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VOL . III . No . 118 . 1 SATURDAY , JUNE 26 , 1852 . [ Price Sixpence
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Legislation gets very miscellaneous in the moribund Parliament . Motions , speeches , and notices have run to the dregs . The Notice-paper is rinsed out with a jerk , and the leavings are flung away , being of no further use . The subjects discussed are as stale and tedious as the daily repeated dinner of the invalid . Mather , Education , Scinde , KewZealand ^ -any reader of the newspapers could sit down and write the debate that must be
delivered by any given set of Lords or Commons on either topic . If it be the Peers discussing Mather , as it was this week , then a clehr and damaging statement by Lord Beaumont ; a naive and self-damaging defence by Lord Malmesbury , adorned with strange admissions ; some thick and thin onslaught or defence by Lord Campbell , in this case defending his near relative and namesake Mr . Scarlett ; an ultra reserved diplomatic spoken
minute by Lord A berdeen , who inclines to think that Austria should be held especially responsible : a defensive diplomatic minute by Lord Granville , who inclines to think that Tuscany should be held solely responsible ; and a vehement party personal aggressive defence by Lord Derby , making a scapegoat of Scarlett , as exceeding his instructionssuch is the debate that might have been anticipated , and such is the debate that occurred ; lenvin" the subject exactly where it was before .
" With about equal effect divers distinguished Members of the Commons have been discussing the last Education minute That minute , it will he remembered , assumed greater power for the Clergy in the supervision of schools , receiving . grants under the Education Committee . of the Privy Council : it empowered the clergymen to
exercise a veto , not only on the ground of religious qualification in the schoolmaster , but also on the ground of his moral qualifications . The first speaker , Lord John Russell , as a lending member of the British and Foreign Sdhool Association , and a distinguished orator at Exeter Hall for that philanthropic institution , supplied an attack of the usual Liberal Whig type on this
electioneering move of the Conservative ministers . Mr . Walpole defended the measuic with some show of reason , by exp laining how , upon purely technical rights , a committee of farmers might place over a school a man of peculiarly bad character ; an evil for which the parish clergyman supplied the be » t check . Mr . Gladstone , however , showed that the effect of the measure , good or bad , was [ Town Edition . ]
exaggerated on either side ; and indeed it will have very little effect at all . Everybody sees that it is nothing but an electioneering dodge , which has had some effect in enabling Conservative clergymen , hitherto divided on "the management clauses " to act together . A Government organ announces that the Minister ial white-bait dinner will not be held until
Saturday , the 3 rd of July , so that the Dissolution may not take place till the week after next . At all events , it is high time for the Derby dinner-party , after stimulating official digestion by white-bait , to regale their hungry constituents ; fgr although they may count upon an addition being made to their minority , a minority they will still have ; and that also in a Parliament which , as every week more and more convinces us , will be the most troublesome and intractable Parliament that has met since the days of Charles I . We do not
mean that we expect any Oomwells , or Hampdens , or Harry Vanes—swords or gunpowderdismissals of " baubles , " or decided action of any kind whatever . What we do expect , is ft further breaking up of parties ; a further loss of respect both for principles and leaders—a further loss of self-respect : the mischief aggravated by an increase to the Protectionist minority , still a minority , coupled with an increase to the Irish Brigade ; and the whole force of disorder strengthened by the mistakes and equivocations of Ministers .
Election affairs still continue without change in their own characteristics ; that is to say , they do nothing but add to the elements of confusion . When Mr . Disraeli addressed the Protectionist electors , he announced to them measures * looming in the future . " Sir John Trollope , President of the Poor-Law Board , now speaks of supporting Ministers , " in the earnest hope that their legislation may be founded upon principles beneficial to
the country . " This is among the latest definitions of the Protectionist ^ Position . Meanwhile , the mere party candidates are not suffered to carry on the confusion all in their own way ; but here and there we sec n People ' candidate , who ought to command the zealous support of the true people . At Nottingham , for instance , Mr . Sturgeon proposes to take the place vacated by a popular Member , who has for some time ceased to have any real political existence .
In Westminster , which has become a Whig estate , the people propose to rouse the old popular feeling , by putting forward William Coningham , who is not only a fearless advocate of the claims
of labour , but is a sound-hearted English gentleman , bent upon demanding that the conduct of affairs , both abroad and at home , be restored to national principles . With the opportunities afforded hy the simultaneous appearance , in metropolitan distr icts , of candidates like Thomas Duncombe , in Finsbury ; William Newton , in the Tower Hamlets ; and William Coningham , in Westminster ; the best days of Westminster ought to be revived and extended to the whole metropolis .
