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Just published , price llalf-a-Crown . SPECIMENS of TRANSLATION and VEBSIFICATION . By Joseph Hambleton . Lately published in 2 VoIb ., fcap . 8 vo ., price 9 s . MOBE VERSE and PROSE , by the CORN-LAW EHYMEE ; containing also a Critique on Elliott ' s "Works , written by the late Robert Sodthey for the " Quarterly Heview , " but rejected by the Editor , after the Author had corrected a proof for the press . Charle 3 Fox , 67 , Paternoster-row .
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ALL POLICIES INDISPUTABLE . SOVEREIGN LIFE ASSUEANCE COMPANY , 49 , St . James ' s-street , London . TRUSTEES . M p TheliightHon . theEarlTalbot I B . Bond Cabbell , Esq . M . p . Henry Pownall , Esq . I Sir R . Claude Scott , Bart . r TnTRFPTOTtfl Chairroan-Lieut .-Colonel Lord A ^ tS UR ^ NNOX . Deputy-Chairman—T . C . GRAINGER , Esq ., M . P ., * - . John Ashburner , Eeq ., M . D . Sir James Canmchiael , Bart , T M Batard Eso Jonn Gardiner , Esq . J . ' ^ B ^ huVs ' tfElq . Charles Osborn , Esq . ° A 8 rufance h s ? ra q ed ^ he lives of persons in every s tation of life , and every part of the world , on peculiarly favourable terms . Policies issued to secure an amount on attaining a certain age , or on death , should it occur previously . Immediate annuities granted on liberal terms , affording great advantage to persons of limited income . „„„„ , _„ Deferred annuities may be purchased at rates which secure a return of the whole or part of the premiums paid , in case the age at which the annuity is to commence be not attained . Also endowments on widows and children . , All the Company ' s ^ gagementa are guaranteed by an ample subscribed and paid-upJRpital . Prospectuses and thAiecessaiy forms of proposal , with every information , may be obtained " on application , either personally or by letter , at the Company ' s offices . . A liberal commission allowed to solicitors and agents in every branch of business . H . D . DAVENPORT , Sec .
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LONDON CO-OPERATIVE STORE , in connection with the Society for Promoting Working Men ' e Association , 76 , Charlotte-street , Fiteroy-square . The London Central Cooperative Agency has now completed its arrangements for transacting the wholesale business of the various cooperative storeB . The books of the agency will be open at all times for the inspection of its customers , and thus the beat guarantee will be furnished for honest dealing . " Original packages will be sent whenever the order will admit of it , so that the first cost of the goods may be ascertained by inspecting the invoices . All goods are purchased at the first markets for ready money . Address , Lloyd Jones , Manager , 76 , Charlotte-street , Fiteroysquare . ________________________________
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A CARD . f ^ DOBSON COLLET , of the Royal Italian V > « Opera , Covent Garden , Teacher of Singing . For Terms o ? KluBical Lectures , Private Lessons or Class Teaching , in Tdwn or Country , apply to C . D . C , 15 , Essex-street , Strand .
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NOTICE TO THE FRIENDS OF THE FOREIGNER . J BROWN begs to inform the readers of the Leader that there are a large number of Refugees anxious to learn some Business . Some of them can speak a little English A Bonus of Money will be given to the person undertaking to teach them a Business . Application to be made to J . Brown , 41 , Turnmill-street , Clerkenwell .
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Just published , in 8 vo ., price only 6 d ., or , postage free , 10 d ., a National Pamphlet , entitled the WA R of the CHURCHES ; or , The Real Nature of the Quarrel between the Church of Rome and the Church of England , with very numerous Historical Reflections and Illustrations of the State of Christianity in England for the last Thousand Years , showing the effect a revival of the Penal Code would have upon the social condition of the empire , and its numerous religious , civil , and political interests . ByJuNiusCiviLis . London : Published by James Gilbert , 49 , Paternoster-row . Orders received by all Booksellers , Stationers , &c .
