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will 1 ) .- held at the LONDON TAVKRN . on MONDAY , tie 7 th of April , at hix o ' clock , when KDWARD iMIALL , 10 m «| . will deliver i LKCTUKK on "Till ' , 1 'RA N ( : il ISK , AS AN INSTRUMENT OK TUK I'KOl'LL'HTKAININt ; . " The Chuir will lie taken by Sir JOSHUA \ V A L . ViSLK Y , M . I ' ., I In : l ' resident , at Seven o'clock . Tea and Collcr . will lie Hervcd on admission . To avoid disappointment , incinlicr : i are rci | iictited ti > m ; ikc iMil y application for tick el h ill . the room * of the AHSiiciatinn , I I , I ' d nil ry , price Ih . each . The Fourth SoitYe will be on Wednesday , Mny XJI . when Mr . C . . 1 . HUNTlNti , of NORWICH , will deliver a LKCTU HE . Tin ; lee In rest am |> iiIiIikIiicI a h early uh posHihle , and inay be had of all Hookm-Hern . TIiohh di'liverrd hy Mr . IIII ME , M . l ' ., and Mr . FOX , M . P .. have been iKHned . liy order of the Council , / . II U HHEItSTY , Secretary March - M > . IH . ) l .
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( OFFICIAL KXHIIUTION CATALO (; 11 KS — ADVERTIHKMENTH will continue to I ,,- M-eeived ( or iiiKi'ilion in tlm Olllr . iiil (" atalogiien during the whole time thr Exhibition remains open ; hut uh the (' i > iit . ra < -t . oiM me liiiunil to pay ii penalty of XT )() u-day if tlie \ do not . deliver tlm IlrH | . edition to the Royal OotruniHHion l > y the xHt . lt of April , Hiohi ; AdvertiHiiment . H intended for the t \ rnt , live hcii < , h of ' 2 () , ( HHU : k ; 1 i of the hiiiuII Catulo ^ ite , mid for the Hint . editioiiH of the Illustrated and French mid Oermiin Catalogued , niunt Iii-mciiI , t ., ) the (' out metorn bv the 1 Mil of April . } HI'ICI R ItUOTIIEItS , Wholesale Slalionern W . (; l , OWKS AND SONS , 1 'rinte . H , Joint OontrnetorH to the Royid ConniiiiiHion OFFICIAL ( JATAI . IKIIIK <> I' F I C K , ' M , New ltri < liru-i ) trt ;(] t , jtlacklriarti .
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HENRY RUSSELL ( from America ) will give his VOCAL and PICTORIAL ENTERTAINMENT , entitled the FAR WKST , or the Emigrant ' s Progress from the Old World to the New , at the Royal Olympic Theatre , commencing-on Monday , April 14 , and four successive nights . Mr . Russell will introducehisnew compositions— " The parting tear ;' " Cheer , boys , cheer ; no more of idle sorrow ; " " Gaily g-oes the ship when the wind blows fair ; " "Land , land , to the west , to the west , to the land of the free ; " " The Falls of Niagara , " &c , and several of his favourite compositions . The principal features of this entertainment are by no mean 3 intended to be looked up > n solely in the lisjht of a mere entertaining ' exhibition . It is intended to instruct as well ns to amuse ; and to instruct , moreover , in one of the most profoundly and practically important subjects-which can be ofl ' e'ed to the notice of the English people . The succession of pictures , constituting the Exhibition , are no mere fancy sketches . They do not represent set nes which few or none save rich tourists or professional travellers can ever hope to visit . They do not appeal to the limited interest or the partial knowledge which may he found to exist among certain classes , with reference to the architectural beauties or the historic associations of the countries delineated ; on the contrary , they are thoroughly practical pictures—transcripts from the daily lives of hundreds ol thousands of our countrymen and womenrepresenting' scenes which hundreds of thousands more are thinking of encountering—scenes in which practicable and reliable information is always in eager demand—scenes , in fact , appealing directly to the deepest interests and most cherished prospects of the multitudes who are daily making up their minds to seek liettT fortunes and brighter clays upon the boundless plainti , and by the clear broad rivers of the West . Mr . Kussell will perform upon Messrs . Kiikman and SonV Cirand Fonda I'iano . Doors open at Half-past Seven , to commence at Kif ; lit o ' clock . Stalls , ; 5 ~ . ; drejs circle , 2 s . ; pit , Is . ; gallery , 6 d . Private boxes , X'l Is ., and Us . ( id . each . Tickets , places , anil private boxes to be had of Mr . VV . Simmonds , at the box-office , from eleven until five iluily , and alter half-imbt six in the owning .
