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HEALTH , HAPPINESS , and EFFICIENCY in the various duties of life are intimately connected . Thousands drag on a miserable existence , worried with Indigestion half imbecile from Nervous Debility , wasting with Scrofula , or eaten up with Rheumatism ; and tens of thousands , through someTijinor derangement of health , aye incapable of either fu" 7 enjoying * U * comforts pf life or satisfactorily performing the duties of their station . To all sucli , whatever may be the nature , cause . O * ejttcpt pf their illness or inefficiency , a speedy and effectual remedy is now offered in the recent discoveries of DB . NAPIER , His medicines , directed to the root of the evil ( the debility or derangement of tlie nervous or vital power ) , remove disease , renpyate the whole frame , both in body and mind , and permanently invigorate those powers on which Health , Happiness , Energy , and Longevity depend . For the better accommodation of the Public , Dt . Napier ' s remedies are now issued in the form of Patent Medicines , and his Neurotonic Pills may be had at Is . lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 11 s . per box . Sold by Neville and Boydd , 23 , Maddox-street , Regent-street ; Barclay , Farringdon-street ; Hannah and Co ., Oxfordrstreet ; Prout , Strand , and by most respectable vendors of Patent Medicines in Town or Country . The Medicines are also made up in the form of a Cordial , 4 s . 6 d . and 11 s . per bottle . A box of pills and a paper containing cases and instructions forwarded nost free for Fifteen Penny Stamps , addressed to DR . NAPIER , 231 MADDOX-STREET , REGENT-STREET , LONDNON .
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1 APPEAL TO THE BENEVOLENT . 41 , Turnmill-street , Clerkenwell . Permit me to draw your attention to the following circumstance , which I feel assured will excite your sympathy : — About four m nths since there arrived in London from the Coutinent , more than 80 Refugees , many of whom were in good positions in their native land , and took part as officers and soldiers under the noble-minded Patriots , Kossuth , Bern , Dembinski , and others , in the great and unequal struggle for the Independence of Hungary . Others gave their aid under the bravo Garibaldi and Mazzini in defence of the rights of the Roman Citizens . Adverse cicumstancea compelled these Patriotic men to take refuge in Switzerland , from which place , while enjoying the rights of hospitality so justly due to them for their exertions in the cause of Universal Liberty , they were , by the machinations of the Noithern Powers , forced to leave their temporary home , and take refuge in England . Here they have hitherto eked out a truly miserable existence , scarce fit for malefactors expiating the penalties of their crimes , much less for men who left their homes and every endearing tie in the cause of freedom . A Committee of Operatives , at the wish of the Refugees , endeavoured to alleviate the misery in which they were placed , and by dint of great exertions they succeeded in renting a temporary buildin ^ c apable of containing sixty persons ; the situation is not such as the Committee could wish , but the most rigid economy has necessarily been studied , owing to the small amount of money at their disposal ; for the support has been much more limited than could have been expected , considering the sympathy these noble , but unfortunate men deserve at our hands in consideration of their devotion to the cause of Liberty . t But the haggard looks , miserable accommodation , scanty clothing , and insufficient food which they silently endure , and the fact staring us in the face of one officer recently dead and several others ill , it would be culpable in us to longer defer this appeal to tho 3 e who cheered the efforts of Kossuth , Bern , and Klapka , and admired the energies of Garibaldi and Mazzini . Trusting this appeal to your assistance will not be made in vain , the smallest contribution will be thankfully received , to aid us in our endeavours to improve their condition until they are acquainted with our language and can do something to maintain themselves , or are enabled to return to their native land , doubly dear to the exile . Subscriptions received by T . BROWN , Sec , 41 , Turnmillstreet , Clerkenwell . Announcements will be given in the press , if required . A few Refugees who speak the English language take part in the Committee , and the whole business is open to any friend who may please to pay a visit to the Fraternal Home . We remain your obedient servants , On behalf of the Committee . WILLIAM LUNN , Chairman . THOMAS BROWN , Secretary . Feb . 8 , 1851 .
