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LON DON CO-OPERATIVE STORE, in connection with the Society for Promoting Working
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wen a v , 70 , ( - cci , numy- <««•; . The London Central Coiiperutivo Agency has now completed its arrangements for transacting the- wholesale buuineatf of the vuriouu cooperative tstorett . The boolcH of the agency will bo open at all times for the inspection of its customers , and thus the best guarantee will be furniuhed for honeat dealing . Original packagou will be sent whenever the order will admit of It , to that thr Hint cost of the goods may be ascertained by inspecting the invoices . AH goods are purchased at the first markets for ready money . AddreHH , Lloyd Joii * h , Mumper , 76 , Oliarlolte-dtrect , FiUroy-Hquare . int . CULVKUWKLL ON NERVO 1 J 8 NKB 8 , DEBILITY , AND INDHiKHTlON . Price In . ; bv Pout , In . ( id .
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Yy HAT TO KAT , DRINK , AND AVOID . * " Abuthientia inulll curuntur niorWi . " An AddieHa to the Yoiiiik . tho Delicate , tlio Vuluttldlnariaii , and Invalid ; iiiHtruclive of how to avert many of the illiieiirfcH of life ; and allowing , ulno , tho reuourcoi wo have within uuruelvitu to remedy them mid live again . Sherwood , 23 , PivleimiHter-row , Munn , 31 ) , Cornhill ; and th « Author , 10 , Ai-yll-plu , ; ,-, Regniit-Htrcct ; coutiultuti'iu hoiuu , ten till live ; tvoniiiKH , seven till nine .
Untitled Article
BANK OF ENGLAND . An Account , pursuant to the Act 7 th and 8 th Victoria , cap . 32 for the week ending on Saturday , the 8 th of February , 1851 , I 68 UB DBPARTMKNT . £ * Notes istued .... 27 , 638 , 220 Government Debt , 11 . 015 , 100 Other Securities .. 2 , 984 , 900 Gold Coin and Bullion 13 , 608 , 553 Silver Bullion .... 29 , 667 £ 27 , 638 , 220 £ 27 , 638 , 220 BANKING DEPARTMENT . £ £ Proi > rietors'Capital , 14 , 553 , 000 Government Secu-Kest .. 3 , 239 , 356 rities ( including PublicDepositsfin- Dead-weight Aneluding Exche- nuity ) 14 , 145 , 696 quer Savings * Other Securities .. 11 , 834 , 247 Banks , Commie- Notes 8 , 463 , 135 sioners of National Gold and Silver Debt , and Divi- Coin 630 , 944 dend Accounts ) .. 6 , 723 , 916 Other Deposits 9 , 360 , 278 Seven-day andother Bills 1 , 206 , 472 £ 35 , 083 , 022 £ 35 , 083 , 022 Dated Feb . 13 , 1851 . M . Marshall , Chief Cashier . BRITISH FUND 8 FOB THE PAST WEEK . ( Closing Prices . ) Satur . Mond . Tues . i Wedn . Thurs . Frid . Bank Stock .... 215 ;} 215 2142 215 | 215 A per Ct . Red .. 97 i 97 97 J 97 $ 97 962 3 p . C . Con . Ans . 96 j | 9 C | * Mi » t ) g 96 J 96 | 3 p . C . An . 1726 . 3 p . Ct . Con ., Ac . 96 { 95 § 96 J 96 $ 9 <> 4 961 3 | p . Cent . An . 98 J 98 § 98 i 99 98 $ 98 g New 5 per Cts . Lou ? Ans ., 1860 . 7 J 7 J hf 13-16 7 $ 7 J 7 11-16 Ind . St . lO 4 p . ct . 2 f > 7 265 ^ 2 G 7 2654 Ditto Bonds .. 68 p 65 p 61 p 67 p 66 p Ex . Bills . 1000 / . 57 p 55 p 57 p 57 p 54 p 53 p Ditto , 500 * . .. 57 p 57 p 57 p 54 p 53 p Ditto . Smal 54 p f 57 p 57 p I 57 p i 54 p 53 p Foreign funds . ( Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening . ) Austrian 5 per Cents . 97 J Mexican 5 per Ct . Ace . 33 g Belgian Bds ., 4 $ p . Ct . 91 * Small .. .. — Brazilian 5 per Cents . 92 } Neapolitan 5 per Cents . — Buenos Ayres 6 p . Ct 8 . — Peruvian 4 $ per Cents . — Chilian 6 per Cents . .. — Portuguese 5 per Cent . 34 $ Danish 5 per Cents . .. — 4 per Ct » . 33 $ Dutch 2 i per Cents ... 58 J Annuities — 4 per Cents . .. 91 * Russian , 1822 , 44 p . Cts . 97 $ Ecuador Bond * .. 