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ROBERT OWEN AND THE LATE SIR ROBERT PEEL . ROBERT OWEN'S JOURNAL , Nos . 14 and 15 , contains many interesting paVticulars relative to the late Sir Robert Peel , and bis and his Father ' s acquaintance with Mr , Owen , with-other information on several important subjects ; in two letters from Mr . Owen to the Dean of York , in reply to the erroneous statements of the Dean relative to Mr . Owen , in his memoir of Sir Robert Peel , recently published in " Colburn's Monthly Magazine , " ROBERT OWEN'S JOURNAL is published weekly , price One Penny ; and in monthly parts , price Fourpence , and contains the results of Mr . Owen ' s most extensive experience in practical measures for reforming the character of the population , and securing the prosperity of all . J . Clayton , No . 2 Gi > , Strand ; and J . Watson , Queen ' s Headpassage , Pateinoster-row .
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BOLDERO'S POWDERS for the CURE of OFFENSIVE BREATH . —The large sale is a sufficient guarantee of their efficacy , —a certain cure even in the most stubborn cases . Sold only by Mr . Boldero , in boxes , 3 s . 6 d . and 7 s . 6 d . each , at No . 8 , Lower James-street , Golden-square , and forwarded into the Country on receipt of a Post-office order , or Postage Stamps for the amouut and the carriage .
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KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES are daily recommended by the Faculty—testimonials from the most eminent of whom may be inspected—as the most effectual , safe , speedy , and convenient remedy for Cough and all disorders of the lungs , chest , and throat . Prepared and sold in boxes , Is . ljd ., and tins , 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 10 s . 6 d . each , by THOMAS KEATING , Chemist , &c . No . 79 , St . Paul ' s-churchyard , London . Sold retail by all Drugcists . -
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DIVISION OF PROFITS . ALBION LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , LONDON . Instituted in 1805 . DIRECTORS . JOHN HAMPDEN GLEDSTANES , Esq ., Chairman . CHARLES RUSSELL , Esq ., Deputy Chairman . Thomas StarliDg Benson , Esq . Thomas William Clinton Mur-James W . Bosanquet , Esq . dock , Esq . Trederick Burmester , Esq . David Riddall Roper , Usq . John Coningham , E * q . Edward Stewart , Esq . Frederick D . Danvers , Esq . Francis Wilson , Esq . At the last Division of Profits ( 1849 ) , every policy-holder insured upon the Participating Scale of Premium became entitled to a return of one-fifth of all the premium he had paid , either in the form of an immediate Cash payment , or by Augmentation of the Sum Insured , or Reduction of the future Premium . The next division will take place in 1852 , when every Policy effected on or before 30 th April next will entitle the holder to a larger share of the divisible surplus than if effected after that date . Amongst other advantages secured to policy-holders in this Company , are—a low rate of premium at the younger ages ; the payment of the snm insured at the end of thirty days after proof of death ; and the liberty of residing- in many parts of North America , the Cape , New Zealand , and Australia , without any extra charge except for Sea-risk . For Forms ol Proposal , Prospectuses , Sec ., apply to any of the Company ' s Agents , or to John le Cappelain , Actuary and Secretary .
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A N ENQUIRY into the PHILOSOPHY and RELIGION of SHAKSPEARE . By W . J . Birch , M . A ., New Inn Hall , Oxon , Author of the " Real and Ideal . " Lettered , in cloth , price 4 s . " A curious and even an attractive book . It is pervaded by a distinct purpose , sustained by Zealand industry . The defence of ? Othello' against the charge of lago's' insufficiency of motive , and the estimate of « Cas 6 io's' character , exhibit thought and criticism . "—Spectator . " This is one of the most marvellous book 3 produced in the nineteenth century . The author is in earnest , and his book is a serious and awe-inspiring work . "—Tablet . "The task of testing the great bard's religious sentiments in a manner most legitimate , has been ably accomplished by Mr . Birch . The book throws much additional light on the real structure of Shak 8 peare ' s mind . "—Weekly Dispatch . " Mr . Birch's attempt is to remove the veil that wraps the poet , curious to see whether or not his countenance ' shincth as that of angel . ' This unveiling Mr . Birch does with a darinjj , but a gentle hand . "—Leamington Courier . , " Mr . Birch ' s book is an elaborate and systematic exposition of the natural history of Shaks ^ pere ' s opinions—eloquent with facts , minute in analysis , faithful in detail , and impartial in execution . It is an anodyne to the parched spirit to turn to the fresh pages of Mr . Birch—redolent of a manly and dignified criticism , which keeps close to truth and disdains to pander to omnipotent opinion . "—licasoner . C . Mitchell , Red Lion-court , Fleet-street , London .
