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Cfie Zoological eBrar&m^
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REGENT'S PARK , Are Open to Visitors daily . The Collection now contains upwards of 1500 Specimens , including two fine OuiMPXNziJKa . the Ilirroiotamus presented by H . IT . the Viceroy of Egypt , Elkpitawts , ltuiifooBBOs , Oiua « tbb and young , Lbuoouyx and young , Hr , AND 8 , BoNTKnoKB , Camklh , Zebuab , Lions , Tighbs , Jaouaks , Uba . uh , Ostuichhs , and the Aivnettxx presented by the Lieut .-Govornor of New Zealand . All Visitors are- now admitted to Mr . Gould ' s Collecti on of Hummino Birdb without any extra charge . The Bund of the First Life Guards will perform , by per-JwiHsion of Colonel Hall , every SATURDAY , at Four o clock , until further notice . Admission , One Shilling . On Mondays , Siii'ENCU .
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TWNN'S TAILORS' LABOUR AGENCY _ LJ will bo found alike worthy the attention of the Economist and the Philanthropist , oheapnesa being the means by which it is proposed to secure employment at fully remnnorative wages for the workmen , whilst the extent of patronage makes up for the Promoter a remunerative profit , large in its extent , though small in its degree . In the extensive range of frontage may bo seen specimens of the different articles offered , with their prices marked m plain figures , and no abatement mado ; with each of which the customer gets a printed receipt , taken from , and signed by , the workman for the wagoB he receives for making it , and containing his address for private inquiry as * ° tn # truth of such statement—it being intended , in thin Agency , to embody and carry out one of those Social and Co-operative Theories whioh promises , if honestly worked out , to secure benefits to all without injury to any—making ono portion of the community , in supplying its own wanta , minister to the comforts and elevation of another ; and that , by tlio oxerc-iso of that ruling passion , selfinterest , men naturally nocking to the best markets in numbers proportioned to the certainty with whioh they can determine them to be so , the Manager here only offering them the satisfaction of knowing that , if they are well servod , the men are well paid ; and thus , in blending the Interests of the Producer and Consumer , securing his own as agent betwoon them . A choioe of Men ' s uaorul Trousers , from 10 s . Od . to 12 s . ; a Large Assortment of ditto , fit for all persons , from 16 s . to 18 s .: Choice Qualities in Pattern , from 20 m . to U 3 s . ; ( wages paid agreeable to soiling price , from 8 s . to 4 s . 6 d . ) A useful Black liresB Coat , well made , U 5 s . ; a useful Black Frock Coat , 28 s . j ( warranted paid wages for making , 10 s . ) A First-Class Drcsa Coat , £ 2 16 s . j a First-CliiHH Frock , lined with Bilk , JB 3 ; ( u . specimen of workmanship , and warranted wages paid for making , 15 s . ) A good Blaok Vest ( wages paid 2 s . 8 a . ) , 7 s . 6 d . % Boys' Olotliing , and every Artiole in the Trade , on th © moat Advantageous Scale of Charges . Obaonro Ibo Addr # t « --13 , and 14 * BvmaNRO * QaVMWAY *
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PROF ESSOR MUSPRATT to Mr . Allsopp . " I have carefully analysed samples of your Ales , and find that they do not contain a particle of any injurious substance . I and my family have used your Ales for yeart , and mith perfect confidence in their purity . I know that Pale Ale , prepared , as in your Brewery , under scientific surveillance , contains a large quantity of nutritious matter ; and the hop , by its tonic properties , gives a healthy tone to the Stomach . * ' ° <« Shkeidatt Mubpbatt , F . R . S . E ., " Member of the Royal Irish Academy and of La Socie'te' d'Encouragement . " College of Chemistry , Liverpool . ALLSOPP'S PALE or BITTER ALE may be obtained in casks of 18 Gallons and upwards from the Brewery , Burton-on-Trent ; and from the under-mentioned Branch Establishments : — LoKDoar at 81 , King William Street , City . Ltvbkpool at Cook Street . Mancubbtbb ... at Duoie Place . DtrDiBT at Burnt Tree . GLASGOW at 115 , St . Vincent ' s Street . Dublik at Ulster Chambers , Dame Street . Bibminoham ... at Market Hall . In either of whioh plaoos a list of respectable parties who supply the Beer in bottles ( and also in casks at the same prices as from the Brewery ) , may at any time be seen . ( T . No . 3 . )
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WATCHES ! WATCHES ! WATCHES 2 Save 50 per Cent , by purchasing your Watches direct from the Manufacturer , at the Wholesale Trade Price . Warranted Gold Watches , extra jewelled , -with all the recent improvements £ 3 15 0 The same Movements in Silver Cases * 0 0 Handsome Morocco Cases for same 0 2 0 Every other description of Watch in the same proportion . Sent Free to any part of the Kingdom upon receipt o One Shilling Extra . Duplex and other Watches practically Repaired and put in orjler , at the Trade Prices , at DANIEL ELLIOTT HEDGER'S WHOLESALE WATCH MANUFACTORY , 27 , CITY tt . OAi > , near Finsbury Square , Xiondon . % * Merchants , Captains , and the Trade supplied in any quantities on very favourable terms .
