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Untitled Ad
-WATCHES ! WATCHES ! WATCHES ! Save 50 per Cent , by purchasing your Watches direct from the Manufacturer , at the Wholesale Trade Price . Warranted Gold Watches , extra jewelled , with all the recent improvements £ 3 15 0 The same Movements in Silver Cases 2 0 0 Handsome Morocco Cases for same -.. 0 2 0 Every other description of Watch in the same proportion . Sent Free to any part of the Kingdom wpon receipt of One Shilling Extra . Duplex and other Watches practically Repaired and put in order , at the Trade Prices , at DANIEL ELLIOTT HEDGER'S WHOLESALE WATCH MANUFACTOHY , 27 , CITY ROAD , near Finsbury Square , London . * * Merchants , Captains , and the Trade supplied in any quantities on very favourable terms .
Untitled Ad
PROFESSIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . Admitting , on equal terms , persons of every class and degree to all its benefits and advantages . Capital—Two Htobeed and Fifty Thousand Pouirns . Chairman—Majob Hbnex Stones , I / L . B . Deputy-Chairman—James Aitdbbw Dfehau , Esq . With upwards of Fourteen hundred Shareholders . There are two important clauses in the Deed of Settlement , by which the Directors have power to appropriate ONE-TENTH of the entire profits of the Company : — 1 st . —For the relief of aged and distressed parties assured for life , who have paid five years' premiums , their widows and orphans . 2 nd . —For the relief of aged and distressed original propr ietors , assured or not , their widows and orphans , together with 6 per cent , per annum on the capital originally invested by them . All Policies indisputable and free of stamp duty . Hates of Premium extremely moderate . No extra charge for going to or residing at ( in time of peace ) Australasia—Bermuda—Madeira— -Cape of Good Hope—Mauritius—and the British North American Colonies . Medical men in all cases remunerated for their report . Assurances granted against paralysis , blindness , accidents , insanity , and every other affliction , bodily and mental , at moderate rates . A liberal commission allowed to agents . Annual premium for assuring £ 100 , namely : — Age—20 ... £ 1 10 9 I Age—40 ... £ 2 13 6 30 ... £ 1 19 6 I 50 ... £ 3 18 6 Prospectuses , with tables and fullest information , may be had at the Offices of the Company , or of any of their agents . Applications for agencies requested . EDWARD BAYLIS , Resident Manager and Actuary . Offices , 76 , Cheapaide , London .
Untitled Ad
BANKS OF DEPOSIT AND SAVINGS BANKS . INVBSXMEN'T OV CAPITAL AND SAVINGS . T \ XATIONAL ASSURANCE and INVEST-± \ ME 1 TT ASSOCIATION , 7 , St . Martin ' s Place , Tbafaloab Square , Loirooir , and 56 , Pai / l Mali ,, Manchester . Established in 1844 . TRUSTEES . Lieut .-Col . the Right Honourable Lord George Paget , M . P . Rev . Joseph Prendergast , D . D ., ( Cantab . ) Xewisham . George Stone , Esq ., Banker , Lombard Street . Matthew Hutton Chaytor , Esq ., Reigate . The Investment of Money with this Association secures equal advantages to the Savings of the Provident and the Capital of the Affluent , ttnd affords to both the means of realising the highest rate of Interest yielded by first-class securities , in which alone the Funds are employed * . The constant demand for advances upon securities of that peculiar class , which are offered almost exclusively to Life Assurance Companies , such as Reversions , Life Interests , &c , enables the Board of Management to employ Capital on more advantageous terms and at higher rates of Interest than could otherwise , with equal safety , be obtained . The present rate of Interest xsfive per cent , per annum , and this rate will continue to be paid so long as the Assurance department finds the same safe and profitable employment for money . Interest payable half-yearly in January and July . Money intended for Investment is received daily between the hours of 10 and 4 o ' clock , at the Offices of the Association . Immediate Annuities granted , and the business of Life Assurance in all its branches , transacted , on highly advantageous terms . Rates , Prospectuses , and Forms of Proposal , with every requisite information , may be obtained on application at the offices of the Association , or to the respective Agents throughout the United Kingdom . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Applications for Agencies may be made to the Managing Director .
