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LONDON CO-OPERATIVE STORE , in connection with the Society for Promoting Working Men ' 8 Association , 76 , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-square . The London Central Cooperative Agency has now completed its arrangements for transacting the wholesale business of the various cooperative stores . The books of the agency will be open at all times for the inspection of it 8 customers , and thus the best guarantee will be furnished for honest dealing . Original packages will be Bent whenever the order will admit of it , so that the fir 3 t cost of the goods may be ascertained by inspecting the invoices . All goods are purchased at the first markets for ready money Address , Lloyd Jones , Manager , 75 , Charlotte-street , Fitzroytnnflrp .
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D EAFNESS —SINGING in the EARS . — Extraordinary Cures are effected daily , in cases long since pronounced incurable by the Faculty . Even in cases of total deafness , which have existed a lifetime , a positive cure can be guaranteed without nain or operation , by a newly-discovered and infallible mode of treatment , discovered and practised only bv Dr . FRANCIS , Physician , Aurist , 40 , Liverpool-street , King ' s Cross , London . Dr . F . has applied this new treatment in the presence of and on several of the most eminent medical men of the day , who have been utterly astonished at its magical effect . All martyrs to these distressing complaints should immediately consult Dr . Francis , as none tieed now despair , however bad their case . Hours of consultation daily from Kleven till Four , and Six till Nine . Country patients , stating th « ir case bv letter , will receive the means of cure per post , with such advice and directions as are guaranteed to render failure impossible .
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GRATIS ! OKATLS ! Git ATI S ; FOR THE PUDLIC GOOD AND TIIK SUPPRESSION OF QUACKERY . Just published , 96 pages , xpVERY MAN HIS OVVtf DOCTOR ! _ r _ j By a Physician . Sent gratuitously on the receipt of four postage stamps to repay it . Address . Mr . Booth , publisher , 14 , Hand-court , Holborn , London . A copy of the Library Edition ( large ) of " Every Man his own Doctor" will be sent post free on receipt of 14 postage stamps . TESTIMONIALS . ' Medical books were always a mystery to me . I am exceedingly thankful for your excellent gift . " T . M ., Boston . " A better work foreiilightenin ? the million ou medical matters we have never m . t with . "—Windsor Express . " A death-blow , to quackery and medical extortion , worthy the eventful year \ Sol . "— fVeslern Times . Just Published—Library Edition . MESMERISM AND CLAIRVOYANCE NO MYSTKRY . A Hand-book of the Wonders of Clairvoyance and Mesmerism , written in a popular style . Sent free by post , on receipt of 14 postage stamp * , by Mr . Booth . " By means of this work , every one can understand and practise mesmerism aud clairvoyance . " —Literary Journal . " The Iv'st work on these mysterious subjects we have met with . "—Timet . Address . Mr . Booth , 14 , Hand-court , Holborn , London .
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BEAUTIFUL HAIR , WHISKERS , EYEBROWS , &c , may be with certainty obtained by using a very small portion of ROSALIE COUPELLK'S PARISIAN POMADE , every morning , instead of any oil or other preparation . A fortnight ' s use will , in most instances , show its surprising properties in producing and curling Whiskers , Hair . &c , at any Mge , ( rom vhatevercaus * - deficient ; as also chocking greyncss . &c Purchasers who have been deceived by imitations of this Pomade , under various ridiculous titles , wiil do well to make ONE TRIAL of Mis * Coupelle'a preparation , which they will find to answer all it professes . Sent five by post , with instructions , &c , on receipt of twentyfour postage stamps :, by Miss Coupelle , Ely-place , Holborn , London ; who may be consulted on these matters daily , from two till live O ' clock . THST 1 MONIALS . Lieutenant Holroyd . it . N ., writes : "Its effects are truly astonishing ; it lias thickened and darkened my hair very much . " Mrs . Hutkley , St . ipelford : " Your delightful Pomade has improved my hair wonderfully . " Mr . Yatt-B , hair-dreader , Malton : " The young man has now a good pair ol Whiskers ; 1 want you to Bend me two pots for other customers of mine . " Mis . Lc-llo , Worthing : "I use your Pomade in my nursery , an 1 find it very useful lor children ' s hair also . " DO NOTCUT "YOUR CORNS —HUT CURE Til KM . Also will b < : si'iu ( free ) , on receipt of thirteen stamps , bur only Hf «\ speedy , and lasting cure for soil or hard coins , bunions , 8 cc . It curt- * in " three diiyx , und in never failing . Mrs . lliijjlit'a , Sunhury : "It cured fmr corns , and three bunions , amusingly quick , and ib the best and Bale-it thing 1 have ver met with . " Ad'lruKu : MISS OOUPELLK , Ely-plane , Holborn . London .