3 $ Span . Actives , 5 p . Cts . 194 French 5 p . C . An . atParis 96 . 55 . Passive .. 4 $ 3 p . Cts ., Feb . 14 , 57 . 75 Deferred .. — SHARES . Last Official Quotation for the Week ending Friday Evening . Railways . Banks . Caledonian .. .. 121 Australasian .. .. 32 J Eastern Counties .. 7 j British North American 42 | Edinburgh and Glasgow 34 Colonial .. .. .. — Great Northern .. .. 18 Commercial of London .. 25 Great North of England — London and Westminster 27 Gr ^ atS . & W . ( Ireiand ) 43 $ London Joint Stock .. 17 J Great Western .. .. H % National of Ireland .. — Hull and Sclby .. .. 104 National Provincial .. — Lancashire and Yorkshire < > N . i Provincial of Ireland .. 42 $ Lancaster and Carlisle 74 Union of Australia .. 34 Lond ., Brighton , &S . Coast 98 Union of London .. 12 J London and Black wall .. 7 Minks . London and N .-Western 132 Bolanos — Midland .. .. .. 61 Brazilianlmperi . il .. — North British .. -. 9 g Ditto , St . John del Key 13 J Soiith-Eastern and Dover 25 j Cobre Copper .. .. 35 ejouth-Wcsteni .. -. 894 Mikckm . anrous . York , Newcas ., & Berwick 20 J Australian Agricultural — York and North Midland 24 jj Ciuuulti .. .. .. — Docks . ( Jeneral Steam .. .. 28 ^ Kant and West India .. — Penins . it Oriental Steam 71 ) London .. .. .. — Royal Mail Strain .. 70 81 . Katharine .. .. — South Australian .. — GHA 1 N , Mark-lane , 1 YI » . 11 . Wheat , K . New 34 s . to 31 s . Mnjile 28 m . to 30 s . Fine 36 —38 While 22 —21 owi 34 ;;<; Hollers 24 — 2 <» White ' - ( I — 38 Deans , Ticku . .. 22 — 23 Fine 1 » —42 1 ) 1 . 1 an —28 Superior New 40 — 42 ln < li ; ui Corn .... 2 S —30 Hj « » 24 — 2 . ) Oats , 1 'Ved 11 — if , Burley J ? — lH ' '» " «; 10 — 1 « Malting 22 ~ XI Poland IC —17 Malt . Ord 41 — 46 line 17 —18 l-in « - 48 — . > 0 Potato 16 —17 Pea * . Hog ~ — -6 Fine 17 —18 GENERAL AVKKACK PRICK OK GRAIN . Wj ckk Knding Fell . K . Imperial ( ieneral Weekly Average . Whent 3 N » . Id . Rye 23 s . lid . lUrlvy 22 10 Be : « u : < yf , jo Oats 1 ( i 9 PeaH 2 t > 0 Aggregate Average of the Six Weekw . Wheat ' Mia . 0 . 1 . Rye 23 s . lid . Barley 22 10 lltuim 2 <> ft Out * N' 'J IVtth U' 7 0 11 , OUR . T «> wii-mude per navk 4 () h . to 13 s . S .-coikIh ;< 7 4 (| E »*«) X and HnHolk , on board whip ; j ; j 34 Norfolk iin . I Stockton ; i () _ . _ ; j . » Aint'ricnii per barrel 21 — 22 Cuiuutiuu > 2 | 22 Wheaten Bread , 7 . 1 . the lib . loaf . Household !* , ( id . BUTCH 1 CH . S' Ml'AT . N lyW . JATli AND I . UADKNIIAU . * SMITH Fl UI . U * . »• d . H . d . a . , | . H , l _ Beef 2 4 to 3 0 2 4 to 3 H Mutton 2 8 — 3 K ; j 1 _ . 1 r , Veul 3 0 — 4 (> . J 4—4 0 Pork a 0 — 3 H 3 44 2 * To Mink the oll ' ul , per rtlb . IlKAl ) or Catti . k at Hmitiii- 'Iki . I ) . Friday . Monday . Iie . iHln 7 . ') 'J 3 H 1 I Hl . e .- i 30 SO 18 , 170 C » lven 211 131 * PiL- « l"J 5 320
Untitled Article
Tuet day , February 10 . Declarations of Dividends . —H . Ashley . Fleet-street , and Little Carter-lane , Doctors' -commons , carrier ; first div . of Is . 5 d ., on Thursday next , and three following Thursdays ; Mr . Graham , Coleman-atreet — T . and E . Lyon , Birchin-lane , stockbrokers ; third div . of SJd ., and first div . of 6 i . 0 | d . on the separate estate of T . Lyon , on Thursday next , and three following Thursdays ; Mr . Graham , Coleman-street—B . W . Samson , Essex-wharf ,-near the Strand , coal merchant ; first div ; of 2 \ A ., on Thursday next , and three following Thursdays ; Mr . Graham , Coleman-street—3 : Winn . 'Charlotte-street , Blackfriars-road , gasfitter ; first div . of 2 s . 