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Ci ifltlirtKfiy \ . ;\ riiitrji , ijiumm un : lutyai Italian J Opera , Covent Garden , Teacher of Kinging . For Teiina of Musical Lecturer , 1 ' iivuto L < : shoiih , or OIiish Teaching , in Town ur Country , npply to C . 1 > . C , 20 , ( i rcut Coriuu-Btrcct , Brunswick-square .
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O FFICK FOR I'ATKNTS , lUUTJSII AND FO 1 LEIUN . and KKOIKTltATION of DKHKJNK , —Conducted by Mr . J . < J . WILHON , C . K ., IN . Great . George-Hired ( opposite thn Abbey ) , Wemmiiister . Every description of biuMiienu connected with PiitimtH transuded daily . Inventors UHHiuted in ascertaining tho novelty of their Inventions and with Capital when rviiuired . Olllco houm , Tea to Four o'Olock .
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INDUSTRIAL BRANCH OF THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Incorporated by Act of Parliament , 7 and 8 Vic , cap . 110 . With a Guarantee Fund of Fifty Thousand Pounds . Chief Office , Hi , Moorgate-street . Bank , London . TRUSTEES . John Hinde Palmer , Esq . I Thomas Winkworth , Esq . William Anthony Purnell , Esq . | John Poole , Esq . DIHECTOnS . William G . II . Baines , Esq ., Kensington . Stephen Broad , Esq ., Rye-hill , Peckham . William Carr , Esq ., Bishopsgate-street Without , and Sydenham . John Cropp , Esq ., Oakland-house , Clapham . Joseph Duvison , Esq ., Friday-street , Cheapside , and Highgate . Wellington Gregory , Esq ., Cheapside . John Poole , Esq ., ( Jutter-lane , Clieapside , and Highbury . William Anthony Pumell , Esq ., Oriental Club , and Lee , Kent . AUDITORS . James Hutton , Esq ., Accountant . Moorgate-Btreet . Henry Chatteris , Esq ., Accountant , Gresham-street . AVilliam Henry Furnell , Esq ., Accountant , Old Jewry . l'HYHICIAN . Henry Letheby , Esq ., M . 1 ) ., 1 ' rofesKor of Medical Jurisprudence , London Hospital . HIJltUKON . H . Thomas Olliver Duke , Esq ., Kttuningtoii . Thomas Carr Jackvon , Euci ., Hamilton-place , New-road . HANKl ' . UH . Commercial Hank of London . tiOI . KJITOIl . Edward Kelly Harris , EHq .,, > : 2 , Liiicolu * H-iiiM-liclds . SI ) UVl ' . YOH . Henry Anuesley Voysoy , Knq ., Guildford-strcc-t , Uussell-Hqiiare . M AN AdlUt . J . W . tipraiguc , Es (| . The Directors of thin tiociety , in addition to the ordinary busint-KS usually trailyact . cd by Lite Ammr < tiicc Hocieticn , have formed a distinct . Branch for the Indiistriul Clauses , eiubracing every HyBtem of Life AHSinaiice , and for that purpose have cuuseil extensive tabli-H to be prepared , combining the iufercslH of every clans of Assurers , in a manner more comprehensive than has hitherto been attempted l > y any similar ( Society . The Hysteni of LiIV ; Asuuraiice hitherto propounded , although admirably well adapted to the means and circumstances of the middling and higher c 1 uhh < -h of noe . iety , iievertheleHs in not available to the evcr-varj ing condition of nearly nine-tenths of tin ; people of thin great coniniercial country , viz ., the InduHtriul ChlHHCS . Niiiepcncc per Mouth , or theoont of oik ; pint of beer per week , will secure X'JO to the wife and family , at tho death of a inttit aged L' 5 next , birthday ; or , One Hhilling unit Thico l ' cnce per Month will secure to a peruon of thn Hame ago tlni Hum of £ U ;" > on his attaining the age of (»(> , or the huiiio huiii would bo paid to hit ) family uhould ho die before attaining that age . NON-1 ORI'KITIJUE OK MONEY I'AID . Bboiild a person from any cause be unable to meet the payment , of bin I'rciiiiiuu , lut will not lone the benefit of the AsHiiritnce , but will ho allowed . often as the value of the Policy will admit , to charge the amount thereof on bin I'olicy ; or , HhouUl a person be ultogi-tbtr nimble to continue the Aumiraiice . the Suihh pai < l will not be forfeited a « in other Ollliutu , as he will bo granted , by the l ) ii < ctorn , another Policy of Ions amount , but cquivulont to tho Hums already ituitl . and exonerated from any future payment h . The Ral < -H of I ' loiiiiiiui for Deferred Annuities , Endowments f > r Children , and every other inforiiiution may ho obtained of the becr . ttary , at the Ollicus of thn Hocioly , . 11 , Aloor Kato-Mtioot Bunk , or of any of tho Aguutn . '
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THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE X AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY . Established 1836 . 8 and 10 , Water-street , Liverpool , and 20 and 21 , Poultry , London , Capital , Two Millions Sterling . Reserved Fund , ^ £ 268 , 000 . Liability of Proprietors unlimited . MICHAELMAS POLICIES should be renewed within fifteen days after the 29 th September ; the Renewal Receipts are in the hands of the Agents . FIRE INSURANCE at home and abroad on liberal terms , and no charge for new policies . LIFE INSURANCE in all its branches . Life Policies , when taken out under Table 2 , have FIXED BONUSES GUARANTEED TO THEM , not contingent on profits , without any Liability of Partnership to the Assured , and at moderate Premiums . Prospectuses and all information may be had on application . BENJAMIN HENDERSON , Resident Secretary . SWINTON BOULT , Secretary to the Company .
