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WATCHES ! WATCHES ! WATCHES ! Save 50 per Cent , by purchasing your Watches direct from the Manufacturer , at the Wholesale Trade Price . Warranted Gold Watches , extra jewelled , with all the recent improvements £ 3 15 0 The same Movements in Silver Cases .: .. ; .. 2 0 0 Handsome Morocco Cases for same .-. 020 Every other description of Watch , in the same proportion . Sent Free to any part of the Kingdom upon receipt of One Shilling Hxtra . Duplex and other Watches practically Repaired and put in order , at the Trade Prices , at DANIEL ELLIOTT HEDGER'S WHOLESALE WATCH MANUFACTORY , 27 , CITY KOAD , near Finsbury Square , London . \* Merchants , Captains , and the Trade supplied in any quantities on very favourable terms .
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LAMPS of ALL SORTS and PATTERNS . The largest , as well as the choicest , assortment in existence of PALMER'S MAGNUM and other LAMPS , CAMPHINE , ARGAND , SOLAR , and MODERATEUR LAMPS , with all the latest improvements , and of the newest and most recherche patterns , in ormolu , Bohemian , and plain glass , or papier mach ^ , is at WILLIAM S . BURTON'S , and thev are arranged in one large room , so that the patterns , sizes , and sorts can be instantly selected . PALMER'S CANDLES , 7 % d . a pound . Palmer ' s Patent Candles , all marked "Palmer . " Single or double -wicks 7 £ d . per pound . Mid . size , 3 wicks 8 $ d . ditto . Magnums , 3 or 4 wicks 9 d . ditto . English's Patent Camphine , in sealed cans , 4 s . per gallon . DIS H COVERS AND HOT-WATER DISHES in every material , in great variety , and of the newest and moat recherche" patterns . Tin Dish Covers , 6 s . the set of six ; Block Tin , 11 s . 6 d . to 25 s . the set of six ; elegant modern patterns , 30 s . to 53 s . the set ; Britannia Metal , with or without silver-plated handles , 68 a . to 102 s . the set ; Sheffield plated , £ 10 to £ 16 10 s . the set ; Block Tin Hot-water Dishes , ¦ with wells for gravy , lls . to 25 s . ; Britannia Metal , 32 s . to 63 s . ; Sheffield plated , full size , £ 9 10 s . T HE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE for SILVER . The REAL NICKEL SILVER , introduced 20 years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when plated by the patent process of Messrs . Elkington and Co ., is beyond all comparison the very best article next to sterling silver that can be employed as such , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible test can it be distinguished from real silver . Fiddle "Thread or King ' s Pattern . Brunswick Pattern . Pattern . Tea Spoons , per dozen 18 s 23 s 36 s . Dessert Forks „ 30 s 42 s 68 s . Dessertspoons „ 30 a 42 s 62 s . Table Forks „ 40 s 55 s 70 s . TableSpoons ,, 40 s 55 s 75 a . Tea and Coffee Sets , Waiters , Candlesticks , &c , at proportionate prices . All kinds of re-plating done by the patent process . CHEMICALLY PUKE NICKEL , NOT PLATED . Fiddle . Thread . King ' s . Table Spoons and Forks , full size , per dozen 12 s 28 s 30 s . Dessert ditto and ditto 10 s 21 s 25 s . Teaditto 5 s lls 12 s . WILLIAM S . BURTON has TEN LARGE SHOWROOMS ( all communicating ) , exclusive of the Shop , devoted solely to the show of GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY ( including cutlery , nickel silver , plated , and japanned wares , iron and brass bedsteads ) , so arranged and classified that purchasers may easily and at oneo make their selections . Catalogues , with engravings , sent ( per post ) free . The money returned for every article not approved of . 3 !) OXFORD-STREET ( corner of Newmim-st . ) ; Nor . 1 & 2 , NKWMAN-STR 1 CET ; and 4 & 5 , PERRY ' S-PLACH .
