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— A CARD . C « nOBSON COLLET , of the Royal Italian J . Ooera Covent Gatderi , Teacher of Singing . For Terms »« i Lectures , Private Lessons , or Clats Teaching , in P f ^ rnl Co « at r y " * PW to C . D , G ., 15 , E 8 , e * . street , Strar . 1
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~ " ~ EXHIBITION AUCTION HALL . TVTFRWA tlONAL EXPOSITION SALON , AND I NTERI 1 A FOREIGNEB 8 ' REUNION . Tt / fESSRS . EDWARDS and COMPANY have Wl at length completed arrangements , by which they are enuT ^ fn offer toth e Exhibitors and Visitors at the approaching abledtooner ^ acili t and accommodation , which are not Gre Plated or provided by the BoyaiCommission . They have contemplated or pro « a j wJker . of Gracechurch-street fTtheeSoW » Superb Building ofIron , containing a Grand a , Hon hall Magnificent Refreshment-rooms , and an Exposi-^ £ «? An They propose to introduce into this country , not tl 0 n ij > ai on . x Jvg f the Exhibition , but as a permanent STuwJof business ' the American system of disposal o £ consignments direct from the manufacturer , by the hammer . The ' v intend by a continued Auction during the Exhibition to rfJnose of the most valuable products of all nations . Their ardispose < i * contemplate the sale by hand , over the counter . r f , f ^ raSt ^ ks of Art and Skill . They have provided for tne / cc ^ mmoLtion of visitors to the Exhibition Splendid BefregnS-rooms , in which will be dispensed as well Wines of the highest and most novel character , as also Fruits , the produce nf the Choicest Gardens , and comestibles generally , the character ofwhichiB guaranteed by the fact that they have secured the « prTices of the - Premier Chef . " No expence has been spared by Messrs Edwards and Company in the adaptation of their splendid Premises at the West-end for the purposes of a Reunion , whereat the Learned , Scientific . Manufacturing , and Commercial repre-RPntatives of the whole World may meet to cultivate a kindly intim acy , and exchange valuable information . Messrs Edwards and Company have ample City ^ remises , Wharfage and Warehouses for the deposit of goods and the transaction of Custom House business . They have also secured for the benefit of their Consignors , the valuable services of Messrs . John Hampden and Company , and have , at the same time retained Legal Gentlemen , whosi high standing and character constitute a voucher for the safety of the interests committed to their care . Parties desirous of obtaining information as to the course of business intended to be adopted by Messrs . Edwards and Company may apply for Prospectuses at the Offices of Messrs . John Hampden and Company , 418 , West Strand , where the preliminary business ¦ will be conducted .
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TpRAMPTON'S PILL of HEALTH . Price J- Is . l ^ d . per box . This excellent Family Pill is a Medicine of long-tried efficacy for correcting all disorders of the Stomach and Bowels , the common symptoms of which are Costiveness , Flatulency , Spasms , Loss of Appetite , Sick Headache , Giddiness , Sense of Fulness after meals , Dizziness of the Eyes , Drowsiness , and Pains in the 8 tomach and Bowels : Indigestion , producing a Torpid State of the Liver , and a consequent inaclivity of the Bowels , causing a disorganisation of every function ol the frame , will , in this mo ? t excellent preparation , by a little perseverance , be effectually removed . Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects . The stomach will speedily regain its Ktrength ; a healthy action of the liver , bowels , and kidneys will rapidly take place ; and instead of listiessness , heat , pain , and jaundiced appearance , strength , activity , and renewed health will be the quick result of taking this medicine , according to the directions accompanying each box . As a pleasant , safe , easy Aperient , they unite the recommendation of a mild operation witb the most successful effect , and require no restraint of diet or confinement during their use ; and for Elderly People they will be found to be the most comfortable medicine hitherto prepared . Sold by T . PltOUT , 229 , Strand , London . Price Is . l £ d . and 2 s . 9 d . per box ; and by the venders of medicine generally throughout the kingdom . Ask for KRAMPTON' 6 PILL of HEALTH , and observe tho name atid iidrircas of " Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London , " on the Uovei mntmt Stump .
