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STEAM TO INDIA, CHINA, &o.-Particulars of the regular Monthly Mail Steam Conveyance
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and of the additional lines of communication , now established by the Peninsular andOriental Steam Navigation Pom ^ a- ny with the East , # 0 . Tjje Cornpajjy bopk passengers , and receive gtipds and parcels as heretofore for CEYLON , MADRAS , * C ^ Aft-CUTTA , PENANG , SINGAPORE , and HOIK * KP&G . % their steamers , starting from SOUTHAMPTON on the 20 th of every month , and from SUEZ on or about the 8 th of the month . The next extra Steamer will be despatched from Southampton for Alexandria on the 3 rd of April next , in combination with an extra Steamer , to leave Calcutta on or about March 20 . Passengers nifty be booked , and goods and parcels forwarded , by theae extra steamers to or from SOUTHAMPTON , ALEXANDRIA , ADEN , CEYLON , MADRAS , and CALCUTTA . : BOMBAY . —The Company will book passengers throughout from Southampton to Bombay by their steamers leaving England on the 20 th February , 20 th March , and of alternate months thereafter , such passengers being conveyed from Aden to Bombay by their steamers appointed to leave Bombay on the 17 th . February , 1 st of April , and 1 st of alternate months thereafter , and affording , in connexion with the steamers leaving Calcutta on the 8 th ot February , 20 th of March , and of alternate months thereafter , direct conveyance for passengers , paroels , and goods from Bombay and Western India . ¦ ' ~ Passengers for Bombay can also proceed by this Company's Steamers of the 29 th of the month to Malta , tbencq to Alexandria by her Majesty ' s steamers , and from Suez by the Honourable East India Company's steamers . ' ¦ ' r , MEDITERRANEAN .-MALTA-On the 20 th and 2 { Mih of every month . Constantinople—On the 20 th pf the month . Alexandria— . On the 2 , 0 th of the month . The rates of passage " a ^ nr'S } l 0 S 0 lines havo been materially reduced . w £ P , PORTUGAL—Vigo , Oporto , Lisbon , OodiB , and Gibraltar , on the 7 th , 17 th , and 27 th of tho month . n 1 ' ^ f * f » n » -ships of the Company now ply direct between Calcutta , Penang , Singapore , and Hong Kong , and between , Hong Kong and Bhanghae . * Ipr further information and tariff * of this Company ' s Trooently revised and reduced rates of passage-monoy and freight , and lor plans of tho vessels , and to seoure passages , &o .. apply at J ? 0 . P an y '» Offloes , 122 , Loadenl » all-stroet , London ^ and Onenta l-plooe , Southampton .
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OOEK HATS . —The manufacture of these l ™« . f ' " ? defeotive last season on the part of most houses , as to lead the pubho . in many cases , to condemn one of trnAn ?* - i r ° ^ emeata tha t has been effected « Sinoo the inth « „ . ° ? 8 { Uc HatB « wl » l 8 fc tho manual difficulty in loarning ren . Z «« £ . / nBterilttl BtiU dete ^ othe ™ of acknowledger ! reputation from attempting to prodnoe them , Acunk ° wovor , now indisputable that Cork employed okilftiUy toi ?« if « * 1 *«_ l » o « fc material for Hats , being durable from its Zffi ' * nd ^ te onl 7 e ^ tio a nd cool foundation for tho Bilk C ( ^ r" > £ now universally in use . ' « tn ! l ! T Wf oautfpned to purohaaq those Hats only of S ? i 1 K No , 125 B " Ex ' libit ° d «* t the Vottt ^ xiaMUoA .