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EXII Hill'ION AUCTION HALL . 1 NTEUNAIIONAI . EXPOSITION SALON , AND IORKKJNERS' REUNION . M ESSRS . EDWARDS ; in < l COMPANY have ; it length completed arrangements , hy which they arc ; enabled to oiler to the'Exhibitors and Visitors : it the approaching ( ireat Exhibition , facilities and accommodation , which are not contemplated or provided by the Royal CoinniiKHiou . They have accepted lenders from Mr . John Walker , of ( irar . echurch-H t . reet , lor the eifc'ion of a Supi-rb Huililing of Iron , con lain ing a Grand Auction-dull , Magnillceiit Itefi enlimenl-ichmiih , and an Exposition Salon . They piopos-o to introduce into this country , not merely for the purpo « rn ( if the Exhibition , but uh a permanent , course of biininesH , the American system of disposal of e , onnijfnmeiitH . direct , from tlm inuiiufacturer , by the hammer . They intend by acontif tied Auction during the . Exhibition to dispose of the most valuable products of all initiiiiiM . Their arrangements also contemplate the sale by hand , over the counter , of tlic riirunt . wovkn of Arl unit Skill They have provided tor the accommodation of viniloiH to the Exhibition Splemliri He-IreNliini'iil-iooniM , in which will be dispensed , us well , Winna of l . he highest , and moyt novel character , as it so ErnilH , the pri »< luc « ol the Choicest < JardeiiH , n nil co in eat i hies generally , the character ol which in guiir iitteed l » y the f . ict that they have Hecureil the Hcrvicen of lite " l'lciiiiii mniete . i- eoiiHt it . ut . e a voucher for tlm Hitfety of the interetftH cohintittfil to their euro . I ' urticH ileHtroitH of ohliiiiiin ^ information uh to the couimii of ixmineHH iiilended to he udoptrd liy Mci )» r » . EdivardH und Cou > - pany , may apply for ProHptictUHeH nt the OIlleiiH of Mnwrn . John Jlaiimdcn and Company , 4 IH , W « a Btruitd , whero the prelituinury bunln « n » will bo condvicted .
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HER MA JEST Y'S THE AT RF GRAND EXTRA NIGHT . It is respectfully announced that a GRAND EXTRA NTPTtt will take place on THUR 8 DAY NEXT , April 10 , uniting thP talentsof Mde . FIORENTINI and Mde . CAROLINE DUPRF 7 Signori CALZOLARI , LORENZO , F . LABLACHE , and M POULTIER . Mile . CARLOTTA GRI 8 I , Mile . PETIT STF PHAN , Miles . TEDERCHI , AUSSANDON , JULIENT LA MOLIEUX , DANTOINB . and Mile . AMALIA TERRARls " MM . GOSSELIN , EHEICK , and CHAKLES . Application for Boxes , Stalls * and Ticliets to be made at the Box-office of the Theatre .
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ROYAL ITALIAN OPE K A COVENT-GARDEN . —This Evening ( Saturday ) , April 5 ' will be performed Rossini's Grand Opera , 8 EMIRAMIDE * . Serniramide , Mde . Grisi ; Arsace , Mdlle . Angri ; Oroe , Signor Tagliafico ; Idreno , Signor Luigi Mei ; and Assur , 8 ignor Salvatori . Composer , Director of the Music , and Conductor—M . Costa . The doors will be opened at half-past Seven , and the performance will commence at Eight o'clock precisely . Boxes and stalls may be engaged , and full particulars obtained , at the Boxoffice of the Theatre ; and of the Musicsellers and Librarians .
Cnntitttrrinl %Mx%.
Cnntitttrrinl % Mx % .