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T HE PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Book Passengers and receive Goods and Parcels for MALTA , EGYPT , INDIA , and CHINA , by their Steamers leaving Southampton on the 20 th of every Month . The Company's Steamers also start for MALTA and CONSTANTINOPLE on the 29 th , and VIGO , OPORTO , LISBON , CADIZ , and GIBRALTAR , on th 6 7 th , 17 th , and 27 th of the Month . For further information apply at the Company ' s Offices , 122 , Leadenhall Street , London ; and Oriental Place , Southampton .
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MECHI'S MULTIFORMIA , 4 , LEADENHALL STREET . This elegant appendage to the Drawing-room in Papier Maohe ~ , comprising within itself a Pole Screen , a Chess Table , a Reading Desk , and a Musio Stand . Mechi solicits the attention of the tasteful to this novelty , as well as to the general contents of his new Show Room , in whioh are exhibited the most perfect specimens of Papier Mache" produced in thtt ) country . An immense variety of Ladies' and Genthnneft ' s Dressing Cases , Work Tables , Tea Toys , Tea Trays , Hand Soreens , Pole Soroons , Card , Cake , and Note Baskets , &dv Everything for the Toilet and Work Table , of the best quality , and at moderate prices , may be had at Mbchi ' s , 4 , Lbadxothat . Ii Stjibet , near the India House .
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/^ LENFIELD PATENT STARCH . —N o * VJT USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY . The Ladies are respectfully solicited to make a trial of the GL&NFIEXD PATENT DOUBLE-REPINED POWDER STARCH , which , for Domestic Une , now stands un"iitvai . lkd . Sold Wholesale in London by Messrs . Pontin and Turner ; Hooper Brothers ; Batty and Feast j Croft and Innocent ; Petty , Wood , and Co . j Twelvetrees Brothers ; It . Letchford and Co . ; John Yates and Co . ; Yates , Walton , and Turner ; Clayton , Bland , and Co . ) Field , Roberts , anil Barber ; A . Bnulon and Co . ; Hicks Brothers ; C . B . Williams and Co . ; Sterry , Hterry , and Co . ; Thomas Smelling ; John Hynuin- John Brewer ; and Retail , by all Shopkeepers . Agents wanted—apply to Mr . R . Wotherspoon , 40 , Dnulop Street , Glasgow . London Depot : Wothorspoon , Mackay , and Co ., 40 , King William Street , City-
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rpiIE ROYAL EXHIBITION . —A vainaMe JL . newly-invented , very small , powerful WAISTCOAT POOKKT GLASS , tho size of a walnut , to diwoorn minute objeots at a distance of from four to five miles , whioh is found to bo invaluable to Yaohtors , Sportsmen , Gontlomon , and Game * keepers . Price iJOs ., sent froe —TELE 8 COJPJBS . A new and most important invention in Tolesoopos , p <> 8 «« aaintf such e « r »» ordinary powers , that sonio , : »| inches , with an extra eye-piece , will show distinctly Jupitor ' s Moons , Saturn's Ring , and tlio Double Stars . Thfly supersede evory other kind , and are of all sires , for tho waistcoat nockot , Shooting , Military purposes , f to . Opera and Racecourse GlnnHon , with wonderful powers ; a mftnnty objeot oan be dearly soon from ton to twelve miles distant . Invaluable , newly-inv « nted Preserving Spectacles ; invisible ami all kinds of Acoustic Instruments for relief of extreme Deafness . —Messrs . S . and B . SOLOMONS , OptioisflM and Aurists , 80 , AJbomarlo Street , Piccadilly , oppottt * th * Y «* Hjot *!*
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fyUTTA PERCHA TUBING . —Many y . ^ W inquiries having been mado as to tho Durability of this I ul > ing , the Gutta Percha Company have pleasure in drawing attention to the following letter , received » U 0 M Mil . O . HACKHB , BUttVEYOB TO TIIB DtIKH OV BBBBOBD : " Office of Works , Woburn Park , Jan . 10 , 1862 . rn * answer to your inquiries respecting the Gutta Peruha lubhig for Pump Buotions , I find that the water hus not affected u in the loaat , although it will eat lead through in two years ; we nave adopted it largel y , both on account of being ohcapor than » wd , nmoh easier fixed , and a more perfect job . " Yours , &c , O . HACKICR . " .. N . B . Th 0 Company's Illustrated Circulars , containing Instruct lions to Plumbers for joining tubes , lining tanks , &c , will be for warded on the reooipt of three postage stamps . THE GUTTA PERCHA COMPANY , PATENTEES , 18 WHABF-ROAD , OITY-BOAJD , LONDON .
