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Just published , price 3 d ., 1 TOSSUTH , ESTERHAZY , arid BATTHY'XV . ANYI ; being Answers to Aspersions contained in Letters published in the Times ; and a Vindication of , Kossuth , &c « By 1 . TO 0 I . 5 KN Smith , Esq . London : Trelawny Saunders , 6 , Charing-cros « .
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This day is published , price 4 b , in cloth , " "pROSE AND VERSE . By Mark Lemon .
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By the same Author , price 3 s . 6 d ., THE ENCHANTED DOLL . , A Fairy Talk Fob Young PbofIB . With Illustrations by Richabd Doylb . Bradbury and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street .
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HOUSEHOLD NARRATIVE , A SUPPLEMENT TO HOUSEHOLD WORDS . Conducted by Ohabies DlCKBNS . This day is published , price 3 s . in cloth , the Volume for 1851 of rpHE HOUSEHOLD NARRATIVE OF X CURRENT EVENTS ; which being declared , by the judgment of the Court of Exchequer , a legal publication not coming 'within the provisions of the Stamp Act , will be regularly continued and much improved . A Number is published at the end of each month . The First Volume for 1850 is always on sale , price 3 s . - Published at the Office of Household Words , 16 , Wellingtonstreet North . Sold by all Booksellers and Newsmen .
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Just published , price Is ., A LETTER to LORD JO HNRSSSELL , MJEV , -.:. — : onrTHE BENCHERS ^ SNT ) THE BAB . By D . W . Harve y , Esq . " I beg to state that , if his Majesty ' s Government do not bring in a bill to remedy the existing evil , I will . "—Mr . Rolfe ( now Lord Cran Worth ) . " Since the world began there never wae anything bo unjust as the conduct of the Bench . "—Mr . o'Conn ell , << It is a most important subject for the consideration of this House , whether any body of men . in their own private chamber , ¦ hould have the power of determining whether any person shall be excluded for life from the practice of the higher banch of the law . "—Mr . A , Baring . London : Published by Butterworth , 7 , Fleet-street , Law Bookseller : and by Bidgway , Piccadilly .
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ELIZA COOK'S JOURNAL . —Every Saturday , Price Three-halfpence , and in Monthly Parts , with tbe Magazines ; also in Half-Yearly Volumes , five of which are ready , price 4 s . 5 d . each ^ bound in green cloth . " Without the disposition to embark in party politics , it deals temperately with those great social questions which affect the lives and daily habits of the people , lathe belief that all general advancement must be founded upon individual improvement , it has dhected particular attention from time to time te the cultl \ ., * . on of temperate , frugal , and self-respecting habits ; thus endeavouring to promote the welfare of society as a whole By the elevation and improved culture of the individuals of whom society is composed . "—See Prospectus , Frequent Prose and Poetical Contributions , by the Editor , are published , with entertaining Essays , Biographic Sketches , Be views . Tales , Poetry , Diamond Dust , &c . London : Charles Cook , 3 , Baquet-court , Fleet-street .
