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(Cmranmiol Mmts. _^^K. ___
( Cmranmiol Mmts . _^^ k . ___
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SHARES . Last Official Quotation for the Week ending Friday Evening . Railways . Banks . Aberdeen .. .. 184 Australwuan .. .. — Bristol and Exeter .. 85 British North American 4 , 'i Caledonian .. .. 171 Colonial .. ..... — Eastern Counties .. 8 | Commercial of London .. — Edinburgh and Glasgow 3 d London and Westminster 271 Great Northern ... ,. 18 } London Joint Stock .. 17 } Great S . & W . ( Ireland ) 444 National of Ireland .. — Great Western .. . .. 91 £ National Provincial .. — Lancashire and Yorkshire 65 Provincial of Ireland .. — Lancaster and Carlisle 85 Union of Australia .. 331 Lond ., Brighton , & 8 . Coast 98 ^ Union of London .. 12 | London and Black wall .. 8 $ Mines . London and N .-Western 132 . J Bolanos .. .. .. — Midland .. .. .. 67 Brazilian Imperial .. — North British .. 12 Ditto , St . John del Rey — South-Eastern and Dover 28 | Cobre Copper .. .. — South-Western .. 92 < i Miscellaneous . York , Newcas ., & Berwick 2 t \ Australian Agricultural — York and North Midland 29 $ Canada 47 Docks . General Steam .. .. — East and West India .. — Penins . & Oriental Steam — London .. .. .. — Royal Mail Steam .. 73 St . Katharine .. .. — South Australian .. —
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MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE . Saturday . The dealings in the English Funds this week have been very limited . Speculation seems to have deserted that department altogether , seeing that a Ministerial crisis , and the alarm of oxte being on the eve of a general elec-. Were not able to pibduce a variation of more than an eiRhth in almost any kind of stock . Consols opened on Monday at 96 g to 96 £ , and closed at the same rate . On Tuesday they improved j , but the defeat of Ministers by Lord Duncan , that evening , caused them to give way aszain on Wednesday . As it was dubious whether any result , would follow from the motion , the funds recovered on Thursday , the closing price being 96 £ to 96 § . Yesterday Consols touched 962 , and closed at tLe same price as the previous day . , „ ,, » , - »«¦ j The fluc uations in the Stock Market since Monday have been : —Consols , 96 | to 96 g ; Bank Stock . 215 to 216- Three-and-a-Quarter per Cents ., 98 £ to 99 f ; Exchequer Bills , 50 s . to 56 s . premium . Business in the Foreign Market has been rather more active than usual . There were a considerable number of sales yesterday at the following prices : —Brazilian Old Five per Cent . " Bonds , 93 . 93 $ ; Buenos Ayres Six per Cent , for account , March 28 , 55 ? , 56 ; Danish Three per Cent ., 78 Mexican Bonds , 33 £ , g ; Ditto for account , March 28 , 33 A ¦ Peruvian Bonds , Four and-a-Half per Cent ., 84 | , 85 , 8 oi ' ; Ditto for account , March 28 , 851 , 85 ; Ditto Deferred , 38 ? 39 , 38 £ ; Portuguese Four per Cents ., 33 $ : Russian Four-and-a-Half per Cents ., 97 f . Spanish Actives , Five per Cent ., 20 , 19 |; Ditto Passives , 4 J , % . Spanish Three per Cents ., for account 28 th March , 38 . Venezuela Twoand-a-Quarter per Cents ., 31 $ ; Ditto Deferred , 12 f , J . Dutch Two-and-a-Half per Cents ., 58 § , J , 4 ; Ditto Four per Cent . Certificates , 92 , 91 J . Marx-Lane , Friday , March 14 . Excepting several cargoes of Mediterranean and Black Sea Wheat brought up to London to discharge , not sold floating , supplies since Monday are moderate . Polish Odessa Wheat held far higher prices , and a fair amount of business done . Wheat on the spot firm , at former rates , but demand slow . Barley , less plentiful , at an advance of 6 d . per quarter . Oats moderate , the principal being from Ireland , dealers are unable to purchase at the very low rates recently current , and refrain from large transactions , buying no more than for immediate wants . At country markets supplies of Wheat short , prices tending upwards . Arrivals from March 10 to 14 : — English . Irish . Foreign . Wheat .. .. 2060 34710 Barley .... 640 1630 Oats 1780 8190 3450 Flour .. .. 870 6210
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March 15 , 1851 . ] fffle ULt&l&tX . 257
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BANK OF ENGLAND . An Account , pursuant to the Act 7 th and 8 th Victoria , cap . 32 , for the weak ending on Saturday , the 8 th of March , 1851 , " ISSUK DEPARTMENT . £ £ Notes issued 27 , 733 , 195 Government Debt , 11 , 015 100 Other Securities .. 2 , 984 , 900 Gold Coin and Bullion 13 , 699 . 820 Silver Bullion 33 , 375 £ -27 . 733 . 195 £ 27 , 733 , 195 BAN KINO DEPARTMENT . £ £ Proprietors ' Capital , 14 , 553 , 000 Government Secu-Rest 3 , 614 , 262 ritiee ( including Public Deposits ( in- Dead-weight Ancludiug Exche- nuity ) 14 , 145 , 696 quer , Savings' Other Securities .. 13 . , 554 Banks . Commis- Notes 8 , 739 , 140 eioners of National Gold and Silver Debt , and Divi- Coin 690 . 490 dead Accounts ) .. 8 , 01 ( 1 , 287 Other Deposits 9 . 36 : 1 , 092 Seven-day and other Bills 1 , 059 , 239 X' 30 , 605 , 880 X' 30 , 605 . Dated March 13 , 1851 . M Marshall , Chief Cashier . BRITISH FUNDS I ' Oit T 1 IK PAST WEKIv . ( Closing Priced . ) S ' atur . Monti . Tuet . iVe . dn . Thurs . Frid . Hank Stock .... ^ 15 ^ 215 215 , ' — JperOt . Red .. U 7 ( J 1 » 7 [ 97 jJ » 7 J 07 A y 74 p . C . Con . Ans . < J 6 jj 9 GJ 9 G& lifig DC * 'Mi { 3 p . 0 . An . 172 ( 5 . 3 p . Ct . Con ., Ac . OGfl [) , "M ' . J 6 fi 'Mi «<> i 'JUS > 'l P- Cent . An . < j ;» <|< U < J <) { < j < j l H'J New 5 per Ctrt . - . - _ - — L <>» gAns ., 18 < iO . 7 j 7 13-16 7 13-16 — - 1 H-16 Ind . Ht . lOJp . ct . 264 - — Ditto Honda .. 57 p 57 p f > 8 p 51 * p 60 p 61 P Lx . Hills , looo / . m |> r . 3 , > 51 |» 55 | . 5 li |) 50 p Ditto . 5 ) 0 V .. r () S 3 p , v hr > „ < - , <; v ft (; Ditto , Small 52 p f >; l p 5 * p 55 p 56 p 56 p
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I'OHKION FUNDS . ( Lust Olliolal Quotation during the Week ending Friday 1 livening . ) Austrian 5 per Cents . — Mexican 5 per Ct . Ace . 33 ft "elKiiui Bds ., 4 ^ ,,. <; t . « J-JJ — -. Small .. .. 331 Uruzilim , 5 per Cents . 9 ; tj Neapolitan 5 per Cents . — Uiienof Ayr . H 0 p . Cts . 5 , 1 Peruvian 4 J per Cents . — t / hiliiiii 6 per Cents .. I ( l , ) $ 1 ' orti . Kiiene 5 per Cent . — |> iiiiin ! i 5 perCents . .. 101 4 per Cts . ' M l Dutch 24 per Cont ^ . .. M . I ... _ ... _ Annuities — — 4 per Cents . .. 91 , { Russian , 1 K '« 22 , 4 . J p . < : u 97 ( 4 Kcuudor Mondn .. _ . ' Hpan . Actives , 5 p . Cln . IM I ' Jench 5 p C . An . atl ' iiri . s U 4 . !! 5 Passive .. 4 ^ ~ 3 p . Cts ., Mur . 14 . 57 . 8 ( 1 Deferred .. —
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AVKKAGK MUCK OF HIHiAR . I he average prico of ill own or Muscovado Sugar , computed rom the returns mude In the wcok ending thu 11 th day of M « roh , 1851 , in 27 » . C . | d . per cwt .
