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HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE The Nobility, Subscribersand the Public are respectfulv informed that this THEATRE will OPEN THI8 EVENING ,
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SATURDAY , MARCH 22 , when will be performed Donizetti ' s Opera , entitled LUCIA DI LA . MMEBMOOB ,. In which Mile . Caroline Duprez will make her first appearance To be followed by a NEW and ORIGINAL BALLET , a la Watteap : Composed by M . Paul Taglioni ; the Music by M . Nadaud ; the 8 cenery by Mr . Charles Marshall ; in which Mile . Amalia Ferraris will appear . The Grand Opera of GUSTAVUS is in active preparation . The part of " Madame Ankerstrom" will be supported by Madame Fiorentini The part of " Oscar , " by Mile . Caroline Duprez ; and " Gustavus , " by Sig-nor Calzolari .
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HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE . MLLE . CAROLINE DUPREZ . It is respectfully announced that the departure of Mile . Duprez from Pari 3 having been fortunately arranged at an earlier period than anticipated , she will make her first appearance in this country THIS EVENING , Saturday , March 22 .
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ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA , COVENT-GARDEN . The Directors of the Royal Italian Opera beg most respectfully to inform the Nobility , Gentry , Subscribers , and the Public that the Season of 1851 , will commence on SATURDAY , MARCH 29 , and continue open every Tuesday , Thursday , and Saturday during the Season . The Engagements for the present Season are : — Soprani . Madame GEISI , Madame CASTELLAN , Mademoiselle G 1 USEPPINA MORRA ( Her First Appearance in England ) , And Madame VIARDOT .
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CONTRALTI . Mademoiselle V I N T A L E ( Her First Appearance in England ) , And Mademoiselle A N G R I ( Her First Appearance these Two Years ) .
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Seconda Donna . Mademoiselle COTTI .
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Tenori . Sig-nor MAKIO , Signor ENRICO MAKALTI , Signor LUIGI ME I , Signor SOLDI , And Signor TAMBEBLIK .
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Bassi Babitoni . Signor R O N C ONI , Signor ROM MI , And Signor SAL VAT ORE ( From the San Carlo at Naples , and theGrand Opera at Barcelona , his First Appearance in . England ) .
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Bassi Profondi . Herr FORM K S , Signor TAGLIAFICO , Signor POLONINI , Signor G It E G O li I O . Signor FERRA 1 U , Signor HACIIH , AND Signor UlANCHI ( From the Jloyal Italian Opera at lierlin , hia first appearance in England ) .
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Director of the Music , Composer , and Conductor , Mr . COSTA .
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Boxes and Stalls may be engaged and full particulars obtained at the Uox Office of the Theatre , which ia open from Eleven until Five o ' clock .
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HENltY RUSSELL ( from America ) will give hiH VOCAL and PICTORIAL ENTERTAINMENT , entitled the FAR WK 8 T , or the Emigrants Progresn from tin : Old World to the New , ut the Royal Olympic Theatre , commencing on Monday , April 14 , and lour Buccessive nights . Mr . Russell will iiitrodiicehiti new rompoimioiiH— " The parting teur ;" " Cheer , hoyt * , cheer ; 110 more of idle uorrow ; " " Gaily goes tins ship when tho wind blows fair ; " "Lund , land , to the west . to the weHt , to tho land of tho free ; " The Fall « of Niiignra . " &c , und Hoverul of hit ) favourite compositiona . Tho principal fiaturt'H of Una entertainment ar « : l > y no 111011113 intended to be looked upon Holely in the light of : i mere enterUini » 'tf exhibition . It in intended to instruct iih well iih to hiiiuhc ; nud to instruct , moreover , in one of the mont profoundly and prnctio . iilly ii » pt > rtimtHUt > jt ; ct 8 which can bu oil ' m ud to the notice of lh « English people . Tin ; Hiice . eHHion of picture * , c . onalituting the I ' - *" hibition , nreiut mere fancy Hkotcheu . Tli <; y < to not represent »< : « ' "' " wliioli low 01 noiKi aave rich tourirftB or prol « m » ionul traveller cuu ever ho | w t » vibit . They do not nppeul to the limited iut < - reHt or the partial knowledge which may In ; found to exist among certain clamics , with reference to the urehit « 'cuiial l «) auti « H or tho hiiitoric ) uHHOcifttioiu ; of tbtt oountrles dolinrnted ; on thecoiitrnry , they nro thoroiiglily prar . tie . nl pii-liirea—trHnncriptH from tho daily liven of hniKlredn ol IIiouhhikIh of our C ( iuii ( ryincu und womenrepresenting b « : « iii < -b which liundit-ilfi of (| , i > hhiim < Ih iiiok ) me thinking of encountering—scenes In which practicable and reliable information is iilwuys in eager demand—nc « neB , in fact , uppui'Hng directly to llio « leep «> Ht inUireutB und moat , cherished prowpeotM of the inultitudeH who are duily inukiinf up their minds to * eek l >« it «* r fortuiiCB and brighter dnyH upon the boundlewH pliiirm , und l ) y tli « clear broad rivers of tlm Went . Mr . I ( u ««« 11 will perform upon JMeHdiH . Kirkmau mid HoaV Grand Fondii Piano . Doom ( . pen at Ilidf-punt Kovfii . to comwmnoe » t l' : iK Ut o ' clock . BIuIIh , itrt . ; dreim circle , 2 a . ; pit In . ; irullery , 6 d . I'" " vate boxes , XI !« ., and Mm . « d . each . Tioketu , plaoeu , and 11 Hvat « boxen to be had of Mr . W . Hiuunonda , at the box-of" < "V from cloven until live duily , mul after Jnuf-i »« Htwix in the vvoiil » K-
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Appealed in a late number of the Leader , -which seemed to convey an idea that the society there referred to had its origin in , or was connected with , the HuddersBeld Mechanics' Institution ; -will you permit me to explain that no connection -whatever exists betwixt the two . Indeed , I have ever had too much respect for the fundamental rule of that institution to make it a medium for conveying any peculiar ideas of my own . In fact , only eight members of the Mutual Improvement Society are or ever have been members of the Mechanics' Institution , and the joining of the Mutual Improvement Society was with them a spontaneous act , and in no way influenced by any statement of mine .
The publication of this disclaimer in your Journal will much oblige Your obedient servant , M . M . Nelson . [ Mr . Nelson's letter has been delayed for some time by an accident . The confusion was occasioned by a wrong heading , which was added by a pen in our office to Mr . Nelson ' s account of thte Mutual Improvement Society , and which set forth his statement as applied to the " Huddersfield Mechanics' Institution . " The error , therefore , is attributable to us , and to us alone ; and it ought not to have "been charged either upon Mr . Nelson or upon Mr . Morgan , who introduced his excellent letter to us . ]
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SHARES . Last Official Quotation for the Week ending Friday Evening . Railways . Banks . Aberdeen .. .. 17 Australasian .. .. 33 $ Bristol and Exeter .. 85 British North American 43 | Caledonian .. .. 15 j Colonial 124 Eastern Counties .. 8 Commercial of London .. 25 Edinburgh and Glasgow 37 A London and Westminster 27 $ Great Northern .. .. 18 J London Joint Stock .. — Greats . &W . ( Ireland ) 44 National of Ireland .. — Great Western .. .. 89 | National Provincial .. — Lancashire and Yorkshire 63 Provincial of Ireland .. 43 Lancaster and Carlisle 85 Union of Australia .. 35 £ Lond ., Brighton , &S . Coast 96 ] Union of London .. \ % \ London and Blackball .. 8 | Minks . London and N .-Western 131 Bolanos — Midland 63 | Brazilian Imperial .. — North British .. .. 10 ^ Ditto , St . John del Rey — 8 outh-Eastern and Dover 28 J Cobre Copper .. .. — South-Western .. .. 89 $ Miscellaneous . York , Newcas ., & Berwick 22 Australian Agricultural 15 York and North Midland 28 J Canada 46 Docks . General Steam .. .. 27 $ East and West India .. — Penins . &Oriental Steam 7 ^ 4 London .. .. .. — Royal Mail Steam .. 73 St . Katharine .. .. — South Australian .. 24
