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NEW WORK BY ALBERT SMITH . On the First of July will be published , price One Shilling ( to be continued Monthly ) , No . I . of a new Periodical , entitled THE MONTH . A VIEW OF PASSING SUBJECTS , MANNERS , HOME AND FOREIGN , SOCIAL AND GENERAL . By ALBERT SMITH . Illustrated by JOHN LEECH . PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF " THE MONTH , " NO . 3 , WHITEFRIARS STREET .
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OW TO SEE THE EXHlSm ^ IN FOUR VISITS . ^ AA lON , By W . Blanchakd Jbkrold . Visit the First , price 6 d ., containing—The Transent * r South-Westem Section of the British DepartS ' , EV the Second , price 6 d ., containing—The North-We » t . m a Vlsit of the British Department and Galleries , are now on a « l » tl 0 ° ? «• Visits Third and Fourth , containing the Nave thL a Western and North . Eastern 8 ectiona and Galleries of thpp . " Department , will be ready in a few days . r ° reign Bradbury and Evans . 11 , Bouverie-street ; and all Booksell
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Just published , in one vol ., crown 8 vo ., cloth , 16 s ., ABD-EL-KADERA Poem , in Six Cantos . By Viscount Maidstonb . London : Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly .
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This day is published , in one vol ., post 8 vo . cloth , 14 s ., THE HUMAN BODY , and its CONNECTION With man . Illustrate *] by the Principal Organs . By James John Gahth Wilkinson . Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England . London : Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly .
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This day , Second and Cheaper Edition , 2 s ., of THE SAINT'S TRAGEDY : the True Story of Elizabeth of Hungary . l ! y Chaulet Kingsley , juii ., Rector of Eversley . With a Preface by the lUverend F . D . Maurice . By the same Author , YEA . ST : aProhlem . Reprinted , with Additions , from Ftuser's Magazine . 9 s . TWENTY-FIVE VILLAGE SERMONS . 5 s . London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
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Lately published , in 8 vo ., price 10 s . 6 d . cloth , 'C'LEMENTS of CATHOLIC PHILOSOPHY ; -Li or , Theory of the Natural System of the Human Mind . " This is one of the most remarkable works that have issued from the press for a very considerable period . If the truth of the system set forth inits pages be satisfactorily established , we do not think it any exaggeration to say , that it will constitute an epoch in the progress of mental science as important as those produced by Locke ' s immortal Essay and Kant ' s Critick of Pure Reason . "— Patriot . London : Longman , Brown , Green , &nd Longmans .
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On the 30 th inst . will be published , price One Shilling , with a coloured Engraving and numerous Woodcuts by John Leech , THE THIRD NUMBER OF THE COMIC HISTORY OF ROME , For the Use and Amusement of Schools and Families . A NEW MONTHLY PERIODICAL , by the author of " The Comic History of England . " , London : Bradbury and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street .
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Just published , an Enlarged Edition , of POLITICAL HINTS . ' By R . Booker , Esq . Advocating the interests of Tenant-Farmers and the general welfare of our common country . May be had of Kent and Co ., Pateiiioster-row ; Woodley , 30 , Fore-street ; and of all Booksellers .
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Just published , price 2 s . 6 d ., HO WARD on the LOSS of TEETH . —A new invention connected with Dental Surgery ha 9 been introduced by Mr . Howard , consisting of an entirely new description of Artificial Teeth , fixed by SELF-ADHESION , combining capillary attraction and atmospheric pressure , without springs , wires , or ligatures . They will never change colour or decay , and will be found very superior to any teeth ever before U 3 ed . This method does not require the extraction of any teeth or roots , or any painful operation . The invention is of importance to many persons , and those who are interested in it should read thi 3 treatise ., London : Simpkin and Marshall , and all Booksellers ; or of the Author , Thomas Howard , Surgeon Dentist , 17 , George-stieet , Hanover-ssquare . •* .
