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INFANT EDUCATION . AN EDUCATIONAL HOME near the Regent ' spark , for children from Three to Seven years of age . Conducted on liberal principles . Terms , £ 3 o per annum—no extras . For particulars apply to John Chapman , Publisher , 1 <* S , Strand .
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HCO LWELL , TRUSS and INSTRUMENT MAKER , Bird-in-Hand-court , 76 , Cheapside , begs to call attention to the following prices : — s . d . s . d . Best Plain Truss .. .. 5 0 . Egrg ' s German Truss 10 0 Salmon ' s expired Patent 8 0 Silk Net Suspensories 3 6 Coles'ditto 10 0 Cotton ditto .... 2 6 X . acing- Stocking's , Knee-caps , and Ankle-pieces , for Weak Joints and Varicose Veins . Leg-irons , Ladies Back-boards , Dumb Bells , and every other article in the Trade , at equally moderate charges . Testimonials of the Press : — " Mr . Henry Colwell's Trusses , designed for Prolapsus Ani , are admirable in their construction . Those which are intended for Prolapsus Uteri are the most perfect instruments we have ever seen . "—The Chemist . "In science and skill in adap'ing his trusses to the peculiar circumstances of the case , Mr . Colwell is inferior to no artist in London . "—United Service . " Mr . Colwell has , in the most philanthropic and praiseworthy manner possible broken through the extortionate system so long pervading the Truss-making trade . " —Sun . " Mr . Cohvell has combined lightness of spring and delicacy of workmanship with the greatest security , ease , and comfort to the patient . " —Reading Mercury . " Mr . Cohvell is an eminent Truss-maker . "—Herald . Ladies attended by Mrs . Colwell , Mondays , Wednesdays , and Fridays , at 24 , Boston-street , Gloucester-place , New-road ; and on Tuesdays , Thursdays , and Satuidays at the Manufactory , Bird-in-Hand-court , 76 , Cheapside , from eleven till four .
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SCOTTISH and IRISH LINEN WAREHOUSE , 261 , Oxford-street , near North Audley-street , Manufactory , Dunfermline . DAVID BlllRELL begs respectfully to draw the attention of the Nobility , Gentry , and Public generally , to his new make of DAMASK TABLE LINENS , specimens of which are now on ¦ view at the Great Exhibition , near the west end of the building , under the head of Flax , " Class XIV ., No . 60 , and in the Noith Gallery , Class VII . The QUEEN'S PATTERN has been engraved inthe ^ rtf Journal for the present month , and is thus alluded to in the editorial remarks : — "Among the line diaper and damask linens , received from Dunfermline , are some singularly rich and beautiful tablecloths , manufactured by Mr . Birrell , from designs furnished by Mr . Paton , an artist who has upwards of a quarter of a century aided the manufacturers of that famous and venerable town . We have engraved one of them on this page—bold and elaborate in design , and in all respects worthy of covering a regal table . In the corners of the border we discern the St . George , and in the centres ol the same part the badges of the order of ' The Thistle ' and ' St . Patrick . ' In the centre of the cloth is a medallion bust of her gracious Majesty . The table-cloth is made from the finest Flemish flax . " The " CAG E PAT TERN , " in the style of Louis XIV ., and the *« WASHINGTON MEDALLION BUST , " surmounted with national and other emblematical figures , are also on view . Napkins , in silk and linen , to match the above . ROYAL EXHIBITION LINENS . DAVID BIURKLL has ready for inspection a choice parcel of the celebrated 7-8 and 4-4 Crown Linens , all manufactured from English yarns , and warranted of sound bleach . These goods can be strong-ly recommended , and embrace every quality , up to the finest No . which can be produced . Huckabacks , Sheetings , Table Covers , &c . May , 1851 .