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BKAIJTJKUL AND LUXURIANT HAIK , WII IS K 10 US , to-., ran only !« ' obtained by tin : Hsu ol MISS DI ' . AN'S CK 1 N 1 I . KNE , which has obtained a worldwide celebrity and iiiiineiiM' pa ' c . It U giiar : int < ' < -il to produce Whiskers , MoiiHtaehios . Kyeluowy , . Sec , in three or lour weeUn , with tin- utmost , certainty ; and will be found eniinently ' HiiccoHhlul in nourishing , curling , and bc . nitilying the Iliiir , checking greynt-bH in all its tUuges , bt . rc : iigtlieitiii <> weak llaii , preventing itrf tailing oil " , & < :., itc . For the reproduction ol Hair in llaMni-tH , from whatever causr , und ut whatever a ^» t , it Ktanda unrivalled , never having lulled . Our trial only M ho icite < l to prove tin : fact . It in kii elcgunlly-sscrnti-. l propanitioii , und H'lllicicoL for three months' line will be cent ( pout lire- ) on receipt , of twcnly-fi . ur pontu ^ e Mlainpa , by cUihh Dean , JH , Livei -pool-street , Kiiiy ' Bciohu , l . iindon . At home < laily from ten till out ; . For Children it in iiidiMpcimiilile , forming the babi » of a beiilltifill head of luiir . I ' eiHoiiH arc cautioned aguinst iiiii'ations of this preparation , under French und other liiliculouu naiiitu , by pernoim cnviouii of ila bm-ceu : i . AUT 11 HNT 1 U TK . 4 T 1 MONI Al . S . I coiiKliinlly iim : jour CiinileiK- lor my children . It restored my bun |» eif < cl ' ly . "— -Mr-. Long , Ilitchi ' ii , Herts . ¦• 1 have now to complain of lb < " trouble of nbaving ; tliuiiki to your Ciinileiie . "—Mr . <» r « y , Eutoii-a < iiuir , on analy zing the tli iniliue , Hayn :- ' It in p . rf « -clly free from atiy in | iu lonn colouring or other unit ter , and tbe l > i-hl stimulant for tb «; ii . iir 1 have met with . Tin ; a « : « 'iit iu < lelii : at < : und very pciaiHtint . " CUUK \<) i ; it COKNS ANI ) IUINIONM . TIiiimi who ui-b in walk with | k rf ' cr . l cum- will Ihnl Minn DKAN'U AHHOKUKNT tin ; old ) radical Omc lor Conm and Xiuuionii . 11 . i * e |* uiiruiil < > rd to erne iliciu in tliie < : « liiyn , uidioiit . culling or P <> in . OnoUiiil it ) earnestly uollcilcl by all unlit ring from ttuch li >> inentoi n . Html pout-free , on receip t , of Fourteen Pontage Mtunijia , by Mibb Demi . 4 H , l . hciiiool-tttieet , Kiu ^' tt-croau , London .
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A NEW MEDICINE . "CIRANKS'S SPECIFIC CAPSULE—A form JL of Medicine at once safe , sure , speedy , and pleasant , especially applicable to urethral morbid secretions , and other ailincntt ! for which copaiba and cubebu are commonl y administered . Much Capsule containing the Specific ia made of the purest Gelatine , which , encased in tinfoil , maybe conveniently carried in the pocket , and , being both eluutic and pleasant to take , atlorda tht ; greatest facility for repeating the doses without intei mission—a desideratum to persona travelling , visiting , or engaged in buaincbH , us well an to thouo who object to lluid medicincH , being unobjectionabh : to the mont susceptible atomach Prepared only by GEORGE FRANKS , Surgeon , at liis Laboratory , 'JO , Hluckfriars-roud , London , where they may be had , und of all Medicine Venders , in boxes , at 2 a . yd . und 4 a . lid . euch ' or mcuL free by postut ' . la . und T > b . each . Of whom , also , may be hud , iu bott . leH , at 2 u . Dd ., 4 i . ( id ., and lla . each , 1 KANKB' 8 SPECIFIC SOLUi'ION OF COPAIBA . TKST 1 MONIAI . 8 . From Jotw'ph Henry ( Jrccn , Ksq ,, F . R . H ., President of the Roya College of Surg « ioiin , London ; bcnlor Surgeon to 8 t . Thoinuu ' a HoHpital ; and Profe « nor of tjurgery inlCiug ' u College , London . "I have made trial of Mr . Frankn '» Solution of Copaiba at St . TIioiiiiih ' u Honpital , in a variety of cauea , and the reuiilta warrant my ululiiig . Unit it id uu cllicacious remedy , and one which doca not produce the usual iinplcannut clfcctu of Copaibu (« i ( f" « d ) "JOHUl-H llUNKtUlKKN . "Lincoln u-liin Fioldu , April lit , 18 : 15 . " From HiaiiHby Cooper , K » q ., F . R . H ., onu of the Council of th « Iloyul Collfgo of Surgeons , London ; 8 enior Surircou to Guv ' h Iloupital ; and Lecturer on Anatomy , &c . "Mr . liriumby Coopoi pru-ienta hia coinpliinvntu to Mr Gooriro FrankH , a .,. ! lua gieut pleanuro in bearing testimony to the .. hWyol hiaHolutionol (; o ,, ailm . Mr . Cooper hu « nrcacrlbed the Solution in ten or twelve caueu with pcifoct sucouuy " New-Hl . iee , l , April 13 , lH . 'l . ) . " f 3 «! v . * r , 'V "" V : " t'li ( : "" l < art ; P «» t «;« U-il agninHt counterfeits by the G ) vc ! iiinn : nt . Stump—on which la cngniveu " Guunou 1 'uanuh « l » ckfi-i « rU-roml " -being attr « hud to each UUUIUJU k ** " *<> .