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MUSIC BY WILLIAM THOROLD WOOD . THE PEOPLE'S ANTHEM . Poetry by Ebenezer Elliott . Second Thousand . Price Is . " We are glad to see that these fiiie stanzas of the Corn-law "Rhymer have at last found fitting musical utterance . The composer is not unworthy of the poet . "— Tuit's Mag ., May , 1850 . " FREEDOM , ARISE ! " A Prayer for the Downfall of Russo-Austrian Tyranny . Quartet and Chorus , with Pianoforte Accompaniment . Price 4 s . " ALL HAIL THE DAY WHEN NATIONS MEET ! " A Son ? for the Great Exhibition . Poetry by Charlotte Young . Price 2 s . London : J . Shepherd , 98 , Newgate-street ; and to be had , by order , of all Music-sellers in the Kingdom .
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WORKS PUBLISHED by E . APPLEYarTT 86 , FABRINGDON-STREET , CITY A tU > > Now Publishing , in Penny Weekly Numbers , and vnBll , Parts at Sixpence , beautifully Illustrated il 0 n % THE PERILS OF THE OCEAN ! Being Authentic Natives of Remarkable and Affecting Disasters upon the I ) also Wonderful and Daring Adventures by Land . Nna 1 ? 6 are now ready : also Part I . os * *> WORK 8 COMPLETE . THE WANDERING JJ&W , 86 Engraving . a" d > THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS , 53 Erjwravinjrs ' ' a ° ATAR-GULL , and PAULA MONTI , 19 Engravings ' o 2 MARTIN THE FOUNDLING , 51 Engravings . ' 7 ° THE WIDOW'S WALK , 19 Engravings . . ' 0 « THE SLAVE KING , 17 Engravings ... . * '» THE SIN OF M . ANTOINE , 11 Engravings . . " ? ? OTTAWAH , 22 Engravings . , ¦ . i i : . . ' THE BASTARD OFMAULEON . By . Alex . Dumas ! 25 Engravings . »•• . ¦ . . * ... : ¦>' . ¦ . . a - CALCULUS , THE'TURFITE'S COMPUTOR . . ' 7 ,, BARLOW'S NIGGER MELODIST , 1 st . 2 nd , 3 rd , and ' i-4 th Series , post-free , 10 penny stamps each .- . n R HELPS TO MEMORY . Being Questions and aaswm in every Department of Human Knowledge . , i <• LIVES OF THE MOST CELEBRATED ACTORS AND ACTRE 3 SE >; By T . S . Marshall , Esq ., with their Portraits by John Gilbert . Esq , . 4 n THE TAILOR'S TyTOR , with 18 Plates . . . 5 a THE COMPLETE READY RECKONER , from One Farthing"to One Ponnd . . . . . - . , 06 AMERICAN-RECITATIONS . Post-free , 10 penny stamps 0 6 W ; WARDJfi'S CO MIC SONGS . Post-free , 10 penny stamps 0 6 MANLrY'BEAUTY . . . . . ... 10 LIFE > IN PARIS : . . . 36 PRIDE ; or , THE DUCHESS . . . . . . 20 MEMOIRS OF A PHYSICIAN . . . . . 36 THE FORTY-FIVE GUARDSMEN ... . 26 THE COMMANDER OF MALTA . . . . . 16 32 PLATES to Illustrate the Cheap Edit , of N . Nickel by . 1 6 BLACK TULIP . By Dumas In HOUSEHOLD LIBRARY ; or . Guide to Domestic Happiness . . 20 WOBKS TO BE HAD IN PBNNY NUMBKRS . THE WANDERING JEW . . complete in 70 Numbers . THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS . „ 33 ATAR-GULLand PAULA MONTI . „ 30 MARTIN THE FOUNDLING . . „ 47 THEBASTARO-lOFMAULKOSJi- . „ 26 LIFE IN PARIS - . . . „ 43 PAiDB ; or , THE DUCHESS . 22 „ MEMOIRS OF A PHY 8 ICIAN . „ 43 THE FORTY-FIVE GUARpSMEN „ 30 „ THE COMMANDER OF MALTA . „ 14 „ THE BLACK TULIP . . . ., 10 •„ ¦; TALES OF ALL NATIONS now Publishing in Pennjf .-lJFumbfers . AH the above Works are always in Print in NumWaJs or Corhplete Copies , and are well printed on Fine Paper , With Beautiful Illustrations , and can be had by Order of any Bookseller in Town or Country .