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rpOOTHACHE PREVENTED by using A BRANDE'S ENAMEL for filling decaying Teeth , and rendering them sound and painless . Price Is . Enough for several Teeth . The only substance approved by the medical faculty , as being unattended with pain or danger , and the good effects of which are permanent . Sold by a'l Chemists in the United Kingdom . Twenty really authorized Testimonials accompany each box , with full directions for U 9 e . Sent free , by return of post , by J . WILLIS , FLEETSTREET , London , in return for thirteen penny stamps . CAUTION . —The great success of this preparation has induced numerous unskilful persons to produce spurious imitations , and to copy Brande's Enamel advertisements . It is needful , therefore , to guard against such impositions by seeing that the name of " John Willis " accompanies each packet .
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CURE OF ASTHMA OF SEVERAL YEAE 8 ' 8 TANDING . " Cainscross , near Stroud , Gloucestershire , March 20 , 1850 . " Sir , —Having been troubled with Asthma for several years , I could find no relief from any medicine whatever untillwaB induced about two years ago to try a box of your valuable Lozenges , and found such relief from them that I am determined for the future never to be without a box of them in the house , and will do all in my power to recommend them to my friends . " If you consider the above Testimonial of any advantage , you are quite at liberty to make what use of it you please . " I am , Sir , your most obliged servant , " Thos . Keating , Esq . " W . J . Tkigq . " 79 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard .
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RUPTURE 8 EFFECTUALLY AND PERMANENTLY CUSED WITHOUT A TRUSS . D R . GUTHREY still continues to devote bis attention to the treatment of this alarming complaint , and has never failed in effecting a perfect cure . His remedy is applicable to every variety of Single and Double Rupture , in male or female , however bad or long standing ; is easy and painless in application , causing no inconvenience or confinement , &c . ; and will be sent , free by post , to any part of the kingdom , with full instructions , rendering failure impossible , on receipt of 8 ix Shi llings in postage stamps ; or , post-office order , payable at the Gray ' s-inn-road Office . Address . —Henry-Guthrey , M . D ., 6 , Ampton-street , . Gray ' sinn-road , London . At home , for consultation daily , from Eleven till One , mornings , and Five till Seven , evenings ; 8 undaya excepted . A great number of old trusses and testimonials have been presented to Dr . G . as trophies of Hie suc . ccus of his remedy , which may be seen by any sufferer . I am thankful for my restoration to health and comfort , by your beautiful cure of my double rupture . "—Mra . Barrett . " As you were kind enough to show me your museum of old trusses , when I called on you , I think it nothing but fair I should send you mine to add to the number , as it ia now useless to me ; 1 have not worn it since I used your remedy five naonthu ago . "—John Clarke , lUuley .
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DR . CULVERVYELL ON NERVOUSN ESS , DEBILITY , AND INDIGESTION . Price la . ; by Post , Is . Cd . WHAT TO EAT , DRINK , AND AVOID . " Abstinentia inulti curantur morbi . " An Address to tlie Young , the Delicate , the Valetudinarian , and Invalid ; iimtruetive of how to avert ninny of the illneaaes of life ; and showing , also , the resources we have within ourselves to remedy them and live again . Sherwood , SJ 3 , Paternoster-row ; Miinn , 39 , Cornhill ; and the Author . , Ariryll-place , Regent-street : consultation hours , ten till live ; evenings , seven till nine .
