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ROSSI'S MARINE TINCTURE , for STAINING the HAIB a beautiful Brown or Black , in a few minutisfwithout staining the skin The tincture applied hv rnntrart if rpnnired or sold in bottles , O 8 . Od ., 1 U 8 . bd ., and 21 . ? -8 ^ e inTentorrLOUIS EOSSI . Coiffeur . 254 , Regentstreet . SaloonJ for Hair Cutting and Dressing On parle Francais .
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KUPXURE 8 EFFECTUALLY CURED WITHOUT A DR . BARKER still continues to suppl y the afflicted with the celebrated remedy for eve-y variety of Inirle and double Rupture , the efficacy cf which in many thousands of cases is too well known to need comment . It is apulicable alike to male or female of any age , perfectly free from dane-er c » ues do pain , inconvenience , or confinement , and will be sent free by post , with instructions , &c , on receipt of 6 s . 6 d . in postage-stamps , or Post-office order , payable at the General Post-office . Address Alfeed Barker , M . D ., 48 , Liverpoolstreet King ' s-cross , London . At home for consultation daily from ten till one , and four till eight ( Sundays excepted ) . A ? reat number of trusses have beeu left behind by patients cured , as trophies of the immense success of this remedy , which Dr . Barker w 11 be happy to give to any requiting them after a trial of it . IMPORTANT AUTHENTIC TESTIMONIALS . " Tn the five cases I wrote t you about the remedy has perfectly succeed d ; send me anotlerfor a case of Scrotal Hernia . " —John Armstrong , Navy Surgeon . "We have witnessed the cure of three cases of rupture by Dr . Barker ' s treatment , which confirms the remarks we made some time since on the utilitv of this discovery to those suffering from Hernia . "—Medical Journal . " Your remedy has cured my rupture after everything else had failed . I have us < -d violent exertions since , but there is no sign of its coming down . * ' —Miss S .
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HEALTH WHERE 'TIS SOUGHT . H OLLOWAY'S PILLS . —Cure ol a Case of Weakness and Debility , of Four Years' standing-. Extract of a Letter from Mr . William Smith , of No . & , Little Thomas-street , Gibson-street , Lambeth , dated Dec . 12 , 1849 . " To Professor Hollo way , " Sir , —1 beg to inform you that for nearly five years I hardly knew what it was to have a day ' s health , suffering from extreme weakness and debility , with constant nervous headaches , giddiness , and sickness of " the stomach , together with a great depression of spirits . I used to think , that nothing could benefit me , as I had been to many medical men , some of whom , after doing all that was in their " power , informed me that they considered that 1 had some spinal complaint beyond the reach of cure , together with a very disordered state of the stomach and liver , making my case so complicated that nothing could be done for me . One day , being unusually ill and in a dejected state , I saw your Pills advertised , an < l resolved to give them a trial , more perhaps from curiosity than with a hope of being cured , however 1 soon found myself better by taking them , and so I went on persevering in their use for six months , when I am happy to say they effected a i > erfcct cure , ( Signed ) " WILLIAM SMITH , " ( frequently called EDWARD ) . " Sold at the Establishment of Professor IIolloway , 214 . Strand ( near Temple Bar ) , London , ai . d by most all respectable Drusgists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the civilized World , at the following prices—Is . I id ,, 2 s . 9 d .. 4 s . Gd ., 11 s ., 22 s , and 33 s . each Box . There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes . . N . B . Directions for the guidance of Patients in every Disorder are affixed to each Box .
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PAINS in the BACK , GRAVEL , LUMBAGO , IU-IEUMATISM , GOUT . INDIGESTION , DEBILITY , STRICTUiiE , &C .-DB . DE IIOOS'S IiKNAL PILLS , as their name , Uenal ( or the kidneys ) , indicates , are the most safe and fficacioua remedy ever discovered lor discharges of any kind , and diseases of the kitiney 3 and urinary organs generally , whether resulting from imprudence or otherwise , which , if negected , frequently end in stone in the bladder , and a lingering death . For gout , rheumatism , depression of spirits , diblike of society , incapacity for business , loss of memory , drowsiness , sleep without lefreehment , and nervousness , when ( as is often the case ) arising from or combined with urinary diseases , they are unequalled ; how necessary is it , then , that persons thus afflicted should attend at once to these impoitant matters , liy their salutary action on acidity of the stomach they correct bile aud indigestion , purify and promote the renal secretions , thereby preventing the formation of ntoue , and eatabliahiiig for life the healthy functions of all these organs . Sold in boxei , with directions , &c , at la . l . id ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s Gil ., and I Is . each .
