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" i i j . i . ij ^_ ijM j- _ w i _ . ¦ ll laTir i ~~~ " ~~—^—^^— This Day , Third and Cheaper Edition , with Additions , fcap . 8 vo ., price 5 s ., HPHE PHILOSOPHY OF LIVING . By A Herbert Mayo , M . D ., F . R . S ., formerly Surgeon to the Middlesex Hospital . By the same Author , MANAGEMENT of the ORGANS of DIGESTIONS in HEALTH and in DISEA 8 E . Second Edition . 6 s . 6 d . THE NERVOUS SYSTEM , and its FUNCTIONS . 6 b . 6 d . London : John W . Parker , West Strand .
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DIVISION Of PROFITS . ALBION LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , LONDON . Instituted in 1805 . . DIRECTORS . JOHN HAMPDEN GLEDSTANES , Esq ., Chairman . CHARLES RUSSELL , Esq ., Deputy Chairman . Thomas 8 tarling Benson , Esq . Thomas William Clinton Mur-Jaihes W . Bosanquet , Esq . A °° , \? S \> -o „ Frederick Burmester , Esq . David Riddalf Roper . Esq . John Coningham . Ef > q . " Edward 8 tewart , Esq . " Frederick D . Danvers , Esq . Francis Wilson , Esq . At the last Division of Profits ( 1849 ) , every policy-holder insured upon the Participating Scale of Premium became entitled to a return of one-fifth of all the premium he had paid , either in the form of an immediate Cash payment , or by Augmentation ol the Sum Insured , or Reduction of the future Premium . Ine next division will take place in 1852 , when every Policy effected on or before 30 th April next will entitle the holder to a larger share of the divisible surplus than if effected after that date Amonest other advantages secured to policy-holders in this Company , are—a low rate of premium at the younger ages ; the payment of the snm insured at the end of thirty days after proof of death ; and the liberty of residing in many parts of North America , the Cape , New Zealand , and Australia , without any extra charge except for Sea-risk . For Forms ol Proposal , Prospectuses , &c , apply to any of the Company ' s Agents , or to John lb Cappelain , v Actuary and Secretary .
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IMPERIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ' 1 , OLD BROAD-STREET , LONDON . Charliu Cavk , Esq ., Chairman . Thomas Newman Hunt , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman . The Directors beg'tb'inform the Proprietors and Pollcy- 'hold ^ l » of this Company , that the BOOKS were CLOSED on the 31 st OT January last , for the purpose of appropriating the proflti to that date ¦ and that the calculations for the bonus are in progress , ana will be communicated to the respective parties when the result is ascertained . The public are also informed that a reduction hag b « en made in the premiums for insurances on lives under fifty years of age , and that four-fifths of the profits will continue to be divided anionrst the insured every fifth year . SAMUEL 1 NGALL , Actuary .
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PENINSULAR and ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY . ADDITIONAL 8 TEAM COMMUNICATION with INDIA and CHINA . CALCUTTA LINE . —In order to accommodate the extra number of Passengers expected to leave Calcutta , Madras , and Ceylon for England in April , one of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company ' s large steamers is intended to start from Calcutta on the 21 st of April , as an extra vessel , for 8 uea , and one of the Company ' s steamers from Southampton to Alexandria , also as an extra vessel , on the 1 st of May , to meet and convey the passengers direct to Southampton . } P b c w HOVV - f Secretary , 122 , Le * denhall-street , Jan . 28 , 1851 .
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This day is published , in fcap . 8 vo ., price 5 s ., LELIO ; a Vision of Reality . HERVOR ; and other Poems . By Patrick Scott . London : Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly .
