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LON DON CO-OPERATIVE STORE , in connection with the Society for Promoting Working Men ' s Association , 76 , Charlotte-street . Fitzroy-square . The London Central Cooperative Agency ha 3 now completed it 9 arrangements for transacting- the wholesale business of the Yarious cooperative stores . The books of the agency will be open at all times for the inspection of its customers , and thus the best guarantee will be furnished for honest dealing . Original packages will be sent whenever the order will admit of it , so that the first cost of the goods may be ascertained by inspecting the invoices . All goods are purchased at the first markets for ready money . Address , Lloyd Jones , Manager , 76 , Charlotte-street , Fitzroysquare .
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LONDON CO-OPERATIVE STORE , 76 , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-square . —NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS . —The Depositors are informed that the BOJIUS to which they are entitled on their business with the Store for the first two months , November and December of the year 1850 , will be PAID to them on the 6 th of April next . Such of the depositors as have not yet sent in their books are requested to do so by the 25 th of Match , or their claim will be forfeited . LLOYD JONES , Manager . London , 76 , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-squaie , March 5 , 1851 .
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EAGLE INSURANCE COMPANY , Established by Act of Parliament 53 Geo . III ., and Regulated by Deed Enrolled in the High Court of Chancery , 5 , Crescent , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars . DIRECTORS . The Hon . JOHN CHETWYND TALBOT , Q . C .. Chairman . WALTER ANDEUSON PEACOCK , Esq ., Deputy Chairman . Charles Bischoff , Esq . Charles Thos . Holcombe , Esq . Thomas Boddington , Esq . Kichard Harman Lloyd , Esq . Thomas Devas , Esq . Joshua Lockwood , Esq . Nathaniel Gould , Esq . " Italph Charles Price , Esq . Robert Alexander Gray , Esq . William Wybrow , Esq . AUDITORS . James Gascoig-ne Lynde , Esq . | Thos . Godfrey Sambrooke , Esq . PHYSICIAN . George Leith Roupell , M . D ., F . R . S ., 15 , Welbeck-street . SURGEONS . James Saner , Esq ., M . D ., Finsbury-square . William Cooke , Esq ., M . D ., 39 , Trinity-square , Tower-hill . ACTUARY and SECRETARY . —Charles Jellicoe , Esq . The Assured have received from this Company , in satisfaction of their claims , upwards of £ 1 , 220 , 000 . The Amount at present Assured is £ 3 , 600 , 003 nearly , and the income of the Company is about £ 125 , 600 . At the last Division of Surplus about t £ 100 , 000 was added to the sums assured under policies for the whole term of Hie . The Division is Quinquennial , and the whole Surplus , less 20 percent , only , is distributed amongst the assured . The lives assured are permitted in time of peace to reside in any country , or to pass by sea ( not being seafaring- persons by profession ) between any two parts of the same hemisphere distant more than 33 degrees from the equator , without extra charge . Deeds assigning policies are registered at the office , and assignments can be effected on forms supplied therefrom . The business of the Company is conducted on just and liberal principles , and the interests of the assured in all particulars are carefully consulted . The Annual Rpports of the Company ' s state and progress , proapectuses and forms , may be had , or will be sent post-free , on application .
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RAILWAY ACCIDENTS . THE RAILWAY ASSURANCE COMPANY , Incorporated under the Act of Parliament , 7 and 8 Vic , c . 110 . CAPITAL— £ 100 , 000 . Offices—No . 5 , 8 t . James ' a-street , London . TRUSTEES . The Right Honourable Earl Fitzwilliam . The Honourable Henry G . Spencer . The Common Serjeant . Charles Hopkinson , Esq . The distinctive feature of this Company consists in the Sufficiency of ONE PAYMENT to cover an ASSURANCE FOR THE WHOLE OF LIFE . The FIRST is the ONLY Expense and Trouble , there beingno Annual Renewal of Premium . It will be seen that , by a single payment of Five Shillings , any Railway Traveller may be assured iu the sum of £ 100 for the remainder of his life . Upon proof being given that a party assured has met with his Death by Railway Accident , the Company will pay to his representatives the full amount of his policy . If the accident shall result in personal injury only , the Company will pay to the assured a fair compensation for such injury . Assurers will have the option of travelling in Carriages of any Class , and on any Railway in the United Kingdom . This Company is now granting-Assurances upon the following terms , viz . : — For every Policy of £ 100 .. £ 0 5 s . 500 .. 1 5 s . 1000 .. 2 2 s . 2000 .. 4 4 s . Ag-ents are appointed in all the principal Towns of tho United Kingdom , through whom Assurances may be effected , or application may be made to the Secretary , at the Company ' s Offices , No . 5 . St . James ' s-street , London .
