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M ORISON'S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL MEDICINES , Depfit , 844 , Strand .-The Partnership of M ORISON . MOAT and Co ., of the British College of Health , " having expired on the 25 th of March last , Mr . Moat Manufactures the above-named medicines («• MorWs Pills" ) from the Recipes of the late " James Morison , the Hygeist . Mr . Moat is Member of the Royal College of 8 urgeons , and Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries , and has devoted many years to the study of Medicine ; by the employ of a matured judgment in the selection of Drugs , and attention to their thorough combination and uniformity of mixture , he ensures certainty of effect with the least possible unpleasantry . He offers the Pills , thus made by himself , as a perfectly safe and efficient purgative , and recommends them to be taken in those cases of illness where the services of a medical adviser are not felt to be requisite . . . Sold with directions , in the usual priced boxes , by all Medicine Venders . Foreign Houses dealt with in the most advantageous manner . \ " . 1 , 1 r , , ! ,
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DR . OULVERWELL ON NERVOU 8 NESS , DEBILITY , AND INDIGESTION ; also on Urinary Derangements , Constipation , and Haemorrhoids . Is . each ; by post , Is . 6 d . VJTTHAT TO EAT , DRINK , AND AVOID . Y T " Abstinentia multi curantur morbi . " A popular exposition of the principal causes ( over and careless feeding , &c . ^ of the above harassing and distressing complaints , with an equally intelligible and popular exposition of how we should live to get rid of them ; to which is added diet tables for every meal in the day , and full instructions for the regimen and observance of every hour out of the twenty-four : illustrated by numerous cases , &c . Vols . 2 and 3 , companions to the preceding , THE ENJOYMENT OF LIFE . | HOW TO BE HAPPY . " Jucunde "Vivere . " IV . ON URINARY DISORDERS , CONSTIPATION , and HEMORRHOIDS ; their Obviation and Removal . Sherwood , 23 , Paternoster-row ; Mann , 39 , Cornhill ; and the Author , 10 , Argyll-place , Regent-street : consultation hours , ten to twelve ; evenings , seven till nine .
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A NEW MEDICINE . FRANKS'S SPECIFIC CAPSULE—A form of Medicine at once safe , sure , speedy , and pleasant , especially applicable to urethral morbid secretions , and other ailments for which copaiba and cubebs are commonly administered . Each Capsule containing the Specific is made of the purest Gelatine , which , encased in tinfoil , may be conveniently carried in the pocket , and , being both elastic and pleasant to tale , affords the greatest facility for repeating the doses without intermission—a desideratum to persons travelling , visiting , or engaged in business , as well as to those who object to fluid medicines , being unobjectionable to the most susceptible stomach . Prepared only by GEORGE FRANKS , Surgeon , at his Laboratory , 90 , Blackfriars-road , London , where they may be had , and of all Medicine Venders , in boxes , at 2 s . 9 d . and 4 s . 6 d . each , or sent free by post at 3 s . and 5 s . each . Of whom , also , may be had . in bottles , at 2 s . 9 d .. 4 s . 6 d .. and 11 s . each .
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FRANKS'S 8 PECIFIC SOLUTION OF COPAIBA . TESTIMONIALS . From Joseph Henry Green , Esq ., F . R . 8 ., President of the Royal College of Surgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to St . Thomas's Hospital ; and Professor of Surgery in King ' s College , London . " I have made trial of Mr . Franka's Solution of Copaiba , at St . Thomas ' s Hospital , in a variety of cases , and the results warrant my stating , that it ia an efficacious remedy , and one which does not produce the usual unpleasant effects of Copaiba . ( Signed ) " Joseph Hbnky Gbkkn . " Lincoln's-inn Fields , April 15 , 1835 . " From Bransby Cooper , Esq ., F . R . 8 ., one o' tne Council of the Royal College of Surgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to Guy ' s Hospital ; and Lecturer on Anatomy , &c . " Mr . Bransby Cooper presents his compliments to Mr . George Franks , and has great pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficacy of his Solution of Copaiba . Mr . Cooper has prescribed the Solution in ten or twelve cases with perfect success . " New-street , April 13 . 1835 . " % These medicines are protected against counterfeits by the Government Stamp— on which is engraven " CJkoiiqe 1 ' ka . nks Blackfriara-roa < i "—beinir attached to each .