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NEW WORKS . THE SIEGE OF DAMASCUS . A HISTORICAL NOVEL . By JAMES NISBJST , Esq . In Three Volumes , post 8 vo ., £ 1 11 s . 6 d . ( Will be published on Monday . ) New Work by Miss Martineau , and Mr . Atkinson . LETTERS ON THE LAWS OF MAN'S NATURE AND DEVELOPMENT . By H . G . ATKINSON and HARRIET MARTINEAU , Post 8 vo ., cloth , price 9 s . SOCIAL STATICS ; OR , THE CONDITIONS ESSENTIAL TO HUMAN HAPPINESS SPECIFIED , AND THE FIRST OF THEM DEVELOPED . By HEERBRT SPESCER . 8 vo ., cloth , pi-ice 12 s . " Tt is distinguished by good feeling- and close reasoning , and will mark an epoch in the literature ol'scientific morality . " Economitt . London : John Chapman , 142 , Strand .
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ALL POLICIES INDISPUTABLE . SOVEREIGN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 49 , St . James ' B-street , London . TRUSTEES . TheRi ^ htHon . theEarl Talbot I B . Bond Cabbell , Esq ., M . P . Henry " pownall , Esq . I Sir R . Claude Scott , Bart . DIRECTORS . Chairman—Lieut .-Colonel Lord ARTHUR LENNOX . Deputv-Chairnian—T . C . GRAINGER , Esq ., M . P ., &c . John Aahburner , Esq ., M . D . Sir James Carmichael , Bart , T . M . Batard , lisq . John Gardiner , Esq . J . P . Bathurst . Esq . Charles Osboru , E = q . C . Farebrother , Esq ., Aid . . Assurances granted on the lives of persons in every station of life , and every part of the world , on peculiarly favourable terms . Policies issued to secure an amount on attaining a certain age , or on death , should it occur previously . Immediate annuities granted on liberal terms , affording great advantage to persons of limited income . Deferred annuities may be purchased at rates which secure a return of the whole or part of the premiums paid , in case the age at which the annuity is to commence be » ot attained . Also endowments on widows and children . All the Company ' s engagement * are guaranteed by an ample subscribed and paid-up capital . Prospectuses and the nccessaiy forms of proposal , with erery information , may be obtained on application , either personally or by letter , at the Company ' s offices . A liberal commission allowed to solicitors and agents in every branch of business . H . D . DAVENPORT , Sec .
Untitled Ad
PENINSULAR and ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY . DIRECT LINE BETWEEN CALCUTTA , PENANG , SINGAPORE . HONG-KONG , and 8 HANGHAI . This line as announced in the last annual report of 6 th December , 1850 , will be COMMENCED from CALCUTTA about the 1 st of May proximo , the necessary vessels being now on their way out to the station . In order to accommodate officers proceeding- from India to Penang , Singapore , &c , for the benefit of their health , or short leave of absence , RETURN TICKETS will be issued for the double passage on reduced terms , which will be announced in due time . C . W . HOWELL , Secretary . 122 , Leadenhall-street . Jan . 28 , 1851 .
Untitled Ad
NOW OPEN . —TOURISTS' GALLERY — HER MAJE 8 TY'S CONCERT-ROOM , Haymarfcet . . Mr . CHARLES MARSHALL' 8 Great MOVING DlOftAMA ILLUSTRATINGtheGBANDROUTESofaTOUKTHROTJGH EUROPE , which will now be exhibited daily , at three and eight o ' clock . —Admission , Is . ; stalls , reserved seats ; and private boxes may be sectired at Mr . Mitchell ' s Royal Library , $ 3 , Old Bond : street , and at the Box-office of the Tourists' Gallery .
