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trimmed with white crape and white bug les . Her headdress was composed of white feathers and diamonds . According to the present arrangement * the Court will leave Buckingham Palace for Windsor Castle on Wednesday week , the 16 th instant . Her Majesty will remain at Windsor a fortnight , and then return to Buckingham Palace . The Queen , it is expected , will also visit Windsor during the Ascot race week .
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The Glasgow Daily Mail announces the demise of Lord Moncrieff , and states that the vacancy thus created on the Scotch bench will be filled by Mr Cowan . The Athenceum announces that it is Mr . Thackeray ' * intention , during the coming season , to deliver a course of biographical reminiscences of some of the comic writers of our country during the eighteenth , century . The course will commence about the middle of May . The Honourable and Reverend R . Liddell entered upon his Ministry in St . Paul's on Sunday , by preaching the morning sermon . The service was conducted at both churches exactly according to Mr . Bennett ' s usage , except that the black academic gown was worn in preaching instead of the surplice .
The Reverend R . P . Blakeney , a Nottingham clergyman , is about to go to Rome as a Protestant missionary Mr . John Dickens , of the Dptily News , and father of the celebrated novelist , died on Monday last , at Keppelstreet , Russell-square , in his sixty-sixth year . He formerly held a situation in the Navy Pay-office , and up to his death enjoyed a pension for long service , but had long devoted himself to journalism—principally in the reporting departments . For some time Mr . John Dickens was connected with the Mirror of Parliament , when edited by a relative of his own . He afterwards retired to the neighbourhood of Exeter , from which he arrived in town to take part in the establishment of the Daily News .
Of course the greater part of the public interest which attaches to the memory of the late gentleman radiates from the fame of his illustrious son ; but , personally , Mr . John Dickens enjoyed throughout his long life the esteem and respect of a wide circle of friends . Possessed of great energy of character , thorough business habits , a line literary appreciation , and a perfect savoir faire in the practical management of an important department in London journalism , Mr . Dickens ' s removal will be felt as a wide blank and an irremediable misfortune in the extensive and respectable sphere within which his energies were directed , and in which his worth and many sterling qualities were known . —Morning Chronicle .
Mr . Elizur Wnsht , authrr of Perforations in the Lntter-Day Pamphlets , and editor of the Boston Chronotype , is thus described in the Boston Museum : — " He lias been known to write with a pen in each hand on two different subjects , rock the cradle with his feet , and ¦ whistle ' Hail , Columbia ! ' for the twin babies , while intently perusing one of Parker ' s sermons , all at the same time . " The death of General McDuffie , a distinguished politician < A South Carolina , took place on the 1 Ith of March , after a protracted illness of several years . He commenced his public life as a member of Congress , in 1821 , served in the House for fourteen years , in the Senate for six years , and during the interval between retiring from the House and returning to the Senate , was elected governor of his native state .
The late Nepaulese envoy , General Jung Baliadoor , has been most joyfully welcomed by his Sovereign and friends at Katmandos . He refused to perform the rites of hospitality to Lord Grosvenor and some others who had been tempted out to India by the promise of sport on the hills ; these travellers , therefore , had been dependent on Mr . Krskine for their entertainment . It is probable that political reasons actuated General Jung ' s conduct , as it is now known that ho has resolutely refused Dr . Hooker permission to botanize throughout Nepuul , fearing , probably , lest the learned member of the Liuiiie . au Society should act ( is a spy . Colonel Pew , of the Bengal Artillery , died iit Singapore on the 'i' »< l of February , on his way to Australia . He wiia one of the greatest , tspeculators in India . In 18-15 he ia nai < l to have been worth £ ' 2 < 10 , 000 ; in 1850 he was a bankrupt almost without , effects .
