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rpEA.—ARRIVAL of the FOKFAKSHIKE.— A This vessel hns just arrived from China, having brought,
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CU KE of TWENTY-NINE YEARS' ASi'HMATIO OOUtJH by OR . I . OCOCK' 8 PHI . MOKK ; WAFKKS . " Middleton , near Manchester . " Sir , —I am now forty-four yeard of uge , and I have been afflicted witli u » ll ) inat . ic eouuh aiucc I viua a boy fifteen years of age . During that lime I liuve renortod to every meant * in my power to remove it . but in vain , until lust Hundiiy . when 1 h *"' for a tniall box of Dr . Locock's Wafers . I have taken two boxen eincn , und from the effects they have bad upon 1110 I feel no doubt of a Hpeedy recovery . " ii . HTHIMGhU . I ) U . LOCOCK'S WAFEHH give instant relief and a rapl'J cure of Asthma , Coii ^ h , nnd all disorder !* of the breath " »<' lungH . . To HINOKltS uud PUBLIC SPKAKKKM they are invuluaDi " for clearini . ' uud MtreiiKthening the voice ; they have a p leasant Pri " c « 1 h . l . id ., 2 b ; < Jd ., und 11 » . per box . Sold by all medicine vendeiH . Al ««> DK . L ()( X ) CK'H FKMALK WAFIiKS . ^ are the only nicdiciini recommended to Jiadiuu . They havt tfifite of liieiliclin ; , l ' rico In . 14 < I ., Uh . i ) d ., mid 1 Ih . per bux . , • • AH , PILL 8 DNDKll SIMILAR NAMK 8 AUh COUNTKHFIOITH . , q . < 'A 1 ITI () N . —Many HhoplteeperB when ueked for ! ' «¦• " C () i ; KVS FKftiALK W AFKHH attempt to mill "' 1 ' '"" Illld " , lt . pn ; parnti < inH under nearly itiinilai iiiiiuhh » 'i » liM * d—becmj "" obtain u lur | rer profit b y tho Bale of Biich coiuiturloltu v »» M bo obtained t > y vendii y the Kunuiuo medicine .
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indisputably , the choicest chops of the new neuron s Congou . We wiali to ilraw the especial notice of families aiid hotelkeepers to the unusual excellence of the abovs cargo ,, which wo are Helling : < t 4-i , 4 d . per ll > . Also strong full-flavoured Congou at 3 a . 8 d . to -1 r . A peculiar choice Annani Souchong at 4 b . 8 d . to . > 8 . SIDNEY , WJ 5 LLS , and MANDUELL . No . 8 , Ludgate-hill . Fiimilies rcBidunt in any part of the kingdom c « n be supplied at the al > ovt " , prices , and thu teas carefully packed in lead . The CiiHtoms * overweight of 21 b . oi » clicst ^ containing 811 b ., nnd of lib . on linlf-elietUH of about 1011 ) ., invariab y allou'ed . SIDNEY , WKLLS , and MANDI / HLL . No . 8 , Lud '' ate-hill .
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BA . NK OF ENGLAND . An Account , purtuantto the Act 7 th and 8 th Victoria , cap 32 , for the weekbonding on Saturday , the 15 th of February , 1851 , ISSUB DEPARTMENT . Note . iMu * d .... ^ gs ^ ssg * . : ^ sys ; Gold Coin and Bullion 13 , 728 , 553 Silver Bullion .... 29 , 667 £ 27 , 758 , 220 £ 27 , 758 , 220 BANKING DErAETMENT . £ £ Proprietor 8 'Capital , 14 , 553 . 000 Government Securest ..-.- 3 , 326 , 780 nties ( including P ublic Deporiti ( in- Dead-weight Anplurlinir Exche- nuity ) 14 , 145 , 696 nuer Savings' Other Securities .. 11 , 888 , 361 Bank ' s , Commie- Notes ...... ... 8 , 847 , 895 Bioners of National Gold and Silver Debt , and Divi- Coin 715 , 281 dend Accounts ) .. 7 , 164 , 484 Other Deposits .... 9 , 423 , 679 Seven-day and other Bills 1 . 129 J 90 £ 35 , 597 , 233 £ 35 , 597 , 233 Dated Feb . 20 , 1851 . M . Mahshall , Chief Cashier .