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MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE . Saturday . The English Stock Market opened rather dull on Monday , but has improved a little since then , l . closing price of Consols , that day , was 96 g to 96 £ . Next day they rose an eighth , the market being rather firmer . On " Wednesday little busiaess was done , but prices " were maintained . On Thursday another advance of & took place . Consols opened at 96 £ to 96 g , and left off at 961 to 96 J . This morning they opened at the same price . A slight depression took place yesterday , but they recovered afterwards . The fluctuations in stocks since last week have been very limited . Consols , 96 f to 96 | ; Exchequer Bills , 51 s . to 56 s . premium . In the Foreign Stock Market considerable speculation has been going on in Spanish Bonds . Yesterday Spanish , Mexican , and Peruvian severally experienced an improvement , particularly the former . Spanish Five per Cents , were done at 21 for money , and 21 , 21 f , and 21 J for the account . Passive was 6 J and 6 i ; and the Three per Cents ., 394 . The other quotations in the official list comprised—Danish Three per Cents ., 76 \ ex div . ; the Five per Cents ., 101 ; Ecuador , 3 £ ; Grenada deferred , 4 J ; Mexican , for money , 334 ; for the account , 33 f and g ; Peruvian for account , 844 , 85 , 84 | , and 854 ex div . ; the deferred , 38 J and 39 ^ ; Portuguese Four per Cents ., for money , 36 , 36 j , and 35 |; for the account , 35 | and 36 ; the small , 36 }; Russian Four-and-a-Half per Cents ., 98 $ , 98 $ , a " £ ; Dutch Twoand-a-Half per Cents ., 58 |; and the Four per Cents ., 894 and 90 ex div .
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Satur . Mond . Tv . es . \ Wc'iln . Thurs . Frid . Bank Stock 216 3 per Ct . Red .. 3 p . C . Con . Ans . 96 g 961 $ H 96 | 96 | 96 ? 3 p . C . An . 1726 . 3 p . Ct . Co . i ., Ac . 96 £ 96 | ^ k 96 | 96 § 3 } p . Cent . An . 97 | New 5 per Cts . » LongAns ., 1860 . 1 % 7 9-16 Ind . Sl . lOip . ct . Ditto Honda .. 57 p 62 p 61 p 62 p 53 p 61 p Ex . Hills , 1000 ; . 51 p 54 p 53 p 5 ( 5 p 53 p 57 p Ditto , 5 ( Oi . .. 54 p 55 p 57 p Ditto , S : iia ! 54 p f 54 p ' 53 p 57 p 57 p
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FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening-. ) Austrian 5 per Cents . — Mexican 5 per Ct . Ace . 334 Belgian Bds ., 4 $ p . Ct . 94 Small .. .. — Brazilian !> per Cents . 88 Neapolitan 5 per Cents . — Buenos Ayres 0 p . Cts . — Peruvian 4 J per Cents . — Chilian ( per Cents .. — Portuguese 5 per Cent . 37 £ Danish . ) per Cents . .. 1014 4 per Cts . 35 f Dutch 24 per Cents ... 58 ( j Annuities — 4 per Cents . .. 8 ! H Russian , 1822 , 4 . } p . Cta 98 $ Ecuador Donds .. 3 $ Span . Actives , 5 p . Cts . 2 ig French S |> O . An . atParis 9 J . 70 Passive .. Gg 3 p . Cte ., Apr . 4 , 57 . 18 > Deferred .. —
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SHARKS . Last Official Quotation for the Week ending Friday Evening . Railways . Banks . Aberdeen .. .. 15 Australasian .. .. — Bristol anil Exeter .. H . 5 British North American — Caledonian .. .. 1 H Colonial .. .. .. — KaHtern Counties .. 7 jJ Commercial of London . . ~' . » Edinburgh and Glasgow ; i (> London and Westminster -74 Great Northern .. .. 17 , 5 London Joint Stock .. 17 , 5 virent S . & . \ V . ( Ireland ) 43 National of Ireland .. iiOJ Gruat WeHtem .. fc 7 if National Provincial .. — Lancashire and Yorkshire M { Provincial of Ireland .. — Lancaster and Carlisle HO Union of Austrnlia .. . ' (•"> Lond ., Brighton . &S . Coast 'J . r > . \ Union of London .. ' I- ' , } London ami Black wall .. ~ ll Minks . London anil N .-WeHtem 128 \ HoI . iiioh — Midland .. .. .- <" ' - 'S liiaziliau Imperial North liritiwh .. . 1 < 4 Ditto , St . John del Key l . > . [ 8 outlt-Kasl . ern and Dover 'il ( , ' olm .: Copper .. .. — Houth-Wrstern .. .. 87 J M I . schi . i . aN Koiis . York , NeM'raw ., & Berwick 21 ft Australian Agricultural — York and North Midland 2 ( i ^ Camilla — Dooks . ( Jeneial Steam .. - .. ' 2 H KaHt and "West India .. — IYninH . & Oriental Steam < i . > London — Itoval Mail Steam .. 77 . J til . Katharine .. .. — South Australian .. —