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WORKS on CO-OPERATION and SOCIALISM , Sold by JAMES WATSON . BOBERT OWEN'S BOOK of the NEW MORAL s . d . WORLD- 1 vol . cloth . 11 0 Ditto , Six Parts , reduced to 6 d . each . Part 4 out of print . BOBERT OWEN'S DEVELOPMENT , or Principles of Home Colonization . 1 vol . . . • . . 36 BOBERT OWEN'S LECTURES on a RATIONAL STATE of SOCIETY , in Answer to the Bishop of Exeter , . . . « • • • . 30 BOBERT OWEN'S TWELVE LECTURES on an ENTIRE NEW STATE of SOCIETY . . . . 36 BOBERT OWEN'S REPORT to the COUNTY of LANARK . 06 BOBERT OWEN'S SIGNS of the TIMES . . . 02 BOBERT OWEN'S ADDRES 8 to SOCIALISTS . . 02 BOBERT OWEN'S OUTLINES of the RATIONAL 8 Y 8 TEM . 02 KOBERT OWEN'S MANIFESTO ( 8 eventh Edition ) . 1 0 BOBERT OWEN'S DISCUSSION with the Reverend WM LEGO . • • «• • • . 16 BOBERT OWEN'S DISCUSSION with J . BRINDLEY , at Bristol ........ 06 BOBERT OWEN'S FIR 8 T LECTURE at the MECHANICS' INSTITUTION , London .. . . 0 8 BOBERT OWEN'S ADDRE 88 on the OPENING of the NEW LANARK INSTITUTION . . . . 0 6 B . QBERT OWEN'S JOURNAL , Vols . 1 and 2—each . 2 6 BOBERT OWEN'S LETTERS to the HUMAN RACE 1 0 BOBERT OWEN'S REVOLUTION in the MIND and PRACTICE * 0 THOMPSON'S ENQUIRY into the DISTRIBUTION of WEALTH . 1 vol . . . „ % ' ' ? 2 THOMPSON'S APPEAL of WOMEN . 11 > a wrapper . 1 6 THOMPSON'S LABOUR REWARDED . In a wrapper 1 0 BRAY'S LABOUR'S WR 0 NG 8 and LABOUR'S REMEDIES . 1 vol » , . 20 London : J . Wat « on , 3 , Queen ' s Head-passage , Paternoster-row .
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THE SHEFFIELD FREE PRESS , published every Saturday Morning , price 44 d ., is now acknowledged to be the leading organ of a vast manufacturing district , including the populous towns of Sheffield , Rotheram , Barnsley , and Workeop , and containing a population of about 850 000 . It is attached to no sect or party , the great and distinguishing feature being a thorough and determined opposition to Centralization , and an unflinching and persevering advocacy of the great principle of Local Self-Government . The speeches of the gnmt Magyar chief , Kussuth , will draw increased attention ° The " other important principles of the paper are;—Abolitipn of the Excise and Standing Army ; Monetary Reform , based on thfl Prfncinla of a Self-Regulating Curronoy ; the Graduul and rnalExtYnction of the National W ; Direct Legislation , as developed by Rittinghausen ; the Enfranchisement of Woman ; Parliainentary Ketorm , founded or . the People ' s -Charter , &o . " rle unprecedented Buocew which !>«• attended tho journal ¦ lnce itu establishment at the commencement of the present year , ind its circulation being amongst thaaotive , intelligent , thoughtful indE ^^^^ the best medium for solicitors , auctioneer inauVance offlce 8 . author , publishers mK | JS 5 ertli « 7 In SSral . tomat o their announcements public in % rCh £ SffelUn the last edition itflg Wmgffr Press Directory , thus notices the Free Prest . — " U b * to ** rlyem-Sd ^ ss ^ - ^ iasjsw ^ 'ESKa
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IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISER 8 . THE WOLVERHAMPTON and STAFFORDSHIRE HERALD , and BIRMINGHAM , SHROPSHIRE , and MIDLAND COUNTIES ADV 1 SRTI 8 ER . The advertising public is respectfully Informed that- the WOLVERHAMPTON and STAFFORDSHIRE HERALD is now circulating extensively throughout Staffordshire , Shropshire , and the Midland Counties , and is , therefore , the best advertising medium in thin populous and highly important District , a » , independently of it » lanje oil dilation in Private Families , it has an extensive one amongst Public Institutions and Professional Men , and is read in every respectable Hotel and Tavern in the above Counties . With respect to Its teeming population , Ha vast extent , immense resources , and unrivalled manufacturing operations , this District ia one of the hlirheat importance to advertisers , and circulating extensively throughout " th « , WOLVIORHAMPTON and STAFFORDSHIRE HERALD affords to advertisers and tho public the west possible medium of PVMIalty for the announcement of Auctioheere , Insurance Offloes , Publio Companies , and Societies . Professional Men , Merohaiits ^ Faotors . Tradesmen , and General Dealers , and that too at a scale of charges , the liberal character of which , has not failed to secure to tho proprietors an extensive P ThTwOLVERHAMPTON and STAFFORDSHIRE HERALD is published every Wednesday morning , price 6 d ., on a sheet ; as large as the Time * , and circulated , at an early hour in the morning , through the entire District , and in many parts of tho Kingdom . ¦ • • All letters for the JF / oraW ahould bo addreasod , Thonuw Bwdel BrtaaleT , WflW Offlc ^ 8 now-hiU , WoWerbwnpton .
