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LUXURIANT AND BEAUTIFUL HAIR, WHISKERS, &c. M ANY Preparations for the Production and Preservation of the Hair have been introduced to the Publicbut have
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For Children it is indispensable , aa forming the basis of a beautiful head of hair . Professor tire , on analyzing the Crinilene , saya ;— " It is perfectly free from any injurious colouring or other matter , and the best stimulant for the hair I have met with . The scent is delicate and very persistent' * CURE YOUR CQRNS AND BUNIONS . Those who wish to walk with perfect ease will find Mifla DEAN'S ABSORBENT the only radical Cure for Corns and Bunions . It is guaranteed to cure them in three days , without cutting or pain . One trial is earnestly solicited by all sufferingfrom such tormentors . Sent post-free , on receipt of Fourteen Postage Stumps , by Miss Dean , 48 , Liverpool-street , King ' s-crosa . London .
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BEWARK OF DANGEROUS IMITATIONS . Sufferers are earnestly cautioned against dangerous imitations of those Pills b y youthful , recently-started ten-shilling quacks , who assume the title of Doctor , forge testimonials , and dare to infringe the propricioi ' s right , l > y advertising a nntiriouH compound under another name , the uttoof which can only bring annoyance and disappointment . ' PAIN 8 IN THE BACK , GRAVEL , RHEUMATISM GOUT LUMBAGO , INDIGESTION , DEBILITY & ,- , & <• ' DR . DK ROOS * COMPOUND ft fcftfAL I'lLLS have , in many instances , effected a euro when nil other means hud failed , and are acknowledged by tho faculty iih the only safe remedy for tho above ; dangerous complaints , and dirteiweu of the Kidneys , and organs therewith connected , generally , resulting from whatever cruise , which , if neglecte ' d . frequently end in atone in the bladder , and n lingering death I It is nn established fact that most oases of G < . ut and Rheumatism occurring after middle , ugu avo combined with these diweatiuu ; how neccsHary in it , then , that |)< : isoiih thus afllicted should at onceuttond to these important matters . Ity ifie ualutary action of llu'Se 1 ' ills on acidity of the stomach , they correct Itile and Indigestion , purify and promote the Itcunl Bec . retioivH , thereby [> rev < intirif ( ' tho formation of Stone , and eutablishlu ^ for life a licaltlvy |> t > rforumiiee of tho functions of thesd Organs . ' May be obtained through all medicine vetwlera ' ni tho kingdom ut Is . IJd ., 2 a . ° d , 4 s . < 5 < 1 ., and Hi ., por bo * : or ahould any difficulty occur they will bo sent Crop , with full instructions for use on receipt of tho price in posUig-o stamps , l > y Dr . l ) e Roon . ' Testimonials , to test tho genuineness of which Dr . Do Hooa solicits , uiiquiry from tho persons theniHselves : Robert Johnson , Ludlain-Btreet , Uraiiford— "Your valimblo ; pills . liuvo (| o improved my friend in Scotland , Unit hu has solicitM me to send him another box , as he fools assured that it will ouro i him ; you c » u uuo our nunii-a as you think proper that otliors sufJlrniKr may bo convinced of their viilini — Uireia to Mr . John ' Funnihur , Weavur , &c , Kinrons , Scothnul . " Mr J . Ui tf ham , purwell— " I urn happy to nay I hut tin , person though Itu him taken only one box , Ih u wondorful deal better ' and will recommend thcln to any one So HiiflVriii" " Address . WALTER DE UOOS , iVl . U ., a . > , ElyA'laor Uolboiu hill . London Hours : Ton till Ono , ancl Lour till Eitfht Smi . hiv oxceptoil , unless b y | iicviouh nrran ^ ement To prnvoiit fniuil on tho public by unprincipled , porsona , her Miyenty » Honouriiblo CominisHioiufia of Stumps havo < llr <« -teil i tlio iiAint * of tho I ' ronrietor V > bo ougnrnxt 01 tho OoveimmVnt Stamp aflUed to ,. | hi ,, Medicine , in whit « l ^ t « « „ J » r « I ground , without which none ia ( fonuino . ^