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THE SIX-DAYS CAB & CONVEYANCE COMPANY . Offices—15 , Duke Stbeet Chambers , Adeiphi . Provisionally Registered pursuant to Act of Parliament , for supplying the Public with CABS at FOURPENCE per MILE , and Brougham , Clarence , and all other Carriages , at a much reduced rate . Principal Stables , Adelphi . In 15 , 000 Shares of £ 1 each , with power to increase the Capital to £ 50 , 000 . Deposit , 5 s . per Share . DIRECTORS . Trevetham Thomas Spicer , Esq ., LL . D ., 4 , Gray ' s Inn Square . Frederick J . Sewell , Esq ., Ecclestone Street South , Eaton Square . William Barrett , Esq ., DoctoTa' Commons , and The Lawn , South Lambeth . Thomas B . Loader , Esq ., Civil Engineer , 14 , New Church Street , Edgeware Road , and Princes Street , Stamford Street . Charles Henry Price , Esq ., Crescent , Avenue Road , Old Kent Road . Captain Montague , Wandsworth . Road , Surrey . SOLICITOR . Grantham Robert Dodd , Esq ., F . L . S ., 26 , New Broad St ., City . Mr . Henry Spicer . ( Manager . ) Mr . S . Watkins Evans . ( Secretary . ) Notwithstanding the existence of several Cab Companies , it is admitted , on all hands , that there is ample room for another . The Directors on that account have determined upon starting the Six Days Cab Company , to run at reduced fares and to abolish all Sunday traffic . The degree of success that has attended similar Associations proves that there is very little speculation in the objects of this Company . The following are among the advantages which this Company presents : — 1 st . —To have first-rato Horses and Carriages , the latter to be provided with improved Indicators , by which it will be at once seen the distance travelled . 2 nd . —To abolish the Insult and Extortion now too prevalent , by employing men of known respectability of character , who will be provided with Livery Coats and Hats , and paid a regular weekly salary . 3 rd . —To afford their Servants the opportunity of moral and religious instruction , by entirely abolishing all Sunday Work , thereby constituting this , what the Title imports—viz ., a Six-Day Conveyance Company . 4 th . —To bring the luxury of Cabriolet riding within the reach of nil classes b y reducing the Fares to ( one half of the present legal charge ) 4 d . per mile , which , by the calculations subjoined , are clearly shown to be both possible and profitable . The following statement is submitted to the Public for consideration . It is calculated that each £ 1000 will purchase 10 Cabs , 20 Horses , and Harness complete . itlSCKIPTB . "Weekly Income derived ( from each £ 1000 capital ) eochhorso travelling 25 miles per diem , for ( idayH , at , 4 ( 1 . per mile , 8 n . 4 ft . 20 horses at , C 8 Oh . 8 d . por diem or per week £ 50 0 0 Deduct Expenditure . . . 33 10 0 dross Weekly Profit . . . £ 10 10 Oor £ 858 por annum . 1 'AYMBMTH . Keep for 20 Hornon C' 13 0 0 Ton Drivers 10 10 0 Duty on 10 Cuba 5 0 0 Wear and tour 5 0 0 £ 33 10 0 Afl . or allowing a deduction of 25 per cent , from tho abovo for expenses of Management , together with all miscellaneous and contingent outgoings , there will bo loft a profit of Sixty per Cont . per Annum . Applications for Hhuros , & ( -.., in tho usual form , to bo nmilo to Mr . Evans , nt tho ofliuon of tho Company , 15 , Duko Street , A c 1 < -11 > 11 i .
Untitled Ad
- TTrOllKING- TAILORS' ASSOCIATION , W 34 , Cahtlk-Kthkht East , Oxfokd-Stiuuct . Waimu Cooi'J' -h , Manager . Ah working-men organized for the management and execution of our own business , we appeal with great confidence to our fellow working-men for their hearty support . We auk that support in the plain words of plain men , without the usual Hhopkeoping tricks and falsehoods . Wo do so because wo know that wo offer an opportunity for thooxcreiso of » Hound economy , but we make our appeal more particularly because we boliovo that every honest ai-timm in supporting us will feel that he is performing a duty lo tlu » men of 1 uh class , which to overlook or neglect , would ' Ixi a treason and a disgrace . We ask for the support of working-men in full aHHiinuico Unit no bettor value can be given for money Ulan that , which we oiler , — and we desire success through that support , not Hololy that we may rescue ourselves from the wretchedness and slavery of the slop-system , — but more particularly that our fellowwork ers of all ' trades , encouraged by our example , may , through tho profitable i-chuRh of self-management ,, pluce themselves and their children beyond the reach of poverty or crime . Relying on tho good faith of tho people , we await patiently tho result of this appeal . , Tho annexed Lint of Prices will hIiow that m Hooking tho welfare of tho Associates they innko no monopoly profits . Notkmj . All work done on the premises . No Hunday labour is allowed . Tho books of account aroonon to every customer Customers are invited to inspect ( lie healthy and commodious workshops any u .-. ' li-day between the bourn of Ton and Four . LIST OK l'IMCUH TOR ( IAHII ON DKI . I VICHY : Good West , of Kngland Cloth Kmek Coats iron . £ 2 5 0 Host superfine ditto , with silk-shut linings . . . H Hostsiipcrllno Dress Coal ,. '' ., 7 [ ! Hupor ditto ll < "" f " Host , superfine Dress Trousorn ¦ : , !! Huper ditto ' « ,.. » ' ' j ; Huperflne Drown Vest • .., ., Nil >« r ditto . ' >'" Jj ' - Mama and Heaver Paletots ( Vt > " » " » l " <> Clerical and tfoYessioiiai Robe ' s , Mil ' itary ami Naval Uiiiforms , Ladies' Riding Habits , Youths' and Hoys'Hints muiloto oi . l . r on tho moHt ro . iHonablo terms . Uontloinon ' s own intttoriiUH mado up . , , * « * Country Ordcru ino » t punctually ultoudou to .
