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LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION , Established by Royal Chabteb a . d . 1720 . FOR LIFE , FIRE , AND MARINE ASSURANCES . Head Office , 7 , Eotal Exchange , Cobithili . Branch Office , 10 , Regent Stbebt . Actuary , Peter Hardy , Esq ., F . R . S . This Corporation has effected Assubaktces for a period exceeding One Hundeed and Thibty Teabs , on the moat Favourable Teems . . JOHN LAURENCE , Secretary .
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CLERICAL , MEDICAL , AND GENERAL \ J LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Persons of all ages , and in every station , may assure with this Society , and the Assured can reside in any part of Europe , the Holy Land , Egypt , Madeira , the-Cape , Australia , New Zealand , and in most parts of North and South America , without extra charge . PIFTH DIVISION OF PBOFITS . The Fifth Bonus was declared in January last , and the amount varied with the different ages , from 24 J to 55 per cent , on the Premiums paid , during the last Five Years ; or from £ 5 to JB 12 10 s- per cent , on the sum assured . The small share of Profit divisible in future among the Shareholders being now provided for , without intrenching on the amount made by the regular business , the Assured will hereafter derive all the benefits obtainable from a Mutual Office , with , at the same time , complete freedom from liability , secured by means of an ample Proprietary Capital ;—thns combining , in the same office , all the advantages of both systems . The Fund invested for the security and benefit of the Assured exceeds £ 850 , 000 ; aQd tue Income is now upwards of £ 136 , 000 per annum . Every description of Assurance may be effected , and for any sum from £ 50 to £ 10 , 000-A copy of the last Report , setting forth full particulars , with a Prospectus , can now be obtained of any of the Society's agents , or by addressing a line to GEO . H . PINCKARD , Resident Secretary . t : 99 , Great Russell Street , Bloomsbury , London ,
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THE NATIONAL ASSURANCE AND INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION was established in 1844 , for the purpose of combining a safe and profitable Investment of Capital with those of a comprehensive and well-regulated system of Life Assurance . The plan is original and peculiar , and cannot be adopted by any other Institution without contravening the enactments for the regulation of Joint Stock Companies . Investment op Capital and Savings . —The Investment of money with the Association , secures equal advantages to the surplus Capital of the afHuent , and the provident Savings of the industrial classes of the community , and affords an opportunity for realising the highest rate of interest yielded by first-class securities , in which alone the money is employed . Full information , Prospectuses , and Forms' of Proposal , may be obtained , on application , at the Head-office of the Association , or to the respective Agents throughout the United Kingdom . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . 7 , St . Martin ' s Place , Trafalgar Square , London . N . B . — Applications for Agencies may be made to the Managing Director .
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EQUITY and LAW LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , No . 20 , Lincot . n ' s-Init Fusi-us , . London . Policies in this Office are Indisputable , except in cases of Fraud . " Free Policies" are issued , at a small increased rate of Premium , which remain in force although the Life Assured may go to any part of the World . Parties assuring within Six Months of their last Birthday are allowed a proportionate diminution in the Premium . Tho Tables aro especially favourable ) to young and middleaged Lives , and tho limits allowed to tho assured , without extra charge , aro unusually extensive . Eighty per cent , of tho profits are divided at tho end of every five years among tho Assured . —At tho first Division , to tho end of 1849 , the addition to tho amount assured averaged above-CO per cent , on tho premiums paid .
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All Policies Indisputable , and payable to Holder within fourteen day . s after Death , and free of Policy Stump to the Assured , An entirely new and most economical Scale of Premiums . HOUSEHOLDERS' AND GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . 15 and 10 , Adam Street , Adicm'jii , London . 1 U 1 IJKCTORH . William Ashton , Esq . Richard Orimths Welford . EHq . The Rev . ThomasCator . Kdward Kuhcoiiio , Esq ., M . I ) . Charles JIiiIhc , Khci . Peter Patorson , Ksq . I ' . Davenport . 1 $ . Wt'bntpr , Enq . Peter Paterson , Esq ., jun . DISTINCTIVE . AND lMiCUMAlt I'HATU RKH . 1 . livery Policy is absolutely indisputable , t . ho slate of health , ago , and interest , being admitted on the Policy . 2 . A Jjowrr Scale of Premium « than , ony other Office . \\ . Polieii'H traiiHl ' erable by indorsement . i . . Policies J ' liitl within I'ourteen J ) a i / s <{ flcr Prtxfof Death . 5 . No charge for Policy Htainp . 0 . Persona recently < ism < reil in other Offices muy obtain indisputable Policies from this Company at more moderate rates of premiums . 7 . Medical Referees in all cmhoh paid by the Company . RICHARD JIODNON , H .-eielary .