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EXHIBITION AUCTION HALL . INTERNATIONAL EXP 08 ITION SALON Alsrn FOREIGNERS' REUNION . * MESSRS . EDWARDS and COMPANY W at length completed arrangements , by which thev ar * abled to offer to the Exhibitors and Visitors at the approach- ™" Great Exhibition , facilities and accommodation , which ar " contemplated or provided bytheKoyal Commission . Thev h ' accepted tenders from Mr . John Walker , of Gracechurch . -atrpV for the erection of a 8 uperb Building of Iron , containing a Gr a Auction-hall , Magnificent Refreshment-rooms , and an Exnotion Salon . They propose to introduce into this country «* merely for the purposes of the Exhibition , but as a permanent course of business , the American system of disposal of co-sip rnents , direct from the manufacturer , by the hammer . " They intend by a continued Auction during the Exhibition i dispose of the most valuable products of all nations . Their a ° rangements also contemplate the sale by hand , over the counter " of the rarest works of Art and Skill . They have provided fo the accommodation of visitors to the Exhibition S plendid R » freshment-rooms , in which will be dispensed , as well , Wines of the highest and most novel character , as also Fruits , the produce of the Choicest Gardens , and comestibles generally , the character of which is guaranteed by the fact that they hav e secured thp services of the " Premier Chef . " No expence has been spare d bv Messrs . Edwards and Company in the adaptation of their splendid premises at the West-end for the purposes of a Reunion , whereat the Learned , Scientific , Manufacturing , and Commercial repie . sentatives of the whole World may meet to cultivate a kindly in ' . timacy , and exchange valuable information . Messrs . Edwards and Company have ample City ^ remises Wharfage , and Warehouses for the deposit of goods and the ' transaction of Custom House business . They have also secured for the benefit of their Consignors , the valuable services of Messrs . John Hampden and Company , and have , at the same time , retained Legal Gentlemen , whose high standing and character constitute a voucher for the safety of the interests committed to their care . Parties desirous of obtaining information as to the course of business intended to be adopted by Messrs . Edwards and Company , may apply for Prospectuses at the Offices of Messrs . John Hampden and Company , 448 , West Strand , where the preliminary business will be conducted .
Untitled Ad
YOURSELF ' . —WHAT YOU ARE ! AND WHAT FIT FOR . " See yourself as others see you . "—Burns . AN EXTRAORDINARY NUMBER of x" \_ TESTIMONIALS from all classes , Philosophers , Peers , Literary Persons and Divines of every denomination , have been received by the ORIGINAL GRAPHIOLOGIST , who continues to give her novel and interesting : delineations of Character from an examination of the Handwriting , in a style of description peculiarly her own . filling four pages of a sheet of paper . Persons desirous of knowing their true character , or that of any friend in whom they may be interested , must send a specimen of their writing , stating sex and age , or supposed age . ( enclosing fifteen postage stamps ) , to Miss Ellen Graham , 6 , Ampton-street , Gray ' s-inn-road , London , and they will receive in a few days a minute detail of the gift ? , defects , talents , tastes , affections , &c , of the writer , with many other things hitherto unsuspected . Just published , price One Shilling , ETIQUETTE for the MILLION ; or , the Hand-Book of Courtship and Matrimony . Addressed to all Young People . By MissGkaham , who will foi ward it post free ( under cover ) on receipt of thirteen postage stamps . "A charming little book . "—Daily News . " To all contemplating marriage it is worth its weight in gold . "—Lady's Newspaper . " We urge all our readers to possess this treasure . "—Herald . Address—MISS GRAHAM , 6 , AMPTON-STREET , GRAY'SINN-ROAD LONDON .