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rjOJJK HATS . — OLASfSES f < P ° ge . 1 i ^' llos ? Hats , shown In tl » e above Classes at tho Great Xxhibit Lit on by Mossra . GAIMES , SANDBB 8 , and NIOO 1 , and wliioh are now hold in the highest estimation for their cJaati p ^ , UKntness , and general pomfoH to thp wearer , may bo obtained , Sftni ° ? ? £$ * ' £ * ttoManufiwtuwrs . irt E ^ iroWafeano i ? T " f . , th « r Branoh EstabUshment , No . Ill , Strand ( at * J } ° V W & towns in England and SooUand » sovevol of tho ^ nwHital . « Wp | r » 4 itt any of the Brltialv Colonies , W «» fght ftom 4 oun'dris ; pr ! o ^ ta » yln | g a » with PtherTfftttB , Hamplo Oaaea forwarded on receiving remlttanoeo .
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BHAKE 8 PKAEE AND MENDELSSOHN . ST . JA , MBS * $ THBATBB . - TVfBS . FANNYK | JtoW .- ^ M 3 CP 8 ITMMTO If I NIGHT'S DREAM , with tha Music of MfiaddflSoWat S « mK Mo « Sf SJo& ^ ftiTTO again on THURSDAY MORNING , Mwroh 21 , commencingln each oooJMiipn « A Hjp , jaut Tvp o ' clock ^ ai » ak « Bn « fMri ^ Hiy of MI « 8 UiiM 3 m , Nl ( prCP » BAM * f ?^ J ?* ffllOS performfruae of M « ft « e | seobn ' s mu « io , under » n « w mVBffK Mr . LuoM . — jHQxem , 4 f ,, Pit . a * . Ajnphithoa ^ o , U . M , T ^ TOW » i baxe « , atftUa ^ and ti «^« u m » y b > Moujraa at j ^ Wro ^ ttWrS iSl musio-aouera 1 Budftt tue ? p * 'p | Ke- - i r r ^ —r " — - * B ^ AKBSPBABB AND MENDELSSOHN . ST . JA , MBS * $ THBATBB . T \ yTBS . FANNYK | jtoW . ^ MW ) 8 ^ MMK | l | JLfJL NIGHT'S DBS AM , with the Music of MepdriMnhWg—MraTFanny Ifemble ^ rill h « VAthe hpnpur of Reading at M > 9 § lj | Jamefl'TTheatre , on MONDAY MOBKnKGvMor « ll * i , W ftgum on THURSDAY MORHING , March 21 , coiumencwgln e < MJh oaoaeian » t Hal ^ jQMt Tarp o /« lock < JiUtakepneMBra ., Hiy pf MlftQUJiMBB . NliprCPWBfM , f ?^ JP ^ K&LM performouoe of M « nclelseobn ' s mu « io , under tjt « W < nSS&R Mr . I * ueaf . ' -POf e « , ^| , Pit , 2 a . ATOphithoa ^ e , ^ . M , Tr- « gW » box «« , * # t !^^ J ^' ?^ f »»» y tif » jw ° W 9 ? ^ Jfc ^^ n&SpJtS ^ SI Wbrwy , «»< < M B « M fl ^ wt J wj » •» ?« « P «* M » JW lWVt # f 9 m muoio-aoUerB j and » t the flp ^ pfljfle , !;
Untitled Ad
< K " ' 'S " '" T" S BHAKE 8 PKAEE AND MENDELSSOHN . ST . JA , MBS * $ THBATBB . - TVfBS . FANNYK | JtoW .- ^ M 3 CP 8 ITMMTO If I NIGHT'S DREAM , with tha Music of MfiaddflSoWat S « mK Mo « Sf SJo& ^ ftiTTO again on THURSDAY MORNING , Mwroh 21 , commencingln each oooJMiipn « A Hjp , jaut Tvp o ' clock ^ ai » ak « Bn « fMri ^ Hiy of MI « 8 UiiM 3 m , Nl ( prCP » BAM * f ?^ J ?