The Messayer tic Modena announces officially the departure of the Count and Countess of Ciiambord for Venice on the 20 th instant . The Epnc . a states that the King of Spain left Madrid on the ' 25 th ultimo , for Aranjuez , on a visit to his brother the Infante don Enrique , who arrived in that royal residence a regular prisoner , escorted by a detachment of civic guards . The President of the . Republic , on the report , of the Minister of Marine , has just nominated a committee of fifteen persons to consider the best menus of ti ansforniing the punishment of hard labour at the hulks , no an lo render it . of service to French coloin / . auon . The I'Veneh Minister of the Interior linn addressed a
circular to all the prefeotH of departments , to demand ol them mi accurate list , of all the French operatives who ham : quitted France within a year to work in Kngland . Tile object , of thin meaHure in to enable the Government commissary at ; the Exposition in London to identify the portion of ( be in tides exposed in London with the English mark which has hern executed by French hands . Letters from Vienna . state that ni . v'y ' - ^ ix Indies of Tenth were- about , to proceed during the holy week to that <; ity , in order to uolii it . the Kinperor to grant an amnesty to all Hungarians still detained for political offences . Aeeording lo the last quarantine report , tho ports of Tripoli , Alexandria , Constantinople , Tunis , -Smyrna , the Isle of Ciin , dia , und other places , are pronounced to be dangerous on account of the plague ; undthu whole , of the ports of Turkey and of Groece are , declared to bo HUHpected .
'i'iju Aficedieii have again closed the Koliut Pays , and cut off the eoinmunicutioim buLwixt Koh » t * vd lVqln * v »< ur They have been put on tho alert by the passage of thf
First Punjaub Cavalry , which , slipped through their fingers by keeping the day of its proposed march a secret . The sale of Runjeet Singh ' s crown jewels , which commenced on the 25 th of February , is said to have attracted to Lahore a vast number of jewel merchants and agents of native princes from Hindostan , Persia , and the adjoining countries . The catalogue of a quarter of a million ' s worth of " barbaric gems and gold" reads most magnificently , but the jewels have not realized v « ry high prices . They are more adapted for native than European ornaments , and several of the largest diamonds and other gems * re , according to native practice , pierced as pendants , which destroys their value for any other purpose . . . _
Another very discreditable instance of English military interference with the revenue quarrels of a native Prince has taken place in Oude . It appears that Captain Barlow ' s corps had been for some time engaged in endeavouring to hunt down one Rajah Thakoor Persad , a refractory Zumindar of the Oude Government , who had fled to a dense jungle , well defended by his followers . A detachment of 350 men of a police corps , commanded by Captain Hearsey , at last succeeded in overtaking and defeating him , killing fifty of his principal followers , the heads of twenty-five of whom , among which weie those of women and children , were sent to Lucknow as a proof of success . The boiler of the steamer George W . Kendall exploded on the Ohio river , on the loth of March . The carpenter of the boat was instantly killed , and several deck hands severely scalded .
A new constitution has been framed for the state of Ohio , by a convention chosen for the purpose , and is to be submitted to the people for acceptance . It provides for the maintenance of religious freedom , equality of political rights , liberty of speech and of the press , and no imprisonment for debt . The members of each branch of the legislature are to be chosen biennially . The governor , lieutenant-governor , secretary of state , treasurer , and attorney-general , are to be chosen by the peopk for a term of two years . The judges , who , as a general rule , hold for five years , aTe to be elected by the people . Every free white male adult citizen is a voter , and elections in all cases are to be by ballot . The legislature is to provide a system of common schools . Institutions for the insane , blind , deaf , and dumb are to be supported by the state . Lotteries and the sale of lottery tickets are for ever prohibited .
A letter from one of the engineers attached to the Tehuantepec Surveying Company states that an . excellent harbour had been found at the southern coast of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec . where vessels of all sizes may find a safe anchorage ; this is in the Bay of Ventosa , about twelve miles from the town of Tehuantepec . The bay is large and sheltered ; its shores extend 62 O 0 feet ; the bottom is partly a compact sand , and partly a mixture of sand and clay , affording an excellent anchorage . Another good harbour is also found in the Bay of Salina Cruz , on the Pacific shore , about two miles west of the Ventosa .
