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TTOFWYL COLLEGE , RIVER , near DOVER . XX Conducted by Mr . J . WE 5 TON , M . B . C . P . Established in 1843 , to combine the beneficial influences of family and home with a -sound , extensive , and polite EDUCATION on very moderate terms , commencing at £ 20 per annum , to a limited number of thirty-six young gentlemen . The situation is most healthy and delightful ; the grounds and land , fifty aerea in extent ; and the Institution commodiously adapted , vrith spacious and airy rooms and covered Gymnasium . Each pupil learns drawing , and has a single bed . French and German by . foreign professors , resident in the family . Twelve young ladies receive , under the care of Mrs . Weston ,-M . C . P ., a superior education , combining with the ornamental the useful part of a young lady ' s education , so generally neglected in most schools . Terms as above . Prospectuses , containing views of the establishment and locality , may be had on application to either Principal . .
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AN EDUCATIONAL HOME for CHILDREN from ThrjEeJo ^ ejrenJYeara _ oilAge ^ '—~^~ — -This-EstaWishinent , af present in its commencement , is recommended to the attention of those parents who are desirous of obtaining for their children a course of early training in harmony with the true objects of moral and intellectual culture , and who are aware of the great difficulty of effacing-, or of counteracting in after years , the injurious effects of ignorant and injudicious nursery discipline . It combines , with the watchfulness of parental care , arrangements calculated to promote the health , physical development , and joyous freedom of the child . The habits and dispositions are carefully trained ; truthfulness and unselfishness are sedulously cultivated ; and obedience is enforced—not by severity or intimidation , nor by the allurements of factitious rewards—but by a firm , consistent , and gentle mode of treatment , by appealing to the understanding and the sympathies , by directing attention to the natural consequences o ' f conduct , and by fostering- a love of excellence . The instruction , which is graduated from the simple to the more complex , is carefully adapted to the comprehension of the child ; and , while the teaching of dogmatic creeds oh the assumption of their unquestionable truth is scrupulously avoided as prejudicial to the due exercise and development of the intellectual faculties , the utmost endeavours are made to educe' and strengthen those elements of character which are the foundation ' of true religious feeling ; Knowledge is made attractive , and the lessons are given by means of sensible signs with familiar conversations , on the principle of cultivating the perceptive and reasoning powers bv stimulating curiosity concerning the structure and qualities of objects and the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature . For reference . See ., apply to Mr . John Chapman , Publisher , 143 , Strand .
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CENTRAL CO-OPERATIVE AQENCY , INSTITUTED UNDER . TRUST , TO COUNTERACT THE SYSTEM OF ADULTERATION AND FRAUD NOW PREVAILING IN TRADE , AND TO PROMOTE THE PRINCIPLE OF CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION . Trustees—Edward Vansittart Neale , Esq . ( Founder of the Institution ); and Thomas Hughes , Esq . ( one of the Contributors ) . Commercial Firm—Lechevalier , Woodin , Jones , and Co . Central Establisbment ~ 76 . Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-sq ., London . Branch'Establishments—35 , Great Marylebone-street , Portlandplace , London ; and 13 , Swan-Btreet , Manchester . The Agencv intend hereafter to execute all orders for any kind of articles or produce ; their operations for the present are restricted to GROCERIES . ITALIAN ARTICLES , FRENCH WINES , and BRANDIES . A Catalogue has just been published , containing a detailed Jist of all articles with the retail prices affixed , with remarks on adulteration . Price fid ., or sent by post for ten stamps . Also a wholesale price list for Cooperative Stores gratis , or by post for one stamp . Particulars relating to the Central Cooperative Agency , with a Pigest of the Deed of Settlement , are to be found in the printed report of a meeting held at the Central Office of the Institution , to be sent by post for three stamps . Rules have been framed and printed for enablingany number of families of all classes , in any district of London , or any part ot the country , to form themselves into " Friendly Societies" for enjoying the benefit of Cooperative Stores . To be sent by post to parties forwarding four Btamps . The Agency will undertake to have certified in London the rules of any society organizing themselves on the above-mentioned form . Catalogue , Wholesale List , Particulars , and Rules , ia one parcel , Is . 6 d ., per post . All communications to be addressed 76 , Charlotte-street , Fiuroy-square , to MM . Lechevalier , Woodin , Jones , and Co .
