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CBinitttrrm! Maixs. _ —
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Free Congregations , who desired that his dead chxld should be buried according to the ritual of the Free Church . The man obeyed the summons , was kept in custody for a length of time , and when liberated he ascertained that two officers had entered his dwelling , forced themselves into the room where his wife was lying dangerously ill , and took away the child to bury it in the Catholic cemetery according to the old ritual . Such is a specimen of the cruelties committed by the Catholic clergy against Diesenters in the countries where the Government permits them power to do so . And yet , forsooth , Cardinal Wiseman and the Irish Papal clergy presume to speak of persecution by a Protestant Legislature , when they find it necessary to prevent England being tyrannized over by a Pope .
In spite of all these persecutions , the Free Congregations of Austria held to their faith . In Vienna alone , the members numbered ten thousand souls in the beginning of this year . This growth and spread of reformation principles caused the ministry of Schwarzenberg to dispense with the first article of that constitution which was granted b y the reigning monarch , and which guaranteed religious liberty to all Austrian subjects , * and the Free Congregations were suppressed in August , 1851 . in this to
While the Austrian Ministry tries way suppress the principles of the Reformation in Germany , it at the same time endeavours to revenge itself on the English People and Government , seeking to withdraw attention from the stateof the Continent , creating domestic embarrassments by supporting the Irish Catholic clergy in their reactionary and violent tendencies ; for it need hardly be remarked that the Pope and his councillors are mere tools in their hands . Cardinal Wiseman was congratulated officially by Austria , though not publicly , at the end of last year . I would even speak more plainly , that there is no doubt that this Cardinal was directly sent to England by Austria . Can there be a shadow of a doubt , with striking facts of the progress of Popery , that the waves of the counter-revolution of the Continent have already , '
washed the soil of Great Britain ? May this Protestant nation be warned in time , and not look apathetically on the religious persecutions of Germany ! Is this a time for slumber ? Austria is the vassal of Russia ; Russian barbarism and Roman Jesuitism will poison the morals of nations . Let the English nation bear this in mind , that Catholic Absolutism having subjected the chief Protestant power of Germany , will never cease to cast its revengeful eye on England . Let the People of England and the United Siates of America endeavour , by every means within their power , to support the principles of religious liberty in Germany , and oppose with all their might this suppression of the Free Congregations in that country . Give us an active sympathy and support for these principles , and the Reformation will find its way to Ireland and to Italy .
In conclusion , sir , permit me briefly to explain a double position which I have taken in the agitation for religious liberty . As the founder of the * ' Free Congregations" of Germany I stand on a purely religious ground ; there I have nothing to do with any political partyv But while I am thus contending for the principle of religious liberty , and the right of self-government for all Christian confessions , I have deemed it to be my duty as well as interest to enter into a closer connection with those leaders of
the German popular party who have embraced the same principles . I therefore , sir , take this opportunity of Htating , that in both these capacities—as the founder of the Free Congregations , and as a member of the German Agitation Union of London , I shall continue my publication of facts which bear on tho religious liberty of the continent of Europe . I am , sir , your obedient servant , Johannes Honoh . Letters sent to me to the above address will receive every attention , and be answered by any information desired . I am to bo found at home on Fridays from 11 to 12 o ' clock .
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• " The full enjoyment of political liberty , and the right of domestic exercise of the religious confession , nre guaranteed to every one . Tho enjoyment of civil and political rights 1 b independent of tint religious confosuion , hut that rcligiouu confcsaioit ¦ hall not be allowed to interfere with I lie political duticu of tho citizonu . "—Constitution of March 1 , 1849 , Section I .
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HEALTH OF LONDON DURING THE WEEK . ( From the Registrur-Gcncral' 8 Report . ) Tho weekly reports have not been recently of tho uiowt favourable character . During live weeks that have run ¦ ince July 20 , tho deaths , except in one instance , have ranged above 1000 ; in the week ending August 16 they reached 1061 , and in the week ending last Saturday they again roue to the same number . The 10 C 1 deaths now returned indicate not only a high rate of mortality for London , hh compared with more open districts of the
country , but un Increased amount as measurad by former experience in the metropolitan dlntricts at the name ¦« ason of the year . In the corresponding week of 1841 ) , wh « -n epidemic cholera had nearly attained ita higheut point , 2706 deaths were registered in London ; but , with that aud another exception , the deaths in the corresponding weeks of 1841-60 did not reach 1000 , and were generall y under 900 . Of the whole number of persons JJUo died lust week nearly one-half had not completed th « U fifth y «* of exUUno * .