Advices from Rio Janeiro of the 2 nd of February report that the difficulties with Buenos Ayres were still unsettled , but it . was hoped that an adjustment would be made without a war . Vessels entering the port are hereafter to furnish the police with a list of the names country , and profession of their passengers . The dry goods dealers had agreed not to purchase on a less credit than twelve months . The financial position of Buenos Ayres is represented as in a very satisfactory condition .
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It is now positively determined upon to hold the annual Exhibition of the Royal Agricultural Society in Windsor Home Park this year . The great importance to those places where the society ' s shows are held may bo estinvited in some degree fnvn the circumstance of its being attended on an average by upwards of 400 , 000 persons , and a sum varying from £ 30 , 000 to £ < 'J 5 , 00 ( i being spent on the occasion . . Extensive preparations will bo immediately commenced in the portion of the Home Park fronting the North-terrace . On Saturday the reerection of the marble ar « h at Cumberland-gate was completed , and the carriage drive is now opened to the public . The iipjrcr part of the arch has been constructed us u . police . station , and will contain a reserve of men . The returns of the Board of Trade for the month
ending March <> , 1851 , show a falling on as compared with the same mouth of last year of £ (>() , ( >!) 2 . The decrease is ehieily in the exports of cotton yarn , owing to the rise in the price of the raw inuteiial . The Council of the . Leicester-square soup kitchen has come to the determination not . to relieve any more of the foreign refugees in thin metropoli s regarding thorn hh a . dangerous body . VVe understand thai 400 of them are now lodging in one locality in > si . James ' s parish . The orders at the Leieeoter-Miuare soup kitchen , however , are , that " beat ds and moustachioH are disqualifications for food and shelter " - —Mornin I ' ost .
A ridiculous advertisement , appeared in ( lie ' I'imes of Wednesday , signed * ' a Shareholder " of the London and County Hank , calling upon the proprietary to expel two of the directors on account , of their having voted ngaiunl the Ministerial bill on the I ' apal Aggression . IL 1 i » h been traced to a person who is not a sluucholdrr , and who was recentl y dismissed from tlie . service ot the establishment . Sir Alexander Cockburn , the new Attorney-General , was n elected for Southampton , on Wednesday , without opposition . On the name day Sir John Romilly , Uk ; new Muster of the UoIIh , was reflected for Devonpoit . The Solicitor General ( Mr . Pane Wood ) was re-elected an member for the city of Oxford on Thursday without opposition .
A number of the Protectionist clcclorn of South Ensex ( linsd together , on Tuewday , at the King ' * Arms ( lot ^ l , GrajrB , in company with a Sir William Bowyer Smikh ,
who is to be chosen at the next general election , in the room of Sir Edward Buxton . The chairman of the dinner party stated that iSir Bowyer was no adventurer . The Smijth family have been well known in Essex for three centuries , and one of them was a chief Secretary of State in the reign of Queen Elizabeth . Sir B > wyer made a long speech in favour of protection , and declared his determination to give Lord Stanley his support whether returned or noti He would nail his colours to the mast , with this motto , " Protection must be restored , or the British empire wiU be destroyed . " The Liberals of Rochdale have reaplved to invite Mr . John Bright to take the place of Mr . Sharman Crawford at the next election , by consenting to be put in nomination , for his native town . We have not heard whether he ha . s accepted the invitation .
The Duke of Brunswick and Mr . Charles Green left Hastings , per balloon , on Monday afternoon about twenty minutes past one for France , and alighted in a field , about ten miles south-west of Boulogne , a few minutes after six . When somewhat short of midchannel the balloon was almost becalmed , and took so low a level that , by means of speaking trumpets , the aeronauts could converse with the crews of some fishing boats beneath them . At one time the balloon ascended to a height of about 4000 feet . At the Norfolk Assizes , on Wednesday , Henry Pring , and seven other labourers were tried for a riot in Barham Union-house on the 9 th of February . The prisoners were all very able-bodied paupers , as their conduct during the disturbance , in which they had aote 4 as ringleaders , fully demonstrated . All , save one , were convicted , and sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment with hard labour .