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RUPTURE 8 EFFECTUALLY CURED WITHOUT A TRUSS I REA D the following TESTIMONIALS , selected from many hundreds in the possession of Dr . BARKER : — " I am happy to inform you that my rupture is quite cured . "Rev . II . Berbice , May 17 , 1851 . * ' My rupture has never appeared since . 1 consider it a miracle to be cured , after Hufferlng twenty year * . "—J . Ede , Esq ., June 2 ,. 1851 . " I have much pleasure in adding ray testimony to the success of your remedy . "— Mrs . Button , June 1 , 1851 . ** A respected correspondent desires to call the attention of such of our readers at are his fellow-sufferers to an announcement in our advertising columns , emanating from Dr . Barker . Of this gcntlcmun ' 8 ability in treatin g ruptures , our correspondent speaks hi the highest terms , having availed himself of the same , and thereby tested the superiority of his method of treat-
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ment over any other extant , all of which he hau tried to no purpose . He feels assured that whoever in so afflicted will find a cure by paying Dr . Barker a visit , his method being , aa our correspondent believes , beyond improvement . " The above appeared in ilia Tablet of Saturday , Uepteinber a ° , 184 !) . Dr . MARKER still continue !) to supply the afflicted with his oelebiateil remedy for this alarming complaint , the great bucccbb of which for many years paet rendcra anv further comment unnecessary . It ia easy and painless in use , oausing no inconvenience or confinement , and ia applicable to every variety of Dingle or double ltuplure , however bad or lonir standing , in mule or fein »]« of uny ago . The remedy , with full instructions for use , will be sent post free to any part of the kingdom , on receipt of 7 a . in postnge-HtainpH , or Postoftlce order , by Dr . Ai . fuku IUhkhu , 48 , Liverpool-iitroet , King ' w-cross , London , where he may be consulted daily from tun till onu mornings , and tlve till eight evenings ( Buuduye « -x-1 oatolllce orderto be made
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ceptcd ) . 1 ' oat-olllce orders to be made payable at the ltuttlebrul gtt 1 ' ouUollice . A irreut number of lestiittoniula and trusses have been left bchiiuf by pertiOim cured , hb trophies of the uucoesB of thia remedy . DEAFNKHB , SINGING NOISEB in the HEAD and EARS , EFFECTUALLY CURED . — Dr . Barker ' s remedy permanently rentoro « hearing in ull ensou , in infancy or old ago , however bud or long-utanding , evan wliero the Faculty liau pronounced it incurable . It rcmovea all those distressing noi »« u in the head and earn resulting from dcufnvsH or nervouunesa , and enable * all minereM , however bad . to hear the ticking of a watch in a few < iayn . The remedy , which it * easy in application , will bo went n ? " « l I *» ««•« l » P »» tago eUrapa . or Poit-oftlc * order , by dmi y , DAUKKU / . lJverpool- » tro « it , KingVcroun . Lon-/« . i Ooil 8 uItationa doily from ten till one and Hive till eight IHumUya esonptad ) . A cute In every o « 0 . in guarantaed . *» . J . ° i ' * « dy ntirely our « d my daafuena afur all other ffil \ i W 1 * * "—«•»• « - Smith . " Ik « , uit . oured the 4 « rf ! f " * * ° ln m * ¦»« " » . "—Mrt . Kamoa . » I bad been ** «•?•¦ 7—*» , and mm now hear perfectly . "—Dr . A . Jameu .