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¦ LJ KALTH , UAl » PINKSS , and VAl'WlENilY -ri ll \ Uu' v' » vm > uh dutii ;» of life are intimately connected . lliousaii ( I | , drag ; on a mis . Tabh ) existouco . wonivil with Indigestion , hall imbecile from Nervous Debility , wasting with . Scrofula , or eaten up with Rheumatism ; and tens of thousands , through some minor derangement of health , mo incapable ol ' tithor fully enjoying tho comforts of life or satisfactorily performing the dulioa ol their Htntion . To all such , whatever inay be tho nature , cause , or extent , of their illness or incflioiency ' , ; i speedy and ellectiuil remed y is now ollereiJ in the . recent . discovoi'ie . M ' of DR . NAIMKR HiH lic . inos , din-ctcd to tho root , of the evil ( the , debility or derangement , of tho nervous or vitnl power ) , remove disease , rcuoval , « l . ho wholo IViiine , both Hi b ( . < ly uinl mind , and pormaueiitly invig-iirnto thoa . o powers on whioh Ilenlth , ' IlnppinefiH , Energy , and I . ongiivity depend . I '" or the bettor ikOcomiiKxIat . ion of the I'ulilio , Dr . Nupier ' H rcii ) i : dicn aro now iuHited in the form of l'at . ent IMedicines , and liis Neurotonic 1 , 'ills may be had at . l .-i . Ud ., ^' h . Ud ., 4 o . ( id ., and 11 s . per box . Hold by Neville , and Hoydil , I ' . 'J , Mmldox-stroiit , Re ^ rent-streei , ; Barclay , Furriu ^ 'don-slreel . ; lluniiah and ( . '<> ., Oxford-nti eel . ¦ I ' rout , Ht . riind , and by moHt respiu : tablo vendors of Talent Medicines in Town or Country . Tho Medicines art , also inaile up in tho form of a ( . ' ordinl , 'Is . ( id . and l ! s . per bottle . A box of plIJu UH'I a paper containing oases and instruction ^) forwarded poat fr R . N A VIE It M . MADDOX-8 TREET , REGENT-STREKT . LON DON .
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HEALTH WHERE 'TIS SOUGHT . H OM . OWAY'S PILLS— Cure of a Case of Weakness and Debility , of Four Years ' standing . Extract of a Letter from Mr . William Smith , of No . ?> , Little Thomas-street , Gibson-street , Lambeth , dated Dee . 12 , 18111 . " To Professor Hoi . lowav , " Siu , — 1 be . g lo inform you that for nearly live years I hardly knew what it was to have a day ' s health , sutiering from extreme weakness and debility , with constant nervous headaches , giddiness , and sieluiess of the stomach , to ^ el ln-r with ; i tfreat depression of spirits . I used to think that nolliin ^ could beuiMit me . as 1 had been to many medical men , some ol '' whom , after doius ? all that was in their power , informed me that they considered that I had some spinal complaint beyond tho reach of cure , together with a very disordered state of the stomach and liver , making my case so complicated that nothing could ho done for me . One day , being unusually ill and in a dejected state , 1 saw your I'ills advertised , and lesolved to give , them a trial , more perhaps from curiosity than with a hope of bein ^ cured , however 1 soon found mjself better by biking them , and so l " went on persevering in ihe . ir use for six months , when 1 am hap > y to say they effected u perfect cure , ( Signed ) ' WILLIAM SMITH , " ( frequently called EDWARD ) . " Sold at tho Establishment of Professor Hou . ow . vv , ' 211 . Strand ( near Temple Bar ) , London , m , d by iiiohI , all respectable Druwists and Dealers in Medicine throughout l . ho civilized World , ut tho following- prices— Is . I < , d ,, ^ h . SJiL , Is . ( id .. I Is .. U ^' s , and ; t ; is . each Box .. There is a considerable savin- by taking the larger sizes . N . B —Directions for the guidance of Patieni . i in every Disorder ar « : afrixeu to each Box .