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Just published , by Bailliere , 219 , Begent-street , price 2 s ., - with Illustrative Plates , THE LIVER—the great purifying organ . Its importance to health , and the frequency of its disorder ; with the derangements—both dyspeptic and nervous—its disorder occasions fully explained , and their treatment . With observations on the Cause and Cure of Cancer . By C . SUABLE , M . D ., M . B . G . S . E ., late of the K . I . C . Madras JEitab . ; Author of the Philosophy of " Life . Health , and Disoaso "; and of" Cholera , Dysentery , and Fever . "
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Just published , A PROSPECTUS OF THE CENTRAL CO- OPERATIVE AGENCY . \* J Containing the necessary means for obtaining further Information . May be had at the following places : —The Central Office , 76 , Charlotte- » treet , Fitstroy-square ; the Marylebone Branch , 35 , Great Marylebone-street ; the Manchester Branch , 13 , Swan-street , Manchester ; the Publishing Office of the 8 ociety for Promoting Working-Men ' g Associations , 183 , Fleetstreet . Gratis , if by personal application , if by letter , o e Postage Stamp .
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THE " ART-JOURNAL" CIRCULATION Approximates 30 , 000 . Advertisers are respectfully informed that in all future numbers the advertising sheet will be limited in its extent . This exclusiveness must considerably enhance the value of advertisements inserted in . the Art-Journal , and , of course , renders early engagements for space absolutely necessary . Advertisements should be addressed to Mr . Clark , Art-Journal Office , 8 , Wellington-street North , Strand , on or before the 20 th instant .
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SMITH , ELDE % AND CO . ¦ ¦ : ¦' . have " . \ .. ¦¦ ' ¦'¦ . / ¦ . . . _ j it s t p u b lished : ¦ ¦¦ - ¦ ' 1 . ¦ . ' . -: ¦ ' PICTURES OP LIFE IN . MEXICO . I By B . H . Mason , Esq . ' - ¦ ' S v 6 l 8 ., post 8 to ., with Etchings , 24 s . .. ' .: 2 . . , MEMOIRS OF THE LATE E M P E B . O , R O F CHINA , AND THE COURT OF PEKIN . By the late Beverend Dr . GtJTZLAFP . 1 vol ., post 8 vo . lJust ready . \ 3 . ¦ ' . ' WOMEN OF CHRISTIANITY , EXEMPLABY FOR PIETY AND CHARITY . By Miss Julia Kavanagh , Author of " Woman in France , " " Nathalie , " &c . 1 voL , post 8 vo ., with Portraits , price 12 s ., cloth . "A mass of biographical information skilfully arranged , which will be new to most readers and pleasant to all . "—Leader . ,. _ .-- 4 . —¦ - ¦ " ' ' THE TWO FA MI LI E S ; AN EPISODE IN THE HISTORY OF CHAPELTON . By the Author of " Bose Douglas . " 2 vols ., post 8 vo . 5 . AGATHA BEAUFORT ; OK , FAMILY PBIDE . By the Author of " Pique . " Three Volumes . 6 . THE FAIR CAREW ; OR , HUSBAND 8 AND WIVES , 3 vols ., post 8 vo . The » Fair Carew' evinces merit of a high order . A strain of quiet , easy raillery pervades the whole work , that reveals a knowledge of the hum > n heart , freedom of style , truthfulness of aim , and purity of moral . "—Literary Gazette . " Very superior to the ordinary novels . There is life and freshness about it ; a healthy tone of morality and a playful wit : the narrative has reality : the-men and women are genuine , and no shadows . "—Eclectic Review . "It is long since we read a book of this class with greater promise in it ; and it is impossible not to recognize and enjoy the shrewdness , the social whim and satire , the humorous observation and common-life truth and sagacity displayed by the author . "—Examiner . London : Smith , Elder , and Co M 65 , Comhill .