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MET . It (> I 0 LIT A N" 1 N » STI TI f TI () N COMPANY . Provisionally Registered , pursuant , to 7 ( h and Hth Victoria . P * or providing accommodation for a jiiililic institution (<> lie culled I lie 11 Atili OF HCINNCK AND LITKItATURK . Capital , . L'WKK ) . HharoH , , L ' I each ; Deposit , ( id . per share ; OiiIIh not toereeed 1 m . jier share" per month .- The liabilit y of oaeh Shareholder is limited to tho amount of !¦ in Subscription . Temporary Offices 2 . 'J , John Hlreot , Tottenham Court Uouil . A GKNKKAL MKKTI'NG of tho Shareholders will he held » t the Temporary Oflioes as abovo , on Monday , the 2 ( ltli . lin . v , Snutant , itt llalf-poM Mig ht , in tho Nvoning pieciHely , for the purpose of executing the Deed of Hcll . loiuont , preparatory to tho complete registration of the Company . jly order of tho Directors , John Street , II ) July , IHfiS . T 11 OH . WIUTAK Kit , Sec . Applications | yr Hhurow , &c , to be ftcldroHsotl ( pout paid ) to the Boorvtury ,
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WORKS EDUCATIONAL AND SPECULATLVE . H . d . Euclid , tho First Hook only ; an Introduction to Mathematics ( with plates ) 1 < i A Pracl . ioal ( iruniniiir of tho Broad Rules of Speech ... I . <> A Handbook of Graduated Kxci'imhch i <) KiKliments of Public Speaking ami Debate 1 fl A Logic of Farts , or Method of Ueimoiiing by Facts ... 1 <> The People ' s Review ( M ) articles complete ) I <) Literary I iiHt . itut ions- their Kelal . ion to Public Opinion ... 0 2 Tin- History of Hix Months' Imprisonment for tho perusal of her Majesty ' s Attorney General and tho Hritiwh Clergy 1 « The Task of To-Day - Vol . I . of ( ho Cabinet of Reason ... 1 0 Why do the Clergy Avoid . Discussion and Philosopher !* Discountenanced . ? Vol . 11 . of tho Cabinet of Reason <) (> Life , Writings , and Character of the late Richard Carlilo , who endured Nino years and Four Months' Imprisonment for t . ho Kroedom of tho Knglish Press ... <) ti Pnley ' s Natural Theology tried by tho Doctor ' s Own Words " ' <> « Rationalism ( Mr . Owen's Views Individualised ) <> ( I Roman Catholicism I lie Religion of Kcar , with H platen , from Father Piiiamonti ^ >* The riuloHopliic Typo of Christianity : an Kxiiminatioii . of the " Houl : her Morrows and " her Aspirations , by F . VV . Newman" <> *« The Logic of Death ( Twenty-sixth Thousand ) O I Tho Uoasonor : a ( Mzotto of Nocular Advocacy . Weekly O 1 London : Juiuoh Wul » on , 3 , Qik-ou ' h JlcttU JL ' ttHHUtjo , Patcruootojr Row .