Untitled Ad
IMPORTANT FACTS . " T . Webster , Esq ., Sealford , near Melton Mowbray . Jan . 6 , 1850 . " Having read your advertisements , I felt assured your Renal Pills would be of 3 ervice to some of my neighbours . I have had twelve boxes , and they have derived great benefit from taking them . One man had a 4 s . 6 d . bottle of your Life Drops , and he very earnestly solicits more , i t did him so much good . I have and shall continue to recommend your valuable Pills to all my friendi . " " T . Heata , Esq ., Potter's-bar , Herts , Dec . 7 , 1850 . "Your Renal Pills have given me so much relief that I have recommended them to a friend here . Will you send me a 2 s . 9 d . box of the gamei " John Andrews , Abersychan , Pontypool . — "After taking a box of your Pills I am so much better that I am induced to send for another . " Mr . Milton Welch , Furness . — " Your Renal Pills are the only medicine I have met with that have been of service . " Mr . T . Bloem , Limekiln-street , Dover . — " Please to send a few more of your wonderful Pills . My wife feels great relief already . " Mr . Smith , Times Office , Leeds . — " One person informs mo that your ltenal Pills are worth a guinea a box . " 2 . Buckingham - place , Brighton , F ' eb . 22 , 1851 . — "Major Mic . klethwait thinks it but justice to Dr . De Roos and hia invaluable Medicine to inform him , that he had Buffered very much from paina in thu back and loina , which induced him to try the Renal Pills , after which he finds himself quite free from pain , &c . " Wm . Cobb , Ewelmc , Oxon . — " I should think myself ungrateful if 1 did not bear testimany to the efficacy of your Pille . I have , though but a young man , been a great sufferer from paina and debility resulting from gravel . I have had recourse to several medical men of good standing , but nothing- has relieved or done me ho much good au your Pills . 1 have not been ho free from gravel , nor has my health been so good for many years , and all this I owe to your invuluuble Pills , licforo I began to take them , my system was always out of order . " CAUTION . —A Helf-styled Doctor ( unblushing impudence being his only qualification ) is now advertising under a different name , a highly injurious imitation of these Pilla , which to allure nurchuBurB , he encloses in m useless abbreviated copy of Dr . Do Rook ' s celebrated Medical Adviser , slightly changing itu title ; sufferers will , therefore , do well to nee that the stamp is a Govkiinmknt Stamp ( not a base counterfeit ) , and not to placu reliance on the statements of this individual , which aro published only for the basent purposes of deception on invulids , und fraud on the Proprietor . TO PREVENT FRAUD on the Public by imitations of tliia excellent Medicine , her Majesty ' s Honourable CoiniuiauionorH of Stamps have directed the iimno of tho Proprietor , in whiteletters on a red ground , to be engraved on the Government Stump round ouch box , without which none in gonuinu aud to imitate which is felony and transportation . ' " THE MEDICAL ADVISER , " ou nil the above . limmsi-H , by Dr . Do Roob , 168 pagca , with coloured descriptive ») iigrnviii ( fn ; to bo had through all bookHellers , price . U * . ( id ., or , on receipt of forty posing ^ stumps , will bo Hent direct from thu Author . JN . H . Persona wishing to consult the doctor by letter luiwt sendadetull ol the symptoms , ike , with the iimud fee of £ 1 , by Post-olllce order , pi . yuble ut , tho Holborn Ofllcc for which tli " nucess : iry medicines and udvioo will bo Kent to uuy part of tho world . Address , WALTER DK ItOOH , M . I ) .,. 'N 5 Ely-place Holbornbill , London , where he wny be consulted from 10 till 1 , und 4 till S , Hiindiiy excepted , ui . lena by previoiiH nriaiigeinont . N . D . —Should difficulty occur in ohtuiuiiig tbn above , ciicluuo the price in pontiiLa--otuinptt to the EutabJiahinent .
