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In a few days will be published , . Mil . CARLYLE'S NEW WORK . In 1 vol ., post 8 vo ., cloth 10 s . Cd ., THE LIFE of JOHN STERLING . By Thomas Carlyle . THE PASSIONS of ANIMALS . By Edwakd P . Thompson , Author of " Note-Book of a Naturalist , " &c . In 1 vol ., post 8 vo . OUTLINES of the HISTORY of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE , with Illustrative Specimens . For the u * e of Colleges and Schools . By George . 1 ,. Craik , Professor of History and fof English Literature in Queen ' College , Belfast . In 1 vol ., fcap . ENGLISH SONGS , and OTHER SMALL POEMS . By B . uiry Cornwall . A New Edition , with numerous Additions . In 1 vol ., price 2 s . 6 "d . London : Chapman and 11 * 11 , 193 , Piccadilly .
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Second Edition , entirely revised , and brought down to the present day , including matter never before published , selected by permission of the Honourable Court of Directors from Original Documents , in one vol ., 6 ' jO pp ., with a copious Index , A NCIENT and MODERN INDIA ; being : a Popular History from the Earliest Period down to the Present Year . By the late Dr . W . C . Taylor ; edited and continued by P . J . Mackenna , Esq ., ninny years resident in India . James Madden , Lcailenhall-ttreet , London . A CATALOGUE of ORIENTAL WORKS , free , by post .
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On the 1 st of October , price 5 s ., No . XXXV 1 JI . of the ' BRITISH JOURNAL of HOMOEOPATHY . Published Quarterly . Edited by Drs . Drysdalk , Russell , and Dudgeon . Principal Contents : —Lectures on the History of Medicine , by Dr . Scott—Address at the Second Homoeopathic Congress , by Dr . Russell—Inquiry into the Truth of Homoeopathy , by Mr . Sharp—OnSyphilitisar . d Perityphilitis . by Dr . Hofrichter—The Persecution ot the Homoeopathies—Clinical Notts , b- Professor Henderson—Scirrhus of the Lungs , by I ) r . B ! ack—Dr . Madden on the Physical Action of Homoeopathic Medicines—Reviews : Medical Intelligence , including an Account of the English , French , and German Congresses of thist year , and a full Description of the Ceremony of the Inauguration of Ilahnemann ' s Statue at Leipzic . London : Highley and Son , 32 , Fleet-street .
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This day , small octavo , price ^! s . 6 d , VIOLENZIA : A TRAGEDY . London : John W . Paiker and Son , West Strand .
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Now Heady , price 15 s . each . PAKTS 1 ^ . and ' V . of the OFFICIAL DESCRIPTIVE and ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE , containing the Colonies , Foreign States , and full Index of Names and Subjects , completing the work . Si ' icEit , Brothers , Wholesale Stationers . Wji . Clowes and Sons , Printer * . Official Catalogue O'Ece , 29 , New Bridge-street , Blackfiiars , at Hyde-park , and of all Booksellers .
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Complete in Three handsome Volume * , price Three Guineas . OFFICIAL DESCRIPTIVE AND ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of the GREAT EXHIBITION of the WORKS of INDUSTRY of ALL NATIONS , 1851 . This work is also pub'iehcd in Five Parts : Part 3 1 and 2 , price 10 s . each , ami Parts 3 , 4 , und 5 , price loa . each . Spjceh , BaoTUBKS , Wholesale Stationers . Wm . Clowes and Sons . Printer * . Official Catalogue-office , 29 , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , at Hyde-park , and of all Bookseller * .
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O FFICIAL CATALOGUE . —Fourth Corrected and Improved Edition , dated September 15 th , with the additions from Sweden , &c , price Is . 3 d . The otliciitl Catalogue may also be had bound with the Indexes of Names and Articles , and all the IJiitish ;« nd Foreign Priced Listt-, witli lists of Jurors , Local Committees , &c , pri ( e 7 s . ( id . Fl'ior . li , liiiOTHUlis , Wholesale Stationers . Wm . Ci . owkn and Sons , Printers . Oflicial Catalogue-olline , 2 ' . ) , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , at Hyde-park , and of all Booksellers .
