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THE GREAT EXHIBITION . — HINTS TO VISITORS . Among the tens of thousands who will grace the Industrial Fair , every nation will contribute bright samples of ltB youth , beauty , and fashion . The frequenters of the ball , the public at-Bembly , and the promenade , will find both personal comfort and attraction promoted by the use of Kowland and Sons' valuable aids ; and what better mark of esteem can be offered to friends on their return home , as a memento of the Great Exhibition , than a packet of "" Rowlands' Unique Discoveries . " ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL , Tor the scrowth , and for preserving , improving , and beautifying the human hair . K XALYLOB For improving' and beautifying- the skin and complexion , eradicating all cutaneous eruptions , sunburn , freckles , and discolorations , and for rendering the skin soft , clear , and fair . ROWLANDS * ODONTO , Or Pearl Dentifrice , for preserving and beautifying the teeth , strengthening the gums , and for rendering the breath sweet and pure . . Beware of spurious imitations ! The only genuine of each bears the name of " ROWLANDS ' , " preceding that of the article on the wrapper or label . Scld by A . Rowland and Sons , 20 , Hatton-garden , London ; and by Chemists and Perfumers .
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COCOA AND CHOCOLATE , TAYLOR BROTHERS' original and standard Preparations . The merit of combining , with excellence of quality , such moderate prices as brought manufactured Cocoa ( previously confined to the wealtny ) -within the means of all classes , belongs exclusively to Taylor Brothers , now confessedly the most extensive Manufacturers of Cocoa in Europe . Their invention of the soluble principle , carried out by improved , peculiar , and costly machinery , for power and completeness never before approached , brought prepared Cocoa to a degree of perfection previously unknown , threw the old makers and their antiquated process into the shade , and their rude and coarse productions ( charged at enormous prices ) comparatively out of use . This led them to imitate Taylor Brothers' peculiar and still exclusive preparations , in outward appearance only ; against all such spurious imitations consumers are requested to be upon their guard , lest , by an incautious first trial , they be led into a prejudice against a beverage which eminent medical testimony has proved to be superior to either Tea or Coffee . —( Vide Drs . Graham , Hooper , Pereira , and others ) .
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Observe particularly on each packet the name TAYLOB BROTHERS , London , whose great advantage over all other makers arises from the paramount extent of their manufacture —larger experience , greater command of markets , matured judgment in selection , and skill in preparation , enabling Taylor Brothers to offer the following articles , as regards both quality and price , upon unequalled terms , making it with Cocoa , as well as other things , the true interest of purchasers to deal with the first house in the trade . TAYLOR BROTHERS' SOLUBLE COCOA . —The original and only genuine article , highly nutritious , wholesome , palatable , and very economical ; and , quality considered , incalculably cheaper than other makers , which are spurious imitations . The IMPKOVED SOLUBLE COCOA , in HEXAGON PACKETS , -will be found a still superior article .
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TAYLOR BROTHERS' DIETETIC COCOA , —their invention and exclusive property . This admirabje and unequalled preparation , in which the redundant oleaginous and grosser parts of the nut are so completely neutralized , and its nutritious , grateful , and valuable properties so fully developed , is an essential article of diet , and strongly recommended by the faculty to invalids , convalescents , and dyspeptics , as most nutritious , easy of digestion , and lubricating to the alimentary canal . Its great success has led one or two provincial makers to adopt clo 3 e imitations of it in the form of package , ^ rappers , and labels , in order to impose upon consumers . TAYLOR BROTHERS' HOMOEOPATHIC COC ( A . —This exquisite preparation , combining , in an eminent degree , the purcness , nutriment , and fine aroma of the fresh nut , and p repared under the most able Homoeopathic advice , is especially adapted to those under Homoeopathic treatment . Taylor Brothers challenge a strict comparison between this and any of the so-called Homoeopathic Cocoa offered by makers without the requisite experience or advice .
