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On the 8 th of January will be published , price Three Shillings , in cloth , THE THIRD VOLUME OF THE HOUSEHOLD NARRATIVE OF CURRENT EYENTS OF 1852 . Which being declared , by the Judgment of the Court of Exchequer , a . Legal Publication , not coming within the provisions of the Stamp Act , will be regularly continued and much improved . * - * The First and Second Volumes , being a Secord of Public Events qflSitO—51 , may always he had , price 3 s . eac / i , neatly bound in cloth . The Christinas Number of " Household Words" is still on Sale . OFFICE . 16 , WELLINGTON STREET NORTH . Sold by all Booksellees and Newsmen .
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8 , New Burlington Street , Jan . 1 , 1853 . MR . BENTLEYS LITERARY ANNOUNCEMENTS . i . THE COLONIAL POLICY of the BRITISH EMPIRE from 1847 to 1851 . By HENRY GEORGE , EARL GREY . 2 vols . 8 vo . ii . DAISY BURNS . By JULIA KAVANAGH , Author of " Madeleine , " " Nathalie , " &c . 3 vols . in . PRIVATE JOURNAL OF THE JUDGE-ADVOCATE GENERAL Attached to the Head-Quarters of LOUD "WELLINGTON during the PENINSULAR WAR , from 1812 to its Close . Now First Published from the Original MSS . By F . S . LARPENT . Esq ., Judge - Advocate General of the British Forces in the Peninsula . 2 vols . post 8 vo . "NYitli Illustrations . IV . GOOD IN ALL and NONE ALL GOOD . By MARIA J . MACKINTOSH , Author of '" Charms and Counter-Charms . " 3 vols . v . TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS' LIFE in CANADA ; or , the EXPERIENCES of an EARLY SETTLER . By MAJOR STRICKLAND , CM . Edited by AGNES STRICKLAND , Author of " The Queens of England . " 2 vols . post 8 vo . VI . COMMON SENSE TRACTS : The PRIEST and the CURATE . By CATHARINE SINCLAIR , Author of " Beatrice , " " Popish Legends , " &c . Port I . on January 8 . Price One Shilling . Air . PASSAGES FROM MY LIFE ; to which are added , MKMOiRS of the CAMPAIGNS of 18 i : $ and 1814 . By BARON VON MUFFLING . Editt'd , with Introduction and Notes , by Col . PHILIP YORK ! ' :. 8 vo . VIII . LEGENDS of PEMBROKE CASTLE . By the Hon . MISSES HERBERT . 2 voIh . post 8 vo . IX . The RIGHTS and PRIVILEGES of BRITISH ENVOYS .-it , 'KOItKIUN COURTS . By A DIPLOMATIST . Post , Hvo . x . A NKW KD 1 TION OK BECKFORD'S ITALY , and VISIT to tho MONASTERIES of A Lt'OBACA and HATALI 1 A . l ' rieo ;< h . < $ . s . XII . A NKW AND CUKAI'KK EDITION OK MRS . HOMER'S FILIA DOL 0 R 0 SA : MEMOIRS of tho DUCHESS D'ANGOULIOM E . Crown pout , with Portrait . I 2 u . [ ic ' aWy in January .
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This day is published , price Is . 6 d ., A DDRESSES TO THE SUPERI . NTENJ \_ DENTS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PRACTICAL ART . delivered in the Theatre of Mariborough House . By HENRY COLE , C . B ., General Superintendent ; and RICHARD REDGRAVE , R . A ., Art-Superintendent . Published by Authority . London : Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly .
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This day , Fifth and Cheaper Edition , enlarged , 3 s . 6 d . READINGS IN SCIENCE ; Familiar Explauations of Appearances and Principles in Natural Philosophy . Also , Cheaper Editions of the following , READINGS IN POETRY ; Selections from the "Works of the best English Poets , with Specimens of the American Poets ; Notices of the Writers ; and Notes . 3 s . Cd . READINGS IN ENGLISH PROSE LITERATURE ; Specimens of the Works of the best English Writers , with Biographical Sketches and Essays on the Progress of English Literature . 3 s . 6 d . READINGS IN BIOGRAPHY ; a Selection of the Lives of the most Eminent Men of . all Nations . 3 s . 6 d . London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
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Now ready , in 8 vo , price 1-is . cloth , lettered , with a lithograph facsimile of the corrected folio of 1632 , NOTE S AND EMENDATIONS TO THE TEXT OF SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS , from early manuscript corrections in a copy of the folio of 1632 in the possession of JOHN PAYNE COLLIER , Esq ., F . S . A ., forming a Supplemental Volume to the Works of Shakespeare by the same editor , in eight vols . Svo . As only a limited number ' of the above Work has been printed , purchasers of " Mr . Collier ' s Shakespeare" are requested to complete their sets without delay . Whittaker and Co ., Ave Maria Lane .