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GREAT EXHIBITION . HUNT'S 11 A N 1 ) B O () K C O M P L K T K . Price ("» , ! . By II on hut Hunt , Profcsuor of Mechanical Ide . iciicc , Government Kchool of MineH . *• Every cart ; liau been taken to render this compilation u record worthy of preservation , a * giving nilliiua limited » puce a faithful description of certainly one of the must rciu . irkabk ; tveiita which hub ever taken place upon thin itiliuid , or in the world — the gathering together from the end * of the i-urth , of the j > i o . lue . tK of hiiinaii industry , the elloitn of hum . m thought . "—lix tract from 1 ' rejact ' . ** The movt iutitriiclive guide to the Exhibition while it is open —we have no doubt iliut tliirf ' Handbook ' will heroine hereafter one of the mowt popular mementoes and histories of the actual ( fathering of the nations " — Atlu'mcmi . " The most complete anil popular ( iuule publinhed . Umi ' - ful in the Exhibition , and agreeable allerwardri an a rt'iniiii » cencc of what ivai seen in tlie great year of IH > l . " - Spectator . " Let no one imagine that becaune the Great Exhibition will uhortly be closed that , the ' II ukIIiooK" ih not therefore : needed ; mi the contrary , it hIioiiIiI he read ami retained by all us a compact , and portable record of what they huve Been exhibited . " --JAterary Gazelle . Si-Klicu , lIuoTlluus , Wholesale StationeiH . Wm- Ciowhn uuiI Sons , Prtiiteiu . ii'J . New Biidge-Btret-t , Blaekfi ian , ; at Hyde-park ; of all Bookiielleiii in Town and Country ; unil at the Railway Stations .
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riMIK SECIU : ! ol IUSAUTY , or LADIES ' JL COMPANION TO THE TOILET . ' Every ladv i » the Und ou ;; ht . to be in po . < j » i :.-j > i <> n of thin jyem ofu hook . "—Vi « le Times . . Sent pontage free for twelve Ht . amp ^ , liy V .. ( iuodall , Mr . Kudd ' tt , 1 M Ktralid , 00 valuable Ri-cipeH .
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. I lint published , THE PltOSPI-. CTllS OK 1 'IIK f ^ KNTRAL CO - Ol'FJtATIVI' : _ A ( JKNCY . V ^ Ci mtiiiiiinif the necennary mean :, for obtaining iuilhci Information . May ' be had at the following pliicea : —The Cuntuai . Dl-l'UMt , 70 , Chiirlotle- ' . t . reel ., Fit / . roy-Hcjuai e ; tint J \ lai ylebone , liruneh , ' : i ) , ' ( jre . it Mai y lebone-nlreel ; the . Mum lu ^ tii lliane . h , 1 : 5 , Hwun-Mlreet , ManeheHter ; the Pilhlialung OMlce of llie . So ciety for Promoting- Woi king-Meu ' d AHUooiaticiKu , IN . 'I , FJcetutr . et . ( Jnitiu . if by pcrtioinil application ; if l > y letter , ono A'ouIiikc Htuinp .
