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Thig day 1 b published , neatly bound in cloth , price 3 s . 6 d ., ( collected and revised from " Housbhold Words , " with a Table of Dates ) , THE FIRST VOLUME OF A CHILD'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND . By Charlbs Dickens . With a Frontispiece from a Drawing by F . W . Topham . The History will be completed in Three Volumes of the same size and price . , Bradbury and Evans , H , Bouverie-street . ' -
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NEW SPORTING WORK , WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY JOHN LEECH . On the 1 st of January was published , the First Number ( to be completed in Twelve Monthly Parts , price Is . each ) of MR . SPONGE'S SPORTING TOUR . By the Author of" Handley Cross , " " Jorrocks ' s Jaunts . " See . Each Number containing One Coloured Engraving and numerous Woodcuts , by John Lbbch . Bradbury and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street .
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This day is published , in two vol » , 8 vo ., price 30 s ., with a Portrait , L IFE AND LETTERS " of JOSEPH STORY , The Eminent American Jurist . Edited by his Son , William W . 8 toey . " Grkatbr than ant Law Writes , op -which Englaxd CAN BOAST SINCE THE DAYS OP BLACKSTONH . "—LORD CaMPbell in the House of Lords , April 7 , 1813 . » Judge Story teas as distinguished for his private life as a Man and for his attainments as a Scholar , as for hit professional career . The present work , tnerej ' ore , possesses great interest for < Ae general reader . London : John Chapman , 142 , Strand ; Edinburgh : Maclachlan and Stewart .
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In Weekly Numbers , price 2 d ., or stamped for post , 3 d .: in Monthly Parts , and in Half-yearly Volumes ( three of which are published ) , HOUSEHOLD WORDS . A Weekly Journal Conducted by CHARLES DICKENS . Designed for the Instruction and Amusement of all Classes of Readers , and to assist in the Discussion of the Social Questions of the time . Also , published at the end of every Month , at the same Office , price 2 d .
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THE HOUSEHOLD NARRATIVE OF CURRENT EVENTS ; which being declared , by the judgment of the Court of Exchequer , a legal publication not coming within the provisions of . the Stamp Act , will be regularly continued and much improved . The First Volume , being a Narrative of the Public Events of 1850 , is always on sale , price Three Shillings , neatly bound in cloth . The Second Volume will be published early in January . Office , No . 16 , Wellington-street North ; cold by all Booksellers and Newsmen . ~
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Just published , the Second Edition , price Is ., THE TASK OF TO-DAY . By Evans Bell . Being Volume I . of the Cabinet of Reason . An essential object is to create , or bring together in a port * able form , Literature by which the party represented may consent to be judged , which shall be a well-advised and dispassionate expression of principles not taken up in antagonism , but adopted in conviction and enforced as a protest alike against that Progress which is anarchy , and against that Order which is merely prostration in Intellect , and despotism in Politics . Price Threepence ,
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THE PHILOSOPHIC TYPE OF RELIGION ( As developed in " The Soul ; her Sorrows and her Aspirations , " of F . W . Newman ) , STATED , EXAMINED , AND ANSWERED . By G . J . Holyoakb . London : James Watson , 3 , Queen's Head-passage , Paternoster-row .