Untitled Ad
ARGUS LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 39 , Throgmorton Street , Bank ; and 14 , Pall Mall . Chairman—Thomas Fabncomb , Esq ., Alderman . Deputy-Chairman—William Leaf , Esq . Richard E . Arden , Esq . John Humphery , Esq ., Alder-Edward Bates , Esq . man . Thomas Camplin , Esq . Thomas Kelly , Esq ., Alderman James Clift , Esq . Jeremiah tilcher , Esq . Rupert Ingleby , Esq . J Lewis Poeock , Esq . AUDITORS . Rev . T . G . Hall , M . A . | J . B . Shuttleworth , Esq . Physician—Dr . Jeaffreson , 2 , Finsbury Square . Suegeon—W . Coulson , Esq ., 2 , Frederick's Place , Old Jewry . Consulting Actuary—Professor Hall , M . A ., of King ' s College . Solicitob—William Fisher , Esq ., 19 , Doughty Street . Advantages of Assuring with this Company . —In addition to a large subscribed Capital , Policy-holders have the security of an Assurance Fund of Three Hundred and Forty Thousand Pounds , and an income of £ 75 , 000 a-year , arising from the issue of nearly 7500 policies . Bonus , ob . Profit Bbasch—Persons assurin g on the Bonus System will be entitled , at tho expiration of five years , and afterwards annually , to participate in 80 percent , of the profits . The profit assigned to each Policy may be added to tho sum assured , applied in reduction of the annual premium , or be paid in money . Non-Bonus , oe Low Pbkmiuji Bbanch . —The Tables on the non-participating principle afford peculiar advantages to tho assured , not offered by any other oiiiee ; for where tho object is the least possible outlay , tho payment of a certain sum is secured to the Policy-holder , ou tho death of the assured , at a reduced rate of premium . l ' liF . smiMs to AstfiutF . £ 100 . I "Whom : Tkiim . Oho Sovi'H I With Without AK 1 i £ 1 15 10 £ 1 11 10 30 1 1 . 'J 12 7 , 2 f > 5 207 40 ISO 1 ( i !) 3 07 2 11 10 60 1 14 1 1 It ) 10 ! 4 < i H 4 0 11 CO 3 2-1 3 17 0 G 12 i ) « 11 . 10 One Iiulf of tho "Whole Term" Premium may remain on credit , for n « ven yours , or oiu ' -t hirdof the 1 ' romium may remain for life an a debt upon the l ' olicy , nt 5 por cent , or may l > e paid oil ' at any time without notice CliiiuiH paid in one month after proofs ) have been approved . Loans upon approved Hccurity . Tim medical orfiwrs attend ovorydaynt Throgmorton Street , at a quarter beforo two o ' clock . K . HATKH , Itetident . Director .
Untitled Ad
STEAM to INDIA , CHINA , AUSTRALIA , &c , via EGYPT . The Peninsulas and Oriental Steam Navigation Company book passengers and receive goods and parcels for ADEN , CEYLON , MADRAS , CALCUTTA , PENANG , SINGAPORE , and HONG KONG , b y their Steamers , starting from Southampton on the 4 th and 20 th of every Month , and from SUEZ on or about the 21 st and 6 th of the Month . The rates of Passage Money on these lines have been materially reduced . N . B . —The Company's Steamers now run direct between CALCUTTA , PENANG , SINGAPORE , and HONG KONG , and between HONG KONG and SHANGHAI . AUSTRALIA . —By the Packet of the 4 th of March , and of the 4 th of every alternate Month thereafter , in correspondence with Steamers from SUEZ and SINGAPORE , the Company will be enabled to convey Passengers , Parcels , and Specie to BAT AVI A , KING GEORGE'S SOUND , ADELAIDE , PORT PHILIP , and SYDNEY . MEDITERRANEAN . —To MALTA on the 4 th , 20 th , and 29 th of every Month . To CONSTANTINOPLE on the 29 th of the Month . To ALEXANDRIA , on the 4 th and 20 th of the Month , from Southampton ; and from MARSEILLES to MALTA and ALEXANDRIA , on the 10 th and 26 th of the Month . SPAIN and PORTUGAL . —To Tigo , Oporto , Lisbon , Cadiz , and Gibraltar , on the 7 th , 17 th , and 27 th of the Month . For further information , and tariffs of the Company ' s recentlyrevised and reduced rates of passage money and freight , for plans of the vessels , and to secure passages , &c , apply at the Company's Offices , 122 , Leadenhall Street , London ; and Oriental Place , Southampton .
Untitled Ad
TO LIFE ASSURANCE AGENTS , and OTHERS . —PARTIES acting aa Agents in any life assurance company , in any part of England , may with advantage attach a Fire Branch to that of the life , and thereby extend their field of operations . The Directors of tho Unity Fire Insurance Association ( an institution presenting new and important principles to the public ) are ready to receive applications for Agencies , and to afford every facility to carry out such views For terms , prospectuses , and all other information , please apply to THOMAS H . BAYLIS , General Manager and Secretary . Chief Offices , 40 , Pall Mall , London .