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CENTRAL CO-OPERATIVE AGEHTCY , INSTITUTED UNDER TRUST . TO COUNTERACT THE SYSTKM OF ADULTERATION AND FUAUD NOW PREVAILING IN THE TRADE , AND TO PROMOTE THE PRINCIPLE OF CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION . Trustees—Edward Vaiuittart Nealc , Esq . ( Founder of the Institution ); and Thomas Hughes , E * q . ( oneof the Contributors ) . Commercial Firm—Lechevalier , Woodia , Jones , and Co . Central Establishment—76 , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-sq . London . Branch Establishments—35 , Great Marylebone-3 treet , Portlandplace , London ; and 13 , Swan-street , Manchester . The agency is instituted for a period of 100 years . Its object * are to counteract the system of adulteration and fraud now prevailing in the trade ; to deal as agentd for the consumers in purchasing the articles for their consumption , and for the prudiiccra in selling their produce ; to promote the progress of the principle of Asuoci-ition ; to find employment for cooperative associations by the collection of order * to be executed under especial guarantee to the customers . A commercial firm , ar ting under the permanent control of trustees , has been found the safer and more acceptable mode ol carrying- out these objects according to law . The agency consists , therefore , of trustees , contributors , subscribers , and a commercial partnership . The ervpital required for t " he wholesale and retail business having been supplied by the founder ami tho first contributors , no express call it * made at present , either for contributions or subscriptions . Tin ; capital will be further increased niter the public have been made acquainted with the objects of the institution , ami have experienced its mode of dealing . Customers , after three months' regular dealing , are entitled to a bonus , to be iixed according to the amount of their transactions by the council of the ugciicy , contisliii £ of tlie trustees ami partners . After payment of all expenses , salaries , profits , and bonuses returned to contributors , suhsciihers , ami regular customers , the general prolits are to be accumulated , part to form » reserve fiiml , and part to promote cooperative associations . 15 iisiu e i > eiit . Ity poi < t on puj ment ol one p . ii . ta ^ e stahip lor tho Wholesale Lint , itinl two for the ( , ' . ^ t , ilor ; uc . 1 ' arliciiUirH , Ruled , I . int . and i ; atalogue will be forwarded immediately on receipt of ten pontage Klauipj . All coiiilnunicatloiiH to t > e addienacil to MM . LiclieValier , Wixxiiii , Joi . ch , and Co ., at the Cenli al-ollii ; e , 7 ( J , Cli . irlotle-Mlreet , l'it / roy-iiiinai e . ? . » ORDERS I () U THE ASSOCIATIONS OF WORKING MEN AI . UEADY IN EXISTENCE —UU 1 LDERS PK 1 NTERH MAKERS . TAII . ORH . 8 HOEM AIv KR 3 , NEEDLEWOMEN — CAN UK HKNT THROUGH THE AGENCY AND WILL . RECEIVE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION- '
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STEAM TO INDIA , CHINA , &c—Particulars of the regular Monthly Mail Steam Conveyance and of " the additional lines of communication , now established by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company with the East , Sec . The Company book passengers , and receive goods and parcels as heretofore for CEYLON , MADRAS , CALCUTTA , PENANG , SINGAPORE , and HONG KO \ VG , by their steamers , starting from SOUTHAMPTON on the 20 th of every mouth , and from SUEZ on or about the 10 th of the month . One of tlie Company ' s first-class steamers will also be despatched from Southampton for Alexandria , as an extra ship , on the 3 rd of September and 3 rd of November next , and of alternate months thereafter , in combination with extra steamers , to leare Calcutta on or about the 20 th of August and » 0 t ! i of October . Passengers may be booked , and goods and parcels forwarded by these extra sUamers to or from SOUTHAMPTON , ALEXANDIUA . ADEN . CEYLON . MADRAS . andCALCUTTA . BOM BAY . —The Company will likewise despatch from Bombay , about the 1 st of September " next , and of every alternate month thereafter , a first-class steam-ship for Aden , to meet there the extra ship between Calcutta and Sue /; and at Alexandria one of the Company ' s steam-ships will receive the passengers , parcels , and goods , and convey them to Southampton , calling at Malta and Gibraltar . But passensrers , parcels , and goods for BOMBAY and WESTERN INDIA will be conveyed throughout from Southampton in the mail steamers , leaving Southampton on the 2 © th of October , and of alternate months thereafter , and the corresponding vessels from Suez to Aden , at which latter port a steain-ship of the Company will be in waiting to embark and convey them to Bombay . Passengers for Bombay can also proceed by this Company ' s steamers of the 29 th of the month to Malta , thence to Alexandria by her Majesty ' s steamers , and from Suez by the Honourable Ea
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Now ready , price 3 s . 6 d ., THE TRIUMPH ; or , the Cominp Age of Christianity . Selections from Works . Religious and Philosophical , on Early and Consistent Training no lees than Teaching , and on the Advantage * of Maintaining the Pnncjple of undivided Interests among all the Members of Society as essential to its continual progress in knowledge , virtue , and happiness , and to the permanent ascendency and umveral prevalence of Christian Love . Edited by J . M . Mokgan . ' Prove all things ; hold fast that which is good . "—I Ihcss . v . ^ 1 . " Seize upon truth wherever found . Among your friends , among : your foes : On Christian or on heathen ground : The Flower ' s divine , where ' er it grows . "—Dr . lv < xtt 3 . London : Longman , Brown , Green , and Longmans .