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C O R N E X C II ANG K . Makic-lank , Kriduy , April 4 . —Supplies of all grain moderate * . Wheat firm at Moinluy ' n rates . Ilarli-y and Oat 8 , ( id . [)< t quarter dourer . Boiiuh and I ' ouh without alteration . At the country murkfts held during the week the prie < n of all gr . iin were firm , with , in Home caHCB , an advance of In . on fim M . Malting Hurley . Arrivals from March ' . U to April 4 : — Kn ^ lish . liinh . Foreign Wheat .. .. 1 M-I 0 7 » . 'M ) Barl .-y .. .. 2 H . -10 1220 outH . i .. .. iu 7 o 2 O !) o mm Flour .. .. . "i : { 10 1870 ( JRA 1 N , Mark-lane , April 4 , Wheat It New . 'Wh . to . 'WH . IWaple 28 a . to . ' 101 . Kine " . . .. 3 S —40 White . «¦! — i !« Old 3 f > 40 lUilerH Xfi — ' JH White . . . 4 <» — 42 HcaiiH , Tickt ) . .. 24 — 2 ?> J . 'ine 4 i —41 Old ' M ¦ - ' JH Superior New 40 — 4 'i Indiini tjorn ^ H — . ' ((» Hye - Jt - LT ) Outs , Feed 1 H — 1 !» Barliiy ~ 0 — 21 Fiim IX — M Multiiifr ~' . » — 1 > K Poland U 0 —21 Malt , Ord < 1 <> ft () line SM — 22 Fine . )() — M Potat 18—10 ( Peua . llotr i ! l — 2 H Fine 19 — 131
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328 ffift ^ IL ^ aJl ^ t * [ Saturday ,
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GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE OF GRAIN . Wbek Ending March 29 . Imperial General Weekly Average . Wheat 38 s . Id . Rye 28 s . 5 d Barley 23 7 Beans 25 7 Oata 16 7 Peas 24 6 ' Aggregate Average of the Six Weeks . Wheat 37 s . 3 d . Rye 21 s . 5 J Barley .... 23 0 Beans 25 0 Oats .. .... 16 4 Peas 25 10
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FLOUR . Town-made V er sack 4 Os-to " *^ Seconds 37 — ^ 0 Essex and Suffolk , on board ship 33 — o 4 Norfolk and Stockton 30 — 32 American per barrel 21 — Z * Canadian k \ , — Wheaten Bread , 7 d . the 41 b . loaf . Households , 5 £ d .
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BUTCHERS' MEAT . Newgate and Leadenhall . * Smithfield . * s . d . s . d . s . d . s . d . Beet 2 2 to 3 0 2 2 to 3 8 Mutton 2 10 — 310 3 4—48 Veal 2 8 — 4 0 3 0 — 4 6 Pork 2 8—3 8 3 4—4 2 To sink the effal , per 81 b . Head of Cattle at Smithfield . Friday . Monday . Beasts 560 40 L 7 Sheep 4490 20 , 0 t > 0 Calves 249 130 Pigs 350 340
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Tuesday , April \ . Bankruptcy Annulled . —B . Angle , Moorfields , licensed victualler . Bankrupts . —G . T . Minor , Mount-street , Lambeth , Westminster-road , linendraper , to surrender April 10 , May 15 ; solicitors , Messrs . Surr and Gribble , Lombard-street ; official assignee , Mr . Bell , Coleman-street-buildin ^ s — J . F . Cole , Hampton-court , licensed victualler , April 10 , May 15 ; solicitors , Messrs . Wild , Rees , and Humphry , College-hill ; official assignee , Mr . Johnson , Rasinghall-street—E . Harratt and J . Bland , Huntingdon and Goilm an Chester , builders , April 15 , May 22 ; solicitors , Messrs . Sewell , Fox , and Sevvel ) , Old Broadstreet , and Mr . Hunnybun , Huntingdon ; official assignee , Mr . Johnson , Basinghall-street— C . May , W . L . Metcalfe , and C . J . Metcalfe , Gieat Yarmouth , soap manufacturers , April 11 ,
May 13 ; solicitors , Messrs . Norris , Allen , and Simpson , Bedfordrow , and Mr . Worship . Great Yaimouth ; official assignee , Mr . Groom , Abchurch- ! ane , Lombard-street—T . L . Clayton , Pottesgrove , near Woburn , Bedforshire , milkman , April 9 , May 9 ; solicitor , Mr . Cobb , Downham-roai ) , Lower-street ; official assignee , Mr . Graham—J . Bury , jun ., Sneirron , Nottinghamshire , cotton waste dealer , April 11 , May !); solicitor , Mr . Browne , Nottingham ; official assignee . Mr . Bittleston , Nottingham —II . Davies , now or late of Tredegar , Monmouthshire , diaper , April 15 , May 13 ; solicitor , Mr . Bevan , Bristol ; official assignee , Mr . Mutton , Bristol— E . Thornton , H udders field , ironmonger , April 11 , May il ; solicitors , Messrs Fenton and Jones , Huddersfield . and Messrs . Bond and Barwick , Leeds ; official assignee . Mr . Freeman , Leeds—I . and J . S . Dewhuhst , Skipton , Yorkshire , cottonspinners , April 15 , May 5 ; > oliei'ors , Air . Brown , Skipton , and Messrs . Bond and Baiwick , Leeds ; official assignee , Mr . Hope , Leeds .
