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DIVISION O * PBOFITS . ALBT 6 N LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , LONDON . Instituted in 1805 . DIRECTORS , JOH * taAMFiyfeft GLfcDSTANES , Esq ., Chairman . CHAR . LE 8 BUSSELt , Ertj ., deputy Chairman . Thomas 8 tarlinjj Benson , Esq . James P . Harrison , Esq . J . Whatman Bosanquet , Esq . T . W . Clinton Murdoch , Esq . Frederick Bwrwester , Esq . David Riddall Roper , Esq . John Coninirtiam , Esq . Edward Stewart , Esq . Frederick D . Danvers , Esq . "J Frauds Wilson , Esq . At the last ' Division of Profits ( 1849 ) , every policy-holder insured upon the Participating Scale of Premium became entitled to a return of one-fifth of all the premium he had paid , either in the form of an Immediate Cash payment , or by Augmentation of the Slim Insured , or Reduction of the future Premium . The next division , will take place in 1852 , when every Pplicy effected on or before 3 ( Jth April next will entitle the holder to a larger share of the divisible surplus than if effected after that date . Amongst other advantages secured ' to policy-holders in this Company , are—a low rate of premium , at the youngrer age ' s ; the payment of the sum in ' sjj ' red at the end of thirty days after proof of death ; arid the liberty of residing' in many parts of North America , the Cape , New Zealand , and Australia , without any extra chargre except for Sea-i isk . Forms oi Proposal , Prospectuses , &c , will be sent free to any addreess . John lb Cappelain , Actuary and Secretary . Applications for Agencies may be made to Mr . Theodore Compton , Provincial Superintendent .
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WHAT HAS BEEN SAID OF THE WORK BY THE PRESS . The Court Journal says , " Itis an excellent title . and admirablj The Cambridge Chronicleremarks that " this highly interesting maintained . This little monthly publication , containing thirty and instructive publication , which , from its low price , might be closely-printed pages , ornamented by several well-executed wood in the hinds of all who wish to obtain knowledg-e on ' Familiar engravings , offers to the general public information of a most in- Things , " commences with the History of a Book , giving- the art teresting character , cleverly conveyed , and upon subjects justly of paper-making , the process of printing-, binding , &c , and decalled ' Familiar Things . ' yet with the originand general organi- picts very truly and graphically the influence of literature on a zation or manufacture of which , not alone the masses of the peo- well-regulated mind . Such is the general moral tone of the pie , but very many moving in the highest circles , and passing for work tint we can recommend it as being highly different from educated , we might almost say learned people , are in profound much of the ephemeral literature of this period " ignorance . The price is twopence each number , and we unhesi- The Allc ? recommends to its readers the little publication of tatin ^ ly say , a more valuable undertaking we have not seen . We Messrs . Hall and Co ., called " Familiar Things . " It contains have no doubt , if its proprietors carry it out in the same spiritas a mass of information which will do good to most people about that evinced by the first two numbers , that it will find a place matters daily under their eyes , and for that reason never innot alone upon the homely table of our hard-working countrymen , quired into . Does one in a thousand understand even the combut amongst the most elaborate treatises which crowd the lux- monest details of the clock and watch which regulate his raoveuriously-furnished libraries of the rich . merits every hour of the day . " " An article upon The Church Clock' furnishes us with a quo- 1 he Portsmouth Guardian says , " the second number of this tatir . n illustrative of the care and research which have been be- aspirant for public favour fully maintains the high position obstowed upon the subjects treated upon , the principal merit being tained by the first . The idea we conceive to be a happy one , for the simplicity of language and absence of technicality in which the objects which everyday surround us , and which we ' , hear , the information is conveyed , " touch , taste , or smell , ' every moment of our lives , ought surely The Bradford Observer calls attention to " Familiar Things , " to yield us instruction , but whicli hitherto have been ' sealed " ' and says , " It is as valuable in its character as it is modest in its subjects to the millions . We feel assured that if it continues appearance , A cup of tea apiece of sponge , a church clock , as it has commenced , giving its histories of Familiar Things ' a stieet lamp , are not very recondite subjects ; but this little familiarly , and with the vast funds of varied information ' Cyclopaedia ' reveals an amount of historical , philosophical , and hitherto brought to bear upon the subjects discusssd , must other information respecting them , which thousands would never speedily insute for this serial a circulation second to none of its dream of . " numerous compeers . " A . HALL , VIRTUE , AND CO ., 25 , PATERNOSTER ROW ; AndtalU Booksellers and Newsvendors in Town and Country .
