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720 t HE LEA DE R , _ [ S ^ dat , July 23 , 1 ^ £ I
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j LONDONi I ' rlnwrt l > y Ononon Hooikb ( of No , 3 , Northhcnd 'JVrrHcn , Hnmmor « mlth Koad , in tlio County of MMdlc » ex , ) at the Office of ¦ *! % . «"« " ¦ B * T UI - lulll tr 3 CuWA 1 / ll ) "' ^ 10 4 ' , ' * " 7 ' ; % "" > ln »* ' **>• « ' H « . !' ' « ' » . C < " »» t 0 ard . H , In th « Mine County ; and PublUhed by $ M Thounvum Xkiuu JItmr , ( of No . 12 , llcnthuik Terrace . itcBcnt'fl l ' nrlt 1 at TUB LEATHiill tlPinnw » L f wvif iNn'rnN HTlLIE'r % '" Wt HTUANI > , in th « Precinct of tho BnYoy . lwth In tlioiono County ^ uVu ^^ ' 7 * WKLMNQroif VHlUi , , * j , . jt
Leader (1850-1860), July 23, 1853, page 720, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1996/page/24/