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GA LL'S MESMERIC DROPS are declared by all who have proved their efficacy to be the greatest blessing ever conferred upon the afflicted . In the short space of lialf an hour they ensure perfect freedom from pain either of body or mind ; the most excruciating torments being subdued as perfectly as in a mesmeric Bleep . In smaller doses they soothe irritability of the nerves , and produce a p leasing tranquillity unattainable by any other known physical ajjent . The MESMERIC DROPS do not contain Opium nor Henbune , and although from its effects the active ingredients may be technically termed a narcotic , its exhibition is not attended with any of tlie ill effects which arise from the use of the narcotic drugs hitherto known . In many of the most distressing anddungoroue maladies , allaying pain and tranquillizing the sufferer i « tlie grand desideratum for effecting . 1 cure , and in cases of a less urgent character the happiest effects often follow the administration of remedies which soothe the nerves and allay irritability . In all such cases the MESMEltlC DROPS will be found an invaluable resource . Hold iu ltoxes Is . ljd ., 2 a . Ud ., 4 s . Gd ., and lie , by Neville nnd Hoydd , 503 , New Oxford-street , London ; Uarclay and Co ., Farringdon-street ; Hannay nnd Co ., Oxford-Btreet , and nil vendors uF patent medicines . N .. li—Should any difficulty arise in procuring them they may be : had post irvtt , by remitting' the amount in poat « ig « stmnpa to Neville and Boydd .
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BEAUTIFUL HAIR , WHISKERS , EYEBROWS . &c ., may be with certainty obtained by using a very small portion of ROSALIE COUPELLE' 8 PARISIAN I'OMADE , every morning , iiatead of any oil or other preparation . A fortnight ' s use will , in most cases , enow its surprising properties in producing and curling Whiskers , Hair , fee , at any age , Iroin whatever cause deficient ; hb also checking grayness , &c . Sent free by post , with instructions , &c , on receipt of twentyfour postage stumps , by Mies Coupelle , Kly-place , Hoi born , London ; who may be consulted on these matters daily , from two till five o'clock . THSTIMONIAI . S . Lieutenant Holroyd , it . N ., writes : "Its effects are truly astonishing ; it has thickened and darkened my hair v « ry much . Mra . Uuckley , Stupulford-. Your delightful Pomade has improved my huir wonderfully . " Mr . Yates , halr-dreuBcr , Maltou : The young irtan has now o good pair of Whiakora ; I want you to send me two pots for other customers of mine . " Mrs . Lello , Worthing : " I use your Pomade in my nursery , us I tlnd it very useful for children's hair also . " DO NOT CUT YOUR CORNS—BUT CURE THEM . Also will be Hont ( freu ) , on receipt of thirteen stamps , her only safe , speedy , and lasting euro for soft or hard corns , bunions , « c . It cures in three duys . unu is never fulling . Mm . Hughes , Suubury : " It cured four corns , and tbre « bunions , umuxing ly quick , und in tho beat and sufeut thing I ' « vo over met with . " Address : MISS COUPELLE , Ely-placo , IIolborn , London .
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MU D I E ' S S E L E C T L I B It A R Y . Two Hundred and Fifty Copies of MORROW'S " LAVENGItO" an- in circulation at MUDIE'S SELECT LIHRAUY , M , UPPER KING-STREET , ULOOMSUURY-6 QUARE . SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION—ONE GUINEA PER ANNUM . First-class Country Subscription—Two Guineas and upwards , according to the number of volmncu required . Literary Institutions and Hook Societies supplied on moderate terms . A Prospectus will be forwarded on application . C . E . MUDIU , 2 H , Upper King-street , Bloomsbury-square .
