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^ In the press , and will be published in a few days . Number One of CHAPMAN'S LIBRARY FOR THE PEOPLE . SKETCHES OF EUROPEAN CAPITALS . By William Ware , Author of " Zenobia , " " Tetters from Palmyra , " * ' Aurelian , " &c . &c .
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Ju 3 t Published , LECTURES ON POLITICAL ECONOMY . By Francis William Newman , Author of the "History of the Hebrew Monarchy , " "The Soul , " " Phase- ; of Faith , " &c . Post 8 vo ., cloth , 7 s . 6 d .
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By the same Author , PHASES OF FAITH , OR PASSAGES FROM THE HISTORY OF MY CREED . Post 8 vo ., cloth , 6 s .
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THE SOUL : HER SORROWS AND HER ASPIRATIONS . An Essay towards the Natural History of the Soul , as the B ; i 3 i 3 of Theology . Post 8 vo ., cloth Ce .
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HISTORY OF THE HEBREW MONARCHY , From the Administration of Sa-nnel to the Babylonish Captivity . ; 8 vo ., cloth , 10 s . 6 d .
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CHRISTIAN ASPECTS OF FAITH AND DUTY . Discourses by John' Jamks Taylek , B . A . Post 8 vo ., cloth li . fk \ .
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THE CREED OF CHRISTENDOM : ITS FOUNDATIONS AND SUPERSTRUCTURE . By William Bathbonk Gr «» , 8 vo . cloth , 10 s . 6 d \ . " Contents : —Inspiration of the Scriptures—Authorship and Authority of the Pentateuch and the Old Testament Canon generally—The Prophecies—Theism of thtf Jewa Impure aud Progressive—Origin of the Gospels —Fidelity of the Gospel History—The Limits ) of Apostolic Wisdom an 1 Authority — Miracles—Resurrection of Jesu * — I .- ! Christianity a revealed religion?—Christian Eclecticism — The Great Enigma . A Second Edition , with Explanatory Preface .
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THE NEMESIS OF FAITH . By J . A . Froudh , M . A ., late Fellow of Exeter College , Oxford . Post 8 vo ., cloth , 6 " s .
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LETTERS OxN THE LAWS OF MAN'S NATURE AND DEVELOPMENT . By II . G . Atkinson and II . Mautinkaci . Post 8 vo ., cloth 'Js .
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st . pa u i : s e p i s t i . e s t o t h e CORINTHIANS : An Attempt to convey their Spirit and 8 igniiiciiuce . By the ltev J . II . Tm » i . Poi « t 8 vo ., cluth , Drf .
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NEW AMERICAN BOOKSPROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE . Fourth Meeting hold at New Haven , Connecticut , August . 1850 . Containing paperu by Professor Adiiina , Ag . tsviz , Burnett , ltuchi-, Erin , li » py , Gibbs , Henry , llortfforri , Johnson , Jcwett . Looiiiiu , Mitchell . Olmateil , I ' ui ^ c . Silliinai ) . Lieutenant Davirf , l ) r . (< oul < l . Dr . Jackson , C Girard , K . << . Hquier , & . (• - . Mc < :. Witli Map * and Platen . 1 vol . Hvo , cloth , pp . ' 114 . HU . JOURNAL OK Till : AMKIMCAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY . Containing Me . moh'H , Ti . inflation \ Vocahulnrii'ii . and other works relating to the Asiatic . African , and I'lilyiieniun laujjuajfeu . VuIh . 1 and ' Z , Hvo ., cloth , . 'Kl » . AMERICAN ARCII / KOLOUICAL RESEARCHES . No . 1 . TIIK KERPKNT 8 YMISOL . And the Woral . ip of the Reciprocal l ' l im i |» lc » of Nature in Americii . I ! y K . <; . HgoiiiK , A . M . 1 vol . Hvo ., pp . 575 . 8 m . THE BEIJGION OF ( iKOLOGY ,. AND ITS CON N ECT E D SCI E NC ES . Hy Kdwaui ) IIitohoock . D . I ) ., LL . D ., I * re » ident of Amhtrat College , and Profuxror of Natural Theology and Geology . 1 Yol . Hvo ., pp . 511 . 7 * . London : JOHN CHAPMAN , 124 , Strand .
