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March 22, 1851.] tR^t %t n \ f t t. Q Q 1
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Untitled Ad
OALMER and CLAYTON , Steam-Machine and JL General Printers , 10 , Crane-court , Fleet-street , beg to inform Capitalists desirous of establishing Newspapers or Periodicals , Booksellers , Newspaper Proprietors , and the Public gene-• ally , that they shall be happy to ^ give Estimates for any portion of the Printing' business . Jobbing of all kinds . Copperplate and Lithographic Printing . PALMER and CLAYTON venture to refer with some pleasure to the appearance of the Spectator , The Leader , Lady ' s Newspaper , The Expositor , Nonconformist , English Churchman , &c . &c ., as specimens of their style of executing Priuting--10 Crane-court , Fleet-street , 1851 .
Untitled Ad
COUGHS , INFLUENZA , BRONCHITIS — KEATING'S COttGH LOZENGES , which are bo stronsrly recommended by the faculty ( testimonials from the most eminent of whom may be inspected ) aro in daily request at this most inclement season as a safe , speedy , and most efficacious remedy for Coughs , Bronchitis , Influenza ( now very prevalent ) , and all disorders of the chest and lungs . Prepared and sold in boxes , from Is . ljd ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 10 s . 6 d . each , by THOMAS KEATING , Pharmaceutical Chemist , 79 , St . Psul ' s-churchyard , London . Sold by all Drug-
Untitled Ad
S CURE OF ASTHMA OF SEVERAL YEARS' STANDING . " Cainscross , near Stroud , Gloucestershire , " March 20 , 1850 . < t gIRj Having been troubled with Asthma for several years , I could ' find no relief from any medicine whatever until I was induced about two years ago to try a box of your valuable lozenges , and found such relief from them that I am determined for the future never to be without a box of them in the house , and will do all in my power to recommend them to my " If you consider the above Testimonial of any advantage , you are quite at liberty to make what use of it you please . "I am , Sir , your most obliged servant , " Thos . Keating , Esq . " W . J . Trigg . " 79 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard .
Untitled Ad
A CURE OF FIFTY YEARS' ASTHMATIC COUGH at the age of 8 ixty-six by DR . LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS . From Mr . William Tomlin 3 on , bookseller , 15 , Stodman-street , Newark : — "A lady of this town ( whom I can refer any one to privately ) , who is now in the sixty-sixth year of her age , has been afflicted with a most violent asthmatic cough ever since she was fifteen years old . For many years she has been constantly under medical attendance , and all means tried in vain to remove her complaint . About two months ago she was induced—though at the time apparently on the brink of the grave—to try the above medicine , which , through the Divine blessing , has not only removed her cough , but her lungs appear quite regenerated ; her appetite , rest , &c , have returned , and her general health is wonderfully improved " Price Is . l ^ d ., 2 s . 9 d ., and 11 s . per box . Sold by all Druggists . Also DR . LOCOCK'S FEMALE WAFERS . The best medicine for Females . Price 1 b . l £ d ., 2 s . 9 d ., and 11 s . per box . % ? ALL PILLS UNDER SIMILAR NAMES ARE COUNTERFEITS .