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ASTONISHING . YET TitUE . THE Stock of BENETFINK ami CO ., 89 and 90 , CHEAPSIDE , and 1 , IRONMONGER-LANE , comprises every variety of Electro-plated wares—Chandeliers , Lamps , Tea Urns , Tea Trays , Cutlery , Iron Bedsteads , Baths , Turnery , Stoves ; Fenders , Fire irons—in fact , every requisite , either for the cottage or the mansion , at ten or fifteen per cent , less than any other house in the kingdom . At this Establishment an eight-roomed house can be furnished for Five Pounds , the articles of the beat quality and work-YnnnahiOi THE PATENT ELECTRO-PLATED DEPARTMENT is especially denerving of attention , a * every nriiole made in sterling silver is now manufactured in Electro Plate . Our material is a hard white metal , all through alike , and this ovored with a thick coaling of Silver by the patent Electro process renders detection from real silver impossible . The prices below for beet quulity : — SPOONS AND FORKS . FlRDLB PATTKHN . KINO ' S J HBEADBD . OR VlC-6 Teaspoons Cs . Od . TOIUA Pattbwn . 0 Dessert Spoons or 6 Teaspoons 10 b . Forks , 10 a . Od . 6 DesBert 8 poons or Forks 20 e . 6 Table do . do . 12 b . fid . C Table do . do . 25 a . TEA AND COFFEE SERVICES IN GREAT VARIETY . Cot Pattern , richly en- Albert and other pattern g-riwed teapot , 28 s . Teapots 30 b . Cofliiupot to mutch U 0 << . Coffeepot to match 3 Hs . Cream Ewer , gilt inside .. 18 s . Cream Ewer , gilt inside ., 20 s . Sugar-basin ditto .. 25 u . Sugar-basin ditto .. 28 a . Elegant Four-glass Cruets , 18 b . ; Bix-gluss ditto , 25 s . ; Table Candlesticks , I 8 n . per pair ; Chamber ditto , 10 s , euoh , complete ; Put of Three richly engruved Hohmninii GIiujh Liquors , in elegant ; frame , fiOs . ; but of Four Corner Diuucs and Covers , £ 6 . 10 b . &c . & « . ' " THE CUTLERY DEPARTMENT in aleo one to which B . and Co . attach the utmost importance , n » th « y manufacture all their blades of the bust material , the diffcMenco in price consisting solely in the more expenulvo handled and euperlorit ) of finish . Fine , Balance Ivory Table Knives , 1 U . per down ; ditto Deserts , Us , pur dozen ; Carvers , 4 a . per pair . I ) , A set of Klootro-pluted Dessert * , containing 1 waive Knives and Twelve Forks , in handsome innhogniiy oase . OOH . All orders amounting to £ 5 and upwards forwarded to any part of tlm kingdom , carriage free . JH . li , " -An illustrated priced Catalogue sent free on application . bV uud 99 , OHEAl ' SUWS ,
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STEAM TO INDIA , CHINA , &cr-Particulars of the regular Monthly Mail Steam Conveyance and of the additional lines of communication , now established by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company with the East , &c . The Company book passengers , and receive goods and parcels as heretofore for CEYLON , MA DRAS , CALCUTTA , PENANG , SINGAPORE , and HONG KONG , by their steamers , starting from SOUTHAMPTON on the 20 th of every month , and from SUEZ on or about the 8 th of the month . The next extra Steamer will be despatched from Southampton for Alexandria on the 3 rd of April next , in combination with an extra Steamer , to leave Calcutta on or about March 20 . -Passengers may be booked , and goods and parcels forwarded , by these extra steamers to or from SOUTHAMPTON . ALEXANDRIA , ADEN , CEYLON , MADRAS , and CALCUTTA . BOMBAY . —The Company will book passengers throughout from Southampton to Bombay by their steamers leaving England on the 20 th February , 30 th March , and of alternate months thereafter , such passengers being-jconxey ^ d-froin Aden to BOmbay by their steamers appointed to leave Bombay on the 17 th February , 1 st of April , and 1 st of alternate months thereafter , and affording , in connection with the steamers leaving Calcutta on the 8 th of February , 20 th of March , and of alternate months thereafter , direct conveyance for passengers , parcels , and goods from Bombay and Western India . Passengers for Bombay can also proceed by this Company ' s Steamers of the 29 th of the month to Malta , thence to Alexandria by her Majesty ' s steamers , and from Suez