Untitled Ad
" - TT OMCEOPAT HY . —All the Homoeopathic f rl Medicines , in Globule * . Tinctures , and Trituration are " nreoared with the greatest care and accuracy by JOHN . m 1 WSOn 7 Homoeopathic Chemist , 4 Hood-street , Newcastle . 8 on-Tyne ; and 60 . Fawcett-street , Sunderland ; from whom they may be obtained , in single tubes , neat pocket cases , and boxes 1 suitable for families and the profession . " Laune ' s and . all , other works on HomcBopafhy , together with cases and tubes , 1 sent post-free to all parts of the kingdom . Dispensaries and the r profession supplied on liberal terms . , Just published , and may be had iree of charge , a small pamphlet on Homoeopathy , by J . 8 ilk Buckingham , Esq . , MAW 8 ON' 8 HOMCEOPATHIC COCOA . —The Cocoa-nut , or nib . contains a very large proportion of nutritive matter , con-! sistine of a farinaceous substance , and of a rich and pleasant oil This oil is esteemed on account of its being less liable than , any other oil to rancidity . Homoeopathic physicians are united in their recommendation of cocoa a 3 a beverage ; and the testimonials from other sources are numerous and of the highest character . It was so highly esteemed by Linnama the chief of Naturalists , that he named it Theobroma — " Food for the Gods . " Dr . Pareiia says , " It is a very nourishing beverage , devoid of the ill properties possessed by both tea and coffee . ' Dr . Epps , the popular lecturer on Physiology , eava : — " Mothers , while suckling , should never take Coffee ; they should suckle on Cocoa . I have the testimony of mothers who have so suckled , and they state that they found , with Cocoa without Beer , they produced quite sufficient milk , and the children suckled with such diet were in better health than those suckled on a previous occasion , when Beer , and Coffee , and Tea formed the liquid part of their diet . " The same author adds : — " Cocoa ia the best of all flavoured drinks . It is highly nutritious . " Dr . Hooper says : — " This food is admirably calculated for the sick , and to those who are in health it is a luxury . " Many persons have been turned against the use of Cocoa and Chocolate from having tried the roa ^ y , and very generally inferior article vended at the grocers' f > hop < 6 under that name . The preparation here offered by JOHN MAWSON contains all the nutritious properties of the nut without any objectionable admixture . It is , therefore , recommended as an agreeable and wholesome substitute for Coffee , to which it is certainly much superior , as it is also to the Cocoas sold as " Soluble Cocoa , " " Flake Cocoa , " &c . It is light , easy of digestion , agreeable , uutritious , and requires little time or trouble in preparing for use . Testimonial — " Having used the Homoeopathic Cocoa prepared by Mr . Mawson , I have no hesitation in giving it my fullest recommendation . "—Thomas Hayle , M . D . Sold , Wholesale and Retail , by JOHN MAWSON , Homoeopathic Chemist , 4 , Hood-street , Newcastle , and 60 , Fawcettstreet , Snnderland . Agents . —North Shields—Mease and Son , druggists . Sunderland—Mr . John Hills , grocer , South Shields—Bell and May , druggists . Penrith—Mr . George Ramsay , druggist . Stockton —John Dodgson and Co . druggists . Durham—Scawin and Monks , druggists . Darlington—Mr . S . Barlow , druggist . Carlisle—Mr . Harrison , druggist . Agents wanted ! i ' . '
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D EAFNESS —SINGING in the EAttS . — Extraordinary Cures are effected daily , in cases long since pronounced incurable by the Faculty . Even in _ cases of total deafness , which have existed a lifetime , a positive cure can be ' guaranteed without pain or operation , by a newly discovered and infallible mode of treatment , discovered and practised only by Dr . FRANCIS , Physician , Auridt , 40 , Liverpool-street , I King's Cross , London . Dr . F . has applied this new treatment in the presence of and on several of the most eminent medical men of the day , who have been utterly astonished at its magical , effect . All martyrs to thene distressing complaints should im- j mediately consult Dr . Francis , as none need now despair , however bad their case . Hours of consultation daily from Eleven till Four , and Six till Nine . Country patients , stating their case ! by letter , will receive the means of cure per post , with such j advice and directions as are guaranteed to render failure impossible . v t
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TUBILEE YEAR of COCKLE'S PILLS . « l 1851 . " Truth lives not for a fleeting hour , But scorns e ' en Time's destroying power . " The last fifty years have seen many wonderJul changes—social , political , and , indeed , all but universal . The medical world itself , too , has had its revolutions . New drugs and new coinpounds have been introduced , some of which have experienced but an ephemeral existence , whilst others have been retained as choice and valuable medicines . But through all these eventful changes , COCKLE'S ANT 1 B 1 LIOU 8 PILLS , the compound of & qualified practitioner , have continued to riso in public estimation , increasing in sale to the present hour . I ' n-pared only by James Cockle , Surgeon and Apothecary , 18 , New Ormond-street , London ; and sold -by all Medicine Vendors , in ooxob , at la . l ^ d . and 2 s > . 9 d . otinions of the I ' hf . ss .