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npiIE EDINBURGH MEDICAL AND X SURGICAL JOURNAL , No . 102 , for JULY , 1852 , contains the following Articles : — 1 . Mr . Newport ' s Experiments on tho Impregnation of tho Reptiles . 2 . Dr . Lethcby ' s Facts on tho Ovnlar Theory . 3 . Mr . J . L . Clarke on the Structure of tho Spinal Cord . 4 . Dr . Leo on tho Statistics of Ovarium Excision . 5 . Death of tho Countess of Gocrlitss ; and Inquiry into Evidence for Spontaneous Combustion . Reviews -. —Dr . Tunstall on tho Bath Waters . — Dr . Aahwell and Mr . S . Lee on Organic Diseases of Females . —Dr . It . Dundns ' s Sketches of Brazil , and New Views of Fever ; with Chemical Reports on supposed Adulteration of Jtittor Beer . In consequence of tho new arrangements in tho Post Office , this Journal may bo had in any part of the United Kingdom by prepaying tho annual contribution of . Cl 4 s ., and 2 s . for tranamission ; or for separate Numbers , ( is . ( Id . This Journal contains all tho most important information on tho Contents of New Scientific , and Medical Memoirs , and other Works on Medicine and Hurgcry . Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black . London : Longman , Ilrown , Green , and Longmans . Dublin ; 1 lodges and Hmith .
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PAXTON'S FLOWER GARDEN . On the 31 st inst . will be published , price 2 s . 6 d ., Part XXX . of T > AXTON'S FLOWEE GARDEN . I By Dr . LINDLEY atid SIR JOSEPH PAXTON . illustrated with Beautifully Coloured Large Plates , and Fine Engravings on Wood . * * The First and Second Volumes , prico £ 1 13 s . each , hound In cloth , may l > o t > ad by orrlor of nny Jiookuollcr ; tilao , lumbers I . to XXX . Bradbury and Evans , 11 , Bouverie Street .
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On the 31 st inst . will be published , price Is ., the Eighth Number of ME . SPONGE'S SPOETING TOUR . By the Author of " Handley Cross , " " Jorroeks's Jaunts , " &c , illustrated with One Coloured Engraving and numerous Woodcuts , by John Leech . Bradbury and Evans , 11 , * Bouverie Street .
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t : " 2 vols . post 8 vo , cloth , 21 s . " One vol ., post 8 vo , cloth , 9 a . PERSONAL ADVENTURES OP PAMRTTQ ANTI nP PT ? VATTn"KT < 3 OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT RAMBLES ANDJ ) bservations wiTAiY . NEW SOUTH WALES , Showing heno an Active Campaigner can find good Quarters when -with other men lie in the Fields ; good Dinners , whilst many are with . half-starved ; and good Wine , though the King ' s Staff be SKETCHES OF MEN AND MANNERS , reduced ^^^ j ^ ^^ ^^ NOTICES OF THE ABOBIGINES , exHOHH O * SCEKEET , " This work is original , and not a reprint or richauffe of AND SOME HINTS TO EMIGRANTS , my Correspondence from Italy to the ' Times . '"—Preface . ________ "We do not know that since the days of Gil Bias a more iversified and dashing series of adventures has been set before By JOSEPH PHIPPS TOWJS'SEND . the gentle reader . . . . His bqok is sure to be wildly popular . " Globe . " The book is one of the qiost entertaining we ever came " One of the best books on New South "Wales that has ap . across . " —John Bull . ^ peared . "—Spectator . LONDON : CHAPMAN AND HALL , 193 , PICCADILLY .
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New Nofei by the Author of " The Scarlet Letter , " &c . Just published , in 2 vols . post 8 vo , to be had at all Libraries in Town and Country , THE BLITHEDALE ROMANCE . BY NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE . " Mr . Hawthorne ' s third tale , in our judgment , puts the seal on the reputation of its author as the highest , deepest , and flncs imaginative writer whom America has yet produced Long as are our remarks ; and selections , they are far from illustrating all the phases of appeal to admiration and sympathy exhibited in this remarkable book ot a remarkable writer . —Afhencewn . 6 "A good story , full of picturesque writing and romantic incident , well marked with the distinctive stamp of Mr . Hawthorne ' s genius . "—Examiner . „ „ „ , , , " The book , besides its high philosophical interest , has the charm of a really nne romance too—has adventure , vivacit y , fine scenery , and human interest . "—Daily News .