Untitled Ad
OLD DE . JACOB TOWNSEND'S riENUINE ORIGINAL UNITED STATES ' vT 8 ARSAPARILLA—In submitting this Sarsaparilla to the People of England , we have been influenced by the same motives which dictated its promulgation in America . This Compound Sarsaparilla of Old Dr . Townsend has nothing in common with preparations bearing the name in England or America . Prepared by one of the noblest American Chemists , having the approbation of a great and respectable body of American Physicians and Druggists , universally adopted by the American people , and forming' a compound of all the rarest medicinal roots , seeds , plants , and flowers that grow on American soil , it it may truly be called the Great and Good American Remedy . Living , as it were , amid sickness and disease , and studying itu multitudinous phases and manifestations in Hospitals , Asylums , and at the bedside of the sick , for more than 40 years , Dr . Townsend was qualified , above all other men , to prepare a medicine which should perform a greater amount of good than any other man now living . When received into the stomach it is digested like the food , and enters into the circulation as the nutriment part of our aliment does . Its first remedial action is upon the blood , and through that upon every part where it is needed . It is in this way that this medicine supplies the blood with constituents which it needs , and removes that which it does not need . In this way it purifies the blood of excess of bile , acids , and alkalies , of pus , of all foreign and morbid matter , and brings it into a healthy condition-. In this way it quickens or moderates the circulation , producing coolness , warmth , or perspiration . In this way it is that this medicine is conveyed tothe liver , where it allays inflammation , or relieves congestion , removes obstructions , cleanses and heals abscesses , dissolves gummy or thickened bile , and excites healthy secretions . In this way , also , is this medicine conducted to the lungs , where it assuages inflammation , allays irriiation , relieves cough , promotes expectoration , dissolves tubercles , and heals ulcerations . In like manner it acts on the stomach to neutralise acidity , remoTe flatulence , debility , heartburn , nausea , restore tone , appetite , &c . In the same way it acts upon the kidneys , on the bowels , on the uterus , the ovaria , and all internal organs , and not less effectually on the glandular and lymphatic system , on the joints , bones , and the skin . It is by cleansing , enriching , and purifying the blood that old Dr . Townsend ' s Sarsaparilla effects so many wonderful cures . Physiological science has demonstrated the truth of what is asserted in Holy Writ , that " the Blood is the Life . " Upon this fluid all the tissues of the body depend for their maintenance and repletion . It carries to and maintains vitality in every paTt by its circulation and omnipresence . It replenishes the wastes of the system , elaborates the food , decomposes the air , and imbibes vitality from it ; regulates the corporeal temperature , and gives to every solid and fluid its appropriate tubstance or secretion—earthy and mineral substance , gelatine , marrow , and membrane to the bone *—fibrine to the muscles , tendons , and ligaments—nervous matter to the brain and nerves—cells to the lungs—linings to all the cavities ; parenchymatous and investimg substances to the viscera ; coats , coverings , &c , to all the vessels ; hair to the head—nails to the fingers and toes ; urine to the kidneys ; bile to the liver—gastric juice to the stomach ; sinovial fluid to the joints—tears to the eyes ; saliva to the mouth ; moisture to the skin—and every necessary fluid to lubricate the entire framework of the system ; to preserve it from friction and inflammation . Now , if this important fluid becomes corrupt or diseased , and the secreting organs fail to relieve it of the morbid matter , the whole s \ stem feels the shock , and must sooner or later sink under it , unless relieved by the proper remedy . When this virulent matter is thrown to the skin , it shows its disorganizing and virulent influence in a multitude of cutaneous diseases , as salt rheum , scald head , erysipelas , white swelling , scarlet fever , measles , smallpox , chicken or kine pox , superficial ulcers , boils , carbuncles , pruritus or itch , eruptions , blotches , excoriations , and itching , burning sorea over the face , forehead , and breast . When thrown upon the cords and joints , rheumatism in all its forms are induced ; when upon the kidneys , it produces pain , heat , calculi , diabetes , or strangury , excess or deficiency of urine , with inflammation and other sad disorders of the bladder . When carried to the bones , the morbid matter destroys the animal and earthy substances of these tissues , producing necrosis , i . e ., decay or ulceralion of the bones . When conveyed to the liver , all forms of hepatic or bilious diseases are produced . When to the lungs , it produces pneumonia , catarrh , asthma , tubercles , cough , expectoration , and final consumption . When to the stomach , the effects are inflammation , indigestion , sick headache , vomiting , loss of tone and appetite , and a fainting , sinking senaation , bringing troubles and disorders of the whole system . When it seizes upon the brain , spinal marrow or nervoua system , it brings on the tic doloreux , or neuralgia , chorea , or St . Vitus' dance , hysterin , palsy , epilepay , insanity ,