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I YOURSELF ! WHAT YOU ARE ! AND WHAT FIT FOR ! T HE SECRET ART of discovering the true character of individuals from the peculiarities of their handwriting ha ? long been practised by Miss Ellen Graham with astonishing success . Her startling delineations of character are both full and detailed , occupying the four pages of a ' sheet of paper , the style of description differing from anything yet attempted . All persons wishing to know themselves or their friends , by means of this extraordinary and interesting science , must send a specimen of their writing , statin ? sex and age , or supposed age , of the writer , to Miss Ellen Graham , Graphiologist , 6 , Ampton-street , Gray ' s-inn-roaii , London [' enclosing fifteen penny postage stamps ) , and they will receive in a few day ' s a written description of the mental and moral (| ii ; ilities , talents , tastes , affections , virtues , and failings , &c , of the writer with many other things hitherto unsuspected . Just published , price Sixpence , ETIQUETTE for the MILLION ; or , the Hand ¦ Book of Courtship and Matrimony . Addressed to all Young-People . By MissGliAHAM , who will forward it post free ( under cover ) on receipt of eight postage stamps . " A charming little book . " —Daily JVi-ws . "To all contemplating marriage it is worth its weight in gold . "—Ludifs ¦ ¦ Newspaper . " WMirce all our readers to possess this treasure . " —Herald . Address—MISS GRAHAM , 6 , AM PTON-STREET GRAY'SINN-ROAD , LONDON .
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A NE * f ] # EDICI . NE . TriBANKS ? $ SPECIFIC CAPSULE— A form -F of Meiiiqine at once 8 » fe , sur , sppedy , and pleasant to those who object tonula ! medicines , and suited to the convenience of persons travelling , visiting , or engaged * in business . JSach Capsule containing the Specific is made of the purest Gefatine , which , encased ip tinfoil , m ^ y be convenieqtly carried in the pocket , and , being botji elastic and pleasant . to take , affords the greatest facility for repeating tbe doses without intermission—a desideratum essential to the proper development of the curative effects of any medicine , but more especially desirable in those used in the treatment of the diseases for which these Capsules are particularly recommended , and which so anxiously concern both the hieaical' qittendant and patient ; the most delicate person may take them' wifih perfect safety , and they are unobjectionable to the ipost susceptible stomach . Prepared only by George Franks , Surgeon , at his Laboratory , Blackfriars-road , where they may be had , and of all Medicine Vendors , in boxes , at 2 s . 9 d . and 4 s . ( 3 d . each , or sent free by post at 38 . and 5 s . each . Of whom , also , may be had , in bottles , at 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . ( 3 d ., and lls . each , FRANKS'S SPECIFIC SOLUTION . TESTIMONIALS . From Joseph Henry Green , Esq ., F . R . S ., President of the Royal College of Surgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to St . Thomas s Hospital ; and Professor of Surgery in King ' s College , London . "I have made a trial of Mr . Franks's Solution of Copaiba , at St . Thomas ' s Hospital , in a variety of cases , and the results warrant my stating , that it is an efficacious remedy , and one which does not produce the usual unpleasant effects of Copaiba . ,,. , . . ( Signed ) " Joseph Henry Green . " Lincoln s-inn Fields , April 15 , 1835 . " From Bransby Cooper , Esq ., F . R . S ., one of the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to Guy ' s Hospital ; and Lecturer on Anatomy , &c . "Mr . Bransby Cooper presents his compliments to Mr . George Franks , and has great pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficacy of his Solution of Copaiba . Mr . Cooper hns prescribed the Solution in ten or twelve cases with perfect success " New-street , April 13 , 1835 . " •»• These medicines are protected against counterfeits by the Government Stamp—on which is engraven "George Franks Blackfriars-road "—being attached to each . '
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immense sale as Miss DEAN'S CRINILENE . It is guaranteed to produce Whiskers , Moustaehios , Eyebrows , &c , in three or four weeks , with the utmost certainty ; and will be found eminently successful in nourishing , curling , and beautifying the Hair , checking and preventing greyness in all its stages , strengthening Weak Hair , preventing its falling off , &c . &c . For the reproduction of Hair in Baldness , from whatever cause , arid at Whatever age , it stands unrivalled , never having failed . One trial only is solicited to prove the fact . It is an elegantly-scented preparation , and sufficient for three months' use will be sent ( post free ) on receipt of twenty-four postage stamps , by Miss Dean , 4 B , Liverpool-street , King ' scross , London .