Untitled Ad
17 CONOMIC FREEHOLD LAND ASSOW 01 ATI ON . ( Unrolled us the Economic Ueneflt Iliiilding Society . ) Central OlHco—23 , John Htroet , Tottenham Court Road . IWnittftiit Wn . hiMa CoNmniiAM , Nut ] . ¦ TrtMtees Henry Travis , Khci ., M . D ., 15 , High Street , Camdon Town ; Mr . Thomas Wliilaker , 1 H , Houth Row , New Road ; Mr . John Ivory , Hon ., Victoria Villa , Kentish Town . —Treasurer Mr Thomas Wbitaker , 1 H , Houth Row , Now Road . - ' Directors . Mr Charles Abbey , 12 , Rosoman Htroet , Clorkenwoll ; Mr . Thomas Hirehmoro , 7 , Hartholomow IMaoo , Kentish Town ; Mr . I'Vaneis Hmith , Mi , Charlotte Street , Portland Plaoo ; Mr . Ohm ) . TillSn , Hon ., 30 , Groat Marylebono Htroot ; Mr . Henry . Slaughter , 17 , MunIoii 1 'laoe , ICuston Hanaro ; Mr . W . . 1 . Young , 33 , I'urk Hl . roet , Dorset Hquaro i ((< r ;< Aw«—Tho London and Westminster Hank , Marylebono Uriinoh .--Nticre . tari / Mr . Henry A . Ivory , [> ' £ , College IMaoo , Cainden Town . Prospectuses and further particulars may bo obtained on application to tho Hoeiolary , at I he Central Olllce , ovory Saturday livening , betwoon the hours of Kight and Ten . A PUBLIC MHICTINU will bo held in tho LrrieitAKY Inhtitiition , John Htkiuct , Kitzkoy Hqiiaiiic , on Monday , Dec . 13 , 1 H 52 , to explain the objects of tho Association . W . Ooninghain , Kn ( j ., will take the oliuir . Mr . L . Jones , Mr . ( J . IJinl , and other / lontlonion , will atteiul and addroHH tho Mootiug . —Tho Chair to bo taken at , Hulf-iiuat JCifjht o ' clock . -
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BOAUD OF SUPPLY AND DEMA ^ r . CONSUMERS' PROTECTION AGENCY ' Provisional Office : Fwg ^ o . Chahbbhs , 159 , Pbkch ^ oh-Now open only for diflfasing information respecting th « ^ Due notice will be given when the collection ana e # eOnH ° ; orders are to commence , and the names of the Supervisor ^ ? £ then be announced . " ^ wvisors will Objects of the New Business concern ¦ To undertake the execution , on behalf of the " public of ft ™ orders for any articles of trade y uo ' an 7 To secure the purity , quality , right price , prompt and saf * delivery of articles ordered ; e a 8 ate To establish and maintain , upon an extensive scale warp houses for receiving and testing the articles for eonsumntinn To recommend to the clients of the Board the tradesmen contractors , working men , and various persons whose serving may be required ; services To settle accounts and make payments on behalf of thn tomers or clients , &c . &c . &c . s " Advantages secured to customers dealing with the Board ¦ An easy , safe , inexpensive mode of transmitting their ordpr * All and every security , that the existing state of civilization ' and the concentrated power of capital , labour , machinery skill ' and experience can afford , as to the purity , quality , r ight Drica prompt and safe delivery of the articles ordered ; An efficient responsibility in case of damage and defect-Simplification of household accounts ; * All articles charged according to a list of fixed prices settled between the merchants and the Board : all such lists published and forwarded , from time to time . Reduction of prices , and great saving by the suppression of all the costly experiments that consumers have to bear from their not being acquainted with proper places of supply and with well-controlled merchants ; ' Facility for credits applicable to the whole of their consump - tion , and bearing upon the whole of their income , whatever maybe the terms of receiving the said income , monthly , quarterly half-yearly , or yearly . ' Further particulars to be had by applying to the above address or by forwarding four postage stamps . The prospectus of the CONSUMERS' PROTECTION SOCIETY may be had also at the above address , by persona I application , or by forwarding one postage-stamp ; the BOARD OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND being established practically to further the views of the Consumers' Protection Society .