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Tuesday , February 17 . # Declarations of Dividends . — F . J . Brown , Birmingham , railway clerk , first div of 2 s ., any Thursday ; Mr . Christie , BirSh am-S . M . Halfhide , Chesnunt , Hertfordshire , hnendraplrf first div . of Is . 2 Jd any Wednesday ; Mr . Whitmore . Ba « 5 in <» hall-street — R . G . Ward , Brownlow-street , Druiy-lane , c ^ ch carrier ; first div . of 3 * . 4 Jd ., any Wedne . day ; Mr . Whitmore , Basinghall-street . Banktiupts . — J . B . and G . B . Cooper , Druiy-lane . ironfounders , to surrender March 3 , April 1 ; solicitors , Messrs . Ford and Lloyd , Bloomsbury-square ; official assignee , Mr . Edwards Sambrook-court . Basinghall-street—J . Holland and E . Warden , Preston , Lancashire , tallowchandlers , March 3 and 31- solicitor , Mr . Taylor . Manchester ; official assignee , Mr . Pott Manchester—W . Neck , jun ., Torre , near Torquay , Devonshire , corn dealer , March 4 and 27 ; solicitors . Mr . Carter , lorquay , ' and Mr . Stog-don , Exeter ; official assignee , Mr . Hirtzel , Exeter . Dividends . — March 11 , E . Whitmore , J . and J . Wells , and F Whitmore , Lombard-street , bankers — March 11 , R . Bowerman , Ensham , Oxfordshire , carrier — March 12 , W . S . Cowper , Bishops ° -ate-street Without , and New-street , Dorset-square , o-rocer—March 10 , G . Burton , Whitecbapel-road , linendraper — March 13 , T . B . Jones , Brecon , maltster — March 21 , F . C . Husenbeth , Bristol , wine merchant . Certificates . —To be granted , unless catue he shown to the contrary oil the day of meeting . —March 8 , G . Ralston ( and not S . Adams , as before advertised ) , Bow , engineer— March 12 , J . Clark , Soham . Cambridgeshire , dealer in flour—March 12 , W . S . Cowper , Bishopagate-street Without , and New-street , Dorsetsauare , grocer — March 11 , S . Ingamells , March , Cambridgeshire , machinist — March 12 , J . Mathison , Ferry hill , Durham , builder — March 12 , T . Davey , Liskeard , Cornwa ll , seedsman-March 25 ( and not February , as before advertised ) , J . Simons , Wibloft , Warwickshire and Leicestershire , horse dealer .
Scotch Sequestrations . —J . Gilchrist . BlackhaU Dye Works , 3 iear Paisley , dyer , Feb . 20 , March 13— R . M . M'Brair , Glasgow , « ommission agent , Feb . 2 L , March 14 — J . While , Edinburgh , draper , Feb . 21 . March 21—R . Menzies , Weem , Perthshire , merchant . Feb . 24 , March 13 .
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HEAD OF CATTLB Aj BMITMIM * . ^^ Beasts ** > '"' Jffi s , f ep rJ ie ; ... ; . 127 g *; " ::::::: ; SS : ; ::::: v .:.. 280
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PROVISIONS . Butter—Best Fresh , 13 s . 6 d . to 14 s . per doz . Carlo * £ 4 6 e . to £ 4 10 s . per cwt . 44 a . t 0 46 s Bacon , Irish V" " 42—69 Cheese , Cheshire 44 k Derby , Plain ? £ _ Hams . York / VT ^ V Eggs , French , per 120 , 4 u . 9 d . to 5 s . 6 d .
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AVERAGE PRICE OF SUGAR . TJip average Drice of Brown or Muscovado Sugar , computed from the retmns made in the week ending the 18 th day of February , 1851 . is 27 s . ll | d . per cwt .