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Third Edition , Revised , 5 s . 6 d ., of LECTURES on ASTRONOMY , delivered at King ' s College . By Henby Mosblby , M . A ., I . R . S ., one of her Majesty ' s Inspectors of Schools . By the same Author , Third Edition . 6 a .-W ., MECHANICS APPLIED to the ARTS . London : John W . Parker and Soii , West Strand .
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Two large and closely-printed Volumes , Octavo , £ 2 5 s ., MANUAL of CHEMISTRY . BvW . T Bbandb . F . R . 8 .. Professor of Chemistry at the Koval Institution . Sixth Edition , considerably enlarged «* e «»*»« ying all recent Discoveries in the Science . With Index , giving more than 11 , 000 Eeferences . By the same Author , TABLES of CHEMICAL EQUIVALENTS , WEIGHTS , MEASURES , &c . On Five Large Sheets . 3 a . 6 d . DICTIONARY of the MATERIA MEDIC A and PHARMACY . Octavo , 15 s . London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
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This day is published , folded in a case , price 3 s . plain , or 5 s . coloured , AN OVERLAND JOURNEY to the GREAT EXHIBITION . Showing A FEW EXTKA ARTICLES and VISITORS . 3 By Ricuakd Doyle . London : Chapman and Hall . \ 93 , Piccadilly . Sold by all Booksellers , and at every Railway Station .
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P 1 RIDION . By George Sand . Translated from the French . 12 uio .. pp 320 . Pi ice 2 s . tid . London : Charles Fox , Paternoster-row .
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NEW VOLUME OF DR . CHALMERS'S LIFE . This daj ' , in 8 vo ., price 10 s . Cd ., the Third Volume of MEMOIRS of tl . e LIFE and WRITINGS o ? THOMAS CHALMERS , D . D ., LL . D . By the Reverend William Hasn * . LLD . This Volume comprises the period from 1823 & "• 1 S 35 , and embraces Dr . Chalmers ' s professorial appointments in St . Andrews and Edinburgh , aud the Veto and Church Extension movements in the Scottish Establishment . It al * o includes reminiscences of , or correspondence with , Coleridge , Mackintosh , Wilberforce , Peel J . ffiey , Stanley . O'Connell , Mrs . Opie , Irving , Dr . Andrew Thomson , and other distinguished individuals of the day . Another Volume will conclude the work . Dr . Chalmers ' s Works , Uniform Edition . Edited by £ s . d . himself . - ' 5 vols ., liino . . . . . 500 Dr . Chalmers ' s Posthumous Works . Edited by Dr . II anna . 9 vols . . . • • f 14 G Dr . Chalmers ' s Life . Vols . I . and II . . . 110 Sutherland and Knox , Edinburgh ; Hamilton , Adams , and Co ., London .
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Just published , ¥ »!* JMROSPECTOf . OfTHE . . .. / Central x ^^ oi ^ a ^^ agency . \ J / ConUinirtgr the neees ** ry Bwd « f S ? t oW » iroujr further Information . May be had at tire tertoyi-iiif plae ** : ~ thte CMrrWkfc Office , 76 , Cliarlotte- 'street , Fitzroy-squartf ; ttu » Sfattft&nt * Branch , 3 \ Great Marylebone-street ; the Manchester B : aBtiJt » 13 , Swan-street , Manchester ; the Publishing Office of the 8 ociety for Promoting : Working-Men ' s Association * , 183 , Fleetptreet . Gratis , if " by personal application ; if by letter , one Postage Stamp .
