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INFANT EDUCATION . AN EDUCATIONAL HOME near the Regent ' spark , for children from Three to Seven years of age . Conducted on liberal principles . Terms , £ 35 per annum—no Fur particulars apply to John Chapman , Publisher . , Strand .
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LOUIS ROSSI , HAIR-CUTTER and COIFFEUR , 254 , Regent-street , opposite Hanover-square , inventor of the TRANSPARENT HEAD-DRESSES and PERUKES , the Hair of which is singly attached to a thin , transparent fabric , rendering the skin of the head perfectly visible ; and being attaehed to a foundation constructed on geometrical principles , renders them superior to all others hitherto invented . Sole proprietor of the CELEBRATED PERUVIAN BALM , ¦ which is universally approved and admired . This BALM , c ° " taining neither ardent spirit , pungent essential oils , nor other injurious materials , cleans the Hair expeditiously , renders it beautifully brig-ht , and imparts to it the delicate fragrance ol Flowers . The Hair when washed with this Balm soon becomes pleasantly soft , and luxuriant in growth : and although by improperly employing injurious extracts to clean it , the Hair mayhave been rendered harsh , or turned grey , it will soon be restored to its Natural Colour and Brilliancy by using the PERUVIAN
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DEAFNESS —SINGING in the EARS . — Extraordinary Cures are effected daily , in cases long since pronounced incurable by the Faculty . Even in cases of total deafness , which have existed a lifetime , a positive cure can be guaranteed without nain or operation , by a newly-discovered and infallible mode of treatment , discovered and practised only by Dr . FRANCIS , Physician , Aurist , 40 , Liverpool-street , Kind ' Cross , London . Dr . F . has applied this new treatment in the presence of and on several of the most eminent medical men ofthe day , who have been utterly astonished at its magical effect . All martyrs to these distressing complaints should immediately consult Dr . Francis , as none need now despair , however bad their case . Hours of consultation daily from Eleven till Four , and Six till Nine . Country patients , stating their case by letter , will receive the means of cure per post , with such advice and directions as are guaranteed to render failure impossible .
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COLES'S ALGA MARINA , a CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF THE SEA-WEED , exercises a Wonderful Power as an External Remedy over Rheumatism and Rheumatic Gout , even in their most aggravated forms , often curing these distressing maladies after a few applications , and invariably conquering the most obstinate cases by a reasonable perseverance in its use . The following testimonial is submitted in confirmation of the above statement : — ( Testimonial from Mr . William Piper , Publisher and Bookseller , 23 Paternoster-row , London . ) " Dec . 5 , 1850 . —Having been for six months suffering severely from Rheumatism , for which various kinds of Medicines and Liniments had been employed without benefit , I was induced , throu gh reading a pamphlet upon the medical virtues of ' COLES'S ALGA MARINA , ' to try it in my own case , and in justice to that excellent remedy I have much pleasure in testifying that , after using it for only a few times , all pain left me , and a continued application of it entirely restored me to health . ( Signed ) " William Piper . " Sold by Mr . THOMAS KEATING , Pharmaceutical Chemist , 79 St . Paul ' s Churchyard . London . Sole Agent . In Bottles , 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and Us . each . And by all Druggists . Pamphlet , gratis .
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BALM . rjOMCEOPATHIC COCOA PREPARED BY JlJL TA . YLOR BROTHERS . ( The most extensive manufacturers of Cocoa in Europe . ) This original and exquisite preparation , combining , in an eminent degree , the pureness , nutriment , and fine aroma of the fresh nut is prepared under the most able homceopathic advice , with the matured skill and experience of TAYLOR BROTHERS , the inventors . A delicious and wholesome beverage to all ; it is a most essential article of diet , and especially adapted to those under homoeopathic treatment . It is not cloying to the appetite , and agrees with the most delicate and irritable digestive organs . It is purifying to the blood , soothing and agreeable to the nerous system , lubricating to the alimentary canal , and proves , ? a ( the same time , invigorating and refreshing . TAYLOR BROTHERS confidently challenge comparison between this and any of the so-called homceopathic cocoa offered to the public . A single trial will suffice . Observe , particularly , upon each packet , the name , TA Y LOR BRO T H E RS , LON D ON , whose advantages over other makers arises from the paramount extent of their manufacture ; larger experience , greater command of markets , matured judgment in selection , and skill in preparation , enabling : them to offer every kind of plain and fancy COCOA AND CHOCOLATE , a 3 regards both quality and price , upon unequalled terms . They are also inventors and exclusive proprietors of the SOLUBLE AND DIETETIC COCOAS . The latter is strongly recommended by the faculty to invalids ; , convalescents , and dyspeptics , as most nutritious and easy of digestion , and being free from the exciting properties of tea and coffee , makes it a most desirable refreshment after a late evening . . . . All other makes of these are spurious imitations . These standard Preparations , which WILL KEEP GOOD IN ANY CLIMATE , may be bad , wholesale , at the Mills , 211 , BRICK-LANE , LONDON , and retail from all Grocers , Tea Dealers , and Oilmen . CAUTION . —To prevent disappointment see that the name 14 Taylor Brothers" is upon every packet , there being many vile noxious imitations of the SOLUBLE and DIETETIC COCOAS calculated to baing Cocoa into disrepute .