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280 0 f )« '&talr * t « ' tSAitmPAv ,
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Tuesday , March 18 . Bankrupts . —H . Watson and J . O . Finch , late of Pirnlico and Sittin ^ bourne , cement manufacturers , to surrender April 1 , May 2 ; solicitors , Messrs . Pocock and Poole , Barlholomewclose ; official assignee , Mr . Graham—J . Guaham , late of Nottinp-liill-square , Notting-hill , hosier , March 24 , April 28 ; solicitor , Mr . fcjemple , Duke-street , Manchester-square ; official assignee . Mr . Stausfeld—A . Hounhiiam , Portsmouth , grocer , March 27 , April 24 ; solicitors , Messrs . Smith and Son , Southampton-street , IHoomshury , and Mr . Iiinatead , Portsmouth ; official assignee , Mr . Hell , Colcmaii-struet-buildiiigs—j ! JtuTTHKY , Woolwich , victualler , March 28 , May , ' { ; solicitor , Mr . ( Jlynes , Crescent , Aincricu-sqiiare ; official assignee , Mr . ' Nicholson , liUFingliall-utreet—W . J . Hawi . ky , Woolwich , grocer , March 2 'J , May 3 ; solicitor , Mr . L > is ? by . Circus-place ' l'insbury ; odlciul atmitfiice , Mr . Pennell , Gtiildliul ' -chiiuibers , ' liiisinghall-Btrettt—K . W . Wiiiuur , C . Davy , and J . Dixon , ' late of Devonshire-street , Quecii-sqiuire , liloomsbury , goldsmiths , April 1 , MuyO ; solicitors , Messrs . Kmmct and Knight lllooinsbury-sqiuire , and Mchmth . Motterain mid Co ., Hirrnfii" - - ' hum ; odlciitl iujgifriiee , Mr . Kd wards , Hainhrook-coiirt , ]{ u » inir - hull-ntreet—J . Mmishali ., Southampton , coul merchant , March 28 , May ' . ! ; solicitors , Messrs . Linklatt r , Charlotte-row , Muiiaioiilioubo , mid Mt'HHrn . llillenry , Fenchiirch-Htreet ; ofliciul asni- 'iirc A 1 r . Whituiore , HuMiii ^ h&ll-iitrcet—R . W . Htukkt , late of () xford-street , victuuller , Murch -Jit , May 2 ; Holicitnr , Mr . (< mUI : ird Wood-street , Cheanside ; oflicial aHHi <> iu-e , Mr . Caiman , Hirchinliiiif—II . ftoAi . n , Nrat . h , Glamorganshire , iron manufacturer April 1 and . JO ; solicitors , Mr . Watson , Moorgate-stiWt , und M « -nnrn . IIraven uud Son , JHristol ; olllcial u&signen , Mr IluUon Bristol . " '
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1 ' Yiday , March 21 . Uankiu'i-i-. s . —II . Watson and J . ( J . Hu . K , late of l'tnilico anil Sitliiiffbounic , cement miiuufiictiiieis . Hurrrnder April I MayS ; luilic . itors , Mtswrs . J ' ocock and Poolc , linrlholomrw ' close ; official iieHltfriee , Mi . Orutiiiin—W . J . II wvi . ky Woolwich g rower . Mnreli »« Muv . T ; solicitor , Mr . Di « by , Circus pi Ac , Mr . Pcimell , Uiiil < Jliall-criamhAi- «' Hasinghall-fltreet-W . II . Taotx » ,, « I H . Jac ^ on . Great KuS ' street , Tottenhitm-oourt-rond , liiiendrupern , April 3 MnvGMilleltor * . Meuni . 8 harp > « ml I . rmwir . iUmiHhlrA-tarrlU * lliKli'Hlrrat , Mnrylebmifi ; offleml HBi ^ ,, «( , , Mr . Kdwa . dn . Hambrook-court . UaMua ; lnill-Htr « e . i —R . Ui . aukkk Itipon Yorkuhir << innkeeper , April I ( T , May 2 ; solicitors . Mr . Wai , " Ri > m .. id Mr . Nuylor . I . eeun ; omeml UHH ^ . e / ., Mr . Vou ,. ^ rf WouiiiiiMJHK . Rl ]) on , YoikBhire . draper , March ! h Aoril V solicitors , MessrH . Norrfs , MiinchJiw , an " I Me ' sarJ Lich anlHon and Um . nt , !* . „ , » ; official aBHi Rnee , Mr . Hop ^ L ™ " ^
S . TiiBBts , ShUckburgh , Warwickshire , dealer in mineral ores March 31 , April 28 ; solicitors , Mr . Kirby , Warwick ; and Messrs ' Motteram , Knight , and Emmet , Birmingham ; official assignee ' Mr . Christie , Birmingham-J . Farlky , Liverpool , lacetnan ' March 31 , April 23 ; solicitor , Mr . Williams , Liverpool ; official assignee , Mr . Cazenove , Liverpool—T . Dean , Seacombe , Che shire , chemist , April 3 and 25 ; solicitor , Mr . Toulmin , Liver " pool ; official assignee , Mr . Turner , Liverpool—S . Aemsteonq Bolton-le-Moors » glass and chinU dealer , April 14 and 28 ; solil citor , Mr . Marsland , Bolton-le-ftloora ; official assignee , Mr Fraser , Manchester—J . L . Horrocks , Manchester , merchan t " April 3 , May 2 ; solicitors , Messrs . Ounliffea , Charlewood , and " Bary , Manchester ; official assignee , Mr . Lee , Manchester .