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Friday , April 4 . Bankruptcy Annulled . —K . J . Johnson , Woolwich , plumber . Bankrupts . —G . II . Brauberky and G . It . Lowr , Great Tower-street , flour factors , to surrender May 16 , April 10 ; solicilors , Messrs . fetrntt and Cunningham , liuckinfjham-street , Strand ; official assignee , Mr . Sr . iinsi ' eld —L . W . Lloyd , Goldhawk-t . errace . New-road , Shepherd ' s-lnish , builder , April 1 ( 5 , May 1 ( 5 ; solicitor , Mr . Abrahams , Lin
Mr . Whitmore , Birmingham— It . Moatk , Mistertou , Nottiii ( jh : inis ! iiri :, innkeper , April 19 , May 10 ; solicitor , Mr . Marratt , Doucaslei ; olli < : i ; il assignee , Mr . Krociiian , Sheflield — II . Kl'YNoi . DS , Abenlare , ( ihiinorganshire , innkeeper , April ' -, ' . ' ! , May 10 : nolicitors , Messrs . James , Merthyr ; and Messrs . Short . : iiid Ktriekl . tnd , liristnl : ollie . ial assignee , Mr . Ae . raman , ltrii- 'tol — - W . Andui ' . wh , Iiivt > rpool , coiiiiiiiHsioii inerchani , April il . May l-i ; nolieitor , Mr . Williams , Liverpool ; ollic . ial assignee , Mr . Morgan , Liveipnol -C . Ki ) oru , Liverpool , wine merchant , April II , May l . >; solicitors , iMessrn . I'letcher ; iih 1 Hull , Liverpool ; official ussigiieu , Mr . 'I ' m hit , Liverpool — K . A . Tayi . ok , Diiuston , Diuhuin ^ Kpsom Halts niiiiiufnetiirer , April II , Miiy ' . l ; solicitors , Messrs . Bolding and I ' ope , r ' ene . lmrch-strcct ; iind Mr . I ' orstci - , Nywcastl' -npon-Tyne ; official assignee , Mr . linker , l ? eweiis ! li-ui > on-Tyni ' .
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ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA , COVENT GARDEN . FIRST NIGHT OF MASANIELLO . On TUESDAY next , April 8 , will be performed , for the first time this seison , AubeT ' s celebrated Opera MASANIELLO . Elvira , Madame Castellan ( Her first appearance this season ) . Fenella , Madlle . Ballin ( Her first appearance this season ) . Alfonso , Signor Luigi Mei . Borella , Signor Rom mi . Pietro , HerrFormis ( His first appearance in that character , and his first appearance this season ) . And Masaniello , Signor Tamberlik ( His first appearance this season ) . The Divertissement incidental to the Opera will be danced by M . Alesandre and Madlle . Louise Taglioni . Composer , Director of the Music , and Conductor , Mr . Costa . GEAND EXTRA NIGHT . On THURSDAY next , April 10 , a Grand Extra Night wili be given , on which occasion Auber ' a Grand Opera MASANIELLO Avill be repeated , with other Entertainments . The doors will be opened at half-past Seven , and the performance will commence at Ei ? ht o ' clock precisely . Boxes and Stalls may be engaged and full particulars obtained at the Box-office of the Theatre , and of the principal Musicsellers and Librarians .
National Uki'oiim Association Soirki'.S. The Third Monthly Solltki': For Lh. R )L
Leader (1850-1860), April 5, 1851, page 328, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1877/page/20/