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mHE SECRET of BEAUTY , or LADIES ' A COMPANION TO THE TOILET . " Every lady in the land ought to be in possession of this gem ofa book . "—Vide Times . Sent postage free for twelve stamp ? , by E . Goodall , M r . Rudd ' a , 152 , Strand , 100 valuable Recipes .
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On the 1 st and l- ~ > th of each month , rp H E CRITIC : - *¦ London Literary Journal : The largest anil most complete Journal ot Literature , Art . and Science published in Europe ; containing 72 columns , price only fid . ; stamped , fijil . ; <> s . for half-year ; 12 s . for a year . In monthly parts , price In . ; or in quarterly parts , price ' A * . _ The contents of Till ' . London Litkhauv Journal are thus arranged : — LEADING ARTICLES — By writers of ciniuoucn , comprising : — 1 . Origin . il Biographical Sketches of Notable Contemporaries . ( Of thia serieti Carlyle aiul Knierjuii have already appeared . ) II Sketches of the Ui . se and Progress of the Contemporary Press , and of the Wiiteis and Kdiloia connected thert-witti . ( Sketches of the lidinburgh and Quarterly llcriewt have already been inserted , and will shortly l > e followed by the tf ' tmlniinater lievicw . and the Times . ) III Dialogued of the Day ; Notes by an Obn «? rvcr ; and ( joaoi p of the I . onduii Literary CircK' » . « illi brief tiketciiea of Author * und Arti . sts . IV . ( ileauin-ja of the Georgian ICia ; beiiiff a neri i i n itial DoruiiH-ntt" , unpublished Lettern hyiliBtinguithed I ' eiHons , ike , collected und edited by U . llAitni . s , Ky < i-, Barriftter-at-Law , Auth > r of " Tlio I , if < - of Lord lliirdwick" ( now in pio ^ redu ) . NOTICES OF ALL THE NEW HOOKS , with copious extracts Hclccted for the amusement and information of reailern , p <> * l * to enable them to know the subjects , style , and character of liooke , clasdilied , for couvonicncc of reference , under the following divisions : — History . Poetry and thu Drama . Uio ^ iaph ) . Natural ilia lory . It ell ) . ; i ., n . Medicine . Philosophy . Mental Philosophy . Kcience . Periodiculn and berialu . Vojaj ^ i'a uud I ' uveln . l ' aiiiphlcta . Fiction . Mucell . uicoui . K < lucation . FOREIGN LITKHATUHE AND ART—I reueli , German . Swed » h , llaliun , und American . Noticed of NEW WOUK 8 OF ART , with the Tulk of the HtudloB . Notice * of NEW INVENTIONS . THE DKAMA an < l P ( IHLI <; AMUSEMENTS NoUcmof NKW MUHICand Ml / KICAL CHIT-CMIAT COIUIBHI'ON UKNCK of Authim , ArlistH , l > iibliitlieTR Sco . A Monthly CLAH 3 IFIEI ) l . IMT OF NKW llUOKH . &c . HCUAl'H frointhn NKW 11 OOKB . The ADVKltTIHKMKNTH of Authors . ubliahcrii , and otheru connected with Literature , Art , und Education . Muy be hud of any bookseller , by order ; or Bubacrihers' namea may be nent direct to Mr . Crooklord , th « publUhur , 5 J » , K «» ex-Htr « et , Strand , London .