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Satur . Mond . Tues . IVedn . \ Thurs . Fnd . Bank Stock .... 215 J 81 ft * 2154 815 * 215 215 J 3 per Ct . Red .. » 7 * 9 ~| 97 J 9 t > 3 97 i 9 b ^ 3 p . C . Con . Ans . 96 * 96 £ M $ 96 $ 96 § 9 « k 3 p . C . An . 1726 . —7 : 3 p . Ct . Con ., Ac . 96 * 95 J 963 &H » 6 J ? 6 & 3 { P- Cent . An . 99 98 § 98 ^ 98 | 96 £ 'M New 5 per Cts . —— _ . " ,. —~~ Long A ™ ., I 860 . 7 7-16 \ l 11-16 7 11-lb 7 | Jnd . St . lOJp . ct . 265 2 GGi ——Ditto Bonds .. 60 p 64 p 62 p 62 p 58 p 60 p Ex . Bills . 1000 / . 53 j > 49 p 52 p 49 p 47 p 50 p Ditto , 5 j . Ui ,. .. 56 p 53 p 52 p 52 p 47 p 50 p Ditto . Sina . 49 p 53 p I 52 P __ _ 5 Uj >
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FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening . ) Austrian 5 per Cents . 96 J Mexican 5 per Ct . Ace . 33 j Belgian Bds ., 44 p . Ct . — Small .. .. — Brazilian 5 per Cents . 92 } Neapolitan 5 per Cents . — Buenos Ayres 6 p . Cts . 51 J Peruvian 4 j per Cents . — Chilian 6 per Cents . .. — Portuguese 5 per Cent . — DanishS per Cents . .. 103 — 4 per Ct ? . 33 i Dutch 24 per Cents ... 588 Annuities — 4 per Cents . .. 9 lg Russian , 1822 , 44 p . Cts . 97 Ecuador 13 ond « .. — Span . Actives , 5 p . Cts . 19 | French 5 p . C . An . atParis 96 . 40 Passive .. — 3 p . Cts ., Fcb . 2 l , 57 . 85 ¦ Deferred .. —
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SHAKES . Last Official Quotation for the Week ending Friday Evening . Railways . Banks . Caledonian .. .. 115 Australasian .. .. 324 Eastern Counties .. 7 British North American 42 Edinburgh and Glasgow 35 Colonial — Great Northern .. .. 172 Commercial of London .. — Great North of England — London and Westminster 27 i Great S . & W . ( Ireland ) 43 London Joint Stock .. 18 Great Western .. .. 91 ) if National or Ireland .. — Hull and Selby .. .. — National Provincial .. — Lancashire and Yorkshire 58 g Provincial of Ireland .. 43 Lancaster and Carlisle 77 Union of Australia .. — Loud ., Hri if hton . &S . Coast 97 : / Union of London .. 12 } London and Mlackwall .. 7 # Minus . London and N .-Western 1331 Bolnnos — Midland 01 j liraailian Imperial .. — North Mritisli .. " 4 Oitto , St . John del lley 14 South-Kaateni and Dover 2 G . ( Cobre Copper .. .. — South-Western .. .. 89 j ! Misiihu . ankoiis . York , Ncwcsih ., & Herwick 21 Auslr : ili .: ii Agricultural — York and North Midland 21 ? , Canada 4 ( 5 Docks . General Steam .. .. 27 ^ Kast and Wcat India .. — PenuiH . X ; Oriental Steam 1 i London .. .. .. — Royal M . iil Strain .. "li St . kttlhuriiiR ¦¦ — South Australian .. —
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GKAIN , Mark-lano , I'd ) . 21 . Wheat , R . New : I 1 h . to . ' »!« . . Viaple 27 s . to 29 a . Ki ,,,. 3 li — ;( S White 21 — 23 Old 31 ;;< i linilcra 2 . ) — i > 5 White ; . ti — : ts MeaiiH , TickM . .. x' 3 — 2 < l line 10 —1-3 ( H < 1 i > fi —27 Superior New 10 — 41 Indian Corn 28 —30 K ) t . - —25 Oatu , I ' e . d 11 —15 Hurley 17 — IK Fine 15 — 16 Malting - -J ~ —21 Poland 10 — 17 Malt , Ord " 11 —46 line 17 —18 line 48 — . >() Potato 16 — 17 Peas , Hog 23 —25 Fine 17 —18
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( iKNKRAL AVKRMiK l'KICK OK OKAIN . WieuH F . nimnc ; Feb . l . > . Imperial (> t * nei ° iil Weekly Averiiijc . Wlu-nt : S 7 b . 8 d . Jtve 23 h . 10 < l . Barley ' - ' 2 II llean ; . 25 ; " ) Oatd " » 2 IVuh ;> t ; 10 Aggrtiftnii : Avera <;« of the Kix Weekn . Wheat 37 « . lid . Rye 23 h . 4 d . Hurley 22 9 lleana i > i ; 2 OatH ' ' H I '« ' " ~ ' 6 l » FJ . OUR . Tofrii-mudu ¦ per Hue . k 40 h . to-I . 'Ih Secioiids 37 — 40 E » tfx itnd Hn / I ' olk , on hoard nliip ; I 3 — ;| 1 Norfolk iwitt Stockton , 30 . ij Anivrlcnn | » er Iturntl a I — 23 < . min < linn iil — ^ 3 Wln ' tttdii Jlreiid , 7 d . tin- III ) . lo ; il . 1 IhiimuIioUIh , » i < l .