Untitled Ad
THE QUEEN'S PARASOL , registered by THOMAS EVANS and CO ., Feb . 19 , 1851 . " Upon the highest authority—that is , fair authority—we are enabled to state , that the existing ne plus ultra is to be found in The Queen ' s Perasol , ' which has this week exhibited itself at oni-office , ' made a sunshine in that gloomy place . ' It is admirable : brilliant , but not gaudy ; light , but not fragile ; commodious , but not clumsy . It is firm , without obliging- the parasol to become an umbrella ; light , without obliging it to become a wreck . "—The Leader , April 19 , 1851 . To be had of all Drapers and Wholesale Houses ; also at the Manufactory , No . 10 , WOOD-STREET , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON .
Untitled Ad
EO YAL VICTORIA FELT CARPETING . Tke public attention is particularly directed to this Manufacture . The carpeting combines beauty of design , durability , imperviousness to dust , and economy in price , costing half that of Brussels . It ha ? now been in general use many years , and become well established with the trade and the public , and can be purchased at all respectable Carpet Houses in London , and in nearly every Town in the United Kingdom . The PATENT WOOLLEN CLOTH COMPANY , 8 , LOVE-LANE , ALDERM ANBURY , also manufacture Printed and Embossed Table Covers in the newest designs . Window Curtains , Cloths for Upholsterers , thick Felt for Polishing , &c . &c . Manufactories at Leeds , and Borough-road , London . Wholesale Warehouses , 8 , Love-lane , Wood-street , London .
Untitled Ad
HREAT EXHIBITION CENTRAL VJT AVENUE : an Illustrated Priced-List of Church Furniture contributed by GilbertJ . French , Bolton , Lancashire . Transmitted free on application . Parcels delivered in London daily .
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flLENFIELD STARCH , as now used in the VI Roval Laundry . —The Ladies are respectfully requested to make a trinl of the GLENFIELD PATENT DOUBLEREFINED POWDER STARCH , which , for domestic use , now stands unrivalled . Sold wholesale , in London , by Messrs . Pantin a id Turner ; Hooper , Brothers ; Baity and Co . ; Croft and Innocent ; Petty , Wood , and Co . ; Twelvetrees , Brothers ; W . Clayton and Co . ; Charles C . B . Williams ; Mr . Snelling ; and R . Wakefield , 35 , Crown-street ; and retail by all shopkeepers . Agents wanted . Apply to Mr . R . Wotherspoon , 40 , Dunlop-Btreet , Glasgow . Copy of Testimonial from the Laundress to her Majesty ' s Royal Laundry , Richmond , Surrey : — " Mr . Wother « poon , * 40 , Dunlop-street , Glasgow . * ' The Glenfield Patent Powder Starch has now been used for some time in that department of the Royal Laundry where all the finest goods are finished for her Majesty , Prince Albert , and the Royal Family , and I have much pleasure in in forming you that it has given the highest satisfaction . " M . Weigh , Laundress to her Majesty . "
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A CARD . C DOBSON COLLET , late of the Royal Italian Opera , Covent Garden , Teacher of Singing . For Terms of Musical Lectures , Private Lessons , or Class Teaching , in Town er Country , apply to C . D . C . 15 , Essex-street , Strand .