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TAYLOR BROTHERS' COCOA NIBS , in packets ( the kernels of the choicest Cocoa , selected by Taylor Brothers under peculiar advantages ) , are purel y genuine , and of lull , rich , mellow flavour . The quality of this article is rarel y equalled . p TAYLOR BROTHERS' CELEBRATED SOLUBLE CHOCOLATE and COCOA PASTE , delicious either as a confection or beverage . Many wretched attempts have been made to imitate these articles . TAYLOR BROTHERS' CHOCOLATE POWDER . BROMA , SIR HANS BLOANE'S , CHURCHMAN'S . 8 PAN 1 SH , VANILLA , and every description of plain and fancy CHOCOLATES , will be found still deserving ; of their high reputation for iiin-cni'sa , delicacy of flavour , and beneficial properties . TAYLOR BROTHERS' PREPARED—PATENT—FLAKK and ROCK COCOA , unequalled for strength , flavour , und nutriment .
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TAYLOR BROTHERS' genuine preparation * . WHICH "WILL KEEP ( lOUl ) IN ANY CLIMATE , may be had wholemili : at the MILLS , 211 , BRICK-LANE , LONDON , and retail from all Tea-dealers , ( iroeeiu , and Oilmen in the Kingdom . CAUTION . — To prevent disappointment , nee tlmt the name , "Tnylor Hrothern , " i « upon every packet , there being many vile and noxious iiniUtioim of the SOLUBLE and DIETETIC COODAS , calculated to brin < r Cocoa into dittrepute .
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HEALTH WI 1 ERK 'L 1 H BOUGHT . HOLLOWAY'S PILLS . —Cure ol a Case of WeakneuB and Debility , of Four Yeura' standing . Extract ol a Letter from Mr . William Hmitli . of No . : » , Little Tlioinaa-Btreet , ( Jibson-atreet , Lsuubuth , dated Dec . i ' i , lHitl . " To ProfeBBor Hulluway , ' sin , — i l > eg to inform you tlmt for nenrly live years I hardly knew what it wuf to huve a duy ' fc health , rtuilering from extreme
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weakness and dobility , with coiiHtuiit nervouu lieiuliicheu , giddtlU ' . Htt , uuil ku : Iwi < : Hh of tin : utoinach , together with a grcut depreu-Hiouof K |» iiilM . I used to think Hint nothing could benefit me . tut I liiid been to many medical men . Home ol whom , alter doing ullllnitwan in their power , infoiiiicd me that tlu ; y couuidereu lh . it 1 hud Home ujiiinil complaint ln-yond the reiiuli of cure , together with ( i very disordered ntule of lite , utounii-h and liver , making my < : uh <> ho complicated Iliut nothing could be done for me . Oih : duy , li <; in < f uiMimially » H «»
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Hold at the KHtibiiniiin . in «>< 1 ' rolentior Hoi . i . ovvay , 214 , Htrund ( near Temple Uar ) , London , iti . d by inoHt all rchpectubk Dru ^ iilM anil I »« -iilcin in Meilic . int ; throughout the civilized World , ; it ( . lit : following | iric . cn—In . I . Jd ,, iin . !> .. in . ( id ., I Ik . , i ! ?! . , anil : i : in . t-iirh I ' . ox . Then : in a cormidei-alilo saving l > y Ullllll' ^ tilt * l . llj ; rl' . I 7 , < 't > . N . ll — Dm ei inn ; ' loi tin- ;; unlaiicc ol I ' aUclH * in every UiuoiiKi arc af ' iixed to euoh . Liox .