10 d ., on Thursday next , and thTee following Thursdays ; Mr . Graham , Coleman-street — E . Bust , Good Easter , Essex , brickmaker ; first div . of 2 e . 9 A ., on Thursday next , and three following Thursdays ; Mr . Graham . Coleman-street — B . Copland , Union-street , Whitechapel ; first div . of 2 s . 5 d ., on Thursday next , and three following Thursdays ; Mr . Graham , Coleman-street—J . A . Stirton , Chandos-street , Covent-garden , ffrocer ; third div . of 4 s ., on Thursday next , aud three following Thursdays ; Mr . Graham , Coleman-street — G . Morton , Newroad , Whitecnapel-road , draper ; second div . of Is . lljd ., any Wednesday ; Mr . Whitmore , Basinghall-street — T . Megary , Love-lane , Billingsgate , coal merchant ; fifth div . of 5 d ., on Thursday , the 13 th , and three following Thursdays ; Mr . Stanfield , Basinghall-street — J . P . Graves , Mortimer-street , Cavendish-square , auctioneer ; firstdiv . of % i& ., on Thursday , the 13 th , and thiee following Thursdays ; Mr . Stansfeld , Basinghall-street R . Westmore , West Derby , near Liverpool , joiner ; first div . of 2 s . 6 d ., on Thursday , the 20 th , or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr . Cazenove , Liverpool—R . Williams , Chester , engineer ; first div . of 203 ., on Thursday , the 13 th , or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr Cazenove , Liverpool—S . Glenny , Liverpool and Newry , corn merchant ; first div . of Is ., on Wednesday , the 19 th . or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr . Turner , Liverpool—H . Burton ; fifth div . of 8 d ., on Tuesday , the 11 th . or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr . Pennell , Guildhall-chambers , Basinphall-street—G . C . Searle , Tyndal-place , Islington , apothecary ; first div . of 5 s ., on Tuesday , the 11 th , or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr . Pennell , Guildhall-chambers , Basingrhall-street — A . Campbell , Kegent-street , army agent ; third div . of Is . 3 d . ( on the separate estate ) , on Tuesday , the 18 th , or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr . Pennell , Guildhall-chan bers , Ba 3 inghall-street .
Bankuuptcibs Annulled . — George Johnstone , Newbury , publican—Edward Hodges , Swinford , Leicestershire , surgeon . Bankbutts . —J . Bakugh , High Holboin , o il and colourman , to surrender Feb . 21 , March 24 ; solicitors , Mesws . Treherne and White , Barge-yard-chambers , Bucklersbury ; official assignee , Mr . Graham — W . L . Wood , Charles-street , Drury-lane , pianoforte-maker , Feb . 21 , March 28 ; solicitors , Messrs . Wright and Bonner , London-street , Fenchurch-street ; official assignee , Mr . Cannon , Birchin-lane—E . Bliss , Barbican , brushmaker , Feb . 21 , March 87 ; solicitors , Messrs . Baylis and Drew , Kedcross-tjtreet , Cripplegate ; official assignee , Mr . Bell ,
Coleman-street-buildmgs—B . B . Coltman , Regent-street , Court milliner , Feb . 22 , April 5 ; solicitor , Mr . Norcutt , Queensquare , Bloomsbury ; official assignee , Mr . Nicholson , Basinghall-street—J . Muhublls , Colchester , barge-owner , Feb . 21 , March 25 ; solicitors , Messrs . Wire and Child , St . Swithin ' slane , and Mr . Barnes , Colchester ; official assignee Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane—H . D . Stevenson , Bishopwearmouth , Durham , merchant . Feb . 20 , March 20 ; solicitors , Messrs . Wright . Sunderland , and Messrs . Maples , Maples , and Pearee , Frederick ' s-plnce . Old Jewry ; official assignee , Mr . Wakley , Newcastle-upon-Tyne .