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" Ihk Family Mkdicink Chkst . —A good family medicine ohest , with a prudent use , has saved many a life ; and yet we think the idea might be improved upon and reduced to a more simple form . Take some good compound , Biich as Cockle ' s Antibilious Pills , and we find that the deaired end may be obtained without scales and weights or little mysterious compartments and enchanted bottles with cryutal Btoppera . Others might be used ; but Cockle's Pills , as tested by inuny thousands of persons , and found to answer their purpose so well , may be set down as the best . " - Observer . "Comport and its Skuukities . —There can be no comfort without health , and no health without a well-ordered frame . If one organ becomes impaired an appropriate remedy must be eought , and this ia never more true than with respect to tho liver . The entire body quickly sympathizes with ltn complnintB , and nature looks for help to aid her in the work of restoration . For this purpose Mr .
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Cockle ' * Antibilioua Pills are one of tliu greatest achievements of medical science . " —Morning Putt . "Mbdioal Uouskiioi . d Wohiij ) . —Kvery family has its specific ; but nothing can be more dangerous than the fallacy that one medicine will cure every disorder . Kvery drug and every compound ha * its office—beyond , which it becomes mischievous , and to the recognition of thia great truth may be attributed the unparalleled success of a medicine which haa never , during- half u century of ita existence , met with disparagement . We alhuloto Mr . Cockle ' a Antibiliouti Pills , whioh huve rieoomt ) one of tho liouuehold wordu of tlm Uriti » h nation . " —Daily News . " Cocki . k versus Bilk . —We perceive that this celebrated Bult in still in litigation . Many attempts hav « been made to put down tho dufendant , but none with more effect than thoati made by Mr . Cockle . Ifthenuiaunco in ever to bo wholly abated Cockle ' s Antibilioua Pills will do it " -Bell ' s Life .
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TUAFALGAR LIFE ASSUllANCK - *¦ ASSOCIATION . Kvory description of Lifa Aanuranc « bitumens transacted Loans grant « d on personal and other securities . DeUiUd Proipectusea . containing the names and uddreuses of nearly eevon hundred aharehuldera . rates of premium , an « xpla-!! , au ° r ! r , , ^ W !? " ori « ln » «' 1 . together A with u " < * ful UiVor ' - TZC « iT £ ZZZ : * Ufe 8 " *" ' ' " bo tad rcjrteattlT ^^^^ *— ™ omJttfS& ^ SS Ss * SllodAB "' BAirus '
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LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION . Established by Royal Charter , a .. d . 1720 FOR LIFE , FIRE , AND MARINE ASSURANCES . Head-Office , No . 7 , Royal Exchange . Branch-Office , No . 10 , Regent-street Actuary—Peter Hardy , Esq ., F . H . si This Corporation has effected Assurances on -Lives for a " period of One-Hundred and Thirty Years . The Expenses of managing the Life Department are defrayed by the Corporation , and not taken from the Premium Fund , Fire Insurances effected at Moderate Rates upon every description of Property . Marine Insurances at the Current premiums of the day . JOHN LAURENCE , Secretary .
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i — . ———METRO POLITAN COUNTIES and GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 27 , Regent' . street , Waterloo-place , London . DlRBCTORS . ' Samuel Driver , Esq . Thomas Littledale , Esq . John Griffith Frith , Esq . Edward Lomax , Esq . Henry Peter Fuller , Esq . Samuel Miller , Esq . John Palk Griffin , Esq . Edward Vansittart Neale , Esq . Peter Hood , Esq . Sir Thomas N . Reeve . Capt . Hon . G . F . Hotham , R . N . William Studley , Esq . Life Assurances , Annuities , and Endowments . Three-fourths of profits divided amongst the assured . —Prospectuses , post free , on application . F . FERGUSON CAMROUX , Manager .
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IMPORTANT TO LIFE ASSURERS . NATIONAL PROVINCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Completely Registered and Incorporated . Capital £ 50 , 000 in 10 , 000 shares of £ 5 each . Deposit £ 1 per share . Offices , 34 , Moorgate-street , Bank , London . TRUSTEES . John Hinde Palmer , Esq . I Thomas Winkworth , Esq . William Anthony Purnell , Esq . | John Poole , Esq . Persons assured in this Office to the extent of £ 300 and upwards on the participating scale , or holders of five shares and upwards , will be entitled to nominate scholars to the endowed schools of the Society . Every description of Life Assurance business transacted . Prospectuses and every information maybe obtained at tlie Offices of the Society . Applications for agencies requested . By order of the Board , J . W . SPRAGUE , Manager .