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OLD DR . JACOB T 0 WNSEND * 8 pi ENUTNE ORIGINAL UNITED STATES ' yjf 8 AR 8 AFARILLA . —In submitting' this Sarsaparilla to the People of England , we have been influenced by the same motives which dictated its promulgation in America . This Compound Sarsaparilla of Old Dr . Townsend has nothing in con mon with preparations bearing the name in England or America . Prepared by one of the noblest American Chemists , having the approbation of a great and respectable body of American Physician ! and Druggists , universally adopted by the American people , and forming a compound of all the rarest medicinal roots , seeds , plants , and flowers that grow on American soil , it it may truly be called the Great and Good American Remedy . Living , as it were , amid sickness and disease , and studying its multitudinous phases find manifestations in Hospitals , Asylums , and at the bedside of the sick , for more than 40 years , Dr . Townsend was qualified , above all other men , to prepare a medicine which should perform a greater amount of good than any other man now living . When received into the stomach it is digested like the food , and enters into the circulation as the nutriment part of our aliment does . Its first remedial action is upon the blood , and through that upon every part where it is needed . It is in this way that this medicine supplies the blood with constituents which it needs , and removes that which it does not need . In this way it purifies the blood of excess of bile , acids , and alkalies , of pus , of all foreign and morbid matter , and brings it into a healthy condition . In this way it quickens or moderates the circulation , producing coolness , warmth , or perspiration . In this way it is that this medicine is conveyed to the liver , where it allays inflammation , or relieves congestion , removes obstructions , cleanses and heals abscesses , dissolves gummy or thickened bile , and excites healthy secretions . In this way , also , is this medicine conducted to the lungs , where it assuages inflammation , allays irritation , relieves cough , promotes expectoration , dissolves tubercles , and heals ulcerations . In like manner it acts on the stomach to neutralise acidity , remove flatulence , debility , heartburn , nausea , restore tone , appetite , &c . In the
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same way it acts upon the kidneys , on the bowels , on the uterus , theovaria , and all internal organs , and not less effectually on the glandular and lymphatic system , on the joints , bones , and the skin . It is by cleansing , enriching , and purifying the blood that old Dr . Townsend ' s Sarsaparilla effects so many wonderful cures . Physiological science has demonstrated the truth of what is asserted in Holy Writ , that *• the Blood is the Life . " Upon this fluid all the tissue * of the body depend for their maintenance and repletion . It carries to and maintains vitality in every part by its circulation and omnipresence . It replenishes the wastes of the system , elaborates the food , decomposes the air , and imbibes -vitality from it ; regulates the corporeal temperature , and gives to every solid and fluid its appropriate substance or secretion—earthy and mineral substance , gelatine , marrow , and membrane to the bone *—fibrine to the muscles , tendons , and ligaments—nervous matter to the brain and nerves—cells to the lungs—linings to all the cavities ; parencny-
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matous and inveitimg substances to the viscera ; coats , coverings , &c , to all the vessels ; hair to the head—nails to the fingers and toes ; urine to the kidneys ; bile to the liver—gastric juice to the stomach ; sinovial fluid to the joints—tears to the eyes ; saliva to the mouth ; moisture to the skin—and every necessary fluid to lubricate the entire framework of the system ; to preserve it from friction and inflammation . Now , if this important fluid becomes corrupt or diseased , and the secreting organs fail to relieve it of the morbid matter , the whole s \ stem feels the shock , and rnust sooner or later sink under it , unless relieved by the proper remedy . When this virulent matter is thrown to the skin , it shows its disorganizing and virulent influence in a Multitude of cutaneous diseases , as salt rheum , scald head , erysipelas , white swelling , scarlet fever , measles , smallpox , chicken or kine pox , superficial ulcers , boils , carbuncleB , pruritus or itch , eruptions , blotches , excoriations , and itching , burning sorea over the face , forehead , and breast . When