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Wine op Maxt . —Among the vast number of testimonials that appear in favour of Allaopfj ' s Ale , it is remarkable that only one of them supplies the long felt deficiency of a popular definition of this unique production of Burton-upon-Trent . Others have very minutely examined its medical , sanatory , and nutritive properties ; and , what is rather unusual with professors of chemistry , or of the healing art , give undoubted evidence of its superiority as a daily beverage , founded upon long personal and other familiar experience . It was , however , left to the Sanatory Commissioner of the Lancet to impart a social influence , also , to the use of Allsopp ' s Ale . Summing up its excellence in the single terse expression of " Wine of Malt . " As the result of his own analysis , he declares , that " From the pure and wholesome nature of the ingredients employed , the moderate proportion of alcohol present , and the very considerable quantity of aromatic anodyne bitter , derived from hops , contained in these beers , they tend to preserve the tone of the stomach , and conduce to the restoration of the health of that organ , when in a state of weakness or debility . " And then conclusively adds , that " These bitter beers differ from all other preparations of malt in containing a smaller amount of extractive matter , thus being less viscid and saccharine , and consequently more easy of digestion ; they resemble , indeed , from their lightness , a wine of malt , rather than an ordinary fermented infusion , and it is very satisfactory to find that a beverage of such general consumption is entirely free from every kind of impurity . " With such tangible testimony as this we shall not be surprised if our importations of wines from the German rivers , and the French and Spanish ports , are materially affected by a natural preference for our native supply of " wine of niolt" from Burton-upon-Tront . —Globe .
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__ at not where to find anything more impressive than his statement of the * h 1 intellectual and social problem , aa gradually unfolded and brought down to by the entire course of the history of mankind . " " % terminating this series , I may as well close the subscription-list of Comte Fund . In case any readers should desire to add to it , I will i it open till the end of this month , after which I must close it . *
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THE GOLD FIELDS OF AUSTRALIA . A moving panorama of the Australian gold districts , with a few separate pictures in the series , has been opened at 309 , Regent-street . The picture is well painted , by Mr . J . S . Prout , from his own sketches taken in the country ; with aid in the marine parts from Mr . T . S . Robins ; in the animals , by Mr . C . " Weigall . The spectator is supposed to begin ^ the voyage at Plymouth ; to touch at Madeira , Rio de Janeiro , and the Cape of Good Hope ; passing on the way , Teneriffe , and the Island of St . Paul . Many of the usual incidents of the voyage are seen , —the flights of birds , and flying fish ; the disporting of dolphins ; even the capture of a whale is brought in . Arrived in Australia , the shifting scene comprises , Melbourne , the Valley of the Yarra-yarra , the V alley of the Goulburn , Geelong , an Australian road , the diggings at Mount Alexander , a Kangaroo hunt on the Illawarra , Sydney , the Parramatta river , the Blue Mountains , and the diggings on Summer Hill creek . The effect is aided by an oral explanation / The stay-at-home traveller , and the " intending emigrant , " are really able to collect from this picture some idea of the voyage , the country , and the actual state of affairs at the diggings .
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PIETRO IL GRANDE . The immense choral and orchestral , as well as scenic preparations , have deferred the appearance of Pietro il Grande at Covent Garden . Jullien is not the man to stake his reputation on imperfect rehearsals , though at
this late moment of the season he can scarcely hope that the forthcoming performances will do complete justice to a work of such high , pretensions . They will be little better than full rehearsals . But the opera will be " mounted , " and , we trust , read y for a long and brilliant career next year , when the Maestro , with all his honours thick upon him , will be reaping fresh laurels beyond the Atlantic . Nothing has been wanting on the part of Mr . Gye to sustain the first great effort of Jullien j and , no doubt , the immense outlay will be well repaid . Even at a time when " all the world" is out of town , we have reason to believe that " all the world" will be present at this " solemnity , " and , among others , a number of distinguished continental virtuosi , intent upon the discovery of that rare phenomenon , a new composer . Pietro is announced positively for Tuesday next . Z .
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• I have to acknowledge the receipt of a further subscription of 3 * . from H . O .
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SIGNOR NEGRINI . Ttte aopearance of Signor Negrini , so long delayed , took place on Tuesday , A Sid tot make the audience deeply regret the delay . He is one of ? h 7 " robustious" tenors : a man after Verdi ' s own heart . What voice he ™ av once have had has been screamed away , or nearly so . How noticehlp it is that all the singers who have come from Italy of late , heralded Wereat reputations , have one and all turned out failures , and failures from the sam e screaming cause ! No one seems to think of svnging ; it iq all declamation and hysterica passio . I may as well point , in passing , to the illustration this affords of what I said some weeks ago on the Meyerbeer school , and its tendency to make the opera subordinate to theatrical effects : as the composers sacrifice music to effects , so do the actors sacrifice singing to declamation . V IVXAjN
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AvavST 14 , 1852 . ] THE LEADER , 787 ' ' '
Cfie Zoological Ebrar&M^
Cfie Zoological eBrar&m ^
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 14, 1852, page 787, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1947/page/23/