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This Day , Two Volumes , Post Octavo , 18 s . H YPATIA ; or , New Foes with an Old Face By CHARLES KINGSLEY , Jan ., Sector of Eversley . Reprinted from Fraser ' s Magazine . " By the same Author , THE SAINT'S TRAGEDY . Cheaper Edition , 2 s . YEAST : A Problem . Cheaper Edition , 5 s TWENTY-FIVE VILLAGE SERMONS . Cheaper Edition , 3 s . 6 d . London : John W . Parker and Son , "West Strand .
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This day is published , price 6 d ., No . I ., and on the 1 st of June will be published , price 2 s ., Part I . of THE ENGLISH CYCLOPEDIA % I * to SiJttijofiiara jorf Umbtxnl % nM * Ht BASED ON THE PEMY C Y C LOPEDIA . BUT CAREFULLY CORRECTED AND BROUGHT UP TO THE PRESENT STATE OF KNOWLEDGE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT . ILIUSTBATED WITH IttAOT HTO » B . B » WOO * EKCMLft . VXNGS . CONDUCTED BY ME . CHARLES KNIGHT . » * * Prospectuses may be had upon application to the Publishers , or to any Bookseller in town or country . LONDON : PUBLISHED BY BRADBURY AND EVANS , 11 , BOUVERIE STREET .
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This day , Second and Cheaper Edition , carefully revised , % pr ice 6 a . 6 d . MULLER ' S DISSERTATIONS ON THE EITMENIDES OF ^ SCHYLUS . London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand . Cambridge : John Deighton .
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This day is published , price 7 s . in cloth , the Sixth Edition of T HE LADIES' COMPANION TO THE FLOWER-GARDEN . Being an Alphabetical Arrangement of all the Ornamental Plants grown in Gardens and Shrubberies ; with full directions for their culture . By Mrs . LOUDOU" . With considerable Additions , and Corrected to the Present Time . Bradbury and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street .
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NEW EDITION OF AYTOUN'S LAYS . Next week will be published a New Edition , being the Sixth , of " Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers , and other Poems , " by W . E . Aytoun . "William Blackwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London .
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MR . PARKER ' S NEW MAGAZINE Will be published on May 2 nd , price One Shilling , entitled the " NATIONAL MISCELLANY ; . " London , 377 , Strand .
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Just published , price Three Shillings , bound in cloth , post free , THE THREADS OF A STORM SAIL . By W . BLANCHARD JERROLD , Written at the suggestion of the Directors of the Birkbeck Life Assurance Company , and may be had at the Company ' s Offices , 8 , Moorg-ste Street , and of all Booksellers .
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MR . NEWBY'S NEW BUBLICA . TIONS . 30 , Welbeck Street . In 2 vols . flemjr 6 to , ( in the press , ) THE LIFE AND MAETYEDOM OP SAVONAROLA , THE CHHISTIAK HKBO OP THE 15 TH CENTUBY . By R . R . MADDEN , Esq ., M . R . I . A ., Author of "Travels in the East , " " The Mussulman , " " The Infirmities of Genius , " "The Shrinea and Sepulchres . "It is the same thing in effect to condemn a man to die by fire , like Savonarola , or to put him to death by the torture of an unhealthy prison . " —Lord John Buttell ' s Detpatch to Sir M . Sulwer , respecting the cute of the Madiai , Feb . 1853 . ir . In 1 vol ., price 7 s . Cd ., ( now ready , ) THE BIBLE IN THE MIDDLE AGES . By LEICESTER BUCKINGHAM . in . In 1 vol ., 10 s . 6 d ., ( now ready , ) KAMBLES IN AN OLD CITY . By 8 . S . MADDER 8 . "To the archaeologist , scholar , and historian , the work is ono of much interest . "—Sunday i'imei . IV . In 1 vol . demy 8 vo , price 12 b ., ( this day , ) SPORTINGr PACTS AND SPORTING FANCIES . By HARRY HIEOVER , Author of " Stable Talk and Table Talk , " " Tho Pocket and the Stud , " " Tho Hunting Field , " " Tho Proper Condition for all HorBOB , " &c . V . Trice f > s ., with Plates , HARRY HIEOVER ON THE PROPER CONDITION FOR ALL HORSES . It should be in the hnmia of iill owners of horues . " Hell ' , Life . VI . In 3 vols ., 31 s . ( id ., ( this day , ) SIR FREDERICK DERWENT . By tho Author of " Smugglers and Forcutdrn , " " Fabian ' u Tower . " VII . In 3 vols ., ( just ready , ) THE WILFUL WARD . By tho Author of" Sir Arthur Bouvorie , " " The Young Doctor . " VIII . th 3 vols ., Second Edition , THE EVENTS OF A YEAR . Uy ISM 1 LUC CAltLICN .