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GKA 1 N , Mark-lane , March 14 . Wheat , R . New 35 s . to 37 s . Maple 28 s . to 303 . Fine 37 —39 White 23 —25 Old 36 — 38 Boilers 25 — 26 White 38 —40 Beans , Ticks . .. 23 —24 Fine 42 —44 Old 28 —30 Superior New 40 — 44 Indian Corn 28 —30 Rye 24 —25 Oats , Feed 16 —17 Barley 18 —19 Fine 17 —18 Malting ZZ — 2 t Poland 18 — 19 Malt . Ord 44 —46 Fine 19 —20 Fine 48 —50 Potato 17 — 18 Peas . Hog 24—26 Fine .... 18 —19
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GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE OF GRAIN . Week Ending March 8 . Imperial General Weekly Average . Wheat . 36 s . 9 d . Rye 24 s . 4 d . Barley 22 7 Beans 25 7 Oats 16 2 Peas 26 7 Aggregate Average of the Six Weeks . Wheat 37 s . 5 d . Rye 23 s . 9 d . Barley 22 9 Beans 25 7 Oats .. 16 3 Peas 26 5
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FLOUR . Town-made per sack 40 s . to 43 s . Seconds 37 — 40 Essex and Suffolk , on board ship 33 —34 Norfolk and Stockton 30 — ¦ ii American per barrel 21 — 23 Canadian 21 — 23 Wheaten Bread , 7 d . the 41 b . loaf . Households , 5 jd .
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BUTCHERS * MEAT . Newgate and Leadenhall . * Smithfibld * . s . d . s . d . s . d . s . d . Bee ! 2 2 to 3 0 2 2 to 3 8 Mutton 2 10 — 3 10 3 4 — 48 Veal 2 10 — 4 0 3 0 — 4 4 Pork 2 8 — 3 8 3 4 — 4 i To sink the offal , per 81 b . Head of Cattle at Smithfibld . Friday . Monday . Beasts 555 3779 Sheep 2720 19 , 170 Calves 215 131 Pigs 375 350
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PROVISIONS . Butter—Best Fresh , 13 s . 6 ( 1 . to 14 s . per doz . Carlow , Jt'l 6 s . to £ 4 10 s . per cwt . Bacon , Irish per cwt . 49 a . to 52 h . Cheese , Cheshire 42 — 69 Derby , Plain 44 — 54 Uams , York 56 —65 Kg £ s , French , per 120 , In . 9 d . to 5 s . 6 d .
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Tuesday , March 11 . Declarations of Dividends . —S . L . Trotman , Liverpool , merchant ; fourth div . of fttha of a penny , on Wednesday . March 19 , or uny subsequent Wednesday ; Mr . Turner . Liverpool—W . and A . Miller , Liverpool and Hootle , wine merchants ; liret div . of 2 b . 6 d ., on Wodiiemlay , March 19 . or any wubsequent Wednesday ; Mr . Turner , Liverpool--W . Drabbet ) , At > kern , Yorkuhire , innkeeper ; first and final iliv . of 4 s . fid ., uny Monday or Tuesday ; Mr . Hope , Lcculs . BANK . liuns .-J . 1 ) . Wau"U 1 \ Deptford , ironmonger , to surrender March 20 , April 24 ; solicitor , Mr . Taylor . Adelaide-pine- ; , London-bridge ; ollicinl assignee , Mr . Moll , Coleman-slreetliuildingH—C . Diiil'i-IKM ) , Heverley , Yoikubire , draper , March 21 April 28 ; solicitors . Met-srs . Arflmrst and Son , Old Je » vry ; olllcial assignee , Mr . Giuliani — W . Uuuki . B . late of fall-mall and Leadenhall-Htiot't , master manner , March 28 , April ^ 9 : nolicitor , Mr . Ti >\ vnu , Dcvon > hin--a (| uaie , Htehopngxto ; olllcial nHHlgnet ; , Mr . Edwards . S . iinbiook-eouit , Hasinjfh-ill-street — ii . PauKKH , Coventry , carpenter , March 31 . April 26 ; solicitor , Mr . JJrowett , Coventry ; ollleiiil assignee . Mr . Valpy , Hit liiiiigliiiin — 1 . 