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This day is published , neatly bound in cloikh , price , 3 s . 6 d . ( collected and revised from " Househoid Words , " with a Table of Dates ) , THE FIRST VOLUME OF A GHILB'S HISTORY OF JENGLAND . By Chaklbs Diok ' ens . Witt a Frontispiece from a Drawfag by F . W . TdpjftAM . • • The History mil be completed in Three Volumes of the same ¦ " . ' '¦ ' ' '"¦' . . ; . ¦ , ' - , ' - ' .. ¦ size and price . ¦ ' ..-. . _ ¦ ¦ . ¦ Bradbury : and Evans , U , Bouverie-street . .
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WORKS BY JOHN MINTER MORGAN . HHHE TRIUMPH ; or , the Coming Age of X ' CHRISTIANITY * Price 3 s . $ d . THE REVOLT of the BEES . Revised . Price 2 s . bd . " " This is an exceedingly able production . " — Literary Chronicler . ' - " There is a mild and benevolent vein of sentiment running through ; thi 8 book that well supports and powerfully advocates those liberal and virtuous notions on which > the happiness of man ' s universal brotherhood depends . "—Aihenceuin . .. ' " No one will lay down this volunje without owning they have felt both interest and sympathy during the perusal . "—Morning Post . , ; '¦ ¦ ' r . ¦ ' •• . . ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ,: ¦ ., ¦¦ « The- ' Revolt of the Bees' displays a chaste and expanded imagination . "—Monthty Review . ; ¦ ¦ - ¦¦ " Be the author who he may , the production to which , he has given birth is one of the m ^ t _ deli ? htful-Jthat-has-ever ^ passed 4 hrbugh-ourhandsl ''^ -vHbrn ^^ rf » eriwar . - .- . ¦ . - > .. THE CHRISTIAN COMMONWEALTH . Dedicated by permission to the Earl of Shaftesbury . In 8 vo ., ? s . 6 d . ; imperial 4 to .. with Plates , 12 s ^ 6 d . LETTERS to a CLERGYMAN , on Institutions for Ameliorating the Condition of the People . Chiefly from Paris , in the Autumn of 1845 . With an Account of Mettray and Petit Bourg . Prict 2 s . 6 d . LETTERS to a CLERGYMAN , during a Tour through Switzerland and Italy . Price 28 . 6 d . COLLOQUIES on RELIGION and RELIGIOUS EDUCATION . Originally- published as , a Supplement to " Hampden in the Nineteenth Century . " Price 2 s . 6 d . TRACTS . Price 2 s . 6 d . London : Longman , Brown , Green , and Longmans .
