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states that the Legislative Body , as it is now treated , is powerless even to protect the financial interests of the country . The report also descrihes f ^ ll y the obstaclesthrown in the way of the business of the Committee by the Government . v While the farce of the voting on the amendments was going on , General St . Arnaud made a very important statement , as to the necessity of keeping up a formidable armed force in the departments . " You must take heed not to reduce the number of your men while the enemies of the President are secretly
conspiring , particularly in the South ; and remember , that an army recruited from the working class is an army of conspirators and rebels / ' The Minister of Police also advanced the same argument for the maintenance of his ministry . Notwithstanding , however , the failure of the Legislative Body in carrying its amendments , it has still done much good by the dignified attitude which it assumed , for there can be no doubt that the hostility with which it met the project of increased taxation , induced Bonaparte to withdraw that
measure-Bonaparte has met with another defeat , of a most significant import . Some days ago , he published a decree in the Ifoniteur , conferring his own medal upon some half score general officers . Each medal is accompanied by one hundred francs , derived from the confiscation of the Orleans property . It follows , therefore , that no man could wear it without becoming an accomplice in the injustice done to the members of that family . Generals Regnaud de St : Jean d'Angely and Lahitte , and Admiral Mackau have refused to wear the medal , until the source from whence the money which accompanies it has been altered . Bonaparte was much annoyed at these affronts , but his anger is principally directed against the Orleanists ;
A few days ago , Bonaparte paid a visit to the tomb of Napoleon , in the Invalides . At the foot of the steps leading to the top of the monument , there are two marble basso-relievos—one representing the Prince of Jbinville receiving the remains of Napoleon , at St . Helena ; the other , the same prince delivering them to Louis Phillippe . " Let these basso-relievos be removed , " said he ; " and let me not find them here when I return . " " * * It is rumoured we are to have another grand fete on the 15 th of August , the festival of Saint Napoleon .
Louis Bonaparte still pursues the same plans for gaining over the clergy . The processions have been the cause of great scandal and confusion in the provinces . Eight hundred new curacies have just been created , and orders given for the re-opening of the chapel royal at the Military School , which had been closed since 1792 . In addition to the attention he pays to the clergy , Bonaparte contrives to spare a few moments to devote to the seduction of the' bourgeoisie . For this purpose , the credit of seven millions for
constructing the railway from Paris to Cherbourg , which had been rejected by the Legislative Body , has been again presented to the Council of State . The President will avail himself of the commencement of the works on this line to visit the West . The journey to the South is quite settled . Orders have been despatched to Toulon for the immediate preparation of a steamer , -which is to be fitted up with Imperial magnificence . Bonaparte , it is said , will be conveyed to Itomo in this vessel , to obtain the benediction of the pope .
The ferment in the South is still very great . In some districts tho priests have been assassinated . Lyons 7 s also in a state of much excitement . General Castellan has repeatedly declared that although he has 20 , 000 men in garrison , and 20 , 000 men in tho suburbs , he does not feel that ho can answer for a day ' s tranquillity in that city . But from priyato information which I possess , I do not expect any movement in that direction . Tn somo of tho markets in Paris , whore Louis
Bonnpnrte ' s bust had boon placed by the market-women , it has been dinngural with mud . At Belleville tho bunts wore nil decapitated . Tho resignations nro still coming in . Tho arrests arc Htill going on . There has been n revolt among tho prisonorB at LumbcHsn , a fact of which I informed you about a month ngo , although no other paper , English or French , ban over alluded to tho subject . Many of tho prisoners wero forthwith shot , and others wero shipped off to Cayenne . Thoro remains now but ono representative of tlio people in prison—M . Miot , I will in my next letter give you Homo particulars of tho cruelties and sufferings which this gentleman has had to endure . , < S .