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STAYS SUPERSEDED . — Stiff Stays destroy natural erace , produce deformity , and implant disease ; curvature of the spine , and consumption ; and a host of evils arise from their use . A substitute is provided by MARTIN'S ELASTIC BODICE , or Anti-Consumption Corset , which is perfectly elastic , is without whalebone , furnishes a good support , is easy and graceful in wear , will wash , is unaffected by heat or cold ; has a simple fastening , obviating the trouble of lacing . Can be sent pos-free for a small additional charge . A prospectus and engraving sent on receipt of a stamp for postage . —E . and E . H . MARTIN , Surgical Bandage Makers , 504 , Oxford-street , London , near the British Museum .
Untitled Ad
A NEW MEDICINE . F RANKS'S SPECIFIC CAPSULE—A fonii of Medicine at once safe , sure , spee < ly , and pleasant , especiall y applicable to urethral morbid secretiono , and other ailments for which copaiba and ciibcbs are commonly administered . Eich Capsule containing the 8 pecillc in made of the pmest Gelatine , which , encaBed In tinfoil , may be conveniently carried In the pocket , ftnd , being both elastic and pleasant to take , affords the greatest facility for repeating the Hohch without intermission—a desideratum to persons travelling , visiting , or c : ng *( T « iil in business , us well as to those who object to lluid medicines , being unobjectionable to the most susceptible Htomach . Prepared only by C 5 KOROE FRANKS , Surgeon , at his Laboratory , 90 , niacklrinrs-road , London , where they maybe had , and of nil Medicine Venders , in boxes , at 28 . Dd . arid 4 s . Od . each , or ient free b y pout at 3 n . and f ) 8 . euch . Of whom , iiIbo , may be had . in bottles , at 2 s . 9 d ., 4 « . fid . and Us . each , FltANKS' 8 SPECIFIC SOLUTION Ol" COPAIHA .
Untitled Ad
TESTIMONIALS , lrom Joseph Homy ( ireeti , Eaq ., K . R . 8 ., President of the Royal College of KiirffKotifi , London ; Senior Burgeon to St . Tiioinan > IIoKiiitnl ; ntuJ I ' rofcBuoi of Surgery in Kind ' s College , London . "I have mudu trinl of Mr . KranKH ' s Solution of Copaiba , at St . ' 1 Iiohiuh ' b Honpitul , in a variety of cnseB , and the retmlU warrant my muting , t | mt it la an efficacious remedy , and one which doeri not produce tho usual unpleasant effects of Copaiba . ( Signed ) " JohkI'U IlKNUV UrtKBN . " LincolnViim Fieldn . April 1 » , 1835 . " Fro m Mnuinb y Coophr , Kan ,., F . U . S ., one of the Council of the Royal College of Surgeon * , London ; Henior Burgeon to tiuy '» HoHpital ; uixl Lecturer on Anatomy , &c . * " Mr . liniiiBb y Cooper preseutH Iuh compliments to Mr . George Franks , anr | | lttl | g . r ,. ftt p |< . UBUr ,, in bearing testimony to thft efllcucyof bio Solution of Copaibu . Mr . Cooper him prescribed tile Solution in ten or twelve canen With perfect miccOBu . "New-Btroet , April 13 . 183 V « TIioko niedlolneu aro protected against counterfoils by the Government Stamp—on which is engraven " Okohuh Franks , BUckfrlarB-ro « d " —beinr attached to each .
Untitled Ad
TRAFALGAR LIFE ASSURANCE A 88 OCIATION . OFFICES : 40 , PALL-MALL , LONDON . This Association has been established for the purpose of providing ANNUITIES TO THE SHARE AND POLICYHOLDERS , in the event of pecuniary misfortune , incapacity , or old age ; which are not liable to forfeiture in cases of Bankruptcy , Insolvency , or failure of any description—and also SECURING EDUCATION , APPRENTICESHIP FEES , OR ENDOWMENTS TO THEIR CHILDREN . Detailed Prospectuses , containing the names and addresses of the shareholders , rates of premium , an explanation of the system now originated , together with useful information and _ statistics respecting Life Assurance , may be had on application at the offices . Combination Policies , payable in the ' event of casualties of any kind totally disabling the Assured , or death , are issued at moderate rates . This important addition to the principle of Assurance deserves the serious attention of persons in all positions of life . Immediate and deferred Annuities are granted . AH policies indisputable , whereby the power on the part of the office in resisting a claim under any circumstance whatever is removed . Loans are effected on personal and other securities in connection with Life Assurance . Parties desirous of becoming Agents or Medical Referees are requested to communicate with the Secretary . By order of the Board , Thomas H . Baylis , Resident Manager and Secretary .