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HUT (; IIKK 8 ' MEAT . NkWOATIC AND I , KA 1 > KNI 1 AI . I .. tiHlTlll'IKLI >* . X . < l . 0 . d . H . ( I . M . d . lUiel i 5 4 to 3 0 2 a to 3 8 Mutton U 8 — 3 8 3 4—4 ( i V « -ul 3 0 — 4 ( ' 3 4—4 8 I ' ork i ! 0-3 H 3 i — 4 2 * 1 o uink the ollnl , i > ei' tf H ) .
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i 6 ®! je Uta ^ tt *
[ S atdrhay , 1-
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Friday , February 21 . Declarations of Dividends . —W . Threlfall , Addingham , Yorkshire , cotton spinner ; first div . of 4 s . 6 d .. on Tuesday , Teb . 25 , and any subsequent Monday or Tuesday ; Mr . Hope , j ^ ecJs—R . Andrews , Kingsbury-green , victualler ; first and final div . of 7 s ., on Saturday next , and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr . Groom , Abchurch-Jane—J . Mathew , Carshalton , linenclraper ; third and final div . of Id ., on Saturday next , and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane—R . Owen , Manchester , tailor ; final div . of la . lOjd ., on Tuesday , March 4 , and any subsequentTuesday ; Mr . Pott . Manchester—J . Priestley , first divof lid l
Itadcliffe , Lancashire , cotton spinner ; . : > s . ., on ues-< lay , Feb . 25 , and any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr . Pott , Manchester — G . and S . Huuckham , Gravesend and Barking-, boat builders ; third div . of 4 ^ d . , 011 Saturday , Feb . 22 , and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr . Kd wards , Sambrook-court . Basinghall-street— G . Johnnoil , Liverpool , coal merchant ; first div . of 2 s .. on Wednesday , Feb . 26 , and any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr . Morgan , Liverpool—T . Hampson , Liverpool , broker ; final div . of 4 s ., on Wednesday , Feb . 26 , and any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr . Morgan , Liverpool—G . Hall and 1 <\ S . Fell , Tynemouth , timber merchants ; first < liv . of 3 s . ( id ., on Saturday , Feb . ' Zi . and any subsequent Saturday ; Mr . linker , Newcasile-upon- 'l yne .
Uankkui'TS . —W . V . Gazklky , Chenies-placc , Old-road , St . Pancraa , builder , to surrender Maich 4 , April 4 ; solicitor , Mr . Lawience , Gray ' s-inn-squarc ; official assignee , Mr . Stunsfold—W . Tknnant , ( heitsey , Surrey , draper . March 4 , April 4 ; aolicitors , Mensr 8 . Ashuiat and Son , Old Jewry ; ollicUl aHsignee , Mr . Stantsfeld — J . Hisiioi " , Upper Jamea-strcet , Camden-town , lAccinun , Frb . 28 , April 4 ; H .. lieitor « , Messrs . Sole and Turner , Al . lermanbury ; official assignee . Mr . Cannan , Dirchin-lune , Corn-) , ill J . Rhid , King ' s-row , I'inilico . corHdealer , March 4 , April 3 ; nolieitor , Mr . iltilcoinbe , Kbury-place , I'iinlino , and ChanceiyluiK •; ofllciul aaaignee , Mr . Johnson , Bauinglmll-street — G . Womwbix , Stevenage and Pelham , llertfurdaliire , miller , March 3 . April I ; solicitors , Metirt . Jenkyn . John-sti iet , Adelpbi ; odicial assignee , Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane , Lombard-street —S . Kniojitly , Paul-street , Finabury , carpenter . March 1 , April . >; nolicitoru , MessrB . Tippetts and M > n , Pancrns-lane ; ofllcial aaHignec , Mr . NicholHon , Ilaflinghall-strt-ct—linoMl . nv-1111 . 1 . IiioN iind Coai . Comi-any , Forest of Denn , Glocesierohire , March 11 , April 8 ; solicitors , Messrs . Chaplin , Ricliariln , and hhibbin . liii'iniiiKhaiu ; and M earn a . Abbott nnd Lnoax , Urititol ; olliciiil