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A BOOK THAT ALL SHOULD READ . FAMILIAR THINGS . A MISCELLANY OF USEFUL AND ENTERTATNIMG KNOWLEDGE , EMBELLISHED WITH NUMEROUS WOOD ENGRAVINGS . 32 Pawea , foolscap , 8 vo ., price 2 d . Monthly . There is nothing , however trifling or insignificant it may ^ appear , bat contains within itself or its history—when we take the trouble to search it out—much that is interesting , useful , and instructive . . , The familiar objects by which we are 8 urroun , ded ,, no matter how well known and common they may be accounted , have all connected with them many interesting facts , with which few are acquainted . How little do we regard thethinss which daily minister to our comforts , yet how curious are the processes tnrough which they must pass , before they are fit for our use or amusement ; those who have been in the manufacturing districts must be fully alive to the vast amount of profitable knowledge which lies hid under the simple exterior of our household objects . The aim and purpose of this work is to csnvey , man interesting and popular form , so much of the Natural History , Chemistry , and Commercial Value of familiar thin ? s , interspersed with light and pleasing anecdotes and incidents of interest , as shall giveits readers a proper idea of the value and importance of the things which they meet with in every-day life , the care , fatigue , and perhaps danger , with which they are produced , and not to be contented with an imperfect knowledge of themselves , and the things with which they are surrounded .
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TRAFALGAR LIFE ASSUJRANCE ASSOCIATION . OFFICES : 40 , PALL-MALL , LONDON . This Association has been established for the purpose of providing ANNUITIES TO THE SHARE AND POLICYHOLDERS , in the event of pecuniary misfortune , incapacity , or old age ; which are not liable to forfeiture in cases of Bankruptcy , Insolvency , or failure of any description—and also SECURING EDUCATION , APPRENTICESHIP FEES , OR ENDOWMENTS TO THEIR CHILDREN . Detailed Prospectuses , containing the names and addresses of the shareholders , rates of premium , an explanation of the sy » tero now originated , together with useful information and statistics respecting Life Assurance , may be had on application at the offices . Combination Policies , payable in the event of casualties of any kind totally disabling the Assured , or death , are i-sued at moderate rates . This important addition to the principle of Aseurancedeserves the serious attention of persons in all positions of life . Immediate and deferred Annuities are granted . All policies indisputable , whereby the power on the part of the office in resisting a claim under any circumstance whatever is removed . Loans are effected on personal and other securities in connection with Life Assurance . Parties desirous ol becoming Agents or Medical Referees are requested to communicate with the Secretary . By order of the Board , Thomas H . Baylis , Resident Manager and Secretary . ¦
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RAILWAY ACCIDENTS . THE RAILWAY ASSURANCE COMPANY , Incorporated under the Act of Parliament , 7 and 8 Vic , c . 110 . CAPITAL— £ 100 , 010 . Offices—No . 5 , 8 t . James ' s-street , London . TRUSTEES . The Bierht Honourable Earl Fitzwilliam . The Honourable H < nry G . Spencer . The Common Serjeant . ( harles Hopkinson , Iisq . The distinctive feature of this Company consists in the Sufficiency of ONE PAYMENT to cover an ASSURANCE FOR THE WHOLE OF LIFE . 'The FIRST is the ONLY Expense and Trouble , there being no Annual Reni-wal of Premium . It will be seen that , by a single payment of Five Shillings , any Railway Traveller may be assured in the sum of £ 100 For the remainder of his life . Upon proo being given that a party assured has met with his Death by R * ilway Acci lent , the Company will pay to his representatives the full amount of his policy . If the accident shall result in personal injury only , the Company will pay to the assured a fair compensation for such injury . Assurers will have the option of travelling in Carriages of any Class , and on any Railway in the United Kingdom . Thin Company is now granting Assurances upon the following terms , vt 7 ,. ;—For every Policy of £ 100 .. £ 0 . V . 500 .. 1 f > a . „ looo .. n » . ' , „ 2000 .. 4 4 h . Agpnts arc appointed in all the principal Towns of the United Kingdom through whom Assurances may be effected , or application may lit : mnd «; to the Secretary , ut the Company ' s Ofllcefi , No . ft , St . Jamea ' 8-streot , London .
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Just published , by Richardson and Son , 172 , , London ; 9 , Capel-street , Dublin , and Der » y , THE DUBLIN f tBVIEW , JS ' o . 59 , April , 1851 . . ¦ CONTENTS . 1 . Church Offices and Popu ' ar Devotions . . 2 . The Greek Church : a Sketch . —Nationalism and Catholicism . 3 . Cui'iiinghan ' s London . 4 . Moden Hisori-ns of the Thirty Years' War . - Gfrcerer s Gustavus Acolprius . 5 . "Murnmeriei of Superstition" in the Early Church . —The Sign of the Cross . 6 . Dr Pusey ' s Teaching and Practice . 7 The Hierarchy . 8 . The Anglican Universities as Ecclesiastical Training Schools . French Catho'ic Publications , —Notice 3 of Books . &c , &c . T »« is Mar < zi e can now be sent by Pent for 6 d . extia , to any part of the United Kingdom on the day of Publication . > .