* ffllOS performfruae of M « ft « e | seobn ' s mu « io , under » n « w mVBffK Mr . LuoM . — jHQxem , 4 f ,, Pit . a * . Ajnphithoa ^ o , U . M , T ^ TOW » i baxe « , atftUa ^ and ti «^« u m » y b > Moujraa at j ^ Wro ^ ttWrS iSl musio-aouera 1 Budftt tue ? p * 'p | Ke- - i toiiUtcto §> mm , *^? : . TBKOBt . C 0 VENT GARDEN . ¦¦ aJSi f&f&i . ¦ ¦ - . ,. m- , . , I 1 ' : " Signor L U . I G I Mil , •¦ •"• Signor SOLDI ,. - ¦"•'' . The piREcroBS ov thb KOTAt Italiab Opkba beg most . ¦ ... ¦ ¦ awd ' . ' .-.. ¦ . respectfully to inforai ^ the Nobility , \ Gpn 1 * y , ' Subscribers / , and , Simor TAMBEELIK . tH 6 PubBc , tb > t the Season of 1852 yfniO . commfince pn ^ ATUBr ' b ai , s 6 , DAY NEXT / MABOH 27 th . ? Sigll (> r gaLTANI , In announcing the present , the Sixth Season of the Eoyal ( Fi-om the Teafro defla Scala at Milan , his First Appearance 11 Italian Opera , the Directors feel it almost unnecessary to repeat England . ) tljeir assurances , gr to reiterate their pledges of former Seasons , Herr ANDEB , as to the future conduct of this great Lyrical Establishment ; ( Principal Tenor of the Imperial Theatre at Vienna , hoping that the manner in which they have hitherto conducted his First Appearance in England . ) it wilT be accepted by their Patrons , as the best guarantee for and j , its future management . , Moiisieur GUIEMA . RD , # . During the extraordinary Season of the past year , the Audi- ( Principal Teno * of the Acad ^ mie Boyale at Paris , his First enpes of the Eoyal Italian Opera numbered ^ mpng tiem some Appearance in Eng land ^ Pf the most eminent Musical Professors and Amateurs of Eu- . — rope , many of whom were intimately acquainted with the great Bassi Babjtoiti . Lyjical Theatres of Italy , Francp , and Germany ; and it must , , Signor B O N C O N I , be a matter of pride and gratification to the Enghsh Pubhc , as Signor R O M M I , well as to . the Dtfeptors themselves , to know that the Boy « Ita- ° j ^^ Han Opera ( both as regaiirds the extraordinary talent of its indi- * Signor BAKTOLINI , vidual Artistes , as well its general completeness and perfec- (^ m the Itauan Opera of Palermo , his First Appearance tion as a whole , ) was pronounced by these distinguished persons V in England . ) to stand unrivalled among its European Competitors . ¦ By theibUowingoutUne of the arrangements for the Present Bissi Pmmitdi Seasbnit wfll be seen that not only fiave the most distahguished Hen ^ JOBMES Artistes of last Season been re-engaged , but that others , now «!