1 . Hi . aK 1 £ hi . i : v , ( untie IJromwich . Warwickshire , brick dealer , March 27 , April : ! 9 ; solicitor , Mr . Harrison , Jtinniti ^ hurn ; ollicial ittBignue . Mr . Chrihtie , Birmingham—K . Smith , Worcester , hop merchant , Murch 26 . April 23 ; solicitor . Mr . Keece , Birmingham ; offlclal ns » ignee , Mr . Whitmore , Birmingham 8 . T . VValkbu , lat « of Barrowby-lodge , Lincolnshire , horao dealer , March 151 , April 25 ; solicitor , Mr . Hwan , Gray ' s-innplnce , Gruy ' a-jmi ; olllciul assignee , Mr . Bitllealon . Nottmgbam — M . Jonkh , Wroxliuiii , cheeaefactor , March iJ 4 , April 14 ; solicitor , Mr . Evhik , Liverpool ; official nxiiignee , Mr . Morgan , Liverpool—It . Wadk ; , Plyuioiilli , grocer , March 17 . Atnil 24 ; 110-lieitors , Met < si's . KtlnioiiilH and iSoiiH Plymouth ami Mr . Hlngdoii , Ext-t . er ; ofliciul HHni ) fiiee , Mr . Ilern . imau , K » i-ti ! r T . IviNToN , l' ;^ l ^ t Stoneliouse , DcvoiibIi re , furniture blotter , March 17 , April 21 ' soliciloi h , Mi'hmih . Hnleunil ' 1 inner , \ Ulci iiuinliurj ; Mcjhih . l . illleaiKl Billing , l ) e \« uip ») rt ; autl M r . Slogdon , Kxeter ; odlol . il ussignee , Mr . Httrniiinuii , Kxi ' ter . DivlMKNUs . —April I , . ' - Murray , ( iracee . hureb-Htreet , M . mcheHler warehoiiHt'iiiiin April . I J . N . tiarlow , Hanihg . ite , » liio ni cich » i > t—April I . . 1 . SaiuiderH , KiiHlu ^ hall-Htreet , mid Urudlord , Wi 11 hIiii « - . woollen in . iiiula ( -t . unr—Apiil 3 , K . M'Kuott and J . Glnsa , Belvedert-rond , J ^ amboth , and Bluokfriam-roud , coal merchauta—April 3 , T . Noakos , sen ., lipminster and tttifford , Kaser , miller—April 1 , IS . Muy , Oxford-utreut ,
ironmonger—April 3 , J . Peachey , Colchester , coachmaker — April 3 , J . R . Piddinf Georgf-yard , Lombard-street , and H'inchley . merchant —Aprif 3 , W . Miller , Liverpool and Bbotle , wine merchant . Certificates . —To be granted , un ess , cause be shown to the contrary on the day oj meeting . —April I , R . Hills , Downham , Isle of Ely . Cambridgeshire grocer— Ap'll 2 , S . Bifus . Houndsditch , iriiporter of French goods—April 3 , J N " . Harlow , Rartisgate , wine merchant—April 4 , R . N . Jones , Liverpool , merchant —April 4 , W . Randall , Manchester , calico printer . Scotch Sequestrations . —J . Millar , Ballurnbie and Ingliston Forfarshire , banker , March 18 , April 8— J . Brown , Kilwinning , Ayrshire , ironmonger , March 14 , April 4—J . Sutherland , Edinburgh , merchant , March 17 , April 11 .