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PRIZE ESSAYS . March 19 , 1851 . Sir , —Herewith you will receive a £ 5 Bank of England note as a prize for the most meritorious essay upon the subject , — " Self-Examination ; being an Approval or Condemnation by Conscience . " Essays haYe not yet been received on the former subject , proposed in the Leader of the 22 nd ultimo . The prize , therefore , remains open for essays upon Innocence , being Abstinence from Vice . " The competitive essays on each subject may be sent to C . C , No . 8 , King William-street , West Strand , not later than the middle of April . I remain , Sir , yours truly , A Constant Reader .
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HEALTH OF LONDON DURING THE WEEK . ( From the Registrar-General's Report . ) It is matter of regret that this return exhibits a condition of the public health in London still more unfavourable than was reported in the previous week . The widelydiffused illness , which has become the subject of common observation , produced in the week ending last Saturday 1401 deaths , a rate of mortality exceeding that which usually prevails at a season of the year more inauspicious than the present . The deaths rose to 12 L 3 in the middle of February , when the weekly increase began ; then , having declined to 1148 , they rose in the last two weeks to 1247 and 1401 . The epidemic influenza of 1847-8 ,
which quickly-swelled the mortality of one week to more than 2400 , had nearly disappeared in March of the latter year ; but its effects were still vsible in the returns , and the number of deaths was then 1118 , the highest in the ten weeks ( of 1841-50 ) which correspond to that ending last Saturday . The average of the ten corresponding weeks was only 993 ; or , corrected for assumed increase of population , 1083 ; on which the present return shows an increase of 318 . Among diseases bronchitis has produced the greatest number of fatal cases ; 171 were attributed to this cause , the number in the previous week having been 1 G 0 , or double the usual amount at this time . Phthisis or consumption carried off 1 GG persons last week , while the corrected average isl /> 4 .
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FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening . ) Austrian 5 per Cents . 96 Mexican 5 per Ct . Ace . 331 Belgian Bds ., 4 $ p . Ct . 93 $ Small .. .. — Brazilian 5 per Cents . 9 l | Neapolitan 5 per Cents . — Buenos Ayres 6 p . Cts . 54 $ Peruvian 4 $ per Cents . — Chilian a per Cents ... 66 } Portuguese 5 per Cent . 35 } Danish 5 per Cents . .. 100 J 4 per Cts . 34 J Dutch 24 per Cents ... 58 § Annuities — 4 per Cents . .. 9 l | Kuasian , 1822 , 44 p . Ct 3 . 97 * Ecuador Bonds .. — Span . Actives , 5 p . Cts . 21 f French 5 p . C . An . atParis 94 . 25 Passive .. 5 £ 3 p . Cts ., Mar . 21 , 57 . 85 Deferred .. —
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Satur . Mond . Tues . Wedn . Thurs . Frid . Bank 8 toek .... 215 — - 31 & 4 - _^ I rc Co ? . An 7 . ^ j 5 ^ j 5 ___ * j _ * 3 p . ' ct . iion ., Ae . " 964 96 | 96 | 96 | 96 £ 964 3 | p . Cent . An . — - . New 5 perCt « . —— —— " ~~~ - ~ 7 T ^ e * Long Ana ., 1860 . 1 9-16 7 9-16 7 J __ _ H Ind . St . 104 p . ct . —— ——Ditto Bonds .. 62 p 64 p 62 p 57 p 61 p 6 | p Ex . Bills , 1000 / . 56 p 56 p 56 p 56 p 5 a p 55 p Ditto , 5 J 0 * . .. 5 G p 56 p 56 p 55 p 55 p Ditto . Smal : 56 p 56 p 56 p 53 p 55 p