« , «? * A ( St , I A PlflO occupying the highest positions pi the Continental ^ Theatres , P - Simor POL 0 NXN"I , have ^ eto added ^ th ^ lstabl | shment , The Orchesta ^ and 8 ^ 981 ^ 0810 , C&orus have received several important additions ; Wit will Si ^ orBACHE « T alsobefpnnftthatjn the ^ department of ^ the ^ Ballet ( which will -wgBor jsaouj ? . , ** still be Knuted to short Divertissements , and to those Dances inci- a ; onnr MAHIWI dental to the Qperjisi ) a verjreondderaWo ftugmenta ^ rHia First Alnearancethese Three Years ) personnel has taken place , In fact , extensive as the Company ( His ± 1 rst Appearance tnese inree xears . j of the-ROyal Italian Opera hitherto has beep , the assemblage of ¦ Artistes this year will be found to surpass that of any former — DlBICMK O » T 53 Mpsic , Composbji , a » d Co *» FCX <) B , Season . , Mr , COSTA . The Repertoire of Thb Rotai Itahait Opbba now consists of - ——THIRTY-SIX OS * EtfAS ; each of wlich is complete in Scenery , TJ > e jj ^ nj ^ y Ba ? JP will be under thfl fiuperintendence pf Costumes , and Appointments . " Mr . GODFREY . Sekibaitide Rossini . t La Doitita » B ] p ; LAep .... ; . ; .. > ..,.. } .. * ..,.. Bossini . Maestro al Piano . . . . . Signor Pawizza , L'Itamaha nr AtcnEBi .. * .... ... 4 .. Kossini , ( From the Teatrp della Seals at Milan . ) . It Babbiebb pi SBviatiA ..,..,.. u ..... Eossini . Prompter-. . . . , . . . Signor Mo ; wra » ASj , Li Gazza La » ba ; ............ „ . Bossinj , Poet , . . . . ... . . Signor " ilxaetiom . Ix , Taktcbbdi Bossini . - ¦ -. ¦ .-. - ¦ * = .-- — . GrGwatMoTBit ' ¦ """ . ' . '" . '"' i ' . T ; . ' . " . ' . * . ' . " ;! R ^ ssM * In accordance with a wish , very generally expressed bvthf MnswnrBftiMofZoBi ) ... Bossini . Subscribers , a short Divertissement will be performed on those OWio ^ ^ : ? -vrM-v-. y . "g ^ W evenings when theOpera given is n 6 l sufficiently long to form Wbwakj ' ¦""* " ¦""'" ""' . . " .... Verdi , t ^ eve nmg ' B entertainment . This arrangement will avoid tfc <* . flWFosaAM " * ' " - ^"' 7 ' i- ' .. Verdi . necessity W giving portions only of other Operao ra pl % p , NAimcorAW > r" ¦ Verdi . except on extraordfiiary opcasions , subject to much objection . " NoISa ^ '' r ' . . " . !' .:::... ;^" . i . BelUni . In order to meet tlusarrongement , the following engagements La SoinTAMBTiA l <>]] ini- !«» ><*>* made s ' «^ Mn / M-Mlla pab ubh rPirBiTAifi ' Bellini . MaaenunseUe BOJBBJBT , . . ^ CAPTO ^ XTi ii ' MoiraBMW ¦„ .:,.,.,.. - Be ^ w < ^ ^ Z ^ ° ^ O ^ T ^ " *? ££¥ &U I ' LbsrftratJBNOTS ; ..... * ....... Meyerbeer . Mademoiselle LOUISE TAHLlUfll , Bobbbt wt Diabib , . " . Meyerbeer . ' tJtiJttmtamts ^ % fit a R J T / e "Peophetb — . Meyerbeer . MaaemoiseUa if K u Hoi , Lucia » iLA ^ n ^ iiioo * 'V . y . ' . ' v" / ,, " , .. Donizetti . ( From the Imperial Theatre at Vienna . ) L'Ewsib d'Amobb ..... v Donizetti . — . . liUCBuziA Bqbgja ...,.....,.,.. Donizetti . Madempjsplle LEBLOUP , Ajrjr 4 . B 01 . BirA . , ,..,. „ .,,.,.,.... Dpnizetta . Madenaoisejle K O L E M B E E G , Mabia » i Rohah .... ; .., Donizetti . Mademoiselle BELLOTTI , LaFavobita . ...., Domjettj . . jjq , Linda » i Chamouki Domzetti . Mademoiselle L . B E L L O T T I , Ii , Fi-Atrio Magico .. ; Mp « art . ( Their First Appearance in England . ) DonGiovahni .. .