Untitled Ad
RUPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED WITHOUT A TRUSS ! DR . BARKER still continues to supply tlie afflicted with his celebrated remedy for this alarming complaint , the great success of which , for many years past , reiN ders any further comment unnecessary . It is easy and painless in use , causing no inconvenience or confinement , and is applicable to every variety of s ngle and double rupture , however bad or long-standing , in male or female of any age . The remedy , with full instructions for use , &c , will be sent post free to any part of the kingdom on receipt of 6 s . 6 d . in postage stamps , or Post-office Order , by Dr . Alfred Barker , 48 , Liverpool-street , King ' s-cross , London , where be may be consulted daily from Ten till One . mornings , and Five till Eieht , evenings ( Sundays excepted ) . Post-office Orders to be imde payable at the Hattlc b'idgc Post-office . A great number of testimonials and trusses have been left behind by persons cured , as trophies of the success of this remedy . Authentic Testimonials , selected from many hundreds in the possession of Dr . Barker : — " I have witnessed a good cure of double rupture in a lady by your remedy . " —R . Brindley , chenmt , Bow . " Your remedy has quite currd my rupture of twelve years ' standing . "—II . Morgan , Cnmden-town . " Send me another remedy for a customer . I have recommended it in scores of cases with perfect success . "—R . Joiie ,- ; , chemist , Snaith , Yorkshire .
Untitled Ad
TRAFALGAR LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION . OFFICES : 40 , PALL-MALL , LONDON . This Association has been established for the purpose of providing ANNUITIES TO Till' ; SHARK AND POLICYHOLDERS , in the event of pecuniary misfortune , incapacity , or old age . ; which arenot liable to forfeiture in cases of Bankruptcy , Insolvency , or failure of any description—and also SECURING EDUCATION , APPRENTICESHIP FEKS OR ENDOWMENTS TO THEIR CIIILOltEN . Detailed Prospectuses , containing the names and addresses of the ( shareholders , rates of premium , an explanation of Lhe syntein now originated , together with useful information and statistics respecting Life Assurance , nmy be had on application at the oflicen . Combination Policies , payable in the event of casuultieB of anykind totally disabling the Ansiired , or death , are i-- « iie < l at moderate rate * . This important addition to the principle of Assurance deserves the serious attention of peruons in nil positions of life . Immediate . uitl deferred Annuities are granted . All policien indisputable , whereby the power on the part of the office in reMintiujr a claim under any circuintUance whatever ia removed . LoaiiH are effected on personal and other . securities in connection with Life Assurance . Parties deKiroiiK of ' becoming Agcntn or Medical Referees are requested to communicate with the Secretary . Jiy order of the . Board , Thomas II . Bayi . is , KeHident . Manager and . Secretary .
Untitled Ad
N O MORE CHAPPED HANDS and FACES BURY'S ROYAL POMPADOUR POWDER . —Recommended for daily use to remove that redness and irritation remaining on the skin after washing , or from any other cause , as well as possessing the mot-t cooling-, softening , and balsamic qualities , and imparting an exquisite whiteness and clearness to the complexion . It is strongly recommended to the notice of mothers and nurses for the use of infants of the most tender age , being- far superior to any other powder ; also , after sea-bathing , and for gentlemen after shaving , its agreeable effects will be fully tested . Alfred Bury recommends the Royal Pompadour Powder as an article of comfort and utility ( notasa cosmetic ) , but as a plain vegetable powder for the line of both ladies and gentlemen , retaining- its virtues and purity in any climate , consequently ia well worth y the attention of merchants , captains , nnd speculators , being a preparation that commands a sale throughout the civilized world . Sold in packets . Is . and 2 s . 6 d . each ;—those at 2 s . ( id . arc equal to three 1 b . packets ; by post for sixteen or thirty-ei ght uncut stamps . — Low , 8 on . und Benbow , 3 ; tO , Strand ; Winter , 5 iO 5 , Oxford-street ; Totter . 6 , Frederick-place , Old Kent-road ; Stacoy and Co ., 45 , Craiibourn-street ; West , King- ' s-road , Chelncn ; Thompson , 9 . > , Park-street , Regen fa-park : Hellingham , 41 , Tachbrook-street , I'imlico ; Hopekirk , 8 H . Westminster Briiigeroail ; Hunter . Claphain ; lilanckley , Clarence-plant . Clapliuin ; Pugh , 7 , Oolville-terruce , Chelsea ; Churlsey , North Hrixton ; l . iitjem , 4 <) , Judd-Btreet , llrunswie . k-gquiire ; Phillips , ' £ , Spencer-terrace , Lower-road , lulington ; Congreve , Commercial-mud , Peckham ; ltury , 10 , Exeter-chrtnge ; Jones , Pelliaui-creKcent , Hrompton . Agents for Ireland . —IJewley und Evuiih , Kackville-street ; Kcrtland , Sackville-ntreec ; Worn , Dau-Koti-iitreet ; Mrn . iJirch , Duwuon-Btreet ; Cork : O'Lenry ; UelfaHt : Page , Ciistle-place . Agents for Scotland . —Edinburgh ' Ste |> hcni-oii , Leilh-Htreet ; Geikie , North-bridge ; Glarfgow : Reid Stock well-Htieet ; Aberdeen : Walker , Union-street ; Montrogr-Mill , Iligli-Ktrcet ; Perth : Peddie . Ororge-Ht i eet ; Dundee : Neilj M urray-gate ; ( Jreenock : Hrown ; Ayr : Corner .
