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Cmrawrial Mains.
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HEALTH OF LONDON DURING THE WEEK . ( From the Registrar-General's Report . ) The decrease in the deaths of London , which was announced in the last return , has been followed by an increase to the same extent , and the rate of mortality is again equal to that which prevailed during the first two weeks of January , The deaths , which in the previous ¦ we ek were 956 , have risen to 1041—a number which nearly coincides with the average ( namely , 1089 ) as derived from the returns of ten corresponding weeks in 1841-50 , but they are less by 114 than this average , if it be corrected on the assumption that population has increased at the same rate as it did between the censuses of 1831 and 1841 . In the epidemic class , small-pox was fatal to 16 children and three men , whose ages were between 20 and 35 ( the 19 deaths from this disease showing a decrease of 13 on the previous week ) . Out of the whole number of cases in which small-pox was fatal , it is stated that only in 3 had vaccination been performed . The births of 773 boys and 764 girls , in all 1537 children , were registered in the week . The average number of six corresponding weeks of 1845-50 was 1395 . Ten Week 3 Week of 1811-50 . oflK > l Zymotic Diseases 2028 .... 230 Dropsy , Cancer , and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat .. .. .. 528 .... 41 Tubercular Diseases I 7 . ) 9 .... 199 Diseases of the Brain , Spinal Marrow , Nerves , and Senses .. .. 1205 .... 118 Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels .. 336 .... 42 Diseases of the Lungs and of the other Organs of Respiration 2284 .... 206 Diseases of the Stomach , Liver , and other Organs of Digestion .. .. .. 584 .... 46 DUeuses of the Kidneys , &c ... .. .. ^ 8 .... 9 Childbirth , diseases of the Uterus , &c . .. 113 .... 6 Rheumatism , diseases of the Bones , Joints , &c .. .. 74 .... 6 Diseases of the Skin , Cellular Tissue , &c ... 11 .... 3 Malformations .. .. .. .. .. 27 .... 4 Premature Birth and Debility .. .. 214 .... 24 Atrophy .. 155 .. .. 22 Age 749 .... 49 Sudden 125 .... 9 Violence , Privation , Cold , and Intemperance 221 .... 15 Total ( including unspecified causes )* . 10591 1041
Cmrawrial Mains.
Cmrawrial Mains .
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SHARES . Last Official Quotation for the Week ending Friday Ev RAILWAYS . Bavitp eni "ff . Caledonian .. .. 1 O | Australian , Eastern Counties .. 7 | BritUh North »»»• " 32 \ Edinburgh and Glasgow 32 Colonial ncan 42 \ Great Northern .. .. 17 J Commercial of tV ^ j ** 10 4 ' Great North of England - London and ffi ; - Greats . &W . ( Irefand ) 43 J London SinStoS In 8 ter VJ Great Western .. .. 91 National of ImI ^ h " lS i Hull and Selby .. .. 103 J National ProvSHi " ~ Lancashire and Yorkshire 57 Provincial ofl" ?/ ,, " ~ Lancaster and Carlisle 73 Uiiio ™ ftX £ r and " 42 Lond ., Brighton . &S . Coast 95 Union of ffnSS * " ~ London and Blackwall .. 7 i * , , t ^ l London and N .-Western 130 $ Bolanos MINES - Midland 57 Brazilian iinDeriVi " ~~ North British .. -. 9 Ditto , St JoEn , i i-d " ~ South-Eastern and Dover 24 | Cobre Conner Eey 13 i South-Western .. .. 89 Mi 8 celt ' * » " 3 i * York , Newcas ., & Berwick 20 | Australian AgrirnH ^^ York and North Midland 24 £ Canada " Agncult « ral — Docks . General Steam " ' * ~ East and West India .. — Penins . & Oriental a * " — London .. .. .. - Royal Mail sS . * 2 ° St . Katharine .. .. — South Australian " __ . . ¦— .