Dividends . —March 6 , H . Watts , Upper Bryanstone-stieet , Bryaustone-8 quare . corndealer—March 4 , J . T . Wheatley , Commercial-road , Lambeth , lighterman— March 4 , P . M . Chitty , Shafte 8 bury , scrivener — March 5 , K . Swansborough and H . Oake , late of Bread-street , warehouseman , and Grim ? by , flax merchants—March 10 , D . Simons , Trowbridge , general dealer—March 7 , T . P . Collins , Bristol , tailor—March 6 , S . L . Trotman , Liverpool , merchant—March 4 , J . Bates , Leeds , share broker . Cektificatk . —To be granted , unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day oj meeting . —March 4 , H . Hamer , Blackfriars-road , linmdraper . Scotch Sequestration . — C . Scobie , Perth , coppersmith . Feb . 17 , March 7 . Friday , February 14 .
Declarations ok Dividends . —J . Johnson , jun ., Uxbridge , common carrier ; firtit and final div . of 4 s ., on new proofs , on Saturday next , and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr . Groom , Abi-hurch-lane—J . P . Oliver , Blackheath , late commander of the -ship Albion ; third and final div . of ljd ., on Saturday next , and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane W . B . Ed ridge , Long-acre , coachmaker ; second div . of l £ d ., Feb . 17 , and two subsequent Mondays ; Mr . Caiman , Birchin-lane—J . H . Gill , Plutniner ' u-row , City-road , grocer ; first div . of 2 * . 3 d ., Feb . 17 , and two subsequent Mondays ; Mr . Caiman , Birchin-lune—W . Pyoian . St . Osyth , Essex , corn merchant ; second div . of l ^ d ., Feb . 17 , and two subsequent Mondays ; Mr . Caiman , Birchinlane—J . N . Reynolds , Upper-street , Islington , grocer ; first div . of . > s . 9 ( 1 . , Feb . 17 , and two subsequent Mondays ; Mr . Caiman . Birchin-lane — J . Wright , Henrietta-Mtrcet , Covent-garden " , banker ; second div . of 1 b ., FcU . 15 , and nny subsequent Saturday ; Mr . Kdwards , Bainbrook-court , liasin ^ hall-atreet — A . and W . Prior , New-road , ironmongers ; lirst div . of 3 s . 9 d ., Feb . 15 , and three . subsequent Saturdays ; Mr . Edwards . Sambrook-court ' UaHiiiL'hall-Htreet . '
Bankruptcies Annulled . —C . Wilson , late of Liverpool , dealer in iiiilwuy shares—W . Al « op . Plymouth , potter . Bankruptcy 8 iii > kuskdei > . —B . Ilouian , Weutbournc-terrace , Paddington , builder . IIankiuu'TS . —F . P . Platy , Broad-strcet-buildingo , merchant , to surrender March 3 and 27 ; uolicitor , Mr . Lloyd . Milk-street ) Cheapvido ; official assignee , Mr . Edwardu , Mambrook-court , ' Bauinghall-street — P . Wootton , sen ., and P . Wootton ) jun ., Margate , ( f ^ oceis , March 1 and 29 ; solicitors , Me > srH . ' Wright uikd Bonner , London-street , Fenchiirch-8 treut ; official UBsignco , Mr . Pennell , tiuildhull-chamberu , BuHinghall-Htreet J . Manning , Birmingham , draper , Feb . 24 , March < 4 ; solicitor , Mr . Smith , Birmingham ; official assignee , Mr . Christie , Birmingham—K . Tkti . ovv , Leeds , innkeeper , March 4 and 31 ; ' ioii _ citorH , MeHHrs . UobiiiHon and Green , Leedu ; ofllciul asHiLMiet * Mr . Hope . Leeds—II . Hunt , Kingaton-upoii-ilull , merchant ' l '« . b . 2 « . April ' 2 , ; aolicltors , Messrs . Wells , Hinith . ' aiid Dodil '