«» Hign <; e , Mr . Hiittoii , Uristol—II . Williamson , Maucheutvr , manufa < : tur .-r , March 3 , April 7 ; solicitor * . Mcsbib . Iligson and KobiiiHOii , Manchester ; official aasiffiiev , Mr . ! ' ' raner , Maiiche tor — K . lioYLK . jun ., Kingatoii-iipoii-lliill , iDcicliiint , March A and S !( i ; Bcilicitor , Mr . Wilson . KingBton-upon-Hull ; official auBi gnee , Mr . Carrick , Hull—G . Woods , Hnnley , near Liverpool , anr-( feon , Feb . 28 , March 27 ; Holiciloru , JXlcsuro . Mogcnioii and Radclitre , Liverpool ; official assignee , Mr . Ittrd , Liverpool . 1 ) 1 vimisnuii . —March 14 , J . Haycock , jun .. Wella , Norfolk , cornfactor—March 14 . C . CoIIb , O , I'hoinnuoii , ami It . P . Harm , Jun ., Lombard-street , bill brokers—March 14 , F . Taylor , Orau < 'c-Htreet , lUul Lion-HC | iiar « i , wax chandler—March 14 , II . WilkinB High-street , KijiiHUigton , draper—March 17 , K . Htiinasit , Limestreet , wine merchant— March 18 , W . Trego , ( , " o |< : inan-atreet , lmilder—March 20 , K . Urien , lirutol , cabinet mukor—March 20 * J . Kicbarilb . Vi-ynor , Urecon » hire , lir . eiibed victualler — March 27 \ II . W . IlobliouHe , J . Phillott , and (; . I . owdor , llulh , bun kern Mitr < : h 17 , Jt . 1 ) . Reuvea und It . II . Dhwhoii , Liv «; r |> ool , wiii <; d . talurB —March 14 , It . Littler , Helper , Derbyuliirc , draper March 13 , II . H . Holt , Plymouth , wine nierchuiit .
Ckutiimcatkh . —To lie granted , unleu caute be ihown to thu contrary on the day oj meetinu . — Miirv . n I'J , F . < j . Monsarrat Chelleiiliuin , wiiit- merchant—March 15 , J . llnl <; y and W . Thoinituon , Manchcater , cotton inanufuclnrorH . Hootoh Hkqiikhtiiationh . — It . Murtin , Edinburgh , book-Beller , Feb . 28 , March 20—O . M'Phail . ( Jl « 8 go » vp eoiiiiniimion iiicrebinit . Fob . 27 , March 20—A . biu « U , Uluirvowrie , draper , Mitrcli 1 itud v ' v .
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BIRTHS . .. . On the 10 th inst ., at Beevor-lodge , Hammersmith , the wife or A . Bain , Esq ., of a son . On the 11 th inst ., in Lyall street , Mrs . Antrobus . of a daughter . On the 12 th inst ., at Thorpe-place , 8 urrey , the -wife of the Reverend H . L . Bennett , of a daughter . On the 14 th inst ., the wife of the Reverend J . M . Some , of » t . John ' a-hill , Battersea , of a son . On the 14 th inst ., at Edinburgh , the lady of Sir Graham Montgomery , Bart ., of a daughter . On the 15 th inst ., in Regent's-park , the wife of R . Gratton Rosseter , Esq ., barrister-at-law , of a son . On the 15 th inet ., in St . John ' s-wood , the Lady Tullamore , of a daughter . On the 15 th inst ., at the Rectory , Souldrop , Beds , the wife of the Reverend A . Hamilton , of a daughter . On the 16 th inst ., at Sidmouth , the wife of Captain Fulford , R . N . of a son .
, __ _ .. ...... On the 16 th inst ., at the Charter-houae , the wife of the Reverend G . Currey , of a daughter . ,. ., * , *» . « On the 18 th inst ., in St . Jolin ' s-wood , the wife of Thomas C . Renshaw , Esq ., of a son . On the 18 th inst ., at West-end , Hamp 3 tead , the wife of the Reverend R . C . W . Collins , of Clifton Reynes , Bucks , of a son .