Untitled Ad
T ONDON CO-OPERATIVE STORE * JLJ in connection with the Society for Promoting Working Men ' s Association , 76 , Charlotte-stre « t ,: Fitsroy-square . The London Central Cooperative Agency has now completed its arrangements for transacting the wholesale business of the various cooperative stores . > The books of the agency will be open at all times for the inspection of its customers , and thus the best guarantee will be furnished for honest dealing . Original packages will be sent whenever the order will admit of it , so that the first cost of the goods may be ascertained by inspecting the invoices . . ¦ ' All goods are purchased at the first markets for ready money . Address , Lloyd Jones , Manager , 76 , Charlotte-street * FiUroysquare . . ,
Untitled Ad
SMITH , ELDER , AND CO . 'S LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS . i . THE STONES of VENICE . Volume the First . The FOUNDATIONS . By John Ruskin , Author of " The Seven Lamps of Architecture , " &c . Imperial 8 vo ., with 31 Plates , and numerous Woodcuts , embossed cloth , with gilt top . ( On the lst of March . MILITARY MEMOIRS of LIEUTENANTCOLONEL JAMES SKINNER , C . B ., cemmandiny a Corps of Irregular Cavalry in the Hon . E . I . Company ' s Service . By J . Baillie Fraskr , Esq . Two volumes post 8 vo ., with Portraits , price 21 s . cloth . ( Now ready . ill . The BRITISH OFFICER : his Position , Duties , Emoluments , and Privileges : being a Digest and Compilation of the Rul <« 3 , Regul itious , Warrants , and Memoranda relating to the Duties , Promotion , Pay , and Allowances of the Oilicers in her Majesty ' s Service , and in that of the Honourable East India Company . By J . II . Stocqukluu . One volume 8 vo ., price 15 s . cloth extra . ( Now ready . IV . A TRIP to MEXICO ; or , Recollections of a Ten Months'Ramble in 1810-50 . By a Haruistku . Post 8 vo ., price 9 s . clotlv . ( Now ready . T . ROSE DOUGLAS : or , the Autobiography of a Minibtor ' s Daughter . Two volume ' s post Hvo ., price 21 s . cloth . ( Now ready . London : Smith , Elder , and Co ., 05 , Cornhill .
Untitled Ad
TRAFALGAR LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION . OFFICES : 40 , PALL-MALL , LONDON . This Association has been established for the purpose of providing ANNUITIES TO THE SHARE AND POLICYHOLDERS , in the event of pecuniary misfortune , incapacity , or old age ; which are not liable to forfeiture in cases of Bankruptcy , Insolvency , or failure ef any description—and also 8 ECU 1 UNG EDUCATION , APPRENTICESHIP FEES , OR ENDOWMENTS TO THEIR CHILDREN . Detailed Prospectuses , containing the names and addresses of the shareholders , rates of premium , an explanation of the system now originated , together with useful information and statistics respecting Life Assurance , may be had on application at the offices . Combination Policies , payable in the-event of casualties of any kind totally disabling the Assured , or death , are issued at moderate rates . This important addition to the principle of Assurance deserves the senouB attention of persons in all positions of life . Immediate and deferred Annuities are granted . All policieK indisputable , whereby the power on the part of the office in resisting a claim under any circumstance whatever is removed . Loans are effected on personal and other securities in . connection with Life Assurance . Parties desirous of becoming Agents or Medical Referees are requested to communicate with tin ; Secretary . l ) y order of the Board , THOMAS H . BAYLI 8 , Resident Manager and Secretary .
Untitled Ad
A CARD . C DOBSON COLLET , of the Royal Kalian Opera , Covent Garden , Teacher of Singing . For Terms of Musical Lectures , Private Lessons , or Cla » s Teaching , in Town or Country , apply to C . D . C , 15 , Essex-street , Strand .