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thrown upon the cords and joints , rheumatism in all its forms are induced ; when upon the kidneys , it produce * pain , heat , calculi , diabetes , or strangury , excess or deficiency of urine , with inflammation and other sad disorders of the bladder . When carritd to the bones , the morbid matter destroys the animal and earthy substances of these tissues , producing necrosis , i . e ., decay or ulceration of the bones . When conveyed to the liver , all forms of hepatic or bilious diseases are produced . When to the lungs , it produces pneumonia , catarrh , asthma , tubercles , cough , expectoration , and final consumption . When to the stomach , the effects are inflammation , indigestion , sick headache , vomiting , Ions of tone and appetite , and a fainting , sinking- senuation , bringing troubles and disorders of the whole system . When it seizes upon the brain , spinal marrow or nervous system , it brings on the tic dolnreux , or neuralgia , chorea , or St . Vitus' dance , hysteria , palsy , epilepsy , insanity ,
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idiocy , and many other distressing ailments both of body and mind . When to the eyes , ophthalmia ; to the ear * , ottorrheea ; to the throat , bronchitis , croup , &c . Thus all the maladies known to the human system are induced by a corrupt state of the blood . With no general remedy on which implicit reliance can be placed as a purifier of the blood , diueaneand ruffering , and consequent want , stalk unchecked and unsubdued in every laud in all the world . If there is arreat of action in any of the viscera , immediately they be ^ in to decay ; if any fluid ceases to circulate , or to be changed lor fresh , it becomes a iiiumb of corruption , and a malignant enemy to the living fluids and aolidv . If the blood ¦ taguatee it spoils ; if the bile does not pa « 8 off , mid give place to fresh , it rota ; if the urine is retained it ruiiu body and blood . The whole system , every secretion , every function , every fluid depend lor their health upon action , circulation , cliange , giving and receiving —and the moment these ceaue diuease , decay , anil d « ath begin .
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lu thus tracing th « causes and manifestation !! of disease , ire sea how wonderful and mysterious are the ways of Providence in adapting the relations of cause and effect , of action and reaction , of life and death . AH nature abounds with the truth that every active Hubbtanee has its opposite or correctire . All poisons have their antidotes , and all disc-uses have their remedies , did we but know them . Upon this principle was Dr . Townsend guided in the discovery of his medicine . 1 ' repared xprcssly by tho old Doctor to uct upon the blood , it in calculated to cure a great variety of disease * . Mottling could be better for all dineaneu of children , aa inraslev , croup , hooping-• otigh , small , chicken , or kino pox ; mumps , quinsy , worms , ucarlct fever , coldv , co » tivent > tn , and fevers of all kindsund , being plfununt to the tustn . there can be no difllculty in gutting tlu-iii to take it . it is the very beet apring medicine to cleanse the blood , liver , stomach , kidneys .
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¦ ml skiit . In female und nervous diseases , thin great remedy does marvel * in regulating the meiiues , making Ilium uatural , relieving pains , cramp * , spubnid , fainting , und carrying oil' all those disturbing und debilithtiug influences which cautto the falling ( if the womb , lcttoorrliu-ii or the whitrn . Moulding , obstruction , or frequent inclinations to pamt urine . Thin supwrior remedy is a great tonic , given stnnigtli to weak orifiuirf , weak nerves , weak stomach * , and debilitated iihiicIch and joints , and enriches the bluod , and all the lluids of the bod y . In coughs , coltls , bronchitis , we « k or tight chest , palpitation of the Iiem t . und lung K . iiiBUinption , llie Old DocIoi ' h Hursap nilla is without u rival . It in a medicine which / ; tn been uned hy hundreds of thoiiuumln — been recommended by uunieroiiu mout r . upeoluble regular I ill vk iriaiiri lu llie wink , und aa it ; ic . ts ihrnut-h till' ! blood upon < \ . . } liM ' . 'iii' unit lln :. l ot ill' hi ii | ^ ; i hid n c \ ery or ;; : m , II I ) its , am I nerve ; iijiok every glund and curd , muuclo und membrane ; Ulion
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all the circulating-, digestive , nutritive , and secreting organsfrom the head to the feet , from the centre to the skin or the circumference—so it arouses a pure and healthy action throughout the whole economy—cleanses it of morbid matter—strengthens weak organs , throws off burdens and obstructions which load and oppress it , and imparts vitality to every minute part of the whole structure . Its virtue is unsurpassed—its success unequalled—and its praises are echoed from all parts of the land . POMEROYS , ANDREWS . -and CO ., 8 ole Proprietors . Grand Imperial Warehouse , 373 , Strand , London ( adjoining Exeterhall ) . CAUTION . —Old Dr . Jacob Townsend is now over seventy years of age , and has long been known as the Author and Discoverer of the " Genuine Original Townsend Sarsaparilla . " To guard against deception in the purchase of this article , the Portrait , Family Coat of Arms ( the emblem of the Lion and the Eagle ) , and the signature of the Proprietors , will be found on every Label ; without these none is genuine , Price—Pints , 4 s . ; Quarts , Ts . 6 d .