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all the circulating , digestive , nutritive , and secreting : — " * from the head to the feet , from the centre to the . ££ rgans ^ circumference—so it arouses a pure and health y action th ° r th « out the whole economy—cleanses it of morbid matter \ S »' ens weak organs , throws off burdens and obstruction , u nload and oppress it , and impartj vitality to every minute « Which the whole structure . Its virtue is unsurpassed— iui sh ™ Part of quailed—and its praises are echoed from all parts of JhL ? ? - POMEROYS , ANDREWS , and CO ., Sole Proprietors V ' Imperial Warehouse , 373 , Strand , London ( adjoining E ^ t " CAUTION . —Old Dr . Jacob Townsend is now over » . years of age , and has long- been known as the Author an ^ r ?^ covererofthe "Genuine Original Townsend Sarsaparilk " i ?" guard against deception in the purchase of this article « , " t » To trait , Family Coat of Arms ( the emblem of the Lion ITnYf . !"* Eagle ) , and the signature of the Proprietors , will be fonrwj every Label ; without these none is genuine , Price—Pint ^ ° Quarts . 7 s . 6 d . ls >^•\
Untitled Ad
PA INS in the BACK , GRAVEL , LUMBAOrT RHEUMATISM , GOUT , INDIGESTION , DEBIliW STRICTURE , &c—DR . DE ROOS'S COMPOUND BEN *? PILLS , as their name . Renal ( or the kidneys ) , indicates ha in many instances effected a cure when all other means hi failed , and are now established by universal consent as th most safe and efficacious remedy ever discovered * for th above dangerous complaints , discharges of any kind , retentin of urine , and diseases of the kidneys and urinary oman generally , whether resulting from imprudence or otherwise which , if neglected . frequentlyend in fistula , stone in the bladder and a lingering death . For gout , rheumatism , dropsy , scrofula loss of hair and teeth , depression of spirits , blushing , incapacitv for society , study , or business , giddiness , drowsiness , sleen without refreshment , nervousness , and even insanity ' itself when ( as is often the case ) arising from or combined with uril nary diseases , they are unequalled . By their salutary action on acidity of the stomach they correct bile and indi gestion , purifo and promote the renal secretions , thereby preventing the forma tion of stone , and establishing for life the healthy functions of all these organs . ONE TRIAL will convince the most prejudiced of their surprising properties . May be obtained at Is . Ud 2 s . 9 d ., 48 . 6 d ., lls ., and 33 s . per box , through all Medicine ' Venders in the United Kingdom , or should any difficulty occur they will be sent free on receipt of the price in postage stamDg by Dr . DE ROOS . v IMPOETANT PACTS . " T . Webster , Esq ., Sealford , near Melton Mowbray . Jan . 6 , 1850 . " Having read your advertisements , I felt assured your Renal Pills would be of aervice to some of my neighbours . I have had twelve boxes , and they have derived great benefit from takin » them . I shall continue to recommend them to all my friends . " Mr . Milton Welch , Furness . — " Your Renal Pills are the only medicine I have met with that have been of service . " Mr . T . Bloem , Limekiln-street , Dover . — " Please to send a few more of your wonderful Pills . My wife feels great relief already . " Mr . Westmacott , 4 , Maiket-street , Manchester . — "Ycur medicines are very highly spoken of by all who have purchased them of me . " Mr . Smith , Times Office , Leeds . — " One person informs ma that your Renal Pilla are worth a guinea a box . " 2 . Buckingham -place , Brighton , Feb . 22 , 1 S 5 L- " Major Mickleihwait ' thinks it but justice to Dr . De Roos and his in . valuable Medicine to inform him , that he had suffered very much from pains in the back and loins , which induced him to try the Renal Pills , after which he finds himself quite free from pain , &c . " Wm . Cobb , Ewelme , Oxon . — " 1 have , though but a young man , been a great sufferer from pains and debility resulting from gravel . I have had recourse to several medical men of good standing , but nothing has done me so much good as your Pills . I have not been so free from gravel , nor has my health been so good for many years , and all this I owe to your invaluable Pilla . Before I began to take them , my system wag always out of order . " CAUTION . —A self-styled Doctor ( unblushing impudence being his only qualification ) is now advertising under a different name , a highly injurious imitation of these Pills , which to alluie purchasers , he encloses in a useless abbreviated copy of Dr . De Boob ' s celebrated Medical Adviser , slightly changing its title ; sufferers will , therefore , do well to see that the stamp round each box is a bona fide Government Stamp ( not a base counterfeit ) , and not to place reliance on the statementsof this individual , which are published only for the basest purposes of deception on invalids , and fraud on the Proprietor . TO PREVENT FRAUD on the Public by imitations of this excellent Medicine , her Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners of Stamps have directed the name of the Proprietor , in white letters on a red ground , to be engraved on the Government Stamp round each box , without which none is genuine , and to imitate which too closely is felony and transportation . " THE MEDICAL ADVISER , " on all the above diseases , by Dr . De llooa , 168 pages , with coloured descriptive engravings ; to be had through all booksellers , price 2 s . 6 d ., or , on receipt of forty postage stamps , will be sent direct from the Author . N . B . Persons wishing to consult the doctor by letter must send a detail of the symptoms , Sec , with the usual fee of XI , "y Post-office order , pnyabfe at the Holborn Office , for which tin ; necesa : iry medicines and advice will be sent to any part of the world . Address , WALTER DE ROOS , M . I ) ., 35 , Ely-pl « oe , Holbonihill , London , where ho may be consulted from 10 till 1 , and 4 till 8 , Sunday execpted , unlcsa by previous arrangement . N . B . —Should difficulty occur in obtaining the above , encloae the price in postugc-ntampa to the Establishment .