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Just published , pr ice Is ., THE DIFFICULTY SOLVED ; or , the Government of the People by Themselves . Translated from the French of F'ictor Considerant . fjaines Watson , 3 , Queen ' s Head-passage , Paternoster-row .
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Just published , I IEBIG'S CHEMICAL LETTERS , including -J a Sketch of the History of Chemistry , and tire results of the author ' s latest researches in Dietetics , Physiology , and Agriculture . Cheap Edition . Complete in I vol ., leap . 8 vo ., 6 s ., cloth . II . LARDNER'S HAND-BOOK of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY . Containing Mechanics , Hydrostatics . ydraulica , Pneumatics , Sound , and Optics . I vol ., large h ' mo ., 12 s . tid ., cloth . IIT . DE MORGAN'S BOOK of ALMANACS , with Index , by which the Almanac belonging-4 o any Year preceding A . D . 2000 can be found ; with means of finding New and Full Moons from B . C . 2000 to A . D . 2000 . Oblong 8 vo ., 5 a ., cloth . IV . LETTERS to a CANDID INQUIRER on ANIMAL MAGNETISM . Description and Analysis of the Phenomena ; details of Facts and cases . By William Gregory , M . I ) ., F . K . S . E ., Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh . 1 vol ., 12 mo ., cloth , price 9 s . lid . Taylor , Walton , and Maberley , i ! 8 . Upper Gower-street , and 27 , Ivy-lam .-, Paternoster-row .
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Shortly will be published , price 21 s . ; to bubsenbers , 16 s ., DANIEL , an ORATORIO . By GEORGE LAKE . The words are selected from the Scriptures , and from Hannah More's Sacred Drama of "Daniel . " The work consists of the following pieces : — Introduction . —Chorus , " Behold 'tis Daniel Reigns . " Recit ., Soranus and Pharnaces ( Presidents of the Court of Persia ) . March . Chorus , " Hail , Great Darius . " Recit ., Durius and Pharnaces . Chorus , " Glory attend thee . " ltecit . and Aria , " Put thou thy trust in the Lord . " Chorus , " Great is the Lord . " Prayer , Daniel , " Hide me under the shadow of thy wings . Chorus , " Behold ! he prnys . " Chorus , "Daniel , the captive Jew . " ltecit ., Darius , " O deep-laid stratagem . " Aria , " Who now shall guide ? " Quartet , "The Lord will not forsake them . " Symphony . Kecit ., Darius , " O Daniel , servnnt of the living God . " Aria , Daniel , " My God hith sent his angel . " Kecit ., Darius . " Draw near , my subjects . " "Aria , Daniel , "Let all adore . " Chorus , " Proclaim aloud ' Jehovah reigneth . '" The Oratorio , which will shortly be produced , will be published by Messrs . Afldison anil 11 oilier , 210 , Regent-street , where Subscribers * ' names are received .
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HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE . SOIREES EXTRAORDINAI&E 9 . The Week ' s Performances will include the talents of Madame Sontag , Mile . Caroline Duprez , Madame Fiorentini , Madame Giuliani , Madame Ugalde , and Mile . Sofie Cruvelli ; Signor Gardoni , Mr . Sims Reeves ; Signori Pardini , Poultier , Calzolari , Lablache . Massol , F . Lablache , Casanova , Scapini , Lorenzo , Ferranti , and Coletti ; Mile . Amalia Ferraris , Mile Marie Taglioni , and Mile . CarolinaRosati . MM . Charles , Ehrick , Gosselin , and Paul Taglioni . On Tuesday , June 21 , IL BARBIERE DI 81 VIGLIA , Divertissement , and LA SYLPUIDE . Wednesday . J une 25 . IL PKODIGO . Thursday , June 26 , Grand Extra Night , FIDELIO ( being the last time the Opera can be given befure the end of the season ) . Divertissement , LA PROVA L > 'UM OPERA LUCIA , and LA SYLPUIDE . Friday , June 27 , LA PRODIGO . The Last Grand Classical , Dramatic , Miscellaneous , Concerted MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT of the season will tuko p lace on Monday Morning , June 30 . Signor 8 ivori ( engaged exprea » Iy for this occasion ) will execute Two Unpublished Pieces of Paganini .