-. ¦ , „ .,,.., Mozart . » ^ Monsieur M IN * A K D , Lb Nozze Di Fioabo Mozart . Monsieur FLUSSE , Masanibixo , Auber . Ajri > It , Matbimonio Sbqbbto Cimarosa . Mpnsienr R U A U L T , La Juivb ; .,....,.. „ ,..,.... •¦< , ., »„ .,- S , f ^ ' ( Their First Appearance in England . ) Dee Fbeisphuxz ...,..,...,.,..,....,...,..: rf , ^ T : f . ™^? ° ¦* Beetooven . The Cobvs » b Ba ^ ibs will also be augmented , and etnbvft « o Fidewo ..... __ ............... JJeewwvw . ^ pansp ^ ea fr ^ Paris , being tfceir First Appeara ^ e jn During tho Season , the following Operas will ba produoed : — afir ' iiaitxe de Ballet , Monsieur Amsxandbb . Spohb ' s Opera of Leader of fcue Ballet , Mr . Aj . b-bbb Mswox . FAUST . . v ... Director of the Mise-en-Spfene , Monsieur Laubbw , The Directors have the satisfaction to announce , that they ' " ^ ( From the Theatre National Paris . ) wry in the Adaptation of the OpeVa to the Italian Stag *) have Decorator , Mr . Pbbscoxt . Mac ^ nist , Jfr , Ai , i . « ir . jeen written by the Composer expressly for Thb Rotax . Itawcaxt SdpNip Aiwiffis , Messrs . GBIBVE and TELBIW . 3 peba , and the whole Work will be arranged and produced indpr his direction , Tickets , Stalls , and Boxes , for ^ he Night or SeoBpn , to be pfot "" , ., _ . T tained at the Box Office of the Theatrd . ( oorper ojf Bow-stree | in entirely new Grand Opera , composed by Monsieur Jci . Mbj »> ftnd jtart-etreet )! and at the prinoipol Xibranes and Musl 6 entitled . Sellers PIBTRO IL GBANDE . The Performances will commence at Eight o ' clock on « ao | i _____ evening . . ¦ ¦ Robsini ' s Favourite Opera The W Office i « open ftom Eleven to Five o clock . LB OOMTB OBY . B «^ I « ui » Opbba ^ Oov ^ x Gabm * , Aa pe 4 formed at the Aoadoinle Royole at-Paris . , ' _!— , ___— ,,, ... , ¦ „> . WWBa' ^ FoiryOpera , ' ftWfy ^ k ^ r O B B R O N , Leaseo . M » . Jo » N MMOKBti ., 83 , Old Bond-street . si ^ s ^ s r ^ jssssar-- ^~ s ^ ags&M * a » Dowizbtw Y *™^ Y P B rfl ' Not an ot 4 or wiU bo given during M . F . Lomaitre ' e © ngagement , As perform ^ % the Acad 6 mie eU' at Pari ., J »^ AUt& ^ A fAr ^ t ^ ^ this country ]) TJctpr Hugo ^ elebraj » d Drajm e « rf || OT WA « . tuo ™ » fz ^ s °°° "' ? ? $ && SMSvitwral ^ pffl 25 ^™ t Madame CASTE LL AN , end of the ensuing week . ModomoiseUo BBRTRANDI , l " —^ r r— ^ —r ' " — - * ¦ ' « r 1 iUUnnrr ' B ^ AKBSPBABB AND MENDELSSOHN . Madame VIABDOT , ST . JA , MBS * $ THBATBB . Mademoiselle A N ° N A ZB . RR , T \ yTBS . FANNYK | jtoW . ^ MW ) 8 ^ MMK | l | ( From the Imperial Theatre