by the Honourable East India Com nanv ' s steamers . MEDITERRANEAN . —MALTA—On the 20 th and 29 th of every month . Constantinople—On the 29 th of the month . Alexandria—On the 20 th of the month . The rates of passage money on these lines have been materially reduced . SPAIN AND PORTUGAL . —Vigo , Oporto , Lisbon , Cadiz , and Gibraltar , on the 7 th , 17 th , and 27 th of the month . N . B . Steam-ships of the Company now ply direct between Calcutta , Penang , Singapore , and Hong Kong , and between . Hong Kong and Shanghae . For further information aud tariff ' s of the Company ' s recently revised and reduced rates of passage-money and freight , and for plans of the vessels , and to secure passages , &c , apply at the Company ' s Offices , 122 , Leadenhall-street , London , and Orientalplace , Southampton . ¦
Untitled Ad
DR . CULVERWELL ON NERVOUSNESS , DEBILITY , AND INDIGESTION ; also on Urinary Derangements , Constipation , and Hemorrhoids . Is . each ; by post . Is . 6 d . WHAT TO EAT , DRINK , AN D AVOID . " Abstinentia multi curantur morbi . " A popular exposition of the principal causes ( over an- careless feeding , &c . \ of the above harassing and distressing complaints , with an equally intelligible and popular exposition of how we should live to get rid of them ; to which is added diet tables for every meal in the day , and full instructions for the regimen and observance of every hour out of the twenty-four : illustrated by numerous cases , &c . Vols . 2 and 3 , companions to the preceding , THE ENJOYMENT OF LIFE . | HOW TO BE HAPPY . ' *• Jucunde Vivere . " . ; _ . ON URINARY DISORDERS , CONSTIPATION , and HEMORRHOIDS ; theirObviation and Removal . Sherwood , 23 , Paternoster-row ; Mann , 39 , Cornhill ; and the Author , 10 , Argyll-place , Regent-street : consultation hours , ten to twelve ; evenings , seven till nine . »
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FRAMPTON'S PILL of HEALTH . Price Is . lijd . per box . This excellent Family Pill is a Medicine of long-tried efficacy for correcting all disorders of the stomach and bowels , costiveness , flatulency , spasms , loss of appetite , sick headache , giddiness , sense of fulness after meals , dizziness of the eyes , drowsiness , and pains in the stomach and bowels . Two or three doses will convincethe afflicted of its salutary effects . The stomach will speedily regain its strength ; a healthy action of the liver , bowels , and kidneys will rapidly take place ; and—instead of listlessness , heat , pain , and jaundiced appearance—strength , activity , and renewed , health will be the quick result of taking this medicine according to the directions accompanying each box . Persons of a full habit , who are subject to headache , giddiness , drowsiness , and singing in the ears , arising from too great a flow of blood to the head , should never be without them , as many dangerous symptoms will be entirely carried off by their immediate Lse . For Females these pills are most truly excellent , removing all obstructions , the distressing headache so very prevalent with the sex , depression of spirits , dulness of sight , nervous affections , blotches , pimples , and sallowness of the skin , and give a healthy and juvenile bloom to the complexion . To Mothers they are confidently recommended as the beBt medicine that can be taken during pregnancy ; and for children of all ages they are unequalled . As a pleasant , safe , and easy aperient , they unite the recommendation of a mild operation with the most successful effect , and require no restraint of diet or confinement during their use . By regulating the dose , aocording to the age and strength of the patient , they become suitable for every case , in either sex , that can be required ; and for Elderly People they will bo found to be the most comfortable medicine hitherto prepared . Sold by T . PROUT , 229 , StTand , London . Pried Is . ljd . and 2 s . 3 d . per box ; and by the Venders of Medicine generally throughout the kingdom . —Ask for FRAMPTON'S PILL of HEALTH , and observe the name and address of " Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London , " on the Government stamp .