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MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE Saturday . Consols have fluctuated considerably this week . On Monday they closed at 96 J , an advance of one-eighth . On Tuesday they rose to 96 § to 4 ; but on Wednesday they fell to 96 } to f ; and on Thursday , owing to the " general aspect of Foreign affairs , " they receded to 96 | to \ . Yesterday they opened at 96 $ to i and closed at 963 to & . In Foreign stocks the bargains officially reported yesterday were : ^ -Mexican , for account , 28 and 28 $ ; Peruvian Deferred , 43 < J ; Portugese Four per Cents ., for account ., 321 ; Sardinian Scrip , 2 discount ; Spanish Five per Cents ., for account , 20 J and i ; Spanish Three per Cents ., 37 j ; and Dutch Four per Cent Certificates , 92 } and J . The fluctuations of the week have been , Consols from 95 | to 96 J ; Bank Stock , 215 to 216 ; Exchequer Bills , 44 s . to 48 s . premium .
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AVKRAOK PK 1 CK OK HUUAK . Thu ; vvi ; rttj (» i prico of Hi own or Muscovado Huyar , computed from thu ictuniu inuilo in tho week urnling- thti « nd day < tl Heptiiinbcr , 1 H 01 , in ' SI A . 3 d . per cwt .
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CORN EXCHANGE . Mauk-1 < anb , September 6 . —Supplies moderate , weather fine , and trade dull at former rates for Wheat und Barley . Oats lesa plentiful than of Jftte , and 6 d . dearer for bent qualities .
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8 HAKK 8 . I . ast Official Quotation for Week ending Friday Kveniug . Uaii . wa . vh . Hanks . Aberdeen .. .. — Australasian .. .. — liriutol and Exeter .. 7 ' . » Ilritish North American Caledonian .. .. iM Colonial .. .. .. — KatUern Counties .. !> . } Commercial of London .. — Edinburgh and ( Jlusgow — London and . \ Vt ; aliniiiHtt ; r '" . \ Great Northern .. .. I 5 J London Joint Stock .. IN £ Oicat 8 . & W . ( Ireland ) 3 X 1 National of Ireland .. — Great Western .. .. 7 <> J National Provincial .. — - Lancabhiru and Yorkshire 48 Provincial of Ireland .. — I , iinoant < -r mid Carlialt- — - Union of Auotralia .. 3 !" > Loud ., lirifrhtou , &H . Coast 91 < k Union of London .. 11 London and Dlnokwall .. tij Minus . London aiul N .-Wouteru 1 l . Sij Dotation .. .. .. — Midland .. .. .. 41 / Brazilian Imperial .. —• North HritiHh .. .. ! tj Ditto , St . John < lel ALiy — South-Kaetorn and Dovoi — Cobra Copper .. .. — South-WcBlern .. .. HO ' f Mihcki . i . ankuiis . York , Now can ., & lierwick Ki , | AuHtraliun Agricultural — York aud North Midland lO ; , Canadu .. .. ,. — 1 )( H ! K . H . * General H tea in .. .. — Kaat and Wcut India .. — -. Pc . ihuh . He Oriental Steujn 08 London .. .. .. - ltoyal Mail SStcuin Ht . Knthurinu .. .. — Uoulh AiiHtraliitii .. —
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FOREIGN KUND 8 . ( Last Official Quotation during- the Week ending Friday Evening . ) Austrian 5 per Cents . 81 Mexican 5 per Ct . Aco . 28 £ Belgian Ud 8 ., 44 p . Ct . 94 $ —Small .. .. — Brazilian 5 per Cents . 904 Neapolitan 5 per Cents . — Buenot < Ayres 6 p . Ota . 65 Peruvian 4 . J per Cent * . — Chilian 6 per Centa ... — Portuguese 5 per Cent . — DaniBh . > por Cents . .. 1012 4 per Cts . 32 ] Dutch 24 per Cents ... 594 ¦ Aiiuuitiea — 4 per Cents . .. UiiiJ Russian , 1822 , 4 ^ p . Cta . 103 & Ecuador Bonds .. 3 j } Span . Actives , T ) p . Cta . 21 French 5 p . C . An . atParis 94 . 40 Passive .. Og 3 p . Cta ., Julyll , 5 tS . 3 » Deferred .. —