of Vienna . ) JLfJL NIGHT'S DBS AM , with the Music of MepdriMnhWg—ANP ' ¦ ' MraTFanny Ifemble ^ rill h « VAthe hpnpur of Reading at M > 9 § lj | M . idame GAZZANIOA , Jamefl'TTheatre , on MONDAY MOBKnKGvMor « ll * i , W ( OftheTeatrodeUaSOttlaftt Milan ^ ftgum on THURSDAY MORHING , March 21 , coiumencwgln An engagement has also been offered to e < MJh oaoaeian » t Hal ^ jQMt Tarp o /« lock < JiUtakepneMBra ., Hiy . ;«« , , M « lMi » Pl » W ( pf MlftQUJiMBB . NliprCPWBfM , f ?^ JP ^ K&LM ( Qt > tuo . Imperial Theatre of St . Petersburg . ) performouoe of M « nclelseobn ' s mu « io , under tjt « W < nSS&R ' ——— Mr . I * ueaf . ' -POf e « , ^| , Pit , 2 a . ATOphithoa ^ e , ^ . M , Tr- « gW » i oohvbamo . . box «« , * # t !^^ J ^' ?^ f »»» y tif » jw ° W 9 ? ^ Jfc ^^ n&SpJtS ^ SI Madomoisell * T H E B K a A SBGUIN . 'JSS ? Wbrwy , «»< < M B « M fl ^ wt J wj » •» ?« « P «* M » JW lWVt # f 9 m ( HerflrotuppearwioeinBiiglinul . ) muoio-aoUerB j and » t the flp ^ pfljfle , , !; fmdp pktff . Lessee , M » . John MwoHEtL , 33 , Old Bond-atce « t . Seventh appearanoo of the eminent actor . Monsieur F ^ BJDBRIO v * W LBMAITRB , and MdUe . OLABIQSB . Not an order will bo given during M . F . Lonnaitre's engagement , On Monday evening , March 23 , the entortaJnmeutf will cpm , menco at Eigb « o ' clock precisely , witb ,, ( for <^ e sedond time fit this country ]) Victor Hugo ' s celebrated Drame trfl ^ Y » LA 6 . Rut Bias . M . F . LEMA-ITIIB . And on Wedne » dwf , Mawsb . M * the PopUiar and Favorite Play of L'AUBBBGB DE 8 ADBETBl Mr . Mitchell respeotftiUjc announoes that th « « itgagemeni of Mona . Frederick Lomoitr * must unavoidably terminate at thp end of the ensuing week .
Untitled Ad
' ftWfy ^ k ^ r Leaseo . M » . Jo » N MMOKBti ., 83 , Old Bond-street . ^ ' ~ Ss ^ ags&M" * a » Not an ot 4 or wiU bo given during M . F . Lomaitre ' e © ngagement , J »^ AUt& ^ A fAr ^ t ^ ^ this country ]) TJctpr Hugo ^ elebraj » d Drajm e « rf || OT WA « . S ? ? $ && SMSvitwral ^ pffl 25 ^™ t end of the ensuing week . l " —^ ' ¦ fmdp pktff . Lessee , M » . John MwoHEtL , 33 , Old Bond-atce « t . Seventh appearanoo of the eminent actor . Monsieur F ^ BJDBRIO v * W LBMAITRB , and MdUe . OLABIQSB . Not an order will bo given during M . F . Lonnaitre's engagement , On Monday evening , March 23 , the entortaJnmeutf will cpm , menco at Eigb « o ' clock precisely , witb ,, ( for <^ e sedond time fit this country ]) Victor Hugo ' s celebrated Drame trfl ^ Y » LA 6 . Rut Bias . M . F . LEMA-ITIIB . And on Wedne » dwf , Mawsb . M * the PopUiar and Favorite Play of L'AUBBBGB DE 8 ADBETBl Mr . Mitchell respeotftiUjc announoes that th « « itgagemeni of Mona . Frederick Lomoitr * must unavoidably terminate at thp end of the ensuing week .