Untitled Ad
EAGLE INSURANCE COMPANY , Established by Act of Parliament 53 Geo . III ., and Regulated by Deed Enrolled in the High Court of Chancery , 5 , Crescent , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars . DIRECTORS . The Hon . JOHN CHETWYND TALBOT , Q . C ., Chairman . WALTER ANDERSON PEACOCK , Esq , Deputy Chairman . Charles Bischoff , Esq . Charles Thos . Holcombe , Esq . Thomas Boddir . gton , Esq . Richard Harman Lloyd , Esq . Thomas Devas , Esq . Joshua Lockwood , Esq . Nathaniel Gould , Esq . Ralph Charle 9 Price , Esq . Robert Alexander Gray , Esq . William Wybrow , Esq . AUDITORS . Jame 3 Gascoig-ne Lynde , Esq . | Thos . Godfrey Sambrooke , Esq . PHYSICIAN . George Leith Roupell , M . D ., F . R . S ., 15 , Welbeck-street . SURGEONS . James Saner , Esq ., M . D ., Finsbury-square . William Cooke , Esq ., M . D , 39 , Trinity-square , Tower-hill . ACTUARY and SECRETARY . —Charles Jellicoe . Esq . The Assured have received from this Company , in satisfaction of their claims , upwards of £ 1 , 220 , 000 . The Amount at present Assured is £ 3 , 600 , 003 nearly , and the income of the Company is about £ 125 , 600 . At the last Division of Surplus about £ 100 , 000 was added to the sums assured under policies for the whole term of life . The Division is Quinquennial , and the whole Surplus , less 20 per cent , only , is distributed amongst the assured . The lives assured are permitted in time of peace to resid « in any country , or to pass by sea ( not being seafaring persons by profession ) between any two parts of the same hemisphere distant more than 33 degrees from the equator , without extra charge . Deeds assigning policies are registered at the office , and assignments can be effected on forms supplied therefrom . The business of the Company is conducted on just and liberal principles , and the interests of the assured in all particulars are carefully consulted . The Annual Reports of the Company ' s state and progress , prospectuses and forms , may be had , or will be sent po 3 t-free , on application .
Untitled Ad
DIVISION OF PROFITS . A LBION LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , LONDON . Instituted in 1805 . DIRECTORS . JOHN HA MPDEN GLEDSTANES . Esq ., Chairman . CHARLES RUSSELL , E * q ., Deputy Chairman . Thomas Starling Benson , Esq Thomas William Clinton Mur-James W . Bosanquct . Esq . dock , Esq . Frederick Burmester , Esq . David lliddall Roper , Esq . John Coningham . E « q . Edward Stewart , Esq . Frederick I ) . Darners , Esq . Francis Wilson , Esq . At the last Division of Profits ( 1849 ) , every policy-holder insured upon the Participating Scale of Premium became entitled to a return of one-fifth of all the premium lie had paid , either in the form of an immediate Cash payment , or by Augmentation of the Sum Insured , or Reduction of the future Premium . The next division will take place in 1852 , when every Policy effected on or before 30 th April next will entitle the holder to a larger share of the divisible surplus than if effected after that date . Amongst other advantages secured to policy-holders in this Company are—a low rate of premium at the younger ages ; the payment of the sum innnred at the end of thirty days niter proof of death - and the liberty of rc » idinir in many parts of North America , ' the Cape . New Zealand , and Auatruliu , without any extra charge except for Sea-iisk . For Forms ol Proposal , Prospectuses , &c . apply to any of the Company ' * Agents , or to John i . k CaI ' i-blain . Actuaiy and becretary .
Untitled Ad
ME 'I' RO PO L IT A N C O U N T I E S and ( JKNKHAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 27 . Regentstreet , Watei loo-place , London . DiriKcroHM . Samuel Driver , Keq . Thomas Littlednle , Eaq . John Griffith Frith . End . Edward Loiiiai , Kaq . Henry Peter Fuller . Esq . Samuel Miller , h * q . John I ' -ilk OriiTln . K » q . Fdward Vmiaitturt Neale , KHq . Poter Hood , Esq . Kir ThomiiH N . Keove . dipt . Hon . G . F . Ifothain . R-N . William Htmlloy , Knq . I . ifn ABMirauceR , Annuities , and Endowments . Three-fourths of profits divided uniongBt tlm assured . — Pro »|> ectuncH , pout freo , on application . F . Fkhounon Camkodx , Mnnutter .