Untitled Ad
EXHIBITION AITCTTON HALL : INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION SALON , AND FOREIGNERS' REUNION . MESSRS . EDWARDS and COMPANY have at length completed arrangements , by which they are enabled to offer to the Exhibitors and Visitors at the approaching Great Exhibition , facilities and accommodation , which are not contemplated or provided by the Royal Commission . Ihey have accepted tenders from Mr . John Walker , of Gracechurch-street , for the erection of a Superb Buildingof Iron , containing a Grand Auction-hall , Magnificent Refreshment-rooms , and an Exposition Salon . They propose to introduce into this country , not merely for the purposes of the Exhibition , but as a permanent course of business , the American system of disposal of consignments , direct from the manufacturer , by the hammer . They intend by a continued Auction during the Exhibition to dispose of the most valuable products of all nations . Their arrangements also contemplate the sale by hand , over the counter , of the rarest works of Art and Skill . They have provided for the accommodation of visitors to the Exhibition Splendid Refreshment-rooms , in which will be dispensed , as well , Wines of the highest and most novel character , as aso Fruits , the produce of the Choicest Gardens , and comestibles generally , the character of which is guaranteed by the fact that they have secured the services of the " Premier Chef . " No expence has been spared by Messrs . Edwards and Company in the adaptation of their splendid premises at the West-end for the purposes of a Reunion , whereat the Learned , Scientific , Manufacturing , and Commercial repre » sentatives of the whole World may meet to cultivate a kindly intimacy , and exchange valuable information . Messrs . Edwards and Company have ample City P remises , Wharfage , and Warehouses for the deposit of goods and the transaction of Custom House business . They have also secured for the benefit of their Consignors , the valuable services of Messrs . John Hampden and Company , and have , at the same time , retained Legal Gentlemen , whose high standing and character constitute a voucher for the safety of the interests committed to their care . Parties desirous of obtaining information as to the course of business intended to be adopted by Messrs . Edwards and Company , may apply for Prospectuses at the Offices of Messr 3 . John Hampden and Company , 448 , West Strand , where the preliminary business will be conducted .
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HAIR-CUTTING SALOONS FOR ALL NATIONS , 254 , REGENT-STREET . L . ROSSI begs to announce that he has English and Foreign Assistants of great experience and acknowledged ability always in attendance . This Establishment is four doors from Oxford-street , and opposite Hanover-square . An extensive Assortment of English and Foreign Perfumery , Combs , Brushes , &c .
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rpOOTHACHE PREVENTED by using A BRANDE'S ENAMEL for filling decaying Teeth , and rendering them sound and painless . Price Is . Enough for several Teeth . The only substance approved by the medical faculty , as being unattended with pain or danger , and the good eftb . » , 8 of which are permanent . Sold by a'l Chemists in the United Kingdom . Twenty really authorized Testimonials accompany each box , with full directions for use . Sent free , by return of post , by J . WILLIS , FLEETSTREET , London , in return for thirteen penny stamps . CAUTION . —The great success of this preparation has induced numerous unskilful persons to produce spurious imitations , and to copy Brande ' s Enamel advertisements . It is needful , therefore , to guard against such impositions by seeing that the name of " John Willis " accompanies each packet .
Untitled Ad
DE . CULVERWELL ON NERVOUSNESS , DEBILITY , AND INDIGESTION ; also on Urinary Derangements , Constipation , and Haemorrhoids . Is . each ; by Post , Is . 6 d . W HAT TO EAT , D RINK , AND AVOID . " Abstinentia multi curantur morbi . " A popular exposition of the principal causes ( over and careless feeding , &c . ) of the above harassing and distressing complaints , with an equally intelligible and popular exposition of how we should live to get rid of them ; to which is added diet tables for every meal in the day , and full instructions for the reg-imen and observance of every hour out of the twenty-four : illustrated by numerous cases , &c . Vol 8 . 2 and 3 , companions to the preceding-, THE ENJOYMENT OF LIFE . | HOW TO BE HAPPY . " Jucunde Vivere . " IV . ON URINAKY DISORDERS , CONSTIPATION , and H . / KMO 1 UUIOIDS ; their Obviation and Removal . Sherwood , 23 , Paternoster-row ; Mann , 39 , Cornhill ; and the Author , 10 , Argyll-place , Regent-street : consultation hours , ten till live ; evenings , seven till nine .