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NEW BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' , ¦ : . ¦ ; 1 . ¦• ' " ¦ ' : ¦ A UNT EFFIE'S RHYMES 4 FOR LITTLE XjL CHlLDRKN . With Twenty-tour Illustrations by Hablot K . Bbownb . Small 4 to ., cloth , gilt edges , 4 s . 6 d . 2 . ¦ " ¦ ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ : ¦ . ' . ¦ ' . . . ¦ THE LITTLE SISTER . By Mrs . Hahbibt Mybtlb . With Sixteen Illustrations by H ; J . Sch ^ eideii . Small 4 to ., cloth , gilt edges , 7 s . 6 d . ; or with Coloured Pictures , 10 b . 6 d . - 3 . .. . ¦¦¦ ¦ HOME and its PLEASURES : Simple Stories for Young People . By Mrs . HABRifiT Myhtlb , Author of " Pleasures of the Country , " &c . With Eight Illustrations by Hablot K . Bbownb . Small 4 to ., cloth , 3 a . 6 d . ; or with Coloured Pictures , 6 s . A TREASURY of PLEASURE-BOOKS for CHILDREN . First 8 eries . Comprising Bo-Peep , House that Jack Built , Cock Robin , Jenny Wren , Old Mother Hubbard , &c . &c . With . Eighty'Illustrations , by John Absolon and E . H . Whhnbbt . Crown 8 vo ., cloth , gilt edges , 5 s . ; or with Coloured Pictures , 9 s . A TREASURY of PLEASURE-BQOKS for CHILDREN . Second Series . Comprising—The Three Bears ; Goody Two-Shoes ; Charmed Fawn ; Ugly Little Duck ; Hana in Luck , &c ., &c . ; with above Fifty Illustrations by J . Absolon , E . H . Wbhnbbt , and Habbison Weib . Crown 8 vo ., cloth , gilt edges , 5 s . ; or with Coloured Pictures , 9 s . 6 . LITTLE FOLKS' BOOKS . One Shilling each—1 . Funny Rhymes and Favoubitb Tales . 2 . Nursery Heroes . 3 . nukseey heboines . * . 4 . Faiby Folk and wondbbpol Men . Each Volume contains more than Fifty Illustrations , and is handsomely done up in boarda . Addey and Co . ( late Cundall and Addey ) , 21 , Old Bond-street .
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NEW MEDICAL JOURNAL . . This day is published , No . I . of THE MEDICAL CIRCULAR , and GENERAL MEDICAL ADVERTISER , price 3 d ., stamped 4 d . ; In connection with the Medical Directories for England , Ireland , and Saotland . A record of the sayings and doings of the Medical Profession , biographical , bibliographical , and . general . Leas than half the price of any existing Medical Journal ; nevertheless the mirror of all and of every passing medical event . Orders and communications to be sent ( pro tern . ) to the Editor , 4 , Adam-street , Adelphi .
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LE BULLETIN FRANCAIS . — No . 1 , Qui noussommes . No . 2 , La Situation IntCrieuro—Du Peril do riSglise . La Situation liuflrleure—Lea Rfegles dol'Ernpire et les Frontiures du Bhin . The expression of all but servile opinions being interdicted in France , several of tho moat eminent constitutional French writers have founded the weekly " Bulletin Francois , " which wilt be printed in Brussels . W . Jefft , Foreign Bookseller , 15 , Burlington-arcade , Piccadilly .
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THE EXHIBITION CHART . . The enormous circulation of , tho " WEEKLY DISPATCH , " on'Sunday . laat ( by far oxoeedjng tho nroet sanguine expectations of the proprietors ) , hau rendered it impossible to comply with the announcements previously made , that evory purchaser " should , on Sunday the 11 th instant , receive a copy of tho . Illustrated Coloured Chart ol-tho Grout Exhibition , it has in consequence been found rtecesmvry to POSTPONE THE 188 UE of a sheet demanding such careful preparation , until Sunday the 1 st of February , on which day every purchaser who wan disappointed in reuolvlng & Chart ot tho 4 th inotunt , will be entitled to a copy . Orders may be given to all newevondore in town or country , or to the Office , 13 V , Fioot-street , London .
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i ^^^^ j mul ^ Mjh ^
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[ iOndon i Printed by Tiiobntow Hunt ( of Bro « dwar-liouae , in the I'ttriih of Hnminemnitli , Middlcaux ) , nt tlio Olllcu of Mon » r ( i . Palmer anil Clayton , No . 10 , Oruno-cotirt , in tho I ' nrlah ui Mr .. l ) un 8 tun-ln-tl > e-W « it , Iiondont and nuklU'ltod by tho nsAA Tuobntoh Hunt , at the LEADMll OPPIOU , 10 , WELLINGTO N STHUliT , HXItANW , in tUo tfnicluot Of tilt »» TOf , —Baiumbai , JFsniMry 17 , 186 » , . ^
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 17, 1852, page 68, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1918/page/24/