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Just published , price 3 s . Gd . PETER SCHLEMIHL ; or , the SHAD 0 WLK 38 MAN . By Ciiamis . hu . With a Vocabulary and Copious Explanatory Notes , liy Falok .-Lbhahn . London : Siinpkiu , Marshall , and Co . : and at Mr . Lebahn ' a Class-rooms , Hi , London-wall , City , and 1 , Annette-crescent , Lower-road , Islington . Third Kdition , price 8 s . ; with Key , 10 a . 6 < 1 ., GERMAN in ONE VOLUME : containing a Grammar , Exercises , a Ueading-Book , and a Vocabulary of 45 C 0 " Words synonymous in German and English . By Kalck-Lkiiajin . " This is the beat German Grammar that lm « yet been published . "—Morning Pott . " The exercises are very good , well ffrnduatcd , and well designed to illurttniU ; the rules . ' The 4500 Worda » ynonymoU 8 in German und Kngluth' is a very ad vutUiigeouu feature . " —Spectator . " Ltrl ) ahn ' u mntliod iu clear , aimple , and ujiBily followed , everything like intricacy bring- curofully avoided . " —Mortittitf Chronicle . 1 ' rice (> h ., PRACTICE in GERMAN : containing the first Three Chapters ) of ' * Undine , " with a Literal Interlinear TrarnJlatiou , aii ' . I CopiouB Nott-H . " Whoever failH to Irani the German language with this help , must have an intellect iirede « mably dull anil oMubcuUmI . "—The Sun . "A work perfect of its kind . " —Lady's Nnw . spa / uT . " The cntlrw contrivance of the ' 1 ' ructice' rxhibitH rxt . rnordinary tact anil knowledge on the Bubjitctof touching . "— % ' fu ; lira .
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I ' ric * : Oh . 6 < l ., THE SELF-INSTRUCTOR in GERMAN . Containing-: — 1 . I ) Kit MUTHWILLIGK ( the W « g ) : a Comedy , in Five Acta . Uy Kotzkiidb . U . DKR NKI'I ' l- ; AF . S ONKKL : a Comedy . In Thren ActH . Uy Hoiiii . luu . Witlia Vocabulury aiidC (> i > iouuNoto » , l » y Tai . ok-J . iuimin . " A inoBt praclii ul work . "—ltritannia . " Ono of the moat aiiiiiHiiig elenxintary r « ading-b < iokH that <> v «; r puHHixl under our hitiidu . " —John Bull . ¦ " Tho student could liuvuno guide superior to Mr . Lebuhn . "JMerary ( htzette . •»• More than 130 coiiinioudnry , ' noticcu of tho above works lmvc « pu «» red .
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PRICE OAK PENNY . THE CHEAPEST FAMILY MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD . Published Weekly , in demy 8 vo ., Twelve Pages , and in Monthly Pnrta and Volumes . TALES OF ALL NATIONS : I'ORMINQ A LIBRARY OF ILLUSTRATIVE ROMANCE . The love of Romance and the tie hi re to be acquainted with the deeds of other nations and other tiinei ) , the interest with which wu hear of the habits and ciiutomu , the thoughts and opinions of thoBii who can only be known to us through the medium of others , are among the chief rcusons of tho popularity of Tales und I ' erttonitl Narratives . The glowing regions of pure fiction pull upon the tuate . Unsupported -t » y probability , the muut poelic nijhtu of fancy become insipid : while TuleB which are the riBulta of travel and founded on realities will never censu to iittiact while there in a thought to b « expressed , or any place or ciidloin to be described . The period when ALL THE NATIONS OF THE EAltTH would linil u temporary home utnongat ua appeured peculiarly the time to commence the "Tales of all Nations , " in the page * of which are described tho riso and progress , the homes and huhitn , the thoughtu and HcutimcnlH , thu tloinestic life and wociitl couditioiiH of our intereBting visitors . Nor will the intcresl of thcai ) Talcs he confined to this period . Oonlaiuiug Tilled of ancient u » well an modern timeu . of ugos glowing with chivalry and romance , an well an treating of the more bouibre realities of the present , they will exhibit the 1 ( 11111-nera an < l cuutouiii of people in every uraof the world , and form a PEKMAMENT UHKAltY OK ILLUrfTHATIVE HOMANCK . Eitch Tali ; will be completed in from two to threu or four nuinldi t ) . ' 1 'he tbrilling interest of the whole « ill b « thus coiicenlruled , while tin ; uiout striking uric ! interesting points will he ILLUSTKATKO 1 JY HPIltlTEU ENGRAVINGS . Noh . I , - , . 