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Friday , March 14 . Declakations of Dividends . —C . T . Depree , "Wakfleldstreet , St . Pancras , first div . of 2 s . 51 ., on Saturday , March 15 , and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr . Edwards , Sambrookcourt , Basinghall-street—J . Savell . St . Neots , Hiuiiin » doii 9 hire , draper , first div . of is . 3 d ., on Saturday . March 15 . and two subsequent Saturdays ; Vir K . dward- ; , Sambrook-cnurt , Basin ^ - hall-strcet—S . Southey , Finsbury , cabinet manufacturer , second div . of 4 ijd ., on S 'turday . March L 5 , and three subsequent * atuida \ 8 ; Mr Edwards , Sambr .. ok-t : ourt , Basinuhall-sfreet—C . L , Swainson and J . Birchwood , Manchester , mHiiufacturers second div . of d ., and 2 s 0 ^ d on new proofs , on Tuesday April I , or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr . Fraser , Manchester—J . B . Sparke , Torquay , Devonshire , hatter , first and final div . of 2 s 6 d ., any Tuesday or Friday after March 17 ; Mr . Hernaman , Exeter—J . Burnard , Bideford , Devonshire , painter , first and final div . of 4 d , any Tuesday or Friday after March 17 ; Mr . Hernaman , Exeter—H . M . Bowden , Lime-street , export merchant , first div . of lid ., on Saturday next , and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane—J . Ball , Martin ' s-lane , Cannonstreet , merchant , second div . of Is . 8 d ., on Saturday next , and three subsequent Saturdays : Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane—C . Green , Beckford-row , Wai worth-road , corn merchant ; second div . of Is . 2 d ., on Saturday next , and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane — W . and J . Pile , MonUwearmouth , shipbuilders ; first div . of 6 d ., on new proofs ( bein ^ in part of firstdiv . of Is . 6 d . previously declared ) , on Saturday , March 15 , or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr . Baker , Newcaslle-upon-Tyne — J . Marsh , Rotherham , Yorkshire , grocer ; second div . of 8 d ., on Saturday , March 22 , or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr . Freeman / Sheffield—W . Ibbotson . Sheffield , merchant ; third and final div . of | d ., on Saturday , March 22 , or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr . Freeman , Sheffield—H . D . Wilkinson , Sheffiel i , silver plate manufacturer ; second div . of 2 \ i ., on Saturday , March 22 , or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr . Freeman , Sheffield --J . Sorby , Sheffield , steel melter ; first div . of 9 d ., on Saturday . March 22 , or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr . Freeman , Sheffield—J . Woodward . Ecclesfield , Yorkshire , paper manufacturer ; first div . of 2 s . 9 d . ( on Saturday , March 22 , or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr . Freeman , Sheffield—G . Woodward , Doncaster , gunsmith ; first div . of 5 s . 4 d ., on Saturday , March 22 , or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr . Freeman , Sheffield—J . Rodgers and J . Brewin , Sheffield , bankers ; second and finul div . of ' 20 s . on the separate estates , on Saturday , March 22 , or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr . Freeman , Sheffield—J . Yeomans , Sheffield , merchant ; third and final div . of 6 d ., on Saturday , March 22 , or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr . Freeman . Sheffield —G . W . Hinchcfiffe , Sheffield , manufacturer ; firstdiv . of 12 s . 6 d ., on Saturday , March 22 , or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr . Freeman , Sheffield—J . Turnbull , -Scarborough , linendraper ; second and final div . of 2 s . 4 d ., on Thursday , March 27 , or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr . Freeman , Leeds—J . Morfitt , jun ., Leeds , fldxspinner ; fourth and final div . of 3-16 d ., on Thursday , March 27 , or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr . Freeman , Leeds—C . Ware , York , saddler ; first div . of 5 s ., on Thursday , March 27 , or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr . Freeman , Leeds—D . and J . Slaithwaite , Haigh , Yorkshire , cloth manufacturers ; final div . of j | d ., on Thursday , March 27 , or any subsequent Ihursday ; Mr . Freeman , Leeds . Bankrupts . — C . Graham , New Oxford-3 treet , hosier , to surrender March 21 , April 25 ; solicitor , Mr . Semple , Duke-Btreet , Manchester-square ; official as .