Untitled Ad
BLAI R'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS . — The acknowledged efficacy of BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS , by the continued series of Testimonial s which have been sent to , and published by , the proprietor fir nearly twenty years , has rendered this medicine the most , popular of the present age ; and , in corroboration of which , the following extract of a letter , written by John Molard Wheeler , Eei } .. Collector of Customs , Jamaica , having- been handed l > y hid brother , at Swindon , to Mr . Prout for publication , will fully confirm : — " I know you have never had occasion to take Blair ' s Pills . but let me emphatically tell you , in mercy to any friend ivlio may suifer from gout , rheumatic pout , lumbago , sciatica , rhenmatiMii , or any branch of that widely-allied family , to reeon - mend their using them . In this country they are of wonderful efficacy : not only am I } x > riona ( ly aware of their powers , hut 1 tii' . e my friends and acquaintance * receiving unfailing- benefit from their use . I would not lie without them on any account . If taken iu the early stage of disease , they dissipate if altogether ; if in a Inter , they alleviate pain , and effect a much speedier cure tlmn by any other nieana within my knowledge . " Sold by Thomas Prout , 2 'J ' J , Strand , London ; and , l > y hi ' 1 appointment . t >\ all rt .-y pectable Medicine Venders throughout the United Kingdom . Price 2 a . 9 d . per box . AhIi for ltLAIRVSGOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS , ami ol > - p crve the- name and . iddrehs of " Thomas Prout , : ! - ' . ) , Strand , London , " impressed upon Die Government tttninp afllxed to each box of th « Genuine Medicine .
Untitled Ad
DIVISION OK PKOI- 'ITS . ALBION LIFK INSURANCE COMPANY LONDON . Instituted in IHOf > . ' DIKICCTOKS JOIINT IIAMI'DKN GLKDSTANUS , Kh ,,., Chairman CHARLES RUSSELL . Kh ,,., Deputy Chairman . Thomai Stinting lieuson , E » q TIioiiiuh Willja ,,, Clinton Mur-Jnineii W . MoHuii (| iw > t , E ^ q . dork , 1 ><| . Frederick Hiiiineslrr , i ; . ( j . David Kiddnll Itoper , Km .. John Coniiitfliam , Kmi . Kdwurd Strwnrt , Kmci ' . Frederick 1 ) . Diinv <; rM , Kaq . Fi-iiim-im Wiltson / Km ,. At the IiibI Dlvinion of Profits ( IK-ID ) , every policy-holder iilntired upon the Participating Scale of Premium became entitled ti »" a return of one-lllth of all the premium he had paid ; either in the form of an iininediute Catdi payment , or liy Au ;; ine ' iit ;> tion ol the Sum Innired , or deduction of the future . Premium . The next uivi-ion will tul ; e place in IM . >^ , when every Policy effected on or before . 'IDlli April next , will riil . if . lc the holder to a larger nhiireof the diviHiblcHUi pint ) than if effected after that . date . ^ AinmiKRt other nilviditagi-H liecured to policy-lioldei h in t ) ii « Company , are— a loiv rate of premium at the younger ii ^ ch ; the . payment of the tmm in . Huieil at . tho end of thirty day « ulier proof of death ; and tlie liberty of reHidin ^ in many pin U of North America , the Cape , New Zealand , and AuHtralia , without any extra charge except for Sea-iinlc . For Forum oi l ' n > pnHal , ProBjiecl uhch , Kcc , apply to miy of tin-Ctfiiiwuny ' H Airontu , or a , John i . k Caj-vki . ain , Actualy und Secri'tuiy .