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IMPORTANT TO FEMALES . —Dr . DEROOS'S FEMALE PILLS are the beat und safest medicine , under uny circumstances , for regulating tin- secretions , keeping them in a hcalthv condition , and removing nil affections dependent on irregularities , general weakness , accompanied by excessive paleness of the countenance , uliortneKH of breath , cough , wearincBH , incapacity for exertion , uinkin ^ nt the pit of the slomach , feveri » lmeHH , indirection , constipation , loss of appetite , flatulence , heartburn , giddiness , imlpitatiou , pains in tlie head , Htomach , loins , 8 cc . &c . ( the results of which , if neglected , are generally a totul incapacity for the marriage state ) . My their peculiar action on the system , they remove nil hysterical uixl nervous all ' ectioiiH , prevent consumption , and are belter calculated to euro those peculiar conditions which , in the onset , lead to the above diutreB&ing maladies , than any other compound ever published . Sold in boxeu , with directions , &c , at In . 1 jd ., 2 . s . ltd ., It ) . Gd ., and lln . each .
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N . U . — "A FEW HINTS ON FEMALE DISEASES , " aent post free , by the ; Author , for two pontage stumps . DR . DE KOOS'S PILE & FISTULA SALVES , for the cure of these complain In without operation . Any uncn * in < -Hrt or itching of the lower bowel may he regarded ad symptomutie of piles , and if inijli-etcd will lead to prolapsuu of the rectum , or to the formation of llstula , the highly iliingcioiiH and even fatal character of which is well known . By a timely use of tho Salvo nil further consequence may be averted , and the cure speedily effected . The worut cusch h . ive beeu frequently cured by it , when all other treatment hud failed . Bold in pots , with directions ., & , » -.., at ' 1 b . Gd ., or three times tho quantity for lla . ; und four Ilu . <| iiuutitic » for ; i . ' ts . 1 ' iirchuHcrii will « p « cify which ia required , the l'ilc or the Fistula Salve . N . H . — IMPORTANT HINTS on PILES and FISTULA , " ¦ cut pout free , by the Author , for two pontage titiiinps . CAUTION .- See that the 1 ' ioprietor'H name , iu white let tew , ia ou the Government . Stamp , without which none art : grnuiue . , •—Advice- und Medicine , JtTl- Patients corriMipondcd with till cured .
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" THE MEDICAL ADVISEll , " on ull the above disease ;* , by Dr . Do Rood , lo'H pagcu , with coloured descriptive engraving *; U ) be hud through all bookiicllera , price 2 h . (> iI ., or , on n-ccipl , ol forty uoalugo stainpH , will bo sent direct from the Author , ; t !> , Ely-place , Ilollxi n , London , whore he may he eoiiHiilted on them ) xiatturu duily , from ten till one , and four till eight , Sunday excepted ( iinleuu by previous arrungeincnl ) . N . IJ . — Whurn dillleulty occiuh in obtaining imy of the abovo , enclose jiobtiijfe utainpu to the utiliibliuhnieiil .
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PERFECT FREEDOM FROM COUGH in ten minutes is insured by DR . LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS . From Mr . A . Whittaker , bookseller , " Iris " office , 1 , Fargate , Sheffield : — . „ , _ ,, " A gentleman , who has been a leading actor on tlje Sheffield stage upwards of twenty years , assured me that he finds them the best and quickest remedy he can get for colds and hoarseness , tso peculiarly troublesome in his profession . Another gentleman , who lives at Pitsmoor , has been for years much subject to illness from colds , has tried almost every medicine that he has beard ot for coughs and colds , but none have been of material service to him until he tried Locock ' s Wafers , which have at once cured him . " , ,, TO SINGERS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS they are invaluable for clearing and strengthening the voice . Price Is . l £ d ., 2 s . 9 d ., and 11 s . per box . Sold by all Drugerists . Also DR . LOCOCK'S ANTIBILIOUS WAFERS . The only Safe Remedy for all Bilious Affections , Heartburn , Sick Headache , Giddiness , Pains in the Stomach , Flatulency or Wind , and all those complaints which arise from Indigestion or Biliousness . They do not contain calomel or any other mineral . Price Is . l . ^ d ., 2 s . 9 d ., and 11 s ., per box . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS .
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GA LL'S MESMERIC DROPS are declared by all who have proved their efficacy to be tie greatest Diessing ever conferred upon the afflicted . In the short space of half an hour they ensure perfect freedom from pain either of body or mind ; the most excruciating torments being subdued as perfectly as in a mesmeric sleep . In smaller doses they soothe irritability of the nerves , and produce a pleasing tranquillity unattainable by any other known physical agent . The MESMERIC DROPS do not contain Opium nor Henbane , and although from its effects the active ingredients may be technically termed a narcotic , its exhibition is not attended with any of the ill effects which arise from the use of the narcotic drugs hitherto known . In many of the most distressing and dangerous maladies , allaying pain and tranquillizing the sufferer is the grand desideratum for effecting a cure , and in cases of a less urgent character the happiest effects often follow the administration of remedies which soothe the nerves and allay irritability . In all such cases the MESMERIC DROPS will be found an . invaluable
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resource . Sold in Boxes Is . IJd ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 11 s ., by Seville and Bo \ dd , 503 , New Oxford-street , London ; Barclay and Co ,, Farringdon-street ; Hannay and Co ., Oxford-street , aud all vendors of patent medicines . N . B . —Should any difficulty arise in procuring them they may be had post free , by remitting the amount in po 3 t * sre stamps to Neville and Boydd .
Untitled Ad
METROPOLITAN and PROVINCIAL JOINT-STOCK BREWERY COMPANY . ( Registered Provisionally pursuant to 7 and 8 Vic ., cap . 110 . ) The Directors of this Company are proceeding with an ALLOTMENT of SHARES . Prospectuses and every information may be obtained at the Temporary Offices , Eldon-chambers , Devereux-court , Temple . CHARLES HENRY EDMANDS , Sec .
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M ETROPOLITAN COUNTIES and GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 27 , Regentstreet , Waterloo-place , London . Directors . Samuel Driver , " Esq . Thomas Littledale , Esq . John Griffith Frith , Esq . Edward Lomax , Esq . Henry Peter Fuller , Esq . Samuel Miller , Esq . John P . ilk Griflin , Esq . F . dward Vansittart Jfeale , Esq . Peter Hood , Esq . Sir Thomas N . Reeve . Capt . Hon . G . F . Hotham . R . N . William Studley , Esq . Life Assurances , Annuities , and Endowments . Three-fourths of profits divided amongst the assured . —Prospectuses , post free , on application . F . Fkhouson Cahkoux , Manager .
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METROPOLITAN ASSOCIATION FOR IMPROVING THE DWELLINGS OF THE INDUSTRIOUS CLASSES . Capital £ 100 , 000 , in shares of £ 25 each . With Power to Increase the Same . Liability of the Shareholders Limited by Royal Charter to the Amount of their respective Shares , and the rate of Dividend to 5 per Cent . DIIIKCTOUS . Chairman—Sir Ralph Howard , Bart ., M . P . Deputy Chairman—John William Tottie , Eh <| . Price Pricliard IJuly , Esq . I William Esjerton Ilubbard , Esq . The Right Hon . the Earl of Edwin Hill , Esq . Carlisle . Lord Claud Hamilton , M . P . The Right Hon . Viscount James Kemplay , Esq . ' Ebrington , M . I ' . lluson Morris , Esq . William Ellice , Esq . Thomas S . Smith , Esq ., M . D . Edward Knlield , Ksq . William Arthur Wilkinson , Esq . Thomas Field Gibaon , Esq . Horace Wilkinson , Esq . The llight Hon . Lord Robert Frederick I ) , ( ioldsiiiid , Ksq . Grosvenor , M . I' . Tho Right Hon . Lord Hadilo . AUDITOHH . John FinluiHon , Esq . | Edward Hurry , Esq . HANKHllS . MvHsrs . Barclay , lievun , Tritton , and Co . Hl ' . CHKTA IIY . Charlca Gatlilf , Esq ., l'J , Coleinun-atreet , London .