MARRIAGES . On the 11 th inst ., at Brussels , John Hall , Esq ., son of Major T Hall late of the Bengal army , to Sarah Laura , fifth daughter of the late E . T . Goodwin , Esq ., of the Bombay civil service . On the 12 th in 3 t ., at Laleham , Middlesex , Charles A . Govett , Esq . son of the Reverend R . Govett , vicar of Staine 3 , to Fanny Sophia , eldest surviving daughter of "William Barras , Esq ., of Laleham . On the 15 th inst ., at Brishton , the Reverend Septimus Russell Davies M . A ., of Queen ' s Colleee , Cambridge , to Ann Eliza , only daughter of R . Brutton , Esq ., of Bethnal- green . On the 15 th inst ., at Paddington . Edwin , third son of Charles Williams . Esq ., of Holloway . to Elizabeth , second daughter of Thomas De La Rue , Esq ., of Westbourne-terrace ; and , at the same time , John , youngest son of Cha * . Williams , Esq ., to Mary , youngest daughter of T . De La Rue , Esq .
On the 18 th inst ., at St . George ' e Church , Hanover-square , J . Johnstone , Esq ., of Calcutta , to Henrietta Maria , the only daughter of Dr . Scott , M . D ., Stratton-street , Piccadilly . On the 18 th inst ., at Trinity Church , Marylebone , George W . Adam Esq ., of Edinburgh , to Elizabeth , second daughter of the late J . Rothwell , Esq ., of Darley-hall , near Bolton , Lancashire . On the 18 th inst ., at St . Pancras Church , Tho 3 . Evkyn , Esq ., of Chepstow-villas West , Bayswater , to Jane , second daughter of Richard Gilbert , Esq ., of Euston-square . On the 18 th inst ., atCroxallChurch , Derbyshire , the Reverend A H Anson , rector of Potter Hanworth , Lincolnshire , to Augusta Tufnell . eldest daughter of the Itight Honourable Henry On the 18 th inst .. at Brighton , the Reverend W . M . Beresford , son of the late Henry B . Beresford , Esq ., of Learmount , Londonderry , to Rosa Ellen , daughter of J . Turner , Esq ., Brighton .
DEATH 8 . On the 7 th inst ., at Pau , Catherine , the wife of F . J . Lambert , Esq ., aud daughter of the late Major-General Wheatley . On the 9 th inst ., at Torquay , Elizabeth Anne , the wife of Major R , Pouget , E . I . C . S . On the 11 th inst ., at Kennington , Lieutenant-Colonel Wm . H . Davies , aged 75 . On the 12 tli inst ., at Northampton , the Reverend J . W . Maher , rector of Brede , Sussex , aged 46 . w . . , , _ , On the 12 th inst ., at Brighton , M . A . Whichelo , Esq ., aged 75 . On the 13 thinst ., at Balcarry , Kirkcudbrig htshire , Janet , widow of J . Gordon , Esq ., chief judge of the Consistorial Court of Scotland , aged 58 . On tfie 13 th inst ., in Cheapside , Jane Wyer , relict of the late Captain Timothy Wycr , of Nantucket , Massachusetts , United States , aged 88 . On the 13 th inst ., at Woolwich , Commander Joseph Soady , R . N ., superintendent of Ordnance shipping , aged 62 . On the 14 th inst ., in Chesham-place , Captain G . Wm . St . John Mildmay , third son of the late Sir Hairy P . St . John Alildmay , Bart .
On the 14 th inat .. in Hornsey-lane , Highgate , Dorothea , the second daughter of the late James 8 crimgeour , Esq ., aged 65 . On the 14 th inst ., at Stoke , Devon , Martha Catherine , the wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Nooth , aged 58 . On the IGthinst ., at Summer-hill , Pendlcton , Lancashire , John Haigreavcs , Esq ., aged 58 . On the 17 th inst .. in Albany-street , Regeni ' g-park , aged 80 , Judith , reltct of the late Mr . C . Bucr . of Munster-street .
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Rpea.—Arrival Of The Fokfakshike.— A This Vessel Hns Just Arrived From China, Having Brought,
rpEA . —ARRIVAL of the FOKFAKSHIKE . — A This tcssi'l has just arrived from China , having brought ,
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 22, 1851, page 186, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1871/page/22/