Untitled Ad
SOU TH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 . The Court of Directors grant Letters of Credit and Bills at 30 days' sight upon the Company's Bank , at Adelaide . The exchange on sums above £ 10 , is now at a premium or charge of two per cent . Approved drafts on South Australia negotiated and bills 11 A . J collected . Apply at the Company ' s Offioes , No . 64 , Old Broad Street , London . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London , January 1 st , 1853 .
Untitled Ad
C LERICAL , MEDICAL , AND GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . The Assured may reside in most parts of the world , without extra charge , and in all parts by payment of a small extra premium . The small share of Profit divisible in future among the Shareholders being now provided for , without intrenching on tho amount made by the regular business , the Assured will hereafter derive all the benefits obtainable from a Mutual Office , with , at the same time , complete freedom from liability , secured b y means of aa ample Proprietary Capital—thus combining , in tho same office , all the advantages of both systems . Fivk Bonuhks have been declared ; at tho last in January , 1852 , the sum of £ 131 , 125 was added to the Policies , producing a Bonus varying with the different ages , from 24 ^ to 55 percent , on tho PremiuniB paid during the fivo years , or from jg 5 to £ \ 2 10 s - por cont . on tho sum oauured . Tho next and future Bonusos may bo cither received in Cash , or appliod at tho option of tho assured in any other way . On 1 ' olieien for tho whole of Life ., one half of tho Annual Premiums for tho first five , years inny remain on credit , and may either continue as a debt on tho Policy , or may bo paid off at any time . Claims paid thirty days after proof of death , and till Policies aro Indisputable except in cases of fraud . InvaMi ) Jjivkn may bo assured at rates proportioned to tho increased rink . Tho AHuuranco Fund already invested amounts to £ 850 , 000 , and tho Ineorno exeooclH JJ 136 . 000 P 0 forwarded free by undressing a line to GKO . II . P 1 NCKARD , Resident Secretary . 99 , Groat Uunuoll Street , lilooimtbury , London . All 1 ' olieien Indisputable , and payable to Holder within fourteen < htyn filler Death , and free or l ' oliey 8 tmnt > to the Admired . Aii entirely now and moat cconomioul Healo of l'reniiumn . HOUS EIIO !/ J > E RS' A NT ) GENERAL LIK 1 S AS 81 ! RANCH COMPANY . 15 and Hi , Adam Htuhut , Admli'Ui , London . DIKltOTOllH . Williiim Aahton , Kho . Jtioliard Griffiths Welfonl . Kmj . Tho Uev . Tlu > i » iinCut , or . itriward lliiucomo , \ inq ., M . D . OharleH JIiiIhm , Hho . Potor Putoinon , Eaq . J *\ l ) u . v oimort . il . Webalor , lilaq . Potor 1 ' utornoii , Kbq ., jun . IMHTINCTIVH AND 1 'llCUI . UK VKATliK KM . 1 . livery I ' olict / is absolutely indisputable , tho Htuto of health , ug «! and intercut , boiug admitted on tho Policy . 25 . A I / otver Scale < lf Tremiutnit than any other Office . it ' . Policies LriiiiHloriiblo by indorHoinont . 4 * I ' uliclcs I ' nid within bhurtetin Days after Pro < if trfDeath , fi " . No charge for I ' olicy Htmnj ) . () Tersons recently assured in other Offices mr / y obtain indisputabU Tolieitii J ) om this Company at ** ore moderate ratut trf ^ T ^ Modical RoferooH in all oohoh paid b y tlie Company . / . iuouuw * mCHlAMD JL 1 O 1 >« ON , BooretiH-y .