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This day i 3 published , np . HE WESTMINSTER REVIEW , JL New Series , No . V ., price 6 s . Annual Subscription , when paid to the Publisher in advance , . El ; or if the work be delivered by post , £ 1 4 s . j Contents of No . V ., January , 1853 . I . Mary Tudor . II . Condition and Prospects of Ireland . III . Charity , noxious and beneiicent . ! IV . The English Stage . V . American Slavery , and Emancipation by the Free States . VI . The Atomic Theory , before Christ and since . VII . History and Ideas of the Mormons . VIII . Daniel Webster . IX . X . XI . XII . Contemporary Literature of England , America , Germany , and France . London : John Chapman , 142 , Strand .
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I ^ IIE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE for JANUARY , lS 5 o , which is the first number of a . New Volume , contains the following articles : —¦ 1 . King Charles I . in the Isle of Wight . 2 . Original Letters of Benjamin Franklin . 3 . Fannelli and Pompadour . ¦ 1 . Henry Neweonie , the Manchester Puritan . 5 . A Journey to Paris in 1736 . C . The Cloister Life of Charles V . 7 . Tho Hill Intrenchments on tho Borders of Wales , by T . Wright , F . S . A . ( With Engravings . ) 8 . Report of the Cambridge University Commicsion . 1 ) . Correspondence , of Sylviiiius Urban : —1 . Pictures of tho immaculate Conception . 2 . The Relic of St . Mary Axo . 3 . Hurley Church , Sulop . 4 . Etymology of tho word Miiny . With Notes of the Month , Reviews of Now Publications , Historical Chronicle ,, and Oimtuaky , includin g Memoirs of tho Karl of Shrewsbury , Counted * of Lovelace , nir J . J . Guest , Wins Merry , Professor Kmpson , Mr . Serjeant Hulcomb , &c . &e . A Specimen Number aunt on tho receipt of 2 a . ( Jd . in postugo stamps . Nichols and Hon , 25 , Parliament Street .
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T HE DOCTRINE of a SUPREME BEING VINDICATED , and the Fallacy of Infidel Arguments Exposed and Refuted ; being Strictures on a Lecture delivered at Hcywood , June 16 th , by Mr . Gr . J . Holyoake , of London , " On the Development of the Principles of Free Inquiry , " &c , by the Rev . Woodville Woodman . Price Id . London : Fred . Pitman , 20 , Paternoster Row .
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THE ONLY COMPLETE EDITION . BY MRS . HARRIET BEECHER STOWE . THE MAYFLOWER ; or , Sketches of Scenes and Characters among the Descendants of tho Pilgrims . By Mrs . HARRIET BEECHER STOWE . With tho Preface by her Sister , Cathjjuink E . Bkkcjiuu . Is . ( id ., cloth lettered . Contents : Love versus Law — the Tea-rose — Trials of u Housekeeper—Little Edward—Let every Man mind his own BusineHS—Cousin William— -Undo Tim—Aunt Mary—Frankness—The Sabbath—So Many Calls—The Canal boat—Feeling —The Sempstress—Old Father Morris . Also , extracted from tho above , FOUR WAYS OF OBSERVING THE SABBATH : Sketches from the Note-book of an Elderly Gentleman . Third edition , price ( id . rp S . A R T II U It' S W O R K S , I . At ( id . encli , sewed ; or Is . cloth gilt . 1 . Tho Maiden . I 4 . Fanny Dale . 2 . The Wifo . | 5 . A Christmas Box for tho 3 . Tho Mother . ( Sons and Daughters of | Teiiiporiinco . Nos . 1 , 2 , 3 , iirei bound together in one vol ., price 2 s . (! d ., cloth gilt ; or morocco , tts . ( ill . At Hd . each sowed , or Is . cloth gilt . * SweetlienrlH and Wives . Rising in the World . * l , overs liiiil Husband * . Riches have . Wings . * Mariied and Single . Keeping U |> A ppeuraucctt . DcliKir mid Creditor . The t-: idy at Home . Tim Heiress . Retiring from itusincHH . Tlionei marked * may lie had bound together , in cloth , gilt , at 3 ii . ; morocco , 4 m . Al Ih ., Hewed ; Is . ( Id ., cloth , gilt mid lettered , A (; NUS , TllK POSSKSSKO : a Revelation of Me . 'miei'iHin . At Ih . -Id ., tewed ; 2 m ., clolh , [ jilt and lettered , INSUBORDINATION ; or , the Hlioein .-iker ' . s Daughters . At 2 h ., cloth , lettered , and gill , edges , STO 1 MKS KOItMY VO ( J . N < J FRIENDS . Containing Fifty Articles in 1 'rone and Verse . rpilIU . H 1 CV . JACOB ABBOTT'S JUVKJ _ JNIUC HKR 1 KH . In ( i voln . Hijiiai" Kimo , cloth . In . ( id . each ; or 7 H . ( id tho Hot . The Little . Scholar Learning to Talk Hollo Learning to Koud - Rollo at Work Rollo at J'lay Rollo at Hchool—Rolio ' s Vacation . llotiuoi ) . 21 , Portugal HUoot , Liuooln ' u inn , London .
