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Sir Richard W . Bulkeley , M . P . for Anglesea ; and seconded by Mr . Bonham Carter ! •¦• Mr . Plumptre has resigned his office as M . P . for East Kent . Sir Edward Bering and Sir Brook Bridges are in the field , candidates for the honour of senatorship . "We have authority to state , that there is no foundation whatever for the paragraph which has appeared under the heading of " Military Camps round London . "Morning Post . ' . ¦ . . . Major-General the Honourable George Cathcart is appointed Governor of the Cape of Good Hope , in the room of Sir Henry Smith , It is said that a Lieutenant-Governor is to be appointed to take charge of the civil Government during the absence of the Commander in Chief . M . Theirs and Generals Changarnier and Lamoriciere have arrived in town .
The Hanover journals of the 6 th state that a consultation of physicians and surgeons has been held on the blindness of the King , and that all the members present , -with the exception of Dr . Leuw , expressed an opinion that the malady is incurable . . Sir James Graham , Baronet , M . P ., 'left Netherby-hall for London by the express train on Tuesday . It is understood that he was sent fox by Lord John Russell to lend him a helping band . The gentleman who came for him was a stranger , but apparently a man of rank , as he travelled in the same carriage with Sir James , and they occupied the whole of it , a board being attached to the door with the notice that the moving council-chamber was " engaged , " and not to be intruded upon by ordinary mortals . —Newcastle Journal . ¦
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Captain Henry HolUnsworth has been recently appointed a Military Knight of Windsor . He served in the campaign of 1799 in Holland ; in the Egyptian campaign of 1801 ; at the battle of Maida in 1806 ; campaign of 1808-9 , including the battles of Vimeira and Corunna ; expedition to Walcheren in 1809 ; Peninsular campaigns , from October , 1812 to end of 1814 , including battle of Vittoria , battles of the Pyrenees , affairs on entering France , and battle of Orthes , in which he was severely wounded in the right thigh . Has received a war medal with nine clasps * In addition to this we understand that he lost a son , a captain in the Tenth Foot , at Mooltan , in 1848 . Baron Kemeny , a distinguished Hungarian exile , who died last week under peculiar circumstances , was buried
on Sunday at Kensal-green Cemetry . His funeral was attended by Lord "Dudley Stuart , M . P ., Count Paul Esterhazy , Count Ladilas Vay , the ex-minister Vukovics , the Reverend Dr . Ronai—a distinguished ecclesiastic of the Catholic Church in Hungary , exiled for his love of fatherland , Colonel Kiss , Colonel Thaley , Captain Wekey , late aide-de-camp to the Governor Kossuth , Professor Newman , Mr . Charles Gilpin , Mr . Nicholay , and others . There "were many burials on that day ; the corpse of the gallant Kemeny had to wait its turn , and it was twilight before the coffin , surmounted by the shako with its white egret ' s plume and the sword of the dead patriot soldier , was borne to the . grave . A loving and manly oration was delivered by Dr . Ronai over the last resting-place of the exile .
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The following notification appears in the Gazette of Tuesday . " It is hereby notified that Earl Granville , her Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs , has received from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty a copy of a despatch , dated the 6 th . ultimo , from Henry William Bruce , Esq ., Commodore and Commander-in-Chief of her Majesty ' s Naval Forces on the west coast of Africa , informing their Lordships that he had issued'the following notification of a blockade of ports and places in the Bight of Benin : — «• Her Britannic Majesty ' s Steam-ship , Penelope , Sierra Leone , December 6 , 1851 .
" In compliance with instructions from her Majesty ' s Government , it is hereby notified that a blockade of all ports and places ( except Badagry ) situate in the Bight of Benin , from longitude 1 deg . to 4 deg . 30 min . east of Greenwich , wili forthwith be established by me , with an efficient force ; and no merchant vessel will be permitted to hold any communication whatever with the ports and places interdicted from and after the lot day of January next . " H . W . Bruce , Commodore and Commander in-Chief of her Britannic Majesty's Naval Forces on the west coast of Africa . "
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The following letter , on the appearance of " foreign police" among us , is from the Daily Neto $ of Wednesday : — Sir , —Within the last few days the French Government have despatched to London a posse of its secret ^ police agents , to watch ( surveillcr ) and hunt down their proscribed fellow-countrymen . ( Most of the above agents are desperate , reckless characters , and little likely to conform to our police regulations . ) It is to be hoped that instead of countenancing this Parisian intrusion , the ' authorities of Scotland-yard will closely watch the proceedings of the usurper ' s spies , and prevent peaceable JFrcnoh emigrants from Jnsult or annoyance in this country . I address you on this aubjeot , in consequence of a Frenoh literary gentleman of my acquaintance , who , for several days pnist , has been watched and dogged by foreign secret agents , to his serious inconvenience and annoyance , I am , Sir , your obedient servant , A Tiuiia John But ^ .