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Salur Mond Tues . Wedn . Thurs . Frid . Bank Stock .... 215 215 A 215 jf 215 . J ; Wi 3 per Ct . Red .. 97 A 90 | 97 97 i 9 < j f 9 ( ii 3 p . CCon . Ans . 96 § 96 | 96 § 9 l >| 'J 6 | 96 j } 3 p . C . An . 1726 . 3 p . Ct . Con ., Ac . 96 & 961 96 J 968 j 9 "f 96 jj if p . Cent . An . 98 ^ 98 | « J 8 g 98 J 98 j 95 J New 5 per Ctn . Long Ana ., 1860 . 7 £ 7 g 74 7 £ 7 i | Ind . St . lO ^ p . ct . 260 Ditto Bonds .. 57 p 57 p 49 p 48 p bl p Ex . Bills . 1000 / . 46 p 47 p 44 p 48 p 47 p Ditto , 5 ) U « . .. 49 p 46 u 48 p 41 p 48 p 41 p Ditto , Sinai 49 p 46 p 48 p 44 p 48 p 44 p
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BANK OF ENGLAND . An Account , pursuant to the Act 7 th and 8 th Victoria , cap . 32 for the week ending on Saturday , the 30 th of August , 1851 , ISSUE DEPARTMENT . £ £ Notes issued .... , 763 , 415 Government Debt , 11 , 015 100 Other Securities .. 2 , 984 , 900 Gold Coin and Bul-I lion 13 , 730 , 040 i Silver Bullion 33 , 375 _____________ ' _ - ___—_—_ £ 27 , 763 , 415 J JE 27 . 763 . 415 BANKING DEPARTMENT . £ £ Proprietors'Capital . 14 , 553 , 000 Government Secu-Rest . i 3 , 566 , 965 rities ( including Public Deposits ( in- Dead-weight Ancluding Exche- nuity ) 13 , 464 , 216 quer Saving's' Other Securities ,. 13 , 391 , 716 Banks , Commis- Notes 8 , 016 , 920 sioners of National Gold and Silver Debt , and Divi- Coin 699 , 009 dend Accounts ) .. 7 , 607 , 965 Other Deposits .... 8 , 525 , 022 8 even-day and other Bills 1 , 248 , 939 £ 35 , 501 ^ 891 £ 35 , 501 , 891 Dated September 4 , 1851 . M , Marshall , Chief Cashier .
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CBinitttrrm ! Maixs . _ —
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FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tueiday , September 2 . Bankrupts . —W . J . Paxman and Cathrhinb Pax man , Hare-street , Bethnall-green , silk dyer * , to surrender September 13 , October 11 ; solicitors , Messrs . Crosby and Cotnpton , Churchcourt . Old Jewry ; official assignee , Mr . Penueil , CJuildhallchainbers , liasingh . tll street—J . and T . Y . Wall , Chatham , brewers . September 8 . October 17 ; solicitors , Messrs . W right and Bonncr , London-street , Feuchurch-street ; official assignee , M r . Whitinore , Ba-inghall-street— H . A . NliWHAN , Jewry-street , Aldgate , and Church-street , Shoredich , clothier , September 8 , Oclob « r 17 ; solicitors , Messrs . Keid , Laugford , and Marsden , Friday-street , Cheapside , and Measra . Sale , Worthington , and Khipman , Manchester ; official assignee , Mr . Caiman , Birchinlane , Cornhill—W . Sthanob , jun ., Paternoster-row , bookseller , September 8 . October 17 ; solicitor , Mr . ( jidley , Crosby-hallcluuiiberH , BUhopBgate-atreet ; oflicial assignee , Mr . Whitmore , liaHlifliall-strect—D . Bonnet , Mark-lane and Golden-square wine ini-rchanl , September 13 , October ' 21 ; soliciter , Mr . Lewid , Albany-court-yard , Piccadilly ; olnciul assi g nee , Mr . Carman — W . 11 . Luckins , Kennington-row , Kennin <; ton , coachmakcr , tSepternbi-r 8 . October 17 ; solicitors , Messrs . Catea and Bon , Fenchurch-atreet ; official assignee , Mr . Whitmore , UauinKhullttri-el—It . Thori-K , Htatford , last iHanufacturev , Septembtr l ( i , October 7 ; solicitor , Mr . Smith , Birminghain ; oflicial assignee . Mi-. Whitmore , Birmingham—J . Phillips , Longton . 3 t ; dVor < l-Hhire , grocor , 8 < : pteinber 1 G , October 7 ; solicitorn , MessrH . Evan » and Hon , Liverpool , or Mr . Smith , Binningham ; official armigm-c . Mr . Valpy , Birmingh ; un—T . Wkuij , SU > url ) ii < lge , Woice » lcri < hiie , clothier , September l ( i , October 7 ; nolicitofa , Mr . Price , Stourbridge , and Mr . Smith , Birmingham ; official UBBignt-o , Mr . Christie , Birmingham—J . Miikjlky , Kiugstouupoii-llull , carpenter , September 17 , October If ); solicitor . Mr . £ axeltiye , Hull ; official assignee , Mr . Carric . k , Hull—M . PairiHON , Houlh tjhicldtf . ironmonger , September 10 , October 17 ; sulicitoi'H , Mevitrs . rosby aud ( Jomplon , Church-court , Old Jewry ; und Mr . Hoyle , Newcastlo-upon-Tyne ; official asbiguve , Mr . Bakvr , NowouHtle-upon-Tyne . Friday , September 0 . Hankuiji-m . —J . Vai . hntink , Northampton , tea doaler , to « urr <) : idfr S «|> tember 13 , October 21 , solicitors , Messrs . Miller and Carr , KitHtchttup ; official assignee , Mr . Whitmore , Basinghall-strvut—J . Buviukmki . l , Windsor , brewer , bepteiubur 13 , Outobur ^ ' 4 ; Holicitors , Mndsrs . Lawrancn , PIowh , ami Hoy or . Old Jowry-ohtimbers , and Messrs . Bunny and Hon . Nuwbury ; official unbignve , Mr . Caiman , Birohin-liine , Cornhill 1 ' . I ' --Nuwhtkad , Norwich , draper , Hnptembvr 13 , October IH ; soUcitom , Messrs . Ilardwick , Davis , and Bradbury , Weavers ' -hall . Basinghall - street ; official amuffiM-r . All . Peiuull , liuildhalL-chamborH , BaHinghall-street—F . WlNTtic and H . M . Hhaw , drapers , Sopteinber 10 , Octohor /; solicitor , Mr . Mason , Molra-cliambtirs , lioninoiignr-J » ii «; "''<' M «»« re . Avison and Prltt , Liverpool ; . " official iui ««» fi '"' . n ' - Morgan , Livfrpowl-A . N . Foubyth . hit .. <» f "'"'''" J , ' Jliitu » ll » r . B « ptcmb « r l « , October «; . olluitor , Ml , "'' , '' ,.. ' j I mingham ; official as-dgneo , Mr . Valpy . "' . "" H ^ te mber 17 K ^ T- ^ sr ^ ' * = "' s ^ H » ' 3 S SarsdasK -jr ^ ssr ss ^ s - o « Toi « l > 0 » iiru «« . Mr . Cwriofc , « ""•
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PROVISIONS . Butter—Best Fresh , Us . Od . to 12 s . per doz . Callow , £ 3 14 s . to £ 3 17 s . per cut . Bacon , Irish per cut . 503 to 54 s . Cheese , Cheshire 42 — 70 Derby , Plain 48 — 60 Mams , York '>(/ —64 i ; k « s > , French , per 120 , 5 a . 6 d . to 6 . i . 3 d .
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j Head op Cattle at Smithfield . Friday . Monday . Beadts 1146 4679 Sheep 11 , 890 33 , CO Calves 638 3 * & Pigs 396 384
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BUTCHEES' MEAT . Newgate and Leadenhall . * Sm-tmfihld . * s . d . 3 . d . s . d . s . el . Beef 2 4 to 3 2 . 'J 2 to 3 6 Mutton 2 8—36 34 — 40 Lamb 3 4—4 4 4 0 — 4 8 Veal 2 4 — 3 8 2 4 — 38 Pork 2 8 — 4 0 3 6—310 To sink the offal , per 8 Ib .
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, GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE OF GRAIN . Week . Ending Aug . 30 . Imperial General Weekly Average . Wheat 39 s . Id . Rye ... * 26 s . 9 d . Barley 25 10 Beans 30 7-Oats 20 8 Peas 26 6 Aggregate Average of the Six Weeks . Wheat 41 s . 3 d . Rye 27 s . Od . Barley 26 0 Beans 31 2 Oats .. 31 7 Peas - 7 5
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FLOUR . Town-made per sack 39 s . to 42 i . Seconds 3 J — 39 Essex and Suffolk , on board ship ^ —*< NorfolK and Stockton 31 — 33 Arre . ican per barrel 19 —28 Canadian 'f , — " *•* Wheaten Bread , 7 d . the 41 b . loaf . Households , 6 d .
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GRAIN , Mark-Ian * , Sept . 5 . Wheat , R . New 36 a . to 383 . Maple 29 s . to 30 « . Fine 39 —40 White 24 —25 Old 38 — 40 Boilers 26 — 28 White 41 —42 Beans , Ticks . .. 26 —27 Fine 41 —43 Old 28 —29 Superior New 42 — 46 Indian Corn .... 27 —28 Rye 24 — 25 Oats , Feed .... 17 — 18 Barley ' 20 —22 Fine .... 18 —19 Malting 22 —25 Poland 20 —21 Malt . Ord . 46 —48 Fine .... 21 —22 Fine 50 —52 Potato 20 —21 Peas , Hog 26 —27 Tine .... 21 —22
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Arrivals from September 1 to September 5 . English . Irish . Foreign . Wheat .. .. 3420 goiO Barley .. .. 100 —— 6220 Oats 130 14680 Flour .. .. 1790 1220 6300
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Sept . 6 , 1851 . J © f > 0 & *« & **? 857
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 6, 1851, page 857, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1899/page/21/