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mriS ? , ?^ -, ? "W ^ ol kno ^ eage of Hun-Sr S . affa ? ., mU correct its enormou £ —we wffl Sed X ? IaOie 9 ' \ ^ Batthym . y himself Ss ^ majority of the Ministry which ISS had assembled ; But we shalfrecux to thl ^ Sec' < d , assail him from aidistance ^ Jd , SSl triumphant career in America . The joinTSu ? * % * && ?* \ a Statereception , which , Rafter that admirable speech bv Mr . S « £ . i « i ^^^^ f ^ M
mdzvidual , and upon no ground hostile to KosfuS mission . He has declared what that miSis with an explicitness calculated to win him an in "easmg ^ support- ^ he ^ sk ^ for-moneyr ^ e ^ an ^ arms , to support Hungary and freedonf aSt the combmed Despots of Europe . Democracy in Ame ! nca is rap , dly learning its glorious ODnortm ^ Rit of
Zn l ~ T . u ° ^ y e « tablishin ^ freedom throughout the civilized world ; and in the verv process of that srowtfa ^ emocracy is aCflu iS ^ ngth _ on its native soil . En&lisnmen J 53 ? whh Sn&rf , f i ° tion ° Do ^ s ; believing Sat themstallation of s . o energetic and farseeingaPresident , the youngest ^ pf his line , will have Se most important influence on the progress of mankmd theZ ^ ^ e 8 S f / Suth ^ representatU ^ En ^ S ?^ " ^ ^ ^ ° ples ' and Liber * y > the ^ nghsh allies ^ the Americans believe that thev discern also the success of the Republican partviJ their own favoured Republic . P ^
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LETTERS FROM PARIS . ^ [ Fbom oxtb own Cobbespondent . ] * " Lettjgb I . t '" ¦ '¦* ' * Paris , December 30 " . 1851 - . 1 suppose I must begin my correspondence bv giving a . retrospective vi | wof the events since the 2 nd of December . Many facts have escaped publi ;
^^ ii ^^ r ^^^ - ^ nJ ^ A u the 3 rd ° f December , as on the we-SSSirL-SSSfi of the troops , and saw himself everywhereTeXe 3 Z t t } ie shoute of " Vive la Repub « qu ??'? £ said to his entourage : " Should the ? e be no etneute to morrow I am . lost . " Thereupon M . Carifer % he " I £ 37 . ^ fet of police , asked for an interview wfth the President . " You want an 6 meute said he to him you 8 h . ll have one , " and he began to exW W . S ?' tu uis The
x ^ Bonaparte . President attentivelv lia ¦! ffi ^ p 2 &S £ ^ X f& JMft 3 y »« rsfcS £ President , who succeeded in persuading Momy , and ™« nr / J ^ i ° - fara 8 P-P * tim 8 elf « nder thTcom . , mand of M . Carlier , who then , issued the neoeflaarxr orders , aad organised the 6 meute for the followLJ
. The next day the troops , instead of ocoupyinjr the Boulevards , as on the 2 nd and 3 rd , were offifd to let the emeute have the field . Except » ix battalions ? StiT vt " 7 * "serve , on Jh « Place de 1 Hotel de Ville , the troops were in the morning nowhere to be seen . At ten o ' clock in the SoS a crowd of idlers assembled on the Boulevard of Mont ? martre , as they had done the day before , merely for curiosity sake . Simultaneously almost a down of ( ndi !
viduals armed with cro wbars" to unpa ^ e dTSS s , made their appearance at the gate of St . Denis , and began to erect a barricade . The whole populatiKoked with amazement at such a procedure ; Ct ^ a few ml ?^ i J ^ £ P ? f TBe crowdnow be ^ an tocSi . template the ban-leaders at a convenient distance Ihe presence of eix sergents de ville amiH ^ . ? . ; ouiiaers
oi the barricade brought reflection with it Whilst the latter , with levers ; were abou ? to raie the gratings on the foot pavement , and others wifh crowbars uplifting the paving stones , the wotSv eergentB de ville were at their Jido , with their hanZ behind dxem . calmly taUO « g to them . TowSda eleven o'clock , t ^ ro other barrioades were in ihl course of erection , under Bimilar circumstances in the street St . Denis , and at Son TST ^ SS S the street Rambuteau . The few individuals 0 " cS ! , pied with erecting barricade were everywhere recognwable by the imperials on their clins , a