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DLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE , JL > No . CCCCLI ., for Mat , 1853 . Price 2 s . 6 d . CONTESTS . Lady Lee ' s Widowhood . PartV . Count Arenaberg ; or , the Days of Luther . The Circulation of Matter . From Brest to the Island of Bourbon . Lord "Wellington in Spain . Dr . Chalmers as a Political Economist . A Tale from the French Stage . Spiritual Manifestations . William Blackwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London .
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FRA SER'S MAGAZINE for Mat , Price 2 s . 6 d ., or by Post , 3 s ., contains : Lord Grey's Colonial Adminis- Opsophagy — Ancient Fish tration . Dealers ; Cooksj Salt , Ga » Marcellus—Policy of theBesto- rum , and Alec . ration in 1822-23 . Turkey and the East of Europe Photography . in relation to England and The Wetherbys—Sundry Chap- the West , ters of Indian Experience . The Music of the Season—Pre-Part IV . sent and Prospective . Kircaldy of Grange . —A Chap- Manners and Miseries , of tho ter out of Scottish History . French Clergy . The Chosen of the People . A Few Words about the Budget London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
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In One Vol ., cloth extra , 2 s . 6 d ., with 16 Illustrations , rriHE GUARDS ; or , THE HOUSEHOLD X TEOOPS of ENGLAND . By CAPTAIN RAFTER . Clarke , Beeton , and Co ., 148 , Fleet Street , London .
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AMERICAN SLAVERY . IMPOHTAIfT WOBX 3 JXJST T'TJBIjISHT !© IVY CliAKK-E , BEETON , AND CO ., 148 , FLEET STREET . K EY TO UNCLE TOM'S CABIN . By HARRIET BEECHER 8 TOWE . Beautifully printed in large type , and handsomely bound . Price 3 s . 6 d . AMERICAN SLAVE CODE IN THEORY AND PRACTICE . By the Rev . W . GOODELL . Post 8 vo , handsomely bound in cloth , pr ice 3 s . 6 d . This is a text-book of American slavery ; and , as a volume of reference , summarises and expounds all the details of the system . MANUEL PEREIRA ; or , the Sovereign Bum of South Carolina ; with Views of Southern Life , Laws , and Hospitality . By F . C . ADAMS , Esq ., of Charleston , South Carolina . Post 8 vo , handsomely bound , price 3 » . 6 d . THE ANTI-SLAVERY REPORTER . Published Monthly , price 4 d . stamped , or 3 d . unstamped . Clarke , Beeton , and Co ., beg to inform tho friends of Abolition that they have entered into arrangements for the furtherance of the sale of this publication , and that it may be supplied direct from them at 4 s . per annum , post free ; or through any bookseller 3 d . monthly , unstamped . WELD'S AMERICAN SLAVERY AS IT IS—THE TESTIMONY OF A THOUSAND WITNESSES . With Notes , &c , by L . A . CHAMEROVZOW , Secretary of the Anti-Slavery Society .