Untitled Ad
rilOOTHACHE PREVENTED by using X BRANDE'S ENAMEL for filling decaying Teeth , arid rendering them sound and painless . Price Is . Enough for several Teeth . The only substance approved by the medical faculty , as being unattended with pain or danger , and the good effects of which are permanent . Sold by a'l Chemists in the United Kingdom . Twenty really authorized Testimonials accompany each box , with full directions for use . Sent free , by return of post , by J . WILLIS , FLEET-6 T 11 EKT , London , in return for thirteen penny stamps . CAUTION . —The great success of this preparation has induced numerous unskilful persons to produce spurious imitations , and to copy Urande ' s Enamel advertisements . It is needful , therefore , to guard against such impositions by seeing that the name of " John Willis ' * accompanies each packet .
Untitled Ad
COLES'S ALGA MAIUNA , » CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF THE SKA-WKED , exercises a Wonderful Tower as an External Remedy over Rheumatism and Rheumatic Gout , even in their most aggravated forms , often curing these distressing maladies after a Tew applications , and invariably conquering the most obstin : ite cases by a reasonable persc'Ti'rancu in its use ; . The following testimonial is submitted m eoulJniMltioii <> f the above statement : — ( Testimonial from Mr . William Piper , Publisher and Bookseller , y ; 5 , Paternoster-row , London . ) «« j ) oc . fl , 1850 . — lljiving been for six months Buffering severely from Uhi'umatiani , for which various kinds of Medicine * and Liniinuntu li «< l been employed without benefit , I was induced , through muling a pamphlet upon tlio medical virtues of COiTeS'S AI . GA MARINA . ' to try it in iny own cam-, and in justice to that t xnt'llent . remedy 1 hnv « innuh pleasure in testify ing that , alter uHiiiff it for only » few times , all puiu left me , and acpnlinued imp lication of it . entirely restored me to health . ( Hit / ned ) " William Pivkh . " Mold by Mr . THOMAS KEATING , Pharmaceutical Chemist , 71 ) , tit . Paul ' s Churchyard , London , Sole Agent . In Bottlea . 2 b . ' !> y all DriijfjjiutB . Pamphlet , gmtle .
Untitled Ad
DR . CULVEUWKIil , ON NKIIVOUHN KKS , DKH 1 LITY , AND IN I > 1 < . > KHTION ; aluo on Urin . iiy Derangement » , Constipation and IlmmorrlioidH . 1 h . euc-h ; by post , 1 h . t > d . TA / HAT JO KAT , DJUNK , AND AVOID . \\ ' Abuliiienlifl miilti curuntur morhi . " A popular exposition of tlio principal enuwes ( over and curelcRB feeding , & <; . ) of the above , liitraHHing and diHticufinff complaints , with an ' equiilly intelligible and popular exposition of how wo uhould live to get rid ol them ; to which in added diet tabloB for every ineul in tin ; duy , anil lull iiintruclioim for tho regimen unii ol » HCivaiice ol evtu-y hour out of tlio twenty-four : illustrated by iuinieroUH cam ; H , tin :. VoIh . 2 and . ' ! , companions to tli « preceding-, THK ENJOYMKNTOFLIFK . | HOW TO UK HAPPY . ** Juculiili ; Vivore . " IV . ON TJllINAltY DLSOJtDKKS , CONSTIPATION , lUulAlIViXMOUIUJOID . S ; theh ¦ Obviution nnd Uemoviil . M 111 ? r wQtwfaKfllr&vA-ft / ii 11 it » -c < 1 w : Maun , « J 1 ) , Comhlll ; und the AutlK ^ afUliJiruvllxaAiuci rt < ' |> uiii- « tttire , t : conuiiltutioii hours , tun to tWve ^ p \ pBngp . ^< rvoivtlll nluu . r 4 % 'r •'
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idiocy , and many other distressing ailments both of body and mind . When to the eyes , ophthalmia ; to the ears , ottorrheca ; to the throat , bronchitis , croup , &c . Thus all the maladies known to the human system are induced by a corrupt state of the blood . With no general remedy on which implicit reliance can bo placed as a purifier of the blood , disease nnd suffering , and consequent want , stalk unchecked and unsubdued in every land in all the world . If there ia arrest of action in any of the viscera , immediately they bejrin to decay ; if any fluid ceases to circulate , or to be changed for fresh , it becomes a mass of corruption , and a malignant enemy to the living fluids and nolids . If the blood stagnates it spoils ; if the bile does not pass off , and give place to trcali , it rota ; if the urine is retained it ruiiiH body and blood . The whole system , every secretion , every function , every fluid depend lor their health upon action , circulation , change , giving ' nnd receiving—and the moment theue cease diecaue , decay , and death begin .