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rriHE GREAT EXHIBITION . —A valuable JL newly invented , very small , powerful WAISTCOAT POCKET GLASS , the size of a walnut , to discern minute objects at a distance of from four to five miles , which is found to be invaluable at the Exhibition , and to Sportsmen , Gentlemen , and Gamekeepers . Price 30 s . ; sent free . —TELESCOPES . A new and most important invention in Telescopes , possessing such extraordinary powers , that some , 3 £ inches , with an extra eye piece , will show distinctly Jupiter's moons , Saturn ' s ring , and the double stars . They supersede every other kind , and are of all sizes , for the waistcoat pocket , shooting , military purposes , &c . Opera and Race-Course Glasses , with wonderful powers ; a minute object can be clearly seen from 10 to 12 miles distant . Invaluable , newly invented Preserving Spectacles ; invisible and all kinds of acoustic instruments , for relief of extreme deafness . — Messrs . S . and B . SOLOMONS , Opticians and Aurists , 39 , Albemarle-street , Piccadilly , opposite the York Hotel .
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TSi THERE a LIFE AFTER DEATH ? A On Sunday Evening , October 5 , at Seven o'clock , Ebenezer Syme ( recently Unitarian Minister at Sunderland ) will deliver a Lecture on " The Moral and Scientific Aspects of Immortality , " in the Literary and Scientific Institution , John-street , Fitzroysquare .
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A GERMAN and MUSIC MASTER wanted immediately , in a School . Apply , stating Terms and Instruments played , &c , to Mr . J . Weston , M . R . C . P ., River , near Dover .
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HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE — PLAY-HOUSE PRICE NIGHTS . —It is respectfully announced that the LAST FAREWELL NIGHTS will be given , viz ., on Wednesday , Oct . 8 , 1851 ; Thursday , Oct . 9 ; Friday , Oct . 10 ; and Saturday , Oct . 11 ; being roost positively the LAS I FAREWELL NIGHT , the Theatre closing with the Great Jixlnbition . —Full particulars will be forthwith announced . Prices-Pit , 5 s . ; Gallery , 2 s . 6 d . ; Pit Stalls , 10 s . 6 d ; Gallery Stalls , 5 s . Boxes—Two Pair , 21 s . ; One Pair and Pit Tier , £ 1 lie . 6 d . Grand Tier , £ 2 2 s . Box Seats , 53 ., 63 ., and 7 s . Applications for Boxes , Stalls , and Tickets , to be made at the Box-office of the Theatre . - The Opera to commence at Eight o clock .