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On the Int . of Jumuiry , 1853 , price 6 s ., No . XLU 1 . of tho BRIT 1 SJ r JOURNAL of HOMOEOPATHY , Edited by LVh . DRYSDALE , ItlJSSULL , and DUDGEON . ( Puhlmhcd Quarterly . ) L ' iiiNcii'Ai . ( Jonti-. nt . s : On 1 nfinilouimalu , by Dr . Madden . Anticipations of lloinutoputhy , by Air . Sharp - On tho Troutincut of Chronic Local Disease : ! and I'htlnsiH , b y Huhncmuiui - Ilom < ropiit . hi < r Clinical Studies , by Dr . YVurinb- —On n Cusu of Obstruction uf the Colon , by Dr . Uaimford - Iluhnemann ' s Correspondence On the I ' oiMoii of tlui Naja Tripiidiunu , by Dr . RiihhcII On the lloai'i ! oj > atliic Treatnu-nt oi BuriiH , l > y Dr . Ilenri < iueii . Ke . vic . wH , MiHeellaneous , Hoiiid'opathic Intelligence , Clinical Record , i ' athogenet . in and Therapeutic Fragments , &c \ London : Ayloit and Joncu , Putcriioutor Row .
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On January 1 will be published , the First Number of 1 > IITN A MS JV 1 () NT 11 LY M A ( i AZ TNE O \? I A MK IMC AN Jdi'lOUATURE , SC . IKNCK , AND ART ; An < -ntiiely Original 1 ' ei iodi . nl ; combining ( he lighter ch / iiacteriHtieii of a . populur " Magazine" with tho higher and graver iimililiesolu ''Quarterly Review . " Royul Hvo , ( pp . 120 , ) lu . Od . ,, * Nenrly nil ( lie leading American A lit hunt liavo proiniHcd Ilieu- HU ])] iorl , and coiil rihul ions , and ( lie pr «> Hi > ut iilimlior coulpreluMids urticlcH by tried and favourite wrileiM , wlioso WiitingM will no doubt bo recognised and appreciated . London : Hampnoii Low , Hon , and Co ., 4 . 7 , Ludgato Hill .
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24 THE LEADER . [ Saturday , January 1 , 1853 .
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Price Is . 3 d ., demy 18 mo , 1-44 pp ., cloth , lettered , FACTS AND FANCIES ; or , Random Sketches of Men , AVonien , and Principles . By FREDEEIC KOWLAND YOUNG , Ipswich . With an Introductory Chapter by Mr . JAMES SPILLING , Author of " The Spirit of the Seasons . " Contents : Woman—Marriage—Home—Eliza Cook—Thomas Carlyle—Our Young Men—Robert Burns—Persecution for Opinions—¦ " Festus , " by Bailey—Fare ye Well , or Last Words . London : Simpkin and Co . Ipswich : J . M . Burton and Co . ; and all Booksellers .
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LONDON : rrliiird hy dr . tl : lltmi-isii , ( uf No . . 'I , 1 ' ortliuul Vluvc , KeiiHlii |; lon , In ilic Cmiiily „{ Midilli'NcxJ at tlie Office «< r Mmihiiii . Havii . i . iokI ]; i >\\ aki . h , No . 1 , ( Vt »/ ii /» i Street , in llm 1 ' iirlhli <> C HI . I ' nul , I ' iiitii / Uurilen , in ( lie hiuiic Counly ; mid l ' lililiflit'il hy Tiiiiiintiin l . i ; n-n llrsT , ( of llKimliMiy IIoiiiio , JlHiniiuirmnltli , ) ut Till ) ) , l ' . AI ) i : i { Or'Kl (!| . ; , No . 10 , WHI . I . INOTON HTllKl' / l ' , HT 11 ANI ) , in Hie I ' riTlnct o ( tlio Muvoy , both In the miiuo County . — Ha ii'huav , Jauuuiy I , ibOU .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1853, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1967/page/24/