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ELECTION MATTERS . LONDON . City . —Tho state of things is still uncertain . Tho only visiblo sign of movement being nn unsuccoHsful effort to raise a feeling in favour of " Joseph Humo for London , "
FiNSiBTTET . ~ r-Mr . Henry Gardner , of St . John'sstreet Brewery , has come forward . He declares himself for Reform , Free-trade , and local self-government . He opposes the Maynooth . Grant , and—^ Mr . Sturges Bourne ' s Act . Mr . Buncombe is in the field , and his friends are active and vigilant . They intend to return him free of expense . : . ~ ; LAMBETBCi ^—iA meeting of the electorsand horielectors' 6 f-LathbetK- ^^! 'lield ; iit : the HorridTavern , on Monday , to he ^ a ' 4 ta ^ nieni ' from'M r / 'H ^ eyj bf his political opinions . Mr . Taylor , a churchwarden , took the chair , amid much noise . The object of the
meeting , according to-Mr . Taylor , was to disprove a statement that Mr . Harvey dare notappear amdrigst the electors . Three faint cheers ( for-Mr : Harvey ; were here given . A gentleman who called for three cheers for Mr . Williams and Mr . D'Eyncourt , was , at the instance of the chairman ; violently dragged out of the room , amidst great tumult and cries of " shame . " The chairman attempted to proceed , but was for a time overpowered by the storm of hisses and groans , to the accompaniment of which he concluded his address . Mr , Harvey then came forward , and was greeted with cheers and hisses . He pledged himself to devote the
remaining portion of his life to the service of the constituency if they would elect him . He was one of the people , he knew their wants , and would support every measure which might supply them . " If it Was in the power of man to do anything in the House of Commons , he would do it . * ' He theft ; read a speech ^ which he had prepared , some . of the expressions of which excited great laughter by their ridiculous triteness . ; His main position was , that for many years Mr . D'Eyncourt had grossly neglected the performance of his parliamentary duties . He Was therefore to take Mr .
D'Eyncourt's place ; " and if they insisted on rejecting Mm , God only knew what would become of the borough . " In conclusion , he said he was ready to answer any questions , •* ' if they were not put too strong . " In reply to some questions which were put , he said generally that he was in favour of a safe extension of the suffrage , and would always vote for any measure ~ which tended to benefit the working men of the country . He was willing to vote for the removal of Jewish disabilities , although the number of Jews in this country was not by any means large , not more than 40 , 000 .
SottthwAek . —Alderman Humphrey has retired on the ground that some of his committee are supporting Mr . Apsley Pellatt , and that his return would only be accomplished by employing a host of paid canvassers . Mr . John Viekers , the distiller , has issued an address , and a requisition is about to be got up to Mx * . George Scovell , a magistrate of the county . Westminstee .- ^ -Mx . William Coningham has come forward as the Radical candidate for this city . His address is brief and pithy .
"A Radical Reformer , on tho broad principles of religious , civil , and commercial freedom , I contend that the people is the only legitimate source of power , and that , aa all wealth is tho produce of labour , tne workman should partake of tho fruit of his own industry . " In Parliament I shall vote for manhood suffrage , tho ballot , annual elections , equal electoral districts , and tho abolition of absurd property qualifications . " A Free-trader in tho fullest acceptation of the term , I hope to seo a truly liberal policy adopted in our relations with foreign countries , for in the close and intimate alliance of tho peoples will bo found tho surest bond of universal peace . "
ENGLAND AND WALES . Berkshire . —Mr . Pusey has issued an address , in which ho says : — " It is scarce worth our while , therefore , to discuss what the former friends of Protection on their accession to power find themselves compelled to maintain so faintly or abandon so easily . If such a national concurrence as the Prime Minister speaks of should come to pass , it would not bo for mo to
withhold my assent . Still I earnestly hope that no elector will give mo his voto under au expectation which every day renders less probable . " Ho further says , that ho will nover consent to oppose every chuijgo in our constitution which timo may moko needful . A correspondent of tho Daily News pays , that the friends of Mr . G . II . VaiiHittarfc are trying to rsiiso tho " no popory " cry against Mr . Pusoy on account of his relationship to Dr . Puscy .
HiroKiNaiiAMeitiiiE . —Mr . Disraeli luis issued an address soliciting his re-election ; in which ho flays that Parliament will bo dissolved in u few days . His colleague , Mr . Q . C . Du Prc , has published an address expressing his confidence " that measures will speedil y bo introduced by a friendly Government to alleviate thoir [ tho ngriculturnl classes ] depressed condition , to relieve- thorn from unjust taxation , and to placo them on a footing whore , with unfettered energies , they inny compete on equal terms with tho rest of the community . " Colohesxek . —Lord John Manners has issued his address .