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( From the Quarterly Return of the Registrar-General . ) This return comprises the births and deaths registered by 2189 registrars in all the districts of England during the autumn quarter ending December 31 , 1850 ; and the marriages in more than 12 , 000 churches or chapels , 2869 registered places of worship unconnected with the established church , and 623 superintendent registrars' offices , in the quarter that ended September 30 , 1850 . Marriages . —The marriages celebrated in the summer quarter ending September 30 were 37 , 490 , or more by 10 , 000 than were registered in the summer quarter of 1842 ; and 2400 more than have been returned in the summer quarter of any previous years . Allowing for increase of population , the proportion of marriages is greater than it has been in the same season of any year since the registration commenced . Births . —The births in the quarter following , which ended on December 31 , 1850 , were also the greatest number ever registered in the autumn quarters of any previous year . 146 , 268 children were born in the three months . The births are in general most numerous in the spring quarter , and were so in the spring of 1850 . They have since greatly exceeded the numbers registered in previous years in all the divisions of the kingdom , whether agricultural or manufacturing , in counties ravaged by cholera , and in counties left unscathed b y that plague . Increase op Population . —The excess of births reg istered over deaths in the quarter is 54 , 245 . The usual excess is 40 , 000 more births than deaths ; the excess in the last quarter of 1845 was 50 , 000 ; in 1847 , when influenza was epidemic , only 24 , 000 ; in 1849 , when the cholera epidemic was rapidly declining , 38 , 000 . In the last quarter of the year 1850 , 56 , 971 emigrants left the ports of the United Kingdom at which there are Government emigration officers ; . ' 5830 departed from Irish ports 1903 from Glasgow and Greenock , and 51 , 232 from three English ports—namely , 1702 from Plymouth , 4282 from London , and 4 / 5 , 248 from Liverpool . During the whole of the year 1850 the births were 1593 , 667 , the deaths 369 , 679 , and consequently the excess of births over deaths wan 223 , 888 in England . The name year 280 , 843 emigrants sailed from the shores of the United Kingdom—214 , 606 ( many of them of Irish birth ) from England 16 , 154 from Scotland , and 51 , 083 from Ireland . ' Stath oi- Tim Puiii . ic IlKAi / m . —That the health of the country ie in a state not so unsatisfactory as it has been In evident from the reduced mortality . <) 2 0 ' ^ , 'i deaths were registered : and allowing for the probable increase of population , the rato of mortality is lower than it has been in any of the last quarters of the yearn 1839-50 , except 1846 . The rate baa been such that 1 in 197 of the population died in the quarter . The chances were 190 to 1 in thin quarter that a person would live through the three months ; the average chance of living through the three months in Kngland is 184 to 1 la every division of England the mortality has declined and been lower than in the corresponding quartern of 1840 , 1847 , mill 1849 . Lancashire and Cheshire present the greatest fluctuation !* . The comparativel y good health of sever-il districts is ascribed by tho registrars to the employment 11 ml the improved condition of the people . Taiuh iSffAKU . —A lad whom 1 knew kept a common snake in London , which he had rendered . so tame that it was quite at ease with him and very fond of itn master . When taken out . of its box it would creep up bin sleeve come out ut the lop , wimi itself caressingly about his ruck and face , and when tired retire to sleep in hia bosom . —From Fmmir for February ,
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I AVKRAGK I'lUOK OK BUGAK . Tho nverago price of llrown or Muscovado Sugar , computed I join tho retuniH miido in tlio week ending tho 4 Ui day of lebruary , 1 H 51 , is 27 « . lO . Jd . per cwt .