The Brighton Railway Company have held a meeting , and have affirmed a resolution for carrying the Crystal Palace to Sydenham . Several shareholders , however , oppose it . Another question has arisen . It is proposed to open the Crystal Palace on Sunday , a project resisted by the Archbishop of Canterbury and Sir John Dean Paul , and supported by the Times . If the Crystal Palace had been moved to Chiswick , we believe we are correct in averring , not only that it would have been open on Sundays , but opened on Sundays gratuitously .
As crowned heads sit , obscurely visible , at a play , so the Uncrowned of France takes his dramatic recreation in a stealthy visit to his Legislative Company , and from the hidden corner of a box scowls upon the gnlvanized kicks of its " Committee on the Budget . " The British sailor forgot that it was " His Majesty ' s servants , " and feeling himself aggrieved by the " business "
on the stage , sprang on the boards to rescue the Tom Bowling of the hour from the officers of justice . Louis Napoleon forgets that the Legislative functions are a sham , and provoked by a show of independence , sends a flying note to Billault that the members arc transgressing . Billault actually reads the said missive aloud , and so we are told the Assembly separate in commotion ! Shades of Benjamin Constant , Roycr Collard , and
Chateaubriand ! While his private superintendent of the Fine Arts is hunting up fresh objects of virtu at Paris , the President is preparing , we are told , to betake himself to Rome to obtain , as a final consecration , the blessing of the Pope , which , nobody will deny , he richly deserves .
The intelligence from the United States centres its interest in one point , —that , after talking of various candidates , the Democrats have suddenly produced and nominated a man not previously thought of—General Pierce ; whoso character and qualities we have set forth in a separate paper . The great Achilli trial has dragged its slow
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11 The one Idea wMeh History exhibits as evermore developing itself into greater distmctneas is the Idea of Humanity—the noble enaeavorir to throw down all the barriers erected between men by prejudice and one-sided views ; and by setting aside the distinctions of Religion , Country , and ; Colour , to treat the whole Human race as one brotherhood , having one great object—the free development of our spiritual . nature . "—Humboldt ' s Cosmos . - m - • ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦• ¦ ¦ \ . . . " _ . ' .
Content^: ¦¦¦ '- . ¦ . -. _._ ≫*. ¦ __ • __ _•» 4»L* ^ Ti^Lrt 111 '≪ Week
Content ^ : ¦¦¦ ' - . ¦ . -. _ . _ >* . ¦ __ __ _•» 4 » l * ^ Ti ^ lrt 111 '< week
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» s » <* ™ - «* iSgtttzzzzz m n i ^\ : r ^ ... ™™ : « sssssssia" ^ - ™ " » 1 } y Week in Parliament . . 598 Eliza and Mahomet . 606 Ireland ' s Opportunity . 609 Boots on our Table eia Jtyther and Malmesbnry ... 600 A Noisy Nuisance 606 The New Candidate for the Ame- PORTFOLIOSr ' ddalin tlie Churches ..,.... ; ....... 600 Miscellaneous .. 606 riean Presidency .. 610 Comte ' s Positive Philosophy 615 Tl i next American President ......... 602 Health of London during the A Plea for the Better Observance of Passages from a Boy ' s Epic 617 An International Banquet at Black- Week ..... - 607 the Sabbath .. ; 610 THE ARTS wall ....... ; . « ......... > ....... 603 Births , Marriages , and Deaths 607 Notes for the Elections 611 Emilia Galotti ... ..... 617 letters febrnPaiaa . ; .......... ;; .......... 603 Peace at any Price 611 Faust .... 617 Election Matters ^ ....... ..:.......... 604 POSTSCRIPT ... 607 OPEN COUNCIL— A Batch of Concerts ... ' 618 Will Derby ^ Ireland to Eevolt ? 604 pUBLIC AFFAIRS- AFew Words to Lancashire 611 A Lesson of Humanity 618 Progress of Association ..... 605 rupi . iv mi-i-hiks ^ .... row *! Keemott The Crystal Palace ... 605 Bunker ' s Hill and Waterloo 608 LITERATURE— « tT ? w * ' « h t « B 1 Q 620 Duelling Superseded ... 605 A True Champion of the Church ... 608 The Science of Politics .... 612 Markets , Advertisements , &Ci ... 619-wu
Leader (1850-1860), June 26, 1852, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1941/page/1/