Untitled Ad
A NEW MEDICINE . FRANKS'S SPECIFIC CAPSULE—A form of Medicine at once safe , sure , speedy , and pleasant , especially applicable to urethral morbid secretions , and other ailments for which copaiba and cubebs are commonly administered . Each Capsule containing the Specific is made of the purest Gelatine , which , encased in tinfoil , may be conveniently carried in the pocket , and , being both elastic and pleasant to take , affords the greatest facility for repeating the doses without intermission—a desideratum to persons travelling , visiting , or engaged in business , as well as to those who object to fluid medicines bein" - unobjectionable to the most susceptible stomach . Prepared only by GEORGE FRANKS , Surgeon , at his Laboratory , 90 , Black friars-road , London , where they may be had , and of all Medicine Venders , in boxes , at 2 s . 9 d . and 4 s . 6 d . each , or sent free by post at 3 s . and 5 s . each . Of whom , also , may be had , in bottles , at 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 11 s . each , FRANKS'S SPECIFIC SOLUTION OF COPAIBA . TESTIMONIALS . From Joseph Henry Green , Esq ., F . R . S ., President of the Royal College of Surgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to St . Thomas ' s HoRpltal ; and Professor of Surgery in King ' s College , London . "I have made trial of Mr . Frauks ' s Solution of Copaiba , at St . Thomas's Hospital , in a variety of cases , and the results warrant my stating , that it is an efficacious remedy , and one which does not produce the usual unpleasant effects of Copaiba . ( Signed ) " Joseph Henby Green . " Lincoln ' s-inn Fields , April 15 , 3835 . " From Bransby Cooper , Esq ., F . R . S ., one of the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to Guy ' s Hospital ; and Lecturer on Anatomy , &c . " Mr . Bransby Cooper presents his compliments to Mr . George Franks , and has great pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficacy of hia 8 olution of Copaiba . Mr . Cooper has prescribed the Solution in ten or twelve cases with perfect success . ' New-street , April 13 , 1835 . " •« » These medicines are protected against counterfeits by the Government Stamp—on which is engraven " George Franks Black friars-road "—being attached to each .
Untitled Ad
PAI NS in the BACK , GRAVEL , LUMBAGO , HHEUMATISM , GOUT , INDIGESTION , DEBIUTY , STRICTURE , Stc-DR . DE ROOS'S RENAL PILLS , as their name , Renal ( or the kidneys ) , indicates , are the most safe and efficacious remedy ever discovered for discharges of any kind , and diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs generally , whether resulting from imprudence or otherwise , which , if negected , frequently end in stone in the bladder , and a lingeringdeath- For gout , rheumatism , depression of epirits , dislike of society , incapacity for business , loss of memory , drowsiness , sleep without refreshment , and nervousness , when ( as is often the case ) arising from or combined with urinary diseases , they are unequalled ; how necessary is it , then , that persons thus afflicted should attend at once to these important matters . By their salutary action on acidity of the stomach they correct bilo and indigestion , purify and promote therenal secretions , thereby preventing the formation of etone , and establishing for life the healthy functions of all these organs . Sold in boyes , with directions , &c , at Is . ljd ., 2 a . 9 d ., 4 s . Cd ., and I la . each . IMPORTANT TO FEMALES . —Dr . DE ROOS'S FEMALE PILLS are the beat and safest medicine , under any circumstances , for regulating the secretions , keeping them in a healthv condition , and removing all affections dependent on irregularities , general weaknesp , accompanied by excessive paleness of the countenance , shortness of breath , cough , weariness , incapacity for exertion , sinking at the pit of the stomach , feverishness , indigestion , constipation , loss of appetite , flatulence , heartburn , giddiness , palpitation , pains in the head , stomach , loins , &c . &c . ( the results of which , if neglected , are generally a total incapacity for the marriage gt&tc ) . By their peculiar action on the system , they remove all hysterical and nervous affections , prevent consumption , and aro better calculated to cure thoue peculiar conditions which , in the onset , lead to the above distressing- maladies , than any other compound over published . Sold in boxea , with directions , &c , at la . lid ., 2 e . Ud ., In . ( id , and 1 U each . N . H . — "A FEW HINTS ON FKMALE DISEASES , " sent |» OBt free , by the Author , for two postage Mumps . DR . DE ROOS'S PILE & FISTULA SALVES , for the cure of these complaints without operation . Any uneusiiieBrt or itching- of the