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Fifth Edition , with a new Supplementary Chapter , 10 a . 6 d . STUDENT'S MANUAL OF MODEEN HISTORY . By W . COOKE TAYLOE , LL . D . By the same Author , STUDENT'S MANUAL OP ANCIENT HISTORY . Fifth Edition . 10 s . 6 d . HISTORY OF MOHAMMEDANISM . Cheaper Edition , 4 s . HISTOEY OF CHEISTIANITY . 6 a .-od . London : John W . Parknr and Ouu , West Strand .
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This day , 2 s . 6 d . T 7 XEECISES ADAPTED TO THE COMXli PLETE LATHTGRAMMAR . By JOHN W . DONALDSON , D . D ., Head Master of Bury Scliool . By the same Author , COMPLETE LATIN GRAMMAR . 3 s . Gd . COMPLETE GREEK GEAMMAR . 4 s . 6 d . GEiECiE GEAMMATIC ^ E EUDIMENTA . 2 s . fld . London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
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On tho 31 st inst . will bo published , prico Is ., the Sixth Number of BLEAK HOUSE . By . Chables Dickens . With Illustrations by Hablot K . Browne . Bradbury and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street .
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rpHE WESTMINSTER REVIEW , JL Nisw Reimkh , No . III ., prico 0 s . Annual Subscription , when paid to tho Publisher in advance , _ lj or if the work bo delivered by post , , tl 4 s . Contents oit No . III ., July , 1852 . I . Secular Education . 1 f . England's Forgotten Worthies . I 11 . Tho Future of Geology . IV . Lord JoilVey and tho Edinburgh Review . V . The Tendencies of England . VF . Tho Lady Novelists . VII . Tho Political Lifo and Sentiments of Nicbuhr . VI 11 . Tho Restoration of Belief . JX . Sir Robert Pool and his Policy . X . Contemporary Litoraturo of England . XI . Contemporary Literature of Amoricu . XII . Contemporary Literature of Germany . XIII . Contemporary Literature , of France . London : John Chapman , 112 , Strand .
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rpjIE BRITISH QUAKTEELY RKViKW , X No . XXXI ., ( 1 ' riooOx ., ) will bo published on tho l » t »' August :---1 . The Christian Minintry to Conic . IJ . Ancient Marinom- —lluldiiyt Publicatiolifl . III . Syriiie Literature --Fofital Lottei-H of AthaliftSiliH . IV . Old Kreneh Memoirs . V . I ' rogrcHM ol' indiiMlriiil Insti'itetion . VI . Lord Jeffrey Our Periodical I ' refW . VII . Cre-Riiphaolisiii in Art . and Lit . orat . uro . VII I . Memoirs of Margaret Fuller OhhoIi . IX . Australia and its VVeullli . X . Our Kpiloguo on AITaim and ItnolcH . London : . LwltHon and Walford , 1 H , Rt . I ' aul ' H Churchyard , ami Himpkiu , Mar » hall , and Co ., Htationora' Hall Court .
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716 THE L E APE R . [ Saturday , Juet 24 ^ 1852 .
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LONDON ! l ' rlnted l > y ( Ikoiiiih Hoovkii , ( nr No . 3 , Portlnnrt 1 ""¦ KeiiNliiKlim , in tho County of MldilliHiix . ) at the O » ' < ' ° " Mkhnhm . Havih , mid Kiiwauiim , No . 4 , VfutndaM Street , In t » ° / " . , of" HI . I ' nul , Corent ( lunlen . iw tlio hhhio County ; mid 1 ' ubl l "''" " . A 'I ' liiiiiN'i-oN l . KKiii JIunt , ( of Jtroudwiijr llouHc , IIiuiimcrBinltl ' j ' T 1 IK Li : Al ) i ; iL Oll'IOK , No . 10 , WKM . INGTON HTK 1 '''^ HTIUNl ) , In tho I'mcliict of tlmi Huvoy , l ) oth In tlio buuio CounlJ' ^ Hatuiu > a * , July ' H , Wb-.
Leader (1850-1860), July 24, 1852, page 716, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1944/page/24/