Untitled Ad
NATIONAL PUBLIC SCHOOL ASSOCIATION . At the first meeting of the LONDON COMMITTEE of thin Association , held at their rooms , No . 48 , Salisbury-square , Fleet , - Btreet , on Tuesday evening , Feb . IK , the following resolutions were unanimously agreed to : — Moved by Samuel Lucas , Esq ., seconded by W . H . Ashurst , Esq ., " That it is the duty of all persons to interest themselves in the Education of the People , thereby promoting the national well being as well as the comfort and happiness of all individuals . " Moved by E . Swaine , Esq ., seconded by W . Hargreavei , Esq ., " That thin meeting affirm the principles of the National Public School Association , viz ., Secular . Instruction in free pchoolu , supported by local rates , and managed by local authorities , elected by the rate-payers specially tor that purpose , m the only principles calculated to ensure the Education of the People , and generally acceptable to the Public . " Moved by J . Tlndall Harris , Esq ., seconded by O . H . LeweH , Esq ., " That immediate steps be taken for giving publicity to the above principles in the Metropolis and neighbourhood , and tliut these rcHolutionB bo , therefore , advertised in the public journals , earnestly soliciting- the cooperation and support of the friend * of National Education . " The following subscriptions wore then received : — Wm . Hargreaves , Kaq £ 20 0 0 J . Tindall Harris , Kuq 10 0 0 John Mollett , ICnq 10 0 0 K . Hwaine , Eaq ft 0 I ) fc > . Liiquh , Ktiq 5 0 0 J . Vuughiin , E » q 6 0 II W . II . Auhiirnt , Ei » i 3 0 0 A-Friend HBO K . Lucas , ICnq a U 0 A Friend 2 0 0 K . I'lympton , Eaq 110 ( 3 . Lane , ttsq 1 1 0 A Friend 1 . 0 0 H . Wcatbrook , Kuq 1 1 0 fcSubucriptiona received and Information given by No . < 1 N , Bnlitilmry-aqiiam . J . STOltEH 8 MITII , 8 «> o .
Untitled Ad
HAGLE INSURANCE COMPANY , JLj Established by Act of Parliament 53 Geo . III ., and Regulated by Deed Enrolled in the High Court of Chancery , : > , Crescent , New Uridge-Btrcet , lUackfriars , DIRECTORS . The Hon . JOHN CHKTWYN 1 ) TALBOT , Q . C . . Chairman . WALTER ANDERSON PEACOCK , Esq ., Deputy Chairman . Charles llischoft ' , Esq . Charles Thoa . Ilolcombe , Esq . Thomas Uoririiugtoii , Eeq . Richard Harman Lloyd , Esq . ThoniiiH Deviia , Ksq . Joshua Lock wood , Kaq . Nathaniel Gould , Esq . Ralph Charles Price , Esq . Robert Alexander Gray , Emj . William Wybrow , Eaq . AUDITOR 8 . Junei Gaecoigne Lyndo . Ksq . | Thou . Godfrey Sambro . < ke , Eaq . PHV 8 ICIAN . George Leith Roupell , M . I ) ., F . R . S ., 15 , Wolbcck-utreet . SUItG KONH . Jainios Saner . Ksq ., M . I ) ., Finsbury-aquarn . WillUm Cooke . Kaq .. M . I ) ., 39 , Trinity-square , Tower-hill . ACTUARY and 8 ECHKTARY . —Charles Jelliooe . E » q . Tli «; Assured have received from this Company , in Butinlactiou of their claims , upwurcla of XI , 220 , 000 . The Amount at pren « iit Ausurod is A" 3 , fiOO , OO 0 nearly , and the income of the Company i » about X , " 125 , 000 . At tlio liiHt Divuion of tftimluH about X' 100 , 000 wan added to the Hiiinn UHuimtri umlor policies for the whole term of life . Tho Division in Quinquennial , nnd the whole KurpliM , lest 20 per cent , only , in < lintril > utml amongHt tho augured . The lives ansiired nru permitted in tiimi of peacn to residu in any country , or to piiBH by s « u ( not being seafaring pcmoiiH b y profcusiou ) between uny two pnrtu of the samo liciniHplicrn distant mum than Xi d < egre < : » from tlut equator , without oxtra charge . DeedH nuuigning policies are registered at tho office , nnd at < tiig ) im < intB can bo cllcctcd on forum ttupjilied therefrom . Tliu butiiiieHH of the Company in conducted on jutit and liberal princi ple !* , and the intcretilH of the uuuurod in all ]> artioular » aro curofully consulted . Thu Auniiul Reports of tlio Company ' s atnte and progrut a ^ protijioctuacB and forms , uiuy bo liud , or will bo sent poat-frue , oil ¦ pplloatlon .