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FORMATION OF ItKANOH ASSOCIATIONS . Th'M AsHuciutioii bait obtained a Supplemental Charter , dated tho 10 th of December . lH . > 0 , whereby , iu addition to the powera granted by their original Charter , " Power i « granted to raim ; a capital , to be called Tho l'rovineiiil Fund , ' not exceeding ONE MILLION Sterling for the purport ; of providing , by the alteration of uxhitiiiir ituildingH , or the erection of new DiiildingH , more coniinodioiiH or healthy Lodgings or Dwelling for the InduatrioiiH CUHHeH iu uny Provincial Towiih or DutrictH . " Provincial Capital may be raiBeil on request of Twenty lloiimholderH , rated to the Poor iu the District . Provincial Kharoliolditru entitled to Prolltu , or liable to Lohhch on the District FuikI to which they subscribe , beimrntely hoiii any other Fimdu of the Arinociution . i May appoint District Committed . ApplicatioiiHto In ; iiuulu to Mr . Chailu . ) Gatliff Hecretarv 19 Coloinau-nticet , London . . »*•'» l'OHM OV Al-r-l . HIATION I'OU A 1 TOUTIONMKNT Ol' HllAHHS To the Director ,, ol the Metropolitan Annotation for Improving ( he leveling * of the In . l . njtiioua Classen My Loi'du and Gentlemen , Ah tho cami may be . | « . «¦''« « " » demlgn ,,, l , Hon « ehohIerH 1 ' u . iHh , or DiHtrict ) of ' rttU ' ' * lllK "" » , ' t ) l ' T ^ « n «««« tl . at of £ ~ 'r » ea , ; b inlh « Metropolitan AnHociation for linprovinl th « irrir IniIii"trlo 7 , i 2 to ii " ; r : i ° M ima ^^ Dated thu day ol ' i r .
Untitled Ad
— __ - + - »^ » w- -v <* ^ fi ¦¦ - ?¦¦ w * * ^*« t ^ a rr ^ T ! i . rw ^ ^~^^ « r ^ ¦»¦»»» . FRANKLINSKI'S PATENT OMNIBUS and CABRIOLtT COMPANY . U Provisionally registered pursuant to 7 and 8 Vic , cap . 110 , p re . paratively to an application to Parliament . Capital £ 200 , 000 , in 20 . 000 Shares of £ 10 each . ( With power to increase the capital to £ 400 , 000 . ) Deposit on allotment of shares Is . per share , according- to act of Parliament . Call on each share on complete registration , 10 s Further calls not exceeding 10 s . per share each call ; of which two calendar months' notice trill be given by public advertisement . SOLE PATENTEE . J . A . FEANKLINSKI , Esq .. Steam-bridge-house , Stroudwater Gloucestershire . SOLICITORS . Messrs- Cole and Scott , 12 , Furnival's-inn , London , and Nottinpr-hill , Middlesex . Temporary offices , 12 , Furnival ' s-inn . LONDON BANKERS . Messrs . Mastermann and Co ., 35 , Nicholas-lane . The London aud County Bank , 71 , Lombard-street . BROVINCIAX BANKERS . Seymour , Lamb , Brooks , and Hillier , of Basingstoke and Odiham , Hampshire . The several Branches of the London and County Bank—viz .: Abingdon and Wantage Hastings and Battle Arundel Hertford and Ware Ashford and Hythe Horsham Aylesbury , Tame , and Great Huntingdon Berkhamstead Knightsbridg-e Banbury Leighton Buzzard Bedford Lewes , Halisham , and Newhaven Bishop ' s Stortford and Saffron Luton , Dunstable , and Hitchin Waldeu Maidstone Braintree Maldon Brighton Oxford Buckingham and Stony Stratford Petersfield Cambridge and St . Ives Pet worth and Midhurat Canterbury Reigate Chatham and Rochester Romford Chelmsford Rye Chichester Sandwich Coggrlesliall Sevenoaks Cranbrook , St . Alban ' s Croydon St . Neot ' s Dorking Tenterden Dover Tunbridge and Wrotham Epsom Tunbridge Wells Gravesend Witney Greenwich Woolwich Halstead Worthing At the desire of many high and influential parties , arrangements are now being made for the formation of a _ Company for bringing this most important invention into public use . This omnibus is now running between Bayswaterand Charing-cross . Further improvements are , however , in progress , whereby its width will be much diminished , so as to suit the more crowded thoroughfares of the City , and so also as to accommodate twelve instead of ten inside passengers with increased comfort . The value of this important invention may be formed by the whole and entire press being warm with respecc to its success . The Times thus speaks of it : — ( From the Times of the 17 th of March , 1851 , p . 