Untitled Ad
TWAINS in the BACK , GRAVEL , LUMBAGO , JL RHEUMATISM , GOUT , INDIGESTION , DEBILITY , STRICTURE , &c—DR . DE ROOS'S RENAL PILL 8 , as their name , Renal ( or the kidneys ) , indicates , are the mo 3 t safe and efficacious remedy ever discovered for discharges of any kind , an < l diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs generally , whether resulting from imprudence or otherwise , which , if negected , frequently end in stone in the bladder , and a lingering death . For gout , rheumatism , depression of spirits , dislike of society , incapacity ( or business , loss of memory , drowsiness , sleep without refreshment , and nervousness , when ( as is often the case ) arising from or combined with urinary diseases , they are unequalled ; how necessary is it , then , that persons thus af . flicted should attend at once to these important matters . By their salutary action on acidity of the stomach they correct bile and indigestion , purify and promote therenal secretions , thereby preventing the formation of stone , and establishing for life the healthy functions ol all these organs . Sold in boxei , with directions , &c , at Is . ljd ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . Gd ., and lie . each . IMPORTANT TO FEMALES . —Dr . DE ROOS'S 1 'hMALE I'lLLS are the best and safest medicine , under any circumstances , for regulating the secretions , keeping them in a healthy condition , and removing all affections dependent on irregularities , general weakness , accompanied by excessive paleiifisH of the countenance , shortness of breath , cough , wearinsas , incapacity for exertion , sinking at the pit of tlie stomach , foverlHlineHH , indigestion , constipation , loss of appetite , flatulenco , heartburn , giddinc < m , palpitation , pains in tho head , stomach , loitiH . &c . &c . ( the rc-HiilU of which , if neglnctod , are generally a total incapacity for tho marriage Btate ) . Hy their peculiar action on the Hystem , they remove all hysterical and nervous nift'ctionn , prevent consumption , and are better calculated to cure those peculiar conditioiiH which , in the onset , lead to tho above distressing- maladies , than any other compound ever published . ^ "Id in boxen , with directions , < Sce ., at Is . l < Jd ., Us . 9 d ., In . ( id , wild IIh . each . N . 1 J . _ » a KKW HINTS ON FKMALK DI 8 KAHKS , " sent post free , by tho Author , for two postage stamp : ) . UR 1 ) E ROOS'S PILE & FISTULA SALVES , for t lie . cure of these complaints without operation . Any uneapirifHM or itching of the lower howel may In ; regarded aa symptomatic of piI « H , and if neglected will lead to prolapsus of tho rectum , or to the formation of fistula , the highly dangeious and evmi lutal character of which jh well known . Ity n timely use of tho Halve all further consequences may be averted , mid tlie cure Hpcixlil y effected . Tim worst caseH h . » ve boon frequently cured by it , when : ill other treatment bad failed . Hold in pots , with directions . Sec , at 'Is . ( id ., or three thrum the qniuiiity Jor lla . ; ami four 11 » . < i < iantitie » for Xi » . I ' urehaHdtrn will specify which in required , tin ; I'ile or the Fiutnlu . Hulve . N . II . — " IMPORTANT HINTS on riLFfland FISTULA , " uut pout free , by the Author , for two postage BtuinpH . CAUTION .- Hoc that the 1 ' roprietor ' H nnrnn . In white letter * , In on tho ( ioveriiiiient Htaiiip , without which non « are genuine . . * *—Advico an < l Medicine , £ 1 . I ' utientH corresponded with till cured . " TI 1 K MK 1 MCAL A DVISKR , " on all the nhovo dineits < H , by I'r . 1 J ( . R . 00 H , MiN pages , with coloured descriptive engravings ; to be had through all booksellern , price 2 H . ( id ., or , on receipt ol ' <> rty postage HtampH , will be hoiiI direct from the Author , . 't . > , •' 'ly-pluee , llolhorn , London , where he limy bo consulted on theHO niatterH daily , from ten till one , and four till eight , Kuuday ox-<" . O |) te «| ( unless by previous arrangement ) . N . H . — Wbero difficulty occura i » obtaining » ny of the abovo , « nclo « o poatnge stampB to the entablisbniunt .