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CHRISTMAS PRESENT 8 AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS . Just Published , by DEAN and SON , 35 , Threadneedle-street . Edited by Miss Corner . Price 3 s . fid . each Series , each complete in , itself , bound in fanoy cloth , gilt edges , sides , and back , THE COLOURED NURSERY PICTURE SUNDAY BOOK . With above 100 coloured illustrations . Edited by Miss Cohnek , Author of the " Historical Library , " Sec . &c . Illustrated 2 s . 6 d . Books . Nine different Lists on application . SUNSHINE AND SHOWERS ; or . Stories for the Children of England . By the Author of " Spring Flowera and Summer Blossoms . " Forming No . IX . of DEANS' 2 s . 6 d . Series of Present Books for the Young and Good . Bound with gilt edges , sides , and back . Handsome Book for a present , price 5 b ., tastefully bound , with raised fancy covers , gilt and figured , gilt edges , and printed in emblematic coloured borders , with Selections of Poetry appropriate to each Flower , THE ORIENTAL TEXT BOOK , and LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS , By G . W . Adams , Author ot ¦** Poetry of Flowers , " &c . &c . Price Is ., stiff cover ; or Is . fid . cloth , PAPA AND MAMMA'S EASY LESSONS IN ARITH METIC . By T . M . Moubll . With Thirty Illustrations . Same size and style as Mien Corner's " Play Grammar , " and Miss Sargcant ' s " Papa and Mamma's Easy Lesions in Geography . " . Will be ready on the 16 th . TO THOSE ABOUT TO MARRY 111 SHOWING HOW WE ( THE JONES'S ) COMMENCED HOUSEKEEPING ; with some account of ray mothern-l ( iw . Designed and etched by Watts Phillips , pupil of George Crulckshank . All for 3 s . Od . plain , or 5 b . c . olourcd . . Fun for Christmas , and all Times , REMINISCENCES of the GR . EAT EXHIBITION ; 0 * 1 ANNALIS I'ACETARUM of 1 BDL . lB . pUin , 3 s . coloured . , ' A Comic Panorama , price Is . plaim 2 s . 6 d . coloured , FROLIC and JFUN ; or , What was Seen and Done ^ LAUGHTER nnd TUN for EVERY ONE , nhowing the Comical effect of TURN-UP and TURN-DOWN ; the whole a Mint of Fireside Fun . Prioo fid . plain , li . 6 d . coloured . Price 6 d . plain . In stiff cover , or la . coloured , in boards , with 44 Illustrations , PLEASING POPULAR RIDDLES and PUZZLES . London : Printed for George Man , Cornhill , by Dean and Bon , Thre » dnoedUj . Btr « et ; and by order of « U BookswUeri ,
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I . MR . CARLYLE'S NEW WORK . / This day , post 8 vo ., 10 s . 6 d ., THE LIFE OF JOttN STERLING . " v --By Thomas Casitlb . Second Edition . II . Second and Cheaper Edition , imall 8 vo ., cloth , 7 a ., WILL I A M P E N N . . AN HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHY . » from : mbw sources . By William Hbpworth Dixok . With a-Portrait . / III . Handsomely printed in crown 8 vO . f "with a Portrait and Vignette Title , 8 s ., cloth , THE POETICAL AND DRAMATIC WORKS OF SIR EDWARD BULWER LYTTON , Bart . Now first Collected . VoL I ., containing " Narrative Poems , " The New Timon , " &c . IV . < 3 volt ., cloth 8 vo ., 32 s ., LIFE AND LETTERS OP BARTHOLD GEORGE NIEBTJHR . From the German and Original Sources . With Essays On his Character and Influence . By the Chevalier Bunsbw , and Professors Bbaxdib and Lorbbll . London : Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly .
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" This day , 3 s ., GERMAN WORD-BOOK : a Comparative Vocabulary displaying the close affinity between the German and English Languages ; with the Alphabet , Rules , and Examples for a correct Pronunciation . By Adoljhos . Bbunays , Phil . Doc , Professor of the German Language and Literature in King ' s College , London . By the same Author , GERMAN GRAMMAR . Eighth Edition . 5 s . GERMAN EXERCISES . Tenth Edition . 5 % . 6 d . GERMAN EXAMPLES ; a Key to the Exercises . Fifth Edition . 3 s . GERMAN READER . Fifth Edition . 5 s . GERMAN HISTORICAL ANTHOLOGY . Se-COl GERMAN POETICAL ANTHOLOGY . Fourth Edition . 7 s . GFRMAN CLASSICS . With Introduction ! and English Notes . By Professor Bbrnats , orKing's College . SCHILLER'S MAID OF ORLEANS . 2 s . SCHILLER'S WILLIAM TELL . 2 s . London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
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WORKS PUBLISHED by JAMES WATSON . FOWLER ' S WORKS on PHYSIOLOGY , . d . PHRENOLOGY , &c . 1 vol . 5 0 OHANNING'S WORKS . 6 vols ., cloth . , . . 80 GODWIN'S POLITICAL JUSTICE . 2 vols . ini . . 50 THEODORE PARKER , on MATTERS PERTAINING to RELIGION . 1 vol . 1 » POPULAR LECTURES on RELIGION , MORALS , OPINIONS . By Frances Wright . 1 vol . . . 30 A FEW DAYS in ATHENS . By Frances Wright . yo 1 » # . • • • • • ¦ • • X O OWEN and BACHELOR'S DISCUSSION on GOD and the BIBLE . 1 vol . . . • • • . 46 ROBERT DALE OWEN'S POPULAR TRACT 8 . 1 vol . 2 6 P B SHELLEY'S QUEEN MAB . With Notes . 1 vol . 1 6 H ASLAM' 8 LETTEK 8 to the CLERGY of all DENOMINATIONS . 1 vol . . ...... 2 6 HASLAM'S LETTERS to the BISHOP of EXETER . 1 VOia • •• • • • • * * O VO LN EY'S RUIN S of BMP IRES and LAW of NATURE . 1 vol . ... •••• " - VOLNEY' 8 LECTURES on HISTORY . . . . 10 PAINE' 8 POLITICAL WORKS . 2 vols . in 1 . . . 00 PAINE'S THEOLOGICAL WORKS . 1 vol . . . . 80 MIRABAUD'tt 8 Y 8 TEM of NATURE . 2 vola . ini . 50 BIBLE of REA 8 ON . 3 parts in 1 vol . . . .. 76 Part 4 . BIBLE of REASON , or TESTAMENT of 1851 , is now publishing in Weekly Numbers , at 2 d . each . London : J . Wataon , 3 , Queen's Head-paisage , Paternoster-row .
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THE LITERARY GAZETTE . ENLARGED TO 24 PAGES . The LITERARY GAZETTE , price 4 d . (• tamped to go free by post fld . ) , i « published overy Saturday in time for despatch by the Morning Mails . The contenU of the LITERARY GAZETXE are arranged as follow * : — Reviews . —Critical Review * , with extracts of all important ntw English Works , and occasionally of Foreign Works . Notices . —Brief , Critical , and Analytical Notices of New Books , not suitable for review . Summary . —Announcements of Forthcoming Works , with notices of New Editions , Reprints , Translations , Periodicals , List of New ' Books . —The usual Liat , with particulars of also , and price of all booki published during the week . Communications—Original Memoirs , Biographies , Accounts of Scientific Voyages and Travels , Letter * Irom Corresponde To |' ics ° of the Week . —An editorial record of Literary , Scientific , and Social Intelligence . .,., .. . Proceedings of Societies . —Abstracts of Original Leotures and of Papers read at the Learned Societies , with occasional illustrative Woodcuts of Diagrams , Seotlona , &c , " ¦ Fine Art * . —Reviews and Notices of Art Publications . Prints , Exhibitions , Sale of Picturea , Sea ., and general Art intelligence . Foreign Correspondence . — Letters from Correspondents resident in Paris , Lclpslo . Madrid , and other Continental cities . Music—Notices of Operas , Concerts , Oratorios , How Publications and general Musical Intelligence . The Droma . -Roports of the Theatres , with Criticisms of New Plays , and general Dramatic Intelligence . VarWieM : — Fragments of general interest . - Subscribers ordering the stamped edition have their copies forwarded direct from the office , free of poatngo , by the early ¦ SfLWB ^ lS oA ^ TTi ! ta "« l .. « ed In Monthly Parts , and may be had , free of expense , In all pans of the country with Ul Lo ^ don * ; B * eeY 0 and Bonham , 5 , Henrletta *» troct ( Cotcnt garden , . .