Untitled Ad
HAIR-CU TTING SALOONS I OR ALL NATIONS , 254 . RKGKNT-STitKKT . L . ltOSHI hcgH to announce that he has English and Foreign AnniatuntHof greut experience and acknowledged ability ulwuys In attendance . TIiIb Establishment i » four door * from Oxford-f treet , and opposite Hanover-nquare . An extensive . Assortment of KngliBh and Foreign Perfumery , Conibu . Brushes , Sec . ¦
Untitled Ad
UTETROPOLTTAN ASSOCIATION FOR ltJ . improving the dwellings of the industbiou 8 cla 8 ses . Capital £ 100 , 000 , in share * of £ 25 each . With Power to Increase the Same . Liability of the Shareholders Limited by Royal Charter to the Amount of their respective Shares , and the rate of Dividend to 5 per Cent . DIRECTORS . Chairman—Sir Balph Howard , Bart ., M . P . Deputy Chairman—John William Tottie , Esq . . Price Prichard Baly , Esq . J William Egerton Hubbard , Esq . The Right Hon . the Karl of Edwin Hill , Esq . Carlisle . Lord Claud Hamilton , M . P . The Right Hon . Viscount James Kemplay , Esq . Ebrington , M . P . Huson Morris , Esq . William Ellice , Esq . Thomas S . Smith . Esq ., M . D . Edward Enfleld , Esq . William Arthur Wilkinson , Esq . Thomas Field Gibson , Eaq . Horace Wilkinson , Esq . The Right Hon . Lord Robert Frederick D . Goldsmid , Esq . Grosveuor , M . P . The Right Hon . Lord Haddo . AUDITORS . John Finlaison , Esq . | Edward Hurry , Esq . BANKERS . Messrs . Barclay , Bevan , Tritton , and Co . SECRETARY . Charles Gatliff , Esq ., 19 , Coleman-street , London .
Untitled Ad
FORMATION OF BRANCH ASSOCIATIONS . This Association has obtained a Supplemental Charter , dated the 10 th of December , 1850 , whereby , in addition to the powers granted by tbeir original Charter , " Power is granted to raise a capital , to be called ' The Provincial Fund , ' not exceeding-ONE MILLION Sterling , for the purpose of providing , by the alteration of existing Buildings , or the erection of new Buildings , move commodious or healthy Lodgings or Dwellings for the Industrious Classes in any Provincial Towns or Districts . " Provincial Capital maybe raised on request of Twenty Householders , rated to the Poor in the District . Provincial Shareholders entitled to Profits , or liable to Losses , on the District Fund to which they subscribe , separately from any other Funds of the Association . May appoint District Committee . Applications to be made to Mr . Charles Gatliff , Secretary , 19 , Coleman-ytieet , London . FORM OF APPLICATION FOR APPORTIONMENT OF SHARES . To the Directors of the Metropolitan Association for Improving the Dwellings of the Industiious Classes . My Lords and Gentlemen , _ . ., . i We , the undersigned , Householders As the case may be . j rate ' tQ the Po 6 or in the ( » Town > Parish , or District ) of do hereby request that you will appropriate the Sum of £ in Shares of £ 25 each in the Metropolitan Association for Improving the Dwellings of the Industrious Classes , and call and distinguish the same as the District Shares . Dated this day of 185 .