3 . ) " PATENT OMNIDUS . " A good deal of curiosity was occasioned on Thursday in the line from Bayswater ti Charing-cross by the appearance of a new omnibus , which certainly bring-s to bear many , if not all , the desired ends of such conveyances . Each traveller has a seat to himself , and such seat is as private as a box . at the opera , while ladies may thus ride as secure from annoyance as in their own carriage . The contrivance altogether is certainly ingenious , and divested of all cumbrous appearance , the whole not weighing more than an ordinary omnibus . The most novel feature is the way in which the passengers obtain their plases , both in the body of the omnibus and on the roof ; to the latter , indeed , a child may ascend without fear of injury . The appearance of so useful a means of transit at this particular moment may be looked upon as an evidence that ingenious minds are at work to provide effectively not only for the approaching crowds , but for the ultimate comfort and security of the cheaptravelling- community . " And the Globe as follows , viz .: ( From the Globe of the 2 l 9 t of March , page 1 . ) " OMNIBUS AND PUBLIC CONVEYANCE . a " It is now upwards of 20 years since the first omnibus , foreign importation , was Btarted in London ; yet , strange to nay , during that period not a single improvement worthy of notice upon theoriginal cumbersome and inconvenient vehicle has taken place . Nor does such improvement now arrive from those who , being most interested , would be presumed to be most ahve to the necessity . We are to he indebted to a private gentlemana Mr . Frtuiklinski , fur the first radical improvement in our Bireet conveyances , who , in the newomnibiiH now runningexpernneiitally from Uayswater to Charing-crous , haH certainly biicceeded in awakening our gratitude for the introduction of efllcient means of metropolitan tranuit . By it we and our friendt ) , und more especially ladies , may travel from one place to another without fear of inconvenience or annoyance of robbery or infection . 1 '"' general arrangement , and the great comlort it ensures , leave nothing to be denired , and it can bo alone a question of time to witness its iippearunee on all the principal routeu . " . The proapectUHes are prepared , and shortly will bo published , with auch statistical details as will uatisfacttirily prove the vitHt profitH to lie derived by the bhitroholdcrti from this long-deHireu aud niOKtimportant and interesting invention ; and in the . lnterin applications lor shares mad be made , in the annexed form . McBHrB . Cole and Scott , 12 , FiiniivalViim , at wIiobc ofllce I-orin of Application anil every other information with respect to drawings , mode 1 b , and full particulars can be ohtaim'd . COLE und HCOTT . Solicitor * . lS . FuriiivalV-iiin , March 22 , 1851 .
Untitled Ad
l ' -OHM Ol' AIM'UOATION 1 'UK HHAH 1 CH . To tho Diicctoru of the Kranklinuki Patent Omnibus anil Cabriolet Company . Gentlemen . — Being deuirouB of becoming u HII"s ( : r . " 1 . '" the above undertakinir , I request you will ullot to me , "ir'j X 10 each therein , the whole of which , or any lens iiiinio « " may bo allotted to me , I agree to accept , and . «> n demand , W | J ^ thu required depouit . I aloo undertake to execute the ( lc ( ' . „ eeUleinont of the company , to lie prepared by tlio 'unM / torM > lllt || o called upon by udverliuenient in tho Times newspaper , ; •)•• , ^ event of my failing to do ho for one culemlar month alt < " ,, 1 ( j advertisement . 1 agree that th « nluires ullott « il to me , wm depoaitB puid thereon , ahull bo forfuited to tho uho <> f thu <; l "" ' ' 1 urn , gentlemen , your obedient Horvunt . Date ' . Niunealn full ' AddreHB in full ¦ - : UimitHiflfi « r profenHion . - - ^ Heferoncu
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330 Sf ) tf % tatltX . [ Saturday , ¦ ¦ ¦ • - ' ~ ' ^~~~~~ - ~^~~•* " "" ' " — *• - ¦ - ¦ - ' — __ - + - »^ » w- -v <* ^ fi ¦¦ - ?¦¦ w * * ^*« t ^ a rr ^ T ! i " ^ . t * rw ^ ^~^^ « r ^ ¦»¦»»» .
Leader (1850-1860), April 5, 1851, page 330, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1877/page/22/