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EAGLE INSURANCE COMPA ^ Established by Act of Parliament 53 Geo . Ill an 7 ^ X > lated by Deed Enrolled in the High Court of Chtnn gu " Crescent , New Bridge-street , Blackfrlars . Chancery , 5 > DIRECTORS . The Honourable John Chetwynd Talbot , Q . C ., Chairmo Walter Anderson Peacock , Esq ., Deputy Chairm an . man Charles Bischoff , Esq . Charles Thoa . Holcomho r-Thomas Boddington ^ Esq . Richard Harm an lC f l-Thomas Devas , Esq . Joshua Lockwood , Eso 8 q - Nathaniel Gould , Esq . Ralph Charles PriiejL Robert Alexander Gray , Esq . William Wybrow , Esql q ' auditors . James Gasgoine Lynde , Esq . | Thos . Godfrey Sambrooke Es physician . ' " George Leith Roupell , M . D ., F . R . S ., 15 , Wel beck-street . SURGEONS . James Saner , Esq ., M . D ., Finsbury-square . William Cooke , Esq ., M . D ., 39 , Trinity-square , Tower-h ill Actuary and Secretary—Charles Jellicoe , Esq . The Assured have received from this Company , in satisfaction of their claims , upwards of £ 1 , 220 , 000 . ** usiaction The Amount at present Assured is £ 3 , 600 , 000 nearly , and the income of the Company is about £ 125 , 600 . At the last Division of Surplus about £ 100 , 000 was added in the sums assured under policies for the whole term of life The Division is Quinquennial , and the whole Surplus less 2 f ) per cent , only , is distributed amongst the assured . ' The lives assured are permitted in time of peace to residp in any country , or to pass by sea ( not being seafarin « - persons by profession ) between any two parts of the same hemisphere distant more than 33 degrees from the equator , without extra charge . Deeds assigning policies are registered at the office , and as signments can be effected on forms supplied thertfrom . The business of the Company is conducted on j ist and liberal principles , and the interests of the assured in all particulars are carefully consulted . The Annual Reports of the Company ' s state and progress prospectuses and forms , may be had , or will be sent post free on application .
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RECIPROCAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 32 , Great Coram-street , Russell-square . Capital— £ 100 , 000 , in 20 , 000 Shares of £ 5 each . Deposit , 10 s . per Share . One-tenth of the profits of the Company will form a fund for the relief of aged and distressed Shareholders and Members , their Widows and Orphans . TRUSTEES . T . A . Knight , Esq . I J . Moseley , Esq ., B . C . L . R . Marshall , Esq ., M . A . | Reverend C . Owen , M . A . F . C . Skey , Esq ., F . R . S . This Company is established for the purpose of bringing the benefits of Life Assurance within the reaca 0 / all classes , and with this view its details have been most carefully considered , so as to afford every facility and advantage consistent with safety . Three-fifths of the Profits being annually divided among those members who have paid five annual premiums . The Business of the Company embraces Assurances , Annuities , and Endowments of every kind ; also Annuities payable During Sickness ; Assurances of Leaseholds , Copyholds , and other Terminable Interests ; and Guarantee Assurances for the Fidelity of persons in places of Trust . SPECIAL ADVANTAGES TO ASSURERS . Policies will be granted for any sum as low as £ 5 . No Policy Stamp , Entrance Fee , or other charge , except the Premium . Policies indisputable , except in cases of actual fraud . Diseased and Declined Lives assured at equitable and moderate rates . Premiums may be paid Quarterly or Monthly if desired . Half the Premium , for the first seven years , may remain unpaid . ,. . ,. Every further information may be had on app lication to the Actuary and Resident Director .