Untitled Ad
BEAUTIFUL HAIR , WHISKE R S , EYEBROWS , &c , maybe with certainty obtained by using a very small portion of ROSALIE COUPELLE'S PVRIS 1 AN POMADE , every morning , instead of any oil or other preparation . A fortnight ' s use will , in most instances , fhow its surprisingpropertied in producing and curling Whiskers , Hair . , at any age , lrom whatever cause deficient ; aa also checking grayness , &c . Sent free by post , with instructions , &c , on receipt of twentyfour postage stamps , by Miss Conpelle , Ely-place , Holborn , London ; who may be consulted on the 9 e matters daily , from two till five o ' clock . TESTIMONIALS . Lieutenant Holroyd . R . N ., writes : " Its effects are truly astonishing ; it has thickened and darkened my hair very much . " Mr * . Buckley , Stapelford : " Your delightful Pomade has improved my hair wonderfully . " Mr . Yates , hair-dresaer , Malton -. " The young man has now a good pair of \ Vhiskern ; 1 want you to send me two pots for other customers of mine . " Mrs . Lello , "Worthing : " I use your Pomade in my nursery , as I Hnd it very useful for children ' s hair also . " DO NOT CUT YOUR . CORNS—BUT CURE THEM . Also will be sent ( free ) , on receipt of thirteen stamps , her only safe , speedy , and lastinjf cure for soft or hard corns , bunions , &c . It cures in three dayB , aiul is never failing . Mrs . Hughes , Sunbury : "It cured four corns , and three bunions , amazingly quick , and is the best and nafe » t thing I h . ive ever met with . " Address : MISS COUPELLE , Ely-plaoe , Holborn . London .
Untitled Ad
NO MORE CHAPPED HANDS hii < 1 FAChS . BURY'S ROYAL POMPADOUR POWDER . —Recommended for daily ubc to remove , that redness and irritation remaining on the skin after washing , or from any other cause , n « well as posseHsiiiK the mont cooling-, Hoftening , and balsamic quitlitieH , and imparting an exquitiite whiteness and clearnesB to the complexion . It in utrongly recommended to thu notice ol inothcrs and nursro for the use of infants of the moat tender nge , being far superior to any other powder ; also , after Bea-bathiutf , nilil for gentlemen nfter shaving , itn agreeable effects will be fully tested . Alfred Bury Tucomme . iwlB tho Royal Pompadour Powder an an article of comfort and utility ( not a » a eomnetic ) , but an a plain vegetable powder for the nnc of both ludieH and gentlemen , retaining it . H virtues and purity in any climate , consequently ih w « . -II worthy the attention of merchants , cnptuiim , and speculators , being a preparation thut commmidH n sale throughout the civilix < 1 world . Hold in packets . Is . and ' is . fid . each ;— -those at ~ » h . fid . are rqtial to three lt < . packet *; by |> o « t for Bixteen or thirty-eijtf ht uncut HtiunpH . —Low . Son , and Uenbow . 3 M , Htr . nd ; Winter , 1 . 0 . ) , Ox ford-street ; Potter , !) . l '' rederick-place , Old Kmt-roail ; Htnce . y and Co ., 4 . ) , Cranbourn-atreet ; West , King ' H-roail . Chelsea ; ThompHon . « J . ) . P . nk-Htrcet , Rugenf » -park : Hrllintf hiim 41 . Tiichbrook-strect , Pimllco ; Ilopekirk , « H . VV «« tminHter lUldge .-roa < t ; Hunter . Clnphnin ; Hlanckley , < : Jiireii « e-plaw » , lii |> Ham ; Pugh , 7 . Colville-terrar . ; . Chelsea ; (; harU « y , North Urlxton ; I . ubern , 49 . Judd-utrect . Mruiiewick-equar « : I hillipB -J . Spencer-terracr , Lower-roa . l . I » lington ; Congr «\ e . * ' <» >» - merclul-road . Peckh . im ; limy . 10 , Kxetcr-chnnp ; Joih-h . P « , lhum-ereHcent . Hron . pto ... AffimtB lor l . elar . ci-Bcwl « y « n , l KvaiiH . Hackville-Btreet ; Ke . rtl . ind , Huckville-Htreet .- Worn . Dawson-. treet ; Mrft . Blrdh , Daw . on-street ; Cork :: ) L .-iirv ; n « lfa « t : Pug « , « aBtlr . pl ««* - , *¦ & ¦" " V . . ° la »« -1 ' ., linbur f . : HtenbeiiHon , Leith-Blre « t ; (/« iki « . North-bridg «; Olartgow : llei < l . Stock well-street ; Aberdeen : W ttlker . Unlon-rtreK ; Montrom ; : Hill Hiirh-street ; Perth : P «!( ldio .. G « orgc- « tr « et ; Dundee : Weil . Murray-gat" I Oreenock : Brbwii ; Ayr : Corner .
Untitled Article
MAi . cn is , 1851 . 3 gf > g **«»**? g *
Leader (1850-1860), March 15, 1851, page 259, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1874/page/23/