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In thus tracing- the causes and manifestations of disease , wo Bee how wonderful and mysterious are the ways of Providence in ndapting the relations of cause and effect , of action and reaction , of life and death . All nature abounds with tho truth that every active substance has its oppoBito or corrective . All poisons have their antidotes , and all diseases have their remedies , did we but know them . Upon this principle was Dr . Townaend guided in the discovery of his medicine . Prepared expressly by tho old Doctor to act upon the blood , it j « calculated to cure a great variety of diseases . -Nothing could he better for all diseauua of children , ua meuules , croup , hoopingcough , Binull , chicken , or kine pox ; mumps , quinuy , worms , eoarlet fever , coIUh , coutiveneRu , and fevera of all kinds and , being pleiwiuit to the taste , tli « ru can be no difficulty in ffetthijj them to take It . It in the very bent spring medicine to cIuuuho the blood , liver , stomach , kidneys . and akin female nnd
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, , and akin . In female nnd nervoua diseases , thin irreul remedy- does marveja in repulutintf tho menaea , making them natural , relieving puina . crampo , spiiam . i , faiiiliiifr , and currying off all those disturbing and debilitating influencea wnich eimae the fulling of trie womb , leucorrluiiu or the whitm , ficaldinif , obstruction , or frequent inclinutioiiH to puss urine . This superior remedy in a tfieiit tonic , given Htiongth to weak organa , wunk nerves weak Htoniac . hn , and debilitated iiiu « cIch and joints , and enriches the blood , und ull the fluids of Ihc body . ' In conglm colds brouchitlH . weak or tijfht cheat , palpitation of the heart ui ' ul lunir consumption , the Old Doctor ' .. HurnapnilLi it without a rival It luu medicine which I , an been uued by hundred * of thousands — been recommended by imuivrouu inont rcHpectubhi reifuhir pliybidiuid to the « ick , und an it nctH through the blood upon every tiuuuo and fluid of the bod y ; upon etery organ , Hbro , and norvo ; upon every glm . d mid cord , munclo mid ju « iubnuie ; upon
Untitled Ad
IIUPTUI 1 K 8 EFFECTUALLY CUBED WITHOUT A TUU 88 ! REA D the followinir TESTIMONIALS , selected from many hundreds in the possession of !>«¦ BARKER : — " I am happy to inform you that my rupture ia quite cured . " — Kev . II . Uerbice . May 17 , 1851 . " My rupture lmu never appeared since . I consider it a miracle to he cured , uftor tmflering twenty years . "—J . Edu , l ' 'l- » Juno a . IH 51 . " 1 have much pleasure in adding my testimony to the hucoob * of your remedy . "—Mm . Button , June I . 1851 . Dr . JIAIIKICII utill continues to suppl y the afflicted with hiH ceiebiaUd remedy for thin ulurming comp laint . «•»» frrunt fluoceoH of which lor many yeiirs paat reiul «> rn »» y further comment uitiircnaunry . It in eitny and p » iiil «»« l" UB < . ' cauHin ^ no inconvenience or confinement , anil Is nppli "" " to every variety of ( tingle and double Uuplurn , however *' . ' - long- HtundiiiK ' , in male or fcin . du of uny age . The remedy , W » full inulrticLioiiB for hbu , will bn went pout fr . cn to any 1 »"' of the kingdom , on receipt of G » . ( ill . in poatagie-Ht « I"pH » ' Po 8 l-o (! lco order , b y Dr . Al . l'iutl ) lUliKltu , 48 . Livorpool- » tro « i . Kiiig ' n-ciou 8 , London , where he may bo conuulted daily n " leu to on « inoiiungB , nnd live till eight eveiiingu ( Huuduyy «•*" copied ) . Pout-office ordeiu to bo made payable lit the UiU "" - brUluu I'out-olHce . I f # " A greut number of timthnimials ami trusses have been i < behind by por « ion » curod , im trophic * « f the succodB <>» lI remedy .
Untitled Article
594 &t ) C &CabtV . [ Saturday
Leader (1850-1860), June 21, 1851, page 594, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1888/page/22/