Untitled Ad
COCOA AND CHOCOLATE , TAYLOR BROTHERS' original and standard Preparations . The merit of combining , with excellence of quality , such moderate prices as brought manufactured Cocoa ( previously confined to the wealthy ) within the means of all classes , belongs exclusively to Taylor Brothers , now confessedly the most extensive Manufacturers of Cocoa in Europe . Their invention of the soluble principle , carried out by improved , peculiar , and costly machinery , for power and completeness never before approached , brought prepared Cocoa to a degree of perfection previously unknown , threw the old makers and their antiquated process into the shade , and their rude and coarse productions ( charged at enormous prices ) comparatively out of use . This led them to imitate Taylor Brothers' peculiar and still exclusive preparations , in outward appearance only ; against all such spurious imitations consumers are requested to be upon their guard , lest , by an incautious first trial , they be led into a prejudice against a beve age which eminent medical testimony has prored to be superior to either Tea or Coffee . —( Vide Drs . Graham , Hooper , Pereira , and others ) . Observe particularly on each packet the name TAYLOR BROTHERS , London , whose great advantage over all other makers arises from the paramount extent of their manufacture —larger experience , greater command of markets , matured judgment in selection , and skill in preparation , enabling Taylor Brothers to offer the following articles , as regards both quality and price , upon unequalled terms , making it with Cocoa , as well as other things , the true interest of purchasers to deal with the first house in the trade . TAYLOR BROTHERS' SOLUBLE COCOA . —The original and only genuine article , highly nutritious , wholesome , palatable , and very economical ; and , quality considered , incalculably cheaper than other makers , which are spurious imitations . The IMPROVED SOLUBLE COCOA , in HEXAGON PACKETS , will be found a still superior article . TAYLOR BROTHERS' DIETETIC COCOA , —their invention and exclusive property . This admirable and unequalled preparation , in which the redundant oleaginous and grosser parts of the nut are ao completely neutralized , and its nutritious , grateful , and valuable properties so fully developed , is an essential article of diet , and strongly recommended by the faculty to invalids , convalescents , and dyspeptics , as most nutritious , easy of digestion , and lubricating to the alimentary canal . Its great success has led one or two provincial makers to adopt close imitations of it in the form of package , wrappers , and labels , in order to impose upon consumers . TAYLOR BROTHERS' HOMOEOPATHIC COCOA . —This exquisite preparation , combining , in an eminent degree , the pureness , nutriment , and fine aroma of the fresh nut , and prepared under the most able Homoeopathic advice , is especially adapted to those under Homoeopathic treatment . Taylor Brothers challenge a strict comparison between this and any of the so-called Homceopathic Cocoa offered by makers without the requisite experience or advice . TAYLOR BROTHER 8 ' COCOA NIBS , in packets ( the kernels of the choicest Cocoa , selected by Taylor Brothers under peculiar advantages ) , are purely genuine , and of full , rich , mellow flavour . The quality of this article is rarely equalled . TAYLOR BROTHERS' CELEBRATED SOLUBLE CHOCOLATE and COCOA PASTE , delicious either as a confection or beverage . Many wretched attempts have been made to imitate these articles . TAYLOR BROTHERS' CHOCOLATE POWDER , BROMA , SIR HANS SLOANE'S , CHURCHMAN'S , SPANISH , VANILLA , and every description of plain and fancy CHOCOLATES , will be found still deserving of their high reputation for pureness , delicacy of flavour , and beneficial properties . TAYLOR BROTHERS' PREPARED-PATENT—FLAKE a ^ d ROCK COCOA , unequalled for strength , flavour , and nutriment . TAYLOR BROTHERS' genuine preparations , WHICH WILL KEEP GOOD IN ANY CLIMATE , may be had wholesale at the MILLS , 211 , BRICK-LANE . LONDON , and retail from all Tea-dealers , Grocers , and Oilmen in the Kingdom . CAUTION " . —To prevent disappointment , see that the name , " Taylor Brothers , " ia upon every packet , there being many vile and noxious imitations of the SOLUBLE and DIETETIC COCOAS , calculated to bring Cocoa into disrepute .
Untitled Ad
HAIR- CUTTING SALOONS FOR ALL NATIONS , 254 , EEGENT-STREET . L . ROSSI begs to announce that he has English and Foreign Assistants of great experience and acknowledged ability always in attendance . This Establishment is four doors from Oxford-street , and opposite Hanover-square . An extensive Assortment of English and Foreign Perfumery , Combs , Brushes , &c .
Untitled Ad
DH . < ULVERWELL ON NERVOUSNESS , DEBILITY , AND INDIGESTION ; also on Urinary Derangements , Constipation , and Hemorrhoids . Is . each ; by Post , Is . 6 d . WHAT TO EAT , DRINK , AND AVOID . " Abstinentia multi curantur morbi . " A popular exposition of the principal causes ( over and careless feeding , &c . ) of the above harassing and distressing complaints , with an equally intelligible and popular exposition of how we should live to get rid of them ; to which is added diet tables for every meal in the day , and full instructions for the regimen and observance of every hour out of the twenty-four : illustrated by numerous cases , &c . Vols . 2 and 3 , companions to the preceding , TI ^ E ENJOYMENT OF LIFE . | HOW TO BE HAPPY . " Jucunde Vivere . "
Untitled Ad
IV . ON" URINARY DISORDERS , CONSTIPATION , and HAEMORRHOIDS ; their Obviation and Removal . Sherwood , 23 , Paternoster-row ; Mann , 39 , Cornhill ; and the Author , 10 , Argyll-place , Regent-street : consultation hours , ten till five ; evenings , seven till nine .