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I ' j < " PROVISIONS . ( Jl"tt (; r l ! eBt I'YiihIi , I . 'Jh . fid . to 14 a . pur doz . Callow , JL ' l 0 b . to XI in . |> er owt . Himmhi , Irliili p , ; r cwt . 41 » . to 4 R » . Uu-oho tJI , « Hliln , 4 U - <>» i )« r i » rimii 44 — r > 4 ' > Tv vk . 5 > - , !'!«¦ , French , per I ' M , < 1 « . < Jd . to 0 a . Cd . '
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< ' ' ' FOREIGN FUNDS . ( LaHt Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening . ) Austrian 5 per Cents . 75 $ Mexican 5 per Ot . Aco . 3 . 1 A "clKiun Jida ., 44 p . C't . < J 24 HiiittU .. .. — Hra / ilian ft per Cents . 1 > 2 Neapolitan 5 per Cents . — ItiutnoH Ayr « H fi p . Cts . — l ' eruviun 44 p «; r Cunts . — Chilian G per Cunts . .. — Portuguese f > | ,,, Cunt . — Danish 5 pcrCcnta . .. 103 4 per Cts . . lag Duteh l ' , J por Cents ... o 8 g Aiinuitien — ~ 4 I » ' « " <" entB . .. 'Jli Russian , I 8 ii * J , 4 A p . ( Ha . !) 7 J 'ttcundor Jlonds .. . ' 4 Spun . Activea , ft p . Cts . 18 fc 1 ' rtMich . 'i |> . < :. Au . atl ' uriHlMi . 50 Passive .. 3 p . Cts .. Feb . 7 , 59 . 80 Deferred .. —
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Saiur . Mond . Tue $ . Wedn . Thurs . Frid . Bank Stock .... 2141 21 o 214 A 214 J 2141 3 per Ct . lied .. 97 ^ 'J 7 j 073 97 } 97 * D 78 3 p . C . C 011 . A 11 B . 9 G . i l > 6 tf 96 A UfiS % i 904 3 i > . c . An . i 726 . — »« A : . : : 3 p . Ct . Con .. Ac . aca 9 4 Ditto llonds .. 08 p 71 p 69 u 6 . j p 08 p Kx . JJiUs , 1000 / . 58 j > 61 p 58 p 57 p 55 > 58 p Ditto , : > : ) 0 » . .. Cl p 61 p ft 8 p 57 p 58 p Ditto , Small 61 p j 61 p 58 p 57 p 56 p 58 p
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UIUT 1 SII FUND 8 FOR THE 1 > AST WEEK . ( Cloaing-Prices . )
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BANK OF ENGLAND . An Account , pursuant to the Act 7 th and 8 th Victoria , cap . 32 . for the week ending on Saturday , the 1 st of February , 1850 , ISSUE DEPAHTMENT . £ ' £ Notes issued .... 27 , 704 , 515 Government Debt , 11 , 015 , 100 Other Securities .. 2 , 984 , 900 Gold Coin and Bullion 13 , 674 , 848 8 ilver Bullion .... 29 , 667 JE 27 . 704 . 515 jE 27 , 704 , 515 BANKING DEPARTMENT . £ £ Proprietors'Capital , 14 , 553 , 000 Government 8 ecu-Kest 3 , 235 , 113 rities ( including Public Deposits ( in- Dead-weight Ancluding Exche- nuity ) 14 , 145 , 696 quer , Savings' Other Securities .. 11 , 946 , 360 Banks , Coimnis- Notes 8 , 074 , 460 sioners of National Gold and Silver Debt , and Divi- Coin 642 , 942 < lend Accounts ) .. 6 , 0 f ) l , 128 Other Deposits .... 9 , 787 , 615 Seven-day andother Bills 1 , 182 , 602 £ 34 , 809 . 458 £ 34 , 809 , 458 Dated Feb . 6 , 1851 . M . Mahshali ,, Chief Cashier .