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KOSSUTH Is arriving in England : on Thursday intelligence was reeoi * a direct from himself , aunouncing that he was on his way thr if France : he will probably have arrived at 8 outhamntonh « r this bill ia circulated . v n ""We The Working-Men of London desire to welcome the Natin i Leader of Hungary on his release from captivity ; they deair t show their sympathy for the Champion of Freedom whom th armies of Russia and Austria could not vanquish \ vithn * treachery . A Central Committee and several Local Co mittees were immediately formed to make arrangements forM , * purpose . ' u ** oat Factories , Shops , Trades , Societies , and Local Bodies of a » kinds , are invited to join in the demonstration , and to annoi t Representatives to act immediately with the Central Committee The Committee meets every night at eight o ' clock . Corami * nication may be made to 10 , Wellington-street , 8 trand THORNTON" HUNT , Chairman JOHN PETTIE , Secretary ! " *
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THOMAS COOPER , Author of « The Purgatory of Suicides , " &c , delivers Orations on the fol lowing subjects : — The Genius of Shaksperk , a 3 displayed in his " Hamlet *" with Readings and Recitations from the Play , the Mn « i < . ' . r Ophelia ' s Song ? , &c . Utlc of The Life and Genius of Milton ; with Recitations fmm " Paradise Loot , " &c . m The Life and Genius of ItuKNs ; tvith the Music of some cf his Sont ; s , Recitations of " Tain o * Shanter , " &c . ITih Life and Genius of Byron ; with Readings and Recitations from his Works . The Life and Genius of Shelley ; with Readings and RcciU . tions from his Work * . Civilizvtiox : What it was in the Past—What it effects for Man in the Pi-cent—and the Universal Human Happiness it must produce in the Future .
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Ihe English Commonwealth : Founders of the Struggle—Coke , Seldon , Eliot , Pyin , Hampden , &c—Despotism of the King , and Tyranny of Laud— Civil War—Dtath of Hanipden—Hattle of Naseby—Imprisonment , Trial , and Execution of diaries 1 st . The English Commonwealth : Government by Parliament and Council of State—Cromwell in Ireland , and in Scotland—Battles of Dunbar and Worcester—Protectorate and Charac t er of Oliver Cromwell—Lesson * to be derived from the great Commonwealth Struggle . Thb Fbbnch Revolution of 1789 : Its Causes , and Progrp . « s of Events from its commencement to the Execution of I a >\ i ' u lihh . The Fubncii Revolution of 1789 : Eventa from the Death of the King to the Fall of the Directory . The Life and Character of Napoleon . The Life and Reign of Louis Philippe ; with a Retrospect of the late Revolution . Columbus ; and the Discovery of America , Coktfz ; and the Conquest of ' Mexico . Pizahko ; and the Conquest of Peru Waikivston ; and the Independence of America . Wil . litx Tell ; and the Deliverance of Switzerland . Kienzi the Tribune ; and the "Good Estate . " Massaniello , the Fisherman of Naples , and " Captain of tbe People . " Kosciusko ; and the Struggles for Polish Independence . Wickliffb , and the Lollardn . Lutiihu , and the Reformation . Life , Character , and Influence of Galvin ; including a Sketch of the Life and Character of Sbrvktus . Geouok Fox , and Quakerism . Mahomjikd , and Mahommedanisui . The Age of Chivalry , and the Crusades . Sir Walts * Ralkigu , and tbe Age of Elizabeth . Makabokouou , Court Influence , and the Rei ^ n of ANNK . Philanthropy : a » exef # |» lified in the Lives of BmiNARD Gii . pin ; Oueulin , and John Howard . Perseverance and Independence of Character ; as exemplified in the