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MISS JEWSBtTRY'S NEW NOVEL . ' Now ready , at all the Librariet , in 3 vole . MARIAN WITHERS By Gbraldinb E . Jbwsbury . * Author of Zoe , "" The HaU-Sistere , " &c . " One of the noblest works of fiction that haB been for snm time published in thi « country . " - Observer . ome " A clever and brillaut book , full of the results of varied knowledge of life . The personal sketches remind ono of Doiwlaa Jerrold . Marian Witliers ' will take high rank amoui ; conrim porary fictions . "— Weekly New : * vome ^ Also , now ready , in 3 vola ., ALBA N , A TALE . By the Author of" Lady Alice . " Colburn and Co ., Publishers , 13 . Great Marlborou ^ h-street
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WORKS PUBLISHED by E . APPL 7 EY A& 86 , FARKINGDON-STREET , CITY . ' Now Publishing , in Penny Weekly Numbers , and llonthlv Parts at Sixpence , beautifully Illustrated , ' THE PERILS OF THE OCEAN ! Being Authentic Narra . tive 8 of Remarkable and Affecting Disasters upon the Deepalso Wonderful and Daring Adventures by Land . Nos . 1 to 6 are now ready : also Part I . WORKS COMPLETE . g j THE WANDERING JEW , 8 ( J Engravings . . ; . 9 < j THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS , 53 Engravings . ' ¦ . 4 0 ATAR-GULL . and PAULA MONTI , 19 Kngravin ^ r : . 2 0 MARTIN THE FOUNDLING , 51 Engravinga . . , 4 0 THE WIDOW'S WALK , 19 Engravings . . . . 20 THE SLAVE KING . 17 Engravings . . . . . 2 (; THE SIN OF M . ANTO 1 XE , 11 Engravings . . . 26 OTTAWAII . 22 Engravings o g THE B \ STAUD OF MAULEON . Dy Ak-x . Dumas , 25 Eii 9 rravinor ? 3 CALCC ' i . tJS , THE TURFITE'S COMPUTOR . . . . BARLOW'S NIGGER MELODIST , 1 st , 2 id , 3 rd . and 4 th Series , post-free , 10 penny tturtps each . . . 06 HELPS TO MEMORY . Being- Questions and answers in every Department of Human Knowledge . . . 16 LIVES OF THE MOST CELEBRATED ACTORS AND ACTRESSES . By T . S . Marshall , Esq ., with their Portraits by John Gilbert . Esq . . . . . . . . 40 THE TAILOR'S TUTOR , with 18 Plates . . . . 50 THE COMPLETE READY RECKONER , from One Farthing to One Pound 0 6 AMERICAN RECITATIONS . Post-free , 10 penny stamps 0 6 W . WARDE'SOOMICSONCS . Post-free , 10 penny stamps 0 6 MANLY BEAUTY 10 LIFE IN PARIS i 3 6 PRIDE ; or , THE DUCHESS 2 0 MEMOIRS OF A PIlYsICIAN 3 6 THE FORTY-FIVE GUARDSMEN . . . . 26 THE COMMANDER OF MALTA 1 « 32 PLATES to Illustrate the Cheap Edit , of N . Nickelby . 1 6 BLACK TULIP . By Dumas 10 HOUSEHOLD LIBRARY ; or , Guide to Domestic Happiness . • . • • . 20 WORKS TO BB HAD IN PBNNT NUMBERS . THE WANDERING JEW . . complete in 70 Numbers . TJBJl " 339 ^ $ ^ & ' OF PARIS . ,. 33 „ Vaitn ^^^ m % jm ^^§^ iQ ^ v $ j »¦ MKMori&WAriftatciAN \ :: ? --: ^ Z' ± :--: M-. ' * % ¦ ¦ THE FORl'Y-FtVE GlTJlRD « iiE »; ^ ^ ' »' THE COMMANDER OF MALTA . ., ' " J * »< THE BLACK TULIP ^ 10 ^ " t T \ LESOF ALLNATION 8 now Publishing in Penny Numbers . All the above Works are always in Print in Numbers or Complete Copies , and are well printed on Fine Paper , with beautiful Illustrations , and can be had by Order of any Bookseller 111 Town or Country .