Hull ; olllciul uMHlgnee , Mr . Carrick , Hull—T . BitltjiiotiHU I iverpool . contractor , Feb . 25 , March 24 ; solicitor , Mr . Puterson " Liverpool ; official a « signee , Mr . Caatenovo , Liverpool—J . Wilson ' Ht . llolen ' H , Lancashire , chemical inuniifuctuier , Feb 25 Muroh * 24 ; Boli < it <» r , Mr . Jevoua , Liverpool ; olllcial ' aHsiiruee Mr Morguu , Liverpool . ¦ ' Divii ) KNi »« . —March 8 . J . Griffiths . Htraml , Hnendraper—M UrC 1 7 ' J- - , Ilt : "l"U '' ' <; ?! th "" <* " ' »>« ' « , « tockbn , k , r - March 7 , W F . Newton . Dover-Btrect . Piceailillv inillin .-r -March 13 . F \ Lrake . Ko ent- « treet . relievo 1 , 1 £ „ " ufaeturer-March H , j . I 1 « 1 H ,, . worth . Paddinjrton-Htreet M rvh-. on .- . butcher March « , J . H » U , hi ,, 80 n . iliver-terra . ' o Nor h City-road , Islui ton . apothecary—Mai eh 8 , II r Z , Zt r : i ~ 'i ^ r : ; i ^ S'v ? r ^ zri Bz i .. « k ,,,, i ,, . , ,,,,, i . cr _ m « , « i , i » . » . i " ; C " i-, szlz
cheesemonger—March 17 , J . Crisp . jun . Beccles , corn-merchant —Match 17 , J . Kitchner , Gravel-lane , Southwark , scavenger—March 10 , H . Snelling , Brighton , grocer- March 10 , C . Bray , Portsea , trader—March 13 , S . Leggatt , Norwich . innkeeper-March 7 , S . Banfill , Edward-street , Langham-place , cabinetmaker—March 7 , J . and J . F . King , Well's-row , Islington , builders—March 7 , B . Dart and J . Brown , Bedford-street , Covent-garden . coach lace manufacturers—March 7 , T . and W . Stirling , 8 tratford , slaters—March 7 , J . G . Forster , Aldgate , High-street , tailor—March 7 , J . Richardson , Edgeware-road , ironmonger—March 7 , V . S . Godfrey , Duddington , Northamptonshire , miller—March 7 . T , B . Cousens , Wisbeach , St . Peter ' s , ship builder—March 14 , B . Miles , Pontypridd , Glamorganshire , grocer—March 7 , W . Pitfield , Tottington Lower-end , Lancashire ,
bleacher—March II , C . L . Swainson and J . Birchwood , Manchester , manufacturers—March 7 , J . Crosthwaite , Liverpool , merchant—March 7 , J . Meredith , Tattenhall , Cheshire , maltster March 7 , T . Banks , Liverpool , cattle salesman—March 13 , G . Page , Wolverhampton , coal dealer . Certificates . —To be granted , unless causebe shovmto thecontrary , on the day of meeting . — March 13 , C . Bunyard , Mark lane , seedsman—March 8 , S . Adams , Bow , engineer—March 10 , W . Eeley , Horsepath , Oxfordshire , butcher—March 14 , N . Berton , Princes-street , Hanover-square , tailor—March 12 , R . Miles , Pontypridd , Glamorganshire , grocer—March 7 , C . Robinson , Liverpool , sailmaker—March 13 , W . Pitcher . Pershore , Worcestershire , corn dealer—Feb . 25 , J . Simons , Wibloft , Warwickshire and Leicestershire , horsedealer .
Scotch Sequestrations . —J . Towers , Glasgow , stockbroker , Feb . 17 , March 10—J . Smith , Glasgow , grocer , Feb . 19 , March 12—A . M'Kechnie , Greeuock , shopman , Feb . 20 , March 13—A . Smith , Kelso , currier , Feb . 21 , March 18 .
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162 « U « fcra&lT . [ Saturday ,
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BIRTHS . On the 4 th inst ., at Downham Rectory , near Ely , the wife of the Reverend F . b'isher , of a daughter . On the 6 th inst ., at Slreatham-hill , Mrs . J . H . Shears , of a son . On the 6 th inst ., at Hartlebury Castle , the wife of the Reverend E . W . Ingram , of a daughter . On the 7 th inst ., at Hastings , the wife of Captain Iremonger , of a daughter , stillborn . On the 8 th inst ., in Pimlico , the wife of the Reverend T . K . Bowyear , of a son . On the 8 th inst ., at Handsworth Rectory , Staffordshire , the wife of ( he Reverend G . W . Murray , of a son , stillborn . On the 9 th inst ., in Eaton-place , the Lady Margaret Milbanke , of a son and heir . On the 11 tli inst ., in Clapham-road , the wife of the Reverend C . Kemble , M . A ., of a son .