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The following is the oflioial roturn of the present military force of Great Britain ( not including the troops in the service of the Honourable East India Company ) :- — Cavalry—First nnd Second Regiments of Life Guards , and First Regiment of Royal Horse Guards Blue , CuixaHeierH , forming the cavalry of the Household Brigade \ Seventh Regiment of Dragoon Guards ( Sixth Carabihiers ); First Regiment Royal Home Artillery ; 10
regiments of Dragoons , viz ., 3 regiments of Heavy Dragoons , First , Second , and Sixth ; 4 regiments of Light Dragoons , Third , Fourth , Thirteenth , and Fourteenth ; 5 regiments of Hussars , Seventh , Eighth , Tenth , Eleventh , and Fifteenth ; 4 regiments of Lancers , Ninth , Twelfth , Sixteenth , and Seventeenth ; and 1 regiment of Cape Mounted Riflemen . Infantry—3 regiments of Foot Guards , First Grenadiers ( 3 battalions ) , Second Coldstream ( 2 battalions , Third Scots Fusiliers ( 2 battalions ) , forming the Infantry of the Houshold Brigade ; 1 regiment of Royali Artillery ( 12 battalions ); 99 reg iments of
the Line ( Sixtieth King's Royal Rifle Corps ); 1 Rifle Brigade ( 2 battalions ); 3 West India regiments ; 1 Ceylon Rifle regiment ( 2 battalions ) ; 1 Royal Malta Fencible regiment ; 1 Royal Canadian Rifle regiment ; 1 St . Helena regiment , and Royal Newfoundland companies ; 1 corps of Royal Engineers ; forming an effective military force of 130 > 000 men . Besides the above , there are 140 regiments of militia in England , Wales , the Channel Islands , Ireland , and Scotland , the staff of which only is kept up in time of peace ; and 50 regiments of country Yeomanry Cavalry , and the Out-pensioners' battalions .
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The latest intelligence from Australia tells of increased discoveries of gold and a constant influx of persons into the gold regions , who have deserted the common employments and engaged in hunting for gold . The various states of Switzerland have subscribed 295 , 912 francs as a loan , without interest , for the construction of electric telegraphs . The sum required is fiOO . OOO francs . , The periodical comet of Encke was detected at the Liverpool observatory on Sunday night , during a brief interval between clouds . The comet appeared as a faint patch of nebulous light of one or two minutes' diameter . The screw steam-ship Great Britain , Captain Mathews , is to be placed on the New York and Liverpool station early in the ensuing spring . This magnificent vessel has been thoroughly repaired and strengthened , and her machinery , manufactured by Messrs . Penn and Sons , of Londonis of the most approved construction .