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MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE . Saturday . This has been another dull week in the market for the English Funds . On Monday there was a decline of J in the price of Consols , but since then prices have been without much variation . The closing prices yesterday were 964 to 96 | . Yesterday the market opened firm at the same prices , but again became flat , and closed at 96 | to 964 . The fluctuations during the week have been limited , except in the Exchequer-Bill Market , which was rather depressed on Thursday for a short time , owing to the presence of some sellers . Consols , 96 | to 96 |; Bank Stock , 214 to 215 ; Three-and-a-Quarter per Cents ., 98 | to 99 ; Exchequer Bills , 54 s . to 61 s . premium . The market for Foreign Securities was well supported in the beginning of the week , and Spanish and Mexican stock showed a slight tendency to advance . The bargains in the official list yesterday , comprised the following : —Brazilian at 92 and 914 ; Danish Five per Cents ., 103 ; Ecuador , 3 f and |; Peruvian , 804 and 81 ; the Deferred , 36 J and 4 ; Portuguese Four per Cents ., 33 | and 4 ex div . ; Russian Five per Cents ., 113 ^; the Four-and-a-Half per Cents ., 97 | i |; Spanish Five per Cents ., 18 |; the Three per Cents ., 38 |; Belgian Four-and-a-Half per Cents , 92 ; Dutch Two-and-a-Half per Cents ., 58 | , 3 , and £ ; and the Four per Cent . Certificates , 91 § and § . Mark-lane , Friday , Feb . 7 . The supplies of Wheat this week are only moderate , but the large quantity which arrived last week continues to press heavily on the market . For Wheat on the spot prices are drooping , but floating cargoes are held at former rates , at which not much business is doing . A large arrival of Foreign Barley renders it impossible to effect sales without submitting to a decline of 6 d . a quarter . This , however , holders are unwilling to do until the lay days of the vessels have expired ; so that we cannot quote the trade generally cheaper . The supplies of Oats are fully equal to the demand , and Monday ' s prices are with difficulty supported . Arrivals from Feb . 3 to Feb . 7 : — English . Irish . Foreign . Flour . Wheat .. .. 2190 4230 Barley -.. .. 4260 10 , 490 Oats 6230 17000 11 , 530
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GRAIN , Mark-lane , Feb . 7 . Wheat , # . New 34 a . to 36 s . Maple 28 < i tmi . Fine 36 - 38 White .. 23 91 ' Old 35 -37 . Boilers .... 25 I ? White 08 —40 Beans , Ticks . w _ 9 ± Fine 36 —38 Old ' . 25 —28 Superior New 44 —46 Indian Corn .. - ' 8 'in R >' . ? 5 - ?« Oats . Feed .... ' 15 _ $ Barley 18 —19 Jlne .... ] 6 —17 Maltinsr 22 — 2 t Poland 16 _ i-i Malt . Ord 44 —46 Fine .... 17 _ ia Fine 48 —50 Potato 17 —18 Peas , Hog 24 —26 Fino .... 18 _ 19
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GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE OF GRAIN . Week Ending Feb . 1 . Imperial General Weekly Average . Wheat 378 . lOd . j Rye 22 g . 7 d . Barley 22 9 I Beans 25 11 Oats 16 7 I Peas 26 6 Aggregate Average of the Six Weeks . Wheat 38 s . 2 d . Rye 23 s . 9 J . Barley .. 22 11 Beans 26 8 Oate 1 C 9 Peas 27 4
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FLOUR . Town-made per sack 40 s . to 43 s . Seconds 37 —40 Essex and Suffolk , on board ship 33 —34 Norfolk and Stockton 30 —32 American per barrel 21 — 22 Canadian 21 —22 Wheaten Bread , 7 d . the 41 b . loaf . Households , 6 d .
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BUTCHERS' MEAT . Newgate and Leadenhall . * Smithfield * . 8 . d . s . d . s .