Cntiitimrinl Manx
Cntiitimrinl Manx
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MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE Saturday . The market for English Funds has exhibited very little animation this week . Consols were quoted as high an 964 to 9 ( i § on Monday , since which they have under gone various alight variations . The cloning price yesterday w : is <)(; j to DO .. } The fluctuations in storks generally have been as followH : —Consols , 1 KJ . J to « J <) $ ; Exchequer JJill 8 , 52 a . to 5 Cs . premium . In Foreign Securities the chief business done during the week h : is been in Mexican and Spanish Bonds . The transactions yesterday comprised—Brazilian Old Hondo Five per Cents ., i ) 3 . Buenos Ayr . n , Six per Cent . Bonds , ' f > l , 6 f > . Chilian liottdn , Six per Cents ., 100 , 1 O <» . _ ; ditto Three per Cents ., ( t f ^ . Mexican liomin , 3 , 'J , ; i ; ii \ ditto ' for uccoiint , ' A ' . \ \ , fl . Pcruviuu Deferred Bond ' s , ; ' Portuguese Four per Cent . Bonds , Mjj ; ditto , for a « - count , 31 j . Spiuiwh PnuHiveH , fij , g ; ditto , Three per CentH ., 3 HJJ . Venezuela Bond . * , Two-and-u-Quurter per Cents ., 33 . Dutch Bonds , Two-uitd-a-Ilalf per Cents 5 H / j ; ditto , Four per Cent . Certificates , 1 ) 1 ^ . ' ' Mahk .-j . ani 2 , . I ' iujjay , March 21 . Supplies of grain moderate . Wheat , Barley , and Oats firm ut former ruled . Flouting curgocw of l ' olinh OdeHMii Wheat , 33 s . to 34 s . ( Jd . At country mark « 'tn during th « week pricen were firm , with in uotno caaea an advance of 1 h . per quarter on Wheat . Arrivals from Murch 17 to 21 : — I'higlitth . Irish . Foreign Wheat .. .. l . ' 57 O 8700 Barley .. .. l (} 4 () 23 !) 0 OatH ft 10 4100 7 ()/>() Flour .. .. 1710 /> 130
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GRAIN , Mark-lane , March 21 . Wheat , B . New 35 a . to 37 § . Maple 28 s . to 30 a . Fine 37 —39 White 23 — 25 Old 36 —38 Boilers 25 —26 White 38 —40 Beans , Ticks . .. 23 — 24 Fine 4 ' 2 —44 Old 28 —30 Superior New 40 — 44 Indian Corn .... 28 —30 Bye 24 —25 Oats , Feed 16 —17 Barley 18 — 19 Fine 17 — 18 Malting 22 — 21 Poland 18 —19 Malt . Ord 44 —46 Fine .... 19 —20 Fine 48 —50 Potato 17 — 18 Peas , Hog 24 —26 Fine 18 —19
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GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE OF GRAIN . Week Ending March 15 . Imperial General Weekly Average . Wheat 37 g . 2 d . Rye 23 s . 3 d . Barley 5 > 3 1 Beans 25 6 Oats 16 " 6 Peas 25 8 Aggregate Average of the Six Weeks . Wheat 37 s . 3 d . Rye 23 a . lid . Barley 2 : ? 10 Beans ,... 25 6 Oats lii 3 Peas -JG 4
Her Majesty's Theatre The Nobility, Subscribersand The Public Are Respectfulv Informed That This Theatre Will Open Thi8 Evening ,
HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE . The Nobility , Subscribers , and the Public are respectfulv informed that this THEATRE will OPEN THI 8 EVENING ,
Leader (1850-1860), March 22, 1851, page 280, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1875/page/20/