Untitled Ad
R EISSUE of the LECTURES by ERNEST JONIS 8 , of tho Middlo Temple , Harrister ' -at-Law . ¦ Revised and corrected , with Ruferen « : i > s to the Authoritiea quote ' ei , and new dintiibution of the Notes . The Second Kditiona of Noa . 1 ami 'I are now ready . Owing to the increased demand , the Lectures entillrd CANTERBURY versus HOME , are now reprinted , in Five I ' arta , price Twopence each , or in One Volume , price 1 m ., bound . The New Kdition of No . 1 is now ready . Owing to tlio reidHiic of the above Lecturer , the publication of the POEMS nnd NOTES to the PEOPLE will be delayed till SATURDAY , THE !• HTKKN III OK MARCH . Kdwin Dipple , 4 ^ J , Holywell-Htrcct , Stntnd , London .
Untitled Ad
THU UIHTII Ol' TIUC ROSK . FAMIIJAIt THINGS , No . 3 , for Marcb , Price 2 d ., will coutuiu , in addition to llie u » ual illustratiouti and matters , a beautiful eng-r : iving of " Th < : Hirth of the Rose , " from a design by R . II unkiknon , printed on tinted impor , and «; x «( : uled in the flint wtyloofthe int . All who have hccii the work nay It i « u delightful book . It gouHips plcuHantly about thono thingu by which we nr « s » irriHiiuled , and giveH ub the origin . proffr ^ KH , : ind preHeut ututo of all wo « t' <'( tawle , and f < -i-l , in hiicIi a nay a » to convey a great dial ol' aiinineiiienl . and iiifiiriiintioii , iu >\ , to tb < : young only , but to tlio :-ti of inort ) mature ag <; . London : A . Hull , Virtue , and Co . ; anil nil Hookm-Herx .
Untitled Ad
MU 1 ) 1 I-: ' S S E L K ( ' T L I BRA II Y . Two Hundred and Fifty OopicH of HORKOW'N " LAVKN ( JK <) " are in circulation ut . MUDIK'H BKI . UCT LIliRAICY , 2 H Ul'I'I ' . U KINCJ-STRKKT . IJLOO . MHHURY-8 ( 111 A It K . 81 N ( JI , K HUHSCRH'TION—ON K ( JUINKA I * Kit ANNUM . l'lrBt-cluHH Country Bubncripl . ion—Two ( Juiinati and upwards , according to the number of volume * required . Literary IiiHlitulionti and Hook HodotiRSsupplied <>» moderute ternm . A rro ^ pecturi will be forwarded on application . C . K . MIJUIK , M , Upper Kiii ( r-ntreet , l ) looin « bury-Hquarc .
Untitled Article
London i Printed by R <>»«« r 1 ' ai . mh ( of No . 3 , Cl » ep » tow-t « rr « oo , intli * JTurUliof Kenainirton , Middleiex ) , at the Office of Uobert Palmer > ai Jo . cj . h Clayton , No . 10 , Uraue-couu , Kleet-. treot . in the 1 ' arish of tit . Dunatan-iu-tha-Weit , In tha City of i / oudon ; and pttblishfd by Jifmru Oi . iiTon . Junr . of and at the FuulUUinf-offlca , No . 9 ik , Mrraud , in th » PfcrUh of Me . Clamant Danaa , id tits Oitf % t Wsst » i »«« r < -- » Ati /»>» At , February 31 . 1 W 1 .
Untitled Article
188 Ct > * ft * « & IU [ Satdhdat , F £ b ; 28 , 1861 .
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 22, 1851, page 188, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1871/page/24/