'I , contain '" Tho Crhnes of the Rich and the Poor , " " The Will , I'ho Hlue . k Cut , " " The Forgery . " K . ; a < l " THE 1 ILAOK CAT , " the uiOHt uBtoiiniUug tale % >[ the day . No . ) . 4 , ft , and ( i contain " Jotieph Juc < uuird und the Looms of Lyoiih , " " I he Ciiniival at 1 'uris , J'iio J « iwp « s of Willieku . " 1 ' url I ., ooiUnining Ti pugeu and six illu « LraUoim , price Gd . In an ulegnut wrapper , will be ready in a few tlayu . London : E . Appleyard , 60 , I ' lirringdou-wtrcot ; ami may l »» ordered of all Uookaellciu .
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pOPYRIGHT MEETING—The attendance of V > / British Authors , Publishers . Printers , Stationers o «<} others , interested in nil equitable adjustment of British « " « Foreign Copyright , is requested at a Public Meeting , to bfl he '" at the HANOVER-SQUAUK KOOM 8 , ou TVESOAY , Jujy ' . at Two ( n ' clock , to consider tfmir interests as oflect «< i by » recent decision of a Court of Law . tending to deprive them of »» prospect of reciprocal rights , by removing the inducement * for International Copyright . The Chair will be taken by H ' EDWAJID BULWBtt LYTTON , Bart ., punctually » t Hullpast Two , and Mr . Hhnky G . Uohn will act us Vlce-Oh . driiian . CHARLES 8 TEVEN 8 , Hon . See , 4 , South-square . Gr » y '* -In » -
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HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE . The Last Grand Classical , Dramatic , Miscellaneous , Concerted MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENTof theeeasoo . iu lUdian , French . English , Spanish , and German , will toko pl * o <> on MONDAY , June 30 . 1851 , Selected from the following Authorn : —Weber . 8 pohr , Cherubini , 8 pontini , Bossini , Oluck , Mercadante , Cimarosa , Beethoven , Zingarelli , Purcell , Aubfr . Mowrt , Meyerbeer , and Mendelssohn ; and ambiacinjf many highly »« - teresting Novelties . On this occasion will appear Mcsdames Sontag , Caroline Duprez , Alaimo , Giuliani , Ida ttertraud , Fiorentini , Mario Cruvelli , and Sofle Cruvelli : Madame Ujralde , Bijnori Oardonl am Calzolari , Mr . Sims Reeves and Signor Pardini , Signor Colettt and Ferranti , F . Lablache , and Lablache . The whole under the direction of Mr . Balfe . Signor Sivori ( engaged expressly for this occasion ) will execute Two Unpublished Pieces of Paganini . The Concert will commence at Two o'clock precisely ^
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596 Qtt ) e lLeadet . [ Satukdax-, Joke 21 , 1851
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H > niloiii riiuted bjrltoBBBT I ' ai . mkb ( of No . a , CUep * to vr-tt ; rraae , " " *' . ** « ri » hol Keaunjrton . Middlc . ox ) , » t the Office of Robert I '« hn « r •»• Jo . oj . 1 ! Clayton , No . 10 . Cr . necourt . Fleet . treet . iu the P « ri » h "' " *• Duiutab-ln-the-Wait , in the City of London ; » nd publUhed bjr J "" ,, " Ci . « TTOM , Janr . of and at the I ' ublUhlnK-offlce , No . V « b , Strand . ' ¦ "" r « rUU of Ht . Clement U « ao » , iu the CUy •! We » t » Vint # r . —»**•»¦*" Juno SI , 1 K > I ,
Leader (1850-1860), June 21, 1851, page 596, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1888/page/24/