Untitled Ad
HCO LWELL , TRUSS and INSTRUMENT MAKER , Bird-iu-IIand-court , 76 , Cheapside , begs to call attention to the following prices : — s . d . s . d . Best Plain Truss .. .. 5 0 E ^ ' s German Trass 1 () 0 Salmon ' s expired Patent 8 0 Silk Net Suspensories 3 6 Coles'ditto 10 0 J Cotton ditto .... 2 6 Lacing Stockings , Knee-caps , and Ankle-pieces , for Weak Joints and Varicose Veins . Leg-irons , Ladies Back-boards , Dumb Bells , and every other article in the Trade , at equally moderate charges . Testimonials of the Press : — " Mr Henry Colwell ' s Trusses , designed for Prolapsus Ani , urt-admirable in their construction . Those which are intended for Prolapsus Uteri arc the most perfect instruments we have ever seen . "— The Chemist . "In science and skill in adapting his trusses to the peculiar circumstance * of tlie case , Mr . Colwell is inferior to no artist in London . "— United Service . " Mr . Colwell has , in the most philanthropic and praiseworthy niunner possible broken through the extortionate system 8 O long pervading the Truss-making trade . " —Sun . " Mr . Colwell has combined lightness of spring and delicacy of workmanship with the greatest security , ease , and comfort to the patient . "—) teadinf > Mercury . " Mr . Colwell is an eminent Truss-maker . "—Herald . Ladie * attended by M is . Colwell , Mondays , Wednesdays , nnd Fridays , at 2-1 , Hoston-Htreet , Gloucester-place , New-road ; and on TurNilnyti . Thursdays , and Saturday *) at the Manufactory , Ilird-in-IIanci-coui't . 7 <> , Cheiipuide , from eleven till four .
Untitled Ad
QCOTTISH and 1 K 1 S 1 I LINEN WAHKi 3 IIOliSK , 261 . Oxford-street , near North Audley-street , Manufactory . Dimfeiinline . DAVII > HIKKKLL begH respectfully to draw the attention of the Nobility , ( Jentry , anil Public gt .-iienilly , to hi * new make of DAMASK TAiiLK L 1 NKNS , specimens of which are now on view at the Great Kxhiliition , near the west end of the building , miller the head « if " Max , " Claud XIV ., No . 00 , ui . il in the Ninth Gallery , ClasH VII . The ( JUKKN'S PATTKRN has been enslaved in the Art Jour-11 tl for the present month , anil ih thus alluded to in tin ; editorial remarks : — "Among the line diaper and ihimajk linens , received liom Dunfeiiidine . are sonic singularl y rich and beautiful lableolittlis , manufactured by Mr . Itinell , fioin designs lurniHlicd by Mr . 1 ' aton , an hi list who has upwards of a ijuai tcr of a century . tided lint inaiiulncturcin «» f thai , famous and venerable town . We ria ««; engraved one of them on this piifje—bold anil elaborate in ihr-. ij'ii , and in all rei . iiettH worthy of covering a rcjjul table . In the cornem of the border ive discern tint 'St . George , and in the c-iitrefi ol ( lie mime part the budges of the order of The Thi : itle ' ; i . i « l ' Kt : Patrick . ' In the cenlr « ofthe cloth in a medallion hunt <> l her gracious Majebly . The table-cloth in iniule . from the Idlest I'leiniMi It . ix . " The "CAM- ; I'AT ri' . lf N , " ill IheHlyle of Louis X IV ., and the "WASHINGTON M KDALI . 1 ON MUST . " surmounted wild iititioniil uiid other emblematical figures , are also on view . Napuim , in .-. ilk anil linen , to match lln above . KOYAI , L'XIIllUTION I-IN 1 CNS . DAVID HI It KM , I , haH ready foi - inspection a choice pan-el of ll . e celebrated 7-K and 11 Crown l . iiicnn , all manufactured 1 ' ioin I uglinh yarns , and warranted of sound bleach . These f ; oml « can lie ¦ Uoii ; ; ly icconuut ndeil , and embrace •• very quality , up to die Id . rut No . ivliieh can lie produced . JI ueli . ib . nl ; * , Sli (; etiii ( . ; i , Table Covcth , &c . May , IN . ' iI .