Untitled Article
wtfd ( I AU 8 tin-frii # 8 , ' Ai * ofiante ^ -r 6 b . ' 25 , « . X Sharp , Duk £ . street , Tdojtey-street , taUor—tfeb : 25 , S . Spender , BerkefeWviHas , Loujrhborough-porfc , Erixton ; builder—Feb . 'S $ ; f * . T «* k , New C ^ ypn 4 igfc-s treet , Maryjebone , ojilliper—Feb . 85 , IxeJanfl ; C&lv ? rf . J » pd Co ., J , anca *> jfcer and TrjnjkJad , merchants—Feb . 27 , N . Hedge , Bath , silversmith—Feb . 26 , W . and J . Bile , Mopkwearmouth i Durham , shipbuilders—Feb . gfi , Aydon an 4 Ferguson , Newca ^ tlJ upp * -Tyn . e . ^ 9 cer 8-re b . 26 , 5 . tforruVby « id j& : P . Mould , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , builders — Feb . 28 , 6 . Steefe , Durham , grocer—Feb . 26 , H . Cranstori , " $ ^ naertand ' , cpnfecjtipner . pBMjrmpAils . —fo Rf granfcct , utitess cawebe tboppn to th ? cStraHfdnlhh day ty ' mie ' tMf .-Veb : 25 ,- $ * n ^ S ^ TChllton Foliatt , Wiltshire , builder—Feb ; 87 , E . Brewster . ' Band-court ' Upptfr ThanWs-street , p ' rihter—Feb . 25 '' G . ^ Jeh ' ks , King-street , Hammersmith , eheesembhg ' e ' r — Feb . ' 26 , ¦¦ H . Byshe , Brighton , builder—Feb . 26 , R . Rising , late of Frith-street , Sohd , and Low « r Berkeley-street , dealer in casts—Feb . 20 , W . Smith , Canalroad , Kingsland , timber merchant—Feb . 26 , H . G . Stahlschmidt , Fenehurch-street , merchant—Feb . 26 , W . Carter , High-street , 8 outTiwark , bootmaker—Feb . 28 , J . Fielding , Manchester , provision dealep—Feb : ? 7 , K . Chattam , Goole , innkeeper . *
Scotch Sequestrations . —D . Jack and Co ., Glasgow , wholesale stationers ^ Feb . 10 , March 3 —A . Somervilie . Longstorie , innkeeper , Feb . 11 , March 7—J . Rose , Banff , banker , Feb . 13 , March IP—A . Pendrjgh , Edinburgh , mer c hant , Feb . 10 , ftjarch 10 . Ifriday , February 7 . Declarations of Dividends . —R . Fairley , Sunderland , chemist ;" second ^ div . of Is . 6 d ., in addition to 5 s . 6 d . previously declared , on Saturday , Feb . 8 , or any'following- Saturday ; tyr . Wakleyj Newcastle-upori-Tyne—S . Brown , Suhderlandj common brewer ; first div . of 4 d . ( on new proofs ) , on Saturday , Feb . ' 8 , or on any subsequent Saturday ; Mr . Baker , Ne < vcastle-upon-Tyne
—J . Simpson , Manchester , grocer ; first div . of 2 s . 9 $ d ., on Tuesday , Feb . 18 , on any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr . Pott , Manchester—J . F . Taylor , Bakewell , Derbyshire , grocer ; first div . of 2 s : 3 | d ., on Tuesday , Feb . 18 , or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr . Pott , Manchester—W . N . Procter and . P . S . Hyatt , Manchester , cotton dealers ; fourth div . of 7 . 1-164 . on Tuesday , Feb . 18 , or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr . Pott , Manchester—W . Greenup , sen ., Prescot , Lancashire , coal proprietor second dir . of 58 : ? $ d ., on Thursday , Feb . 6 , or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr . Cazenove , Liverpool— J . G . Geyelin , Liverpool , zinc worker ; first div . of 6 s . 3 d ., on Thursday , Feb . 6 , or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr . Cazenove , Liverpool .