Untitled Ad
HERE 18 YOUR REMEDY ! HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT . —A most miraculoua CURE of BAD LEGS , after forty-three years ' suffering . Extract of a Letter from Mr . 'William Gnlpln , of 70 , St . Mary'setreet , Weymouth , dated May 15 , 1801 . " To Professor Hoixoway . " 8 m , —At the age of eighteen my wife ( who la now sixty-one ) caught a violent cold , which settled in her logs , and over since that time they have been more or less sore and greatly inflamed . Her agonies wero distracting , and for months together she was deprived entirely of rest and sleep . Every remedy that medical men advised was tried , but without effect ; her health suffered severely , and the state of her legs was terrible . 1 had often read your advertisements , and advised her to try your pills and ointment ; and , ap a last rcsourqe , after every other remedy had proved useless , she consented to do so . Shu commenced six weeks " , and , strange to relate , is now in good health . Her luge are painless , without seam or scar , and her slenp sound and undisturbed . Could you have witnessed thn sufferings of my wife during the last forty-throe , years , and contrast them with her present enjoyment ot health , you would indeed fuel delighted in liavlixr been the means of so greatly alleviating the auffttrings of a fellow creature , ( Signed ) WILLIAM GALP 1 N . " Sold by the Proprietor , 244 , Strand ( near Temple Bar ) , London and by all respectable Vondera Of Patent Medioines throughout tho Civilized World , In Pots and Boxen , at Is . 1 ^ 1 ., 2 s . tid ., 4 a . fid ., 11 s ., 22 s ., and 33 s . each . There is a very considerable saving Su taking the larger sixes . N . H . —Directions for ihe guidance of Patients are affixed to each not or box
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A NEW MEDICINE . TCIRANKS'S SPECIFIC CAPSULE —A form M . of Medicine at once safe , sure , speedy , and pleasant , especially applicable to urethial morbid secretions , and other ailments for which copaiba and cubebs are commonly administered * Each Capsule containing the 8 peciflc is made of the purest Gelatine , which , encased in tinfoil , may be conveniently carrie d in the pocket , and , being both elastic and pleasant to take , affords the greatest facility for , repeating the doses without intermission—a desideratum to persons travelling , visiting , or engaged in business , as well as to those who object to fluid medicines , being unobjectionable to the most susceptible stomach . Prepared only by GEORGE FRAN K 8 , Surgeon , at his Laboratory , 90 , Blackfriars-road , London , where they maybe had , ahd of all Medicine Venders , in boxes , at 2 s . 9 d . and 4 s . 6 d . each , or sent free by post at 3 s . and 5 s . each . Of whom , also , may be had , in bottles , at 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and lls ; eacb , _ ^ _ . -EJtANKS ^ S SPECIPreSOLUTTON OF COPAIBA . TESTIMONIALS . From Joseph Henry Green , Esq ., F . K . S ., President of the Royal College of Surgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to St . Thomas ' s Hospital ; and Professor of Surgery in King ' s College , London . "I have made trial of Mr . Fran ks ' s Solution of Copaiba , at St . Thomas ' s Hospital , in a variety of cases , and the results warrant my stating , that it is an efficacious remedy , and one which does not produce the usual unpleasant effects of Copaiba . ( Signed ) " Joseph HenbyGbbw . Uncom ' s-inn Fields , April 15 , 1835 . " FromBransby Cooper , Esq ., F . R . S ., one of the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to Guy ' s Hospital ; and Lecturer on Anatomy , &c . " Mr . Brarisby Cooper presents his compliments to Mr . George Franks , and has great pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficacy of his Solution of Copaiba . Mr . Cooper has prescribed the Solution in ten or twelve cases with perfect success . < "New-street , April 13 , 183 V * # * These medicines are protected against counterfeits by the Government Stamp—on which is engraven " Gbobge Franks , Blackfriarg-road "—being attached to each .
Untitled Ad
PILESLJ . A—T positive—eure—is-Tnow"placed in the reach of every sufferer from this distressing and truly disagreeable affliction by th . e use of Dr . COOPER'S infallable but perfectly simple remedy , which may be used without the least inconvenience or danger , by patients of both sexes and all ages , with the utmost certainty of success ; and by it Dr . C . will guarantee instant relief and permanent cure for the most aggravated cases of either blind or bleeding piles . Dr . COOPER , Professor of Medicine and Physician Extraordinary to the Eastern Counties Royal Medical Institution , has had 15 years' experience of the efficacy of this remedy , having during that period applied it in some hundreds of inveterate cases weekly , both in private practice and in various Hospitals in England , on the Continent , and in America , _ and can positively assert that it has never failed in a single case , therefore , he with confidence offers it to the public , and will send it ( post free ) to any part of the kingdom upon receipt of Post-office Order for 7 s . " ( 3 d ., payable at the Colchester Office , ' and addressed to ALFRED COOPER , M . D ., High-street , Colchester , Essex . N . B . —In every case Dr . C . guarantees a certain { cure for the above sum , his only motive for making this public announcement being purely for . the benefit of suffering humanity .