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THE SHEFFIELD FREE PRESS , published every Saturday Morning , price 4 $ d ., is now acknowledged to be the leading organ of a vast manufacturing district , including the populous towns of Sheffield , Rotheram , Barnsley , and Workaop , and containing a population of about 260 . 000 . It is attached to no sect or party , the great and distinguishing ieature being a thorough and determined opposition to Centralization , and an unflinching- and persevering advocacy of the great prinoiple of Local 8 elf-G <* vernment . The sperche * of the great Magyur chief , Kossuth , will draw in creased attention to this vital subject . The other important principles of the paper aro : —Abolition of the Exoise and Standing Army ; Monetary Reform , based on the Principle of a Self-Regulating Currency ; the Gradual and Final Extinction of the Nntlonal Debt ; Direct Legislation , as developed by Klttlnghauaon ; the Enfranchisement of Woman ; Parliamentary Heform , founded on the 1 ' eopla'n Charter , &o . The unprecedented success which has attended th , o journal since its establishment ut thecomiiumoonientof the present year , and . its circulation belniraniongttttl-ftaotivu , intelligent , thoughtful , and earnest olaesos / ronder it the beat medium for HolicitorB , auctioneers , insurance "Wtleea , , authors , publishers , and advertisers In general , to make tUir announcements public in thu south of Yorkshire Mr . Clms , Mitchell , in the last edition of the Newspaper Press Directory , thus notices the Free Press : — " It la cleverly conducted ; the reviews ol new books arc ably and impurtluUy written ; and there aro copious details of the foreign , home , » nd colonial news of the week . " Free Press Offloe : Exchange-gateway . Sheffield , November , 1851 .
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IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISERS . THE WOLVEKHAMPTON and STAFFORDSHIRE HERALD , and BIRMINGHAM , SHROPSHIRE , and MIDLAND COUNTIES ADVERTISER . The advertising public is respectfully informed that the WOLVEKHAMPTON and STAFFORDSHIRE HERALD is now circulating extensively throughout Staffordshire , Shropshire , and the Midland Counties , and is , therefore , the best advertising medium in this populous and highly important District , as , independently of its large ciiculation in Private Families , it has an extensive one amongst Public Institutions and Professional Men , and is read in every respectable ' Hotel and Tavern in , the above Counties . With respect to its teeming population , its vast extent , immense resources , and unrivalled manufacturing operations , this District is one of the highest importance to advertisers , and circulating extensively throughout , the WOLVERHAMPTON and STAFFORDSHIRE HERALD affords to advertisers and the public the best possible medium of publicity for the announcement of Auctioneers , Insurance Offices , Public Companies , and Societies , Professional Men , Merchants , Factors ., Tradesmen , and General Dealers , and that too at a scale of charges , the liberal character of which , ha * not failed to secure to the proprietors an extensive P rhe \ v OLVERHAMPTON and STAFFORDSHIRE HERALD is published every Wednesday morning , price 5 d ., on a sheet as large as the Times , and circulated , at an early hour in the morning , through the entire District , and in many parts of the Kingdom . % All letters for the Herald should be addressed , Thomas Bardel Brindley , Herald Oflice , Snow-hill , Wolvethampton ,
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Just published , by JJaiUiere , rsiv , Kegent-street , price 2 a ., . '¦ with Illustrative Plates , THE LIVER—the great puvifying- organ . Its importance to health , and the frequency of its disorder ; with the derangements—both dyspeptic and nervous—its disorder occasions fully explained , and their treatment . With observations on the Cause and Cure of Cancer . By C . 8 BARLK , M . D .. M . R . C . S . E ., late of the E . I . C . Madras Estab . ; Author of the Philosophy of " Life . Health , and Disease "; and of " Cholera , Dysentery , > nd Fever . "