MARRIAGES . On the 5 th inst ., at St . Michael's , Chester-square , W . Stobart , Esq ., to Sophia , youngest daughter of Col onel Wylde , R . A . On the 8 th inst ., at St . Pancras , Alfred Eyre , Esq ., of Seymourhouse , Lee-road , Blackheath , to Emily Catherine , only daughter of the Reverend J . A . Wood , M . A . On the 10 th inst ., at St . George ' s , Hanover-square , Edward Tyrwhitt , Esq ., son of the late Sir T . Tyrwhitt Jones , Bart ., to Mary Jane , daughter of R . Ford , Esq . On the 11 th inst ., at Bridgwater , Lieutenant-Colonel J . Fitz-Gerald , Madras army , to Anne Evered , daughter of John Evered Poole , Esq ., Bridgwater . On the 12 th inst ., at St . Peter ' s Church , Pimlico , Major the Honourable James Colborn , eldest son of Lieutenant-General Lord Seaton , to the Honourable Charlotte De Burgh , youngest daughter of Lieutenant-General Lord Downes . On the 13 th inst ., at Hammersmith , John Henry , eon of Mr . Bench , of Hanover-street , Hanover-square , to Sarah , daughter of Mr . Morgan , of Albemarle-street , Piccadilly .
On the 13 th inst ., at Christ Church , Marylebone , the Reverend J . Sheal . B . D ., rector of Caldaff , Donegal , Ireland , to El izabeth , fourth daughter of the late Sir Lachlan Maclean , of Sudbury , Suffolk . DEATHS . On the ] 14 th of December last , at Bellary , India , Lieutenant A . J . Cattley , of the First Madras Fusiliers . On the 1 st inst ., at Chester-square , Mary Wollstoncraft , widow of the late Percy Bysahe Shelley , aged 53 . On the 1 st inst ., aged 89 , Sophia , relict of the Reverend Thomas Reeve , rector of Brockley , Suffolk . On the 4 th inst ., at Boulogne . George Robert Eyres , Ksq ., aged 77 , many years a magistrate for the county of Norfolk . On the 4 th inst ., at Woolavinton , Somerset , iu the 87 th year of hi 3 age , the Reverend Stephen Long Jacob , for nearly fifty-two years vicar of Waldcrsharc , in the county of Kent . On the 6 th inst ., Mra . Emma Haggerston , wife of Captain IlagareratOH , of hxeter , aged 46 .
On the 6 th inst ., at the Vicarage , Creech St . Michael , Somerset , the Kcreri'iid John Creeswell , vicar of that placo , uged 57 . On the 7 th ittst . at the Vicarage-house , Hanslope , Bucks , the Reverend James Mayne , Vicar of Ilarialope-cum-Castle Thorpe , formerly of Buthnnl-f . 'ieen . On the 8 th inst ., at Chester , Emma , the infant daug hter of the Honourable Thomas and Lady Einina Vesoy . On the 9 th inst ., at Welchpool , the Ueverend John Daviea , aged 5 M . On the 9 th hint ., in GroRvenor-strert , Louisa , relict of the late Major-Gener . il Darby Griflit . li , of Padworth-house , Berks . On the 10 th inst .. ut Horsham , aged 94 , Maria , relict of tin ; late Robert Hurut , Ksq . of Ilorsluim-park ,
, On the 10 th iudt ., at Richmond , Surrey , aged HO , Sarah , relict of the Ucvereml John Holloway , of Cardington , Bedfordshire . On the 10 th inst . at the Vicarage-house , . Sunbiiry . Middlesex . Herbert Alexander , youngest child of the Reverend Henry Vigne , aged 16 niontliH . On the 10 th inst ., Mra . Rouse , of the Eagle Tavern , City-road .
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Lon Don Co-Operative Store, In Connection With The Society For Promoting Working
LONDON CO-OPERATIVE STORE , in connection with the Society for Promoting Working
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 15, 1851, page 162, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1870/page/22/