Bankruptcy Annullbp . — Adqlph Berend and Isidore Bloomenthal . 'W ' eymouth-place , New Kent > road- cigar merchants . Bankrupts . —J . Skajj , Studley-rqad , Clapham-road , Surrey , builderi po surrender Feb . 13 , March 13 ;' solicitor , Mr . Jones , Quality-court , Chancery-lane ; official assignee , Mr . Jolineon , Basinghall-jJtreet—J . S . MABSHAit , Goswell-road , Clerkenwell , boot dealer , Feb . 15 , March 29 : solicitor , Mr . Jones , Qualitycourt , Chan eery-lane ; official assignee , Mr . Penriel 1 , GuildhallchiiHibers , Baaingball-street—A . Fribdbbebg , Houndsditch , furrier , Feb . 2 \ . March 21 ; Solicitors , Messrs . Vincent and Randall , Castle-street , Ho ] born : official assignee , Mr . Whitmore , Basinghall-street . —J . Dixon , Bately , Yorkshire , dyer , Feb . 28 ; March 20 ; solicitors , Mr . Frith , Bristol , and Messrs . Bond and Barwick , Leeds ; official assignee , Mr . Youug , Leeds—J . Wtatt , jun ., sometimes called R : Wyat * , Milverton , Somersetshire , grocer , Feb . 18 , March 11 ; solicitors , Messrs . Stanley and Wasbrough , Bristol , and Mr . Stogdon , Exeter ; official assignee , Mr . Hern a man , Exeter—J . Shirt , Frosdam , Cheshire , provision dealer , Feb . 24 , March 10 ; solicitors , Messrs . Gregory , Faulkner , Gregory , and Skirrow , Bedford-row , aird Mr . Roby , Liverpool ; official assignee , Mr . Cazenove , Liverpool . ¦
Dividends . —Feb . 28 , P . H . Abbott , King ' s Arms-yard , Moorgate-street , merchant — Feb . 28 , G . Langford , Southampton , grocer— March 1 , A . Smith , Marylepone-streef , Regent-street . wire rope manufactuter—March 6 , R . Noble , Leadeiihall-s- ( reet , tailor - * March 4 , H . W . Hemewortn , Prinhrose-street , Bishopsgutc-s fre ^ f , wpe rnerchant — March 4 , H . Orasko , Wickham Skeitji , Suffolk , grocer—March 4 , T . Woodroffe , Webb's Countytnrrace , New Kent-road , druggist — Feb . 28 , W . Pike , Reading , tobacconist — Feb . 28 , W . and A . Miller , Liverpool and Bootle , ? fne merchants—March 6 , 8 . Vick , Brecon , victualler—March 6 , . B . Sparke , Torquay , halter— March 6 , J . Burnnrd , Bideford , Devonshire , painter—M ^' ch 13 , M . D . Robinson , Dudley , Worcestershire , confectioner — March 1 , J . March , Rotherliam , grocer — March 1 . J . Rodeers and J . Bre ' , Sheffield , bankera
— March } , J . Yeomana , Sheffield , merchant — March 1 , G . W . frincnclijffc , Sheffield , hmniifactu ' rer . ' CRRTIfIoatH—To bearanteOf , unless cause be shown to the contrary ah thd day of inMing . —Feb . 28 , II . " Johnson , liishopsgate-streut Without , tea-dealer— March 6 , A . I ' rovost , Peter-Borough , linendraper—Feb . 28 , J . Barber , Eaton Socon , Ue <( fordshire , builder—Feb . 28 , H . M . Knst , Mark-lane , sta ' tiotier—March 5 , 8 . Vick , Brecon , victualler—March 1 , J . Pricstlv , lta'lcliffc , Lancashire , cotton-spimiftr—March 4 , J . Jolley and W . Jackson , Wigan , acetic ncid manufacturerH . Scotch 8 kqukstkationh . —G . 8 . lloseason , Glasgow , merchant , Keb . li , March 10-J . F . Matliio , Glasgow , froii ' foiinricr , Feb ' . 'KJ , March 6—A . Bt-own , Glasgow , cotton-cpinner , Feb . 11 , March 7—A . Graham , Bars , near Cumiioek , contractor , Feb . 13 , March ( i .