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. s THOMAS COOPEE'S WORKS . T HE PURGATORY OF SUICIDES . A Prison Rhyme . In Ten Books , with Notes . In one vol ., cloth boards , price 3 s . 6 d . To be had in lumbers at twopence , and Parts at sixpence each . WISE SAWS and MODERN" INSTANCES . > Two vols ., cloth boards . Price 5 # . . THE BARON'S YULE FEAST . A Christmas Rhyme . Wrapper . Price Is . 6 d . EIGHT LETTERS to the YOUNG MEN" of the WO UK ING CLASSES . Price Gd . COOPER'S JOURNAL . Complete in one vol ., cloth boards , containing the Critical Exegesis of Gospel History , on th « basis of" Strauss ' s Leben Jesu . " Price 3 s . CAPTAIN COBLER ; or , the Lincolnshire Rehellion . An Historical Romance of the Reign of Henry VIII . In one vol ., cloth lettered . Price 2 s . (><\ . THE MINSTREL'S SONG , and the WOODMAN'S SOMO , The Poetry and Melody by Thomas Cooi'kk . Arranged by J . D . Collet . Price Gil . London : J . Watson , 3 , Queen ' s-head-passage , Paternoster-row .
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BOOKS FOR THE STUDY OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE . One Volume , U'ino ., cloth , 23 . Gd ., GOETHE'S IFHIGENIE aUF TAURIS . Arranged for the Use of Students , with Notes , Vocabulary , and Interlinear Translation of the first Scenes . By Dr . Behr , Professor of the German Language and Literature at Winchester College , 2 . GERMAN MADE EASY . By Dr . Pirscheiv . Ono vol ., I 2 mo . ( 3 !) 0 pages ) , cloth , price 6 s . 3 . THE FIRST GERMAN READING BOOK for Hegimiers in the Study of the Language . By Dr . Heimann , Professor of German ut University College . I 2 mo ., cloth , |> rice-is . 4 . BAKTEL'S MODERN LINGUIST ; or , Conversations in Knglioh and German , followed by Models of Receipts , Tables of Coins , Weights , Measures , &e . 18 mo ., cloth , 2 s . Gd . London : David Nutt , 250 , Strand . •„• A Catalogue of Miscellaneous German Books , juat published , can be bud gratis , or sent post free for four stamps . O R A T IS ! GRATIS ! G R A TIS I FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD AND THE SUPPRESSION OF QUACKERY . Just published , U (> paged , EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR . By Ai . liiKD Bahkiui , M . D . Sent gratuitously by th « Author , on receipt of four postage stamps to prepay it . Address , " Dr . Alfred Barker , ' 1 H , Liverpool street , King's-crosa , London . " Ol'INIONS OF TUB I'UKSH . " Written in a popular style , and containing tho mode of treatment in most of tin ; diseases that ' hYnli is heir to . '"—Aler < ild . " Nothing- but mi intense desire to benefit bis fellovr-cruaturcti could have induced the author to undertake the expenm ) of publulling this work for uratuilouw circulation . " —Chronicle .
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NEW LIHERAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER . On Saturday , 10 th of April , IH 5 I , will he published No . 1 , price Threepence , of THE PIONKER , and WEEKLY RECORD of MOVKMENTS ; a Liberal Newspaper of Physical , Moral , Social , and Political Progress . Its columns will be devoted to the Illustration and Advocacy of all Progressive Movements , including the Temperance , Dietetic , Medical , and Spelling Reform h ; it will explain and enforce the principles of Peace , Phrenology , Vital Magnetihin , llotiioinpntliy , and Hydropathy . It will elucidate the ideas and details of Cooperation ; I rent , in a familiar style of popular Anatomy , Physiology , and the Philosophy of Health ; opening its pages to the discussion and explanation of every wcheuw ot human advancement , though pledging itself to advocate only those which have established themselves in truth and utility . It will also contain all the ordinary news and topics of the time , besides a vaiiety of instructive and entertaining matter , selected from the highest literature of the day , or contributed by original writern of established repute . Literature , Art , and Science will contribute their beauties and wonders to its png « H ; the domestic hearth will be made inoic joyous by itt ) ( lights of fancy , and the dwellers in the Ideal constantly refreshed by its poetic jewels and gatherings from the world of beauty . Ofliee , KJ , Paternoster-row , London ; anil sold by all liookuellurtt and Newsagents . •» " Active Provincial Agents wanted .