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CENTRAL COOPERATIVE AGENCY , 76 . CHARLOTTE-STREET , FITZROY-SQUARE . Tnkin" advantage of ita connections with the wine-growm ? countries in France , the Central Cooperative Agency has just added to it * stock of groceries and Italian article * a selection ot the best WINES anil BRANDIES imported by the firm , and ot which thty guarantee the perfect purity and genuinenexh . The following prices per dozen will be found very moderate when compared with the quality;— „ , Burgundy ( red ) Thorins and Moulin a vent , 30 s . ; Beaune , do » . 1 while ) Cbablitf . 30 s . ; Mcurs-mlt ( very old ) , 60 j > . Bordeaux ( red ) Medoc St . Julicn . 36 u . ; Mcdoc 1 ' aviUac . lit-( white ) Bartsac , 30 h . ; Sautemea , 48 a i-,,, jfl B Champagne Ai Moiibtteux . quality . 60 s . ; ditto . 2 nd qualit ) , «»« . Cote dii Rhone , ( jrund St . Peray moubseux . ri * . r . Ura . idy . Fine Old Cognac , 72 s . ; 2 nd quality . < ' 0 s . ; JnJ a 0 .. - The Wines may be bad in Quart or Pint bottles . 1 In . »"" ; only in Uuiirtb . Sample bottlea sent at the ennie p neo per dozen .
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SOCIETY for the RELIEF of ITALIAN O EXILES in LONDON . —Political events in ll * /' *"' . ™ ,, „ . cruel pursecutionu of the Government which ° PP "" l "{ j ,, happy country , have compelled many Italian * to take m „ - London . f ,.,., 1 ( . i . iin ? MoBt of them arc without money or the meaiw of I »< c In oi ' der to asaitft them an Italian Cominittci : baa bee" f " " ' who now earnestly solicit aid . . : mifor-Tbeir principal object i * to obtain employment for m « ]|( . . tunate countrymen , and when tint i « imtiosaiblt ; iijej not by giving money , but by Hiipplyiny food an < l lo "H } . J scho " . Hiibi » ciiptioiiB will be thankfully received at the Ua »»» ' . > , Grevillv-slrcet , Hatton-ghrden . . . t L . PIANCIANI , Present- , CALDERARA . L . ( MO « - MALKUHI . NW'B ^ J I'ONZINI , Treasurer . D . VARELLI . Hrcretary- i U (| , Also Biibiicrlptions receited at the Society of tlie Italy , 10 , Moutliunipton-Btreet , Btrand . "My FricrtdK , —I nend my nubscripHon . andI I ^ ['" „ , „ ' ,, u < r . that in in my pow . r to promote the vle »* H » r <» t ) ( lu ( J ollt If our work in n jfooil and i < acr « d 1 ne . lo Mail , or * / aad < )(; i . < - occupallon Tor our poor exile . i « to improve oll »^ > datl "" - N " tlon ; to llpht at ontee ¦ K'uintt poverty nun ne * ' H \ s ) mp » - ltallHii . I hope , willr « fu »« his contribution . ""' ML thelr ' ! ' - tbixliijf Kiifflitiunen will , 1 have no doubt , lend g'a « 'J port to aucli a prugrammn «» yourr . MAVIZIN " Aii ^ iiut 10 . Kver your * . JW . . _
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860 ©! K ULt&iltX . [ Saturday , Sbw . 6 , 185 i .
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London : Printed by Hobin 1 ' ai . m »» ( of No a , Cb « p . WJ I ' . lui « «»^ I ' nri . I . of JUiuttmttuu , Middlr . rx ) , « t tb « <"" " " / ' , h . P » ri «»' '; '" JuM . pl > CUyton , Ro . 10 , C .-no-court . Fleet •« " «*• . ^ , Mi » b » i bf J ° »* £ lluo . t . n-iu th .-W « . t . iu the Cit , ot I ^ ndoni •»* P »^ » HU . » d . »¦ »" CtAirow , Juu ,, of and « t « U . |" oblUWn » - «; i « J V ";*! T ; . -8 **«»»» ' V . ri . li of Bt . < : i « m «» t |>« B » slmU « Ouy o ( Wwtwtasw-B « ptctnb « r 0 , 1861 .
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 6, 1851, page 860, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1899/page/24/