Untitled Ad
rpRAFALGAU LIFE ASSUEANCE JL ASSOCIATION . —Chief Offices , 40 , Pall Mall , London . Notice is hereby given , that the DIVIDEND of Five per Cent . per annum on the Capital Stock of this Association , declared at tho Annual General Meeting of Shareholders , held on the 30 th ultimo , will be PAID on and after the 15 th of December instant . By order , THOMAS H . BAYLIS , Manager .
Untitled Ad
All Policies Indisputable , and payable to Holder within fourteen days after Death , and free of Policy Stamp to the Assured . An entirely new and most economical Scale of Premiums . HOUSEHOLDERS' AND GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . 15 and 16 , Adam Stbeet , ADistPHr , London . DIBECTOBS . William Ashton , Esq . Richard Griffiths Welford . Esq . The Rev . Thomas Cator . Edward Bascome , Esq ., M . D . Charles Hulse , Esq . Peter Paterson , Esq . F . Davenport B . "Webster , Esq . Peter Paterson , Esq ., jun . DISTINCTIVE AND PECULIAR FEATUKES . 1 . Every Tolicy is absolutely indisputable , the state of health , age , and interest , being admitted on the Policy . 2 . A Lower Scale of Premiums than any other Office . 3 . Policies transferable by indorsement . 4 . Policies Paid within Fourteen Days after Proof of Death . 5 . No charge for Policy Stamp . 0 Persons recently assured in other Offices may obtain indisputable Policies from thin Company at more moderate rates of premiums . 7 Medical Referees in all casoa paid by the Company . RICHARD HODSON , Secretary .
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THE OAK MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE and LOAN COMPANY . Oflicos-49 , Moorgato btreet , London . Guarantee Fund , Fifty Thousand Pounds . The Oak Lipk Office undertakes all transaction involunB tho contingencies of human life , whether they rotate . to t Upper or Middle Classes , which are now almost pec « liaily _ tho objects of Life Assurance , or to those m an humbloi Hpherc tho industrious Labourer , Mechanic , or Artisan . Tho constitution of the Olllco is upon the Mutuu 1 rin . ti , , and embraces Assurances upon Singfo or Joint Live * a , d H » vivorships , Endowments , and tho granting ot Immediate or Vi ferred AnnuitioH . . r ,, < ir y The attention of benevolent persoiiH , and omi . l' . vmj ? 1 vl ^ description , is invited to the Prospectus and Tables ol tho dustrial or Workmen's Branch of this Company . Table , showinq the Monthly Contribution * payable for the AW a nee . of any of the following Sums payable at Ueaflt . Age next For > C 2 () . For £ 30 . For 12 *> . For £ 60 . Birthday . __ - — 7 nrir ~ a « . d . & »¦ >!¦ * \ i io o o 7 ( ton o I Vi 0 O 8 O 0 11 0 1 A { „ 15 0 OH 0 1 0 < } ' * l 1 ) 1 H 0 0 » O I 1 O 5 w 20 0 0 0 Oil « ] 11 JM 0 O 10 0 12 <> l I o 1 25 0 O 10 0 I . " { 0 H a 2 2 « o o io <> i * . a : » 2 H 0 0 11 <> 1 4 V a 6 : »(> o i o o i r > o 1 i » a „ : « a o i o o i « o a - 0 35 Oil 0 1 H & * js , 1 : « 7 0 12 « I » <> I 4 » 2 40 0 13 0 J II 0 2 « ; , 4 « ia 0 14 o a o & H () :, h 45 o I a o ' A ¦» r , \ o : » io 4 « 0 1 « 0 2 3 ; } ) 4 . 1 ' 4 H 0 1 H 0 2 f , ; , 4 4 r , o o i i > <> 2 7 « •* " .. . , ~~ K ~ xamVi . k . ~ A person a . ul aV .,. » v J » y tl . o ""^ S ' tiv " " l ,, l . per month , secure to his w . ie , «»»>••« " . « r ; "" V ' hat ovo . it noinin . ^ s , tho sun . of ii 20 at hm . Iwitli , wl e « V ; t " lmonlB ut MW-mir . Tbo IVo . niunm wdl l . <^ »« ' < ' ^ ! ' , ^ 1 ^ .. io nco <>< Hii « ih <» f the Company - h A oi . ( Mes a « tuny H «» t «»« «< mv '" i . ^; : ;;;;^ os ^ Forms ., ^ ,,, 1 ^ ... ^^ t : ^ Compaq's <) . « W , cs , nnd ^^^^^^ LU N . U . -AK « "t » required in al Iparts of tho Ki « fc' ^ -
Untitled Article
1194 THE LEADER . [ Saturday .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 11, 1852, page 1194, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1964/page/22/