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THE PRINCE OF WALES LIFE AND EDUCATIONAL ASSURANCE COMPANY . Chief Oflice , 105 , Regent-street , London . Registered pursuant to Act of Parliament 7 and 8 Vic cup . 110 . Capital . £ 200 , 000 , in 20 , 000 Shares of . £ 10 each . TRU 8 TBES , The Ki tf ht Honourable the Earl of Wilton . The Right Honourable the Earl of Olcngall . Charlt-H Hopkinaon , Esq . ALL POLICIES INDISPUTABLE . Loans , Annuiti . H , Half-premium SynteiH , and no extra I i « - iniuin charged for r < nidciice in any p ; irt of l ' . uii )|> i , Xeuland , Australia , the Cape Colony , or Uritiiih America . EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT . Policies will be granted to enable Parent : ) , or t ' lllll '< , ' . "" ; " provide for the Education of Children on t . litir llU ""' " ., ' , oertiilu iijfc , or to defray the College expciiHCH <> ' y <>"" " < luiing their stay at the UniverHitkn . EDUCATIONAL AND BEN EVOI-EN T FUND- ^ Tho Directors propom ) to Bet anide one-fifth of the '" '' Jl' ^ jJ ,,, ' of the Company , for the purpone of creating » 'i aiccuii' ' . ^^ fund for contributing to tho education of cliiltl "' " "' ' wfli ( . | , member * , whether Ahhuhth or original Shaniliolders ( i < . 1 ( i || > . purpoHepieHenlationa to the Public BcIiooIh would b «' P '" ( i ( - , | 1 ( . ' und for eutublinhing Superior ScIiooIh for tin ; < - '' . | ' . ' . (() , nwiii king oliiHsoB—the children of lhon «; Ahhui «> 1 vvltli ¦ ¦ , ' tLll | r painy being admitted free , or nearly ho ; hIho , lor t » A uuuitieti to tlecayed and indigent ineinbtirH . v c : ir-DepoHit Policies I , apm ; d PolicicH renewed wit "" 1 ' > (( . > KiihiUiliition of Lift ) allowed in cuuo of an Aumirer « o « i' ( , or from any reanon wiohing to drop bin Policy . Extract from the Coinpany ' a Tubl « 'n : — To Ahhijuk £ 100 . . " ~~ Wholo I ' oini VvT 7 oT < TTr 7 iii "'"" , '' v . ViI ' i ! A K'' - Without PiollU . With ProlllH . HtVtI , , , ao .... £ 1 11 -t A" » I 7 " 1 : t i 30 2 2 0 2 H ( J 1 H II 40 y 10 11 ¦» ^ ' ' ~ 7 o ' uN 11 OKNHV . Heorot'iry . ^ For « 'ill < ir parlinuhiin , He <; the l ' roHpi : < : tuH , which ni » y '"^ tuiucd ut tho Ofllouu of tho Couipany , or ol nay o » t "" »
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FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday , September 30 . Bankrupts . — J . Bassutt , High-street , Shoreditch , hotel keeper , to surrender October 9 , November 13 ; solicitors , Messrs . Jenkinson , Sweeting , and Jenkineon , Lombard-street ; official assignee , Mr . Johnson , Basinghall-street— \ V . Hayhow , liatcliif-highway , and High-street , Shadwell , bootmaker , October 15 , November 13 ; solicitors , Mr . Stoddart , Raquet-court , Fleetstreet ; and Mr . Archer , Bloomsbury-street , Bedford-square ; official assignee , Mr . P ^ dwards , Sambrook-court , Basinghallstreet—W . M . Wiialley , South Minims , licensed victualler , October 14 , November 13 ; solicitors , Messrs . Malton and Baynes , Carey-street , Lincola ' s-inn-fields ; oflicial assignee , Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane , Lombard-street—W . \ V . Holman , Bath , draper , October 15 , November 13 ; solicitors , Messrs . Mardon
and Prichard , Newgate-street ; oflicial assignee , Mr . Edwards , Sambrook-court , Basinghall-street — P . M . Hadley , Cardiff , Glamorganshire , corn merchant , October 15 , November 12 ; solicitors , Mr . Bevan , Bristol ; and Mr . Green way , I'ontypool , Monmouthshire ; oflicial assignee , Mr . Hutton , Bristol—J . Williams , Cadonton juxta Neath , Glamorganshire , ironmaster , October 14 , November 11 ; solicitors , Messrs . Brittain and Sons , Bristol ; official assignee , Mr . Hutton , Bristol — G . M . Bass , Li > nth and Horncaslle , Lincolnshire , grocer , October 15 , November 12 ; solicitors , Messrs . Lawrance , l'lews , and Boyer , Old . Jewry-chambers ; and Messrs . Bond and Barwick , Leeds ; otlici . il assignee , Mr . Carrick , Hull—J . and J . II kywood , Liverpool , provision merchants * , October 15 , November -J ; solicitor , Air . Dodge , Liverpool ; oflicial assignee , Mr . Cazenove , Liverpool . P ' riiluy , October ' A .