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Wyt 3 LontJ 0 tx J&ail . Tho Proprietor of tho " London Mail" begs to call attention to that Journal , which is a fortnightly ( stamped ) Newspaper , published on the 8 th ami 24 th of every month , to moot the requirements of the Commercial , Militury , Civil , and Naval Interests of India , tho Cupe , Australia , and tho Colonies , and to solicit BuUNeriptions to it . The " London Mail" consists of 1 « wages , or 0-1 columns , tho lurgeHt siseo permitted by tlie act of Parliament . In General Politics , tho "London Mail" in conducted on atriotly independent principled : advocating liberal viewa on all public questions , irrespective of party . Tlie " London Mail" will pay especial attention to the aspect of the Indian Question at Homo ; and record with fidelity tlie progretw of tho views of the Public , the Parliament , mid the Ministry , on tho future Govornpiont of India . Tho want of a coikuho record of tho pulsing events of the day , to the exclusion of iniioh matter of a diameter that it has either never possessed , or has lout much of its interest er <> it reached a distant point , is nlill much felt , especially in India . It will be the ntudy of the Editor and Proprietor , m » much « ui possible , to correct this objection to existing publications , to present as complete it reflection of Home facts and circumstuncoit im will be welcome and UMoful , and to avoid heuvy and uninteresting articles . That part of the "London Mail" which in devoted to the Literature of tho day will ho confined to lteviewn of the most important and intereatiiig of tho New Works . Tlje Mercantile Intelligence— -including Markets . ( Shipping , and Exchange—in very fully and accurately reported . Terms—H . 4 m . per annum , including the MurHoilleH postage of 3 d . on each number . Tho " London Mail" in an advantageouH medium for the purpose of giving publicity to Advortitiomontti . The terms ure—Eight lined and undor , f > H ., mid Cd . fur every odditiouul line . Advertisements muwt bo uent in not later than the moroingB of tlie 7 th and 23 rd of every month . Oryxes—No . 10 , Crane-court , Floot-etroot . London , UOth April . 1859 ,
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T HE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE for MAY contains : —1 . A Trip to the Gold Regions of Scothind . —U . Hopple Castlo , and Hetehester , Northumberland ; with engravings . —3 . Traits of the Trttppists . —1 . Treasury Warnvnt relating to Rymer ' B Foodera and his MS . Collections . —5 . " Heydon with Ono Hand , " an English duel in the year 1000 . —0 . The Clothiers of Kondal , and their Trade Tokens ; with engravings . —7 . Christian Iconography : the Wheel of Human Life , or the Seven Ages . —8 . A Biography , with Notes on the Glena of Antrim—9 . The Gravestone of "Dame Joan " at the White Ladies . —10 . Tower Royal . —11 . " Romeland" at Queen Hithe , Billingsgate , and Waltham Abbey . 12 . Tho Manor of Stottcsden , Salop . —13 . On supposed Spring *) and Showors of Blood . —14 . — Early History of St . James ' s Park . With Notes of the Month , Reviews of New Publications , Repor t * of Archieologioal Societies , Historical Chronicle , and Obitimsy , including Memoirs of Lord Skolmersdale , Sir Howard Kerrison , Henry Southern , Esq ., Dr . Charlesworth , W . Not-} idge , B » q ., W . H . It . Brown , Esq ., and many other eminent persona recently deceased . Price 2 s . ( Id . Nichols and Sons , 26 , Parliament Street . ^
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THE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES : their Character and Organization . Translated from the Swedish of P . A . 8 ILGE 8-TUOM , M . A ., by FREDURICA ROWAN . Post 8 vo , 10 s . 6 d . 1 London : John Chapman , 112 , Strand .
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This day ia published , T HE PROSPECTIVE REVIEW . A OUAKXKULY JOUUHAI , OF TnEOLOOT AND LlTBBATUBB . No . XXXIV . Contexts . 1 . Society in Danger from Children . 2 . Mian ' s BosAs of Belief . 8 . Fra Dolcino and his Times . 4 . Recent Works of Fiction : Ruth . 5 . Key to Uncle Tom ' s Cabin . 6 . Newman ' s Odes of Horace .
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432 THE LEADER . [ Saturday , April 30 , 1853 .
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LOm > OX , I ' rlntcd by Geohuu Uoorxn , ( pt Ko . 3 , Portland Tlacc , KciialiiKton , lu the County of Middlesex , ) nt the Office ol Mkhhhb . H / lvm . 1 , and Edwaiidb , No . 4 , t'Amdot Btrttt . the I *» " »» of Ht . l ' nul , Covent ( lard ** , in the mme County ; » nd Published . toy Tiiouktow L . kiuu Hunt , ( of llroudwny Ilouao , llammoramlth , ) nt THH I . lSXmill OVriCK , No . 7 . WBIO . INGTON 8 TKEK 1 , HT 11 A . ND , in the Precinct of tlto boyoy , both in the tame County * — biiuuDAT , April 80 , 1608 .
Leader (1850-1860), April 30, 1853, page 432, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1984/page/24/