lower bowel may be regarded an symptomatic of pileH , and if neglected will lead to prolajmiiH of the rectum , or to the formation of fistula , the highly daiigrioun and even fatnl character of which is well known . By a timely use of the Salvo all further consequences may be averted , and the cure Hpeedily effected . The worut ouhch hive been frequently cured by it , when all other treatment had foiled . Hold in pots , witli directions , tkc , at , 4 h . Cd ., or three timen the quantity for 11 b . ; and four I In . quantities for 33 h . Purchasers will specify which ia required , the J'ilo or the Fistula Halve . N . It . — "IMPORTANT II | NTS on PILES and FISTULA , " sent pout free , by the Author , for two postage stamps . CAUTION . —See that the Proprietor ' s name , in white let tent , id on the Government Slump , without , which liono are genuine-. | % •—Advice and Medicine , £ 1 . I ' litieutv corresponded with till cured . " TI | K MEDICAL ADVISER , " on ull the above diseases , by Dr . Do Kooh , 108 pages , with coloured descriptive tsugraviii ( £ H ; to be had through allbookHclIein , pri < io i ! n . ( jd . , or , on receipt of forty postage atuinpu , will be sent direct from the Author , : i !> , rJy-plnce , Holborn , London , wheroheriiay ho consulted on them ) matte r * daily , from ton tUl one , und iimr till dirht , ( Sunday cxcepted ( uuleny by previous arrangement ) . N . B . —Whure difficulty occur * in obtaining any of the above , J cnoloHo postugo Btuinpa to the establishment . • !
Untitled Ad
GALL'S MESMERIC DROPS are declared by sill who have proved their efllcacy to be . the greatest blessing ever conferred upon the iifllicted . In the short space of half an hour they ensure perfect freedom from pain either of body or mind ; the most excruciating- torments beiiip subdued aa perfectly as in a mesmeric sleep . In smaller doses they soothe irritability of the nerves , and produce a pleasing tranquillity unattainable by any other known physical ajjent . The MKSA 1 KK . K' DKOPS do not contain Opium nor Henbane , and ultlioutfh from its effects the active ingredients may be technically termed a narcotic , its exhibition i « not attended with any of the ill effects which uriBc from the use of the narcotic drugs hitherto known . In many of the most distressing iinddmigeiuun maladies , allaying pain and tranquillizing the sufferer in the grand desideratum for effecting a cure , and in casen of a lean urg-ent character the happieat effects often follow the administration of reiucdien which soothe the nerveH and allay irritability . In all ui : h oases the MESMERIC DROPS will be found an invaluable resource . Hold in Boxes 1 b . l ^ d ., iin . lid ., 4 s . 6 d ., and Us ., by Neville mid Hoy del , 503 , New Oxford-street , London ; Harclay and Co ., l «' arring < lon-ntreet ; Hamiay and Co ., Oxford-btrcct , and nil vendors of patent medicine : * . N . H . —Should any dillio . ulty arise in procuring- them they may bo hud pout free , by remitting- the amount in noaUgu utainpri to Neville and Uoydd .
Untitled Ad
OLAIIt'S ( iOUTand RHEUMATIC 1 > II , LS . — ¦ - * The acknowledged eflieacy of 1 U , AIR'S ( i () UT ami RHEUMATIC PILLS , by the continued nei ien of TtiHtiinoniala whioli have been sent to , and published by , the proprietor for nearl y twenty yearn , ha * rendered thin medicine the most popular «> 1 thu present asre ; and , in corroboration of which , tbo following extinct of a letter , written by John Molurd Wheolcr , Km <| ., Collector of CiiHtouiH , Jamaica , having been handed by bin ' brother , at . Swindon , to Mr . Prout for publication , will fully conlirm : — " I know you have never li . id occasion to take Itluii- 'n PHIh , but let me emphatically tell you , in mercy to any friend who may miller from f ^ out , rheumatic front , lumbago , Hclatira , iheuniutifiii , or any branch of that widely-allied family , to recomiuiijkI their lining them . In thit « country they are of wonderful Hlloitry : not . only am I ; ii'rtimi ( % uwurn of their powera , hut I Beo inv l ' iiendn and acijiuiiiitaiH-eii receiving- unfailing- benefit from their line . I would not ho without them on any account . If taken in the early Htatfo of dlHeaHC , they ditmipato it ullo ^ etherif in a later , they alleviate pain , and effect u much upeedier cure than by uny other ineaiiH within my knowledge . " Hold by Thoniah Prout , il ^ O , Htrand , London ; and , by liin uppoiiitiueiit , by all rubpectahle Medicine VcihIikh Uirouuhout the United Kingdom . Price ' 2 u . Od . pvr box . A » k fi » HLAIR'SUOUT mid RHEUMATIC PILI . U and obmiivr the name and iiddresu of " Thomau Prout , JUi > " Htiuud London , " nnpreHHecl upon the Government it tump u ' fllxwl to cuch mix of Miu ( Junuiuo Mudicine .