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HEALTH WHERE 'TIS SOUGHT . HOLLOWAY'S PILLS . —Cure of a Case of Weakness and Debility , of Four Years * standing . Extract of a Letter from Mr . William Smith , of No . 5 , Little Thomas-street , Gibson-street , Lambeth , dated Dec . 12 , 1849 . " To Professor Holloway , << sir , —1 beg to inform you that for nearly five years I hardly knew what it was to have a day's health , suffering from extreme weakness and debility , with constant nervous headaches , giddiness , and sickness of * the stomach , together with a great depression of spirits . I used to think that nothing could benefit me , as I had been to many medical men , some of whom , after doing all that was in their power , informed me that they considered that 1 had some spinal complaint beyond the reach of cure , together with a very disordered state of the stomach and liver , making my case so complicated that nothing could be done for me . One day , being unusually ill and in a dejected state , I saw your Pills advertised , and resolved to give them a trial , more perhaps from curiosity than with a hope of being cured , however 1 soon found myself better by taking- them , and so I went on persevering r u tneir use for six months , when I am happy to siy they effectea a perfect cure , 3 ( Signed ) " WILLIAM SMITH . ' ( frequently called EDWARD ) . " Sold at the Establishment of Professor Holloway , 244 , Strand ( near Temple Bar ) , London , and by most all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the civilixed World , at the following prices—Is . 14 d , , 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., 11 s ., 228 ., and 33 s . each Box . There is a considerable saving by taking- the larger sizes . X . B . —Directions for the guidance of Patients in every Diferdsr are affixed to each Box .
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RUPTURES EFFECTUALLY AND PERMANENTLY CURED WITHOUT A TRUSS . D R . GUTHREY still continues to supply the afflicted with his celebrated remedy for this alarming complaint , which has never failed in effecting' a perfect cure . It is applicable to every variety of Single and Double Rupture , in male or female of any age , however bad or long standing ; is easy and painless in application , causing no inconvenience or confinement , &c . ; aud will be gent , free by post , to any part of the kingdom , with full instructions , rendering failure impossible , on receipt of Seven Shillings in postage stamps ; or by post-office order , payable at the Gray's-inn-road Office . Address . —Henry Guthrey , M . D ., 6 , Ampton-street , Gray ' s , inn-road , London . At home , for consultation daily , from Eleven till One , mornings , and Five till Seven , evenings ; Sundays excepted . A great number of old trusses and testimonials have been left behind by persons cured , as trophies of the success of his remedy , which may be eeeu by any sufferer . DEAFNESS , NOISES IN THE HEAD AND EARS , &c . " The most important discovery of the year in medical science , is the new remedy for deafness , &c , introduced , by Dr . Guthrey . "—Medical Review for the year 1850 . Dr . Guthrey's remedy for deafness , &c , permanently restores hearing , enabling the patient in a few days to hear the ticking of a watch , even in cases where the deafness has existed for many years from any cause whatever , and has been successful in hundreds of cases where instruments and surgical assistance , have failed in giving relief . It removes all those distressing noises in the head and ears , and by its occasional use will prevent deafness occurring again at any future period . The remedy , which is simple in application , will be sent free by post , with full instructions , on receipt of Seven Shillings in postage stamps , or by post-oll ! co order , payable at the Gray ' slnn-road Oflice , addressed to Dr . Guthrey , 6 , Ampton-street , Gray ' s-inn-road , London , where he may bu consulted daily from Eleven till One , and Five till Seven , Sunday excepted .