Bankuui-TS . —II . Lkwin , Wcllingborougli , linendraper , to surrender October 1 . 5 , November 10 ; Holieitors , MenarH . Liuklater , Charlotte-row , Mansion-bonne ; ollloial assignee , Mr . Whitinoru , Ba » inghall-Htre » : t— \ V . II . Okam and \ V . Iliuui ) , Nobletttr « -et . traders , October 10 , November III ; solicitorB , Messrs . LinklaU'r , Charlotte-row , ManHion-hoiiHe ; ofltcial anpisrucc , Mr . liell , Colciiiaii-Htifet-biiiKlinga—I . IlAYlss , St . Jolm ' n-huic , Olerkenwell , stereotype-founder . October 15 , November 13 ; Holicitors , MfHHrs . NicholHou and Parker , Lime-street , Leadeuhallslret t . ; olliciul UHuignre , Mr . Ed wards , Kambrook-court , Baninghull-street—N . W l ' . i . cn , Hedgley , Ktulfoi'dBhire . iron manufacturer , October 14 , November 4 ; solicitors , Mr . Brown , ISiIhIou ; and Mr . James , Birmingham ; ollicial assignee , Mr . Christie , Birmingham—W . and M . 1 ' i . aiutkii , Wickwar and Bristol , oheetie
factors . October 11 , November 13 ; solicitor , Mr . 1 ' ienliehl , Chipping Bodlmry ; ollicial assignee , Mr . Acraniau , Hritstol—J . lloixJlts , Briutol , carpenter , October 15 , November 12 ; solicitor , Mr . ISi'itlan , Bristol , ollicial auHignee , Mr . Acraman , Bristol— -J . Btkvknnon , Liverpool , merchant , October 13 , November 4 Holicitors . Mr . Kvdney , l ' 'iiiHbury-circiiH ; and Mr . Hnowball , Liverpool ; oflicial assignee , Mr . Morgan , Liverpool—W . ( iliKHN , juu .. Higher Traniniti ' i ' , Ohcthirt ' , brewer , October 17 , November 7 ; Holicitor , Mr . Circatley , Liverpool ; ollicial assignee , Mr . Turner , Liverpool — T . M . llAititis , Liverpool , uhipowncr , October 17 , November 7 ; solicitor , Mr . l'linliii Ion , Liverpool ; ollicial assignee , Mr . Bird , Liverpool — \ V . Ckanksiiaw , Colne , cotton Bpinuer , October 13 , November 3 ; solicitors , Mcburs . Atkinson , Haiiiider » , and At ' ivinm > u , Muncheuter ; ollicial assignee , Mr . i ' Vaser , Mancliester .
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952 Cfte ULt&btt ' . [ Saturday ,
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Head of Cattle at Smithfield . Friday . Monday . Beasts 1225 5144 Sheep 8 , 580 27 , 326 Calves 537 240 Pigs 520 449
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BUTCHERS' MEAT . Newgate and Leadenim . ll . * Smthfield . * s . d . s . d . s . d . s . d . Beef 3 2 to 3 4 3 0 to 3 4 Mutton 3 6 — 3 10 3 6 — 3 10 Lamb 4 0 — 4 6 4 0 — 4 8 Veal 2 6 — 3 6 2 6—3 6 Pork 3 0 — 3 8 3 4—4 0 * To sink the offal , per 8 Ib .
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GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE OF GRAIN . Week Ending Sept . 27 . Imperial General Weekly Average . Wheat 38 s . 5 d . Rye 26 s . Id . Barley 25 11 Beans 29 8 Oats 19 9 Peas 26 10 Aggregate Average of the Six Weeks . Wheat 39 s . 2 d ~ . Rye 26 s 4 Barley 26 1 Beans 30 0 Oats 20 4 Peas 26 11
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FLOUR . Town-made per sack 37 s . to 40 a Seconds ™ —38 Essex and Suffolk , on board ship >> o — 36 Norfolk and Stockton 31 — 34 Aire-ican per barrel 19 —22 Canadirui ; ¦ " Ir , — Wheaten Bread , 7 d . the 41 b . loaf . Households , 6 d .
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GRAIN , Mark-lane , Oct . 3 . Wheat , R . New 33 e . to 35 s . Maple 29 s . to 30 e . Fine 35 —37 White . ...... 24 —25 Old 34 — 36 Boilers 26 — 28 White 36 — 38 Beans , Ticks . .. 24 — 25 Fine 39 —41 Old 26 —28 Superior New 40 —44 Indian Corn .... 27 —28 Rye 22 — 25 Oats , Feed 16 — 17 Barley 22 —24 Fine 17 —18 Malting 24 —25 Poland 19—20 Malt , Ord 46 —48 Fine .... 20 —21 Fine 50 —51 Potato 20 —21 Teas , Hog 26 —27 Fine 18 —91
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Arrivals from { September 27 to October 3 . English . Irish . Foreign . Wheat .. .. 4641 2905 Barley .. .. 2610 Oats 178 3220 9945 Flour .... 986 50 4009
A Card. Ooljiktlate
A CARD . r « s x ¦ ¦ 1 . 1 r 11 1 1
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 4, 1851, page 952, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1903/page/20/