"T ^ ^ an / rial revolution jtf XS 40 , coupled with the abrupt abrogation of the navigation laws , has deraneed . tn a great extent , the industry of the country , and result ^ in « , war of classes , z Iwas always of opinion , and amlo st ? ill , that , b y i levying moderate duties at the Cuatom-liousft o ^ -aU- ^^ ioksy ^ - . 'j forde ^ . ' . produictibnj' a GhDverntnerit best meted out justice to' the various interests of the tountrv and raised in the least objectionable mode the revenues necessary for the exigencies of the empire ; If : hoWWh .
the countiy prefers that justice should b 6 done to the pj 6 ^ ductive classes and the necessary revenue be ' raise d by other ways , it will become the diity of the ( xbverhment so to revise ouir financial system that thbsd gjreat interests may meet on equal terms that severe foreign competition to which they are now unfairly exposed ; " ' ; DAETMOtTTH . W—Sir ^ Thomas Herbert , Conservative , and Lord of the Admiralty , is determined to contest the borough , with Mr . Lindsay , the shipowner .
Deebt . —Mr . Horsfall , the renowned of Liverpool , opposes Mr . Lawrence Hey worth . Lancashiee ( South ) . — -An attempt has been made to rally the old Tory party in this division of the Freetrade county ; and in order to effect this , a requisition has been got up to Mr . Egerton and Sir Thomas Hesketh . The pretext for opposition is , that the sitting menibers and the' new * candidate , Mr . Cheetham , are nominees of the Anti-Cofn Law League . - MAitchesteb . —The result ; of the canvass on behalf of Mr . Bright and Mr . Gibson has been published , and leaves no doubt of their re-election . The Manchester Examiner has stated that rumours have been abroad that one or both of the new candidates are about to withdraw .
NoETHAMPXONSBiEE ( South ) . —Sir Charles Knightley retires , averring that his opinions on Protection are " obsolete . " But there is less merit than appears in this candid confession and retreat ; for Mr . Eainald Knightley , his son , has offered himself in the place of his sire .
THE A . NTI-8 TATE CHtTRGH ASSOCIATION ., The Committee of this Association have addressed a circular to their friends , urging them to turn the approaching election to the best ' . account for the advancement of their object . Among other practical suggestions they offer the following : —¦ 1 . In all cases , the " opinions of candidates on politicoecclesiastical questions should be elicited , and the results be made public .
2 . Where candidates are not now prepared to vote for the separation of Church and State , they may yet be induced to vote * for specific ineasnres , ' such as the entire abolition of Church-rates , and of the Ecclesiastical Courts , the admission of Dissenters to the Universities , &c . More especially , opposition to all further grants for religious purposes , iand to the extension of the State-church system , should be strenuously insisted upon . 3 . Questions , put with tact and firmness , to supporters of Church Establishment , will , in many cases , expose their entire ignorance of the merits of the controversy , or the illogical and inconsistent character of their views .
4 . Candidates who , in general terms only , express their attachment to " religious liberty , " should be called upon to state what they include in that phrase ; and whether they are favourable to " religious equality" also . 6 . Opponents of tho Maynooth Grant , in particular , who do not also object to other parliamentary grants to religious bodies , should be preBsed for reasons why lioman Catholics should be taxed to support Protestantism , it Protestants ought not to bo taxed to support Komanism ; and why tho Irish Church Establishment should not bo abolished if tho Maynooth Grant is withdrawn .
Tho Committee state that they " most desire to impress upon their friends throughout the kingdom , tho importance of taking some decided stops to prevent tho subject being kept in the background , as it has too long been , in tho election of the people ' s representatives , and by thus making it familiar to tho public mind , of preparing for a period when it will become tho great testing point of electoral contests . "
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Lord Winchilsea has addressed a letter to tho Protestant electors of Great Britain , in which ho urges them to lay aside their differences as to Free-trndo and Protection , and all such trilling matters , and to unite heart and soul , in securing the return to Parliament ot men who may be depended on for the defence of those groat Protestant principles which aro the only truo bulwarks of our civil and religious liberty . Strong as may be his Lordship ' s foolingu as to tho advantage > ot compelling tho foreigner to contribute towards tno tuxes of this country , this question , ho eayfl , einkH uito perfect nothingness when compared with tho preservation of Protestantisih . Ho boldly and unhesitatingly declares tlmt' at tho coming election the choice to i » mudo will ho between Lord Derby and " infidelity witn popory in her fcruin , "
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60 * !^^ 0 ^^ M ^ P ^ M , ^ ESa ^ r ? u
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. <__ .. „ , — . —^——WILL DERBY G . 0 AD IRELAND TO REVOLT P Tin : procession proclamation is raising » storm in Ireland very dangerous to tfiQ Derby M inistry . ¦ " *• O'Brien , " of Limerick , was , in the days of Jonn Mitchell and « Young Ireland / ' a florco foo ofW" - But , by his anti-procession proclamation , Lord JJeroy
Leader (1850-1860), June 26, 1852, page 604, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1941/page/8/