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rilEA . —ARRIVAL of the FORFARSHIRE . — JL This vestiel bus Just arrived from China , having brought , indisputably , tli « t choicest chops of the new season " h Congou . Wo wish to draw the especial notice of families and hotelkeepers to tin ; unusiiul exeollcnce of the above cargo , which wo lire selling lit 4 a . Id . per 1 b . Alno strong lull-flavoured Congou at 3 s . 8 d . to 1 h . A peculiar choice Assam Souchong ut 4 h . Kil . to . > s . SIDNEY , WELLS , ami MANDUELL . No . 8 , Ludgiite-hill . Families resident in any part of the kingdom run be supplied at the above prices , and the leas carefully pucked in lead . The Customs' overweight of 21 b . on uhcbts containing Hllb ., and of lib . on half-chests of about . 401 b ., invariably allowed . KIDNEY , WELLS , anil MANDIJULI , No . H , Ludgiite-hill .
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KuiuiiTiiiNu Rational ! A COMFORTABLE SHAVE KO . lt 3 d . PER MONTH . nno am , whose time is precious . — A PEARti'S TRANSPARENT ! S 11 A VING-STICK produces , with hot or cold water , an instiiutmieouH , unctuous , and conulHtenl , lut her , wliii li Hol ' tens the heard , and thereby renders the piocuas ol ttliiiving more rapid , easy , and cleanly than the old mode . Plant ' s hluiving-Slick it < formed from hid Transparent Hoap , which linn u nioitt agreeable fragrant odour , and its linn comUHtenre inaluni it more durable than any other Soup . Price of Hhuving-HLicliH , in e . aties . Is . anil Is . tid . each . Upon HixteiiuiHCitu ^ o Htumps being sent to A . and I ' . Pears , 1 ) 1 , Groat RuHHdl-Htrect , Ulouuiabtiry , London , uuu tftick will bo forwarded by Pout ,
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BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS . — The acknowledged ellicucy of BLAIR'S GOUT and 1 UIEUMATIC PILLS , by the continued series of TttBtimonialu which have been sent to , and published by ,, the proprietor for nearly twenty years , has rendered this medicine the mostpopulur of the present age ; nnd , iu corroboration of which , tho folio wing extract of a letter , written by John Molurd Wheeler , Esq ., Collector of Customs , Jamaica , having been banded by his brother , at Swindon , to Mr . Prout for publication , will fully conllrui : — . "I know you have- never had occasion to take IJlulr ' s Pills but lot me emphatically tell you , in mercy to any friend who imiy miller from gout , rheumatic gout , lumbago , Hciaticu rhcuniutifin , or any branch of that widely-allied family , to recommend their using them . In this country they are , of wonderful Hlicacy : not only am I pcrtonally aware of their powers , but I oei ; my friends and ucquuintanccs receiving unfailiiiir benefit from tlieir use . I would not be without thorn on any iiccouiit . If taken in the early stugo of disease , they diusipatc it ultoi / elher ' if iu a later , they alleviate pain , and effect a much speedier ourc than by any other incana within my knowledge . " Hold by Thomns Prout , 22 * J , Strand , London and by his appointment , by all respectable Medicine Vendojru tin ' ouuhout the United Kingdom . Price 2 s . ltd . per box . Ask foi IILAIR' 8 GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILMj and obiMirvu the iiiiniu anil address of " Thomas Prout 'JJ'J * HUuiid London " impressed npon tho Government stamp « fll »« , a to cuoh box of thu Genuine Medicluo .
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London i Printed by lUintiT I ' u . uii . ( of No . II , Chenitow-terrace , inth T I ' nriilior Konalngtnn , Middlnanx ) , « t thfi Office of Ilobert l ' almer •»« Joseph Clayton , No * Ml , Orano-court , Floot-atreat , in the tfmtiah ol ««• l > iinatiiii-iii-tha-Writ iu tliotrityof London i and published by J «»»* ' *" Ci . Av-onJunr . of and « t thn 1 'i . lai . liiriK-onUn . No . 2 U » , Strand , in i »" l ' ariahot He . clement l > uiiaa , iu th « City o ( We » tu » i- » ter . —»_»! »»» - ¦ fubrunry H , lHbt .
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L 40 Eft * toe **** . [ Satorda * . Feb . 8 , 1851 .
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 8, 1851, page 140, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1869/page/24/