Untitled Ad
BEAUTIFUL HAIR , WHISKE R S , EYE - BROWS , &c , may be with certainty obtained by usinga very small portion of BOSALIE CODPELLE'S PARISIAN POMADE , every morning , instead ofanyoil or other preparation . A fortnight ' s use will , in most instances , show its surprising properties in producing- and curling- Whiskers , Hair . , at any age , from whatever cause deficient ; aa also checking- grayness , &c . 8 ent free by post , with instructions , & < :., on receipt of twentyfour postage stumps , by Miss Coupelle , Ely-place , Holborn , London ; who may be consulted on these matters daily , from two till five o ' clock . TESTIMONIALS . Lieutenant Holroy d , R . N ., writes : " Its effects aro truly astonishing ; it has thickened and darkened my hair very much . " Mrs . Buckley , Stapclford : " Your delightful Pomade has improved my hair wonderfully . " Air . Yates , hair-dresser , Maltou : " The young- man has now a good pair of Whiskers ; I want you to send me two potts for other customers of mine . " Mrs . Lello , Worthing : " I use your Pomade in my miracry , as I find it very useful for children ' s hair also . " DO NOT CUT YOUR CORNS—BUT CURE THEM . Also will be sent ( free ) , on receipt of thirteen stampn , her only safe , speedy , and lasting cure for soft or hard corns , bunions , &c . It cures in three days , and is never failing-. Mrs . Hughes , Sunbury : "It cured four coriiM , and three bunions , amazingly quick , and is the best and safest thing I have ever met with . " Address : MISS COUPELLE , Ely-place , Holborn , London . HEALTH WHERE 'TIS 8 OUGHT . HOLLOWAY'S PllXS . —Ciin ! of ? i Case of Weakness and Debility , of Four Years ' standing . Extract of a Letter from Mr . William Smith , of No . it . Little Thomas-street , ( libson-street , Lambeth , dated Dec . 12 , 18-11 ) . ' * To Professor IIoi . i . oway , " Hut , — I beg to inform you that , for nearly five years I hardly knew what it . ivat to have a duy ' b health , suffering from extreme weakiieHH and debility , with constant nervouH headaches , gidillncHB , and bicknejis of the stomach , together with a great depression of spirita . I uned to think that nothing could benefit me , an I had been to many medical men , some of whom , after doing all that was in their power , informed me thut they considered that 1 hud some spinal complaint beyond the reach of euro , together with a very disordered state of the titoinaeh and liver , making my case ho complicated that nothing could be ( 'one lor me . One day , being unusually ill and in a dejected state , 1 Haw your Pills advertised , ami tesolved to give them a trial , more perhaps from curiooity than with a hope of being cured , however 1 noon found myself better by taking them , and so 1 went on persevering in ilieir use for six months , when 1 am happy to « uy they effected a perfect cure , ( Higii . d ) "WILLIAM SMITH , ' •( frequently called EDWARD ) . " Hold ut the Establishment of Professor Hoi . i . owav , 1214 . Btraiul ( near Temple Har ) , London , ai . d by moHt all respectable * Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the civilized World , at the following prices—1 h . I i < l ,, 2 h . Dd ., 4 h . < id ., 1 In ., 2 iJs , and ' Mh . each Ilox . There is a considerable Having by taking the larger nixes . N . H . — Directions for the guidance of Patient h in every Disorder are ulHxed to each Ilox .
Untitled Article
W Pbb . , 1861 . ] «*« . *««*** . 187
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 22, 1851, page 187, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1871/page/23/