'S HOMES . By Mhs . BAnwiar ,. Author o < " Little LcauoiiH . " " Nura < iry Oovcrnmcnt , " &c . With JlhibtriitioiiH , fcup ., Hvo . ( Jliapinun uikI Hull , VXi , Picciulilly ( late 186 , Strand ) .
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PERIODICALS FOB FEBRUARY . PENNY MAPS . Part VII . Containing Four Maps of France , in a Wrapper . Price 4 £ d . plain , or 8 £ d . coloured . THE DALTONS ; or , THREE ROADS IN LIFE . By Charles Lever . No . 10 . Price Is . Illustrated by Phiz . THE BARONIAL HALLS . No . 11 . Price 2 s . 6 d . Re-issue , in super-royal 4 to . THE JOURNAL OF DESIGN AND MANUFACTUllES . No . 24 . Price Is . With numerous Fabric Patterns and Illustrations . WORKS OF SIR E . BULWER LYTTON , Bart . Cheap Edition . Part 43 . Price 7 d . ( Night and Morning , Part 4 . ) BECK'S FLORIST , FRTJITIST , AND GARDEN MISCELLANY . No . 38 . Price 18 . With a Coloured Illustration and Woodcuts . NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE . No . 362 . Price 3 s . Cd . Edited by W . Harjiison Ainswojith , Esq . AINSWORTH'S MAGAZINE . No . 109 . Price 2 s . 6 d . London : Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly ( late 186 , 8 trand ) .
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W \ E PORQUETS Twenty-first Edition , just out , JL / of his MODERN PARISIAN PHRASEOLOGY .-The gHMtaale of this Book proves that the plan adopted in it * arnuajaaMat JM * U the approbation of all parties who have seen it . '&fm Moot « i | o contains a number of easy Dialogues . Price Ja . M . London : Published for the Author , Tavistock-street . Corentparden , by 8 impkin , Marshall , and Co . ; of whom may be had the whole of Fen wick de Porquet ' s Publications .
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PIE PORQUET'S- » VLLABAIRE PAKISIEN , JL / or Modern French BatUiMg . Fourteenth Edition . This Book contains the correct Pronunciation of all the letters , easy Spelling' and Reading LejMona , a Small Grammar , and a collection of Short Phraaes for beginners , being three books in one . Price 2 s . 6 d . London : Published for the Author , Tavistock-stvect , Coventgard « n , by Simpkin , Marshall , and Co . ; of whom may be had the whole of Fenwiek de Porquet ' s Publications .
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TO FRENCH MASTEES , SCHOOL ^ . AN D FAMILl JiS ^ EA 8 Y FRENCH GRA ^ WAR . Just published , carefully revised , with fttfpiou * Exercises , the Eighteenth Edition of DE PORQUET'S NEW PARISIAN GRAMMAR . 3 s . 6 d . This Grammar is by for the easiest , bc . th to Pupil and Teacher , ever yet published . It carefully aud , imperceptibly , without fatiguing , instils into the Pupil ' s mind a Grammatical and Conversational Knowledge of both the Languages . KEY to EXERCISES in ditto , Is . Also , CONVERSATIONAL EXERCISES to the above . 3 a . 6 d . London : Published for the Author , Tavistock-atreet , Coventgarden , by Simpkin , Marshall , and Co . ; of whom maybeUad the whole of Fenwiek de Porquet ' s Publications . _
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DE PORQUET'S Eighteenth Edition , just out , of his FIRST FRENCH READING BOOK , beinp a collection of simple and instructive Histories « f Eminent reasons , 8 uch as Mozart . Henry Kirk Whire , Charles the Mltn , Napoleon , Cromwell , Wolgey , 8 co ., carefully arranged for children . Price 2 s . 6 d . London : Published for the Author , Tavistock-street , Co ventgarden , by Simpkin . Marshall , aod Co ., of whom may be Had me whole of Fenwiek de Porquet ' s Publications . _
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DE PORQUET'S NOUVELLES CONVEB-9 ATI 0 N 8 PARI 8 IENNES ; being Specimens of Cauaerle * des Salons ; a very useful book for Families , 8 chool « , or I er *» n » Travelling on the Continent , the Conversations being wen selected for Instruction and Amusement at any and ull times . Price 3 s . 6 d . ' nf London : Published for the Author , Tavistock-street , Covenigarden , by Simpkin , Marshall , and Co . ; of whom may be lisa w « whole of Fenwiek de Porquet ' s Publications .