-ignee , Mr . Whitmore . Basinghall-street—W . LoCKYER , Old-street . St . Luke , and King-street , St . Giles-in-the-Fields , baker , March 20 , April 24 ; solicitors , Messrs . Hilleary , Fenchurch-street ; official assignee , Mr . Johnson , Basinghall-street—J . Wilkinson , Hudder 3 field , Woollen cloth manufacturer , March 28 , May 2 ; solicitors , Mr . Hesp . Huddersfield ; and Messrs . Bond and Earwick , Leeds ; official assignee , Mr . Young , Leeds . Dividends . —April 5 , F . F . Vouillon , Princes-ntreet , Hanoverequare . Court milliner—April 4 , J . Graham , Waterloo-place , 8 t . James ' s , upholder—April 4 . C . A . Harris , Bushey . Hertfordshire , nnd Great Grimsby , I incolnahire . flax-spinn « r - April 4 , J . Webb , Luton , Bedfordshire , Btraw-plait-dea . ler—April 4 , D . Slater , Preston , near Uppinjbam , Rutlandshire , cabinetmaker—April 4 . It . Wright , Coppice-row , Clerkenwell , timber-merchint —April 4 , J . Steere , Guililford , watchmaker—A pi il 4 , J . Wright , Northampton , and elsewhere , corn-merchant — April 4 , G . Sciirfe , Hall-street , City-road , timber-merchant—April 4 . S . Taylor , Staines , Middlesex , grocer—April ft , M . P . Edwards , Tredegar , Monmouthshire , linendraper —April ft , G . Spearman , Leeds , silkmercer — April 5 , II . Hauler , Blackfriarnroad , linendraper — April 10 , A . Provost , Peterborough , linendraper—April 10 , P . R . Morrison , late of Liverpool , merchant—April 5 , W . Eeley , Horsepath , Oxfordshire , butcher-April 8 , W . Kuper , Camliei well , wire ropemnker—April II , J . G . Brigjrti , Leicester , Innkeeper—April 7 , J . Hayward , Oswestry , Shropshire , acrivencr—April 4 , W . Lees , Liverpool , merchant—April 7 , W . Laird , ISirkenliea ' , Cheshire , merchant —April 7 , J . Morgan . Livt rpo . 1 , hotelkeepir—\ pril 5 . B . J . Viuunder , Mark , Biiincis * shire , draper—April II , W Tliompoon . Newcastlc-upon-T \ ne , g -ocer April H . J . F Hrett , Galcshead . Durham , tailor-April H , ' \ V Shaw , jun ., Salfonl , Lancashire printer—April 14 , J . Taylor . Rochdale , cotlouspiuner — April 1 ( J , W . L . Lowe , Sulf ad , Lancahhiie , victualler — April K , T . Cox , Manchcbter , wine mere-hunt . Ci ' . uti l' 1 catkh . —To lie granttul , antes cttun ha shown to the << mtrury , on tltc day of Hireling . April 1 , I ' . F . Vouillon , Princes-sireet , H . iiiover-M <| u : ire , Court . milliiM-r April •'¦ It . (; ieen , jiui ., Brighton , ironmonger —¦ April 1 , A Iloneyinaii , Deptfotd , builder—April 3 , ( i . Burton , Whitncliupol-road , linendraper April H . W . Taylor , NewcaBtle-upoii-Tync , aiictiouciSr — April 8 , W . Harrison , Tyiieinoutb , merchant —¦ April II , W . Thompson , NewoaBtle-upoii-Tyne , giocer — April 7 , J . Hhirl , Froilnlutrn , Oheubire , grocer . Hootch HRtiUic . s-rRATlopJH . — R . Chirkoon , r . e-tth . china merchant , March 17 . April 11 . 1 . and W . Taylor , ( Jumbmban ; en , near Stirling , shawl manufactnrerH , Murch IH . April H—S . Huillh . CroHchill . Henfi-ewshire , bricklayer . March Jl , A |» r il II .
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BlKrilS , MARKIAiiKS , AND I . U'lVillS . MIKIIH . At S | Aiiii ' m , Trinidad , ( he Lad ) Harris . ¦ fa and heir Oil Ih .- ( il II Hint ., . « t . SimiiIihi > , tlie wile < il M -, joi . M . utl . iiid , t . < MMi-iiiajor ol I ' oil . Hinoiltli . ill Ii f < "i On ( he Nth in .-t ... the wile of Mciii ) Cohen , Kh (| .. outliwickcrehcenl , Hyde-park of a daughter . On the HtU inst . lit W ymoudliain Rectory , LnictmteruhiMi , the Honourable Mrs . John Berenford , of a daughter . On the 8 th inst ., at Hiinnlngton Ruotory , flampiihire , th « wilo of the Itcvoruud J . W . II . Molyncux , of a mm .
Leader (1850-1860), March 15, 1851, page 257, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1874/page/21/