Sir James Sutherland Mackenzie was brought before Mr . Bingham , at Maryborough- street Police-office , on Tuesday , charged -with being drunk , and with having assaulted a policeman . Sir James , who had been brought up at the same office on Saturday , for a similar offence , interrupted the evidence in a very incoherent way , denying the charge , and asserting that the police were not stating facts . Mr . Bingham being of opinion that his eccentricity rendering it unsafe for him to be at large , directed that he should he detained in order that communicatipn might be had with his friends .
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A prospectus has been issued by a European and American steam-packet company , provisionally registered , the object of which will be to establish a line of first-class steam ships to ply between Galway and some port or ports of America hereafter to be determined . It is proposed , for the purpose of carrying out the project , to raise a capital of £ 250 , 000 in 5000 shares of £ 50 each . It is expected that this will be an unusually crowded season at Killarney , in consequence of the influx of foreigners to visit the Industrial Exhibition . Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather , tourists begin to arrive . Among the first fruits of the season at the Lake Hotel , Killarney , are the Prince de Joinville , the Due de Nemours , the Due d'Aumale , and Count de Jarnac .
The Limerick Chronicle states that Lord Gough has been put in possession of the princely mansion and lands of Killymoon , in the county of Tyrone , the estate of the late Colonel Stewart , and which had passed into the Encumbered Estates Court a few months previous to the death of its former possessor . The present rental is £ 4500 a year , but a quarter of a century back it was ninefohi this amount , and the purchase money , according to the Chronicle , was £ 91 , 000 . A large body of constabulary have been sent down from Dublin to the county Down . The Newry Telegraph states that some further disturbances occurred at the close of the week in the southern end of the barony of Itillevey . It says— " On . Friday night two houses
were set on fire on Mr . Chambre ' s estate , and one of them nearly destroyed , but the other was saved before any considerable conflagration ensued . The only assignable cause for these outrages is that the tenants preceding the present occupiers of these houses and lands have been ejected for nonpayment of rent . The inhabitants in these instances , of course , had a narrow escape of being burnt to death . Such is the system of terror in the neighbourhood of Meigh , that even should tenants run off in heavy arrears without being ejected , all parties are warned on penalty of death not to take the vacant houscH and farms . Bodies of men at night traverse the country , to the terrpr of the peaceable portion of the people . ' *
Mr . Maurice O'Connell , the member for Tralee , having addressed it letter to his constituents , desiring to know their wishes , an a body , as to the course which they would ( hem it . advisable for him to pursue in voting on divisions which would a lie ct the stability of the Ministry , a meeting of the electors of Tralee has been held , and a reply voted , in which Mr . O'Cunnell is told that " Lord John Russell liiiK for ever forfeited the confidence of the Catholic * of the empire , " and , therefore , that " it becomes hi » ( Mr . O'Comiell ' ti ) imperative duty , in union with the memberHof Parliament who have already bo distinguished themsulvcH by their vote on Disraeli's motion , to labour unceasingly to effect theoverthrow of his Administration . " The electors add , that , if the Ministry had been beaten on the motion in question , they would have resigned before the I ^ cclesiastieal TitleH Hill wan read a first tune , and , consequently , that there would have been no obstacle
to prevent Sir James Qrahutn from assuming office . to prevent Sir James Qrahutn from assuming office . Mr . WhiteHVuY , Q . C ., ban announced himself a » a candidate for the reprcHt ntatiou of Kuniskillen , vacant by the resignation of Colonel Cole . Mr . WhiteHitle is a Conservative ., but in hid addresH he tmya : — - " I will support the application of a wise economy to the management of the revenue , and t , o the financial departments of the state ; but I will stodfuHtly reqitit the heaitle « s sytitcm of centralization ooujjjht , to be enforced ayuinut Ireland , and which in as injurious to her interests au it la hurtful to h . V « pride .
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316 ffie Healrrt [ Sammy ,
Leader (1850-1860), April 5, 1851, page 316, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1877/page/8/