, A large meeting was held last Thursday at Newcastle , for the purpose of agreeing to a petition to Parliament against the renewal of the income and property tax in any shape whatever . But in discussion it turned out that there were many opinions represented at the meeting . Mr . Crawshay , Sir J ohn Fife , and others , stood out for direct taxation and a revised income-tax ; but they were defeated . Newcastle , therefore , goes for a repeal of the income-tax on trades and professions , a slight modification of the resolution originally submitted to the meeting . . _ _ .. _ . _ . .. ,
Mr . Anderson , M . P ., and Mr . Samuel Briggs , waited on the Pasha of Egypt , at Cairo , on the 27 th ultimo , to present an address to him , agreed to at a meeting . of British Merchants , on the 14 th of October . The address desired to convey to the Pasha of Egypt the assurance of their sympathy and their support by every legitimate means in the present position of affairs—a sympathy and support which they consider he has fully earned by the liberal , active , and judicious manner in which he has devoted , and purposes to devote , his resources to the security of the transit of the British , mails , travellers , and property to and from the East . The Mark Lane Express of Monday records , m _ one column , the occurence of no less than thirteen incendiary fires . ' _ ,, Two garrotte robberies were perpetrated in Edinburgh last week . This species of robbery is on the
. Several children were burnt last week , owing to the carelessness of their parents in leaving them alone in rooms where there were fires . An explosion of firedamp took place about noon , on Friday , at Mr . John Daghsh ' s colliery , Kit-green , near Norbury-hall , Pemberton , about two miles from Wigan . Sixteen persons w « e burned , but none of them were killed . A man at Preston , named William Shaw , has been fined' five shillings and costs , amounting to eighteen shillings and sixpence , for selling two pennyworth of lollypops on the " Lord ' s Day . " The conviction took place under an act of Charles II , of " pious memory , " as the pension Hat declares . _ . _ " mm . ...... ^ A Great
An action , arising out of the building for the " Globe " in Leicester-square , was tried on Tuesday in the Bail Court . The plaintiff was a Mr . Abraham , and he claimed £ 492 for labour in preparing plans . £ 200 had been paid into court ; and after hearing evidence the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff , damages £ 78 beyond the amount paid into court . A meeting for the prevention of destitution and mendicancy in London was held on Thursday , at the London Tavern- The plan proposed is the establishment of a number of hospices and asylums , with soup kitchens attached , similar to that now existing in Leioestersquare ; a free registry for labourers and servants , and lavatories and other conveniences . The Lord Mayor presided , and resolutions were agreed to in accordanoo with the above plan . A commission of lunacy has been sitting for some days at the Eyre Arms , St . John's-wood , to inquire into the state of mind of one Mrs . Catherine Gumming , aged
seventy-thre , e years , and the possessor of some fortune . The inquiry opened on Wednesday week and is not yet concluded . Mrs . Cumming is a lady much given to brandy , very fond of cats , uncleanly in her habits , and unkind to her children . The evidence of her insanity turns on these points , and is extremely voluminous and uninteresting . The oats wore tenderly kept , they had a doctor , wore allowed wine sometimes , and covers were laid for them . Dr . Forbes Wlnslow , after a searching investigation , concludes that Mrs . Gumming is of sound mind , and quite capable of managing her property . As to the allegations in proof of her insanity , he found that the first antipathy to her children was referable to the treatment oho had received at their frauds , m
it operated on her mind—she believed they wanted her property , and therefore confined her in an asylum . The second allegation in proof was that she had said one of her daughters attempted to strangle her . The daughter , Mrs . Ince , having rushed in one day and flung her arms round her mother ' s neck with apparent affection , whereupon the old lady , who disliked her daughter , ; and suspected her affection , ' exclaimed , " Oh , do you want to strangle me ? " an exclamation quite natural under the circumstances . Mrs . Cumming does not now believe that her daughter wished to strangle her * The third allegation is that Mrs . Cumming believed oxalic acid had been put in her milk . Poison had been put in her milk , with what intent does not appear . On the whole , we should say Mrs . Cumming is not insane , but simply a woman of low tastes , bad temper , and uncleanly habits . A fire broke out in the vaults of Exeter-hall on
Wednesday , but was speedily extinguished . An engine driver on the South Western Railway was killed at Woking , on Thursday week . He had got down to oil the machinery , and , in so doing , placed his right arm and the upper part of his personbetween the spokes of the bind wheel , and whilst he was in this position several trucks were by some means forced violently against the end of the tender , which caused the connected rod to rise and crush the deceased ' s head and body against some portion of the works . The immediate cause of death was laceration of the brain .. An inquest was held on Wednesday , and a verdict of " Accidental death " returned . On Monday morning , the 5 th instant , a serious accident happened to the omnibus which , until the completion of the Alston Branch Line ; tuns between Alston and the
Shafthill station . The omnibus left Alston at a quarter after six in the morning with four passengers , and on going down Thornhope bank at a rapid rate , was very awkwardly upset . The road at this place Is , apparently , cut outof ahill side , and is embanked at one side without a sufficient wall to protect it . Over this embankment the omnibus was precipitated , and it afterwards rolled twice over down the hill . One of the passengers was severely cut on the head and face . The others , with the exception of a dreadful shaking and many ugly bruises , were no worse . The coachman , however , was seriously injured , one of the horses having rolled over him : his recovery is very doubtful . A British schooner has ' been captured by pirates in Melluda Bay , Indian Archipelago , and two of her officers and a portion of her native crew murdered .