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THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE and HISTORICAL REVIEW . The Number for JANUARY , 1852 , being the first of a new Volume , contains the following articles : —! . Olympia Morata . 2 . John Jewel , sometime Bishop of Salisbury . 3 . Ulrichvon Hutten . Pirkheimer , and Sickingen . 4 . Bristol High Cross : with an Engraving , 5 . Dr . Chalmers as a Professor . 6 . Simbols of the Saints—the Angel , by J . G . Waller . 7 . Wanderings of an Antiquary , by Thomas Wright , F . S . A . —vThe Roman Iron District of the Forest of Dean ; with . Engravings . S . Original Letter of General Wolfe on Military Studies . 9 . Pilgrimages of Torkington and We > to the Holy Land ; 10 . Correspondence of Sylvanus Urban : the Early Life of Marat in England—Detention of James II . in 1688— Bastards distinguished in English History—Skeletons found at Little Wilbraham—The Roman Antiquities of Britain—Ladies wearing the Order of the Garter . The Obituary contains Memoirs of the King of Hanover , Marshal Soult ,-Sir Horace Seymour , Lord Mackenzie , Honourable J . E . D , Bethune , Michael Jones , Esq , Reverend Spencer Madau . Reverend Lancelot Sharpe , Reverend W . G , Rowland , Reverend N . G . Woodrooffe , Mr . Jones the Comedian , and Mr . John Buckler , F . S . A . Price 2 s . 6 d . . Nichols and Son , 25 , Parliament-street , ¦ .
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THE FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY MAGAZINE aud REVIEW . No .. 8 was published on Friday , January 2 . Contents : —Masonic Retrospect ; by th Editor—Revelations of a Square ; by Dr . Oliver—The r . irfs Tailor—Heraldry—Ancient Marks—Pretended Masonic Revelations—An Arctic Serenade—Biographical Tableaux—Correspondence — Obituary — Quarterly Communications — Grand Lodge and Chapter—The 33 rd Degree—The Charities—Metropolitan , Provincial , and Foreign Masonic Intelligence—Title , Index , &c . London : Richard Spencer , 314 , High Holborn .
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THE W E S T MIN ST E R REVIEW . No . CXI ., JANUARY , 1853 . Price 6 « . . : \ : ' •• : ¦ ¦ . ' contents . ¦¦ :- . . ¦ I . Representative Reform . v II . Shell Fish : their Ways and Works . v ? III . The Relation between Employers and Employed . IV . Mary Stuart ; .. ;¦ . '¦¦ . '¦¦ - ' : ¦ . •" . ¦¦ .,--, ';; ¦ ' . V * The Latest Continental ^^ Theory , of Legisiaiion . ,. ¦ VI . Julia von Kriidener , as Coquette atfd MjBtic . ¦' VII . The Ethics of Christendom . VIII . Political Questions and Parties in France . IX . Contemporary Literature of England . X . Retrospective Survey of American Literature . XI . Contemporary Literature of America . XII . Contemporary Literature of Germany . XIII . Contemporary Literature of France . Persons desirous of having the Work forwarded to them by Post , postage free , are requested to transmit their names to the Publisher ^ in order that they may receive their copies oh the day of publication . London : John Chapman , 142 , Strand .
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44 Wfrt tLt&bt t * [ Saturday , Jan . 10 , 1852 .
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London ! l'rlntcd by Thornton Hunt ( of I ! ro « Aw « y-h'JH » e , In the l ' arjih of JJ « nuiierimltli , Middleaox ) , nt the Ofllco of Meiin , l ' ntmer « nd OUytoii , No . 10 , Orane-ouurt . In tho l > arl » h ut St . I > unBtun-tn-tlio-We « t . JiOiidoni nnd piibllalicd by tho aald Tiiohnton Hunt , at theliKADBtt OFFICE , 10 , WELLINGTON STRUBT . HTBANP , i « « ht frtolm ^ « f thf Batof ,--t ) Aiu » DAi , January 10 , l » ii .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 10, 1852, page 44, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1917/page/20/