Untitled Ad
I pAlNS in the BACK , GRAVEL , LUMBAGO , MT Rheumatism , Gout , Indigestion , Nervousness * Debility , 8 tricture , Gleet , &c . &c—DR . DE ROOS * COMPOUND RENAL PILLS , as their name , Renal Cor the kidneys ) , indicates , are now established as a most : safe and efficacious remedy for the above dangerous complaints , discharges of any kind , retention of urine , and diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs generally , whether resulting from imprudence or otherwise , which , if neglected , frequently end in piles , fistula , stone in the bladder , and a lingering death . For gout , sciatica , rheumatism , tic dolorcaux , erysipelas , dropsy , scrofula , loss of hair and teeth , depression of spirits , blushing , incapacity for society , study , or business , confusion , giddiness , drowsiness , sleep without refreshment , fear , nervousness , and even insanity itself , when ( as is often the case ) arising from or combined with urinary diseases , they are unequalled . By their salutary action on acidity of the stomach they correct bile and indigestion , purify and promote the renal secretions , thereby preventing the formation of stone , and establishing for life the healthy-functions of all these organs . ONE TRIAL will convince the most prejudiced of their surprising properties . May be obtained at Is . l $ d . » 2 s , Hd ., 4 s . 6 d ., lls ., and 33 s . per box , through all Medicine Venders in the Kingdom ; or should any difficulty occur , they will be Bent free'on receipt of the price in postage stamps by Dr . De Roos . N . B . A considerable saving effected by purchasing the larger boxes . CAUTION . —A self-styled ten-shilling doctor ( unblushing impudence being his only qualification ) is advertising , under a different name , a highly injurious imitation of these Pills , and a useless abbreviated copy of Dr . De Roos' celebrated ' * Medical A dviser , " slightly changing its title ; sufferers will , therefore , do well to see that the stamp , bearing his name , affixed to each box is a " bona fide Government stamp" ( not a bnse counterfeit ) , and to guard against the truthless statements of this Individual , which are published only for the basest purposes of deception on invalids and fraud on the Proprietor . TO PREVENT FRAUD on the Publio by imitations of tho above excellent remedy , her Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners of Stamps have directed the name of the Proprietor , in white letters on a Ted ground , to be engraved on the Government Stamp affixed to all his Medicines , without which none is genuine , and to imitate which too closely is forgery and transportation . AUTHENTIC TESTIMONIALS . " Abersychan , Pontypool , May 2 , 1850 . Dear Sir , —After taking a box of your Renal Pills , I am so much better that I am induced to send for another , as 1 want to drive the pain quite away . —I remain , yours respectfully , J «» lin Andrews . " Fumes , June 28 , 1850 . Dear Sir , —Please fo : ward a 4 s . Od . box of your Renal Pills ; they are the only medicine I havo met with that have been of service . —Yours , &c , Milton Welch . " " Limekilnstreet , Dover . Sir , —Please to send a few more of your wonderful Pills . Mv wife has nearly taken all you sent bofore , and feels great relief already . —T . Bloem . " " 4 , Market-street , Manchester . Your medicines are very highly spoken of by all who have purchased them of me . —Yours truly , George Westmacott . " One person informs Mr . Smith , Titnet Ottict , Leeds , that those celebrated Pills are worth a guinea a box . N . B . Persons wishing to consult tho doctor by letter may do so by sending a detail of tho symptoms , &c ., ' with the usual fee of £ \ , by post-office order , jmyublo at the Holborn Office , for which the ncoossttry medioines and advice will bo eent to any part of the world . Address , WALTER DE ROOS , M . D ., 3 » , Ely-place , Holbornhill , London , where he may be consulted from 11 till I , and 6 till 8 , Sunday exoepted , unless by previous arrangement . % Wholesale Agents : Messrs . Barclay and Sons , 95 , Farrlngdon-street ; Button and Co ., 10 , Bow-churchyard ; Edwards , 07 , St . Paul ' s-ohurchyard ; Hannay , 03 , Oxford-street ; Banger , 150 , Oxford-streut ; Prout , Temple-bar ; Prentls , Edgwaro-road ; o'f whom the above may be obtained , and of all other Medlolno Venders in tho Kingdom ; but , shoulddlUlouUy occur , enclotto poitftKO stamps to the odtabllihmont .
Untitled Article
22 ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ , ¦ . ; - ^ fSA TURPilY ,
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 3, 1852, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1916/page/22/