Untitled Ad
HEALTH WHERE 'TIS SOUGHT . tTOLLOWAY'S PILLS . —Cure of a Case of JLJ . Weakness and Debility , of Four Years' standing . Extract of a Letter from Mr . William Smith , of No . 5 , Little Thomas-street , Gibson-street , Lambeth , dated Dec . 12 , 1849 . " To Professor Holloway , " Sir , —1 beg to inform you that for nearly five years I hardly knew what it was to have a day ' s health , suffering from extreme weakness and debility , with constant nervous headaches , giddiness , and sickness of the stomach , tog-ether with a great depression of spirits . I used to think that nothing could benefit me , as I had been to many medical men , some of whom , after doing all that was in their power , informed me that they considered that 1 had some spinal complaint beyond the reach of cure , together with a very disordered state of the stomach and liver , making my case so complicated that nothing could be done for me . One day , being-unusually ill and in a dejected state , I saw your Pills advertised , and resolved to give them a trial , more perhaps from curiosity than with a hope of being cured , however 1 soon found myself better by taking them , and so I went on persevering in their use for six months , when I am happy to say they effected a perfect cure , ( Signed ) " WILLIAM SMITH , " ( frequently called EDWARD ) . " Sold at the Establishment of Professor Holloway , 2 J 4 . Strand ( near Temple Bar ) , London , ai . d by most all respectable Drusr ^ -ists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the civilized World , at the following prices—Is . lid ,, 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., Us ., 22 s , and 33 s . each Box . There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes . N . B—Directions for the guidance of Patients in every Disorder are affixed to each Box .
Untitled Ad
GRATIS!—FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD AND THE SUPPRESSION OK QUACKERY . Just published , !) f > pages , EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR . Hy Altkkd Baiikbr , M . I ) . Sent gratuitously by the Author , on receipt of four postage cttampti to prepay it . Address , " Dr . Alfred Barker , 48 , Liverpool street , King's-cross , London . " OPINIONS OK TIIR IMtKK . S . " Written in a popular style , and containing tho mode of treatment in moat of the dixeaaeg that * Mesh is heir to . '" ' —Herald . " Nothing but an intense desire to benrilt his fellow-creatures could have induced the author to undertake the expense of publishing thit ) work for gratuitous circulation . "—Chronicle .
Untitled Ad
A NEW MKDICINK . FRANKS'S SPECIFIC CAPSULK—A form of Medicine at once wife , sure , speedy , and pleasant , especially applicable to urethral morbid secretions , and other ailments for which copaiba and cubebH are commonly administered . Eueh Capsule containing tlie Specific in made of die purest Gelatine , which , encased in tinfoil , nuiy be conveniently carried in the pocket , and , being both elastic and pleasant , to till . e , affords the greatest facility for repeating the doses without interinissioii—a desideratum to |> nrHons travelling , visiting , or engnged in busineHH , » h well ; ih to those who object to fluid inedicineH , being unobjectionable to the iiiont miHreplihle Ntoiniu . h . Prepared only by UKO 1 COK KRA N KS , Hurfjeon , at bis Laboratory , DO , HlackirinrR-road , London , where they may he hail , mid of ftll Medicine Venders , in boxes , at ^ H . ' . td . and 4 s . ( id . rncli , or H < nt free by post at < Ih . and fw . mich . Ot nhoin , uIho , may ho had , in hotr . leH , at Uh . i ) d . . 4 h . ti < l ., itml i Ih . each , 1 'KANKS'H 8 PKCIFI 0 HOLU I'lOM OK COPAIBA .