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PAI NS in the BACK , GRAVEL , LUMBAGO , RHEUMATISM , GOUT , INDIGESTION , DEBILITY , STRICTURE , &C .-DR . DE ROOS'S COMPOUND RENAL PILLS , as their name . Renal ( or the kidneys ) , indicates , have ia many instances effected a cure when all other means had failed , and are now established by universal consent , as the most safe and efficacious remedy ever discovered for the above dangerous complaints , discharges of any kind , retention of urine , and diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs generally , whether resulting from imprudence or otherwise , which , if neglected , frequently end in fistula , stone in the bladder , and a lingering death . For gout , sciatica , rheumatism , tic doloreux , erysipelas , dropsy , scrofula , loss of hair and teeth , depression of spirits , blushing , incapacity for society , study , or business , giddiness , drowsiness , sleep without refreshment , nervousness , and even insanity i tself , when ( as is often the case ) arising from or combined with urinary diseases , they are unequalled . By their salutary action on acidity of the stomach they correct bile and indigestion , purify and promote the renal secretions , thereby preventing the formation of stone , and establishing for life the healthy functions of all these organs . ONE TRIAL will convince the most prejudiced of their surprising properties . May be obtained at Is . ljd ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., lls ., and 33 s . per box , through all Medicine Venders in the United Kingdom , or should any difficulty occur , they will be sent free on receipt of the price in postage stamps by Dr . DE ROOS .
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DR . niJLVERWELL ON NERVOU 8 NES 8 , DEBILITY , AND INDIGESTION ; also on Urinary Derangements , Constipation , and Haemorrhoids . Is . each ; by post , Is . 6 d . WHAT TO EAT , DRINK , AND AVOID . " Ab 8 tinentia multi curantur raorbi . " A popular exposition of the principal causes ( over and careless feeding , &c . ) of the above harassing and distressing complaints , with an equally intelligible and popular exposition of how we should live to get rid of them ; to which is added diet tables for every meal in the day , and full instructions for the regimen and observance of every hour out of the twenty-four : illustrated by numerous cases , &c . Vols . 2 and 3 , companions to the preceding , THE ENJOYMENT OF LIFE . | HOW TO BE HAPPY . " Jucunde Vivere . " IV . ON URINARY DISORDERS , CONSTIPATION , and HAEMORRHOIDS ; their Obviation and Removal . Sherwood , 23 , Paternoster-row ; Mann , 39 , Cornhill ; and the Author , 10 , Argyll-place , Regent-street : consultation hours , ten to twelve ; evenings , seven till nine .
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JUBILEE YEAR of COCKLE'S PILLS . 1851 . " Truth lives not for a fleeting hour , But scorns e ' en Time ' s destroying power . " The last fifty years have seen many wonderful changes—social , political , and , indeed , all but universal . The medical world itself , too , has had its revolutions . New drugs and new compounds have been introduced , some of which have experienced but an ephemeral existence , whilst others have been retained as choice and valuable medicines . But through all these eventful changes . COCKLE'S ANTIB 1 LIOU 8 PILLS , the compound of a qu alified practitioner , have continued to rise in pnblic estimation , increasing in sale to the present hour . Prepared only by James Cockle , Surgeon and Apothecary , 18 , New Ormond-street , London ; and sold by all Medicine Vendors , in boxes , at la . ljd . and 2 s . 9 d . opinions of the phhss . " An Old Favourite . —It is with unfeigned satisfaction that we learn that Mr . Cockle ' s Antibilious P ills have reached their fiftieth year , with a sale equal to their reputation . They are the best medicine of their time , and we more than doubt if the future will bring us anything as good . " —John Bull . " A ' Sovbbeign' Rbmbdy . —In claiming this title for Mr . Cockle ' s Antibilious Pills , no pun is intended ; for the remedy , though sovereign in virtue , maybe purchased for thirteenpencehalfpenny . But fifty years of the most widely-extended experience proves that in all bilious affections Mr . Cockle ' s Pills are truly what we call them , the Monarch of Antibilious Medicines . ' " —Bell ' s Weekly Messenger . " A Distinguished MKDiciNE .-There is a permanence in really good things which never fails to distinguish them from their class , and exalts them into respect . A striking instance of this truth is before us in Cockle ' s Anti bilious Pills , which have outlived all the prejudices of a patent medicine , and are recognized by the faculty and the public at large as the most valuable compound extant . " —Globe . " A Cube for Bad Livers . —Physically we know not a greater plague than a disordered liver ; quite equal to the moral plague of a disorderly one . We make laws to reform the latter ; pills to cure the former . And it is mere justice to say that no medicine has done the state more service in this respect than Cockle ' s Antibilious Pilh . " — United Service Gazette .
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570 ffif ) * itfa&et * [ Saturday ,
Leader (1850-1860), June 14, 1851, page 570, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1887/page/22/