Untitled Ad
THE OAK MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE and LOAN COMPANY . Offices—49 , Moorgato Street , London . Guarantee Fund , Fifty Thousand Pounds . The Oak Lific Offick undortakos all transactions involving tho contingencies of human life , whether they relate to tho Upper or Middlo Classes , which are now almost peculiarly tho objects of Life Asnurance , or to those in an humbler ephorotho industrious Labourer , Mechanic , or Artisan . Tho constitution of tho OfHeo in upon tho Mutual Principle , un < l embraced Assurances upon Singlu or Joint Lives and BurvivorHhipH , Endowments , mid tho granting of Immediate or Deferred Annuities . The attention of benevolent porHOiiH , and employers of every description , in invited to the Prospectus ami Tables of tho Industrial or Workmen ' s Ilrunch of thia Company . Table showing the Monthl y Contributions payable for the Assurance of any of the following Sums payable at Death . Age next Voe Ji'ZO . For £ [ JO . For £ 10 . For XT > 0 . Birtlulay . it « . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ S . d . 10 O 0 7 0 0 11 0 1 3 0 1 « VI 0 0 8 0 0 11 0 13 0 17 15 0 OH 0 1 0 0 1 4 O I H IB 0 0 9 Oil 0 16 Of i ) 20 0 0 9 <) 1 1 0 1 <> 0 1 10 VI O 0 10 0 i 2 0 17 0 111 2 f > . O 0 10 O 1 3 0 1 H 0 2 1 Mi 0 0 10 O 1 4 0 1 it 0 2 ^ 28 0 Oil 0 14 0 1 10 0 2 : t HO 0 1 O () 1 5 0 111 0 2 5 : t 2 o l o o l « o 2 0 02 a : tr , oil o l 8 022 029 ' , \ 7 0 12 () 1 9 0 2 4 0 2 11 40 0 1 ;( 0 111 O 2 « 0 3 a 4 a o i 4 o 2 o o 2 h o : » 4 45 o t « o a : > <> an o : $ 8 4 < l 0 1 (( 0 a 3 0 3 1 0 3 10 48 0 18 (> 2 5 0 3 3 0 4 1 ISO 0 1 9 0 2 7 0 3 ( I 0 4 4 1 ICxAMri . iK .--A jMirnoa ugml 21 may , by tho hiumJI piivmont of 9 < 1 . ]>< m- month , neoiiro to liin wife , <; hil < iron , or other robitivoH or iioininceH , the mini of iiDO a !; liin duuth , whenever that ovent may ooour . Tim I ' remiuiiiB will bo received by inatiilinont . n at Hiich oft . ho Company ' s Agonoidu iih may miit tho convenience of 1 tho AHBiirera . i 1 ' rospootuHWi and Vorms of Application may ba had i » t tho n Coinpuny ' h OMIcom , and of tho AirentH throughout tho kingdom . a . MASnKUB COODK , / Seotvtwy . t H ' . JJ . —Aijoutu required in till parts of tho Kingdom . r r
Untitled Ad
MUPIE'S SELECT LIBRARY , 510 , New Oxford Street . January , 185 : 1 . In order to promote the circulation of the bout New Hookw , C . K . Mudik him no inuroaHed and arranged Inn Library that any JMewly-publishod Work of acknowledged merit or general intercut may lie obtained without delay l > y every Hubncril > er of One ( jiimca per annum , and l > y all FirHt-ClasM ' Country KubscriherH of Two ( Juineas and upwunln . " 'l'lie Block compriHos from Kikty to Fouit II iindukd Coi'inw of every leading Work . 1 'Yonh Cojii ' cm are added whenever a delay occuth , a . nd mi amplo mipply in provided of all tho principal New Workrt as they appear . ¦ * Tho preference im tfivon to YVorkti of Uihtouy , Hiouuaj'UY , Itiu . KlioN , Piiii . onoi'Iiy , and Tkavici .. ' 1 'ho iiicht Woki / h <) f 1 i ' ii : tioN ar « i al . so added iih freely mm HuhHcriliom "i « y re ( jiur <» them . Kor 1 ' rospectiiHeH , npjily to Chaiii . uh Udwauh Mumn , 510 , New Oxford Htroot .
Untitled Ad
1 NICW HrOHTINCI NlCWHI'Al'lCK . PubliHhod tliin day , prioo Hixpoiico , to he continued Weekly , 'I ' m I <' lJlH'i' NllAIIIKIl OB ^ pJlJO FI 10 L 1 ); or , CoiiN'vkY ( Jkntlkman ' s I NKWNl'Al'KH . With niiiHl . rnt . ionH , by John Luucn and Riciiaiiu Anhdhu ,. ruhlinhin ^ OHiee , t , llryd ^ 'CH . Street , Covont Oardeu , whero AdvertiH . 'incntH and ( Jonnniiiiic-ationtf to ' ( . ho Kditor can bo addroMHfd . ¦
Untitled Ad
1 i n t r —• --- ( 7 lVJij s UK . VIC H ( JAZIOTTIOT—1 To-Dav , January l « t , in I ' liblinhcd tliiH N KW WK 1 CKLV KAMIhV JOllRNAl ' i , price Hixpoiiuo , CHtabliahod for advomitiiiK and i > rot , « M > tniK tho intercut )* of all Civil Oflloorn and Cloi -kM in overy . lopartmont of tho Public Horvico . It will mipply tl "> oiirhertt . iitformntion on l . lio Hiibjoot of all 'VucniuiioH . —Or < lerrt received by all Nowrunon . AdvertiH < inuiiitn to bo nent to Mr . JoHU |> h Hmith , 5 , Cttthcrino-utroot , btrand . or to any rocojfiuMod ugout .
Untitled Article
January I , 1853 . ] THE LEADE 1 23
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1853, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1967/page/23/