Untitled Ad
DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT AND BEAUTIFUL HAIR , WHISKERS , &c . &c . MANY Preparations for the Hair have been introduced to J , he public , but none have gained such a worldwide celebrity and immense sale aa Miss DKAN ' S CRINII ENE . It it ) guaranteed to produce Whiskers , Moufitachioa , Eyebrows . &c , in three or four weeks , with the utmost certainty ; and will be found eminently successful in nourishing , curling , and beautifying the Haii , checking greyneas in all its stages , strengthening weak Hair , preventing its falling off , Sec . &c . / For the reproduction of Hair in Baldness , from whatever caune , and at whatever aufp , it stands unrivalleo , never having failed . One trial only ia solicited to prove the fact . It is an ftleguntly-sccnted preparation , and Hunlcient for three months' nee will be sent ( post free ) on receipt , of twenty-four postage stamps , by Miss Dean , 18 , Liverpool-street , King'scroaa , London . For Children it is indispensable , aa forming the bam * of a beautiful head of hair . AUTHENTIC TBITIMON f A LM . " I constantly use your Crinilene for my children . II . restored my Imir perfectly . " —iMih . Long , Ilitiliin , Herts . "I liiive now to complain of the trouble ; of shaving ; thanks to your Crinilene . "—Mr . ( Jrey , F . aton-s <] iiare , CheL-ira . l ' rof
Untitled Ad
TKHTIMONIAI . H . From Joseph Henry ( Jrecn , Kn <| ., F . R . H ., I ' resident of the Royal Collevo of HiirpreonH , London ; . Senior Surgeon to Nt . Thiminn'u IloHpital ; and 1 'rofenHOr of Siirpjcry in Kinjf ' H College , London . " I have niadu trial of Mr . r ' rmiks' « Holution of Copaiba , nt . Ht . ThoiiiHfl ' H Hospital , in u variety of cAhch , and the results warrant my staling-, that it i « an eflicaclniih remedy , and one which does not product * tb <> usual unpleasant effeetn of Copaiba . ( Hlfflled ) " . lORKIMI llUNKY ( iHKKN . ' Lincoln ' 8-inn Finld » , April 15 , lH . 'i . V From BrwiflbJ ^ Cooper , Kh (| ., F . R . H ., one of the Council of the Royal Collefffl of Burffconn , London ; ( Senior Hurj ^ eon to (< uy ' n llcmpital ; mid l . eotuier on Anatomy , & , <¦ .. * ' Mr . BntiiHby Cooper proHcnta his complimcntH to Mr . ( Jeor ^ e Franks , and h . ' « great plmimuo in bearing testimony to tho ulllcacy of bis Holution of Copaiba . Mr . Cooper bits prescribed the Holution in ten or twelve cuhch with purfoot hiiooohh . " Now-Btroot , April liJ , 183 ft . " * TIicho medicines aro protected ag-ahiHt counterfeits by the Government Htainp—ou which ih riifjraveu "Oroikik Franks , UluoklViuru-road "—being uttrcliud to each .
Untitled Ad
HKAi / ni , IIAPPINMSS , aiul KMICIKNCY in the various duties of life are intimately connected . TlioiiHiiiidn < lraff nn a miserable existence , worried with Incline * - lion , hull' imbecile from Nervous Dcbilil y . \ va- tiiif , ' with Scrofula , or eaten up with Rheumatism ; and tun si of thousand * , through some minor derangement , of health , arc incapable of ntber Jully enjoying 1 . 110 comlorts of life or aalis /' uctui il v performing the dul . ieH of their Htat . ioii . To all hiic . 1 i , whiilcver inuy be llm nntuic , ciiilne , or extent of their illucHH or inrflioieiiey , a Hpct'il y « n < l effectual reuie < ly is now ofl ' ered in th x . Hold liy Neville and lioydd , I ' . l , IMaddo . v -it rect , Kcgent-Htrcel ; Mare . hiy , l '' ai rinf , 'ili > n-slreel . ; Hannah anil Co ., Oxn > rd- » trf < -t ; Trout , Htiand , and l » y iiiohI rcnp < clubln vnidoiu of I ' atent MtsliciheH in Town or Country . Tim Medicinea arc also niiule up in tho form of it Cordinl . _ 'l « . fid . and IIh . per bottle . A box of " pi |] h an'I a paper containing ciihch and liiHtruotionti forwarded nout fine ) for Fifteen r « inny ht . ainpH , addrtwsed to lilt . NAI'IKll , r . 1 . MAl > l > OX-bTRi ; KT , ItlHilONT-HTR KK I ' , LO . NDNON ,
March 22, 1851.] Tr^T %T N \ F T T. Q Q 1
March 22 , 1851 . ] tR ^ t % t n \ f t t . Q 1
Leader (1850-1860), March 22, 1851, page 281, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1875/page/21/