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JuHt published , in fcap . Rvo . price In ., cloth . TH E RELATION ol PHILOSOPHY to THKOLOGY , and of THEOLOGY to RKLIOION ; or , ' 8 T Colerid | ftt , hi * Philosophy and Theolotry . " Reprinted from the Eclectic Review for January , 1851 . Revised mid extended . Second edition , in 1 vol ., poHtSvo ., 3 « . fid ., cloth . A DISSBHTATiON on CHURCH POLITY . Bv Anduhw Coventry Djok , Esq . Advocate . "A bonk vmvably written , conUiniuflr the beat arguments in favour of the voluntary BVfiteiu that I have ev « . r seen . " —Lord Aberdeen in tho House of Lords . " Quotations can K ^ o no true idea of the character of tins work or of the power of the author . Th <>«« who would appreciate either inunt procuro the \ nwk . "—fif > a : tutor . ' "All tnetu ! topic * are treated in nn .. i . U , < hlei . erI , intellipnt nph-it . andinaButtrchiiurnuiinier . Tho book i » already a standard , aiid Is likely to continue no , nnd bo more studied lier « ult « r Own iMjfpre Mr . Dick ' s treatise de ^ rves to be widely rend , uh a , rAtioni » l dUnuHSiou on the subject of religious establishment !) . —The Economist . ' It may be regarded n « i \ classic in ii department ot literature Which is yet very far from having fulfilled its mUuioii . "—C / irutitm Times . . QtiotmloiiB do injiiKtlce to a dissertation so strikingly mnrkeii by coherence and completeness . "—N < mcotiformi * t . " One of tlit ) best ireutWw on the quvuion of the age . The logician mid the gentleman an- oon ^| iicuouu throughout itt > putreu . which ure udiliirulily pulled to curry conviction to inquiring men who a in without the pule ot ourordinuiy tractutea . ' —iccUctic lievifU ) . London : Ward und Co ., i ! 7 , I ' aternontcr-row .
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DK . < : UL \ KltWKLhON N KRVOUMN KS 8 , HUMILITY , AN D IN DIGKSTION ; iiIho on Urinary Derangements , Constipation , und Hwmorrhoids . 1 b . each ; by Post , In . ( id . WHAT TO EAT , DLUNK , AND AVOID . " AliHtinentiu mulli curuntur morhi . " A popular expedition of the principal cnuaes ( over und cureless feeding , &u . ) ot the , above huruuaiug und distressing compliant . *) , with an equally intelligible und populur exposition of how we should live to get rid of ( hem ; to which is uddud diet tublcu for every meal in tliej tiny , nnd full innti uollons for the regimen und observance of every hour out of tho twenty-four : illustrated by numerous canon , & , c . Vols . 2 » nd It , companions to the preceding , THK KNJOVMKNT Ol' LI ^ K . J HOW TO 1 * E HAPPY . " Jucundo vlvore . " IV . ON tFKINARY RISOllDEliS . CONSTIl'AT 1 ON , and UtICMORRIIOI DH ; their ObvUtion and K « iii « . vuI . Sherwood , ^ 3 , Pnteru > rtier-row ; Mann , SU , Cornhill ; uml the Author , 10 , Argyll-pluoe , Regunt-atreet : couvultutiou lioiim , ten ve : eveninK » iH * ven till ninet
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On the I ' 'ir « t of Kvery Month , twenty-four pu ^ e . s Hvo ., price Ud ., I ' . dited t ) y It . It . ( i ai nimiod , M . I ) ., 1 , 1 ,. I ) ., 1 <" . L . S ., Author of " DacchiiH , " & (! ., THK JOURNAL of ITKAI . TII : a Ma-nzinc devolnd to the Illustration and advocacy if the true principles of health uud longevity . 'Phis journal in intended to he a Kecind of ihe Water Curu . It will contain urticlin on Popular Physiology , I ) i < -t , and Digestion , the Nature and Pmperties of I'imxIh , the Chtrmisliy of Lift * , ike . tkv . Tin : inlluence of alcohol , tobacco , lute hours of l . ibour , impure air , hud dwellings , corrupt uud adulterated food , and other sources of disease , will rcccixo practical elucidation in u series of scientific ; but popular . u tic ley . The pnperH in thiH periodical will be illuutmtod by appropriate woodcuts uud engravings . Parts 1 , ii , and ' , 1 , price Huvenpence each , arcs now ready , nnd New . 1 to H , price ~ d . Advurtiueineulu to lit- ' went in by the lf > lh of eucb month .
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On the 1 'iiHt . of every Month , X ! pages , price '~\ l ., L . EAVJ-: S of LEAUNINO from the TREE of KNOWLKIMJK . Kdiic < l by K . Wh . kin «(> n , Kuq ., M . C . P . A magazine intended fur tlie aiiiiiurnii'iil nnd iiislruetiou of Pupils in respeotable Hoiirdinij , Day iiuil Private bohools . Published by Williiun Iloruell , 13 , I ' uternoBter-row , London ; undnold by ull BookeellerB .
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Apftfci 5 , 1831 . ] ft ft tf & * a JT t *? 331
Leader (1850-1860), April 5, 1851, page 331, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1877/page/23/