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' COBN EXCHANGE . The Corn Market has continuedinacfcivej and wheat is about Is . per quarter cheaper . ; In Colonial produce the transactions have been very limited , and Sugar more particularl y is dull of sale . except at reduced prices . '
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' 3 ? Sp | C THE LONDON GAZETTE , . '¦ .- ' . Tue&day , March 10 . BANKntrrxs . —J . FBANKiiif , of Great Marlow , innkeeper , to surrender March 27 > April 30 ; solicitor , Mr . ; Spicer , 118 , Chan , cerv-lane ; official assignee , Mr . "Wbitmore , 2 , Basin&hall-street . S Gash , of Hatcnam New Town , Camberwell , builder , March 26 , April 27 ; solicitors , Messrs - Lawrahce , Hfews , and Bover ; official assignee , Mr . John 6 PB > 20 , JBafing ^ ali-gtreefc . H . HoiiiAifD , of 1 , Eldon-road , Kensington , builder , April 2 and . 27 ; solicitor , Mr . Moxon , 27 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane ; official assignee , Mr . Groom , 12 , Abehurchlane , Lombard-street . . &-. Wabhubst , of Leigh , Lancashire , April 2 and 29 ; solicitor , Mr . ' Slater , Manchester ; official assignee , Mr . Mackenzie , Manchester . "" ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ '
_ ... _ .. . T . Loed , of Ashton-under-Lyne , Lancashire , boot-maker , March 29 , April 26 ; solicitor , Mr . Cobbett , Manchester } official assignee , Mr ; Pott , Manchester . : B . DiiKBS , of Warrington , Lancashire , innkeeper , March 26 , April 19 ; solicitor , Mr . Mcholson , Warrington ; " official assignee , Mr . Eraser , Manchester . W . Hough , jun ., of Boehdaje , Lancashire , joiner , March 30 ; April 27 ; solicitor , Mr . Downen , Eochdale ; official assignee , Mr . Eraser , Manchester . B . JaJiES , of Lentbn , Nottinghamshire , lacemaker , March 26 , April 23 5 aolipitors , Mes ^ s . Buttery and Son j pffiqal assignee , Mr . Bitflestonrirot < aog ' W Ifriday , March 19 . BAKKBtwrs . —W ; Gbbbhv-Cpgfeeshail , builder , to surrender March 30 . April " 29 : solicitors , Messrs . Nichols and Clarke .,
Cobke ' s-conrti . Carey-street ; official assignee , Mr . Bell , Coleman-street-buildings . . _ C . Kitro , New Bond-street , sevalenta aramoa importer , March 30 , April 29 ; solicitors ,, Messrs . Sharpe , Field , and Co ., Bedfordrow ; official assignee , Mr . Johnson , Basinghall-street . j . Bbanch , High-street , Camberwell , corn dealer , March 27 April 30 ; soHcjtpjvM * . Wilson , Gres £ am-street ; official assignee , Mr . Cannan , Aldermanbury . E . WodP , VWarapftTrfitrket , Sphp , upholfterer , M $ rch 30 , April 30 ; solicitor , Mr . Kinse ^ Bloomsbury-squarc ; official assignee , Mr .-Graham . " .. J . Dobmoe , Charles-street , St . Jphn ' s-wopd , Portland-tpwn , grocer , Marc 1 k . 22 i May 1 ; solicftor , Mr / Cooke , Ltoooln ' siinn-Selds ; official assignee , Mr . PenneU , Guildhall-chainbers , Basinghall-street . ' ' ¦ ' ?'¦ ' ""¦' ¦ ' : '¦'¦¦ "' ;¦' . " . " : ' !¦ ' ¦ '¦ " . . ¦ ¦
B . Smith , Droitwich , salt manufacturer , March 31 , April 29 ; solicitors , l | essrs . Matteram , Knight ,-and Enunet , Birnjingham ; official assignee , Mr . Cbrisfie , Birmingbam-G . HBNSBT , Ebnley liovett , Worcestershire , ¦ r ictuaJUpr , March 31 , April 29 } solicitor , Mr . Smith , Birmingham ; official assignee , Mr . WMtmore , Bnrrunghain . ' . ' - J . Gbbeneb , jnn ., Wigan , ironmonger , April 1 and 22 ; spUoitor , Mr . Barrow , Wigan ; official assignee , Mr . Lee , Manchest er . '
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v MAft # : i 0 i ^ 8524 ^ V ; a « , ; . ' : THE READER . . 2 ^
Steam To India, China, &O.-Particulars Of The Regular Monthly Mail Steam Conveyance
STEAM TO INDIA , CHINA , &o .-Particulars of the regular Monthly Mail Steam Conveyance
Leader (1850-1860), March 20, 1852, page 283, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1927/page/23/