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NO MORE CHAPPED HANDS and FACES . BURY'S ROYAL POMPADOUR POWDER . —Recommended for daily use to remove that redness and irritation remaining on the skin after washine , or from any other cause , aa well as possessing the most cooling , softening-, and balsamic qualities , and imparting an exquisite whiteness and clearness to the complexion . It is strongly recommended to the notice of mothers and nurses for the use of infants of the most tender age , being far superior to any other powder ; also , after sea-bathing , and for gentlemen after shaving , its agreeable effects will be fully tested . Alfred Bury recommends the Hoyal Pompadour Powder as an article of comfort and utility ( not as a cosmetic ) , but as a plain vegetable powder for the use of both ladies and gentlemen , retaining its virtues and purity in any climate , consequently is well worthy the attention of merchants , captains , and speculators , being a preparation that commands a sale throughout the civilized world .
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Sold in packets , Is . and 2 s . 6 d . each ;—those at 2 s . 6 d . are equal to three Is . packets ; by post for sixteen or thirty-eight uncut stamps . —Low , 8 on , and Benbow , 330 , Strand ; Winter , 205 , Oxford-street ; Potter , 6 , Frederick-place , Old Kent-road ; Stacey and Co ., 45 , Cranbourn-street ; West , King ' s-road , Chelsea ; Thompson , 95 , Park-street , Regent's-park ; Bellinghara , 41 , Tachbrook-street , Pimlico ; Hopekirk , 88 , Westminster Bridgeroad ; Hunter , Clapham ; Blanckley , Clarence-place , Clapham ; Pug-h , 7 , Colville-terrace , Chelsea ; pharlsey , North Brixton ; Labern , 49 , Judd-street , Brunswick-square ; Phillips , 2 , Spencer - terrace , Lower-road , Islington ; Congreve , Commercial-road , Peckham ; Bury , 10 , Exeter-change ; Jones , Pelham-crescent , Brompton . Agents for Ireland . —Bewley and Evans , Sackville-street ; Kertland , Sackville-stree , ; Worn , Dawson-street ; Mrs . Birch , Dawson-street ; Cork : O'Leary ; Belfast : Page , Castle-place . Agents for S -ptland . —Edinburgh : Stephenson , Leith-street ; Geikie , North-bridge ; Glasgow : Reid . Stockwell-street ; Aberdeen : Walker , Union-street ; Montrose Hill , High-street ; Perth : Peddie , | George-street ; Dundee : Neil , Murray-gate ; Greenock : Brown ; Ayr : Corner .