Life-struggle of Daniel Defoe , the author of " ltobingon Crusoe . " The Life and Genius of SirlSAAi ; Nrhton . The Life and Genius of Sir William Jonks . The Life and Genius of I > r . Johnson . The Life and Genius of Voltaire . The Life ai . d Genius of Rousskau . Administration of Pitt ; and its Influence on our own Tunes . The Life and Character of the Lite Sir Rohkut Pkkl : In * Influence on our Age ; and a Glance at Coining Kveutu , which "Ca » t their Shadows before . " The Wrong * of Ireland . The Life and Genius of IIandbl . The Lives aud Gcniua of IIayun . Mo / . a . rt , and Hehtiiovkn . With numerous Serial Discourses : such a * . Four on Astronomy , Ten on the llidtory of Greece , Sixteen on lloinau lluloiy . Twelve on Hritit . li History , Six on Pupal History , Kour on Uie German People , Four on the Sclavonic People . Sec &c . TEttMS . TO WORKING MEN" ONLY . ( Paying my own Travelling * and other personal Expense * . ) For One Oration , Two Poundu . ... , For Two Orations—the one delivered on the » h hi « oilovvl " > the other—Three PouiuIh . . . , . For any number of Orations , delivered on bucccjoiVO in ; , » Thirty Snnliuga each . . > , I ' ark-row . Knitrhtubridge , London . ; i N . U . When the distance from London in gre ; it , and a ¦ ) P ' ' * journey lun to be inude from tbe Metropolis , <> l courue , won allowance for extra travelling cxpenueB will be expected . [(' oinniiiuio . 'ttioiiH intended to reach m «> next Mond'iy J ' . j be uddrcHiicd . " Cure of Leonard il : t » U »| U ) , Teinperniioe _• Oldhum ; " next Tuesday or Wedne « cliiy , " Cure «> t U > ,- Mr . lroiiHide , Shellleld ; " next Thurwduy or Friday , " \! . \ , Ly John HolincK , druper , Neville-stivet , Leeil *; " "" . , ., , ^ biinday the 12 th . or Monday thu I 3 : li iiintunt , Hwirc » perunce Hotel , Kvijjhley , Yorkshire . " T . (^ -J
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C ^ I OCOA is u nut which , besides farinac * - " ^^ J stance , contains a bland oil . Thu oil in thi * "II 11 "; , advantage , which is , that it i « lena liable th . ui any ol" . >( . ( ,: rancidity . Poi >« e » iiiiig these two nutritive HiibBtanc . i-H , > ^ ^ become u mo . it Valuable urliclo of diet , more l mlU <; 11 ,..,,, j , ' ,, »« mechanical or other nieaiid , the iiirina .-eouu l » l » : lU" < : " { 1 , | . cveiit perfectly incorporated with the oily , that the <> " < ' w ' \ j ,, tliu the other from ui-. parating . Such u union In . l > r < -i"'" ( i ,. ijtflil-Cocoa prepared by JAM Ed EPP . S ; ami tlnw . whilo ["" () ( vholo fill Mitvoui , in put dependent upon the oil , in retiuneu . preparation will uprise with the moat delicate Mtoinucn . < oll . JAMES El'PS . Hoiou-op . ithi . r <; li .: miHt , II : ' . ( Jrt ' , 0 II . treut , lllooumbury . and Hi , t / l . l llroii < l-ntie « t . til ) .
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956 Iff !) * ILe<eV . [ Saturday , Oct . 4 , 1851 .
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London ; l ' ri » t « d l > y II . ikkut I ' ai . mku (<» 1 N . » . II . Cl'i-I " * ., ulll > ,, r «"'» I ' un . Uol KruaiiiKluu . MidUlr . ox ) , at tlio «> l » oo ul . """ . " ,. | , ,. l « l-Jo . cph ( Muylou , No . | U , Ciui . c-court , fluul- ( Iriiel , '" . . ' , ' . 1 l > v Join "" l > un . tuu l . i lb < v \ V . » t . in ihoCiiy ol lAtudmii «> " ' "'" uirMiiil i » •'"' CumiK . Jim ., oi and nt tlm l ' ul . li . liinKmllcn , ««• - "'• isi / uui " rurl . li or Ht . Clniuuiit Duno , iu ll »« C"y o ( W «» tuil « atcr . Ocloljtr V lttJl .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 4, 1851, page 956, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1903/page/24/