Untitled Ad
BKAUTIFUL HAIR , WHISKERS , EYE - I 5 ROWS , Set :., may be with certainty obtained by using a very Hinall portion of IIOSAMK COUPKLLK' 8 PARISIAN POM ADI' ) , every morning , instead of any oil or other preparation . A fortnight's unit will , in most iimtancets , show ita siirpriuing properties in producing and curling Whiskers , Hair , 8 cc ,, at any age , Iioiii whatever cause deficient ; an also checking greynesH , Hcc Purchasers who have been deceived bv imitation * of thin Pomade , under varioiiB ridiculous titles , will do well to make ( INK TRI Ali of Mist ) Coupelle ' u preparation , which they will ( did to answer all it profcHHCH . Hcnl free by post , with instructions , &c ., on receipt of twentyfour posture KtanipH , by Miutt Coupelle , Lly-place , Holborn , London ; who may be consulted on theae nmttciu dully , from two till live o ' clock . TKMTIMONIAI . H . Lieutenant Ilolroyd , R . N ., write * : "Its effects are trul y u « - tonishing ; it bau thickened and durkened my hair very mui-ll . " Mrs . HiK . klcy , Ktapelford : " Your delightful Poinudo lias improved my hair wonderfully . " Mr . Yates , lutir-drtmdor , Maltou : " The young man ban now a good pair of Whiskers ; 1 want you to uend me two pota for other c list nine ih of mine . " Mrs . Lello , Worthing : " I ime your Pouiadi ; in my numery , an I liml it very useful for children ¦ hair al'io . " DO NOT CHI' YOUR CORNS HUT ( HJRK Til KM . AIho will be Hem ( free ) , on receipt of thirteen utunipx , her only nale . speedy , and lasting cure for uoftor hard coniM , biiiiioim . Sec . It euies in three days , and iu never failing . Mrs . HiijflieH , Siinbury : "It cured four cornH , and three bunions , nina / ingly iiuick , and in the beul mid uuloHt thing I luivt ) ever met with . " Adbe ^ j : AII > ti COU PKLLK , Kly-pluco , Holborn , London ,
Untitled Ad
PA INS in the BACK , GRAVEL , LUMBAGO , RHEUMATISM , GOUT , INDIGESTION , DEBILITY STRICTURE , &c .-Dfi , DE HOOS'S COMPOUND RENAL PILLS , as their name . Renal ( or the kidneys ) , indicates , have in many instances effected a cure when all other means had failed , and are now established by universal consent , as the mo 3 t safe and efficacious remedy ever discovered for the above dangerous complaints , discharges of any kind , retention of urine , and diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs generally , whether resulting from imprudence or otherwise , which , if neglected , frequently end in fistula , stone in the bladder , and a lingering death . For gout , sciatica , rheumatism , tic doloreux , erysipelas , dropsy , scrofula , loss of hair and teeth , depression of spirits , blushing , incapacity for society , study , or business , giddiness , drowsiness , sleep without refreshment , nervousness , and even insaniry itself , when ( as is often the case ) arising from or combined with urinary diseases , they are unequalled . By their salutary action on acidity of the stomach they correct bile and indigestion , purify and promote the renal secretions , thereby preventing the formation of stone , and establishing for life the healthy functions of all these organs . ONE TRIAL will convince the most prejudiced of their surprising 1 properties . May be obtained at Is . l ^ d ., 2 s . 9 d ., 48 . 6 d ., 11 s ., and 33 s . per box , through all Medicine Venders in the United Kingdom , or should any difficulty occur , they will be sent free on receipt of the price in postage stamps by Dr . DE KOOS . IMPORTANT FACTS . " T . Webster , Esq ., Sealford , near Melton Mowbray . Jan . 6 , 1850 . " Having read your advertisements , I felt assured your Renal Pills would be of 3 ervice to some of my neighbours . I have had twelve boxes , and they have derived great benefit from taking " them . One man had a 4 s . 6 d . bottle of your Life Drops , and he rery earnestly solicits more , it did him so much good . I have and shall continue to recommend your valuable Pills to all my friends . " " I . Heats , Esq ., Potter ' s-bar , Herts , Dec . 7 , 1850 . " Your Renal Pills have given me so much relief that I lmve recommended them to a friend here . Will you send me a 2 s . 9 d . box of the name ?" John Andrews , Abersychan , Pontypool . — " After taking a box of your Pills I am so much better that I am induced to send for another . " Mr . Westmacott , 4 , Market-street , Manchester . — " Your medicines are very highly spoken of by nil who have purchased them of me . " Mr . Smith , Times Office , Leeds . —" One person informs me that your Renal Pilld are worth a guinea a box . " 2 . Buckingham - place , Brighton , 1 ' eb . 22 , 1 S 51 . —" Major Micklelhwait thinks it but justice to Dr . Do Rooa and hia invaluable Medicine to inform him , that he had suffered very much from pains iu the back and loiiiK , which induced him to try the Renal Pilla , after which he limits himself quite free from pain , &c . " Wm . Cobb , Kwelme , Oxon . — " I should think myself ungrateful if I did not bear testiniany to tbeellicacy of your Pille . 1 have , though but a young- man , been a great milferer from paints and debility resulting- from gravel . I have bail recourse to several medical men of good standing , but nothing lias relieved or done me wo much good ax your Pills . I dave not been bo free from gravel , nor has my health been ho good for many years , and all thin I owe to your invaluable Pills . Before I began to take them , iny system wua always out of order . "