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— - . . A NEW MEDICINE . FRANKS'S SPECIFIC CAPSULE—A form of Medicine at once safe , sure , speedy , and pleasant , especially applicable to urethral morbid secretions , and other ailments for which copaiba and cubebs are commonly administered . Each Capsule containing the Specific is made of the purest Gelatine , which , encased in tinfoil , may be conveniently carried in the pocket , and , being both elastic and pleasant to ta ' . e , affords the greatest facility lor repeating- the doses without intermission—a desideratum to persons travelling , visiting , or engaged in business , as well as to those who object to fluid medicines , being unobjectionable to the most susceptible stomach . Prepared only b y GEOKGE FRANKS , Surgeon , at his Laboratory , 90 , Blacklriars-road , London , where they may be had , and of all Medicine Venders , in boxes , at 2 s . Dd . and 4 s . Gd . each , or sent free by post at 3 s . and 5 s . each . Of whom , also , may be had , in bottles , at 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 11 s . each ,
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FRANKS'S 8 PECIFIC SOLUTION OF COPAIBA . TESTIMONIALS . From Joseph Henry Green , Esq ., F . R . S ., President of the Royal College of Surgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to St . Thomas ' s Hospital ; and Professor of Surgery in King's College , London . "I have made trial of Mr . Franka ' s Solution of Copaiba , at 8 t . Thomas ' s Hospital , in a variety of cases , and the results warrant my stating-, that it id an efficacious remedy , and one which does not produce the usual unpleasant effects of Copaiba . ( Signed ) "Joseph Henry Gukkn . " Lincoln ' n-inn Fields , April 15 , 1835 . " From Bransby Cooper , Esq ., F . R . 8 ., one ot tne Council of tto « Royal College of Surgeon * . London ; Senior 8 urgeon to Guj ' a Hospital ; and Lcctuier on Anatomy , &c . " Mr . BraiiBby Cooper preaents his compliments to Mr . Geovg * Franks , and Ims gnat pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficacy of his Solution of Copaiba . Mr . Cooper Una prescribed the Solution in ten or twelve cases with perfect success . " New-street , April 13 , 1835 . " » TheBCincdiciiiL-8 are protected against counterfeits by the Government Stamp—on which in engraven " Gkokqu 1 ' ranics , Blackfriare-road "—being attached to each .
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DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT AND UKAl / TIFUL HAIR , WHISKERS , &c . &c . MANY Preparations lor ih « Hair have been introduced to the public , but none have gained hui h a worldwide celebrity and immense sale aa Mi « 8 DliAN'H CUINII KNK . 11 id guuruntced to produce VVliiHkcrB , MouBtachioa , i'lyeiirowe . Sec , in three or four weeks , with the utmoat certuiniy ; ami willl be found eminently nuccesbful in nourishing-, curling , ami beautifying the Uaii . checking greyuesu in all itu utu ^ cH . tiireii ^ tliitiiiii- ; : weak Hair , preventing iu lulling off , & <; . &c . I ' or the reproduction of Hair in liulilncbu , from whatever cause ,. und at whatever a ^ e , it utandu iinriviillod , never havingfailed . One tiial only id uolioited to prove the fact . It in an vlcguntry-Hcente > i preparation , and uulllrient fur threw months' uuu will be aent ( pout free ) on receipt ol' twuiil . y-four postage Btainpu , by Miuu l >« uu , 18 , Liverpool-street , King ' ncrouu , London . At home daily from ten till one . For Children it i » iiidiapcnaable , as forming the buuia of » beautiful head of hair . AUTHENTIC TKSTIMONIA I , H . ' * I constantly hhw yourCriuilenii for my children . H rcatorrd my hair perfectly . " —Mrs . Loiik . Ilitchin , HvrlH . "I buvo now to complain of the trouble ofnhuving ; thank * to your Criuiloue . "—Mr . Orey , Katon-Hijuiirn , Cheldca . Professor Uru , on au < ily' / . ing thu Criia ' lenu , Haya : — " It in perfectly free from uny iiijurioutt colouring or other matter , und the best Htiinulunt for the hair 1 Imve met with . The ncout iu delicateund very peraiuteut . " CURK YOUR CORNS AND BUNIONS . ThoHO who witm to walk with perfect ohhii will find M " w >» DKAN ' tJ AlifciORKlCNT the only radical Our . ) for Corn * »* " * Dunionu . It if guaranteed lo cure them in three duyH , wilh < m * cutting or pain . One triul iH itimiitdtly Molioited by nil auH '« rtntf from Hiich tornientoiH . . Sent jMiet-liiM ' , on receipt , of Fourteen PohUjjc Htttiiiptt ,. by Mjau Douii , 4 M , Livci-iiool-uiruul . Klni {' B-oroij « , London .
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474 Clie UeafcetJ [ Saturday ,
Leader (1850-1860), May 17, 1851, page 474, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1883/page/22/