cha-*» punHero tnat provocation , v ' „ f nere ^ re ^ otheaHfactfi ; relative to tlfe exclusive ™ S ^ S ^ - ^ ^ ^^^ eerectiSSSdeT s ^^ i , J ^^ ^^ ^ e uniform ; of the National Gha ^ fe ! ¦ ^ ° ^ menproceeded towS
t SpS ^ £ ^ * ' ^^ t 8 , The working men S ^ stoet S ^ jy | se ^ g-thenv ^ cadii £ ^ ^ i ¥° ** ^ ° ** * ** the > Ti £ ?* iJr ^ W ^ nsts . It is a share laid for ^ ^ mm ^ mm ^^ ^ SSs ^^^^ l StS ? hSJ *? ^ ]> 0 'ganaSed and barricades
S ^ " *^¦"• « g , m ^ -Mm SS&s&s ^
mwmm s ^ fggi gsmg&ssd xl
ere is another fart , nnt-1 «^ , ; . ' __ . '^ l- ^ . m . - ^¦ Sir sAist-rrSS live ? 7 Xet f ^ h would compromise their
! & strhcS ^ T *^ V ^ the tow n ^ rricades "I were « Z conk ^^ mm temn ^ isfe ^ s ® . ^ ffcn ° cmsin •» ^ : he commanded them to do so . He allowed 7 C troops to approach to a distance of twenty pacelLly was Mt & comma e n to fire . NoloU 80 U er SfflfflT ^ asss ? ^ ^^^ OI tKe
resulfo ?^ IT \ ? . ouIevard was likewise the fiufiSio ««^ f- rnal combinationof the police . Two Si ^ ^^^^^ ^ l 38 = 5 * 2 * ^ s . " ^ ifea If ^ fcrtn ? sss- ^ &ras ™ » o « keto , however , of thoae two wrXhes w ? r fi * only loaded with sm aU ' shot , as the bandrolHf the Lancers sufficiently showed . Imm £ lSZ 5 SY » Jli ™
¦? E 2 L . ? P - 6 who were on the Boulevard . ! There were at tbat time more than 20 , 000 pedefltoian « h ^ L , t bulle - ' with cann ° n ba"s on the with SsflO itL " ^!' , ? . 0111 ^^ wafl ¦ SeSJ Kf « SJ «? T ? V aoldlera » not satisfied with that frighftd butchery , entered the shops and the OieS andmurd 1 ered M the livi"g beinga they found oSlledLa S 3 ? T IeVe " > ° & * £ in&e ™« ga « ino I called . La Petite Jeanette , were mercilessly massacred
vain to Z \ A fttrooit » es , endeavoured , though in lonSer uSSL ° to the ?» , . soldie ™ we ¦ no 1 iSSTtSS ^ n 1 ? 7 C ° ntro 1 ' fe *«* »^ «« they were snoot evfln ^ - W 2 f 8 e - The soldiers menaced to ^^ t ^ i nSr * ^ preveilte ( 1 *»«¦ d « % iS ? f ^ t !? ' denied the moBBaores . Qranier & ws ^ ra AphsSS
S 3 ^ 7 ^ theirjwork kiUed-the [ f oment they tjrossedTthrstreeTto go home At tht ^^^ s ^^ d ^ SS ^ re anxwus about me ; pra / allow mb to ^ roceed " 1
: ? l ?? lea were . i ¦ ¦ - . -: ¦ ¦ . ., 8 at ^ % ^ J ^ omen , ; children , indeed all who , » T peared ^ in-lh > streets occupied by the SoopT ^? ons ^ antly ajined ^ apd shou A pbor ^ voSoK s ^ urb . PoMsoniere > went to a bafirV ^^ uv *! ^ ^ i ^^^^ rSSS
kdS S soldipra S vofneiaA . i . r . '_ r- " ^ -j ^ " ^ . w ' prpceea . xne soldiers refused ; . to " insisted . An officer rushed to the soldiers , and said to them : " Lead that wretch ^ lffl ^^^^ - ^ 416 ^** *^ * - They led him thither , and shot him on the Boulevard for hiving ??^ miUtary Orders - In the B ^ et St . Den ? s i ^ te ^ aidNtata , not hearing ^ i ^^ oSm ;^^^ ^ . ^ SfS ^ JL ^ winaowonthe first fioor-instan tly receivedl buUet
a ' head , which killed him o £ , the spot ? t £ soldiers were ordered to watch all the windows and t o fire at , all those who might show . SSSJ * at fe ^ orS ^ when the barricades were taken P
'^^ aiisgf PPii ^ i i and the sabre to accomplish their bloody wotk ^ lt was a sergent de ville wfio himi ^ t ^^ L f ^ T Xt — ejw ' ie who
: ... --- . y ««» . " nimseit relatpd thoiim ,, ^^^¦ '' « ¦ fcttgisfzgty 4 S ^ ? t ! «« OecSta ° ae ? Vf *~ S ^ S ^^ MSft'Jl-tgtS iille , once so arrogant ,. can no Wer i ^ Sr ! S £ . 5 !
» re ^ ^ oX ^^ - ^ . *• *^ to « he
topisss 'i ^ ffiSBe Susan
isiiSisS Sf ^ Hf ^ P butchered . e * hav 6 , been shot ° r
an ^ latalllo ^ e tn ° tt % **? $ of crueltSe « * - to of takinc ¦ th « iZK ? Wep ^ bhoan party , capable Thtan £ 5 i ? J ., ^ 5 atlve ' or of inciting the masses . ThemosJinnn " ^ ™ th an fnfernHl calculation . acous ^ Son «?? "' ° P "" inylicated in the vague accusation of having partioipatedin a plot . The ro-
Untitled Article
v ..:. 2 ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' . ' ¦; .
C ^ ;
- ¦¦ - •¦ fSATORDAir ,
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 3, 1852, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1916/page/2/