Untitled Ad
CAUTION . —A nelf-atyled Doctor ( iinbliiHhiiig impudence being bin only qualification ) ia now advertising under a different name , a highly injurious imitation ol these Pill * , which to allurepurchasers , he encloses iu a useless abbreviated copy of Dr . De Koos ' s celebrated Medical Adviser , uligbtly chunking its title ; suiTcrem will , therefore , do will to uee tiiat the Htainp is a . ( jo vKiiNMUNT StamI' ( not a base counterfeit ) , and not to place reliance on the atatementnof thin individual , which uro published only for the basest purpouoa of deception on invalid : ! , and fraud on the Proprietor . TO PREVENT FRAUD on the Public by imitatioiiH of thin excellent Medicine , her Majenly ' i * Honourable CominiHuionerH of Stainpu have directed the . name of tbe . Proprietor , iu whiteletteru on a red ground , to be engraved on tbe < iovcrninent Stump round each box , without which none in ({ ciiuinu , and to imitate which is felony and transportation . " ' 1 IIIC MKDICAL ADVISER , " on all the above diseases , by Dr De Room , I «) H pageu , with coloured descriptive engravings ; to be had through . ill bookhellern , price L » n . fid ., or , on receipt ol forty postage stamps , will be sent direct from tlm Author .
Untitled Ad
N . H . Persona winhii «( f to coiihuII , the doctor by letter niunt nend a detail «> f tint : » ympt <> iiis , , tc , wil . li the usual fee ol" X'l , by Pont-olllce order , payable : K . tbo liolborn ( Mlieo , lor which the necesHiry inedieineu and advice will b « vent to any part of the world . Address , WALTER DE ROOM , M . D .,: » . » , Kly-pluce , Holhornbill , London , where he may lie coumiltcd from ill till 1 , and 4 till H , Hunday excepted , unli'Hn by previmiH arrangement . N . H . — -Should difficulty occur iu obtaining thn ubovu , onclouu the price in poutuifc-niuuipt ) to the I'Jutubliulnnuul .
Untitled Ad
CURES FOR THE UNCURED ! HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT . —An extraordinary Curb of Scrofula or King ' s Evil . Extract of a Letter from Mr . J . H . Alliday , 209 , High-street , Cheltenham , dated the 22 nd of January , 1850 . To Professor Holloway . «• gut , —My eldest son , when about three years of age , was afflicted with a Glandular Swelling in the neck , which , after a short time , broke out into an Ulcer . An eminent medical man pronounced it as a very bad case of Scrofula , and prescribed for a considerable time without effect . The disease then for four years went on gradually increasing in virulence , when , besides the ulcer in the neck , another formed below the left knee , and a third under the eye , besides seven others on the left arm , with a tumour between the eyes , which was expected to break . During- the whole of the time my suffering boy had received the constant advice of the most celebrated medical Gentlemen at Cheltenham , besides being for several months at the General Hospital , where one of the Surgeons said that he would amputate- the left arm , but that the blood was so impure that , if that limb were taken off , it would be then even impossible to subdue the disease . In this desperate state I determined to give your Pills and Ointment a trial , and , after two months' perseverance in their use , the tumour gradually began to disappear , and the Jischarge from all the ulcers perceptibly decreased , and at the expiration of eight months they were perfectly healed , and tbe boy thoroughly restored to the blessings of health , to the astonishment of a large circle of acquaintances , who could testify to the truth of this miraculous case . Throe years have now elapsed without any recurrence to the malady , and tbe boy is now a » healthy as heart can wish . Under these circumstances I consider that 1 should be truly ungrateful were I not to make you acquainted with this wonderful cure , effected by your medicines , after every other means had failed . ( Signed ) " J . H . Alliday . " Sold by the Proprietor , 244 , Strand ( near Temple Har ) , London , and by all respectable Venders of Patent Medicines throughout the Civili / cd World , in Pot » and lioxes , at Is . l . Jd ., 2 h . < Jd ., 4 s . ( id ., 11 h ., 22 s ., and ; i 3 n . each . There is a very considerable Having in taking the larger sites . N . H . — Directions for the guidance of Patients are afllxed to each pot or boic .
Untitled Article
54 < T & % ( fttalttt . [ Saturday ,
Leader (1850-1860), June 7, 1851, page 546, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1886/page/22/