Untitled Ad
GALL'S MKSMKK 1 C I > ItOPS are declared by all wlio have proved their ttflivacy to be the greiiteHt olexhing ever conferred upon the afflicted . In the short upaco of hiilf an hour they eiiHtue perfect freedom from pain either of body or mind ; the moht excruciating toruientH lie . ing uubdtied ; ib perfectly an in a mesmeric . Bleep . In mnaller closes they xootlut irritability of ihe nerveH , : ind produce u itleaKiug tranquillity iniiiltiiinuMe by any other known plijvirai a ^ fnt . The M Us . MKKK ; DKOPS do not contain O pium nor Henbane , aiid although from it « efl ' ectH the uctive iii |; muieiiU inny bo tcclinicully termed n narcotic , its exhibition id not nttended with nny of tho ill edectH which iti'ioo from tho u « of the narcotic dmini hitherto known . In many of the moat < lintrenHiiig and duniforouB iiialadien , allaying pain and trnixjuilliziiig tb . « « nHereri « the grand diHideiatum for eft ' octing a cure , und in c ;» bii » of a lean in ( rent character the happieut eflecto often follow the udmiiiiHtrntion of lemedieH which hooUio the nerveu und ullay irrJUbility In nil bucIi i ' . amiH tho MKHM KH 1 C D 1 LOP 8 will bo found uu in ' valiiulilo reuoiirce . Hold in UoxeH 1 h . I'd ., 2 * . ltd . . 4 « . 6 . 1 .. und 11 b ., by Neville and Uoydd , MW , New Oxford-Htrect , London ; Barclay and ( Jo Farringdon-Hire < -t ; Iluimuy und Co ., Oxfonl-atrcet , und nil vendors of patent inedieine / i . N . IJ -Should any difllculfy arise in procuring them they may be bad post Ireo , by romittiiig- tho amount in , » o » Uge ¦ tiiuniis to . Neville und JJoydd . ° *
Untitled Ad
BKAUTIFUL 11 AIR , WHISKERS , KYKMROWS . &c , nmy I ) ,, with certainty obtained by umnir a very fliimll portion of ltOSALIK COUPKLLK'H PARISIAN POMADE , every morn ing , instead of any oil or other preparation-A fortnight ' a uho will , in moat instances . bIiow iih Hnrp ) riii » ' ( f propertieH in producing- ami curling Whiakeru , Hair . Sec , "'• any age . from whatever ciiuho deficient ; jih alao checking g 1 " )" JleHH . &C . 8 ent free by pont , with iniitructions , &c , on receipt of twentyfour powtaxc KtitiupH , by M i « B Ooupclle , Kly-placo , Ilolboni , London ; who may be roiinulted on thene matterw daily , from two till live o ' clock . TU . STIMONIAI . H . Lieutenant Ilolroyd . K . N ., wiiten : "Its cfrects are truly a « - toninhiiiK ; it . l , a « thick cued und darkened my hair very much . Mm . Huckley , Htnpolford : " Your delightful pomade has i »« - proi . xl my hair wonderfull y . " Mr . YatiiH , huir-dreu « er , Mniton : " Tho young man hns now ii good pair of Whiukoru ; 1 want you to utMid me two poll for otlwr oiistoineiH of mine . " Mr » . Lello , Wort . l-ing- : " I uhc your Poin . ule in my nurHery , an I find it very iiMeful for childroi / a hair also . " DO NOT CUT YOIJK CORNS HUT CUKK TflKM . Also will be aont ( free ) , on receipt of thirteen Mt « inp » , her <) "ly Hufe . speedy , and luHtiiiff euro for noltor hard oohih , buniouH . *• - ItcureB iu throe duyH . uiul 1 h never failing . Mr « . IIiigheH , Siiubury : "It curod four < : orim , lUuI / , '"" lnmioiiH . umuzlngly quick , mid is Urn beut nnd HufcBt thing » »" « iver met with . " AiMrcve : MI 88 COUPELLE , Ely-pluce , llolborn , London .
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282 < ftf ) £ &ea&Ct \ [ Saturday ,
Leader (1850-1860), March 22, 1851, page 282, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1875/page/22/