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Untitled Article
IURTH 8 . On the 2 ( ith ult ., at Uyde , lelo of Wight , Lady Wado , of a daughter . ¦ On the 28 th nit ., tho wif « of Captain C . Fueting , R . N ., of a son . On the aOth ult .. ut Kdinbur-h , the Honourablo Mrs . DalrympK ; Hay , of a non . On tho ai » t ult ., at Guy ' s , tho wife of Ur . Gull , of a daughter . Oil { he 31 st ult ., at Cheater , Lady F . inma Veaey , of twins . On the 3 Jat ult .. at Pudd . on-grov < :, near Inversion , the wif « of the Reverend J . ltoinney , of a son . On tlui lHtiaat ., atHt . John ' s-wood , the wife ofl ) . W . Dowliiig , IOh ( J ., of ii son . On thc ' 2 i )'< rin 8 t-, at Hullington , Hants , the wife of the Reverend N . J . Ridley , of a eon . On ( ho 2 h , ' ¦" \ V ! \ {' Xl MU < lraH (! ftv » l' -y . B ,. e « , n , l hoi . of the lato « i swB * %£ & 4 && KSi
On the 1 st lost ., at 9 t . George ' s , Hanover-square , F-. Orme . Esq ., of Fitzroy-square to Jimily , ypurigeBt daughter of Thomas Metcalfe , Esq ., of Hertford-street , Mayfair . ' ° - ¦ " * On the 3 rd inst ., atN / ewark , Francis Morgan , Esq ., of Port 8 t Mary ' s , Spain , to Maria Manoela Rafeela , eldest daughter of T Osborne , Esq ., of the sameplace . ¦¦ ¦ On the 4 th inst ., at 8 t . Gei > fge . * s Church , Blpomsbury , Lieutenant E . Worsley , Madras arniy , youngest son of the late C C S Worsley . Esq ; ., of the Isle of Wight , to Isabella Sophia , youngest daughter of the late Thos . D . Hall , Esq .. of Kingston , Jamaica . On the 4 th inst ., at Thurlastbn , Leicestershire , Commander G . G . Randolph , R . N ., to Eleanor Harriet , eldest daughter of the Reverend J . ArkwVight , of Mark-hall , Essex . On the 4 th Vet ., at Dudley , Emily Jane , third daughter of the Reverend Dr . Browne , vicar of Dudley , to the Reverend F . Sands Bradshaw , M . A ., rector of Newmarket , Suffolk .
On the 4 th inst ., at Bathwick , George Alfred , eldest son of the Reverend Alfred and the Lady Emily Lawrence , to Mary Anne Geprgiana , daughter of the late Patrick Kirwan , Esq ., oT Gregg , county of Gal way . . ¦ » On the 6 th inst ., at Hartley Westpall , Hants , the Reverend J . Shadwell , incumbent of Heywood , Lancashire , son of the late Vice-Chancellor , to Louisa Amelia , youngest daughter of the Reverend Dr . Keate , canon of Windsor . ' On the 5 th inst ., at Ealing , Frances Denton , eldest daughter of Major Osborn , of tbe H . E . I . C . S ., to the Reverend H . Ashington , rector of Kjrkby and Asgarby , Lincolnshire .
DEATHS . On the 26 th ult ., at Hadham , Herts , Major-General R . Biyce Fearon , C . B , aged 68 . . On the 27 tti ult ., at Bognor , Ann , relict of the late Lieutenant . Colonel Morden , aged 85 . On the 29 th ult ., at Ashtead , N . Smith , Esq ., late of the Bengal civil service , and of Ashtead-house , Surrey , aged 54 . On the 30 th ult ., at Middleton-hall , Warwickshire , Sir Francis Lawley , Bart ., aged 69 . On the 30 th ult ., at Blackheath-hill , Kent , Mrs . Anne Lawrie , widow of Peter Lawrie , Esq ., of Ernespie , in the stewartry of Kirkcudbright , aged 90 . On the 31 st ult ., at Lynncroft , Lichfield , aged 60 , the Reverend H . G . Lonsdale , vicar of St . Mary ' s , Lichfield . On the 31 st ult ., at Edinburgh , Robert W . MaxweM , Esq ., of Middleton-hall , H . E . I . C . C . S ., second son of the late General Sir W . Maxwell , Bart ., of Calderwood Castle . Lanarkshire .
On the 31 st ult ., at Greenwich Hospital , Ann , wife of Captain C . Robinson , R . N ., aged 74 . On the 1 st inst ., at Talgrath , North Wales , Blanche , daughter of Captain Thurston , R . N ., aged 33 . On the 1 st inst ., aged 37 , the Reverend Robt . Thorp , rector of Burton Overy , Leicestershire . Oh the 2 nd inst ., at Reading , Susanna Frances , relict of the Reverend Thomas Parker , M . A ., rector of Saintbury , Gloucestershire , aged 88 . On the 5 th inst ., at Guildford , Surrey , the Reverend J . Pye Smith , D . D ., aged 77 .
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Vm 8 > \§§ hl ftfrf . Srraji rr . 139
Luxuriant And Beautiful Hair, Whiskers, &C. M Any Preparations For The Production And Preservation Of The Hair Have Been Introduced To The Publicbut Have
LUXURIANT AND BEAUTIFUL HAIR , WHISKERS , &c . M ANY Preparations for the Production and Preservation of the Hair have been introduced to the
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 8, 1851, page 139, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1869/page/23/