Twq revenue officers in the north of India have been waylaid and murdered . Died on the 9 th , in St . Patrick square , Edinburgh , at the advanced age of one'hundred and one years and eleven months , John Wilson . He was originally a mechanic , and , for many years , has been supported by the industry of his daughter . Until the last few months he was able to read and occasionly to walk out by himself .
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BIRTHS . On the 8 th of January , at Government-house , Iale of Man , the Lady Isabella Hope : a daughter . On the 9 th , at Hintlesham-hall , Suffolk , the Honourable Mn . H . Lloyd Anstruther : a son . On the 10 th , at Worthing , the Lady Marcus Hill : a daughter . On the llth , at Westborne-terrace , Mrs . William de la Bue , prematurely : a daughter . On the llth , at Enrl ' s-terrace , Kensington , the wife of John Thomas Longman , Esq .: a daughter . On the 12 ih , at Wicken-park . Stony Stratford , the Lady Louisa Douglas Pennant : a daughter . MAKKTAGE 8 .
On the 7 th of January , at St . George ' s , Hanover-square , Marshall Holmes , Esq ., M . D ., of Park-street , to Annie Baker , daughter of the late Joseph Cox Baker , Esq ., M . B . 0 . 8 . On the 8 th , at the parish church of St . John , Hampstead , "William Groverf Carter , M . D ., of Manchester-terrace , Kilburn , to Miss Emma Marshall Paul , of Upton-villas , Kilburn , late of Gosport . On the 8 th , at the Abbey Church , St . Alban ' e , John T . Nicholson Lipacomb , Esq ., M . D ., of the same place , to Margaret Mary Jane , eldest daughter of the Reverend Samnel Williams , of Stourton , Wilts . On the 8 th , at St . John's , Paddlngton , Lieutenant Osbor » , late of her Majesty ' s ship Pioneer , eldest son of Major E . Osborn , Madras Army ( retired ) , to Helen H . G , Hinxman . eldest daughter of the deceased John Hinxman , Esq ., Navy Agent , of London .
On the 14 th , at Trinity Church , Marylebono , the Reverend Thomns Garden Carter , to Louisa Jones , eldest daughter of the liigrht Honourable the Vice-Oliancellor Turner .
DEATHS . . . On the 6 th of November , of wounds received in action on tho heights above tho Watorkloof , Lieutenant John Gordon , Seventy fourth lteffimont , eldest son of ttye late Sir Charles Gordon , of Drimnin , Knight . On tho 2 nd of January , nt her residence , Upper Gloucester- * place , Marie Dorothtie St . Martin , Dowagor Countess de la Tour do Halro " . On the 6 th , at Plymouth-ronds , Octavlua Walker , late Midshipman on board her Majesty's ship Aoheron , Captain Stokes , and youngest son of Charles Walker , JS > w \ ., late Major of tho Fifth Dragoon Guurds , aged eighteen . On the 10 th , at Hogent ' e-purk-torrace . of pleurisy , Alfred Augustus Fry , Esq ., or the firm of Thomas do la Bue and Co .. in tho sixty-fourth year of his age . ,., « ,, _ On tho llth , at Brompton-row , Brompton , William Savage , Commander , ltoynl Navy , aged seventy . On tho llth , in his aixty-eixth year , 81 r Benjamin Smith , lato of Jlegent-itreet , Portland-pUoo , and of Bait Hoath-lod «;» , Berks .
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HEALTH OF LONDON DURING THE WEEK . ( From the Registrar-General ' s Report . ) In the weekending last Saturday the number of deaths registered in the metropolitan districts was 1111 . In the ten corresponding weeks of 1842-51 , the average number of deaths was 1138 , and if this be raised by a certain amount , in proportion to increase of population , it becomes 1252 . Compared with the corrected average , last week ' s return of mortality shows a decrease of 141 . Last week the number of fatal cases caused by smallpox was 32 , of which 27 occurred among children .
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Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 17, 1852, page 54, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1918/page/10/