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Thin < luy , pricu 1 h ., OU It S T A T K O II U R C II : — i . hi kn <; lani > . II . ( n llti ; i . AN ]> . III . la HCOTl . ANU . IV . In WAI . 1 CH . " 1 ho Cluiicli iiH it . now » tuiuUi , no liiiumn power can savo . "Vr . Attwld . London : \ , Creocent , JJlackfriurs ; und JJunjumin L . Green , Pateriioutvi-row .
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Lately published . 12 mo ., 3 s . 6 d ., cloth lettered , T 7 ENWICK DE PORQUET'S ITALIAN JL GRAMMAR ; or , Ghammatioa Romana , ^ rth " . n ' ifof English Pupils . With copious Colloquial Exercise * . «« £ " whfch is headed with Examples on the prrceding &ule ? - ' Table * of all Irregular Verbs , in which those in BH't ' « £ »" „ , short lutve beon so classed as to be esslly retained . *'" e partly on tho plan of the Pauihian GkammaK , l » y «• «« - JU Author , and according to the luteat authoritieB , viz ., ^ orllu Veneroni , Vergani , Blagioli , &c , &c . A KEY to DITTO , with Grammatical Anno ~ TION 8 , for Self-Tuition . Umo ., 3 s . fld ., cloth l ettered . FENWICK DE PORQUET'S MODERN KEY to the ITALIAN LANGUAGE , with Easy ^ oinposiUoni t , ^ tended na ( Conversational Exercises for acquiring a it * P' . t (| Practical Knowledge of the Italian Tongue , ttmo .. 3 : oa .. lettered . ^_ London : Published for the Author , Tavistock-street , c »* tlie garden , by Simpkin . Marshall and Co . ; of whom may « " »" whole of Fenwiek do Porquet s Publications . » rrx = rr
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'r 116 © ft * QLt&ttt . [ Saturday , & *» . I , 18 &j ,
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London i I' . lnud by Kobi . t IUi . mh ( of No . 8 . Chepito « r . terr « ce . Bl | r « H » l < of KeD . liiBton , Middlesex ) , at the Offlco of lto . ' V .,. h of Hi . Joiepli Clayton , No . 10 , Crane-court . rieet- « tr « et , in «• ' m ' . Joi" " J ) uu » lMi-hi-tlio-We « l , in the City of London j » nd published uy ^ tJ (> Ci . »« Ti > N , Junr . of and at the fublUhinr-offlce , No . »<>»» " " ! ,. lull »<» farltliot Ht . Clmn . iil l > aua > , iu the City « f W «» t" » U «»» - " * fatinury 1 , | S 6 | .
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To all whom it may concern t J Now in the Prnw , to be issued on the "' it irl ' iMwrfi . 1851 . Price Js . i , . TTOICES qf FREEDOSr , and jUKJUCS of V DOVB ! A Volume « TPomml . ByT . 6 ** AI . d MASSBY / WoAnBjiiii . Some said , " DoVt print them . ToA " 6 $ SS | KaiL"T « a !" Some said , " They might do good . " 'tUMv ^^^ gm ^ . " , Publithed by J- Watson , 3 , Queen ' * * yj * bm * jmjmMi ) kinvMUt row . London . 8 old by all Bookseller * . "; \ ^ ty ^ % ' ¦" - "¦¦
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 1, 1851, page 116, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1868/page/20/