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HOPS . POTATOES . Kent Pockets 70 s . to 84 s . York Repents per ton 85 a . to 100 Choice ditto .. 80 —150 Wisbech Regents ... 70 — «" 8 u 88 ex ditto .. ( 55 — 76 Scotch Reds ™ — * ; ! Farnhamdo .. 80 .. 120 French Whites « . > — '"
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HAY AND STltAW . ( Per load of 36 Trusses . ) Cumberland . Smithfield . Wiiitkciiaiki-Hay , Good .... 7 . ) 8 . to 80 s 73 s . to 75 s 67 s- to . (' . Inferior .. 50 68 .... 48 —58 .... 55 — W New 0—0 0—0 .... 0 — Clover 78 — 84 .... 78 —80 .... 7- > - »» Wheat Straw .. 24—28 21—27 ^ 1 •—*¦'
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Tuetday , Feb . 3 . ¦ Deolabations op Dividf . nds .-J . Stecle . W » n $ } - \ |! ,. ' Deptford , tar manufacturer ; first dlv . of Is . 7 , } d ., any W « " <¦ day ; Mr . Whitmore . Basinffhall-strect—J . Turner , hustlio 1 . Sussex , draper ; flret div . of 4 a . 3 d ., on Saturday next , mm •¦ ¦ ) subsequent Hatiirdiiys ; Mr . Groom , Abchnrch-l « n«— •>¦ a " " " . Cowlishaw , Derby . railw » y carriage builders ; nrut . liv . ot « h . " . dlv . of 20 s , on the separate estate of John Cowlishaw ; aim div . of 2 s . 8 d . on tho separate estate of James ' owl 18 , "" ' , » Saturday , Feb . 15 , or any subsequent alternate H ; j , . " , ' Noi-Aue . 2 ; Mr . Bittleston , Nottin ( jl > fi" >—W . Bates , lit " 'y . tiiiKhumshirc . horsedculer ; first div . of 10 ^ 1 ., on 8 fttur « i' » y . i ^ - 15 , or any subsequent alternate Saturday until A"K "• , ' bittleston . Nottingham—C . Pretty , Leicester , grocer ; »» £ j of 3 b ., on Saturday . Feb . 15 . or any nul > H « qu « nt IlU ^""! ( ' . , ) k day until Aug . 2 ; Mr . Bitth'ston , Nottinghiun— W- »• ' J . Uurton-upon-Trent , tap « inanufactunir ; secoml and tl »»« ' '_ I ? d . . on Saturday . Feb . 15 . or any subn < : qucnt altornau j < ¦ day until Aug . a ; Mr . Hitthuton , Nottiiig hmn—W . aiyi ¦ ' () j Monkwearmoutb . Hliipbuildcni ; first div . ot 17 h , u ^« ' -. , ) B ( . _ separate . iMtulc of W . 1 'ilo , on Hiiturdny , Fob . 8 . or ""/ .. , , „ ,,, qiient Htttuiduy ; Mr . Ituker . N « wcusth » -ui >«> n-lyn - -J- ' ' on Middleton , LuiicuMhire . o . oindeulcr ; final « liv . of «>«• 'M ' j ( . Tuesday . Fob . 4 , and any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr . mai . i Mauchostor . . - .,., near lUNKHlii'KlY Anniillkd—K . Arinytaff « , < 'llfton-i » i »» K « ¦ Hulirux , an < l Coliie-bridgv , m :: ir HudderrtfleUI . cotton spin " ^ ¦ Bank mi i-TH . —W . Mood , Lawr » " ^ ntre < : t . Fit . / . roy-H ( iuar « i , tumor , I ' cb 14 , March 18 ; Ht > ' 1 < ' 11 / ,,, __ Columbine . Ht . Martiii ' H-luiu ) ; ofllci . il nsHiguu " , Mr . MUl ' ,, \> , C . Watt , Koutliainptoit-Htrent , l ' ontonville , baker , * ' . ' . _ March 18 ; solicitor . Mr . IVhriI , Lincolu ' d-inn-Helds ; o »" sigiKMi , Mr . HtanafoUl . ^ tuwiirli " Dividhniw— Fob . t ! 5 , W . Carter , High-street , b / o . ' * . i , j ,. boutmukur- Feb . 25 , \ V . I ' . HarrlH , Friday-Htrout . Clioa ]
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138 & > bt VLtaiet . t ^ ATURi ) A y
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 8, 1851, page 138, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1869/page/22/