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' I , j ! j v ATHEN ^ UM LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 30 , Sackville-street , London . Established for the Assurance of the Lives of Authors , Painters , Sculptors , Musicians , persons connected with every Art and Science , and the Public generally . Incorporated by Act of Parliament . Capital , £ 100 , 000 , in shares of £ 1 each , to be paid up in full . With Power to increase to a Million . The following are some of the peculiar advantages of this 8 ociety : — Entirely new tables based on the latest data . Policies once granted are absolutely INDISPUTABLE on any ground whatever , and payable IMMEDIATELY after satisfactory proof of death . A form of policy granted at the option of the assured , and at the same rates of premium , made payable to holder , thua affording to all an immediately available security for money without the delay , trouble , and expense of an assignment in the usual way , or any exposure of the private affairs or transactions of the assured . HENRY SUTTON , Manager .
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RECI PROCAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 32 , Great Coram-street , Russell-square . Capital— £ 100 , 000 , in 20 , 000 Shares of £ 5 each . Deposit , 10 s . per Share . One-tenth of the profits of the Company will form a fund for Lhe relief of aged and distressed Shaieholdurs and Members , their Widows and Orphans . TKUSTKKS . T . A . Knight , Ksq . J . Moadey . Esq ., B . C . L . U . Marshall , Esq ., M . A . Revureud O . Owen , M . A . F . C . Skey , Esq ., F . K . S . Thia Company ie cstuMiehud for the , pvuptwo of bringing the benefits of Life Assurance within the reach of ull cl : isa »; a , and with this view itn details have been most carefully ciiiiaidervd , so aa to nliord every facility and advantage consistent with tafety . Three-fifths of the I'rofitH being uuntiiklly divided among those members who have paid five annual premiums . Tho Business of the Company embraces Assurances , Annuities and Endowments of every kind ; also Annuities payable During Sickness ; Assurances of Leaseholds , Copyholds , and other Terminable lntentata ; and Guarantee Assurances for tin Fidelity of persons in places of Trust . SPECIAL ADVANTAGES TO ASSURERS . Policies will be granted for any sum aa low its £ r » . No Policy Stamp , Entrance Fee , or other charge , except the Premium . Policies indisputable , except in cases of actual fraud . Diseased and Declined Lives assured a I . c (| iut ; il > lc and moderate I'UtCH . Premiums may be paid Quarterly or Monthly if desired . Half the Premium , for the first seven yearn , may remain unpaid . Every further information may be had on application to tho Actuary and Rcbident Director .
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THE LONDON NECROPOLIS " AND NATIONAL MAU 8 OLEUM COMPANY . Capital £ 250 , 000 , in 2 ! i , 000 Shares of £ 10 . Calls nut to exceed £ 2 per Share , with one month ' i , notice , ( Provisionally registered . ) TKUSTKKM . Archibald Uunti « , Kh <| .. M . I ' , William John Evelyn , Kh (| ., M . I ' . Thin Company in uHtubhshcd for tho purpose of ufl'oidiiitf' Af <'~ tropolitan and National Nccropoliu . at uuoh » diHtancc IVom ln < i metropolis a » public health itiul convenient : !) ir <| iiin-, upon " scale of magnitude commensurate with ihn animal moitality <>( u rapidly increasing population , and capable of meeting I '"' < * 1-K « hoi «! H of unwoiitod visitations of diueuHU . For proBpectuneB * ud forms of application for Hhaica apj . ly to tho Ho « reUry , at the Oflloei of tho Company ,, N «> . 1 <> a ; um-. ui OeorifO-atreot . Weetmin « ter ; to tfu , Holioiior ., M «« . Cooinbo and Nlckoll . 3 , Bridtfe-atroot , WeBUninetor ; and Alexander Dobio , E « q ., a . LancaBter-pluoe . Htruiidjor to M « 8 » m . I 1 i .: I »« -iimu ,,, 1 H « rrfaoii . Block and Hhare Mrokor . . 18 . Thr < m < luomll « -Hl . vot , Uty . No applicutionu received aftor tho Ifttfi of September next . BlCJ 3 AltD CHUROiULL , Secretary .
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Sew . , 1851 . ] g *» 9 . t& ** t . 859 ^
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 6, 1851, page 859, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1899/page/23/